diff options
-rw-r--r--sw/qa/extras/uiwriter/data/tdf104425.odtbin0 -> 9459 bytes
4 files changed, 146 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/sw/qa/extras/uiwriter/data/tdf104425.odt b/sw/qa/extras/uiwriter/data/tdf104425.odt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8bbf265499ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sw/qa/extras/uiwriter/data/tdf104425.odt
Binary files differ
diff --git a/sw/qa/extras/uiwriter/uiwriter.cxx b/sw/qa/extras/uiwriter/uiwriter.cxx
index 46fd478f5fe8..d609b99dffbf 100644
--- a/sw/qa/extras/uiwriter/uiwriter.cxx
+++ b/sw/qa/extras/uiwriter/uiwriter.cxx
@@ -215,6 +215,7 @@ public:
void testCursorWindows();
void testLandscape();
void testTdf95699();
+ void testTdf104425();
@@ -326,6 +327,7 @@ public:
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(testTdf104425);
@@ -4067,6 +4069,21 @@ void SwUiWriterTest::testTdf95699()
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(OUString("vnd.oasis.opendocument.field.FORMCHECKBOX"), pFieldMark->GetFieldname());
+void SwUiWriterTest::testTdf104425()
+ createDoc("tdf104425.odt");
+ xmlDocPtr pXmlDoc = parseLayoutDump();
+ // The document contains one top-level 1-cell table with minimum row height set to 70 cm,
+ // and the cell contents does not exceed the minimum row height.
+ // It should span over 3 pages.
+ assertXPath(pXmlDoc, "//page", 3);
+ sal_Int32 nHeight1 = getXPath(pXmlDoc, "//page[1]/body/tab/row/infos/bounds", "height").toInt32();
+ sal_Int32 nHeight2 = getXPath(pXmlDoc, "//page[2]/body/tab/row/infos/bounds", "height").toInt32();
+ sal_Int32 nHeight3 = getXPath(pXmlDoc, "//page[3]/body/tab/row/infos/bounds", "height").toInt32();
+ double fSumHeight_mm = (nHeight1 + nHeight2 + nHeight3) * 25.4 / 1440.0;
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(700.0, fSumHeight_mm, 0.05);
diff --git a/sw/source/core/inc/rowfrm.hxx b/sw/source/core/inc/rowfrm.hxx
index 84bb857c3fee..6bc9c22a13f0 100644
--- a/sw/source/core/inc/rowfrm.hxx
+++ b/sw/source/core/inc/rowfrm.hxx
@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ class SwRowFrame: public SwLayoutFrame
bool m_bIsRepeatedHeadline;
bool m_bIsRowSpanLine;
+ bool m_bIsInSplit;
virtual void DestroyImpl() override;
virtual ~SwRowFrame() override;
@@ -101,6 +103,23 @@ public:
bool IsRowSpanLine() const { return m_bIsRowSpanLine; }
void SetRowSpanLine( bool bNew ) { m_bIsRowSpanLine = bNew; }
+ // A row may only be split if the minimum height of the row frame
+ // fits into the vertical space left.
+ // The minimum height is found as maxinum of two values: minimal
+ // contents of the row (e.g., height of first line of text, or an
+ // object, or lower table cell), and the minimum height setting.
+ // As the minimum height setting should not prevent the row to
+ // flow, (it only should ensure that *total* height is no less), we
+ // should not consider the setting when the split is performed
+ // (we should be able to keep on first page as little as required).
+ // When IsInSplit is true, lcl_CalcMinRowHeight will ignore the
+ // mininum height setting. It is set in lcl_RecalcSplitLine around
+ // lcl_RecalcRow and SwRowFrame::Calc that decide if it's possible
+ // to keep part of row's content on first page, and update table's
+ // height to fit the rest of space.
