diff options
1 files changed, 51 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/transex3/inc/export.hxx b/transex3/inc/export.hxx
index 553b036dcfc3..9fed3459c2d3 100644
--- a/transex3/inc/export.hxx
+++ b/transex3/inc/export.hxx
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
* $RCSfile: export.hxx,v $
- * $Revision: 1.16 $
+ * $Revision: 1.17 $
- * last change: $Author: obo $ $Date: 2006-01-19 17:58:39 $
+ * last change: $Author: obo $ $Date: 2006-03-29 13:25:08 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to
* the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@
#include <tools/stream.hxx>
#include <tools/fsys.hxx>
#include <tools/isolang.hxx>
+#include <osl/file.hxx>
+#include <osl/file.h>
#include <hash_map> /* std::hashmap*/
#include <iterator> /* std::iterator*/
@@ -96,10 +98,7 @@ typedef std::hash_map<ByteString , PFormEntrys* , hashByteString,equalByteString
typedef std::hash_map<ByteString , MergeData* , hashByteString,equalByteString>
-// Test ----------------------------
#define GERMAN_LIST_LINE_INDEX ByteString("de")
-// Test ----------------------------
typedef ByteStringHashMap ExportListEntry;
@@ -145,6 +144,36 @@ public:
ResData( const ByteString &rPF, const ByteString &rGId )
: nWidth( 0 ),
sPForm( rPF ),
+ sFilename( ByteString("") ),
+ pStringList( NULL ),
+ pFilterList( NULL ),
+ pItemList( NULL ),
+ pPairedList( NULL ),
+ pUIEntries( NULL ),
+ nChildIndex( 0 ),
+ nIdLevel( ID_LEVEL_NULL ),
+ sGId( rGId ),
+ sTextTyp( "Text" ),
+ bText( FALSE ),
+ bList( FALSE ),
+ bQuickHelpText( FALSE ),
+ bHelpText( FALSE ),
+ bTitle( FALSE ),
+ bChild( FALSE ),
+ bChildWithText( FALSE ),
+ nTextRefId( REFID_NONE ),
+ nHelpTextRefId( REFID_NONE ),
+ nQuickHelpTextRefId( REFID_NONE ),
+ nTitleRefId( REFID_NONE ),
+ bRestMerged( FALSE )
+ {
+ sGId.EraseAllChars( '\r' );
+ sPForm.EraseAllChars( '\r' );
+ };
+ ResData( const ByteString &rPF, const ByteString &rGId , const ByteString &rFilename )
+ : nWidth( 0 ),
+ sPForm( rPF ),
+ sFilename( rFilename ),
pStringList( NULL ),
pFilterList( NULL ),
pItemList( NULL ),
@@ -192,6 +221,7 @@ public:
ByteString sId;
ByteString sGId;
ByteString sHelpId;
+ ByteString sFilename;
USHORT nWidth;
ByteStringHashMap sText;
@@ -269,30 +299,22 @@ private:
BOOL bNextMustBeDefineEOL; // define but no \ at lineend
ULONG nLevel; // res. recursiv? how deep?
USHORT nList; // cur. res. is String- or FilterList
ByteString nListLang;
ULONG nListIndex;
ULONG nListLevel;
bool bSkipFile;
ByteString sProject;
ByteString sRoot;
- //ByteString sFile;
BOOL bEnableExport;
BOOL bMergeMode;
ByteString sMergeSrc;
ByteString sLastListLine;
BOOL bError; // any errors while export?
BOOL bReadOver;
BOOL bDontWriteOutput;
ByteString sLastTextTyp;
static bool isInitialized;
+ ByteString sFilename;
@@ -318,12 +340,15 @@ public:
static void QuotHTML( ByteString &rString );
static void UnquotHTML( ByteString &rString );
+ static int getCurrentDirectory( rtl::OUString& base_fqurl , rtl::OUString& base );
static bool isAllowed( ByteString &sLanguage );
static bool isMergingGermanAllowed( const ByteString& rPrj );
static bool LanguageAllowed( const ByteString &nLanguage );
static void Languages( std::vector<ByteString>::const_iterator& begin , std::vector<ByteString>::const_iterator& end );
+ static void getRandomName( const ByteString& sPrefix , ByteString& sRandStr , const ByteString& sPostfix );
+ static void getRandomName( ByteString& sRandStr );
static ByteString GetFallbackLanguage( const ByteString nLanguage );
static void FillInFallbacks( ResData *pResData );
@@ -387,17 +412,6 @@ public:
BOOL GetError() { return bError; }
-// classes used to merge data back into src
// class PFormEntrys
@@ -429,8 +443,6 @@ public:
const ByteString &rTitle )
- //printf("DBG: PFormEntrys::Insert [nId=%s]=rText=%s)\n",nId.GetBuffer(),rText.GetBuffer());
sText[ nId ] = rText;
bTextFirst[ nId ] = true;
sQuickHelpText[ nId ] = rQuickHelpText;
@@ -450,18 +462,19 @@ public:
class MergeDataFile;
-//DECLARE_LIST( MergeStrings, PFormEntrys * );
-class MergeData //: public MergeStrings
+class MergeData
friend class MergeDataFile;
ByteString sTyp;
ByteString sGID;
ByteString sLID;
+ ByteString sFilename;
PFormEntrysHashMap aMap;
- MergeData( const ByteString &rTyp, const ByteString &rGID, const ByteString &rLID )
- : sTyp( rTyp ), sGID( rGID ), sLID( rLID ) {};
+ MergeData( const ByteString &rTyp, const ByteString &rGID, const ByteString &rLID , const ByteString &rFilename )
+ : sTyp( rTyp ), sGID( rGID ), sLID( rLID ) , sFilename( rFilename ) {};
PFormEntrys* InsertEntry( const ByteString &rPForm );
PFormEntrys* GetPFormEntrys( ResData *pResData );
@@ -502,11 +515,14 @@ public:
PFormEntrys *GetPFormEntrys( ResData *pResData );
void InsertEntry( const ByteString &rTYP, const ByteString &rGID, const ByteString &rLID,
- const ByteString &rPFO, //USHORT nLANG
+ const ByteString &rPFO,
const ByteString &nLang , const ByteString &rTEXT,
- const ByteString &rQHTEXT, const ByteString &rTITLE );
+ const ByteString &rQHTEXT, const ByteString &rTITLE ,
+ const ByteString &sFilename
+ );
static USHORT GetLangIndex( USHORT nId );
- static ByteString CreateKey( const ByteString& rTYP , const ByteString& rGID , const ByteString& rLID );
+ static ByteString CreateKey( const ByteString& rTYP , const ByteString& rGID , const ByteString& rLID , const ByteString& rFilename //= ByteString("")
+ );
ByteString Dump();
void WriteErrorLog( const ByteString &rFileName );
void WriteError( const ByteString &rLine );