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1 files changed, 87 insertions, 61 deletions
diff --git a/filter/source/svg/svgreader.cxx b/filter/source/svg/svgreader.cxx
index b7a20ba4e1ac..16c9cf86ddd0 100644
--- a/filter/source/svg/svgreader.cxx
+++ b/filter/source/svg/svgreader.cxx
@@ -160,7 +160,8 @@ struct AnnotatingVisitor
StateMap& rStateMap,
const State& rInitialState,
const uno::Reference<xml::sax::XDocumentHandler>& xDocumentHandler,
- std::vector< uno::Reference<xml::dom::XElement> >& rUseElementVector) :
+ std::vector< uno::Reference<xml::dom::XElement> >& rUseElementVector,
+ bool& rGradientNotFound) :
@@ -170,7 +171,8 @@ struct AnnotatingVisitor
- mrUseElementVector(rUseElementVector)
+ mrUseElementVector(rUseElementVector),
+ mrGradientNotFound(rGradientNotFound)
@@ -215,6 +217,12 @@ struct AnnotatingVisitor
if( aFound != maGradientIdMap.end() )
maGradientVector.back() = maGradientVector[aFound->second];
+ else
+ {
+ mrGradientNotFound = true;
+ maGradientVector.pop_back();
+ return;
+ }
// do that after dereferencing, to prevent hyperlinked
@@ -252,6 +260,12 @@ struct AnnotatingVisitor
if( aFound != maGradientIdMap.end() )
maGradientVector.back() = maGradientVector[aFound->second];
+ else
+ {
+ mrGradientNotFound = true;
+ maGradientVector.pop_back();
+ return;
+ }
// do that after dereferencing, to prevent hyperlinked
@@ -362,70 +376,73 @@ struct AnnotatingVisitor
- // init state. inherit defaults from parent.
- maCurrState = maParentStates.back();
- maCurrState.maTransform.identity();
- maCurrState.maViewBox.reset();
- // first parse 'color' and 'style' as 'fill' and 'stroke' might depend on them
- // if their values are "currentColor" and parsed previously
- uno::Reference<xml::dom::XNode> xNodeColor(xAttributes->getNamedItem("color"));
- if(
- parseAttribute(XML_COLOR, xNodeColor->getNodeValue());
- uno::Reference<xml::dom::XNode> xNodeStyle(xAttributes->getNamedItem("style"));
- if(
- parseStyle(xNodeStyle->getNodeValue());
- const sal_Int32 nNumAttrs( xAttributes->getLength() );
- OUString sAttributeValue;
- //now, parse the rest of attributes
- for( sal_Int32 i=0; i<nNumAttrs; ++i )
+ if ( !mrGradientNotFound )
- sAttributeValue = xAttributes->item(i)->getNodeValue();
- const sal_Int32 nTokenId(
- getTokenId(xAttributes->item(i)->getNodeName()));
- if( XML_ID == nTokenId )
+ // init state. inherit defaults from parent.
+ maCurrState = maParentStates.back();
+ maCurrState.maTransform.identity();
+ maCurrState.maViewBox.reset();
+ // first parse 'color' and 'style' as 'fill' and 'stroke' might depend on them
+ // if their values are "currentColor" and parsed previously
+ uno::Reference<xml::dom::XNode> xNodeColor(xAttributes->getNamedItem("color"));
+ if(
+ parseAttribute(XML_COLOR, xNodeColor->getNodeValue());
+ uno::Reference<xml::dom::XNode> xNodeStyle(xAttributes->getNamedItem("style"));
+ if(
+ parseStyle(xNodeStyle->getNodeValue());
+ const sal_Int32 nNumAttrs( xAttributes->getLength() );
+ OUString sAttributeValue;
+ //now, parse the rest of attributes
+ for( sal_Int32 i=0; i<nNumAttrs; ++i )
- maElementVector.push_back(xElem);
- maElementIdMap.insert(std::make_pair(sAttributeValue,
- maElementVector.size() - 1));
+ sAttributeValue = xAttributes->item(i)->getNodeValue();
+ const sal_Int32 nTokenId(
+ getTokenId(xAttributes->item(i)->getNodeName()));
+ if( XML_ID == nTokenId )
+ {
+ maElementVector.push_back(xElem);
+ maElementIdMap.insert(std::make_pair(sAttributeValue,
+ maElementVector.size() - 1));
+ }
+ else if ( nTokenId != XML_COLOR || nTokenId != XML_STYLE )
+ parseAttribute(nTokenId,
