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5 files changed, 232 insertions, 392 deletions
diff --git a/include/svx/framelink.hxx b/include/svx/framelink.hxx
index be442e4103da..efbf27dc30af 100644
--- a/include/svx/framelink.hxx
+++ b/include/svx/framelink.hxx
@@ -275,6 +275,41 @@ public:
const std::vector< StyleVectorCombination >& getEntries() const{ return maEntries; }
+ * Helper method to create the correct drawinglayer::primitive2d::BorderLinePrimitive2D
+ * for the given data, especially the correct drawinglayer::primitive2d::BorderLine entries
+ * including the correctly solved/created LineStartEnd extends
+ *
+ * rTarget : Here the evtl. created BorderLinePrimitive2D will be appended
+ * rOrigin : StartPoint of the Borderline
+ * rX : Vector of the Borderline
+ * rBorder : svx::frame::Style of the of the Borderline
+ * rStartStyleVectorTable : All other Borderlines which have to be taken into account because
+ * they have the same StartPoint as the current Borderline. These will be used to calculate
+ * the correct LineStartEnd extends tor the BorderLinePrimitive2D. The definition should be
+ * built up using svx::frame::StyleVectorTable and StyleVectorTable::add and includes:
+ * rStyle : the svx::frame::Style of one other BorderLine
+ * rMyVector : the Vector of the *new* to-be-defined BorderLine, identical to rX
+ * rOtherVector: the Vector of one other BorderLine (may be, but does not need to be normalized),
+ * always *pointing away* from the common StartPoint rOrigin
+ * bMirrored : define if rStyle of one other BorderLine shall be mirrored (e.g. bottom-right edges)
+ * With multiple BorderLines the definitions have to be CounterClockWise. This will be
+ * ensured by StyleVectorTable sorting the entries, but knowing this may allow more efficcient
+ * data creation.
+ * rEndStyleVectorTable: All other BorderLines that have the same EndPoint. There are differences to
+ * the Start definitions:
+ * - do not forget to consequently use -rX for rMyVector
+ * - definitions have to be ClockWise for the EndBorderLines, will be ensured by sorting
+ *
+ * If you take all this into account, you will gett correctly extended BorderLinePrimitive2D
+ * reprsentations for the new to be defined BorderLine. That extensions will overlap nicely
+ * with the corresponding BordreLines and take all multiple line definitions in the ::Style into
+ * account.
+ * The internal solver is *not limitied* to ::Style(s) with three parts (Left/Gap/Right), this is
+ * just due to svx::frame::Style's definitions. A new solver based on this one can be created
+ * anytime using more mulötiple borders based on the more flexible
+ * std::vector< drawinglayer::primitive2d::BorderLine > if needed.
+ */
SVX_DLLPUBLIC void CreateBorderPrimitives(
drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DContainer& rTarget, /// target for created primitives
const basegfx::B2DPoint& rOrigin, /// start point of borderline
diff --git a/svx/source/dialog/framelink.cxx b/svx/source/dialog/framelink.cxx
index 448504994a69..827def10ed2f 100644
--- a/svx/source/dialog/framelink.cxx
+++ b/svx/source/dialog/framelink.cxx
@@ -263,6 +263,8 @@ Style& Style::MirrorSelf()
if (pTarget->mfSecn)
