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1 files changed, 60 insertions, 70 deletions
diff --git a/sw/source/core/undo/undel.cxx b/sw/source/core/undo/undel.cxx
index 028a9bf90e1b..1e157a73ecb7 100644
--- a/sw/source/core/undo/undel.cxx
+++ b/sw/source/core/undo/undel.cxx
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
#include <doc.hxx>
#include <UndoManager.hxx>
#include <swtable.hxx>
-#include <swundo.hxx> // fuer die UndoIds
+#include <swundo.hxx>
#include <pam.hxx>
#include <ndtxt.hxx>
#include <UndoCore.hxx>
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ SwUndoDelete::SwUndoDelete( SwPaM& rPam, sal_Bool bFullPara, sal_Bool bCalledByT
if( !pHistory )
pHistory = new SwHistory;
- // loesche erstmal alle Fussnoten
+ // delete all footnotes for now
const SwPosition *pStt = rPam.Start(),
*pEnd = rPam.GetPoint() == pStt
? rPam.GetMark()
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ SwUndoDelete::SwUndoDelete( SwPaM& rPam, sal_Bool bFullPara, sal_Bool bCalledByT
nSetPos = pHistory ? pHistory->Count() : 0;
- // wurde schon was geloescht ??
+ // Is already anything deleted?
nNdDiff = nSttNode - pStt->nNode.GetIndex();
bJoinNext = !bFullPara && pEnd == rPam.GetPoint();
@@ -162,23 +162,21 @@ SwUndoDelete::SwUndoDelete( SwPaM& rPam, sal_Bool bFullPara, sal_Bool bCalledByT
: pEnd->nNode.GetNode().GetTxtNode();
- sal_Bool bMoveNds = *pStt == *pEnd // noch ein Bereich vorhanden ??
+ sal_Bool bMoveNds = *pStt == *pEnd // any area still existent?
? sal_False
: ( SaveCntnt( pStt, pEnd, pSttTxtNd, pEndTxtNd ) || bFromTableCopy );
if( pSttTxtNd && pEndTxtNd && pSttTxtNd != pEndTxtNd )
- // zwei unterschiedliche TextNodes, also speicher noch die
- // TextFormatCollection fuers
+ // two different TextNodes, thus save also the TextFormatCollection
pHistory->Add( pSttTxtNd->GetTxtColl(),pStt->nNode.GetIndex(), ND_TEXTNODE );
pHistory->Add( pEndTxtNd->GetTxtColl(),pEnd->nNode.GetIndex(), ND_TEXTNODE );
- if( !bJoinNext ) // Selection von Unten nach Oben
+ if( !bJoinNext ) // Selection from bottom to top
- // Beim JoinPrev() werden die AUTO-PageBreak's richtig
- // kopiert. Um diese beim Undo wieder herzustellen, muss das
- // Auto-PageBreak aus dem EndNode zurueckgesetzt werden.
- // - fuer die PageDesc, ColBreak dito !
+ // When using JoinPrev() all AUTO-PageBreak's will be copied correctly. To restore them
+ // with UNDO, Auto-PageBreak of the EndNode needs to be reset. Same for PageDesc and
+ // ColBreak.
if( pEndTxtNd->HasSwAttrSet() )
SwRegHistory aRegHist( *pEndTxtNd, pHistory );
@@ -194,21 +192,20 @@ SwUndoDelete::SwUndoDelete( SwPaM& rPam, sal_Bool bFullPara, sal_Bool bCalledByT
- // verschiebe jetzt noch den PaM !!!
- // der SPoint steht am Anfang der SSelection
+ // Move now also the PaM. The SPoint is at the beginning of a SSelection.
if( pEnd == rPam.GetPoint() && ( !bFullPara || pSttTxtNd || pEndTxtNd ) )
if( !pSttTxtNd && !pEndTxtNd )
- rPam.DeleteMark(); // der SPoint ist aus dem Bereich
+ rPam.DeleteMark(); // the SPoint is in the selection
if( !pEndTxtNd )
nEndCntnt = 0;
if( !pSttTxtNd )
nSttCntnt = 0;
- if( bMoveNds ) // sind noch Nodes zu verschieben ?
+ if( bMoveNds ) // Do Nodes exist that need to be moved?
