diff options
12 files changed, 121 insertions, 106 deletions
diff --git a/sd/inc/anminfo.hxx b/sd/inc/anminfo.hxx
index 2b8379aecee4..605863bc2d15 100644
--- a/sd/inc/anminfo.hxx
+++ b/sd/inc/anminfo.hxx
@@ -37,26 +37,26 @@ public:
PresObjKind mePresObjKind;
/* deprecated animation infos */
- ::com::sun::star::presentation::AnimationEffect meEffect; // Animationseffekt
- ::com::sun::star::presentation::AnimationEffect meTextEffect; // Animationseffekt fuer Textinhalt
- ::com::sun::star::presentation::AnimationSpeed meSpeed; // Geschwindigkeit der Animation
- sal_Bool mbActive; // eingeschaltet ?
- sal_Bool mbDimPrevious; // Objekt abblenden
- sal_Bool mbIsMovie; // wenn Gruppenobjekt, dann Sequenz aus den
- sal_Bool mbDimHide; // verstecken statt abblenden
- Color maBlueScreen; // identifiziert "Hintergrundpixel"
- Color maDimColor; // zum Abblenden des Objekts
- String maSoundFile; // Pfad zum Soundfile in MSDOS-Notation
- sal_Bool mbSoundOn; // Sound ein/aus
- sal_Bool mbPlayFull; // Sound ganz abspielen
- SdrPathObj* mpPathObj; // das Pfadobjekt
- ::com::sun::star::presentation::ClickAction meClickAction; // Aktion bei Mausklick
- ::com::sun::star::presentation::AnimationEffect meSecondEffect; // fuer Objekt ausblenden
- ::com::sun::star::presentation::AnimationSpeed meSecondSpeed; // fuer Objekt ausblenden
- String maSecondSoundFile; // fuer Objekt ausblenden
- sal_Bool mbSecondSoundOn; // fuer Objekt ausblenden
- sal_Bool mbSecondPlayFull;// fuer Objekt ausblenden
- sal_uInt16 mnVerb; // fuer OLE-Objekt
+ ::com::sun::star::presentation::AnimationEffect meEffect; ///< Animation effect
+ ::com::sun::star::presentation::AnimationEffect meTextEffect; ///< Animation effect for text
+ ::com::sun::star::presentation::AnimationSpeed meSpeed; ///< Speed of the animation
+ sal_Bool mbActive; ///< turned on?
+ sal_Bool mbDimPrevious; ///< Object Dim
+ sal_Bool mbIsMovie; ///< wenn Gruppenobjekt, dann Sequenz aus den
+ sal_Bool mbDimHide; ///< hide rather than dim
+ Color maBlueScreen; ///< identifies "background pixels"
+ Color maDimColor; ///< zum Abblenden des Objekts
+ String maSoundFile; ///< Path to the sound file in MS DOS notation
+ sal_Bool mbSoundOn; ///< Sound on / off
+ sal_Bool mbPlayFull; ///< Play sound quite
+ SdrPathObj* mpPathObj; ///< The path object
+ ::com::sun::star::presentation::ClickAction meClickAction; ///< Action at mouse click
+ ::com::sun::star::presentation::AnimationEffect meSecondEffect; ///< for Hidden object
+ ::com::sun::star::presentation::AnimationSpeed meSecondSpeed; ///< for Hidden object
+ String maSecondSoundFile; ///< for Hidden object
+ sal_Bool mbSecondSoundOn; ///< for Hidden object
+ sal_Bool mbSecondPlayFull;///< ffor Hidden object
+ sal_uInt16 mnVerb; ///< for OLE object
sal_uLong mnPresOrder;
SdrObject& mrObject;
diff --git a/sd/inc/drawdoc.hxx b/sd/inc/drawdoc.hxx
index 5063f4bab29b..3e724439fac8 100644
--- a/sd/inc/drawdoc.hxx
+++ b/sd/inc/drawdoc.hxx
@@ -146,8 +146,8 @@ namespace sd
class SdDrawDocument : public FmFormModel
- ::sd::Outliner* mpOutliner; // local outliner for outline mode
- ::sd::Outliner* mpInternalOutliner; // internal outliner for creation of text objects
+ ::sd::Outliner* mpOutliner; ///< local outliner for outline mode
+ ::sd::Outliner* mpInternalOutliner; ///< internal outliner for creation of text objects
Timer* mpWorkStartupTimer;
Timer* mpOnlineSpellingTimer;
sd::ShapeList* mpOnlineSpellingList;
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ private:
sal_Bool mbOnlineSpell;
sal_Bool mbSummationOfParagraphs;
- bool mbStartWithPresentation; // is set to true when starting with command line parameter -start
+ bool mbStartWithPresentation; ///< is set to true when starting with command line parameter -start
LanguageType meLanguage;
LanguageType meLanguageCJK;
LanguageType meLanguageCTL;
@@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ public:
sd::UndoManager* GetUndoManager() const;
- /* converts the given western font height to a corresponding ctl font height, deppending on the system language */
+ /** converts the given western font height to a corresponding ctl font height, deppending on the system language */
static sal_uInt32 convertFontHeightToCTL( sal_uInt32 nWesternFontHeight );
/** Get the style sheet pool if it was a SdStyleSheetPool.