std::swap( pTarget->mfPrim, pTarget->mfSecn );
+ // also need to swap colors
+ std::swap( pTarget->maColorPrim, pTarget->maColorSecn );
if( pTarget->meRefMode != RefMode::Centered )
diff --git a/sw/source/core/inc/frame.hxx b/sw/source/core/inc/frame.hxx
index aaff5532ee09..684a9e13a3d0 100644
--- a/sw/source/core/inc/frame.hxx
+++ b/sw/source/core/inc/frame.hxx
@@ -529,8 +529,10 @@ public:
// #i28701# - change purpose of method and adjust its name
void InvalidateObjs( const bool _bNoInvaOfAsCharAnchoredObjs = true );
- virtual void PaintSwFrameShadowAndBorder( const SwRect&, const SwPageFrame *pPage,
- const SwBorderAttrs & ) const;
+ virtual void PaintSwFrameShadowAndBorder(
+ const SwRect&,
+ const SwPageFrame* pPage,
+ const SwBorderAttrs&) const;
void PaintBaBo( const SwRect&, const SwPageFrame *pPage,
const bool bOnlyTextBackground = false) const;
void PaintSwFrameBackground( const SwRect&, const SwPageFrame *pPage,
diff --git a/sw/source/core/inc/ftnfrm.hxx b/sw/source/core/inc/ftnfrm.hxx
index 6ba563cd3f31..7f964d654d4d 100644
--- a/sw/source/core/inc/ftnfrm.hxx
+++ b/sw/source/core/inc/ftnfrm.hxx
@@ -43,8 +43,10 @@ public:
virtual SwTwips ShrinkFrame( SwTwips, bool bTst = false, bool bInfo = false ) override;
virtual SwTwips GrowFrame ( SwTwips, bool bTst = false, bool bInfo = false ) override;
virtual void Format( vcl::RenderContext* pRenderContext, const SwBorderAttrs *pAttrs = nullptr ) override;
- virtual void PaintSwFrameShadowAndBorder( const SwRect &, const SwPageFrame *pPage,
- const SwBorderAttrs & ) const override;
+ virtual void PaintSwFrameShadowAndBorder(
+ const SwRect&,
+ const SwPageFrame* pPage,
+ const SwBorderAttrs&) const override;
virtual void PaintSubsidiaryLines( const SwPageFrame*, const SwRect& ) const override;
void PaintLine( const SwRect &, const SwPageFrame * ) const;
diff --git a/sw/source/core/layout/paintfrm.cxx b/sw/source/core/layout/paintfrm.cxx
index 882c9a48fc9d..e6350e131984 100644
--- a/sw/source/core/layout/paintfrm.cxx
+++ b/sw/source/core/layout/paintfrm.cxx
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ class BorderLines
drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DContainer m_Lines;
- void AddBorderLine(const drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DReference& rLine);
+ void AddBorderLines(const drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DContainer& rContainer);
drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DContainer GetBorderLines_Clear()
drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DContainer lines;
@@ -473,20 +473,12 @@ SwSavePaintStatics::~SwSavePaintStatics()
gProp.aSScaleY = aSScaleY;
-void BorderLines::AddBorderLine(const drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DReference& rLine)
+void BorderLines::AddBorderLines(const drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DContainer& rContainer)
- for (drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DContainer::reverse_iterator it = m_Lines.rbegin(); it != m_Lines.rend(); ++it)
+ if(!rContainer.empty())
- const drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DReference aMerged(drawinglayer::primitive2d::tryMergeBorderLinePrimitive2D(*it, rLine));
- if (
