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-rw-r--r-- | svx/source/tbxctrls/tbxdraw.src | 142 |
1 files changed, 110 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/svx/source/tbxctrls/tbxdraw.src b/svx/source/tbxctrls/tbxdraw.src index 12f05c3e6184..5bc5eb80a05b 100644 --- a/svx/source/tbxctrls/tbxdraw.src +++ b/svx/source/tbxctrls/tbxdraw.src @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ * * $RCSfile: tbxdraw.src,v $ * - * $Revision: 1.35 $ + * $Revision: 1.36 $ * - * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2003-03-27 15:05:00 $ + * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2003-04-29 16:46:05 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ FloatingWindow RID_SVXTBX_DRAW Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Selection" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Selection" ; Text [ italian ] = "Selezione" ; - Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Sele??o" ; + Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Seleo" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Seleco" ; Text [ finnish ] = "Valinta" ; Text [ danish ] = "Marker" ; @@ -112,6 +112,9 @@ FloatingWindow RID_SVXTBX_DRAW Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Selecci"; Text[ thai ] = "การเลือก"; + Text[ czech ] = "Výběr"; + Text[ hebrew ] = "מבחר"; + Text[ hindi ] = "चुनाव"; }; ToolBoxItem { @@ -143,6 +146,9 @@ FloatingWindow RID_SVXTBX_DRAW Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Lnia"; Text[ thai ] = "เส้น"; + Text[ czech ] = "Úsečka"; + Text[ hebrew ] = "קו"; + Text[ hindi ] = "रेखा"; }; ToolBoxItem { @@ -153,7 +159,7 @@ FloatingWindow RID_SVXTBX_DRAW Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Rectangle" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Rectangle" ; Text [ italian ] = "Rettangolo" ; - Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Ret?ngulo" ; + Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Retngulo" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Rectngulo" ; Text [ finnish ] = "Suorakulmio" ; Text [ danish ] = "Rektangel" ; @@ -174,6 +180,9 @@ FloatingWindow RID_SVXTBX_DRAW Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Rectangle"; Text[ thai ] = "สี่เหลี่ยม"; + Text[ czech ] = "Obdélník"; + Text[ hebrew ] = "מלבן"; + Text[ hindi ] = "आयत"; }; ToolBoxItem { @@ -206,6 +215,9 @@ FloatingWindow RID_SVXTBX_DRAW Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Elipse"; Text[ thai ] = "วงรี"; + Text[ czech ] = "Elipsa"; + Text[ hebrew ] = "אליפסה"; + Text[ hindi ] = "दीर्घवृत्त"; }; ToolBoxItem { @@ -216,7 +228,7 @@ FloatingWindow RID_SVXTBX_DRAW Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Polygon" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Polygon" ; Text [ italian ] = "Poligono" ; - Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Pol?gono" ; + Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Polgono" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Polgono" ; Text [ finnish ] = "Monikulmio" ; Text [ danish ] = "Polygon" ; @@ -237,6 +249,9 @@ FloatingWindow RID_SVXTBX_DRAW Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Polgon"; Text[ thai ] = "หลายเหลี่ยม"; + Text[ czech ] = "Mnohoúhelník"; + Text[ hebrew ] = "רב צלעות"; + Text[ hindi ] = "बहुभुज क्षेत्र"; }; ToolBoxItem { @@ -257,15 +272,18 @@ FloatingWindow RID_SVXTBX_DRAW Text[ danish ] = "Kurve"; Text[ swedish ] = "Kurva"; Text[ polish ] = "Krzywa"; - Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Bezier"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Curva"; Text[ japanese ] = "曲線"; Text[ korean ] = "곡선"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "曲线"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "曲線"; - Text[ turkish ] = "Bezier"; + Text[ turkish ] = "Eri"; Text[ arabic ] = "Bzier"; Text[ catalan ] = "Bzier"; Text[ thai ] = "โค้ง"; + Text[ czech ] = "Křivka"; + Text[ hebrew ] = "עקומה"; + Text[ hindi ] = "वक्र"; }; ToolBoxItem { @@ -285,16 +303,19 @@ FloatingWindow RID_SVXTBX_DRAW Text[ italian ] = "Mano libera"; Text[ danish ] = "Frihndslinje"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frihandslinje"; - Text[ polish ] = "Linia