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1 files changed, 163 insertions, 265 deletions
diff --git a/jurt/test/com/sun/star/lib/uno/environments/remote/ b/jurt/test/com/sun/star/lib/uno/environments/remote/
index 178ad80abca0..ed829afde54e 100644
--- a/jurt/test/com/sun/star/lib/uno/environments/remote/
+++ b/jurt/test/com/sun/star/lib/uno/environments/remote/
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile:,v $
- * $Revision: 1.8 $
+ * $Revision: 1.9 $
- * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2003-04-23 17:07:43 $
+ * last change: $Author: vg $ $Date: 2003-05-22 09:13:24 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
@@ -61,30 +61,170 @@
+import complexlib.ComplexTestCase;
-import java.util.Vector;
+public final class JobQueue_Test extends ComplexTestCase {
+ public String getTestObjectName() {
+ return getClass().getName();
+ }
+ public String[] getTestMethodNames() {
+ return new String[] { "testThreadLeavesJobQueueOnDispose0",
+ "testThreadLeavesJobQueueOnDispose5000",
+ "testThreadLeavesJobQueueOnReply0",
+ "testThreadLeavesJobQueueOnReply5000",
+ "testStaticThreadExecutesJobs0",
+ "testStaticThreadExecutesJobs5000",
+ "testDynamicThreadExecutesJob",
+ "testStaticThreadExecutesAsyncs",
+ "testDynamicThreadExecutesAsyncs" };
+ }
+ public void testThreadLeavesJobQueueOnDispose0() throws InterruptedException
+ {
+ testThreadLeavesJobQueueOnDispose(0);
+ }
+ public void testThreadLeavesJobQueueOnDispose5000()
+ throws InterruptedException
+ {
+ testThreadLeavesJobQueueOnDispose(5000);
+ }
+ private void testThreadLeavesJobQueueOnDispose(int waitTime)
+ throws InterruptedException
+ {
+ TestThread t = new TestThread(waitTime);
+ t.waitToStart();
+ String msg = "xcxxxxxxxx";
+ t._jobQueue.dispose(t._disposeId, new RuntimeException (msg));
+ t.waitToTerminate();
+ assure("", t._message.equals(msg));
+ }
+ public void testThreadLeavesJobQueueOnReply0() throws InterruptedException {
+ testThreadLeavesJobQueueOnReply(0);
+ }
-public final class JobQueue_Test {
- /**
- * When set to true, enables various debugging output.
- */
- private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
+ public void testThreadLeavesJobQueueOnReply5000()
+ throws InterruptedException
+ {
+ testThreadLeavesJobQueueOnReply(5000);
+ }
- static JavaThreadPoolFactory __javaThreadPoolFactory = new JavaThreadPoolFactory();
- static IReceiver __iReceiver = new MyReceiver();
- static Object __disposeId = new Object();
- static TypeDescription __workAt_td = TypeDescription.getTypeDescription(IWorkAt.class);
+ private void testThreadLeavesJobQueueOnReply(int waitTime)
+ throws InterruptedException
+ {
+ TestThread t = new TestThread(waitTime);
+ t.waitToStart();
+ // put reply job:
+ t._jobQueue.putJob(
+ new Job(null, __iReceiver,
+ new TestMessage(true, __workAt_td, "oid", null, null, null,
+ null)),
+ null);
+ t.waitToTerminate();
+ assure("", true); // TODO! ???