- {
- *it = aMerged; // replace existing line with merged // lcl_TryMergeBorderLine
- return;
- }
+ m_Lines.append(rContainer);
- m_Lines.append(rLine);
SwLineRect::SwLineRect( const SwRect &rRect, const Color *pCol, const SvxBorderLineStyle nStyl,
@@ -4085,7 +4077,7 @@ void SwFlyFrame::PaintSwFrame(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext, SwRect const&
// OD 06.08.2002 #99657# - paint border before painting background
// paint border
- PaintSwFrameShadowAndBorder( rRect, pPage, rAttrs );
+ PaintSwFrameShadowAndBorder(rRect, pPage, rAttrs);
@@ -4638,119 +4630,158 @@ static double lcl_GetExtent( const SvxBorderLine* pSideLine, const SvxBorderLine
return nExtent;
-static void lcl_MakeBorderLine(SwRect const& rRect,
- bool const isVerticalInModel,
- bool const isLeftOrTopBorderInModel,
- bool const isVertical,
- SvxBorderLine const& rBorder,
- SvxBorderLine const*const pLeftOrTopNeighbour,
- SvxBorderLine const*const pRightOrBottomNeighbour,
- SwPaintProperties& properties)
- bool const isLeftOrTopBorder((isVerticalInModel == isVertical)
- ? isLeftOrTopBorderInModel
- : (isLeftOrTopBorderInModel != isVertical));
- SvxBorderLine const*const pStartNeighbour(
- (!isVertical && isVerticalInModel)
- ? pRightOrBottomNeighbour : pLeftOrTopNeighbour);
- SvxBorderLine const*const pEndNeighbour(
- (pStartNeighbour == pLeftOrTopNeighbour)
- ? pRightOrBottomNeighbour : pLeftOrTopNeighbour);
- basegfx::B2DPoint aStart;
- basegfx::B2DPoint aEnd;
- if (isVertical)
- { // fdo#38635: always from outer edge
- double const fStartX( isLeftOrTopBorder
- ? rRect.Left() + (rRect.Width() / 2.0)
- : rRect.Right() - (rRect.Width() / 2.0));
- aStart.setX(fStartX);
- aStart.setY(rRect.Top() +
- lcl_AlignHeight(lcl_GetLineWidth(pStartNeighbour), properties)/2.0);
- aEnd.setX(fStartX);
- aEnd.setY(rRect.Bottom() -
- lcl_AlignHeight(lcl_GetLineWidth(pEndNeighbour), properties)/2.0);
- }
- else
- { // fdo#38635: always from outer edge
- double const fStartY( isLeftOrTopBorder
- ? rRect.Top() + (rRect.Height() / 2.0)
- : rRect.Bottom() - (rRect.Height() / 2.0));
- aStart.setX(rRect.Left() +
- lcl_AlignWidth(lcl_GetLineWidth(pStartNeighbour), properties)/2.0);
- aStart.setY(fStartY);
- aEnd.setX(rRect.Right() -
- lcl_AlignWidth(lcl_GetLineWidth(pEndNeighbour), properties)/2.0);
- aEnd.setY(fStartY);
- }
- // When rendering to very small (virtual) devices, like when producing
- // page thumbnails in a mobile device app, the line geometry can end up
- // bogus (negative width or height), so just ignore such border lines.
- // Otherwise we will run into assertions later in BorderLinePrimitive2D::tryMerge()
- // at least.
- if (aEnd.getX() < aStart.getX() ||
- aEnd.getY() < aStart.getY())
- return;
+ void CreateBorderLinePrimitivesForRectangle(
+ drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DContainer& rBorderLineTarget,
+ const svx::frame::Style& rStyleTop,
+ const svx::frame::Style& rStyleRight,
+ const svx::frame::Style& rStyleBottom,
+ const svx::frame::Style& rStyleLeft,
+ basegfx::B2DPoint aTopLeft,
+ basegfx::B2DPoint aTopRight,
+ basegfx::B2DPoint aBottomLeft,
+ basegfx::B2DPoint aBottomRight)
+ {
+ if(rStyleTop.IsUsed())
+ {
+ // move top left/right inwards half border width
