diff options
33 files changed, 100 insertions, 2989 deletions
diff --git a/postprocess/prj/build.lst b/postprocess/prj/build.lst
index 9993021af6a5..54b7a88e8dbd 100644
--- a/postprocess/prj/build.lst
+++ b/postprocess/prj/build.lst
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-po postprocess :: svgio accessibility automation basctl bean chart2 configmgr CRASHREP:crashrep COINMP:coinmp cui dbaccess desktop dtrans embeddedobj embedserv EPM:epm eventattacher extensions extras fileaccess filter forms fpicker helpcontent2 io JAVAINSTALLER2:javainstaller2 lingucomponent MATHMLDTD:MathMLDTD ODK:odk officecfg package padmin psprint_config remotebridges sc scaddins sccomp scp2 scripting sd setup_native slideshow starmath sw sysui test testtools ucb UnoControls unoxml ure wizards xmerge xmlsecurity MORE_FONTS:more_fonts OOo:pyuno OOo:readlicense_oo SO:top unodevtools JFREEREPORT:jfreereport REPORTBUILDER:reportbuilder reportdesign sdext SWEXT:swext smoketestdoc uui writerfilter winaccessibility oox MYSQLC:mysqlc LIBXSLT:libxslt NULL
+po postprocess :: svgio accessibility automation basctl bean chart2 configmgr CRASHREP:crashrep COINMP:coinmp cui dbaccess desktop dtrans embeddedobj embedserv EPM:epm eventattacher extensions extras fileaccess filter forms fpicker helpcontent2 io JAVAINSTALLER2:javainstaller2 lingucomponent MATHMLDTD:MathMLDTD ODK:odk officecfg package padmin psprint_config remotebridges sc scaddins sccomp scp2 scripting sd setup_native slideshow starmath sw sysui test testtools ucb UnoControls unoxml ure wizards xmerge xmlsecurity MORE_FONTS:more_fonts OOo:pyuno OOo:readlicense_oo SO:top unodevtools JFREEREPORT:jfreereport REPORTBUILDER:reportbuilder reportdesign sdext SWEXT:swext uui writerfilter winaccessibility oox MYSQLC:mysqlc LIBXSLT:libxslt NULL
po postprocess usr1 - all po_mkout NULL
po postprocess\checkxml nmake - all po_checkxml NULL
po postprocess\checkdeliver nmake - all po_checkdlv NULL
diff --git a/ridljar/java/ridl/build.xml b/ridljar/java/ridl/build.xml
index 8ecc91ed71e8..f4fcab15a901 100644
--- a/ridljar/java/ridl/build.xml
+++ b/ridljar/java/ridl/build.xml
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@
<target name="javamaker-udkapi" depends="check-javamaker-udkapi" extensionOf="pre-compile" unless="${javamaker.udkapi.skip}">
<mkdir dir="${}"/>
- input-rdb="${OUTDIR}/bin/udkapi.rdb"
- output-directory="${}"/>
+ inputRdb="${OUTDIR}/bin/udkapi.rdb"
+ outputDirectory="${}"/>
<touch file="${javamaker.udkapi.flag}"/>
diff --git a/smoketestdoc/com/sun/star/comp/smoketest/MANIFEST.MF b/smoketestdoc/com/sun/star/comp/smoketest/MANIFEST.MF
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/smoketestdoc/com/sun/star/comp/smoketest/MANIFEST.MF
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/smoketestdoc/com/sun/star/comp/smoketest/TestExtension.idl b/smoketestdoc/com/sun/star/comp/smoketest/TestExtension.idl
deleted file mode 100644
index eef9ed076cc5..000000000000
--- a/smoketestdoc/com/sun/star/comp/smoketest/TestExtension.idl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- *
- *************************************************************/
-#ifndef _com_sun_star_comp_smoketest_TestExtension_idl_
-#define _com_sun_star_comp_smoketest_TestExtension_idl_
-#include <com/sun/star/lang/XServiceInfo.idl>
-module com { module sun { module star { module comp { module smoketest {
- // example service, XServiceInfo is implemented here for demonstration
- // issues. XServiceInfo must be implemented by all components.
- service TestExtension: ::com::sun::star::lang::XServiceInfo;
diff --git a/smoketestdoc/com/sun/star/comp/smoketest/ b/smoketestdoc/com/sun/star/comp/smoketest/
deleted file mode 100644
index d5ca5b36de6a..000000000000
--- a/smoketestdoc/com/sun/star/comp/smoketest/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- *
- *************************************************************/
-/** This class capsulates the class, that implements the minimal component, a
- * factory for creating the service (<CODE>__getComponentFactory</CODE>) and a
- * method, that writes the information into the given registry key
- * (<CODE>__writeRegistryServiceInfo</CODE>).
- */
-public class TestExtension {
- /** This class implements the component. At least the interfaces XServiceInfo,
- * XTypeProvider, and XInitialization should be provided by the service.
- */
- public static class _TestExtension extends WeakBase
- implements XServiceInfo {
- /** The service name, that must be used to get an instance of this service.
- */
- static private final String __serviceName =
- "";
- /** The initial component contextr, that gives access to
- * the service manager, supported singletons, ...
- * It's often later used
- */
- private XComponentContext m_cmpCtx;
- /** The service manager, that gives access to all registered services.