SwNodes& rNds = pDoc->GetUndoManager().GetUndoNodes();
SwNodes& rDocNds = pDoc->GetNodes();
@@ -225,8 +222,8 @@ SwUndoDelete::SwUndoDelete( SwPaM& rPam, sal_Bool bFullPara, sal_Bool bCalledByT
// Step 2: Expand selection if necessary
if( bJoinNext || bFullPara )
- // If all content of a section will be moved into Undo,
- // the section itself should be moved complete.
+ // If all content of a section will be moved into Undo, the section itself should be
+ // moved completely.
while( aRg.aEnd.GetIndex() + 2 < rDocNds.Count() &&
( (pTmpNd = rDocNds[ aRg.aEnd.GetIndex()+1 ])->IsEndNode() &&
pTmpNd->StartOfSectionNode()->IsSectionNode() &&
@@ -254,8 +251,8 @@ SwUndoDelete::SwUndoDelete( SwPaM& rPam, sal_Bool bFullPara, sal_Bool bCalledByT
if( bBackSp || bFullPara )
- //See above, the selection has to expanded if there are "nearly empty" sections
- // and a replacement dummy has to be set if needed.
+ // See above, the selection has to be expanded if there are "nearly
+ // empty" sections and a replacement dummy has to be set if needed.
while( 1 < aRg.aStart.GetIndex() &&
( (pTmpNd = rDocNds[ aRg.aStart.GetIndex()-1 ])->IsSectionNode() &&
pTmpNd->EndOfSectionIndex() < aRg.aEnd.GetIndex() ) )
@@ -292,7 +289,7 @@ SwUndoDelete::SwUndoDelete( SwPaM& rPam, sal_Bool bFullPara, sal_Bool bCalledByT
nNode = rNds.GetEndOfContent().GetIndex();
rDocNds._MoveNodes( aRg, rNds, SwNodeIndex( rNds.GetEndOfContent() ));
pMvStt = new SwNodeIndex( rNds, nNode );
- nNode = rNds.GetEndOfContent().GetIndex() - nNode; // Differenz merken !
+ nNode = rNds.GetEndOfContent().GetIndex() - nNode; // remember difference!
if( pSttTxtNd && pEndTxtNd )
//Step 4: Moving around sections
@@ -319,9 +316,9 @@ SwUndoDelete::SwUndoDelete( SwPaM& rPam, sal_Bool bFullPara, sal_Bool bCalledByT
bJoinNext ? pEndTxtNd->GetIndex() : pSttTxtNd->GetIndex() );
- nNode = 0; // kein Node verschoben -> keine Differenz zum Ende
+ nNode = 0; // moved no node -> no difference at the end
- // wurden davor noch Nodes geloescht ?? (FootNotes haben ContentNodes!)
+ // Are there any Nodes that got deleted before that (FootNotes have ContentNodes)?
if( !pSttTxtNd && !pEndTxtNd )
nNdDiff = nSttNode - rPam.GetPoint()->nNode.GetIndex() - (bFullPara ? 0 : 1);
@@ -338,7 +335,7 @@ SwUndoDelete::SwUndoDelete( SwPaM& rPam, sal_Bool bFullPara, sal_Bool bCalledByT
if( !rPam.GetNode()->IsCntntNode() )
rPam.GetPoint()->nContent.Assign( 0, 0 );
- // wird die History ueberhaupt benoetigt ??
+ // is a history necessary here at all?
if( pHistory && !pHistory->Count() )
DELETEZ( pHistory );
@@ -347,7 +344,7 @@ sal_Bool SwUndoDelete::SaveCntnt( const SwPosition* pStt, const SwPosition* pEnd
SwTxtNode* pSttTxtNd, SwTxtNode* pEndTxtNd )
sal_uLong nNdIdx = pStt->nNode.GetIndex();
- // 1 - kopiere den Anfang in den Start-String
+ // 1 - copy start in Start-String
if( pSttTxtNd )
sal_Bool bOneNode = nSttNode == nEndNode;
@@ -361,13 +358,12 @@ sal_Bool SwUndoDelete::SaveCntnt( const SwPosition* pStt, const SwPosition* pEnd
if( !bOneNode && pSttTxtNd->HasSwAttrSet() )
pHistory->CopyFmtAttr( *pSttTxtNd->GetpSwAttrSet(), nNdIdx );
- // die Laenge kann sich veraendert haben (!!Felder!!)