+ aTopLeft.setY(aTopLeft.getY() + (rStyleTop.GetWidth() * 0.5));
+ aTopRight.setY(aTopRight.getY() + (rStyleTop.GetWidth() * 0.5));
+ }
- double const nExtentLeftStart = (isLeftOrTopBorder == isVertical)
- ? lcl_GetExtent(pStartNeighbour, nullptr)
- : lcl_GetExtent(nullptr, pStartNeighbour);
- double const nExtentLeftEnd = (isLeftOrTopBorder == isVertical)
- ? lcl_GetExtent(pEndNeighbour, nullptr)
- : lcl_GetExtent(nullptr, pEndNeighbour);
- double const nExtentRightStart = (isLeftOrTopBorder == isVertical)
- ? lcl_GetExtent(nullptr, pStartNeighbour)
- : lcl_GetExtent(pStartNeighbour, nullptr);
- double const nExtentRightEnd = (isLeftOrTopBorder == isVertical)
- ? lcl_GetExtent(nullptr, pEndNeighbour)
- : lcl_GetExtent(pEndNeighbour, nullptr);
- double const nLeftWidth = rBorder.GetOutWidth();
- double const nRightWidth = rBorder.GetInWidth();
- Color const aLeftColor = rBorder.GetColorOut(isLeftOrTopBorder);
- Color const aRightColor = rBorder.GetColorIn(isLeftOrTopBorder);
- const std::vector<double> aDashing(svtools::GetLineDashing(rBorder.GetBorderLineStyle(), 10.0));
- const drawinglayer::attribute::StrokeAttribute aStrokeAttribute(aDashing);
- std::vector< drawinglayer::primitive2d::BorderLine > aBorderlines;
- aBorderlines.push_back(
- drawinglayer::primitive2d::BorderLine(
- drawinglayer::attribute::LineAttribute(
- aLeftColor.getBColor(),
- nLeftWidth),
- nExtentLeftStart,
- nExtentLeftStart,
- nExtentLeftEnd,
- nExtentLeftEnd));
- if (!basegfx::fTools::equalZero(nRightWidth))
- {
- drawinglayer::primitive2d::BorderLine(
- drawinglayer::attribute::LineAttribute(
- rBorder.GetColorGap().getBColor(),
- rBorder.GetDistance()));
- aBorderlines.push_back(
- drawinglayer::primitive2d::BorderLine(
- drawinglayer::attribute::LineAttribute(
- aRightColor.getBColor(),
- nRightWidth),
- nExtentRightStart,
- nExtentRightStart,
- nExtentRightEnd,
- nExtentRightEnd));
- }
- drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DReference aLine(
- new BorderLinePrimitive2D(
- aStart,
- aEnd,
- aBorderlines,
- aStrokeAttribute));
- properties.pBLines->AddBorderLine(aLine);
+ if(rStyleBottom.IsUsed())
+ {
+ // move bottom left/right inwards half border width
+ aBottomLeft.setY(aBottomLeft.getY() - (rStyleBottom.GetWidth() * 0.5));
+ aBottomRight.setY(aBottomRight.getY() - (rStyleBottom.GetWidth() * 0.5));
+ }
+ if(rStyleLeft.IsUsed())
+ {
+ // move left top/bottom inwards half border width
+ aTopLeft.setX(aTopLeft.getX() + (rStyleLeft.GetWidth() * 0.5));
+ aBottomLeft.setX(aBottomLeft.getX() + (rStyleLeft.GetWidth() * 0.5));
+ }
+ if(rStyleRight.IsUsed())
+ {
+ // move right top/bottom inwards half border width
+ aTopRight.setX(aTopRight.getX() - (rStyleRight.GetWidth() * 0.5));
+ aBottomRight.setX(aBottomRight.getX() - (rStyleRight.GetWidth() * 0.5));
+ }
+ // go round-robin, from TopLeft to TopRight, down, left and back up. That
+ // way, the borders will not need to be mirrored in any way
+ if(rStyleTop.IsUsed())
+ {
+ // create BorderPrimitive(s) for top border
+ const basegfx::B2DVector aVector(aTopRight - aTopLeft);
+ svx::frame::StyleVectorTable aStartStyleVectorTable;
+ svx::frame::StyleVectorTable aEndStyleVectorTable;
+ if(rStyleLeft.IsUsed())