- * It's often later used
- */
- private XMultiComponentFactory m_xMCF;
- /** The constructor of the inner class has a XMultiServiceFactory parameter.
- * @param xmultiservicefactoryInitialization A special service factory
- * could be introduced while initializing.
- */
- public _TestExtension(XComponentContext xCompContext) {
- try {
- m_cmpCtx = xCompContext;
- m_xMCF = m_cmpCtx.getServiceManager();
- }
- catch( Exception e ) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- /** This method returns an array of all supported service names.
- * @return Array of supported service names.
- */
- public String[] getSupportedServiceNames() {
- return getServiceNames();
- }
- /** This method is a simple helper function to used in the
- * static component initialisation functions as well as in
- * getSupportedServiceNames.
- */
- public static String[] getServiceNames() {
- String[] sSupportedServiceNames = { __serviceName };
- return sSupportedServiceNames;
- }
- /** This method returns true, if the given service will be
- * supported by the component.
- * @param sServiceName Service name.
- * @return True, if the given service name will be supported.
- */
- public boolean supportsService( String sServiceName ) {
- return sServiceName.equals( __serviceName );
- }
- /** Return the class name of the component.
- * @return Class name of the component.
- */
- public String getImplementationName() {
- return _TestExtension.class.getName();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Gives a factory for creating the service.
- * This method is called by the <code>JavaLoader</code>
- * <p>
- * @return returns a <code>XSingleComponentFactory</code> for creating
- * the component
- * @param sImplName the name of the implementation for which a
- * service is desired
- * @see
- */
- public static XSingleComponentFactory __getComponentFactory(String sImplName)
- {
- XSingleComponentFactory xFactory = null;
- if ( sImplName.equals( _TestExtension.class.getName() ) )
- xFactory = Factory.createComponentFactory(_TestExtension.class,
- _TestExtension.getServiceNames());
- return xFactory;
- }
- /**
- * Writes the service information into the given registry key.
- * This method is called by the <code>JavaLoader</code>
- * <p>
- * @return returns true if the operation succeeded
- * @param regKey the registryKey
- * @see
- */
- public static boolean __writeRegistryServiceInfo(XRegistryKey regKey) {
- return Factory.writeRegistryServiceInfo(_TestExtension.class.getName(),
- _TestExtension.getServiceNames(),
- regKey);
- }
- /** This method is a member of the interface for initializing an object
- * directly after its creation.
- * @param object This array of arbitrary objects will be passed to the
- * component after its creation.
- * @throws Exception Every exception will not be handled, but will be
- * passed to the caller.
- */
- public void initialize( Object[] object )
- throws {
- /* The component describes what arguments its expected and in which
- * order!At this point you can read the objects and can intialize
- * your component using these objects.
- */
- }
diff --git a/smoketestdoc/com/sun/star/comp/smoketest/delzip b/smoketestdoc/com/sun/star/comp/smoketest/delzip
deleted file mode 100644
index 636fda90bfcb..000000000000
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@@ -1 +0,0 @@
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index 6be373a092ef..000000000000
--- a/smoketestdoc/com/sun/star/comp/smoketest/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-PRJ = ../../../../..
-PRJNAME = smoketestdoc
-PACKAGE = com/sun/star/comp/smoketest
-TARGET = com_sun_star_comp_smoketest
-# --- Settings -----------------------------------------------------
-.IF "$(SOLAR_JAVA)" != ""
-JARFILES = ridl.jar jurt.jar unoil.jar juh.jar
-JARTARGET = TestExtension.jar
-# --- Files --------------------------------------------------------
-# --- Targets ------------------------------------------------------
- $(MISC)/$(TARGET)/TestExtension.rdb\
- $(MISC)/$(TARGET)/META-INF/manifest.xml
- @-$(MKDIRHIER) $(@)
-$(MISC)/TestExtension.urd: TestExtension.idl
-$(MISC)/$(TARGET)/META-INF/manifest.xml $(MISC)/$(TARGET)/TestExtension.rdb : $(MISC)/$(TARGET)/META-INF
-$(MISC)/$(TARGET)/META-INF/manifest.xml: manifest.xml
- $(COMMAND_ECHO)$(COPY) $< $@
-$(MISC)/$(TARGET)/TestExtension.rdb: $(MISC)/TestExtension.urd
- $(COMMAND_ECHO)$(COPY) $< $@
- @echo "Java disabled. Nothing to do."