+ // the length might have changed (!!Fields!!)
nLen = ( bOneNode ? pEnd->nContent.GetIndex() : pSttTxtNd->GetTxt().Len() )
- pStt->nContent.GetIndex();
- // loesche jetzt noch den Text (alle Attribut-Aenderungen kommen in
- // die Undo-History
+ // delete now also the text (all attribute changes are added to UNDO history)
pSttStr = (String*)new String( pSttTxtNd->GetTxt().Copy( nSttCntnt, nLen ));
pSttTxtNd->EraseText( pStt->nContent, nLen );
if( pSttTxtNd->GetpSwpHints() )
@@ -383,19 +379,18 @@ sal_Bool SwUndoDelete::SaveCntnt( const SwPosition* pStt, const SwPosition* pEnd
if( bOneNode )
- return sal_False; // keine Nodes mehr verschieben
+ return sal_False; // stop moving more nodes
- // 2 - kopiere das Ende in den End-String
+ // 2 - copy end into End-String
if( pEndTxtNd )
SwIndex aEndIdx( pEndTxtNd );
nNdIdx = pEnd->nNode.GetIndex();
SwRegHistory aRHst( *pEndTxtNd, pHistory );
- // always save all text atttibutes because of possibly overlapping
- // areas of on/off
+ // always save all text atttibutes because of possibly overlapping areas of on/off
pHistory->CopyAttr( pEndTxtNd->GetpSwpHints(), nNdIdx, 0,
pEndTxtNd->GetTxt().Len(), true );
@@ -403,8 +398,7 @@ sal_Bool SwUndoDelete::SaveCntnt( const SwPosition* pStt, const SwPosition* pEnd
pHistory->CopyFmtAttr( *pEndTxtNd->GetpSwAttrSet(), nNdIdx );
- // loesche jetzt noch den Text (alle Attribut-Aenderungen kommen in
- // die Undo-History
+ // delete now also the text (all attribute changes are added to UNDO history)
pEndStr = (String*)new String( pEndTxtNd->GetTxt().Copy( 0,
pEnd->nContent.GetIndex() ));
pEndTxtNd->EraseText( aEndIdx, pEnd->nContent.GetIndex() );
@@ -419,21 +413,21 @@ sal_Bool SwUndoDelete::SaveCntnt( const SwPosition* pStt, const SwPosition* pEnd
: pEndTxtNd->CreateUndo();
- // sind es nur zwei Nodes, dann ist schon alles erledigt.
+ // if there are only two Nodes than we're done
if( ( pSttTxtNd || pEndTxtNd ) && nSttNode + 1 == nEndNode )
- return sal_False; // keine Nodes mehr verschieben
+ return sal_False; // do not move any Node
- return sal_True; // verschiebe die dazwischen liegenden Nodes
+ return sal_True; // move Nodes lying in between
sal_Bool SwUndoDelete::CanGrouping( SwDoc* pDoc, const SwPaM& rDelPam )
- // ist das Undo groesser als 1 Node ? (sprich: Start und EndString)
+ // Is Undo greater than one Node (that is Start and EndString)?
if( pSttStr ? !pSttStr->Len() || pEndStr : sal_True )
return sal_False;
- // es kann nur das Loeschen von einzelnen char's zusammengefasst werden
+ // only the deletion of single char's can be condensed
if( nSttNode != nEndNode || ( !bGroup && nSttCntnt+1 != nEndCntnt ))
return sal_False;
@@ -447,8 +441,8 @@ sal_Bool SwUndoDelete::CanGrouping( SwDoc* pDoc, const SwPaM& rDelPam )
pEnd->nNode != nSttNode )
return sal_False;
- // untercheide zwischen BackSpace und Delete. Es muss dann das
- // Undo-Array unterschiedlich aufgebaut werden !!
+ // Distinguish between BackSpace and Delete because the Undo array needs to be constructed
+ // differently!
if( pEnd->nContent == nSttCntnt )
if( bGroup && !bBackSp ) return sal_False;
@@ -462,7 +456,7 @@ sal_Bool SwUndoDelete::CanGrouping( SwDoc* pDoc, const SwPaM& rDelPam )
return sal_False;
- // sind die beiden Nodes (Nodes-/Undo-Array) ueberhaupt TextNodes?
