diff options
7 files changed, 105 insertions, 80 deletions
diff --git a/chart2/source/controller/main/ShapeController.cxx b/chart2/source/controller/main/ShapeController.cxx
index 68483225b3bc..fe09d3e9af61 100644
--- a/chart2/source/controller/main/ShapeController.cxx
+++ b/chart2/source/controller/main/ShapeController.cxx
@@ -433,20 +433,25 @@ void ShapeController::executeDispatch_RenameObject()
if ( !pSelectedObj )
- OUString aName = pSelectedObj->GetName();
SvxAbstractDialogFactory* pFact = SvxAbstractDialogFactory::Create();
weld::Window* pChartWindow(m_pChartController->GetChartFrame());
- ScopedVclPtr< AbstractSvxObjectNameDialog > pDlg(
- pFact->CreateSvxObjectNameDialog(pChartWindow, aName));
+ VclPtr< AbstractSvxObjectNameDialog > pDlg(
+ pFact->CreateSvxObjectNameDialog(pChartWindow, pSelectedObj->GetName()));
pDlg->SetCheckNameHdl( LINK( this, ShapeController, CheckNameHdl ) );
- if ( pDlg->Execute() == RET_OK )
- {
- aName = pDlg->GetName();
- if (pSelectedObj->GetName() != aName)
+ pDlg->StartExecuteAsync(
+ [pDlg, pSelectedObj] (sal_Int32 nResult)->void
- pSelectedObj->SetName( aName );
+ if (nResult == RET_OK)
+ {
+ OUString aName = pDlg->GetName();
+ if (pSelectedObj->GetName() != aName)
+ {
+ pSelectedObj->SetName( aName );
+ }
+ }
+ pDlg->disposeOnce();
- }
+ );
void ShapeController::executeDispatch_ChangeZOrder( ChartCommandID nId )
diff --git a/cui/source/factory/dlgfact.cxx b/cui/source/factory/dlgfact.cxx
index 88da040aab34..dc61688e175e 100644
--- a/cui/source/factory/dlgfact.cxx
+++ b/cui/source/factory/dlgfact.cxx
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ IMPL_ABSTDLG_CLASS(AbstractSvxJSearchOptionsDialog)
+IMPL_ABSTDLG_CLASS_ASYNC(AbstractSvxObjectNameDialog, SvxObjectNameDialog)
IMPL_ABSTDLG_CLASS_ASYNC(AbstractSvxObjectTitleDescDialog, SvxObjectTitleDescDialog)
diff --git a/cui/source/factory/dlgfact.hxx b/cui/source/factory/dlgfact.hxx
index c0cf846fb3f9..cb671b40bdf3 100644
--- a/cui/source/factory/dlgfact.hxx
+++ b/cui/source/factory/dlgfact.hxx
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ class SvxObjectNameDialog;
class SvxObjectTitleDescDialog;
// AbstractSvxObjectNameDialog_Impl
virtual OUString GetName() override;
virtual void SetCheckNameHdl(const Link<AbstractSvxObjectNameDialog&,bool>& rLink) override;
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/drawfunc/drawsh5.cxx b/sc/source/ui/drawfunc/drawsh5.cxx
index 2c0a1cf1f66d..896e7e42c783 100644
--- a/sc/source/ui/drawfunc/drawsh5.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/ui/drawfunc/drawsh5.cxx
@@ -509,58 +509,64 @@ void ScDrawShell::ExecDrawFunc( SfxRequest& rReq )
if(SC_LAYER_INTERN != pSelected->GetLayer())
- OUString aName = pSelected->GetName();
+ OUString aOldName = pSelected->GetName();
SvxAbstractDialogFactory* pFact = SvxAbstractDialogFactory::Create();
vcl::Window* pWin = rViewData.GetActiveWin();
- ScopedVclPtr<AbstractSvxObjectNameDialog> pDlg(pFact->CreateSvxObjectNameDialog(pWin ? pWin->GetFrameWeld() : nullptr, aName));
+ VclPtr<AbstractSvxObjectNameDialog> pDlg(pFact->CreateSvxObjectNameDialog(pWin ? pWin->GetFrameWeld() : nullptr, aOldName));
pDlg->SetCheckNameHdl(LINK(this, ScDrawShell, NameObjectHdl));
- if(RET_OK == pDlg->Execute())
- {
- ScDocShell* pDocSh = rViewData.GetDocShell();
- aName = pDlg->GetName();
- if (aName != pSelected->GetName())
+ pDlg->StartExecuteAsync(
+ [this, pDlg, pSelected] (sal_Int32 nResult)->void
- // handle name change
- const SdrObjKind nObjType(pSelected->GetObjIdentifier());
- if (SdrObjKind::Graphic == nObjType && aName.isEmpty())
+ if (nResult == RET_OK)
- // graphics objects must have names
- // (all graphics are supposed to be in the navigator)
- ScDrawLayer* pModel = rViewData.GetDocument().GetDrawLayer();
+ ScDocShell* pDocSh = rViewData.GetDocShell();
+ OUString aNewName = pDlg->GetName();
- if(pModel)
+ if (aNewName != pSelected->GetName())
- aName = pModel->GetNewGraphicName();
+ // handle name change
+ const SdrObjKind nObjType(pSelected->GetObjIdentifier());
+ if (SdrObjKind::Graphic == nObjType && aNewName.isEmpty())
+ {
+ // graphics objects must have names
+ // (all graphics are supposed to be in the navigator)
+ ScDrawLayer* pModel = rViewData.GetDocument().GetDrawLayer();
+ if(pModel)
+ {
+ aNewName = pModel->GetNewGraphicName();
+ }
+ }
+ // An undo action for renaming is missing in svdraw (99363).
