diff options
5 files changed, 158 insertions, 150 deletions
diff --git a/testautomation/extensions/optional/includes/ b/testautomation/extensions/optional/includes/
index 6d457df6d58e..ad700a404005 100755
--- a/testautomation/extensions/optional/includes/
+++ b/testautomation/extensions/optional/includes/
@@ -70,12 +70,16 @@ testcase tExtensionFileOpen
printlog( "Reopen Extension Manager UI, click Add.. and check the directory" )
kontext "PackageManager"
if ( PackageManager.exists( 3 ) ) then
Kontext "OeffnenDlg"
if ( OeffnenDlg.exists( 2 ) ) then
- DateiAuswahl.getItemCount() )
+ printlog( "Select the last item in the list which should be the extension" )
+ Dateiauswahl.getItemCount() )
cString = DateiAuswahl.getSelText()
if ( cString <> EXTENSION_NAME ) then
warnlog( "Incorrect extension listed. Please check path and filename" )
@@ -85,11 +89,13 @@ testcase tExtensionFileOpen
printlog( "Found correct extension, the dialog remembers the path" )
kontext "OeffnenDlg"
warnlog( "Could not access Add Extensions Dialog" )
kontext "PackageManager"
diff --git a/testautomation/framework/required/f_tools_customize.bas b/testautomation/framework/required/f_tools_customize.bas
index 0b437177112e..7adc48243085 100755
--- a/testautomation/framework/required/f_tools_customize.bas
+++ b/testautomation/framework/required/f_tools_customize.bas
@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@
sub main
use "framework\required\includes\"
dim cApp as string
diff --git a/testautomation/framework/required/includes/ b/testautomation/framework/required/includes/
index 69d09f9252f7..56654d8a9c39 100755
--- a/testautomation/framework/required/includes/
+++ b/testautomation/framework/required/includes/
@@ -39,41 +39,24 @@
testcase tUpdtCustomize( cApp as string )
- '///<h1>Update test for the Tools/Customize Dialog</h1>
- '///<ul>
- const CANCEL_BUTTON = 1
- dim brc as boolean
- '///+<li>Open a new document (abort test on failure)</li>
- brc = hCreateDocument()
- if ( not brc ) then
- warnlog( "Abort: Failed to create requested document: " & gApplication )
- goto endsub
+ printlog( "Tools/Customize dialog" )
+ const CLOSE_METHOD = 1 ' 1 = Cancel button
+ if ( hCreateDocument() ) then
+ if ( hToolsCustomizeOpen() ) then
+ hUpdtToolsCustomizeKeyboard()
+ hUpdtToolsCustomizeMenu()
+ hUpdtToolsCustomizeToolbars()
+ hUpdtToolsCustomizeEvents()
+ hToolsCustomizeClose( CLOSE_METHOD )
+ else
+ warnlog( "Tools/Customize dialog did not open" )
+ endif
+ hDestroyDocument
+ else
+ warnlog( "Failed to create initial document" )
- '///+<li>Open Tools Customize</li>
- brc = hToolsCustomizeOpen()
- '///+<li>Look at the Keyboard-Tabpage</li>
- hUpdtToolsCustomizeKeyboard()
- '///+<li>Look at the Menu-Tabpage</li>
- hUpdtToolsCustomizeMenu()
- '///+<li>Look at the Toolbars-Tabpage</li>
- hUpdtToolsCustomizeToolbars()
- '///+<li>Look at the Events-Tabpage</li>
- hUpdtToolsCustomizeEvents()
- '///+<li>Close Tools Customize</li>
- brc = hToolsCustomizeClose( CANCEL_BUTTON )