+ bool IsInSplit() const { return m_bIsInSplit; }
+ void SetInSplit(bool bNew = true) { m_bIsInSplit = bNew; }
diff --git a/sw/source/core/layout/tabfrm.cxx b/sw/source/core/layout/tabfrm.cxx
index e22b064990d1..b2e56e8bbbc6 100644
--- a/sw/source/core/layout/tabfrm.cxx
+++ b/sw/source/core/layout/tabfrm.cxx
@@ -194,6 +194,8 @@ static SwTwips lcl_CalcMinRowHeight( const SwRowFrame *pRow,
const bool _bConsiderObjs );
static SwTwips lcl_CalcTopAndBottomMargin( const SwLayoutFrame&, const SwBorderAttrs& );
+static SwTwips lcl_calcHeightOfRowBeforeThisFrame(const SwRowFrame& rRow);
static SwTwips lcl_GetHeightOfRows( const SwFrame* pStart, long nCount )
if ( !nCount || !pStart)
@@ -516,8 +518,7 @@ static void lcl_PreprocessRowsInCells( SwTabFrame& rTab, SwRowFrame& rLastLine,
// pTmpLastLineRow does not fit to the line or it is the last line
// Check if we can move pTmpLastLineRow to the follow table,
// or if we have to split the line:
- SwFrame* pCell = pTmpLastLineRow->Lower();
- bool bTableLayoutToComplex = false;
+ bool bTableLayoutTooComplex = false;
long nMinHeight = 0;
// We have to take into account:
@@ -528,12 +529,19 @@ static void lcl_PreprocessRowsInCells( SwTabFrame& rTab, SwRowFrame& rLastLine,
nMinHeight = (pTmpLastLineRow->Frame().*aRectFnSet->fnGetHeight)();
+ {
+ const SwFormatFrameSize &rSz = pTmpLastLineRow->GetFormat()->GetFrameSize();
+ if ( rSz.GetHeightSizeType() == ATT_MIN_SIZE )
+ nMinHeight = rSz.GetHeight() - lcl_calcHeightOfRowBeforeThisFrame(*pTmpLastLineRow);
+ }
+ SwFrame* pCell = pTmpLastLineRow->Lower();
while ( pCell )
if ( static_cast<SwCellFrame*>(pCell)->Lower() &&
static_cast<SwCellFrame*>(pCell)->Lower()->IsRowFrame() )
- bTableLayoutToComplex = true;
+ bTableLayoutTooComplex = true;
@@ -542,10 +550,6 @@ static void lcl_PreprocessRowsInCells( SwTabFrame& rTab, SwRowFrame& rLastLine,
nMinHeight = std::max( nMinHeight, lcl_CalcTopAndBottomMargin( *static_cast<SwLayoutFrame*>(pCell), rAttrs ) );
pCell = pCell->GetNext();
- const SwFormatFrameSize &rSz = pTmpLastLineRow->GetFormat()->GetFrameSize();
- if ( rSz.GetHeightSizeType() == ATT_MIN_SIZE )
- nMinHeight = std::max( nMinHeight, rSz.GetHeight() );
// 1. Case:
@@ -558,7 +562,7 @@ static void lcl_PreprocessRowsInCells( SwTabFrame& rTab, SwRowFrame& rLastLine,
// the master table, and the table structure is not to complex.
if ( nTmpCut > nCurrentHeight ||
( pTmpLastLineRow->IsRowSplitAllowed() &&
- !bTableLayoutToComplex && nMinHeight < nTmpCut ) )
+ !bTableLayoutTooComplex && nMinHeight < nTmpCut ) )
// The line has to be split:
SwRowFrame* pNewRow = new SwRowFrame( *pTmpLastLineRow->GetTabLine(), &rTab, false );
@@ -624,12 +628,14 @@ inline void TableSplitRecalcLock( SwFlowFrame *pTab ) { pTab->LockJoin(); }
inline void TableSplitRecalcUnlock( SwFlowFrame *pTab ) { pTab->UnlockJoin(); }
static bool lcl_RecalcSplitLine( SwRowFrame& rLastLine, SwRowFrame& rFollowLine,
- SwTwips nRemainingSpaceForLastRow )
+ SwTwips nRemainingSpaceForLastRow, SwTwips nAlreadyFree )
bool bRet = true;
vcl::RenderContext* pRenderContext = rLastLine.getRootFrame()->GetCurrShell()->GetOut();
SwTabFrame& rTab = static_cast<SwTabFrame&>(*rLastLine.GetUpper());
+ SwRectFnSet aRectFnSet(rTab.GetUpper());
+ SwTwips nCurLastLineHeight = (rLastLine.Frame().*aRectFnSet->fnGetHeight)();
// If there are nested cells in rLastLine, the recalculation of the last
// line needs some preprocessing.