+ {
+ aStartStyleVectorTable.add(rStyleLeft, aVector, basegfx::B2DVector(aBottomLeft - aTopLeft), false);
+ }
+ if(rStyleRight.IsUsed())
+ {
+ aEndStyleVectorTable.add(rStyleRight, -aVector, basegfx::B2DVector(aBottomRight - aTopRight), false);
+ }
+ CreateBorderPrimitives(
+ rBorderLineTarget,
+ aTopLeft,
+ aVector,
+ rStyleTop,
+ aStartStyleVectorTable,
+ aEndStyleVectorTable,
+ nullptr);
+ }
+ if(rStyleRight.IsUsed())
+ {
+ // create BorderPrimitive(s) for right border
+ const basegfx::B2DVector aVector(aBottomRight - aTopRight);
+ svx::frame::StyleVectorTable aStartStyleVectorTable;
+ svx::frame::StyleVectorTable aEndStyleVectorTable;
+ if(rStyleTop.IsUsed())
+ {
+ aStartStyleVectorTable.add(rStyleTop, aVector, basegfx::B2DVector(aTopLeft - aTopRight), false);
+ }
+ if(rStyleBottom.IsUsed())
+ {
+ aEndStyleVectorTable.add(rStyleBottom, -aVector, basegfx::B2DVector(aBottomLeft - aBottomRight), false);
+ }
+ CreateBorderPrimitives(
+ rBorderLineTarget,
+ aTopRight,
+ aVector,
+ rStyleRight,
+ aStartStyleVectorTable,
+ aEndStyleVectorTable,
+ nullptr);
+ }
+ if(rStyleBottom.IsUsed())
+ {
+ // create BorderPrimitive(s) for bottom border
+ const basegfx::B2DVector aVector(aBottomLeft - aBottomRight);
+ svx::frame::StyleVectorTable aStartStyleVectorTable;
+ svx::frame::StyleVectorTable aEndStyleVectorTable;
+ if(rStyleRight.IsUsed())
+ {
+ aStartStyleVectorTable.add(rStyleRight, aVector, basegfx::B2DVector(aTopRight - aBottomRight), false);
+ }
+ if(rStyleLeft.IsUsed())
+ {
+ aEndStyleVectorTable.add(rStyleLeft, -aVector, basegfx::B2DVector(aTopLeft - aBottomLeft), false);
+ }
+ CreateBorderPrimitives(
+ rBorderLineTarget,
+ aBottomRight,
+ aVector,
+ rStyleBottom,
+ aStartStyleVectorTable,
+ aEndStyleVectorTable,
+ nullptr);
+ }
+ if(rStyleLeft.IsUsed())
+ {
+ // create BorderPrimitive(s) for left border
+ const basegfx::B2DVector aVector(aTopLeft - aBottomLeft);
+ svx::frame::StyleVectorTable aStartStyleVectorTable;
+ svx::frame::StyleVectorTable aEndStyleVectorTable;
+ if(rStyleBottom.IsUsed())
+ {
+ aStartStyleVectorTable.add(rStyleBottom, aVector, basegfx::B2DVector(aBottomRight - aBottomLeft), false);
+ }
+ if(rStyleTop.IsUsed())
+ {
+ aEndStyleVectorTable.add(rStyleTop, -aVector, basegfx::B2DVector(aTopRight - aTopLeft), false);
+ }
+ CreateBorderPrimitives(
+ rBorderLineTarget,
+ aBottomLeft,
+ aVector,
+ rStyleLeft,
+ aStartStyleVectorTable,
+ aEndStyleVectorTable,
+ nullptr);
+ }
+ }
+} // end of anonymous namespace
void PaintCharacterBorder(
const SwFont& rFont,
@@ -4800,98 +4831,21 @@ void PaintCharacterBorder(
- // Init borders, after this initialization top, bottom, right and left means the
- // absolute position
- boost::optional<editeng::SvxBorderLine> aTopBorder =
- (bTop ? rFont.GetAbsTopBorder(bVerticalLayout) : boost::none);
- boost::optional<editeng::SvxBorderLine> aBottomBorder =
- (bBottom ? rFont.GetAbsBottomBorder(bVerticalLayout) : boost::none);
- boost::optional<editeng::SvxBorderLine> aLeftBorder =
- (bLeft ? rFont.GetAbsLeftBorder(bVerticalLayout) : boost::none);
- boost::optional<editeng::SvxBorderLine> aRightBorder =
- (bRight ? rFont.GetAbsRightBorder(bVerticalLayout) : boost::none);
- if( aTopBorder )
- {
