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1 files changed, 15 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/sw/source/core/txtnode/ndhints.cxx b/sw/source/core/txtnode/ndhints.cxx
index 01e6f901cf1e..9d727a497604 100644
--- a/sw/source/core/txtnode/ndhints.cxx
+++ b/sw/source/core/txtnode/ndhints.cxx
@@ -27,9 +27,8 @@
#include <set>
-// Sortierreihenfolge: Start, Ende (umgekehrt!), Which-Wert (umgekehrt!),
-// als letztes die Adresse selbst
+/// sort order: Start, End (reverse), Which (reverse),
+/// (char style: sort number), at last the pointer
static bool lcl_IsLessStart( const SwTextAttr &rHt1, const SwTextAttr &rHt2 )
if ( rHt1.GetStart() == rHt2.GetStart() )
@@ -62,7 +61,8 @@ static bool lcl_IsLessStart( const SwTextAttr &rHt1, const SwTextAttr &rHt2 )
return ( rHt1.GetStart() < rHt2.GetStart() );
-// Zuerst nach Ende danach nach Ptr
+/// sort order: End (reverse), Start, Which (reverse),
+/// (char style: sort number), at last the pointer
static bool lcl_IsLessEnd( const SwTextAttr &rHt1, const SwTextAttr &rHt2 )
const sal_Int32 nHt1 = *rHt1.GetAnyEnd();
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ bool SwpHints::Contains( const SwTextAttr *pHt ) const
bool SwpHints::Check(bool bPortionsMerged) const
- // 1) gleiche Anzahl in beiden Arrays
+ // 1) both arrays have same size
CHECK_ERR( m_HintsByStart.size() == m_HintsByEnd.size(),
"HintsCheck: wrong sizes" );
sal_Int32 nLastStart = 0;
@@ -172,49 +172,49 @@ bool SwpHints::Check(bool bPortionsMerged) const
for( size_t i = 0; i < Count(); ++i )
- // --- Start-Kontrolle ---
+ // --- check Starts ---
- // 2a) gueltiger Pointer? vgl. DELETEFF
+ // 2a) valid pointer? depends on overwriting freed mem with 0xFF
const SwTextAttr *pHt = m_HintsByStart[i];
CHECK_ERR( 0xFF != *reinterpret_cast<unsigned char const *>(pHt), "HintsCheck: start ptr was deleted" );
- // 3a) Stimmt die Start-Sortierung?
+ // 3a) start sort order?
sal_Int32 nIdx = pHt->GetStart();
CHECK_ERR( nIdx >= nLastStart, "HintsCheck: starts are unsorted" );
- // 4a) IsLessStart-Konsistenz
+ // 4a) IsLessStart consistency
if( pLastStart )
CHECK_ERR( lcl_IsLessStart( *pLastStart, *pHt ), "HintsCheck: IsLastStart" );
nLastStart = nIdx;
pLastStart = pHt;
- // --- End-Kontrolle ---
+ // --- check Ends ---
// 2b) gueltiger Pointer? vgl. DELETEFF
const SwTextAttr *pHtEnd = m_HintsByEnd[i];
CHECK_ERR( 0xFF != *reinterpret_cast<unsigned char const *>(pHtEnd), "HintsCheck: end ptr was deleted" );
- // 3b) Stimmt die End-Sortierung?
+ // 3b) end sort order?
nIdx = *pHtEnd->GetAnyEnd();
CHECK_ERR( nIdx >= nLastEnd, "HintsCheck: ends are unsorted" );
- // 4b) IsLessEnd-Konsistenz
+ // 4b) IsLessEnd consistency
if( pLastEnd )
CHECK_ERR( lcl_IsLessEnd( *pLastEnd, *pHtEnd ), "HintsCheck: IsLastEnd" );
nLastEnd = nIdx;
pLastEnd = pHtEnd;
- // --- Ueberkreuzungen ---
+ // --- cross checks ---
- // 5) gleiche Pointer in beiden Arrays
+ // 5) same pointers in both arrays
if (m_HintsByStart.find(const_cast<SwTextAttr*>(pHt)) == m_HintsByStart.end())
CHECK_ERR( COMPLETE_STRING != nIdx, "HintsCheck: no GetStartOf" );
- // 6) gleiche Pointer in beiden Arrays
+ // 6) same pointers in both arrays
if (m_HintsByEnd.find(const_cast<SwTextAttr*>(pHt)) == m_HintsByEnd.end())