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2 files changed, 60 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/view/gridwin4.cxx b/sc/source/ui/view/gridwin4.cxx
index 7282b9080252..4839bb92d554 100644
--- a/sc/source/ui/view/gridwin4.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/ui/view/gridwin4.cxx
@@ -720,13 +720,8 @@ void ScGridWindow::DrawContent(OutputDevice &rDevice, const ScTableInfo& rTableI
if ( bGridFirst && ( bGrid || bPage ) )
aOutputData.DrawGrid(*pContentDev, bGrid, bPage);
- MapMode aPrevMapMode = pContentDev->GetMapMode();
- pContentDev->SetMapMode(MAP_PIXEL);
- pContentDev->SetMapMode(aPrevMapMode);
if ( !bGridFirst && ( bGrid || bPage ) )
aOutputData.DrawGrid(*pContentDev, bGrid, bPage);
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/view/output.cxx b/sc/source/ui/view/output.cxx
index ce60133f84c7..6cc3d60fd96c 100644
--- a/sc/source/ui/view/output.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/ui/view/output.cxx
@@ -789,14 +789,14 @@ namespace {
static const double lclCornerRectTransparency = 40.0;
-void drawDataBars(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext, const ScDataBarInfo* pOldDataBarInfo, const Rectangle& rRect)
+void drawDataBars(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext, const ScDataBarInfo* pOldDataBarInfo, const Rectangle& rRect, long nOneX, long nOneY)
long nPosZero = 0;
Rectangle aPaintRect = rRect;
- aPaintRect.Top() += 2;
- aPaintRect.Bottom() -= 2;
- aPaintRect.Left() += 2;
- aPaintRect.Right() -= 2;
+ aPaintRect.Top() += 2 * nOneY;
+ aPaintRect.Bottom() -= 2 * nOneY;
+ aPaintRect.Left() += 2 * nOneX;
+ aPaintRect.Right() -= 2 * nOneX;
// need to calculate null point in cell
@@ -865,21 +865,21 @@ BitmapEx& getIcon( ScIconSetType eType, sal_Int32 nIndex )
return ScIconSetFormat::getBitmap( eType, nIndex );
-void drawIconSets(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext, const ScIconSetInfo* pOldIconSetInfo, const Rectangle& rRect)
+void drawIconSets(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext, const ScIconSetInfo* pOldIconSetInfo, const Rectangle& rRect, long nOneX, long nOneY)
//long nSize = 16;
ScIconSetType eType = pOldIconSetInfo->eIconSetType;
sal_Int32 nIndex = pOldIconSetInfo->nIconIndex;
BitmapEx& rIcon = getIcon( eType, nIndex );
- long aOrigSize = std::max<long>(0,std::min(rRect.GetSize().getWidth() - 4, rRect.GetSize().getHeight() -4));
- rRenderContext.DrawBitmapEx( Point( rRect.Left() +2, rRect.Top() + 2 ), Size(aOrigSize, aOrigSize), rIcon );
+ long aOrigSize = std::max<long>(0,std::min(rRect.GetSize().getWidth() - 4 * nOneX, rRect.GetSize().getHeight() -4 * nOneY));
+ rRenderContext.DrawBitmapEx( Point( rRect.Left() + 2 * nOneX, rRect.Top() + 2 * nOneY), Size(aOrigSize, aOrigSize), rIcon );
void drawCells(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext, const Color* pColor, const SvxBrushItem* pBackground, const Color*& pOldColor, const SvxBrushItem*& pOldBackground,
- Rectangle& rRect, long nPosX, long nSignedOneX, const ScDataBarInfo* pDataBarInfo, const ScDataBarInfo*& pOldDataBarInfo,
+ Rectangle& rRect, long nPosX, long nLayoutSign, long nOneX, long nOneY, const ScDataBarInfo* pDataBarInfo, const ScDataBarInfo*& pOldDataBarInfo,
const ScIconSetInfo* pIconSetInfo, const ScIconSetInfo*& pOldIconSetInfo)
+ long nSignedOneX = nOneX * nLayoutSign;
// need to paint if old color scale has been used and now
// we have a different color or a style based background
// we can here fall back to pointer comparison
@@ -892,9 +892,9 @@ void drawCells(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext, const Color* pColor, const Sv
rRenderContext.DrawRect( rRect );
if( pOldDataBarInfo )
- drawDataBars(rRenderContext, pOldDataBarInfo, rRect );
+ drawDataBars(rRenderContext, pOldDataBarInfo, rRect, nOneX, nOneY);
if( pOldIconSetInfo )
- drawIconSets(rRenderContext, pOldIconSetInfo, rRect );
+ drawIconSets(rRenderContext, pOldIconSetInfo, rRect, nOneX, nOneY);
rRect.Left() = nPosX - nSignedOneX;
@@ -912,9 +912,9 @@ void drawCells(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext, const Color* pColor, const Sv
if( pOldDataBarInfo )
- drawDataBars(rRenderContext, pOldDataBarInfo, rRect );
+ drawDataBars(rRenderContext, pOldDataBarInfo, rRect, nOneX, nOneY);
if( pOldIconSetInfo )
- drawIconSets(rRenderContext, pOldIconSetInfo, rRect );
+ drawIconSets(rRenderContext, pOldIconSetInfo, rRect, nOneX, nOneY);
rRect.Left() = nPosX - nSignedOneX;
@@ -956,16 +956,25 @@ void ScOutputData::DrawBackground(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext)
FindRotated(); //! from the outside?