+ sAttributeValue);
- else if ( nTokenId != XML_COLOR || nTokenId != XML_STYLE )
- parseAttribute(nTokenId,
- sAttributeValue);
- }
- // all attributes parsed, can calc total CTM now
- basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aLocalTransform;
- if( !maCurrState.maViewBox.isEmpty() &&
- maCurrState.maViewBox.getWidth() != 0.0 &&
- maCurrState.maViewBox.getHeight() != 0.0 )
- {
- // transform aViewBox into viewport, keep aspect ratio
- aLocalTransform.translate(-maCurrState.maViewBox.getMinX(),
- -maCurrState.maViewBox.getMinY());
- double scaleW = maCurrState.maViewport.getWidth()/maCurrState.maViewBox.getWidth();
- double scaleH = maCurrState.maViewport.getHeight()/maCurrState.maViewBox.getHeight();
- double scale = (scaleW < scaleH) ? scaleW : scaleH;
- aLocalTransform.scale(scale,scale);
- }
- else if( !maParentStates.back().maViewBox.isEmpty() )
- maCurrState.maViewBox = maParentStates.back().maViewBox;
+ // all attributes parsed, can calc total CTM now
+ basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aLocalTransform;
+ if( !maCurrState.maViewBox.isEmpty() &&
+ maCurrState.maViewBox.getWidth() != 0.0 &&
+ maCurrState.maViewBox.getHeight() != 0.0 )
+ {
+ // transform aViewBox into viewport, keep aspect ratio
+ aLocalTransform.translate(-maCurrState.maViewBox.getMinX(),
+ -maCurrState.maViewBox.getMinY());
+ double scaleW = maCurrState.maViewport.getWidth()/maCurrState.maViewBox.getWidth();
+ double scaleH = maCurrState.maViewport.getHeight()/maCurrState.maViewBox.getHeight();
+ double scale = (scaleW < scaleH) ? scaleW : scaleH;
+ aLocalTransform.scale(scale,scale);
+ }
+ else if( !maParentStates.back().maViewBox.isEmpty() )
+ maCurrState.maViewBox = maParentStates.back().maViewBox;
- maCurrState.maCTM = maCurrState.maCTM*maCurrState.maTransform*aLocalTransform;
+ maCurrState.maCTM = maCurrState.maCTM*maCurrState.maTransform*aLocalTransform;
- OSL_TRACE("annotateStyle - CTM is: %f %f %f %f %f %f",
- maCurrState.maCTM.get(0,0),
- maCurrState.maCTM.get(0,1),
- maCurrState.maCTM.get(0,2),
- maCurrState.maCTM.get(1,0),
- maCurrState.maCTM.get(1,1),
- maCurrState.maCTM.get(1,2));
+ OSL_TRACE("annotateStyle - CTM is: %f %f %f %f %f %f",
+ maCurrState.maCTM.get(0,0),
+ maCurrState.maCTM.get(0,1),
+ maCurrState.maCTM.get(0,2),
+ maCurrState.maCTM.get(1,0),
+ maCurrState.maCTM.get(1,1),
+ maCurrState.maCTM.get(1,2));
- // if necessary, serialize to automatic-style section
- writeStyle(xElem,nTagId);
+ // if necessary, serialize to automatic-style section
+ writeStyle(xElem,nTagId);
+ }
@@ -1320,6 +1337,7 @@ struct AnnotatingVisitor
ElementRefMapType maGradientIdMap;
ElementRefMapType maStopIdMap;
ElementRefMapType maElementIdMap;
+ bool& mrGradientNotFound;
/// Annotate svg styles with unique references to state pool
@@ -1330,9 +1348,17 @@ static void annotateStyles( StatePool& rS
const uno::Reference<xml::sax::XDocumentHandler>& xDocHdl,
std::vector< uno::Reference<xml::dom::XElement> >& rUseElementVector )
- AnnotatingVisitor aVisitor(rStatePool,rStateMap,rInitialState,xDocHdl,rUseElementVector);
+ bool maGradientNotFound = false;
+ AnnotatingVisitor aVisitor(rStatePool,rStateMap,rInitialState,xDocHdl,rUseElementVector, maGradientNotFound);
visitElements(aVisitor, rElem, STYLE_ANNOTATOR);
+ //Sometimes, xlink:href in gradients refers to another gradient which hasn't been parsed yet.
+ // if that happens, we'll need to parse the styles again, so everything gets referred.
+ if( maGradientNotFound )
+ {
+ maGradientNotFound = false;
+ visitElements(aVisitor, rElem, STYLE_ANNOTATOR);
+ }
struct ShapeWritingVisitor