diff --git a/smoketestdoc/com/sun/star/comp/smoketest/manifest.xml b/smoketestdoc/com/sun/star/comp/smoketest/manifest.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b0e8b2a801e..000000000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- *
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- *
- ***********************************************************-->
- <manifest:file-entry manifest:full-path="TestExtension.jar" manifest:media-type="application/;type=Java"/>
- <manifest:file-entry manifest:full-path="TestExtension.rdb" manifest:media-type="application/;type=RDB"/>
-</manifest:manifest> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/smoketestdoc/data/Events.xml b/smoketestdoc/data/Events.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index c6a498e425c5..000000000000
--- a/smoketestdoc/data/Events.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- *
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- *
- ***********************************************************-->
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-<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="Events" script:language="StarBasic">REM ***** BASIC *****
-Global s_CloseListenerCalled As Boolean
-Sub PressCancel
- gDlgState = cDlgCancel
-end Sub
-Sub PressOk
- gDlgState = cDlgOk
-end Sub
-Sub PressTest
- gOptionsDialog.EndExecute()
- gDlgState = cDlgStartTest
-end Sub
-Sub closeListener_queryClosing
- &apos; not interested in
- closeListener_queryClosing = TRUE
-End Sub
-Sub closeListener_notifyClosing
- s_CloseListenerCalled = TRUE
-End Sub
-Sub closeListener_disposing
- &apos; not interested in
-End Sub
-Sub ResetCloseListenerFlag
- s_CloseListenerCalled = FALSE
-End Sub
-Function HasCloseListenerBeenCalled As Boolean
- HasCloseListenerBeenCalled = s_CloseListenerCalled
-End Function
diff --git a/smoketestdoc/data/Global.xml b/smoketestdoc/data/Global.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index f2b07b5853ad..000000000000
--- a/smoketestdoc/data/Global.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,817 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- *
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- *
- ***********************************************************-->
-<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
-<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="Global" script:language="StarBasic">REM ***** BASIC *****
-const cMaxErrorStates = 14
-const cCoGreen = 4057917, cCoRed = 16711680, cCoGrey = 12632256
-const cParagraphBreak = 0
-global const cExtensionFileName = &quot;TestExtension.oxt&quot;
-global const cDocNew = 0, cDocSaveOpen8 = 1, cDocSaveOpenXML = 2, cDocClose = 3
-global const cDBService = 0, cDBOpen = 1, cDBInsert = 2, cDBDelete = 3, cDBSeek = 4, cDBClose = 5
-global const cEXTService = 0, cEXTInstall = 1, cEXTUninstall = 2
-global const cTestClosureSetupDoc = 0, cTestClosureWriteStatus = 1
-global const cLogfileFailed = 255
-global const cStWriter = 0, cStCalc = 1, cStPraesentation = 2, cStZeichnen = 3
-global const cStHTML = 6, cStChart = 4, cStJava = 7
-global const cStMath = 5, cStDataBase = 9
-global const cStExtension = 11
-global const cStTestGlue = 12
-global const cStNone = -1
-global const cFlt8 = 0, cFlt50 = 32, cFltNewDoc = 64, cFltXML = 128
-global const frmWriter = 1, frmCalc = 2, frmImpress = 4
-global const frmMath = 5, frmChart = 7, frmHyperText = 8, frmDraw = 9
-global const frmDataBase = 10, frmJava = 13
-global const frmExtension = 14
-global const frmTestClosure = 15
-Global gCurrentDocTest As Integer
-Global gCurrentTestCase As Integer
-global const cLogUnknown = 0, cLogFalse = 1, cLogTrue = 2
-Global const cYes = &quot;y&quot;, cNo = &quot;n&quot;
-Global const cStateNo = 0, cStateYes = 1
-Global const cFtExtUser = 21, cFtPageNum = 5, cFtStatistic = 8, cFtDateTime = 27, cFtDatabase = 31
-Global const cUnoSeparator = &quot;.&quot;
-Global const cUnoPrefix = &quot;;
-Global const cUnoUserField = cUnoPrefix + &quot;text.FieldMaster.User&quot;
-Global const cUnoExtUserField = cUnoPrefix + &quot;text.TextField.ExtendedUser&quot;
-Global const cUnoMasterDataBase = cUnoPrefix + &quot;text.FieldMaster.Database&quot;
-Global const cUnoDataBase = cUnoPrefix + &quot;text.TextField.Database&quot;
-Global const cUnoDateTime = cUnoPrefix + &quot;text.TextField.DateTime&quot;
-Global const cUnoTextGraphi2 = cUnoPrefix + &quot;text.Graphic&quot;
-Global const cUnoJavaLoader = cUnoPrefix + &quot;loader.Java&quot;
-Global const cUnoDatabaseContext = cUnoPrefix + &quot;sdb.DatabaseContext&quot;
-Global const cUnoRowSet = cUnoPrefix + &quot;sdb.RowSet&quot;