- '///+<li>Close the document</li>
- brc = hDestroyDocument
- '///</ul>
@@ -142,7 +125,7 @@ function hUpdtToolsCustomizeMenu()
'///+<li>Click the Menu List-Button</li>
printlog( CFN & "Click the menu listbutton" )
kontext "TabCustomizeMenu"
+ hOpenMenuButton( MenuBtn ) ' MenuBtn.OpenMenu()
'///+<li>Select the first entry (Move...) to open the Menu Organiser</li>
printlog( CFN & "Select Move..." )
@@ -165,7 +148,7 @@ function hUpdtToolsCustomizeMenu()
'///+<li>Click the Menu List-Button</li>
printlog( CFN & "Click the menu listbutton" )
kontext "TabCustomizeMenu"
+ hOpenMenuButton( MenuBtn ) ' MenuBtn.OpenMenu()
'///+<li>Select the second entry (Rename...) to open the Rename dialog</li>
printlog( CFN & "Select Rename..." )
@@ -179,7 +162,7 @@ function hUpdtToolsCustomizeMenu()
'///+<li>Click the Menu List-Button</li>
printlog( CFN & "Click the menu listbutton" )
kontext "TabCustomizeMenu"
+ hOpenMenuButton( MenuBtn ) ' MenuBtn.OpenMenu()
'///+<li>Select the third entry (Delete) to delete the new menu<br>
'///+Note that there will be no warning as the menu is empty</li>
@@ -361,8 +344,9 @@ function hUpdtToolsCustomizeToolbars()
'///+<li>Access the &quot;Toolbar&quot;-Button and rename the toolbar</li>
printlog( CFN & "Rename the toolbar via Toolbar-Button" )
kontext "TabCustomizeToolbars"
- waitslot
+ hOpenMenuButton( MenuBtn ) ' MenuBtn.OpenMenu()
+ printlog( "Select rename" )
hMenuSelectNr( 1 )
'///+<li>Cancel the renaming-dialog</li>
@@ -379,8 +363,9 @@ function hUpdtToolsCustomizeToolbars()
'///+Note that there will be no deletion warning</li>
printlog( CFN & "Delete the toolbar via Toolbar-Button" )
kontext "TabCustomizeToolbars"
- waitslot
+ hOpenMenuButton( MenuBtn ) ' MenuBtn.OpenMenu()
+ printlog( "Select delete" )
hMenuSelectNr( 2 )
'///+<li>Click the &quot;Add Commands...&quot; button</li>
@@ -399,7 +384,6 @@ function hUpdtToolsCustomizeToolbars()
'///+<li>Click &quot;Down&quot;</li>
- WaitSlot()
printlog( CFN & "Down..." )
if ( BtnDown.isEnabled() ) then
@@ -846,4 +830,91 @@ function hToolsCustomizeTestSaveIn( iItems as integer ) as boolean
end function
+function hOpenMenuButton( oControl as object ) as integer
+ ' This function is very evil.
+ ' It was written to hopefully workaround the infamous menubutton which is a button
+ ' that - when clicked - opens a menu. This feature is shaky and depends on
+ ' a lot of factors. There is a simple working implemantation in
+ ' which has the drawback of being absolutely slow, costing the tools_customize
+ ' test a lot of time waiting for the control (30% of testtime spent waiting).
+ ' This approach tries to be dynamic: Machines that can do it the fast way
+ ' use it automatically, machines that are too slow get two retries with the
+ ' slower approach.
+ ' The menubutton is one of the last remaining places where none of the
+ ' speed optmizations and enhancements apply, so neither WaitSlot() nor
+ ' synchronous slot execution help here.
