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5 files changed, 117 insertions, 104 deletions
diff --git a/include/svx/svdmark.hxx b/include/svx/svdmark.hxx
index 391dbbdc5efb..cba0a75c7c55 100644
--- a/include/svx/svdmark.hxx
+++ b/include/svx/svdmark.hxx
@@ -37,7 +37,9 @@ class SdrPageView;
typedef std::set<sal_uInt16> SdrUShortCont;
-// Everything a View needs to know about a selected object
+ * Everything a View needs to know about a selected object
+ */
class SVX_DLLPUBLIC SdrMark : public sdr::ObjectUser
@@ -233,7 +235,7 @@ public:
bool TakeBoundRect(SdrPageView* pPageView, Rectangle& rRect) const;
bool TakeSnapRect(SdrPageView* pPageView, Rectangle& rRect) const;
- // Es werden saemtliche Entries kopiert!
+ // All Entries are copied!
void operator=(const SdrMarkList& rLst);
diff --git a/include/svx/svdobj.hxx b/include/svx/svdobj.hxx
index 652cd9f5fa1d..830cfed95246 100644
--- a/include/svx/svdobj.hxx
+++ b/include/svx/svdobj.hxx
@@ -179,9 +179,11 @@ public:
-// User data of a drawing object, e.g. application specific data.
-// Every drawing object can have arbitrarily many such records (SV list).
-// Whoever wants to save data here, must inherit from this and set a corresponding link in the factory.
+ * User data of a drawing object, e.g. application specific data.
+ * Every drawing object can have an arbitrary amount of such records (SV list).
+ * Whoever wants to save data here, must inherit from this and set a corresponding link in the factory.
+ */
class SVX_DLLPUBLIC SdrObjUserData
@@ -204,7 +206,9 @@ public:
sal_uInt16 GetId() const { return nIdentifier;}
-// all geometrical data of an arbitrary object for use in undo/redo
+ * All geometrical data of an arbitrary object for use in undo/redo
+ */
class SVX_DLLPUBLIC SdrObjGeoData
@@ -223,7 +227,9 @@ public:
virtual ~SdrObjGeoData();
-// provides information about various ZObject properties
+ * Provides information about various ZObject properties
+ */
class SVX_DLLPUBLIC SdrObjTransformInfoRec
@@ -241,7 +247,7 @@ public:
bool bShearAllowed : 1; // if false, object cannot be sheared
bool bEdgeRadiusAllowed : 1;
bool bNoOrthoDesired : 1; // is true for Rect; is false for BMP, MTF
- bool bNoContortion : 1; // if false, Kein verzerren (bei Crook) moeglich (nur true bei PathObj und Gruppierten PathObjs)
+ bool bNoContortion : 1; // if false, contortion not possible (for crook, only true for PathObj and grouped PathObjs)
bool bCanConvToPath : 1; // if false, no conversion into PathObj possible
bool bCanConvToPoly : 1; // if false, no conversion into PolyObj possible
bool bCanConvToContour : 1; // if false, no conversion down to whole contour possible
@@ -251,7 +257,7 @@ public:
-// Abstract DrawObject
+/// Abstract DrawObject
class SvxShape;
class SVX_DLLPUBLIC SdrObject: public SfxListener, public tools::WeakBase< SdrObject >
@@ -305,7 +311,7 @@ protected:
SfxGrabBagItem* pGrabBagItem; // holds the GrabBagItem property
- // Position in the navigation order. SAL_MAX_UINT32 when not used.
+ // Position in the navigation order. SAL_MAX_UINT32 when not used.
sal_uInt32 mnNavigationPosition;
SdrLayerID mnLayerID;
@@ -321,12 +327,13 @@ protected:
bool bSizProt : 1; // if true, the size is protected
bool bNoPrint : 1; // if true, the object is not printed.
bool mbVisible : 1; // if false, the object is not visible on screen (but maybe on printer, depending on bNoprint
// If bEmptyPresObj is true, it is a presentation object that has no content yet.
// The flag's default value is false.
// The management is done by the application.
// Neither assign operator nor cloning copies the flag!
// The flag is persistent.
- bool bEmptyPresObj : 1; // empty presentation object (Draw)
+ bool bEmptyPresObj : 1; // empty presentation object (Draw)
// if true, object is invisible as object of the MasterPage
bool bNotVisibleAsMaster : 1;
@@ -378,9 +385,10 @@ protected:
OUString GetAngleStr(long nAngle, bool bNoDegChar = false) const;
OUString GetMetrStr(long nVal, MapUnit eWantMap=MAP_MM, bool bNoUnitChars = false) const;
- // bNotMyself=true means: set only ObjList to dirty, don't mark this object as dirty.