+ // For OLE objects (which can be identified using the persist name),
+ // ScUndoRenameObject can be used until there is a common action for all objects.
+ if(SdrObjKind::OLE2 == nObjType)
+ {
+ const OUString aPersistName = static_cast<SdrOle2Obj*>(pSelected)->GetPersistName();
+ if(!aPersistName.isEmpty())
+ {
+ pDocSh->GetUndoManager()->AddUndoAction(
+ std::make_unique<ScUndoRenameObject>(pDocSh, aPersistName, pSelected->GetName(), aNewName));
+ }
+ }
+ // set new name
+ pSelected->SetName(aNewName);
- }
- // An undo action for renaming is missing in svdraw (99363).
- // For OLE objects (which can be identified using the persist name),
- // ScUndoRenameObject can be used until there is a common action for all objects.
- if(SdrObjKind::OLE2 == nObjType)
- {
- const OUString aPersistName = static_cast<SdrOle2Obj*>(pSelected)->GetPersistName();
- if(!aPersistName.isEmpty())
- {
- pDocSh->GetUndoManager()->AddUndoAction(
- std::make_unique<ScUndoRenameObject>(pDocSh, aPersistName, pSelected->GetName(), aName));
- }
+ // ChartListenerCollectionNeedsUpdate is needed for Navigator update
+ pDocSh->GetDocument().SetChartListenerCollectionNeedsUpdate( true );
+ pDocSh->SetDrawModified();
- // set new name
- pSelected->SetName(aName);
+ pDlg->disposeOnce();
- // ChartListenerCollectionNeedsUpdate is needed for Navigator update
- pDocSh->GetDocument().SetChartListenerCollectionNeedsUpdate( true );
- pDocSh->SetDrawModified();
- }
+ );
diff --git a/sd/source/ui/view/drviews2.cxx b/sd/source/ui/view/drviews2.cxx
index 3237f808a601..8dbb3142e4c3 100644
--- a/sd/source/ui/view/drviews2.cxx
+++ b/sd/source/ui/view/drviews2.cxx
@@ -2665,24 +2665,29 @@ void DrawViewShell::FuTemporary(SfxRequest& rReq)
OUString aName(pSelected->GetName());
SvxAbstractDialogFactory* pFact = SvxAbstractDialogFactory::Create();
- ScopedVclPtr<AbstractSvxObjectNameDialog> pDlg(pFact->CreateSvxObjectNameDialog(GetFrameWeld(), aName));
+ VclPtr<AbstractSvxObjectNameDialog> pDlg(pFact->CreateSvxObjectNameDialog(GetFrameWeld(), aName));
pDlg->SetCheckNameHdl(LINK(this, DrawViewShell, NameObjectHdl));
- if(RET_OK == pDlg->Execute())
- {
- pSelected->SetName(pDlg->GetName());
+ pDlg->StartExecuteAsync(
+ [this, pDlg, pSelected] (sal_Int32 nResult)->void
+ {
+ if (nResult == RET_OK)
+ {
+ pSelected->SetName(pDlg->GetName());
- SdPage* pPage = GetActualPage();
- if (pPage)
- pPage->notifyObjectRenamed(pSelected);
- }
+ SdPage* pPage = GetActualPage();
+ if (pPage)
+ pPage->notifyObjectRenamed(pSelected);
+ }
+ pDlg->disposeOnce();
+ SfxBindings& rBindings = GetViewFrame()->GetBindings();
+ rBindings.Invalidate( SID_NAVIGATOR_STATE, true );
+ rBindings.Invalidate( SID_CONTEXT );
+ }
+ );
- SfxBindings& rBindings = GetViewFrame()->GetBindings();