-Global const cUnoSmoketestTestExtension = cUnoPrefix + &quot;comp.smoketest.TestExtension&quot;
-Global const cUnoSmoketestCommandEnvironment = cUnoPrefix + &quot;deployment.test.SmoketestCommandEnvironment&quot;
-Global const cExtensionManager = cUnoPrefix + &quot;deployment.ExtensionManager&quot;
-Global const cUserFieldTestWriter = &quot;Writer&quot;, cUserFieldTestCalc = &quot;Calc&quot;, cUserFieldTestImpress = &quot;Impress&quot;
-Global const cUserFieldTestDraw = &quot;Draw&quot;, cUserFieldTestMath = &quot;Math&quot;, cUserFieldTestChart = &quot;Chart&quot;
-Global const cUserFieldTestHTML = &quot;HTML&quot;, cUserFieldTestJava = &quot;Java&quot;, cUserFieldTestDatabase = &quot;Database&quot;
-Global const cUserFieldTestExtension = &quot;Extension&quot;
-Global const cUserFieldTestOpenSaveXML = &quot;SaveOpenXML&quot;
-Global const cUserFieldTestTerminateAfterTest = &quot;Terminate&quot;, cUserFieldTestOpenSave8 = &quot;SaveOpen8&quot;
-Global const cOptionsDialogName = &quot;OptionsDlg&quot;, cTest10Modul = &quot;Standard&quot;
-Global const cDlgCancel = 1, cDlgOk = 0, cDlgStartTest = 2
-global gErrorState (cMaxErrorStates, 5) as integer
-Global gTestCaseAnnotations( cMaxErrorStates, 5 ) As String
-global gOutputDoc as Object
-global gOutputDocNotUno as Object
-global gOptionsDialog as Object
-Global bMakeWriterTest as boolean, bMakeCalcTest as boolean, bMakeImpressTest as boolean
-Global bMakeDrawTest as Boolean, bMakeMathTest as boolean, bMakeChartTest as boolean
-Global bMakeHTMLTest as boolean, bMakeJavaTest as boolean, bMakeDBTest as boolean
-Global bMakeExtensionTest as boolean
-Global bMakeSaveOpenXMLTest as boolean
-Global bMakeTerminateAfterTest as boolean, bShowTable as boolean
-Global bMakeSaveOpen8Test as boolean
-global sExtensionURL as string
-Dim gDlgState as Integer
-Sub SetGlobalDoc
- gOutputDoc = ThisComponent
-end Sub
-Sub ClearStatus
- for j% = 0 to cMaxErrorStates
- for i% = 0 to 5
- gErrorState (j%, i%) = cLogUnknown
- gTestCaseAnnotations( J%, i% ) = ""
- next i%
- next j%
-end Sub
-Sub ClearAllText
- call SetGlobalDoc
- call ClearDoc (gOutputDoc)
- call ClearStatus
-end Sub
-Sub AssertionHandler( sMessage as String )
- LogTestResult( &quot;assertion caught: &quot; + sMessage, FALSE )
-End Sub
-Sub Main
- On Local Error Goto MainError
- gCurrentDocTest = frmTestClosure
- gCurrentTestCase = cLogfileFailed
- DeleteAllSavedFiles()
- DeleteAllLogFiles()
- SetupWorkPath()
- if GetSystem (sWorkPath) = &quot;windows&quot; then
- sWorkPath = ConvertPathToWin (sWorkPath)
- end if
- LocalTestLog% = OpenLogDat( GetLogFileName( gCurrentDocTest ) )
- gCurrentTestCase = cTestClosureSetupDoc
- CaptureAssertions( "AssertionHandler" )
- call SetGlobalDoc
- Dim bWasModified as Boolean
- bWasModified = gOutputDoc.isModified()
- if bShowTable then
- call ClearDoc (gOutputDoc)
- end If
- call ClearStatus
- LogTestResult( GetTestGlueDescription( gCurrentTestCase ), TRUE )
- Dim nPreserveFileHandle%
- nPreserveFileHandle% = LocalTestLog%
- Call Test_10er.Main
- LocalTestLog% = nPreserveFileHandle%
- gCurrentDocTest = frmTestClosure
- gCurrentTestCase = cTestClosureWriteStatus
- if bShowTable then
- call CreateStatusTable2
- call CreateStatusTable
- call CreateDocState
- LogTestResult( GetTestGlueDescription( gCurrentTestCase ), TRUE )
- &apos; do this LogTestResult call before CreateSecondState, since the latter accesses (and displays) the result
- call CreateSecondState
- gOutputDoc.CurrentController.ViewCursor.JumpToFirstPage
- Else
- LogTestResult( GetTestGlueDescription( gCurrentTestCase ), TRUE )
- End If
- &apos; print the &apos;test complete&apos; marker
- Print #LocalTestLog%, &quot;---&quot;
- LocalTestLog% = 0
- gOutputDoc.setModified( bWasModified )
- CaptureAssertions( &quot;&quot; )
- Exit Sub
- If ( gCurrentTestCase = cLogfileFailed ) then
- LogTestResult( &quot;&quot;, False )
- Exit Sub
- else
- LogTestResult( &quot;testclosure &quot; + GetTestGlueDescription( gCurrentTestCase ), FALSE )
- Close #LocalTestLog%
- LocalTestLog = 0
- End If
-End Sub
-Function GetTestGlueDescription( nTestCase as Integer )
- Select Case ( nTestCase )
- case cTestClosureSetupDoc
- GetTestGlueDescription = &quot;setup&quot;
- case cTestClosureWriteStatus
- GetTestGlueDescription = &quot;write_status&quot;
- case Else
- GetTestGlueDescription = &quot;&quot;
- End Select
-End Function
-Sub CreateStatusTable
- dim tableHeaders(7) as string
- tableHeaders(cStWriter) = &quot;Writer&quot;
- tableHeaders(cStCalc) = &quot;Calc&quot;
- tableHeaders(cStPraesentation) = &quot;Präsen- tation&quot;