@@ -639,7 +645,6 @@ static bool lcl_RecalcSplitLine( SwRowFrame& rLastLine, SwRowFrame& rFollowLine,
rTab.SetRebuildLastLine( true );
// #i26945#
rTab.SetDoesObjsFit( true );
- SwRectFnSet aRectFnSet(rTab.GetUpper());
// #i26945# - invalidate and move floating screen
// objects 'out of range'
@@ -656,6 +661,11 @@ static bool lcl_RecalcSplitLine( SwRowFrame& rLastLine, SwRowFrame& rFollowLine,
// invalidate last line
::SwInvalidateAll( &rLastLine, LONG_MAX );
+ // Shrink the table to account for the shrunk last row, as well as lower rows
+ // that had been moved to follow table in SwTabFrame::Split.
+ // It will grow later when last line will recalc its height.
+ rTab.Shrink(nAlreadyFree + nCurLastLineHeight - nRemainingSpaceForLastRow + 1);
// Lock this tab frame and its follow
bool bUnlockMaster = false;
bool bUnlockFollow = false;
@@ -671,6 +681,9 @@ static bool lcl_RecalcSplitLine( SwRowFrame& rLastLine, SwRowFrame& rFollowLine,
::TableSplitRecalcLock( rTab.GetFollow() );
+ bool bInSplit = rLastLine.IsInSplit();
+ rLastLine.SetInSplit();
// Do the recalculation
lcl_RecalcRow( rLastLine, LONG_MAX );
// #115759# - force a format of the last line in order to
@@ -678,6 +691,8 @@ static bool lcl_RecalcSplitLine( SwRowFrame& rLastLine, SwRowFrame& rFollowLine,
+ rLastLine.SetInSplit(bInSplit);
// Unlock this tab frame and its follow
if ( bUnlockFollow )
::TableSplitRecalcUnlock( rTab.GetFollow() );
@@ -933,7 +948,7 @@ bool SwTabFrame::Split( const SwTwips nCutPos, bool bTryToSplit, bool bTableRowK
lcl_InnerCalcLayout( this->Lower(), LONG_MAX, true );
- //In order to be able to compare the positions of the cells whit CutPos,
+ //In order to be able to compare the positions of the cells whith CutPos,
//they have to be calculated consecutively starting from the table.
//They can definitely be invalid because of position changes of the table.
SwRowFrame *pRow = static_cast<SwRowFrame*>(Lower());
@@ -965,7 +980,7 @@ bool SwTabFrame::Split( const SwTwips nCutPos, bool bTryToSplit, bool bTableRowK
// bTryToSplit: Row will never be split if bTryToSplit = false.