- rBindings.Invalidate( SID_NAVIGATOR_STATE, true );
- rBindings.Invalidate( SID_CONTEXT );
diff --git a/sw/source/uibase/shells/drwbassh.cxx b/sw/source/uibase/shells/drwbassh.cxx
index 818c3dfb3209..979f63a14369 100644
--- a/sw/source/uibase/shells/drwbassh.cxx
+++ b/sw/source/uibase/shells/drwbassh.cxx
@@ -586,27 +586,32 @@ void SwDrawBaseShell::Execute(SfxRequest const &rReq)
// #i68101#
SdrObject* pSelected = pSdrView->GetMarkedObjectByIndex(0);
OSL_ENSURE(pSelected, "DrawViewShell::FuTemp03: nMarkCount, but no object (!)");
- OUString aName(pSelected->GetName());
+ OUString aOrigName(pSelected->GetName());
SvxAbstractDialogFactory* pFact = SvxAbstractDialogFactory::Create();
- ScopedVclPtr<AbstractSvxObjectNameDialog> pDlg(pFact->CreateSvxObjectNameDialog(GetView().GetFrameWeld(), aName));
+ VclPtr<AbstractSvxObjectNameDialog> pDlg(pFact->CreateSvxObjectNameDialog(GetView().GetFrameWeld(), aOrigName));
pDlg->SetCheckNameHdl(LINK(this, SwDrawBaseShell, CheckGroupShapeNameHdl));
- if(RET_OK == pDlg->Execute())
- {
- const OUString aOrigName = aName;
- aName = pDlg->GetName();
- pSelected->SetName(aName);
- pSh->SetModified();
- // update accessibility sidebar object name if we modify the object name on the navigator bar
- if (!aName.isEmpty() && aOrigName != aName)
+ pDlg->StartExecuteAsync(
+ [pDlg, pSelected, pSh, aOrigName] (sal_Int32 nResult)->void
- if (SwNode* pSwNode = FindFrameFormat(pSelected)->GetAnchor().GetAnchorNode())
- pSwNode->resetAndQueueAccessibilityCheck(true);
+ if (nResult == RET_OK)
+ {
+ OUString aNewName = pDlg->GetName();
+ pSelected->SetName(aNewName);
+ pSh->SetModified();
+ // update accessibility sidebar object name if we modify the object name on the navigator bar
+ if (!aNewName.isEmpty() && aOrigName != aNewName)
+ {
+ if (SwNode* pSwNode = FindFrameFormat(pSelected)->GetAnchor().GetAnchorNode())
+ pSwNode->resetAndQueueAccessibilityCheck(true);
+ }
+ }
+ pDlg->disposeOnce();
- }
+ );
diff --git a/sw/source/uibase/shells/frmsh.cxx b/sw/source/uibase/shells/frmsh.cxx
index 6af4883d83e3..2e5d3313b635 100644
--- a/sw/source/uibase/shells/frmsh.cxx
+++ b/sw/source/uibase/shells/frmsh.cxx
@@ -675,13 +675,17 @@ void SwFrameShell::Execute(SfxRequest &rReq)
OUString aName(rSh.GetFlyName());
SvxAbstractDialogFactory* pFact = SvxAbstractDialogFactory::Create();
- ScopedVclPtr<AbstractSvxObjectNameDialog> pDlg(
+ VclPtr<AbstractSvxObjectNameDialog> pDlg(
pFact->CreateSvxObjectNameDialog(GetView().GetFrameWeld(), aName));
- if ( pDlg->Execute() == RET_OK )
- {
- rSh.SetFlyName(pDlg->GetName());
- }
+ pDlg->StartExecuteAsync(
+ [this, pDlg] (sal_Int32 nResult)->void
+ {
+ if (nResult == RET_OK)
+ GetShell().SetFlyName(pDlg->GetName());
+ pDlg->disposeOnce();
+ }
+ );