- // This is needed for instance for NbcMove, because usually one moves SnapRect and aOutRect
- // at the same time to avoid recomputation.
+ /// @param bNotMyself = true: set only ObjList to dirty, don't mark this object as dirty.
+ ///
+ /// This is needed for instance for NbcMove, because usually one moves SnapRect and aOutRect
+ /// at the same time to avoid recomputation.
virtual void SetRectsDirty(bool bNotMyself = false);
@@ -744,8 +752,8 @@ public:
bool IsMacroHit(const SdrObjMacroHitRec& rRec) const;
// Connectors
- // (see also documentation in SvdoEdge.hxx, SdrEdgeObj,
- // as well as SvdGlue.hxx and SvdGlEV.hxx)
+ // (see also documentation in SvdoEdge.hxx, SdrEdgeObj, as well as SvdGlue.hxx and SvdGlEV.hxx)
+ //
// There are nodes and edges. In theory an edge can also be a node, but this isn't implemented yet.
// A node has a number of glue points, onto which edges can glued to
// An edge can be either
@@ -880,8 +888,8 @@ public:
static SdrObject* getSdrObjectFromXShape( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::uno::XInterface >& xInt );
// sets a new UNO representation of the shape
- // This is only a public interface function. The actual work is
- // done by impl_setUnoShape().
+ // This is only a public interface function. The actual work is
+ // done by impl_setUnoShape().
// Calling this function is only allowed for the UNO representation
// itself!
void setUnoShape(
@@ -895,15 +903,14 @@ public:
// There already exists an SvxShape instance associated with the SdrObject
// @throws ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException
// if there does nt yet exists an SvxShape instance associated with the SdrObject.
- svx::PropertyChangeNotifier&
- getShapePropertyChangeNotifier();
+ svx::PropertyChangeNotifier& getShapePropertyChangeNotifier();
// notifies a change in the given property, to all applicable listeners registered at the associated SvxShape
// This method is equivalent to calling getShapePropertyChangeNotifier().notifyPropertyChange( _eProperty ),
// exception that it is allowed to be called when there does not yet exist an associated SvxShape - in which
// case the method will silently return without doing anything.
- void notifyShapePropertyChange( const svx::ShapeProperty _eProperty ) const;
+ void notifyShapePropertyChange( const svx::ShapeProperty _eProperty ) const;
// transformation interface for StarOfficeAPI. This implements support for
// homogen 3x3 matrices containing the transformation of the SdrObject. At the
@@ -947,16 +954,16 @@ public:
virtual void dumpAsXml(struct _xmlTextWriter* pWriter) const;
- // Sets a new UNO shape
- //
- // The default implementation of this function sets the new UNO
- // shape. Derived classes should override the function to handle
- // any other actions that are needed when the shape is being
- // changed.
- //
- // The implementation _must_ call the same method of its parent
- // class (preferably as the first step)!
- virtual void impl_setUnoShape( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::uno::XInterface >& _rxUnoShape );
+ /// Sets a new UNO shape
+ ///
+ /// The default implementation of this function sets the new UNO
+ /// shape. Derived classes should override the function to handle
+ /// any other actions that are needed when the shape is being
+ /// changed.
+ ///
+ /// The implementation _must_ call the same method of its parent
+ /// class (preferably as the first step)!
+ virtual void impl_setUnoShape( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::uno::XInterface >& _rxUnoShape );
// helper function for reimplementing Clone().
template< typename T > T* CloneHelper() const;
@@ -974,12 +981,14 @@ private:
bool mbDoNotInsertIntoPageAutomatically;
-// Whoever creates his own objects must set a link in the SdrObjFactory class.
-// The handler must have the following signature:
-// void Hdl(SdrObjFactory*)
-// He must take a look at the referenced instance's nInventor and nIdentifier values,
-// and must create a new drawing object instance accordingly.
-// He must also make the pNewObj pointer reference to this instance.
+ * Whoever creates his own objects must set a link in the SdrObjFactory class.
+ * The handler must have the following signature:
+ * void Hdl(SdrObjFactory*)
+ * He must take a look at the referenced instance's nInventor and nIdentifier values,
+ * and must create a new drawing object instance accordingly.
+ * He must also make the pNewObj pointer reference to this instance.