@@ -639,8 +639,8 @@ private:
namespace sd
-// an instance of this guard disables modification of a document
-// during its lifetime
+/**an instance of this guard disables modification of a document
+ during its lifetime*/
class ModifyGuard
diff --git a/sd/inc/pres.hxx b/sd/inc/pres.hxx
index 04d3a0c75345..ce1e05feb441 100644
--- a/sd/inc/pres.hxx
+++ b/sd/inc/pres.hxx
@@ -48,22 +48,22 @@ enum AutoLayout
// new layouts with enum/text/chart/org/clip merged to content
- AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE = 0, // Title Slide
- AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE_CONTENT = 1, // Title, Content
- AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE_2CONTENT = 3, // Title and 2 Content
- AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE_ONLY = 19, // Title Only
- AUTOLAYOUT_NONE = 20, // Blank Slide
- AUTOLAYOUT_ONLY_TEXT = 32, // Centered Text
- AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE_CONTENT_2CONTENT = 12, // Title, Content and 2 Content
- AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE_2CONTENT_CONTENT = 15, // Title, 2 Content and Content
- AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE_2CONTENT_OVER_CONTENT = 16,// Title, 2 Content over Content
- AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE_CONTENT_OVER_CONTENT = 14, // Title, Content over Content
- AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE_4CONTENT = 18, // Title, 4 Content
- AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE_6CONTENT = 34, // Title, 6 Content
- AUTOLAYOUT_VTITLE_VCONTENT_OVER_VCONTENT = 27, // Vertical Title, Vertical Content over Vertical Content
- AUTOLAYOUT_VTITLE_VCONTENT = 28, // Vertical Title, Vertical Content over Vertical Content
- AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE_VCONTENT = 29, // Title, Vertical Content
- AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE_2VTEXT = 30, // Title, 2 Vertical Content
+ AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE = 0, ///< Title Slide
+ AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE_CONTENT = 1, ///< Title, Content
+ AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE_2CONTENT = 3, ///< Title and 2 Content
+ AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE_ONLY = 19, ///< Title Only
+ AUTOLAYOUT_NONE = 20, ///< Blank Slide
+ AUTOLAYOUT_ONLY_TEXT = 32, ///< Centered Text
+ AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE_CONTENT_2CONTENT = 12, ///< Title, Content and 2 Content
+ AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE_2CONTENT_CONTENT = 15, ///< Title, 2 Content and Content
+ AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE_2CONTENT_OVER_CONTENT = 16,///< Title, 2 Content over Content
+ AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE_CONTENT_OVER_CONTENT = 14, ///< Title, Content over Content
+ AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE_4CONTENT = 18, ///< Title, 4 Content
+ AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE_6CONTENT = 34, ///< Title, 6 Content
+ AUTOLAYOUT_VTITLE_VCONTENT_OVER_VCONTENT = 27, ///< Vertical Title, Vertical Content over Vertical Content
+ AUTOLAYOUT_VTITLE_VCONTENT = 28, ///< Vertical Title, Vertical Content over Vertical Content
+ AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE_VCONTENT = 29, ///< Title, Vertical Content
+ AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE_2VTEXT = 30, ///< Title, 2 Vertical Content
// deprecated
diff --git a/sd/inc/sdpage.hxx b/sd/inc/sdpage.hxx
index e346b21f2f19..b6c68bb06692 100644
--- a/sd/inc/sdpage.hxx
+++ b/sd/inc/sdpage.hxx
@@ -118,29 +118,29 @@ friend class sd::UndoGeoObject;
friend class sd::UndoAttrObject;
- PageKind mePageKind; // Seitentyp
- AutoLayout meAutoLayout; // AutoLayout
- sd::ShapeList maPresentationShapeList; // Praesentationsobjekte
+ PageKind mePageKind; ///< page Type
+ AutoLayout meAutoLayout; ///< AutoLayout
+ sd::ShapeList maPresentationShapeList; ///< presentation objects
sd::ScopeLock maLockAutoLayoutArrangement;
- sal_Bool mbSelected; // Selektionskennung