narysowana odrcznie"; - Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Freihand"; + Text[ polish ] = "Linia odrczna"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Linha de Mo-Livre"; Text[ japanese ] = "フリーハンドの曲線"; Text[ korean ] = "자유형 선"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "自由形线条"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "自由形線條"; - Text[ turkish ] = "Serbest biim"; + Text[ turkish ] = "Serbest izgi"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ catalan ] = "Forma lliure"; Text[ thai ] = "เส้นอิสระ"; + Text[ czech ] = "Čára od ruky"; + Text[ hebrew ] = "סרטוט חופשי"; + Text[ hindi ] = "मुक्त रचित रेखा"; }; ToolBoxItem { @@ -326,6 +347,9 @@ FloatingWindow RID_SVXTBX_DRAW Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Arc"; Text[ thai ] = "ส่วนโค้งของวงกลม"; + Text[ czech ] = "Oblouk"; + Text[ hebrew ] = "קשת"; + Text[ hindi ] = "चाप"; }; ToolBoxItem { @@ -336,7 +360,7 @@ FloatingWindow RID_SVXTBX_DRAW Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Pie" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Sectograma" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Ellipse Pie" ; - Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Torta" ; + Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Setor de Elipse" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Ellipssektor" ; Text [ danish ] = "Ellipsesektor" ; Text [ italian ] = "Settore di cerchio" ; @@ -356,6 +380,9 @@ FloatingWindow RID_SVXTBX_DRAW Text[ catalan ] = "Sector d'elipse"; Text[ finnish ] = "Soikion lohko"; Text[ thai ] = "วงรีพาย"; + Text[ czech ] = "Eliptická výseč"; + Text[ hebrew ] = "עוגה אליפסית"; + Text[ hindi ] = "दीर्घवृत्त पइ"; }; ToolBoxItem { @@ -366,7 +393,7 @@ FloatingWindow RID_SVXTBX_DRAW Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Circlecut" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Segmento de crculo" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Circle Segment" ; - Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Circlerecortar" ; + Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Segmento de crculo" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Cirkelsegment" ; Text [ danish ] = "Cirkelsegment" ; Text [ italian ] = "Segmento di cerchio" ; @@ -386,6 +413,9 @@ FloatingWindow RID_SVXTBX_DRAW Text[ catalan ] = "Segment del cercle"; Text[ finnish ] = "Ympyrn segmentti"; Text[ thai ] = "ส่วนของวงกลม"; + Text[ czech ] = "Kruhová úseč"; + Text[ hebrew ] = "מיקטע עיגול"; + Text[ hindi ] = "वृत्त खण्ड"; }; ToolBoxItem { @@ -417,6 +447,9 @@ FloatingWindow RID_SVXTBX_DRAW Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Text"; Text[ thai ] = "ข้อความ"; + Text[ czech ] = "Text"; + Text[ hebrew ] = "טקסט"; + Text[ hindi ] = "टेक्स्ट्"; }; ToolBoxItem { @@ -435,17 +468,20 @@ FloatingWindow RID_SVXTBX_DRAW Text[ italian ] = "Testo verticale"; Text[ danish ] = "Lodret tekst"; Text[ swedish ] = "Vertikal text"; - Text[ polish ] = "Pionowy tekst"; - Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Vertical Text"; + Text[ polish ] = "Tekst w pionie"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Texto Vertical"; Text[ japanese ] = "縦書きテキスト"; Text[ korean ] = "세로 쓰기 텍스트"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "直式文字"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "直式文字"; - Text[ turkish ] = "Vertical Text"; + Text[ turkish ] = "Dikey metin"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Text vertical"; Text[ finnish ] = "Pystysuuntainen teksti"; Text[ thai ] = "ข้อความแนวตั้ง"; + Text[ czech ] = "Svislý text"; + Text[ hebrew ] = "טקסט אנכי"; + Text[ hindi ] = "लम्ब टेक्स्ट्"; }; ToolBoxItem { @@ -456,7 +492,7 @@ FloatingWindow RID_SVXTBX_DRAW Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Marquee" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Texto animado" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Text Animation" ; - Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Lauftext" ; + Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Animao de Texto" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Animerad text" ; Text [ danish ] = "Animeret tekst" ; Text [ italian ] = "Testo scorrevole" ; @@ -476,6 +512,9 @@ FloatingWindow RID_SVXTBX_DRAW Text[ catalan ] = "Animaci de text"; Text[ finnish ] = "Tekstianimaatio"; Text[ thai ] = "การเคลื่อนไหวข้อความ"; + Text[ czech ] = "Animovaný text"; + Text[ hebrew ] = "אנימצית טקסט"; + Text[ hindi ] = "टेक्स्ट् हुलास"; }; ToolBoxItem { @@ -486,7 +525,7 @@ FloatingWindow RID_SVXTBX_DRAW Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Caption" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Bildetekst" ; Text [ italian ] = "Legenda" ; - Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Legenda" ; + Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Textos Explicativos" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Legenda" ; Text [ finnish ] = "Kuvatekstit" ; Text [ danish ] = "Forklaring" ; @@ -497,16 +536,19 @@ FloatingWindow RID_SVXTBX_DRAW Text [ english_us ] = "Callouts" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "图例"; Text[ russian ] = ""; - Text[ polish ] = "Legenda"; + Text[ polish ] = "Objanienia"; Text[ japanese ] = "凡例"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "圖例"; Text[ greek ] = ""; - Text[ korean ] = "범례"; + Text[ korean ] = "설명선"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ turkish ] = "Belirtme izgisi"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Llegendes"; Text[ thai ] = "คำบรรยายภาพ"; + Text[ czech ] = "Bubliny"; + Text[ hebrew ] = "דיבורים"; + Text[ hindi ] = "कॉलौट्स"; }; ToolBoxItem { @@ -525,23 +567,26 @@ FloatingWindow RID_SVXTBX_DRAW Text[ italian ] = "Legenda verticale"; Text[ danish ] = "Lodret forklaring"; Text[ swedish ] = "Vertikal frklaring"; - Text[ polish ] = "Pionowa legenda"; - Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Vertical Caption"; + Text[ polish ] = "Pionowy podpis"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Texto Explicativo Vertical"; Text[ japanese ] = "縦書き用凡例"; - Text[ korean ] = "수직 범례"; + Text[ korean ] = "수직 설명선"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "直式图例"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "直式圖例"; - Text[ turkish ] = "Vertical Caption"; + Text[ turkish ] = "Dikey Belitrme izgisi"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Llegenda vertical"; Text[ finnish ] = "Pystysuuntainen kuvateksti"; Text[ thai ] = "คำบรรยายภาพแนวตั้ง"; + Text[ czech ] = "Svislá bublina"; + Text[ hebrew ] = "דיבורים אנכיים"; + Text[ hindi ] = "लम्ब कॉलौट्"; }; }; }; Text [ portuguese ] = "Funes de desenho" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Draw Functions" ; - Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Zeichenfunktionen" ; + Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Funes de Desenho" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Ritfunktioner" ; Text [ danish ] = "Tegnefunktioner" ; Text [ italian ] = "Funzioni di disegno" ; @@ -550,7 +595,7 @@ FloatingWindow RID_SVXTBX_DRAW Text [ dutch ] = "Tekenfuncties" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "绘图功能"; Text[ russian ] = " "; - Text[ polish ] = "Funkcje graficzne"; + Text[ polish ] = "Funkcje rysunkowe"; Text[ japanese ] = "図形描画機能"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "繪圖功能"; Text[ greek ] = " "; @@ -561,6 +606,9 @@ FloatingWindow RID_SVXTBX_DRAW Text[ catalan ] = "Funcions de dibuix"; Text[ finnish ] = "Piirtotoiminnot"; Text[ thai ] = "ฟังก์ชั่นการวาดรูป"; + Text[ czech ] = "Kreslící funkce"; + Text[ hebrew ] = "פונקציות סרטוט"; + Text[ hindi ] = "खींचने का फंक्शन्स"; }; FloatingWindow RID_SVXTBX_ALIGNMENT { @@ -597,7 +645,7 @@ FloatingWindow RID_SVXTBX_ALIGNMENT Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Left" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Left" ; Text [ italian ] = "Sinistra" ; - Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "A Esquerda" ; + Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Esquerda" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Esquerda" ; Text [ finnish ] = "Vasen" ; Text [ danish ] = "Venstre" ; @@ -618,6 +666,9 @@ FloatingWindow RID_SVXTBX_ALIGNMENT Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Esquerra"; Text[ thai ] = "ซ้าย"; + Text[ czech ] = "Vlevo"; + Text[ hebrew ] = "שמאל"; + Text[ hindi ] = "बायाँ"; }; ToolBoxItem { @@ -627,7 +678,7 @@ FloatingWindow RID_SVXTBX_ALIGNMENT Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Centered" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Centered" ; Text [ italian ] = "Centrato" ; - Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Centralizado" ; + Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Centro" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Centrado" ; Text [ finnish ] = "Keskell" ; Text [ danish ] = "Centreret" ; @@ -648,6 +699,9 @@ FloatingWindow RID_SVXTBX_ALIGNMENT Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Centre"; Text[ thai ] = "ตรงกลาง"; + Text[ czech ] = "Na střed"; + Text[ hebrew ] = "מרכז"; + Text[ hindi ] = "केन्द्र"; }; ToolBoxItem { @@ -657,7 +711,7 @@ FloatingWindow RID_SVXTBX_ALIGNMENT Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Right" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Right" ; Text [ italian ] = "Destra" ; - Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "A Direita" ; + Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Direita" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Direita" ; Text [ finnish ] = "Oikea" ; Text [ danish ] = "Hjre" ; @@ -678,6 +732,9 @@ FloatingWindow RID_SVXTBX_ALIGNMENT Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Dreta"; Text[ thai ] = "ขวา"; + Text[ czech ] = "Vpravo"; + Text[ hebrew ] = "ימין"; + Text[ hindi ] = "दाहिना"; }; ToolBoxItem { @@ -687,7 +744,7 @@ FloatingWindow RID_SVXTBX_ALIGNMENT Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Top" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Top" ; Text [ italian ] = "Sopra" ; - Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Topo" ; + Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Em cima" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Em cima" ; Text [ finnish ] = "Ylreuna" ; Text [ danish ] = "verst" ; @@ -698,7 +755,7 @@ FloatingWindow RID_SVXTBX_ALIGNMENT Text [ english_us ] = "Top" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "向上"; Text[ russian ] = ""; - Text[ polish ] = "W grze"; + Text[ polish ] = "U gry"; Text[ japanese ] = "上"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "向上"; Text[ greek ] = ""; @@ -708,6 +765,9 @@ FloatingWindow RID_SVXTBX_ALIGNMENT Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Superior"; Text[ thai ] = "บน"; + Text[ czech ] = "Nahoru"; + Text[ hebrew ] = "למעלה"; + Text[ hindi ] = "ऊपर"; }; ToolBoxItem { @@ -738,6 +798,9 @@ FloatingWindow RID_SVXTBX_ALIGNMENT Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Centrat"; Text[ thai ] = "ตรงกลาง"; + Text[ czech ] = "Na střed"; + Text[ hebrew ] = "ממורכז"; + Text[ hindi ] = "केन्द्रित"; }; ToolBoxItem { @@ -747,7 +810,7 @@ FloatingWindow RID_SVXTBX_ALIGNMENT Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Bottom" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Bottom" ; Text [ italian ] = "Sotto" ; - Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base" ; + Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Em baixo" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Em baixo" ; Text [ finnish ] = "Alareuna" ; Text [ danish ] = "Nederst" ; @@ -758,7 +821,7 @@ FloatingWindow RID_SVXTBX_ALIGNMENT Text [ english_us ] = "Bottom" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "向下"; Text[ russian ] = ""; - Text[ polish ] = "W dole"; + Text[ polish ] = "U dou"; Text[ japanese ] = "下"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "向下"; Text[ greek ] = ""; @@ -768,6 +831,9 @@ FloatingWindow RID_SVXTBX_ALIGNMENT Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Part inferior"; Text[ thai ] = "ล่าง"; + Text[ czech ] = "Dolů"; + Text[ hebrew ] = "למטה"; + Text[ hindi ] = "नीचे"; }; }; }; @@ -783,6 +849,9 @@ FloatingWindow RID_SVXTBX_ALIGNMENT Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Alineament"; Text[ thai ] = "จัดตำแหน่ง"; + Text[ czech ] = "Zarovnání"; + Text[ hebrew ] = "יישור"; + Text[ hindi ] = "पंक्तिकरण"; }; // ********************************************************************** EOF @@ -807,3 +876,12 @@ FloatingWindow RID_SVXTBX_ALIGNMENT + + + + + + + + + |