+ }
+ public void testStaticThreadExecutesJobs0() throws InterruptedException {
+ testStaticThreadExecutesJobs(0);
+ }
+ public void testStaticThreadExecutesJobs5000() throws InterruptedException {
+ testStaticThreadExecutesJobs(5000);
+ }
+ private void testStaticThreadExecutesJobs(int waitTime)
+ throws InterruptedException
+ {
+ TestThread t = new TestThread(waitTime);
+ t.waitToStart();
+ testExecuteJobs(t._jobQueue);
+ t._jobQueue.dispose(t._disposeId,
+ new RuntimeException("xxxxxxxxxxxxx"));
+ t.waitToTerminate();
+ }
+ public void testDynamicThreadExecutesJob() throws InterruptedException {
+ testExecuteJobs(new JobQueue(__javaThreadPoolFactory, new ThreadId(),
+ true));
+ }
+ public void testStaticThreadExecutesAsyncs() throws InterruptedException {
+ TestThread t = new TestThread();
+ JobQueue async_jobQueue = new JobQueue(__javaThreadPoolFactory,
+ t._threadId);
+ assure("", async_jobQueue._ref_count == 1);
+ t._jobQueue = __javaThreadPoolFactory.getJobQueue(t._threadId);
+ assure("", t._jobQueue._ref_count == 1);
+ t.waitToStart();
+ TestWorkAt workAt = new TestWorkAt();
+ testAsyncJobQueue(workAt, async_jobQueue, t._threadId);
+ t._jobQueue.dispose(t._disposeId,
+ new RuntimeException("xxxxxxxxxxxxx"));
+ t.waitToTerminate();
+ assure("", workAt._async_counter == TestWorkAt.MESSAGES);
+ assure("", workAt._sync_counter == TestWorkAt.MESSAGES);
+ }
+ public void testDynamicThreadExecutesAsyncs() throws InterruptedException {
+ ThreadId threadId = new ThreadId();
+ JobQueue async_jobQueue = new JobQueue(__javaThreadPoolFactory,
+ threadId);
+ TestWorkAt workAt = new TestWorkAt();
+ testAsyncJobQueue(workAt, async_jobQueue, threadId);
+ assure("", workAt._async_counter == TestWorkAt.MESSAGES);
+ assure("", workAt._sync_counter == TestWorkAt.MESSAGES);
+ }
+ private void testExecuteJobs(JobQueue jobQueue) throws InterruptedException
+ {
+ TestWorkAt workAt = new TestWorkAt();
+ testSendRequests(workAt, "increment", jobQueue);
+ synchronized (workAt) {
+ jobQueue.putJob(new Job(workAt, __iReceiver,
+ new TestMessage(true, __workAt_td, "oid",
+ null, null, "notifyme",
+ null)), null);
+ while (!workAt._notified) {
+ workAt.wait();
+ }
+ }
+ assure("", workAt._counter == TestWorkAt.MESSAGES);
+ }
+ private void testAsyncJobQueue(TestWorkAt workAt, JobQueue async_jobQueue,
+ ThreadId threadId)
+ throws InterruptedException
+ {
+ // put slow async calls first, followed by fast sync calls:
+ testSendRequests(workAt, "asyncCall", async_jobQueue);
+ testSendRequests(workAt, "syncCall",
+ __javaThreadPoolFactory.getJobQueue(threadId));
+ synchronized (workAt) {
+ async_jobQueue._sync_jobQueue.putJob(
+ new Job(workAt, __iReceiver,
+ new TestMessage(true, __workAt_td, "oid", null, null,
+ "notifyme", null)), null);
+ while (!workAt._notified) {
+ workAt.wait();
+ }
+ }
+ assure("", workAt.passedAsyncTest());
+ }
+ private void testSendRequests(TestWorkAt workAt, String operation,
+ JobQueue jobQueue) {
+ IMessage iMessage = new TestMessage(true, __workAt_td, "oid", null,
+ null, operation, null);
+ for (int i = 0; i < TestWorkAt.MESSAGES; ++ i) {
+ Thread.yield(); // force scheduling
+ jobQueue.putJob(new Job(workAt, __iReceiver, iMessage),
+ new Object());
+ }
+ }
private static final class TestThread extends Thread {
public final ThreadId _threadId
@@ -148,251 +288,9 @@ public final class JobQueue_Test {
private static final int STATE_DONE = 2;
- private static boolean test_thread_leaves_jobQueue_on_dispose(
- Vector vector, int waitTime) throws Throwable
- {
- System.err.println("\t\ttest_thread_leaves_jobQueue_on_dispose with"
- + " enter time: " + waitTime);
- TestThread t = new TestThread(waitTime);
- t.waitToStart();
- String msg = "xcxxxxxxxx";