+ */
class SVX_DLLPUBLIC SdrObjFactory
diff --git a/include/svx/svdograf.hxx b/include/svx/svdograf.hxx
index 1029b55f5d0f..31a9965ac921 100644
--- a/include/svx/svdograf.hxx
+++ b/include/svx/svdograf.hxx
@@ -39,7 +39,9 @@ namespace sdr
} // end of namespace contact
} // end of namespace sdr
-/* options for GetTransformedGraphic() */
+ * Options for GetTransformedGraphic()
+ */
enum class SdrGrafObjTransformsAttrs
NONE = 0x00,
@@ -85,19 +87,19 @@ private:
virtual sdr::contact::ViewContact* CreateObjectSpecificViewContact() SAL_OVERRIDE;
virtual sdr::properties::BaseProperties* CreateObjectSpecificProperties() SAL_OVERRIDE;
- void ImpSetAttrToGrafInfo(); // Werte vom Pool kopieren
- GraphicAttr aGrafInfo;
+ void ImpSetAttrToGrafInfo(); // Copy values from the pool
+ GraphicAttr aGrafInfo;
- OUString aFileName; // Wenn es sich um einen Link handelt, steht hier der Dateiname drin.
+ OUString aFileName; // If it's a Link, the filename can be found in here
OUString aReferer;
OUString aFilterName;
- GraphicObject* pGraphic; // Zur Beschleunigung von Bitmapausgaben, besonders von gedrehten.
- GraphicObject* mpReplacementGraphic;
- SdrGraphicLink* pGraphicLink; // Und hier noch ein Pointer fuer gelinkte Grafiken
- bool bMirrored:1; // True bedeutet, die Grafik ist horizontal, d.h. ueber die Y-Achse gespiegelt auszugeben.
+ GraphicObject* pGraphic; // In order to speed up output of bitmaps, especially rotated ones
+ GraphicObject* mpReplacementGraphic;
+ SdrGraphicLink* pGraphicLink; // And here a pointer for linked graphics
+ bool bMirrored:1; // True: the graphic is horizontal, which means it's mirrored along the y-axis
// #111096#
- // Flag for allowing text animation. Default is sal_true.
+ // Flag for allowing text animation. Default is true.
bool mbGrafAnimationAllowed:1;
// #i25616#
diff --git a/include/svx/svdpagv.hxx b/include/svx/svdpagv.hxx
index 6d3074759510..5019b609420b 100644
--- a/include/svx/svdpagv.hxx
+++ b/include/svx/svdpagv.hxx
@@ -65,23 +65,23 @@ typedef ::std::vector< SdrPageWindow* > SdrPageWindowVector;
class SVX_DLLPUBLIC SdrPageView
- SdrView& mrView;
- SdrPage* mpPage;
- Point aPgOrg; // Nullpunkt der Page
+ SdrView& mrView;
+ SdrPage* mpPage;
+ Point aPgOrg; // The Page's point of origin
- Rectangle aMarkBound; // wird
- Rectangle aMarkSnap; // von
- bool mbHasMarked;
- bool mbVisible;
+ Rectangle aMarkBound;
+ Rectangle aMarkSnap;
+ bool mbHasMarked;
+ bool mbVisible;
- SetOfByte aLayerVisi; // Menge der sichtbaren Layer
- SetOfByte aLayerLock; // Menge der nicht editierbaren Layer
- SetOfByte aLayerPrn; // Menge der druckbaren Layer
+ SetOfByte aLayerVisi; // Set of visible Layers
+ SetOfByte aLayerLock; // Set of non-editable Layers
+ SetOfByte aLayerPrn; // Set of printable Layers
- SdrObjList* pAktList; // Aktuelle Liste, in der Regel die Page.
- SdrObject* pAktGroup; // Aktuelle Gruppe. NULL=Keine.
+ SdrObjList* pAktList; // Current List, usually the Page
+ SdrObject* pAktGroup; // Current Group; nullptr means none
- SdrHelpLineList aHelpLines; // Hilfslinien und -punkte
+ SdrHelpLineList aHelpLines; // Helper lines and points
// #103911# Use one reserved slot (bReserveBool2) for the document color
Color maDocumentColor;
@@ -106,12 +106,12 @@ public:
SdrPageWindow* FindPageWindow( const OutputDevice& rOutDev ) const;
SdrPageWindow* GetPageWindow(sal_uInt32 nIndex) const;
- /** finds the page window whose PaintWindow belongs to the given output device
- In opposite to FindPageWindow, this method also cares possibly patched PaintWindow instances.