// This can either be passed as a parameter, indicating
// that we are currently doing the second try to split the
- // table, or it will be set to falseunder certain
+ // table, or it will be set to false under certain
// conditions that are not suitable for splitting
// the row.
bool bSplitRowAllowed = pRow->IsRowSplitAllowed();
@@ -1140,9 +1155,9 @@ bool SwTabFrame::Split( const SwTwips nCutPos, bool bTryToSplit, bool bTableRowK
- SwRowFrame* pLastRow = nullptr; // will point to the last remaining line in master
- SwRowFrame* pFollowRow = nullptr; // points to either the follow flow line of the
- // first regular line in the follow
+ SwRowFrame* pLastRow = nullptr; // points to the last remaining line in master
+ SwRowFrame* pFollowRow = nullptr; // points to either the follow flow line or the
+ // first regular line in the follow
if ( bSplitRowAllowed )
@@ -1178,7 +1193,7 @@ bool SwTabFrame::Split( const SwTwips nCutPos, bool bTryToSplit, bool bTableRowK
pFollowRow = lcl_InsertNewFollowFlowLine( *this, *pLastRow, true );
- SwTwips nRet = 0;
+ SwTwips nShrink = 0;
//Optimization: There is no paste needed for the new Follow and the
//optimized insert can be used (big amounts of rows luckily only occurs in
@@ -1190,7 +1205,7 @@ bool SwTabFrame::Split( const SwTwips nCutPos, bool bTryToSplit, bool bTableRowK
while ( pRow )
SwFrame* pNxt = pRow->GetNext();
- nRet += (pRow->Frame().*aRectFnSet->fnGetHeight)();
+ nShrink += (pRow->Frame().*aRectFnSet->fnGetHeight)();
// The footnotes do not have to be moved, this is done in the
// MoveFwd of the follow table!!!
@@ -1209,7 +1224,7 @@ bool SwTabFrame::Split( const SwTwips nCutPos, bool bTryToSplit, bool bTableRowK
while ( pRow )
SwFrame* pNxt = pRow->GetNext();
- nRet += (pRow->Frame().*aRectFnSet->fnGetHeight)();
+ nShrink += (pRow->Frame().*aRectFnSet->fnGetHeight)();
// The footnotes have to be moved:
lcl_MoveFootnotes( *this, *GetFollow(), *pRow );
@@ -1222,13 +1237,15 @@ bool SwTabFrame::Split( const SwTwips nCutPos, bool bTryToSplit, bool bTableRowK
- Shrink( nRet );
- // we rebuild the last line to assure that it will be fully formatted
- if ( pLastRow )
+ if ( !pLastRow )
+ Shrink( nShrink );
+ else
+ // we rebuild the last line to assure that it will be fully formatted
+ // we also don't shrink here, because we will be doing that in lcl_RecalcSplitLine
// recalculate the split line
- bRet = lcl_RecalcSplitLine( *pLastRow, *pFollowRow, nRemainingSpaceForLastRow );
+ bRet = lcl_RecalcSplitLine( *pLastRow, *pFollowRow, nRemainingSpaceForLastRow, nShrink );
// check if each cell in the row span line has a good height
@@ -3539,6 +3556,7 @@ SwRowFrame::SwRowFrame(const SwTableLine &rLine, SwFrame* pSib, bool bInsertCont
// <-- split table rows
, m_bIsRepeatedHeadline( false )
, m_bIsRowSpanLine( false )
+ , m_bIsInSplit( false )
mnFrameType = SwFrameType::Row;
@@ -3811,17 +3829,24 @@ static SwTwips lcl_CalcMinCellHeight( const SwLayoutFrame *_pCell,
static SwTwips lcl_CalcMinRowHeight( const SwRowFrame* _pRow,
const bool _bConsiderObjs )
- SwRectFnSet aRectFnSet(_pRow);
- const SwFormatFrameSize &rSz = _pRow->GetFormat()->GetFrameSize();
- if ( _pRow->HasFixSize() && !_pRow->IsRowSpanLine() )
+ SwTwips nHeight = 0;
+ if ( !_pRow->IsRowSpanLine() )
- OSL_ENSURE( ATT_FIX_SIZE == rSz.GetHeightSizeType(), "pRow claims to have fixed size" );
- return rSz.GetHeight();
+ const SwFormatFrameSize &rSz = _pRow->GetFormat()->GetFrameSize();
+ if ( _pRow->HasFixSize() )
+ {
+ OSL_ENSURE(ATT_FIX_SIZE == rSz.GetHeightSizeType(), "pRow claims to have fixed size");
+ return rSz.GetHeight();
+ }
+ // If this row frame is being split, then row's minimal height shouldn't restrict
+ // this frame's minimal height, because the rest will go to follow frame.