- tableHeaders(cStZeichnen) = &quot;Zeichn.&quot;
- tableHeaders(cStChart) = &quot;Diagr.&quot;
- tableHeaders(cStMath) = &quot;Math&quot;
- tableHeaders(cStHTML) = &quot;HTML&quot;
- tableHeaders(cStJava) = &quot;Java&quot;
- dim tableRows(3) as string
- tableRows(cDocNew) = &quot;new&quot;
- tableRows(cDocSaveOpen8) = &quot;V8.0&quot;
- tableRows(cDocSaveOpenXML) = &quot;XML&quot;
- tableRows(cDocClose) = &quot;close&quot;
- aDoc = gOutputDoc
- xText = aDoc.Text
- xCursor = xText.createTextCursor()
- xCursor.gotoStart(FALSE)
- xCursor.GoRight (4, False)
- SetParagraphBreak (xCursor)
- xCursor.GoRight (1, False)
- SetParagraphBreak (xCursor)
- xCursor.GoRight (1, False)
- table = aDoc.createInstance(&quot;;)
- table.initialize(5,9)
- table.Name = &quot;StTab1&quot;
- table.BackColor = cCoGrey
- xText.insertTextContent(xCursor, table, FALSE)
- for i% = 0 to 7
- tableCell = table.getCellByPosition( i% + 1, 0 )
- tableCell.String = tableHeaders( i% )
- next i%
- for i% = LBound( tableRows ) to UBound( tableRows )
- tableCell = table.getCellByPosition( 0, i% + 1 )
- tableCell.String=tableRows(i%)
- next i%
-end Sub
-Sub CreateStatusTable2
- dim tableHeaders(4) as string
- tableHeaders(0) = &quot;Database&quot;
- tableHeaders(1) = &quot;&quot;
- tableHeaders(2) = &quot;Extension&quot;
- tableHeaders(3) = &quot;&quot;
- tableHeaders(4) = &quot;Other&quot;
- dim tableRows(5) as string
- tableRows(cDBService ) = &quot;services&quot;
- tableRows(cDBOpen ) = &quot;open&quot;
- tableRows(cDBInsert ) = &quot;insert&quot;
- tableRows(cDBDelete ) = &quot;delete&quot;
- tableRows(cDBSeek ) = &quot;seek&quot;
- tableRows(cDBClose ) = &quot;close&quot;
- dim tableRows2(2) as string
- tableRows2(cEXTService ) = &quot;services&quot;
- tableRows2(cEXTInstall ) = &quot;install&quot;
- tableRows2(cEXTUninstall ) = &quot;uninstall&quot;
- dim tableRows3(1) as string
- tableRows3(cTestClosureSetupDoc ) = &quot;setup test&quot;
- tableRows3(cTestClosureWriteStatus ) = &quot;write test result&quot;
- aDoc = gOutputDoc
- xText = aDoc.Text
- xCursor = xText.createTextCursor()
- xCursor.gotoStart(FALSE)
- xCursor.GoRight (4, False)
- SetParagraphBreak (xCursor)
- SetParagraphBreak (xCursor)
- xCursor.gotoEnd(FALSE)
- table = aDoc.createInstance(&quot;;)
- table.initialize(7,6)
- table.Name = &quot;StTab2&quot;
- table.BackColor = cCoGrey
- xText.insertTextContent(xCursor, table, FALSE)
- for i% = LBound( tableHeaders ) to UBound( tableHeaders )
- tableCell = table.getCellByPosition( i% + 1, 0 )
- tableCell.String = tableHeaders(i%)
- next i%
- for i% = LBound( tableRows ) to UBound( tableRows )
- tableCell = table.getCellByPosition( 0, i% + 1 )
- tableCell.String=tableRows(i%)
- next i%
- for i% = LBound( tableRows2 ) to UBound( tableRows2 )
- tableCell = table.getCellByPosition( 2, i% + 1 )
- tableCell.String=tableRows2(i%)
- next i%
- for i% = LBound( tableRows3 ) to UBound( tableRows3 )
- tableCell = table.getCellByPosition( 4, i% + 1 )
- tableCell.String=tableRows3(i%)
- next i%
-end Sub
-Sub CreateDocState
- aDoc = gOutputDoc
- table = aDoc.TextTables.GetByIndex (1)
- for j% = 0 to 7
- for i% = 0 to 3
- sRangeName = GetRangeName(j%, i%+1)
- tableCursor = table.createCursorByCellName(sRangeName)
- cName = tableCursor.getRangeName()
- xCell = table.getCellByName(cName)
- xCell.BackTransparent = False
- If gErrorState (j%, i%) = cLogTrue Then
- xCell.BackColor = cCoGreen
- else
- If gErrorState (j%, i%) = cLogFalse Then
- xCell.BackColor = cCoRed
- If ( gTestCaseAnnotations( j%, i% ) &lt;&gt; "" ) Then
- Dim annotation as Object
- annotation = aDoc.createInstance( &quot;; )
- annotation.Author = &quot;smoketest&quot;
- annotation.Content = gTestCaseAnnotations( j%, i% )
- xCell.insertTextContent( xCell, annotation, false )
- End If
- else
- xCell.BackColor = cCoGrey
- end If
- end If
- next i%
- next j%
-end Sub
-Sub CreateSecondState
- aDoc = gOutputDoc
- table = aDoc.TextTables.GetByIndex (0)
- Dim stateIndex(2) as Integer
- stateIndex(0) = cStDataBase
- stateIndex(1) = cStExtension
- stateIndex(2) = cStTestGlue
- Dim j as Integer
- For j = LBound( stateIndex ) To UBound( stateIndex )
- for i% = 1 to 6
- tableCell = table.getCellByPosition( 2 * j + 1, i% )
- tableCell.BackTransparent = False
- if gErrorState( stateIndex(j), i% - 1 ) = cLogTrue then
- tableCell.BackColor = cCoGreen
- else
- if gErrorState ( stateIndex(j), i% - 1 ) = cLogFalse then
- tableCell.BackColor = cCoRed
- If ( gTestCaseAnnotations( stateIndex(j), i% - 1 ) &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; ) Then
- Dim annotation as Object
- annotation = aDoc.createInstance( &quot;; )