- const sal_uInt16 nOffset = aTopBorder->GetDistance();
- Point aLeftTop(
- aAlignedRect.Left() - nOffset,
- aAlignedRect.Top() - nOffset);
- Point aRightBottom(
- aAlignedRect.Right() + nOffset,
- aAlignedRect.Top() - nOffset + aTopBorder->GetScaledWidth());
- lcl_MakeBorderLine(
- SwRect(aLeftTop, aRightBottom),
- false, true, false,
- aTopBorder.get(),
- aLeftBorder.get_ptr(),
- aRightBorder.get_ptr(),
- gProp);
- }
- if( aBottomBorder )
- {
- if( aBottomBorder->isDouble() )
- aBottomBorder->SetMirrorWidths();
- Point aLeftTop(
- aAlignedRect.Left(),
- aAlignedRect.Bottom() - aBottomBorder.get().GetScaledWidth());
- Point aRightBottom(
- aAlignedRect.Right(),
- aAlignedRect.Bottom());
- lcl_MakeBorderLine(
- SwRect(aLeftTop, aRightBottom),
- false, false, false,
- aBottomBorder.get(),
- aLeftBorder.get_ptr(),
- aRightBorder.get_ptr(),
- gProp );
- }
- if( aLeftBorder )
- {
- const sal_uInt16 nOffset = aLeftBorder->GetDistance();
- Point aLeftTop(
- aAlignedRect.Left() - nOffset,
- aAlignedRect.Top() - nOffset);
- Point aRightBottom(
- aAlignedRect.Left() - nOffset + aLeftBorder->GetScaledWidth(),
- aAlignedRect.Bottom() + nOffset);
- lcl_MakeBorderLine(
- SwRect(aLeftTop, aRightBottom),
- true, true, true,
- aLeftBorder.get(),
- aTopBorder.get_ptr(),
- aBottomBorder.get_ptr(),
- gProp );
- }
- if( aRightBorder )
- {
- if( aRightBorder->isDouble() )
- aRightBorder->SetMirrorWidths();
- Point aLeftTop(
- aAlignedRect.Right() - aRightBorder.get().GetScaledWidth(),
- aAlignedRect.Top());
- Point aRightBottom(
- aAlignedRect.Right(),
- aAlignedRect.Bottom());
+ drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DContainer aBorderLineTarget;
+ CreateBorderLinePrimitivesForRectangle(
+ aBorderLineTarget,
+ svx::frame::Style(bTop ? rFont.GetAbsTopBorder(bVerticalLayout).get_ptr() : nullptr, 1.0),
+ svx::frame::Style(bRight ? rFont.GetAbsRightBorder(bVerticalLayout).get_ptr() : nullptr, 1.0),
+ svx::frame::Style(bBottom ? rFont.GetAbsBottomBorder(bVerticalLayout).get_ptr() : nullptr, 1.0),
+ svx::frame::Style(bLeft ? rFont.GetAbsLeftBorder(bVerticalLayout).get_ptr() : nullptr, 1.0),
+ basegfx::B2DPoint(aAlignedRect.Left(), aAlignedRect.Top()),
+ basegfx::B2DPoint(aAlignedRect.Right(), aAlignedRect.Top()),
+ basegfx::B2DPoint(aAlignedRect.Left(), aAlignedRect.Bottom()),
+ basegfx::B2DPoint(aAlignedRect.Right(), aAlignedRect.Bottom()));
- lcl_MakeBorderLine(
- SwRect(aLeftTop, aRightBottom),
- true, false, true,
- aRightBorder.get(),
- aTopBorder.get_ptr(),
- aBottomBorder.get_ptr(),
- gProp );
- }
+ // no need to use AddBorderLine and try to merge BorderLinePrimitives, in this combination
+ // tis cannot happen
+ gProp.pBLines->AddBorderLines(aBorderLineTarget);
/// #i15844#
@@ -5103,162 +5057,11 @@ void SwFrame::ProcessPrimitives( const drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DCon
- void CreateBorderLinePrimitivesForRectangle(
- drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DContainer& rBorderLineTarget,
- const svx::frame::Style& rStyleLeft,
- const svx::frame::Style& rStyleRight,
- const svx::frame::Style& rStyleTop,
- const svx::frame::Style& rStyleBottom,
- basegfx::B2DPoint aTopLeft,
- basegfx::B2DPoint aTopRight,
- basegfx::B2DPoint aBottomLeft,