+ dim iClick as integer
+ dim bUseSlowMethod as boolean : bUseSlowMethod = false
+ const CFN = "hOpenMenuButton: "
+ hOpenMenuButton() = -1 ' this is the general failure returnvalue
+ for iClick = 1 to 3
+ if ( bUseSlowMethod ) then
+ wait( 1000 )
+ oControl.OpenMenu()
+ wait( 3000 )
+ else
+ endif
+ try
+ hOpenMenuButton() = MenuGetItemCount
+ printlog( CFN & "Success on " & iClick & ". attempt" )
+ exit function
+ catch
+ qaerrorlog( CFN & "#i96753 - Failed to retrieve itemcount from Menu-/Command-button" )
+ bUseSlowMethod = true
+ endcatch
+ next iClick
+end function
+function hClickCommandButton( iItemToClick as integer ) as boolean
+ const CFN = "hClickCommandButton::"
+ printlog( CFN & "Enter" )
+ dim brc as boolean 'a multi purpose boolean returnvalue
+ dim iMenuItems as integer
+ iMenuItems = hOpenMenuButton( Command )
+ ' exit on error
+ if ( iMenuItems < 0 ) then
+ warnlog( CFN & "Menu apparently not open, giving up." )
+ hClickCommandButton() = false
+ exit function
+ endif
+ hMenuSelectNr( iItemToClick )
+ wait( 500 )
+ ' check for the rename dialog (menu)
+ kontext "CustomizeMenuReName"
+ if ( CustomizeMenuReName.exists() ) then
+ printlog( CFN & "Opened dialog: Rename Menu" )
+ hClickCommandButton() = true
+ exit function
+ endif
+ ' check for the rename dialog (toolbar)
+ kontext "CustomizeToolbarsRename"
+ if ( CustomizeToolbarsRename.exists() ) then
+ printlog( CFN & "Opened dialog: Rename Toolbar" )
+ hClickCommandButton() = true
+ exit function
+ endif
+ printlog( CFN & "Exit" )
+ hClickCommandButton() = true
+end function
diff --git a/testautomation/framework/tools/includes/ b/testautomation/framework/tools/includes/
index d072d74dfbaf..8c0cbf80f1c9 100755
--- a/testautomation/framework/tools/includes/
+++ b/testautomation/framework/tools/includes/
@@ -316,24 +316,29 @@ function hDeselectSeparator() as integer
const CFN = "hDeselectSeparator::"
kontext "ToolsCustomizeToolbars"
- iCurrentItem = ToolbarContents.getSelIndex()
- cString = ToolbarContents.getSelText()
+ if ( ToolbarContents.getItemCount > 0 ) then
- '///+<li>Check whether the selected item contains a number of minus-chars (---)</li>
- if ( instr( cString , "----" ) ) then
- '///+<li>If we are at the beginning of the list: Move up</li>
- if ( iCurrentItem = 1 ) then
- irc = 2
- irc )
- printlog( CFN & " Moved away from separator (up)" )
- else
- '///+<li>If we are somewhere else in the list, move down</li>
- irc = iCurrentItem - 1
- irc )
- printlog( CFN & " Moved away from separator (down)" )
- endif
+ iCurrentItem = ToolbarContents.getSelIndex()
+ cString = ToolbarContents.getSelText()
+ '///+<li>Check whether the selected item contains a number of minus-chars (---)</li>
+ if ( instr( cString , "----" ) ) then
+ '///+<li>If we are at the beginning of the list: Move up</li>
+ if ( iCurrentItem = 1 ) then
+ irc = 2
+ irc )
+ printlog( CFN & " Moved away from separator (up)" )
+ else
+ '///+<li>If we are somewhere else in the list, move down</li>
+ irc = iCurrentItem - 1
+ irc )
+ printlog( CFN & " Moved away from separator (down)" )
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+ irc = 0
hDeselectSeparator() = irc
@@ -341,85 +346,5 @@ function hDeselectSeparator() as integer
end function
-function hClickCommandButton( iItemToClick as integer ) as boolean
- '///<h3>Click a given entry on the command button</h3><br>
- '///<u>Parameter(s):</u><br>