- annotation.Author = &quot;smoketest&quot;
- annotation.Content = gTestCaseAnnotations( stateIndex(j), i% - 1 )
- tableCell.insertTextContent( tableCell, annotation, false )
- End If
- else
- tableCell.BackColor = cCoGrey
- end If
- end If
- next i%
- next j%
-end Sub
-Function GetRangeName (nColumn as integer, nRow as integer) as string
- GetRangeName = chr (nColumn+66) + Trim(Str(nRow+1))
-end Function
-Sub LogTestResult( sTestCaseDescription as String, bSuccess as Boolean )
- If ( gCurrentTestCase = cLogfileFailed ) Then
- Dim sAnnotation as String
- sAnnotation = &quot;creating logfile &apos;&quot; + GetLogFileName( gCurrentDocTest ) + &quot;&apos; failed&quot;
- LogState( FALSE, sAnnotation, GlobalTestLog )
- RecordTestCaseStatus( 0, FALSE, sAnnotation )
- Else
- bSuccess = RecordTestCaseStatus( gCurrentTestCase, bSuccess, sTestCaseDescription )
- If ( LocalTestLog &lt;&gt; 0 ) Then
- LogState( bSuccess, sTestCaseDescription, LocalTestLog )
- EndIf
- if ( GlobalTestLog &lt;&gt; 0 ) Then
- LogState( bSuccess, sTestCaseDescription, GlobalTestLog )
- EndIf
- End If
-End Sub
-Function RecordTestCaseStatus( nAction as Integer, bState as Boolean, sFailureAnnotation as String ) as Boolean
- Dim nStatusType as Integer
- Dim nState as integer
- nStatusType = GetStatusType( gCurrentDocTest )
- If nStatusType = cStNone then Exit Function
- If ( gErrorState( nStatusType, nAction ) = cLogFalse ) Then
- &apos; don't overwrite a previous &quot;failed&quot; state for this test
- bState = FALSE
- End If
- if bState then
- nState = cLogTrue
- else
- nState = cLogFalse
- end If
- gErrorState (nStatusType, nAction) = nState
- If ( nState = cLogFalse ) And ( sFailureAnnotation &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; ) Then
- gTestCaseAnnotations( nStatusType, nAction ) = gTestCaseAnnotations( nStatusType, nAction ) + sFailureAnnotation + chr(13)
- End If
- RecordTestCaseStatus = bState
-End Function
-Function GetStatusType (nDocType as Integer) as Integer
- Select Case ( nDocType )
- case frmWriter
- GetStatusType = cStWriter &apos; text document
- case frmCalc
- GetStatusType = cStCalc &apos; spreadsheet document
- case frmImpress
- GetStatusType = cStPraesentation &apos; presentation
- case frmDraw
- GetStatusType = cStZeichnen &apos; drawing
- case frmMath
- GetStatusType = cStMath &apos; formula
- case frmHyperText
- GetStatusType = cStHTML &apos; HTML document
- case frmChart
- GetStatusType = cStChart &apos; chart
- case frmJava
- GetStatusType = cStJava &apos;Java
- case frmTestClosure
- GetStatusType = cStTestGlue &apos; test framework
- case frmDataBase
- GetStatusType = cStDataBase &apos;DataBase
- case frmExtension
- GetStatusType = cStExtension &apos;Extension
- case else
- GetStatusType = cStNone
- end Select
-end Function
-Sub SetParagraphBreak (aCursor as Object)
- aCursor.Text.InsertControlCharacter (aCursor, cParagraphBreak, True)
-end Sub
-Sub ClearDoc (aDoc as Object)
- Dim aText as Object
- Dim i%
- for i%=1 to aDoc.TextTables.count
- aDoc.TextTables.GetByIndex(0).dispose
- next
- aText = aDoc.Text.CreateTextCursor
- aText.GotoStart (False)
- aText.GoRight (3, False)
- SetParagraphBreak (aText)
- aText.GotoEnd (True)
- aText.String=&quot;&quot;
-end Sub
-Sub ClearDocFull (aDoc as Object)
- Dim aText as Object
- Dim i%
- for i%=1 to aDoc.TextTables.count
- aDoc.TextTables.GetByIndex(0).dispose
- next
- aText = aDoc.Text.CreateTextCursor
- aText.GotoStart (False)
- aText.GotoEnd (True)
- aText.String=&quot;&quot;
-end Sub
-Sub SetGlobalOptionsDialog ()
- Dim oLibContainer As Object, oLib As Object
- Dim oInputStreamProvider As Object
- Dim oDialog As Object
- Const sLibName = cTest10Modul
- Const sDialogName = cOptionsDialogName
- REM get library and input stream provider
- oLibContainer = DialogLibraries
- REM load the library
- oLibContainer.loadLibrary( sLibName )
- oLib = oLibContainer.getByName( sLibName )
- oInputStreamProvider = oLib.getByName( sDialogName )
- REM create dialog control
- gOptionsDialog = CreateUnoDialog( oInputStreamProvider )
-end Sub
-Sub ShowOptionsDlg
- call SetGlobalDoc
- call SetGlobalOptionsDialog
- call GetOptions
- REM show the dialog
- gOptionsDialog.execute()
- &apos; jetzt läuft der Dialog, bis ein Button gedrückt wird
- Select Case (gDlgState)
- case cDlgOk
- call SetOptions ()
- case cDlgStartTest
- call SetOptions ()
- call StartTestByOptions ()
- end Select
- gOptionsDialog.dispose()
-end Sub
-Sub SetOptions
- call SetGlobalDoc
- SetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestWriter, -(gOptionsDialog.getControl(&quot;cbWriterTest&quot;).getState), gOutputDoc)
- SetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestCalc, -(gOptionsDialog.getControl(&quot;cbCalcTest&quot;).getState), gOutputDoc)
- SetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestImpress, -(gOptionsDialog.getControl(&quot;cbImpressTest&quot;).getState), gOutputDoc)
- SetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestDraw, -(gOptionsDialog.getControl(&quot;cbDrawTest&quot;).getState), gOutputDoc)
- SetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestHTML, -(gOptionsDialog.getControl(&quot;cbHTMLTest&quot;).getState), gOutputDoc)
- SetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestMath, -(gOptionsDialog.getControl(&quot;cbMathTest&quot;).getState), gOutputDoc)
- SetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestChart, -(gOptionsDialog.getControl(&quot;cbChartTest&quot;).getState), gOutputDoc)
- SetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestJava, -(gOptionsDialog.getControl(&quot;cbJavaTest&quot;).getState), gOutputDoc)
- SetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestDatabase, -(gOptionsDialog.getControl(&quot;cbDatabaseTest&quot;).getState), gOutputDoc)
- SetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestExtension, -(gOptionsDialog.getControl(&quot;cbExtensionTest&quot;).getState), gOutputDoc)
- SetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestOpenSaveXML, -(gOptionsDialog.getControl(&quot;cbSaveOpenXMLTest&quot;).getState), gOutputDoc)
- SetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestOpenSave8, -(gOptionsDialog.getControl(&quot;cbSaveOpen8Test&quot;).getState), gOutputDoc)
- SetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestTerminateAfterTest, -(gOptionsDialog.getControl(&quot;cbTerminateAfterTest&quot;).getState), gOutputDoc)
-end Sub
-Sub GetOptions
- call SetGlobalDoc
- gOptionsDialog.getControl(&quot;cbWriterTest&quot;).setState( -( GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestWriter, gOutputDoc)))
- gOptionsDialog.getControl(&quot;cbCalcTest&quot;).setState ( -( GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestCalc, gOutputDoc)))
- gOptionsDialog.getControl(&quot;cbImpressTest&quot;).setState( -( GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestImpress, gOutputDoc)))
- gOptionsDialog.getControl(&quot;cbDrawTest&quot;).setState( -( GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestDraw, gOutputDoc)))
- gOptionsDialog.getControl(&quot;cbHTMLTest&quot;).setState( -( GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestHTML, gOutputDoc)))
- gOptionsDialog.getControl(&quot;cbMathTest&quot;).setState( -( GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestMath, gOutputDoc)))
- gOptionsDialog.getControl(&quot;cbChartTest&quot;).setState( -( GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestChart, gOutputDoc)))
- gOptionsDialog.getControl(&quot;cbJavaTest&quot;).setState( -( GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestJava, gOutputDoc)))
- gOptionsDialog.getControl(&quot;cbDatabaseTest&quot;).setState( -( GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestDatabase, gOutputDoc)))
- gOptionsDialog.getControl(&quot;cbExtensionTest&quot;).setState( -( GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestExtension, gOutputDoc)))
- gOptionsDialog.getControl(&quot;cbSaveOpenXMLTest&quot;).setState( -( GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestOpenSaveXML, gOutputDoc)))
- gOptionsDialog.getControl(&quot;cbSaveOpen8Test&quot;).setState( -( GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestOpenSave8, gOutputDoc)))
- gOptionsDialog.getControl(&quot;cbTerminateAfterTest&quot;).setState( -( GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestTerminateAfterTest, gOutputDoc)))
-End Sub
-Sub ReadOptions
- call SetGlobalDoc
- bMakeWriterTest = GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestWriter, gOutputDoc)
- bMakeCalcTest = GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestCalc, gOutputDoc)
- bMakeImpressTest = GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestImpress, gOutputDoc)
- bMakeDrawTest = GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestDraw, gOutputDoc)
- bMakeHTMLTest = GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestHTML, gOutputDoc)
- bMakeMathTest = GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestMath, gOutputDoc)
- bMakeChartTest = GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestChart, gOutputDoc)
- bMakeJavaTest = GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestJava, gOutputDoc)