- That is, a SdrPageWindow might have an original, and a patched SdrPaintWindow instance - if
- this is the case, then the original SdrPaintWindow is examined before the patched one.
- */
+ /**
+ * Finds the page window whose PaintWindow belongs to the given output device
+ * In opposite to FindPageWindow, this method also cares possibly patched PaintWindow instances.
+ * That is, a SdrPageWindow might have an original, and a patched SdrPaintWindow instance - if
+ * this is the case, then the original SdrPaintWindow is examined before the patched one.
+ */
const SdrPageWindow* FindPatchedPageWindow( const OutputDevice& rOutDev ) const;
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ private:
void SetLayer(const OUString& rName, SetOfByte& rBS, bool bJa);
bool IsLayer(const OUString& rName, const SetOfByte& rBS) const;
- // Nachsehen, ob AktGroup noch Inserted ist.
+ /// Let's see if the current Group (pAktGroup) is still inserted
void CheckAktGroup();
void AdjHdl();
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ public:
SdrPageView(SdrPage* pPage1, SdrView& rNewView);
- // Wird von der PaintView gerufen, wenn Modelaenderungen abgeschlossen sind
+ /// Is called by PaintView, when modal changes have finished
void ModelHasChanged();
void Show();
@@ -143,32 +143,31 @@ public:
SdrView& GetView() { return mrView; }
const SdrView& GetView() const { return mrView; }
- /** looks up the control container belonging to given output device
- @return
- If the given output device belongs to one of the SdrPageViewWinRecs associated with this
- SdrPageView instance, the XControlContainer for this output device is returned, <NULL/>
- otherwise.
- */
+ /**
+ * Looks up the control container belonging to given output device
+ * @return
+ * If the given output device belongs to one of the SdrPageViewWinRecs associated with this
+ * SdrPageView instance, the XControlContainer for this output device is returned, <NULL/>
+ * otherwise.
+ */
::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::awt::XControlContainer >
GetControlContainer( const OutputDevice& _rDevice ) const;
- /** sets all elements in the view which support a design and a alive mode into the given mode
- */
+ /// Sets all elements in the view which support a design and a alive mode into the given mode
void SetDesignMode( bool _bDesignMode ) const;
bool IsVisible() const { return mbVisible; }
- // Invalidiert den gesamten Bereich der Page
+ /// Invalidates the Page's whole area
void InvalidateAllWin();
- // PrePaint call forwarded from app windows
+ /// PrePaint call forwarded from app windows
void PrePaint();
- // rReg bezieht sich auf's OutDev, nicht auf die Page
+ /// @param rReg refers to the OutDev and not to the Page
void CompleteRedraw( SdrPaintWindow& rPaintWindow, const vcl::Region& rReg, sdr::contact::ViewObjectContactRedirector* pRedirector = NULL );
- // write access to mpPreparedPageWindow
+ /// Write access to mpPreparedPageWindow
void setPreparedPageWindow(SdrPageWindow* pKnownTarget);
void DrawLayer(SdrLayerID nID, OutputDevice* pGivenTarget = 0, sdr::contact::ViewObjectContactRedirector* pRedirector = 0L,
@@ -178,13 +177,13 @@ public:
Rectangle GetPageRect() const;
SdrPage* GetPage() const { return mpPage; }
- // Betretene Liste rausreichen
+ /// Return current List
SdrObjList* GetObjList() const { return pAktList; }
- // Betretene Gruppe rausreichen
+ /// Return current Group
SdrObject* GetAktGroup() const { return pAktGroup; }
- // Betretene Gruppe und Liste setzen
+ /// Set current Group and List
void SetAktGroupAndList(SdrObject* pNewGroup, SdrObjList* pNewList);
bool HasMarkedObjPageView() const { return mbHasMarked; }
@@ -204,10 +203,10 @@ public:
void SetLayerPrintable(const OUString& rName, bool bPrn = true) { SetLayer(rName, aLayerPrn, bPrn); }
bool IsLayerPrintable(const OUString& rName) const { return IsLayer(rName, aLayerPrn); }
- // PV stellt eine RefPage oder eine SubList eines RefObj dar oder Model ist ReadOnly
+ /// PV represents a RefPage or a SubList of a RefObj, or the Model is ReadOnly
bool IsReadOnly() const;
- // der Origin bezieht sich immer auf die obere linke Ecke der Page
+ /// The Origin always refers to the upper left corner of the Page
const Point& GetPageOrigin() const { return aPgOrg; }
void SetPageOrigin(const Point& rOrg);
@@ -229,29 +228,30 @@ public:
void DeleteHelpLine(sal_uInt16 nNum);
void InsertHelpLine(const SdrHelpLine& rHL, sal_uInt16 nNum=0xFFFF);
- // Liefert sal_True, wenn Layer des Obj sichtbar und nicht gesperrt.