- PresChange mePresChange; // manuell/automatisch/halbautomatisch
- sal_uInt32 mnTime; // Anzeigedauer in Sekunden
- sal_Bool mbSoundOn; // mit/ohne Sound (sal_True/sal_False)
- sal_Bool mbExcluded; // wird in der Show nicht/doch
- // angezeigt (sal_True/sal_False)
- String maLayoutName; // Name des Layouts
- String maSoundFile; // Pfad zum Soundfile (MSDOS-Notation)
+ sal_Bool mbSelected; ///< selection identifier
+ PresChange mePresChange; ///< manual / automatic / semi automatic
+ sal_uInt32 mnTime; ///< Display time in seconds
+ sal_Bool mbSoundOn; ///< with / without sound(sal_True/sal_False)
+ sal_Bool mbExcluded; ///< wird in der Show nicht/doch
+ ///< displayed (sal_True/sal_False)
+ String maLayoutName; ///< Name of the layout
+ String maSoundFile; ///< Path to Sound File (MSDOS-Notation)
bool mbLoopSound;
bool mbStopSound;
- String maCreatedPageName; // von GetPageName erzeugter Seitenname
- String maFileName; // Filename
- String maBookmarkName; // Bookmarkname
- sal_Bool mbScaleObjects; // Objekte sollen skaliert werden
- sal_Bool mbBackgroundFullSize; // Hintergrundobjekt auf ganze Seite darstellen
- rtl_TextEncoding meCharSet; // Text-Encoding
- sal_uInt16 mnPaperBin; // PaperBin
- Orientation meOrientation; // Print-Orientation
- SdPageLink* mpPageLink; // PageLink (nur bei gelinkten Seiten)
+ String maCreatedPageName; ///< GetPageName generated by Page Name
+ String maFileName; ///< Filename
+ String maBookmarkName; ///< Bookmarkname
+ sal_Bool mbScaleObjects; ///< Objects should be scaled
+ sal_Bool mbBackgroundFullSize; ///< Background object to represent the whole page
+ rtl_TextEncoding meCharSet; ////< Text-Encoding
+ sal_uInt16 mnPaperBin; ///< PaperBin
+ Orientation meOrientation; ///< Print-Orientation
+ SdPageLink* mpPageLink; ///< Page link (at left sides only)
sd::AnnotationVector maAnnotations;
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ public:
SfxStyleSheet* GetStyleSheetForPresObj(PresObjKind eObjKind) const;
bool RestoreDefaultText( SdrObject* pObj );
- /** returns true if the given SdrObject is inside the presentation object list */
+ /** @return true if the given SdrObject is inside the presentation object list */
bool IsPresObj(const SdrObject* pObj);
/** removes the given SdrObject from the presentation object list */
@@ -214,8 +214,8 @@ public:
virtual SdrObject* NbcRemoveObject(sal_uLong nObjNum);
virtual SdrObject* RemoveObject(sal_uLong nObjNum);
- // Also overload ReplaceObject methods to realize when
- // objects are removed with this mechanism instead of RemoveObject
+ /** Also overload ReplaceObject methods to realize when
+ objects are removed with this mechanism instead of RemoveObject*/
virtual SdrObject* NbcReplaceObject(SdrObject* pNewObj, sal_uLong nObjNum);
virtual SdrObject* ReplaceObject(SdrObject* pNewObj, sal_uLong nObjNum);
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ public:
double getTransitionDuration() const;
void setTransitionDuration( double fTranstionDuration );
- // Virtuelle Methoden von SdrObjUserCall
+ /// Virtual methods of SdrObjUserCall.
virtual void Changed(const SdrObject& rObj, SdrUserCallType eType,
const Rectangle& rOldBoundRect);
@@ -314,13 +314,13 @@ public:
sal_Bool setAlienAttributes( const com::sun::star::uno::Any& rAttributes );
void getAlienAttributes( com::sun::star::uno::Any& rAttributes );
- /** returns the main animation node */
+ /** @return the main animation node */
::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::animations::XAnimationNode > getAnimationNode() throw (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException);
/** sets the main animation node */
void setAnimationNode( ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::animations::XAnimationNode >& xNode ) throw (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException);
- /** returns a helper class to manipulate effects inside the main sequence */
+ /** @return a helper class to manipulate effects inside the main sequence */
boost::shared_ptr< sd::MainSequence > getMainSequence();
/** quick check if this slide has an animation node.