- t._jobQueue.dispose(t._disposeId, new RuntimeException (msg));
- t.waitToTerminate();
- boolean passed = t._message.equals(msg);
- if (!passed) {
- vector.addElement("test_thread_leaves_jobQueue_on_dispose - not"
- + " passed: message != " + msg + ", instead: "
- + t._message);
- }
- System.err.println("\t\tpassed? " + passed);
- return passed;
- }
- static boolean test_thread_leaves_jobQueue_on_reply(
- Vector vector, int waitTime) throws Throwable
- {
- System.err.println("\t\ttest_thread_leaves_jobQueue_on_reply: "
- + waitTime);
- TestThread t = new TestThread(waitTime);
- t.waitToStart();
- // put reply job
- t._jobQueue.putJob(
- new Job(null, __iReceiver,
- new MyMessage(true, __workAt_td, "oid", null, null, null,
- null)),
- null);
- t.waitToTerminate();
- boolean passed = true;
- System.err.println("\t\tpassed? " + passed);
- return passed;
- }
- static void test_send_request(WorkAt workAt, String operation, JobQueue jobQueue) throws Throwable {
- IMessage iMessage = new MyMessage(true, __workAt_td, "oid", null, null, operation, null);
- jobQueue.putJob(new Job(workAt, __iReceiver, iMessage), __disposeId);
- }
- static void test_send_requests(WorkAt workAt, String operation, JobQueue jobQueue) throws Throwable {
- IMessage iMessage = new MyMessage(true, __workAt_td, "oid", null, null, operation, null);
- for(int i = 0; i < WorkAt.MESSAGES; ++ i) {
- Thread.yield(); // force scheduling
- jobQueue.putJob(new Job(workAt, __iReceiver, iMessage), __disposeId);
- }
- }
- static boolean test_execute_jobs(Vector vector, JobQueue jobQueue) throws Throwable {
- boolean passed = true;
- WorkAt workAt = new WorkAt();
- test_send_requests(workAt, "increment", jobQueue);
- synchronized(workAt) {
- jobQueue.putJob(new Job(workAt, __iReceiver, new MyMessage(true, __workAt_td, "oid", null, null, "notifyme", null)), null);
- while(!workAt._notified)
- workAt.wait();
- }
- passed = workAt._counter == WorkAt.MESSAGES;
- if(!passed)
- vector.addElement("test_execute_jobs - not passed: workAt._counter == 20, instead:" + workAt._counter);
- return passed;
- }
- static boolean test_static_thread_executes_jobs(
- Vector vector, int waitTime) throws Throwable
- {
- System.err.println("\t\ttest_static_thread_executes_jobs: " + waitTime);
- TestThread t = new TestThread(waitTime);
- t.waitToStart();
- boolean passed = test_execute_jobs(vector, t._jobQueue);
- t._jobQueue.dispose(t._disposeId,
- new RuntimeException("xxxxxxxxxxxxx"));
- t.waitToTerminate();
- System.err.println("\t\tpassed? " + passed);
- return passed;
- }
- static boolean test_dynamic_thread_executes_job(Vector vector) throws Throwable {
- boolean passed = true;
- Object disposeId = new Object();
- System.err.println("\t\ttest_dynamic_thread_executes_job:");
- JobQueue jobQueue = new JobQueue(__javaThreadPoolFactory, new ThreadId(), true);
- passed = test_execute_jobs(vector, jobQueue);
- System.err.println("\t\tpassed? " + passed);
- return passed;
- }
- static boolean test_async_jobQueue(Vector vector, WorkAt workAt, JobQueue async_jobQueue, ThreadId threadId) throws Throwable {
- boolean passed = true;
- // put slow async calls
- if(DEBUG) System.err.println("\t\t\tputting asyncs:");
- test_send_requests(workAt, "asyncCall", async_jobQueue);
- // put fast sync calls
- if(DEBUG) System.err.println("\t\t\tputting syncs:");
- test_send_requests(workAt, "syncCall", __javaThreadPoolFactory.getJobQueue(threadId));
- // wait until all is done
- synchronized(workAt) {
- async_jobQueue._sync_jobQueue.putJob(new Job(workAt, __iReceiver, new MyMessage(true, __workAt_td, "oid", null, null, "notifyme", null)), null);
- while(!workAt._notified)
- workAt.wait();
- }
- passed = passed && workAt.passedAsyncTest(vector);
- if(!passed)