- // Beim Gruppenobjekt muss wenigstens ein Member sichtbar sein,
- // gesperrt sein darf keiner.
+ /// At least one member must be visible for the Group object and
+ /// it must not be locked
+ /// @returns
+ // true, if the object's layer is visible and not locked
bool IsObjMarkable(SdrObject* pObj) const;
- // hmm, selectable is surely the same as markable, now that I
- // see this as I look for a place to put it. TO-DO,
- // merge these
- bool IsObjSelectable(SdrObject *pObj) const;
+ /// Hmm, selectable is surely the same as markable, now that I
+ /// see this as I look for a place to put it.
+ /// TODO: merge these
+ bool IsObjSelectable(SdrObject *pObj) const;
- // Betreten (Editieren) einer Objektgruppe. Anschliessend liegen alle
- // Memberobjekte der Gruppe im direkten Zugriff. Alle anderen Objekte
- // koennen waerendessen nicht bearbeitet werden (bis zum naechsten
- // LeaveGroup()). (wie MsDos chdir bla).
+ /// Entering (editing) an object group
+ /// After that, we have direct access to all member objects of the group.
+ /// All other objects are not editable in the meantime (until the next
+ /// LeaveGroup())
bool EnterGroup(SdrObject* pObj);
- // Verlassen einer betretenen Objektgruppe. (wie MsDos chdir ..)
+ /// Leave an object group we entered previously
void LeaveOneGroup();
- // Verlassen aller betretenen Objektgruppen. (wie MsDos chdir \)
+ /// Leave all object groups we entered previously
void LeaveAllGroup();
- // Feststellen, wie weit hinabgestiegen wurde (0=Root(Page))
+ /// Determine, how deep we descended (0 = Root(Page))
sal_uInt16 GetEnteredLevel() const;
// #103834# Set background color for svx at SdrPageViews
diff --git a/include/svx/svdpoev.hxx b/include/svx/svdpoev.hxx
index 871c3f9fd2a9..6aaf895ad3e8 100644
--- a/include/svx/svdpoev.hxx
+++ b/include/svx/svdpoev.hxx
@@ -54,12 +54,12 @@ public:
SdrPathSmoothKind GetMarkedPointsSmooth() const SAL_OVERRIDE;
void SetMarkedPointsSmooth(SdrPathSmoothKind eKind) SAL_OVERRIDE;
- // Ein PolySegment kann eine Strecke oder eine Bezierkurve sein.
+ // A PolySegment can either be a segment or a Bézier curve
bool IsSetMarkedSegmentsKindPossible() const SAL_OVERRIDE;
SdrPathSegmentKind GetMarkedSegmentsKind() const SAL_OVERRIDE;
void SetMarkedSegmentsKind(SdrPathSegmentKind eKind) SAL_OVERRIDE;
- // Moeglicherweise ist das Obj hinterher geloescht:
+ // Probably Obj has been deleted afterwards
void DeleteMarkedPoints() SAL_OVERRIDE;
bool IsDeleteMarkedPointsPossible() const SAL_OVERRIDE;
@@ -67,12 +67,12 @@ public:
void ResizeMarkedPoints(const Point& rRef, const Fraction& xFact, const Fraction& yFact);
void RotateMarkedPoints(const Point& rRef, long nAngle);
- // Hierbei entstehen eventuell beliebig viele neue Objekte:
+ // This probably creates an abitrary amount of new objects
void RipUpAtMarkedPoints() SAL_OVERRIDE;
bool IsRipUpAtMarkedPointsPossible() const SAL_OVERRIDE;
- // Alle markierten Polylines werden zu Polygonen, alle offenen
- // Bezierkurven zu geschlossenen.
+ // All marked Polylines are turned into polygons
+ // All open Bézier curves are turned into closed ones
bool IsOpenCloseMarkedObjectsPossible() const SAL_OVERRIDE;
SdrObjClosedKind GetMarkedObjectsClosedState() const SAL_OVERRIDE;