- basegfx::B2DPoint aBottomRight)
- {
- if(rStyleTop.IsUsed())
- {
- // move top left/right inwards half border width
- aTopLeft.setY(aTopLeft.getY() + (rStyleTop.GetWidth() * 0.5));
- aTopRight.setY(aTopRight.getY() + (rStyleTop.GetWidth() * 0.5));
- }
- if(rStyleBottom.IsUsed())
- {
- // move bottom left/right inwards half border width
- aBottomLeft.setY(aBottomLeft.getY() - (rStyleBottom.GetWidth() * 0.5));
- aBottomRight.setY(aBottomRight.getY() - (rStyleBottom.GetWidth() * 0.5));
- }
- if(rStyleLeft.IsUsed())
- {
- // move left top/bottom inwards half border width
- aTopLeft.setX(aTopLeft.getX() + (rStyleLeft.GetWidth() * 0.5));
- aBottomLeft.setX(aBottomLeft.getX() + (rStyleLeft.GetWidth() * 0.5));
- }
- if(rStyleRight.IsUsed())
- {
- // move right top/bottom inwards half border width
- aTopRight.setX(aTopRight.getX() - (rStyleRight.GetWidth() * 0.5));
- aBottomRight.setX(aBottomRight.getX() - (rStyleRight.GetWidth() * 0.5));
- }
- if(rStyleTop.IsUsed())
- {
- // create BorderPrimitive(s) for top border
- const basegfx::B2DVector aVector(aTopRight - aTopLeft);
- svx::frame::StyleVectorTable aStartStyleVectorTable;
- svx::frame::StyleVectorTable aEndStyleVectorTable;
- if(rStyleLeft.IsUsed())
- {
- aStartStyleVectorTable.add(rStyleLeft, aVector, basegfx::B2DVector(aBottomLeft - aTopLeft), false);
- }
- if(rStyleRight.IsUsed())
- {
- aEndStyleVectorTable.add(rStyleRight, -aVector, basegfx::B2DVector(aBottomRight - aTopRight), false);
- }
- CreateBorderPrimitives(
- rBorderLineTarget,
- aTopLeft,
- aVector,
- rStyleTop,
- aStartStyleVectorTable,
- aEndStyleVectorTable,
- nullptr);
- }
- if(rStyleBottom.IsUsed())
- {
- // create BorderPrimitive(s) for bottom border
- const basegfx::B2DVector aVector(aBottomRight - aBottomLeft);
- svx::frame::StyleVectorTable aStartStyleVectorTable;
- svx::frame::StyleVectorTable aEndStyleVectorTable;
- if(rStyleLeft.IsUsed())
- {
- aStartStyleVectorTable.add(rStyleLeft, aVector, basegfx::B2DVector(aTopLeft - aBottomLeft), true);
- }
- if(rStyleRight.IsUsed())
- {
- aEndStyleVectorTable.add(rStyleRight, -aVector, basegfx::B2DVector(aTopRight - aBottomRight), true);
- }
- CreateBorderPrimitives(
- rBorderLineTarget,
- aBottomLeft,
- aVector,
- rStyleBottom,
- aStartStyleVectorTable,
- aEndStyleVectorTable,
- nullptr);
- }
- if(rStyleLeft.IsUsed())
- {
- // create BorderPrimitive(s) for left border
- const basegfx::B2DVector aVector(aBottomLeft - aTopLeft);
- svx::frame::StyleVectorTable aStartStyleVectorTable;
- svx::frame::StyleVectorTable aEndStyleVectorTable;
- if(rStyleTop.IsUsed())
- {
- aStartStyleVectorTable.add(rStyleTop, aVector, basegfx::B2DVector(aTopRight - aTopLeft), false);
- }
- if(rStyleBottom.IsUsed())
- {
- aEndStyleVectorTable.add(rStyleBottom, -aVector, basegfx::B2DVector(aBottomRight - aBottomLeft), false);
- }
- CreateBorderPrimitives(
- rBorderLineTarget,
- aTopLeft,
- aVector,
- rStyleLeft,
- aStartStyleVectorTable,
- aEndStyleVectorTable,
- nullptr);
- }
- if(rStyleRight.IsUsed())
- {
- // create BorderPrimitive(s) for right border
- const basegfx::B2DVector aVector(aBottomRight - aTopRight);
- svx::frame::StyleVectorTable aStartStyleVectorTable;
- svx::frame::StyleVectorTable aEndStyleVectorTable;