+ else if ( !_pRow->IsInSplit() && rSz.GetHeightSizeType() == ATT_MIN_SIZE )
+ {
+ nHeight = rSz.GetHeight() - lcl_calcHeightOfRowBeforeThisFrame(*_pRow);
+ }
- SwTwips nHeight = 0;
+ SwRectFnSet aRectFnSet(_pRow);
const SwCellFrame* pLow = static_cast<const SwCellFrame*>(_pRow->Lower());
while ( pLow )
@@ -3858,8 +3883,7 @@ static SwTwips lcl_CalcMinRowHeight( const SwRowFrame* _pRow,
pLow = static_cast<const SwCellFrame*>(pLow->GetNext());
- if ( rSz.GetHeightSizeType() == ATT_MIN_SIZE && !_pRow->IsRowSpanLine() )
- nHeight = std::max( nHeight, rSz.GetHeight() );
return nHeight;
@@ -3956,6 +3980,41 @@ static sal_uInt16 lcl_GetBottomLineDist( const SwRowFrame& rRow )
return nBottomLineDist;
+// tdf#104425: calculate the height of all row frames,
+// for which this frame is a follow.
+// When a row has fixed/minimum height, it may span over
+// several pages. The minimal height on this page should
+// take into account the sum of all the heights of previous
+// frames that constitute the table row on previous pages.
+// Otherwise, trying to split a too high row frame will
+// result in loop trying to create that too high row
+// on each following page
+static SwTwips lcl_calcHeightOfRowBeforeThisFrame(const SwRowFrame& rRow)
+ SwRectFnSet aRectFnSet(&rRow);
+ const SwTableLine* pLine = rRow.GetTabLine();
+ const SwTabFrame* pTab = rRow.FindTabFrame();
+ if (!pLine || !pTab || !pTab->IsFollow())
+ return 0;
+ SwTwips nResult = 0;
+ SwIterator<SwRowFrame, SwFormat> aIter(*pLine->GetFrameFormat());
+ for (const SwRowFrame* pCurRow = aIter.First(); pCurRow; pCurRow = aIter.Next())
+ {
+ if (pCurRow != &rRow && pCurRow->GetTabLine() == pLine)
+ {
+ // We've found another row frame that is part of the same table row
+ const SwTabFrame* pCurTab = pCurRow->FindTabFrame();
+ if (pCurTab->IsAnFollow(pTab))
+ {
+ // The found row frame belongs to a table frame that preceedes
+ // (above) this one in chain. So, include it in the sum
+ nResult += (pCurRow->Frame().*aRectFnSet->fnGetHeight)();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return nResult;
void SwRowFrame::Format( vcl::RenderContext* /*pRenderContext*/, const SwBorderAttrs *pAttrs )
SwRectFnSet aRectFnSet(this);
@@ -4301,7 +4360,7 @@ SwTwips SwRowFrame::ShrinkFrame( SwTwips nDist, bool bTst, bool bInfo )
return 0L;
- // bInfo may be set to true by SwRowFrame::Format; we need to hangle this
+ // bInfo may be set to true by SwRowFrame::Format; we need to handle this
// here accordingly
const bool bShrinkAnyway = bInfo;
@@ -4311,9 +4370,10 @@ SwTwips SwRowFrame::ShrinkFrame( SwTwips nDist, bool bTst, bool bInfo )
if (pMod)
const SwFormatFrameSize &rSz = pMod->GetFrameSize();
- SwTwips nMinHeight = rSz.GetHeightSizeType() == ATT_MIN_SIZE ?
