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1 files changed, 297 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sd/source/ui/slidesorter/inc/view/SlideSorterView.hxx b/sd/source/ui/slidesorter/inc/view/SlideSorterView.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f32cf354d19f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sd/source/ui/slidesorter/inc/view/SlideSorterView.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: SlideSorterView.hxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: 1.2 $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2004-07-13 14:22:29 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "View.hxx"
+#include <so3/iface.hxx>
+#include "pres.hxx"
+#ifndef _SV_GEN_HXX
+#include <tools/gen.hxx>
+#include <memory>
+class Point;
+namespace sdr { namespace contact {
+class ObjectContact;
+} }
+namespace sd { namespace slidesorter {
+class SlideSorterViewShell;
+} }
+namespace sd { namespace slidesorter { namespace controller {
+class SlideSorterController;
+} } }
+namespace sd { namespace slidesorter { namespace cache {
+class PageCache;
+} } }
+namespace sd { namespace slidesorter { namespace model {
+class SlideSorterModel;
+class PageDescriptor;
+} } }
+namespace sd { namespace slidesorter { namespace view {
+class Layouter;
+class ViewOverlay;
+class SlideSorterView
+ : public View
+ /** Create a new view for the slide sorter.
+ @param rViewShell
+ This reference is simply passed to the base class and not used
+ by this class.
+ */
+ SlideSorterView (
+ SlideSorterViewShell& rViewShell,
+ model::SlideSorterModel& rModel);
+ virtual ~SlideSorterView (void);
+ void RequestRepaint (void);
+ void RequestRepaint (model::PageDescriptor& rDescriptor);
+ Rectangle GetModelArea (void);
+ enum CoordinateSystem { CS_SCREEN, CS_MODEL };
+ enum BoundingBoxType { BBT_SHAPE, BBT_INFO };
+ /** Return the rectangle that bounds the page object represented by the
+ given page descriptor.
+ @param rDescriptor
+ The descriptor of the page for which to return the bounding box.
+ @param eCoordinateSystem
+ Specifies whether to return the screen or model coordinates.
+ @param eBoundingBoxType
+ Specifies whether to return the bounding box of only the page
+ object or the one that additionally includes other displayed
+ information like page name and fader symbol.
+ */
+ Rectangle GetPageBoundingBox (
+ model::PageDescriptor& rDescriptor,
+ CoordinateSystem eCoordinateSystem,
+ BoundingBoxType eBoundingBoxType) const;
+ /** Return the rectangle that bounds the page object represented by the
+ given page index .
+ @param nIndex
+ The index of the page for which to return the bounding box.
+ @param eCoordinateSystem
+ Specifies whether to return the screen or model coordinates.
+ @param eBoundingBoxType
+ Specifies whether to return the bounding box of only the page
+ object or the one that additionally includes other displayed
+ information like page name and fader symbol.
+ */
+ Rectangle GetPageBoundingBox (
+ sal_Int32 nIndex,
+ CoordinateSystem eCoordinateSystem,
+ BoundingBoxType eBoundingBoxType) const;
+ /** Return the index of the page that is rendered at the given position.
+ @param rPosition
+ The position is expected to be in pixel coordinates.
+ @return
+ The returned index is -1 when there is no page object at the
+ given position.
+ */
+ sal_Int32 GetPageIndexAtPoint (const Point& rPosition) const;
+ sal_Int32 GetFadePageIndexAtPoint (const Point& rPosition) const;
+ view::Layouter& GetLayouter (void);
+ virtual void ModelHasChanged (void);
+ /** This method is typically called before a model change takes place.
+ All references to model data are released. PostModelChange() has to
+ be called to complete the handling of the model change. When the
+ calls to Pre- and PostModelChange() are very close to each other you
+ may call HandleModelChange() instead.
+ */
+ void PreModelChange (void);
+ /** This method is typically called after a model change took place.
+ References to model data are re-allocated. Call this method only
+ after PreModelChange() has been called.
+ */
+ void PostModelChange (void);
+ /** This method is a convenience function that simply calls
+ PreModelChange() and then PostModelChange().
+ */
+ void HandleModelChange (void);
+ virtual void Resize (void);
+ virtual void InitRedraw (
+ OutputDevice* pDevice,
+ const Region& rPaintArea,
+ USHORT nPaintMode=0,
+ const Link* pPaintProc=NULL);
+ virtual void InvalidateOneWin (
+ ::Window& rWindow);
+ virtual void InvalidateOneWin (
+ ::Window& rWindow,
+ const Rectangle& rPaintArea );
+ void Layout (void);
+ /** This tells the view that it has to re-determine the visibility of
+ the page objects before painting them the next time.
+ */
+ void InvalidatePageObjectVisibilities (void);
+ /** Return the window to which this view renders its output.
+ */
+ ::sd::Window* GetWindow (void) const;
+ cache::PageCache& GetPreviewCache (void);
+ view::ViewOverlay& GetOverlay (void);
+ /** Set the bounding box of the insertion marker in model coordinates.
+ It will be painted as a dark rectangle that fills the given box.
+ */
+ void SetInsertionMarker (const Rectangle& rBBox);
+ /** Specify whether the insertion marker will be painted or not.
+ */
+ void SetInsertionMarkerVisibility (bool bVisible);
+ /** Set the size and position of the selection rectangle.
+ It will be painted as a dashed rectangle.
+ */
+ void SetSelectionRectangle (const Rectangle& rBox);
+ /** Specify whether the selection rectangle will be painted or not.
+ */
+ void SetSelectionRectangleVisibility (bool bVisible);
+ ::sdr::contact::ObjectContact& GetObjectContact (void) const;
+ model::SlideSorterModel& mrModel;
+ /// This model is used for the maPage object.
+ SdrModel maPageModel;
+ /** This page acts as container for the page objects that represent the
+ pages of the document that is represented by the SlideSorterModel.
+ */
+ SdrPage* mpPage;
+ std::auto_ptr<Layouter> mpLayouter;
+ bool mbPageObjectVisibilitiesValid;
+ std::auto_ptr<cache::PageCache> mpPreviewCache;
+ std::auto_ptr<ViewOverlay> mpViewOverlay;
+ int mnFirstVisiblePageIndex;
+ int mnLastVisiblePageIndex;
+ SvBorder maPagePixelBorder;
+ /** Adapt the coordinates of the given bounding box according to the
+ other parameters.
+ @param rModelPageObjectBoundingBox
+ Bounding box given in model coordinates that bounds only the
+ page object.
+ @param eCoordinateSystem
+ When CS_SCREEN is given then the bounding box is converted into
+ screen coordinates.
+ @param eBoundingBoxType
+ When BBT_INFO is given then the bounding box is made larger so
+ that it encloses all relevant displayed information.
+ */
+ void AdaptBoundingBox (
+ Rectangle& rModelPageObjectBoundingBox,
+ CoordinateSystem eCoordinateSystem,
+ BoundingBoxType eBoundingBoxType) const;
+ /** Determine the visibility of all page objects.
+ */
+ void DeterminePageObjectVisibilities (void);
+ controller::SlideSorterController& GetController (void);
+ /** Update the page borders used by the layouter by using those returned
+ by the first page. Call this function when the model changes,
+ especially when the number of pages changes, or when the window is
+ resized as the borders may be device dependent.
+ */
+ void UpdatePageBorders (void);
+} } } // end of namespace ::sd::slidesorter::view