- if(rStyleTop.IsUsed())
- {
- aStartStyleVectorTable.add(rStyleTop, aVector, basegfx::B2DVector(aTopLeft - aTopRight), true);
- }
- if(rStyleBottom.IsUsed())
- {
- aEndStyleVectorTable.add(rStyleBottom, -aVector, basegfx::B2DVector(aBottomLeft - aBottomRight), true);
- }
- CreateBorderPrimitives(
- rBorderLineTarget,
- aTopRight,
- aVector,
- rStyleRight,
- aStartStyleVectorTable,
- aEndStyleVectorTable,
- nullptr);
- }
- }
-} // end of anonymous namespace
/// Paints shadows and borders
void SwFrame::PaintSwFrameShadowAndBorder(
const SwRect& rRect,
- const SwPageFrame *pPage,
- const SwBorderAttrs &rAttrs) const
+ const SwPageFrame* /*pPage*/,
+ const SwBorderAttrs& rAttrs) const
// There's nothing (Row,Body,Footnote,Root,Column,NoText) need to do here
if (GetType() & (SwFrameType::NoTxt|SwFrameType::Row|SwFrameType::Body|SwFrameType::Ftn|SwFrameType::Column|SwFrameType::Root))
@@ -5396,32 +5199,22 @@ void SwFrame::PaintSwFrameShadowAndBorder(
if(nullptr != pLeftBorder || nullptr != pRightBorder || nullptr != pTopBorder || nullptr != pBottomBorder)
// now we have all SvxBorderLine(s) sorted out, create geometry
- const svx::frame::Style aStyleLeft(pLeftBorder, 1.0);
- const svx::frame::Style aStyleRight(pRightBorder, 1.0);
- const svx::frame::Style aStyleTop(pTopBorder, 1.0);
- const svx::frame::Style aStyleBottom(pBottomBorder, 1.0);
drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DContainer aBorderLineTarget;
- aStyleLeft,
- aStyleRight,
- aStyleTop,
- aStyleBottom,
+ svx::frame::Style(pTopBorder, 1.0),
+ svx::frame::Style(pRightBorder, 1.0),
+ svx::frame::Style(pBottomBorder, 1.0),
+ svx::frame::Style(pLeftBorder, 1.0),
basegfx::B2DPoint(aRect.Left(), aRect.Top()), // TopLeft
basegfx::B2DPoint(aRect.Right(), aRect.Top()), // TopRight
basegfx::B2DPoint(aRect.Left(), aRect.Bottom()), // BottomLeft
basegfx::B2DPoint(aRect.Right(), aRect.Bottom())); // BottomRight
- if(!aBorderLineTarget.empty())
- {
- for(drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DContainer::const_iterator it(aBorderLineTarget.begin()); it != aBorderLineTarget.end(); ++it)
- {
- gProp.pBLines->AddBorderLine(*it);
- }
- }
- bool bBla = true;
+ // no need to use AddBorderLine and try to merge BorderLinePrimitives, in this combination
+ // tis cannot happen
+ gProp.pBLines->AddBorderLines(aBorderLineTarget);
@@ -5434,8 +5227,10 @@ void SwFrame::PaintSwFrameShadowAndBorder(
* Currently only the top frame needs to be taken into account
* Other lines and shadows are set aside
-void SwFootnoteContFrame::PaintSwFrameShadowAndBorder( const SwRect& rRect, const SwPageFrame *pPage,
- const SwBorderAttrs & ) const
+void SwFootnoteContFrame::PaintSwFrameShadowAndBorder(
+ const SwRect& rRect,
+ const SwPageFrame* pPage,
+ const SwBorderAttrs&) const
//If the rectangle is completely inside the PrtArea, no border needs to
//be painted.
@@ -6325,9 +6120,13 @@ void SwFrame::PaintBaBo( const SwRect& rRect, const SwPageFrame *pPage,
if (!bOnlyTextBackground)
SwRect aRect( rRect );
if( IsPageFrame() )
+ {
static_cast<const SwPageFrame*>(this)->PaintGrid( pOut, aRect );
- PaintSwFrameShadowAndBorder( aRect, pPage, rAttrs );
+ }
+ PaintSwFrameShadowAndBorder(aRect, pPage, rAttrs);