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ public:
bool hasAnimationNode() const;
- /** returns the SdPage implementation for the given XDrawPage or 0 if not available */
+ /** @return the SdPage implementation for the given XDrawPage or 0 if not available */
static SdPage* getImplementation( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XDrawPage >& xPage );
/** removes all custom animations for the given shape */
@@ -342,7 +342,9 @@ public:
const sd::HeaderFooterSettings& getHeaderFooterSettings() const;
void setHeaderFooterSettings( const sd::HeaderFooterSettings& rNewSettings );
- /** this method returns true if the object from the ViewObjectContact should
+ /**
+ This method
+ @return true if the object from the ViewObjectContact should
be visible on this page while rendering.
bEdit selects if visibility test is for an editing view or a final render,
like printing.
@@ -361,7 +363,7 @@ public:
/** callback from the sd::View when an object just left text edit mode */
void onEndTextEdit( SdrObject* pObj );
- /** returns the presentation style with the given helpid from this masterpage or this
+ /** @return the presentation style with the given helpid from this masterpage or this
slides masterpage */
SdStyleSheet* getPresentationStyle( sal_uInt32 nHelpId ) const;
diff --git a/sd/inc/sdpptwrp.hxx b/sd/inc/sdpptwrp.hxx
index 6a1129887b7a..4b0c424ee284 100644
--- a/sd/inc/sdpptwrp.hxx
+++ b/sd/inc/sdpptwrp.hxx
@@ -35,11 +35,12 @@ public:
sal_Bool bShowProgress);
virtual ~SdPPTFilter (void);
+ /// these methods are necassary for the export to PowerPoint
sal_Bool Import();
sal_Bool Export();
- // these methods are necassary for the export to PowerPoint
- void PreSaveBasic(); // restaures the original basic storage
+ /// restaures the original basic storage
+ void PreSaveBasic();
SvMemoryStream* pBas;
diff --git a/sd/inc/sdxmlwrp.hxx b/sd/inc/sdxmlwrp.hxx
index 497674da62ca..6440d1a6ff3b 100644
--- a/sd/inc/sdxmlwrp.hxx
+++ b/sd/inc/sdxmlwrp.hxx
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@
enum SdXMLFilterMode
- SDXMLMODE_Normal, // standard load and save of the complete document
- SDXMLMODE_Preview, // only for import, only the first draw page and its master page is loaded
- SDXMLMODE_Organizer // only for import, only the styles are loaded
+ SDXMLMODE_Normal, /// standard load and save of the complete document
+ SDXMLMODE_Preview, /// only for import, only the first draw page and its master page is loaded
+ SDXMLMODE_Organizer /// only for import, only the styles are loaded
class SdXMLFilter : public SdFilter
diff --git a/sd/inc/shapelist.hxx b/sd/inc/shapelist.hxx
index b12d6427b385..f3c779e2b184 100644
--- a/sd/inc/shapelist.hxx
+++ b/sd/inc/shapelist.hxx
@@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ namespace sd
/** removes all shapes from this list */
void clear();
- /** returns true if this list is empty */
+ /** @return true if this list is empty */
bool isEmpty() const;
- /** returns true if given shape is part of this list */
+ /** @return true if given shape is part of this list */
bool hasShape( SdrObject& rObject ) const;
/** returns the shape following the given shape in the list or 0
diff --git a/sd/source/filter/eppt/epptbase.hxx b/sd/source/filter/eppt/epptbase.hxx
index 85207a2575f5..168a36987e42 100644
--- a/sd/source/filter/eppt/epptbase.hxx
+++ b/sd/source/filter/eppt/epptbase.hxx
@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ protected:
sal_Bool mbEmptyPresObj;
sal_Int32 mnAngle;
- sal_uInt32 mnPages; // number of Slides ( w/o master pages & notes & handout )
+ sal_uInt32 mnPages; ///< number of Slides ( w/o master pages & notes & handout )
sal_uInt32 mnMasterPages;
Fraction maFraction;
diff --git a/sd/source/filter/eppt/pptexanimations.hxx b/sd/source/filter/eppt/pptexanimations.hxx
index df60729ccd73..825c1866237c 100644