- rSz.GetHeight() :
- 0;
+ SwTwips nMinHeight = 0;
+ if (rSz.GetHeightSizeType() == ATT_MIN_SIZE)
+ nMinHeight = std::max(rSz.GetHeight() - lcl_calcHeightOfRowBeforeThisFrame(*this),
+ 0L);
// Only necessary to calculate minimal row height if height
// of pRow is at least nMinHeight. Otherwise nMinHeight is the
@@ -5167,7 +5227,7 @@ static SwTwips lcl_CalcHeightOfFirstContentLine( const SwRowFrame& rSourceLine )
const SwRowFrame* pTmpSourceRow = static_cast<const SwRowFrame*>(pCurrSourceCell->Lower());
nTmpHeight = lcl_CalcHeightOfFirstContentLine( *pTmpSourceRow );
- if ( pTmp->IsTabFrame() )
+ else if ( pTmp->IsTabFrame() )
nTmpHeight = static_cast<const SwTabFrame*>(pTmp)->CalcHeightOfFirstContentLine();
@@ -5282,12 +5342,12 @@ SwTwips SwTabFrame::CalcHeightOfFirstContentLine() const
SwTwips nTmpHeight = 0;
- SwRowFrame* pFirstRow = GetFirstNonHeadlineRow();
+ const SwRowFrame* pFirstRow = GetFirstNonHeadlineRow();
OSL_ENSURE( !IsFollow() || pFirstRow, "FollowTable without Lower" );
if ( pFirstRow && pFirstRow->IsRowSpanLine() && pFirstRow->GetNext() )
- pFirstRow = static_cast<SwRowFrame*>(pFirstRow->GetNext());
+ pFirstRow = static_cast<const SwRowFrame*>(pFirstRow->GetNext());
// Calculate the height of the headlines:
const sal_uInt16 nRepeat = GetTable()->GetRowsToRepeat();
@@ -5304,7 +5364,7 @@ SwTwips SwTabFrame::CalcHeightOfFirstContentLine() const
while ( pFirstRow && pFirstRow->ShouldRowKeepWithNext() )
- pFirstRow = static_cast<SwRowFrame*>(pFirstRow->GetNext());
+ pFirstRow = static_cast<const SwRowFrame*>(pFirstRow->GetNext());
if ( nKeepRows > nRepeat )
@@ -5338,7 +5398,7 @@ SwTwips SwTabFrame::CalcHeightOfFirstContentLine() const
// line as it would be on the last page. Since this is quite complicated to calculate,
// we only calculate the height of the first line.
if ( pFirstRow->GetPrev() &&
- static_cast<SwRowFrame*>(pFirstRow->GetPrev())->IsRowSpanLine() )
+ static_cast<const SwRowFrame*>(pFirstRow->GetPrev())->IsRowSpanLine() )
// Calculate maximum height of all cells with rowspan = 1:
SwTwips nMaxHeight = 0;
@@ -5370,9 +5430,14 @@ SwTwips SwTabFrame::CalcHeightOfFirstContentLine() const
const SwTwips nHeightOfFirstContentLine = lcl_CalcHeightOfFirstContentLine( *pFirstRow );
// Consider minimum row height:
- const SwFormatFrameSize &rSz = static_cast<const SwRowFrame*>(pFirstRow)->GetFormat()->GetFrameSize();
- const SwTwips nMinRowHeight = rSz.GetHeightSizeType() == ATT_MIN_SIZE ?
- rSz.GetHeight() : 0;
+ const SwFormatFrameSize &rSz = pFirstRow->GetFormat()->GetFrameSize();
+ SwTwips nMinRowHeight = 0;
+ if (rSz.GetHeightSizeType() == ATT_MIN_SIZE)
+ {
+ nMinRowHeight = std::max(rSz.GetHeight() - lcl_calcHeightOfRowBeforeThisFrame(*pFirstRow),
+ 0L);
+ }
nTmpHeight += std::max( nHeightOfFirstContentLine, nMinRowHeight );