+ // are both Nodes (Node/Undo array) TextNodes at all?
SwTxtNode * pDelTxtNd = pStt->nNode.GetNode().GetTxtNode();
if( !pDelTxtNd ) return sal_False;
@@ -489,13 +483,12 @@ sal_Bool SwUndoDelete::CanGrouping( SwDoc* pDoc, const SwPaM& rDelPam )
pDoc->DeleteRedline( rDelPam, false, USHRT_MAX );
- // Ok, die beiden 'Deletes' koennen zusammen gefasst werden, also
- // 'verschiebe' das enstprechende Zeichen
+ // Both 'deletes' can be consolidated, so 'move' the related character
if( bBackSp )
- nSttCntnt--; // BackSpace: Zeichen in Array einfuegen !!
+ nSttCntnt--; // BackSpace: add char to array!
- nEndCntnt++; // Delete: Zeichen am Ende anhaengen
+ nEndCntnt++; // Delete: attach char at the end
pSttStr->Insert( cDelChar, nUChrPos );
@@ -511,9 +504,9 @@ SwUndoDelete::~SwUndoDelete()
delete pSttStr;
delete pEndStr;
- if( pMvStt ) // loesche noch den Bereich aus dem UndoNodes Array
+ if( pMvStt ) // Delete also the selection from UndoNodes array
- // Insert speichert den Inhalt in der IconSection
+ // Insert saves content in IconSection
pMvStt->GetNode().GetNodes().Delete( *pMvStt, nNode );
delete pMvStt;
@@ -754,8 +747,7 @@ void SwUndoDelete::UndoImpl(::sw::UndoRedoContext & rContext)
SwNodeIndex aIdx( pDoc->GetNodes(), nCalcStt );
SwNode* pInsNd = &aIdx.GetNode();
- { // Block, damit der SwPosition beim loeschen vom Node
- // abgemeldet ist
+ // code block so that SwPosition is detached when deleting a Node
SwPosition aPos( aIdx );
if( !bDelFullPara )
@@ -772,17 +764,17 @@ void SwUndoDelete::UndoImpl(::sw::UndoRedoContext & rContext)
if( pInsNd->IsCntntNode() )
aPos.nContent.Assign( (SwCntntNode*)pInsNd, nSttCntnt );
if( !bTblDelLastNd )
- pInsNd = 0; // Node nicht loeschen !!
+ pInsNd = 0; // do not delete Node!
- pInsNd = 0; // Node nicht loeschen !!
+ pInsNd = 0; // do not delete Node!
sal_Bool bNodeMove = 0 != nNode;
if( pEndStr )
- // alle Attribute verwerfen, wurden alle gespeichert!
+ // discard attributes since they all saved!
SwTxtNode* pTxtNd = aPos.nNode.GetNode().GetTxtNode();
if( pTxtNd && pTxtNd->HasSwAttrSet() )
@@ -884,8 +876,7 @@ void SwUndoDelete::UndoImpl(::sw::UndoRedoContext & rContext)
aPos.nNode = nSttNode - nNdDiff + ( bJoinNext ? 0 : nReplaceDummy );
SwTxtNode * pTxtNd = aPos.nNode.GetNode().GetTxtNode();
- // wenn mehr als ein Node geloescht wurde, dann wurden auch
- // alle "Node"-Attribute gespeichert
+ // If more than a single Node got deleted, also all "Node" attributes were saved
if (pTxtNd != NULL)
@@ -895,8 +886,8 @@ void SwUndoDelete::UndoImpl(::sw::UndoRedoContext & rContext)
if( pTxtNd->GetpSwpHints() )
pTxtNd->ClearSwpHintsArr( true );
- // SectionNode-Modus und von oben nach unten selektiert:
- // -> im StartNode steht noch der Rest vom Join => loeschen
+ // SectionNode mode and selection from top to bottom:
+ // -> in StartNode is still the rest of the Join => delete
aPos.nContent.Assign( pTxtNd, nSttCntnt );
pTxtNd->InsertText( *pSttStr, aPos.nContent,
IDocumentContentOperations::INS_NOHINTEXPAND );
@@ -908,12 +899,12 @@ void SwUndoDelete::UndoImpl(::sw::UndoRedoContext & rContext)
if( pHistory )
pHistory->TmpRollback( pDoc, nSetPos, false );
- if( nSetPos ) // es gab Fussnoten/FlyFrames
+ if( nSetPos ) // there were Footnodes/FlyFrames
- // gibts ausser diesen noch andere ?