--- a/sd/source/filter/eppt/pptexanimations.hxx
+++ b/sd/source/filter/eppt/pptexanimations.hxx
@@ -85,7 +85,8 @@ class AnimationExporter
void exportAnimPropertyuInt32( SvStream& rStrm, const sal_uInt16 nPropertyId, const sal_uInt32 nVal, const TranslateMode eTranslateMode );
void exportAnimPropertyByte( SvStream& rStrm, const sal_uInt16 nPropertyId, const sal_uInt8 nVal, const TranslateMode eTranslateMode );
- // if available exportAnimPropertySet returns the ::com::sun::star::presentation::EffectNodeType
+ /** if available exportAnimPropertySet
+ @return the ::com::sun::star::presentation::EffectNodeType*/
sal_Int16 exportAnimPropertySet( SvStream& rStrm, const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::animations::XAnimationNode >& xNode );
void exportAnimNode( SvStream& rStrm, const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::animations::XAnimationNode >& xNode,
const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::animations::XAnimationNode >* pParent, const sal_Int32 nGroupLevel, const sal_Int16 nFillDefault );
diff --git a/sd/source/filter/eppt/pptexsoundcollection.hxx b/sd/source/filter/eppt/pptexsoundcollection.hxx
index f9f1c58a7fe8..99e3de372b64 100644
--- a/sd/source/filter/eppt/pptexsoundcollection.hxx
+++ b/sd/source/filter/eppt/pptexsoundcollection.hxx
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class ExSoundEntry
ExSoundEntry(const rtl::OUString& rSoundURL);
- // returns the size of a complete SoundContainer
+ /// @return the size of a complete SoundContainer
sal_uInt32 GetSize( sal_uInt32 nId ) const;
void Write( SvStream& rSt, sal_uInt32 nId ) const;
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ class ExSoundCollection
sal_uInt32 GetId(const rtl::OUString&);
- // returns the size of a complete SoundCollectionContainer
+ /// @return the size of a complete SoundCollectionContainer
sal_uInt32 GetSize() const;
void Write( SvStream& rSt ) const;
diff --git a/sd/source/filter/ppt/ppt97animations.hxx b/sd/source/filter/ppt/ppt97animations.hxx
index 705f42978a50..5c7d8293b26a 100644
--- a/sd/source/filter/ppt/ppt97animations.hxx
+++ b/sd/source/filter/ppt/ppt97animations.hxx
@@ -35,22 +35,22 @@
class SdrObject;
class Ppt97Animation;
-// helper class for reading PPT AnimationInfoAtom
+/// helper class for reading PPT AnimationInfoAtom
class Ppt97AnimationInfoAtom
friend class Ppt97Animation;
//-- member
sal_uInt32 nDimColor;
- sal_uInt32 nFlags; // 0x0004: time instead of click
+ sal_uInt32 nFlags; ///< 0x0004: time instead of click
sal_uInt32 nSoundRef;
- sal_Int32 nDelayTime; // 1/1000 sec
+ sal_Int32 nDelayTime; ///< 1/1000 sec
sal_uInt16 nOrderID;
sal_uInt16 nSlideCount;
sal_uInt8 nBuildType;
sal_uInt8 nFlyMethod;
sal_uInt8 nFlyDirection;
- sal_uInt8 nAfterEffect; //nAfterEffect: 0: none; 1: change color; 2: dim on next effect; 3: dim after effect;
+ sal_uInt8 nAfterEffect; ///< nAfterEffect: 0: none; 1: change color; 2: dim on next effect; 3: dim after effect;
sal_uInt8 nSubEffect;
sal_uInt8 nOLEVerb;
@@ -85,13 +85,13 @@ class Ppt97AnimationInfoAtom
-class Ppt97Animation
- /** this is a helping class for import of PPT 97 animations
+/** this is a helping class for import of PPT 97 animations
1. use the constructor Ppt97Animation( SvStream& rIn ) to import informations from the stream
2. use the set methods to modify and complete the data
3. use the method createAndSetCustomAnimationEffect( ) to create an effect in sd model
+class Ppt97Animation
public: //public methods
Ppt97Animation( SvStream& rIn );
@@ -108,7 +108,8 @@ public: //public methods
bool HasSoundEffect() const;
sal_Int32 GetDimColor() const;
sal_uInt32 GetSoundRef() const;
- bool HasAnimateAssociatedShape() const; //true if the shape should be animated in addition to the text
+ /// @return true if the shape should be animated in addition to the text
