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3 files changed, 14 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/include/rtl/stringutils.hxx b/include/rtl/stringutils.hxx
index f97b7917f266..be56408c52a8 100644
--- a/include/rtl/stringutils.hxx
+++ b/include/rtl/stringutils.hxx
@@ -118,6 +118,10 @@ There are 2 cases:
would be automatically converted to the const variant, which is not wanted (not a string literal
with known size of the content). In this case ConstCharArrayDetector is used to ensure the function
is called only with const char[N] arguments. There's no other plain C string type overload.
+ (Note that OUStringChar is also covered by ConstCharArrayDetector's TypeUtf16 check, but
+ provides a pointer to a string that is not NUL-termianted, unlike the char16_t const[N] arrays
+ normally covered by that check, and which are assumed to represent NUL-terminated string
+ literals.)
2) All plain C string types are wanted, and const char[N] needs to be handled differently.
In this case const char[N] would match const char* argument type (not exactly sure why, but it's
consistent in all of gcc, clang and msvc). Using a template with a reference to const of the type
diff --git a/include/rtl/ustrbuf.hxx b/include/rtl/ustrbuf.hxx
index d35200643e01..fef71f98b329 100644
--- a/include/rtl/ustrbuf.hxx
+++ b/include/rtl/ustrbuf.hxx
@@ -349,10 +349,14 @@ public:
if (n >= nCapacity) {
ensureCapacity(n + 16); //TODO: check for overflow
+ // For OUStringChar, which is covered by this template's ConstCharArrayDetector TypeUtf16
+ // check, toPointer does not return a NUL-terminated string, so we can't just memcpy n+1
+ // elements but rather need to add the terminating NUL manually:
- (n + 1) * sizeof (sal_Unicode)); //TODO: check for overflow
+ n * sizeof (sal_Unicode));
+ pData->buffer[n] = '\0';
pData->length = n;
return *this;
diff --git a/sal/qa/rtl/oustringbuffer/test_oustringbuffer_assign.cxx b/sal/qa/rtl/oustringbuffer/test_oustringbuffer_assign.cxx
index 10f378c1acf9..da5a4634e94b 100644
--- a/sal/qa/rtl/oustringbuffer/test_oustringbuffer_assign.cxx
+++ b/sal/qa/rtl/oustringbuffer/test_oustringbuffer_assign.cxx
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
#include <cppunit/TestAssert.h>
#include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h>
+#include <o3tl/cppunittraitshelper.hxx>
#include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
@@ -66,6 +67,10 @@ private:
b4 = OUStringLiteral(u"1") + "234567890123456";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(s3, b4.toString());
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(32), b4.getCapacity());
+ b4 = OUStringChar('a');
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(1), b4.getLength());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(u'a', b4.getStr()[0]);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(u'\0', b4.getStr()[1]);