+ // are there others than these ones?
if( nSetPos < pHistory->Count() )
- // dann sicher die Attribute anderen Attribute
+ // if so save the attributes of the others
SwHistory aHstr;
aHstr.Move( 0, pHistory, nSetPos );
pHistory->Rollback( pDoc );
@@ -939,7 +930,7 @@ void SwUndoDelete::UndoImpl(::sw::UndoRedoContext & rContext)
((SwTableNode*)pNode)->GetTable().GetFrmFmt()->ResetFmtAttr( nStt, nEnd );
- // den temp. eingefuegten Node noch loeschen !!
+ // delete the temporarily added Node
if( pInsNd )
pDoc->GetNodes().Delete( aIdx, 1 );
if( pRedlSaveData )
@@ -970,11 +961,11 @@ void SwUndoDelete::RedoImpl(::sw::UndoRedoContext & rContext)
RemoveIdxFromRange( rPam, sal_False );
aTmpRng.SetPaM( rPam );
- if( !bJoinNext ) // Dann Selektion von unten nach oben
- rPam.Exchange(); // wieder herstellen!
+ if( !bJoinNext ) // then restore selection from bottom to top
+ rPam.Exchange();
- if( pHistory ) // wurden Attribute gesichert ?
+ if( pHistory ) // are the attributes saved?
pHistory->SetTmpEnd( pHistory->Count() );
SwHistory aHstr;
@@ -982,7 +973,7 @@ void SwUndoDelete::RedoImpl(::sw::UndoRedoContext & rContext)
if( bDelFullPara )
- OSL_ENSURE( rPam.HasMark(), "PaM ohne Mark" );
+ OSL_ENSURE( rPam.HasMark(), "PaM without Mark" );
DelCntntIndex( *rPam.GetMark(), *rPam.GetPoint(),
DelCntntType(nsDelCntntType::DELCNT_ALL | nsDelCntntType::DELCNT_CHKNOCNTNT) );
@@ -998,7 +989,7 @@ void SwUndoDelete::RedoImpl(::sw::UndoRedoContext & rContext)
if( bDelFullPara )
- OSL_ENSURE( rPam.HasMark(), "PaM ohne Mark" );
+ OSL_ENSURE( rPam.HasMark(), "PaM without Mark" );
DelCntntIndex( *rPam.GetMark(), *rPam.GetPoint(),
DelCntntType(nsDelCntntType::DELCNT_ALL | nsDelCntntType::DELCNT_CHKNOCNTNT) );
@@ -1019,7 +1010,7 @@ void SwUndoDelete::RedoImpl(::sw::UndoRedoContext & rContext)
if( bTblDelLastNd )
- // dann am Ende wieder einen Node einfuegen
+ // than add again a Node at the end
const SwNodeIndex aTmpIdx( *pTblNd->EndOfSectionNode(), 1 );
rDoc.GetNodes().MakeTxtNode( aTmpIdx,
rDoc.GetTxtCollFromPool( RES_POOLCOLL_STANDARD ) );
@@ -1048,16 +1039,15 @@ void SwUndoDelete::RedoImpl(::sw::UndoRedoContext & rContext)
rDoc.GetNodes().Delete( aSttIdx, nEndNode - nSttNode );
- // setze den Cursor immer in einen ContentNode !!
+ // always set the cursor into a ContentNode!
if( !rPam.Move( fnMoveBackward, fnGoCntnt ) &&
!rPam.Move( fnMoveForward, fnGoCntnt ) )
rPam.GetPoint()->nContent.Assign( rPam.GetCntntNode(), 0 );
else if( bDelFullPara )
- // der Pam wurde am Point( == Ende) um eins erhoeht, um einen
- // Bereich fuers Undo zu haben. Der muss jetzt aber wieder entfernt
- // werden!!!
+ // The Pam was incremented by one at Point (== end) to provide space
+ // for UNDO. This now needs to be reverted!
if( rPam.GetPoint()->nNode == rPam.GetMark()->nNode )
*rPam.GetMark() = *rPam.GetPoint();