+ bool HasAnimateAssociatedShape() const;
//set methods
void SetDimColor( sal_Int32 nDimColor );
@@ -130,11 +131,21 @@ private: //private methods
bool HasAfterEffect_ChangeColor() const;
bool HasAfterEffect_DimAtNextEffect() const;
bool HasStopPreviousSound() const;
- bool HasReverseOrder() const; //true if the text paragraphs should be animated in reverse order
- sal_Int32 GetParagraphLevel() const; //paragraph level that is animated ( that paragraph and higher levels )
- sal_Int16 GetTextAnimationType() const; //see com::sun::star::presentation::TextAnimationType
- sal_Int16 GetEffectNodeType() const; //see com::sun::star::presentation::EffectNodeType
- double GetDelayTimeInSeconds() const;//-1 for start on mouseclick or >= 0 for a delay in seconds for automatic start
+ /// @return true if the text paragraphs should be animated in reverse order
+ bool HasReverseOrder() const;
+ ///paragraph level that is animated ( that paragraph and higher levels )
+ sal_Int32 GetParagraphLevel() const;
+ ///@see com::sun::star::presentation::TextAnimationType
+ sal_Int16 GetTextAnimationType() const;
+ ///@see com::sun::star::presentation::EffectNodeType
+ sal_Int16 GetEffectNodeType() const;
+ /// @return -1 for start on mouseclick or >= 0 for a delay in seconds for automatic start
+ double GetDelayTimeInSeconds() const;
bool GetSpecialDuration( double& rfDurationInSeconds ) const;
bool GetSpecialTextIterationDelay( double& rfTextIterationDelay ) const;
@@ -143,8 +154,8 @@ private: //private methods
private: //private member
//input information:
- Ppt97AnimationInfoAtom m_aAtom;//pure input from stream
- ::rtl::OUString m_aSoundFileUrl;//this needs to be set in addition from outside as this class has not the knowledge to translate the sound bits to a file url/
+ Ppt97AnimationInfoAtom m_aAtom; ///< pure input from stream
+ ::rtl::OUString m_aSoundFileUrl; ///< this needs to be set in addition from outside as this class has not the knowledge to translate the sound bits to a file url
//cached generated output information:
mutable bool m_bDirtyCache;
diff --git a/sd/source/filter/ppt/pptatom.hxx b/sd/source/filter/ppt/pptatom.hxx
index d56166384ba5..153839440f3d 100644
--- a/sd/source/filter/ppt/pptatom.hxx
+++ b/sd/source/filter/ppt/pptatom.hxx
@@ -38,34 +38,34 @@ public:
inline const DffRecordHeader& getHeader() const;
- /** returns true if at least one atim with the given nRecType is found */
+ /** @return true if at least one atim with the given nRecType is found */
inline bool hasChildAtom( sal_uInt16 nRecType ) const;
- /** returns the first child atom with nRecType or NULL */
+ /** @return the first child atom with nRecType or NULL */
inline const Atom* findFirstChildAtom( sal_uInt16 nRecType ) const;
- /** returns the next child atom after pLast with nRecType or NULL */
+ /** @return the next child atom after pLast with nRecType or NULL */
const Atom* findNextChildAtom( sal_uInt16 nRecType, const Atom* pLast ) const;
- /** returns the first child atom or NULL */
+ /** @return the first child atom or NULL */
inline const Atom* findFirstChildAtom() const;
- /** returns the next child atom after pLast or NULL */
+ /** @return the next child atom after pLast or NULL */
inline const Atom* findNextChildAtom( const Atom* pLast ) const;
- /** returns true if this atom is a container */
+ /** @return true if this atom is a container */
inline bool isContainer() const;
/** seeks to the contents of this atom */
inline bool seekToContent() const;
- /** returns the record type */
+ /** @return the record type */
inline sal_uInt16 getType() const;
- /** returns the record instance */
+ /** @return the record instance */
inline sal_uInt16 getInstance() const;
- /** returns the record length */
+ /** @return the record length */
inline sal_uInt32 getLength() const;