- Rectangle aRect;
- Size aOnePixel = rRenderContext.PixelToLogic(Size(1,1));
- long nOneX = aOnePixel.Width();
- long nOneY = aOnePixel.Height();
+ bool bWorksInPixels = bMetaFile;
- if (bMetaFile)
- nOneX = nOneY = 0;
+ if ( eType == OUTTYPE_WINDOW )
+ {
+ bWorksInPixels = true;
+ }
+ long nOneX = 1;
+ long nOneY = 1;
+ if (!bWorksInPixels)
+ {
+ Size aOnePixel = rRenderContext.PixelToLogic(Size(1,1));
+ nOneX = aOnePixel.Width();
+ nOneY = aOnePixel.Height();
+ }
+ Rectangle aRect;
long nLayoutSign = bLayoutRTL ? -1 : 1;
- long nSignedOneX = nOneX * nLayoutSign;
@@ -1000,9 +1009,11 @@ void ScOutputData::DrawBackground(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext)
long nPosX = nScrX;
if ( bLayoutRTL )
nPosX += nMirrorW - nOneX;
- aRect = Rectangle( nPosX, nPosY-nOneY, nPosX, nPosY+nRowHeight-nOneY );
+ aRect = Rectangle(nPosX, nPosY - nOneY, nPosX, nPosY - nOneY + nRowHeight);
const SvxBrushItem* pOldBackground = NULL;
const SvxBrushItem* pBackground;
@@ -1055,7 +1066,19 @@ void ScOutputData::DrawBackground(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext)
const Color* pColor = pInfo->pColorScale.get();
const ScDataBarInfo* pDataBarInfo = pInfo->pDataBar.get();
const ScIconSetInfo* pIconSetInfo = pInfo->pIconSet.get();
- drawCells(rRenderContext, pColor, pBackground, pOldColor, pOldBackground, aRect, nPosX, nSignedOneX, pDataBarInfo, pOldDataBarInfo, pIconSetInfo, pOldIconSetInfo);
+ Rectangle aRectC = aRect;
+ long nPosXC = nPosX;
+ if(bWorksInPixels)
+ {
+ aRectC = rRenderContext.PixelToLogic(aRect);
+ nPosXC = rRenderContext.PixelToLogic(Point(nPosX, 0)).X();
+ }
+ drawCells(rRenderContext, pColor, pBackground, pOldColor, pOldBackground, aRectC, nPosXC, nLayoutSign, nOneX, nOneY, pDataBarInfo, pOldDataBarInfo, pIconSetInfo, pOldIconSetInfo);
+ if(bWorksInPixels)
+ aRect = rRenderContext.LogicToPixel(aRectC);
// extend for all merged cells
nMergedCells = 1;
@@ -1071,7 +1094,20 @@ void ScOutputData::DrawBackground(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext)
nPosX += pRowInfo[0].pCellInfo[nX+nOldMerged+nMerged].nWidth * nLayoutSign;
- drawCells(rRenderContext, NULL, NULL, pOldColor, pOldBackground, aRect, nPosX, nSignedOneX, NULL, pOldDataBarInfo, NULL, pOldIconSetInfo);
+ Rectangle aRectC = aRect;
+ long nPosXC = nPosX;
+ if(bWorksInPixels)
+ {
+ aRectC = rRenderContext.PixelToLogic(aRect);
+ nPosXC = rRenderContext.PixelToLogic(Point(nPosX, 0)).X();
+ }
+ drawCells(rRenderContext, NULL, NULL, pOldColor, pOldBackground, aRectC, nPosXC, nLayoutSign, nOneX, nOneY, NULL, pOldDataBarInfo, NULL, pOldIconSetInfo);
+ if(bWorksInPixels)
+ aRect = rRenderContext.LogicToPixel(aRectC);
nArrY += nSkip;