- vector.addElement("workAt did not pass async test (sync overtook async)");
- return passed;
- }
- static boolean test_static_thread_executes_asyncs(Vector vector)
- throws Throwable
- {
- System.err.println("\t\ttest_static_thread_executes_asyncs:");
- TestThread t = new TestThread();
- // create an async queue
- JobQueue async_jobQueue = new JobQueue(__javaThreadPoolFactory,
- t._threadId);
- boolean tmp_passed = async_jobQueue._ref_count == 1;
- boolean passed = tmp_passed;
- t._jobQueue = __javaThreadPoolFactory.getJobQueue(t._threadId);
- tmp_passed = t._jobQueue._ref_count == 1;
- passed = passed && tmp_passed;
- t.waitToStart();
- WorkAt workAt = new WorkAt();
- tmp_passed = test_async_jobQueue(vector, workAt, async_jobQueue,
- t._threadId);
- passed = passed && passed;
- t._jobQueue.dispose(t._disposeId,
- new RuntimeException("xxxxxxxxxxxxx"));
- t.waitToTerminate();
- tmp_passed = workAt._async_counter == WorkAt.MESSAGES;
- passed = passed && tmp_passed;
- tmp_passed = workAt._sync_counter == WorkAt.MESSAGES;
- passed = passed && tmp_passed;
- System.err.println("\t\tpassed? " + passed);
- return passed;
- }
- static boolean test_dynamic_thread_executes_asyncs(Vector vector) throws Throwable {
- boolean passed = true;
- System.err.println("\t\ttest_dynamic_thread_executes_asyncs:");
- ThreadId threadId = new ThreadId();
- JobQueue async_jobQueue = new JobQueue(__javaThreadPoolFactory, threadId);
- WorkAt workAt = new WorkAt();
- boolean tmp_passed = test_async_jobQueue(vector, workAt, async_jobQueue, threadId);
- passed = passed && tmp_passed;
- tmp_passed = workAt._async_counter == WorkAt.MESSAGES;
- if(vector != null && !tmp_passed)
- vector.addElement("test_dynamic_thread_executes_asyncs - not passed: worAt._async_counter == " + WorkAt.MESSAGES + ", instead:" + workAt._async_counter);
- passed = passed && tmp_passed;
- tmp_passed = workAt._sync_counter == WorkAt.MESSAGES;
- if(!tmp_passed)
- vector.addElement("test_dynamic_thread_executes_asyncs - not passed: worAt._sync_counter == " + WorkAt.MESSAGES + ",instead:" + workAt._sync_counter);
- passed = passed && tmp_passed;
- System.err.println("\t\tpassed? " + passed);
- return passed;
- }
- static public boolean test(Vector vector) throws Throwable {
- System.err.println("\tJobQueue test:");
- boolean passed = true;
- boolean tmp_passed = test_thread_leaves_jobQueue_on_dispose(vector, 0);
- passed = passed && tmp_passed;
- tmp_passed = test_thread_leaves_jobQueue_on_dispose(vector, 5000);
- passed = passed && tmp_passed;
- tmp_passed = test_thread_leaves_jobQueue_on_reply(vector, 0);
- passed = passed && tmp_passed;
- tmp_passed = test_thread_leaves_jobQueue_on_reply(vector, 5000);
- passed = passed && tmp_passed;
- tmp_passed = test_static_thread_executes_jobs(vector, 0);
- passed = passed && tmp_passed;
- tmp_passed = test_static_thread_executes_jobs(vector, 5000);
- passed = passed && tmp_passed;
- tmp_passed = test_dynamic_thread_executes_job(vector);
- passed = passed && tmp_passed;
- tmp_passed = test_static_thread_executes_asyncs(vector);
- passed = passed && tmp_passed;
- tmp_passed = test_dynamic_thread_executes_asyncs(vector);
- passed = passed && tmp_passed;
- System.err.println("\tpassed? " + passed);
- return passed;
- }
- static public void main(String args[]) throws Throwable {
- Vector vector = new Vector();
- test(vector);
- for(int i = 0; i < vector.size(); ++ i)
- System.err.println((String)vector.elementAt(i));
- }
+ private static final JavaThreadPoolFactory __javaThreadPoolFactory
+ = new JavaThreadPoolFactory();
+ private static final IReceiver __iReceiver = new TestReceiver();
+ private static final TypeDescription __workAt_td
+ = TypeDescription.getTypeDescription(TestIWorkAt.class);