- '///<ol>
- '///+<li>Position of the item to click (Integer)</li>
- '///<ul>
- '///+<li>Only active items are selectable</li>
- '///+<li>Position must be &gt; than 0 and &le; number of active items in menu</li>
- '///+<li>Set context (kontext) before calling this function</li>
- '///</ul>
- '///</ol>
- '///<u>Returns:</u><br>
- '///<ol>
- '///+<li>Success or failure (Boolean)</li>
- '///<ul>
- '///+<li>TRUE on success</li>
- '///+<li>FALSE on failure or unknown status</li>
- '///</ul>
- '///</ol>
- const CFN = "hClickCommandButton::"
- printlog( CFN & "Enter" )
- dim brc as boolean 'a multi purpose boolean returnvalue
- dim iMenuItems as integer
- '///<u>Description:</u>
- '///<ul>
- '///+<li>Click the command button</li>
- '///+<li>Verify that the menu is open</li>
- try
- iMenuItems = hMenuItemGetCount()
- catch
- qaerrorlog( CFN & "Menu not open" )
- hClickCommandButton() = false
- exit function
- endcatch
- '///+<li>Verify that the selected menuitem is valid</li>
- printlog( CFN & "Found items: " & iMenuItems )
- if ( iItemToClick > iMenuItems ) then
- warnlog( CFN & "#i90134# Selected item is not available: " & iItemToClick )
- hClickCommandButton() = false
- exit function
- endif
- '///+<li>Now click on the requested item</li>
- hMenuSelectNr( iItemToClick )
- '///+<li>Look for the Menu renaming dialog</li>
- kontext "CustomizeMenuReName"
- if ( CustomizeMenuReName.exists( 1 ) ) then
- printlog( CFN & "Opened dialog: Rename Menu" )
- hClickCommandButton() = true
- exit function
- endif
- '///+<li>Look for the Toolbar renaming dialog</li>
- kontext "CustomizeToolbarsRename"
- if ( CustomizeToolbarsRename.exists() ) then
- printlog( CFN & "Opened dialog: Rename Toolbar" )
- hClickCommandButton() = true
- exit function
- endif
- '///</ul>
- printlog( CFN & "Exit" )
- hClickCommandButton() = true
-end function
diff --git a/testautomation/global/tools/includes/required/ b/testautomation/global/tools/includes/required/
index ca88c6eda974..de9bcfddcbd5 100755
--- a/testautomation/global/tools/includes/required/
+++ b/testautomation/global/tools/includes/required/
@@ -180,23 +180,27 @@ function GetDirList ( sPath$, sMatch$ ,lsFile() as String ) as integer
'/// Get Subdirectories from a directory and append them to a list (<b>with</b> path)
'/// <u>Input</u>: Directory with complete path; Search Pattern, e.g *; List
'/// <u>Return</u>: count of appended entries; updated list
- Dim Count%
- Dim i as Integer
- Dim Verzeichnis as String
+ Dim iFolderCount as integer
+ Dim Folder as String
' at the end of the string has to be teh path seperator, else the dir-command doesn't work
if right ( sPath$, 1 ) <> gPathSigne then sPath$ = sPath$ + gPathSigne
- Verzeichnis = app.Dir( sPath$ + sMatch$ , 16)
- Count% = 0
+ Folder = app.Dir( sPath$ + sMatch$ , 16)
+ iFolderCount = 0
- do until Len(Verzeichnis) = 0
- if Verzeichnis <> "." AND Verzeichnis <> ".." AND Lcase(Verzeichnis) <> ".svn" then
+ do until Len( Folder ) = 0
+ select case ( lcase( Folder ) )
+ case "."
+ case ".."
+ case ".svn"
+ case ".hg"
+ case default
lsFile(0) = Val(lsFile(0)) + 1
- lsFile( lsFile(0) ) = sPath$ + Verzeichnis + gPathSigne
- Count% = Count% + 1
- end if
- Verzeichnis = app.Dir
+ lsFile( lsFile(0) ) = sPath$ + Folder + gPathSigne
+ iFolderCount = iFolderCount + 1
+ end select
+ Folder = app.Dir
- GetDirList = Count%
+ GetDirList = iFolderCount
end function