- bMakeDBTest = GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestDatabase, gOutputDoc)
- bMakeExtensionTest = GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestExtension, gOutputDoc)
- bMakeSaveOpenXMLTest = GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestOpenSaveXML, gOutputDoc)
- bMakeSaveOpen8Test = GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestOpenSave8, gOutputDoc)
- bMakeTerminateAfterTest = GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestTerminateAfterTest, gOutputDoc)
-end Sub
-Sub SetDefaultOptions
- bMakeWriterTest = true
- bMakeCalcTest = true
- bMakeImpressTest = true
- bMakeDrawTest = true
- bMakeHTMLTest = true
- bMakeMathTest = true
- bMakeChartTest = true
- if Environ(&quot;SOLAR_JAVA&quot;) = &quot;&quot; then
- bMakeJavaTest = false
- bMakeDBTest = false
- bMakeExtensionTest = false
- else
- bMakeJavaTest = true
- bMakeDBTest = true
- bMakeExtensionTest = true
- End If
- bMakeSaveOpenXMLTest = true
- REM Disable StarOffice 5.0 tests in case binfilter has not been included
- bMakeSaveOpen8Test = true
- bMakeTerminateAfterTest = false
-end Sub
-Sub StartTestByOptions
- bShowTable = true
- call ReadOptions
- call Main
- if bMakeTerminateAfterTest then
- ClearDocFull (gOutputDoc)
- gOutputDoc.dispose
- &apos;StarDesktop.Terminate
- &apos;EnableReschedule( false )
- &apos;DispatchSlot( 5300 )
- stop
- End If
-end Sub
-Function StartTestWithDefaultOptions
- bShowTable = false
- call SetDefaultOptions
- call Main
- dim component(cMaxErrorStates) as string
- component(cStWriter) = &quot;Writer&quot;
- component(cStCalc) = &quot;Calc&quot;
- component(cStPraesentation) = &quot;Impress&quot;
- component(cStZeichnen) = &quot;Draw&quot;
- component(cStChart) = &quot;Chart&quot;
- component(cStMath) = &quot;Math&quot;
- component(cStHTML) = &quot;HTML&quot;
- component(cStJava) = &quot;Java&quot;
- component(cStDataBase) = &quot;Base&quot;
- component(cStExtension) = &quot;Extensions&quot;
- dim action(3) as string
- action(cDocNew) = &quot;new&quot;
- action(cDocSaveOpen8) = &quot;V8.0&quot;
- action(cDocSaveOpenXML) = &quot;XML&quot;
- action(cDocClose) = &quot;close&quot;
- dim baseAction(5) as string
- baseAction(cDBService) = &quot;services&quot;
- baseAction(cDBOpen) = &quot;open&quot;
- baseAction(cDBInsert) = &quot;insert&quot;
- baseAction(cDBDelete) = &quot;delete&quot;
- baseAction(cDBSeek) = &quot;seek&quot;
- baseAction(cDBClose) = &quot;close&quot;
- dim extAction(2) as string
- extAction(cEXTService) = &quot;services&quot;
- extAction(cEXTInstall) = &quot;install&quot;
- extAction(cEXTUninstall) = &quot;uninstall&quot;
- dim result as string
- for i = 0 to cMaxErrorStates
- for j = 0 to 5
- if gErrorState(i, j) = cLogFalse then
- result = result &amp; &quot; &quot; &amp; component(i) &amp; &quot;:&quot;
- if i = cStDataBase then
- result = result &amp; baseAction(j)
- else if i = cStExtension then
- result = result &amp; extAction(j)
- else
- result = result &amp; action(j)
- end if
- end if
- end if
- next j
- next i
- StartTestWithDefaultOptions = result
-end Function
-Sub DispatchSlot(SlotID as Integer)
- Dim oArg() as new
- Dim oUrl as new
- Dim oTrans as Object
- Dim oDisp as Object
- oTrans = createUNOService(&quot;;)
- oUrl.Complete = &quot;slot:&quot; &amp; CStr(SlotID)
- oTrans.parsestrict(oUrl)
- oDisp = StarDesktop.queryDispatch(oUrl, &quot;_self&quot;, 0)
- oDisp.dispatch(oUrl, oArg())
-End Sub
-Sub LoadLibrary( LibName As String )
- dim args(1)
- dim arg as new
- arg.Name = &quot;LibraryName&quot;
- arg.Value = LibName
- args(0) = arg
- dim url as new
- dim trans as object
- trans = createUnoService(&quot;; )
- url.Complete = &quot;slot:6517&quot;
- trans.parsestrict( url )
- dim disp as object
- disp = StarDesktop.currentFrame.queryDispatch( url, &quot;&quot;, 0 )
- disp.dispatch( url, args() )
-End Sub
-Sub ExecuteSlot( SlotNr As String, oDoc as Object )
- dim args()
- dim url as new
- dim trans as object
- dim disp as object
- trans = createUnoService(&quot;; )
- url.Complete = &quot;slot:&quot; + SlotNr
- trans.parsestrict( url )
- disp = oDoc.CurrentController.Frame.queryDispatch( url, &quot;&quot;, 0 )
- disp.dispatch( url, args() )
-End Sub
-Sub DelAllUserFields (aDoc as Object)
- Dim aFieldType as Object
- Dim aElements as Variant
- Dim i%
- Dim aFieldMasters, aFieldMaster as Object
- Dim sElement$
- aFieldMasters = aDoc.TextFieldMasters
- aElements = aFieldMasters.ElementNames
- for i = 0 to UBound(aElements)
- sElement$ = aElements(i)
- if 0 &lt;&gt; instr(sElement$, cUnoUserField ) then
- aFieldMaster = aFieldMasters.GetByName(sElement$)
- aFieldMaster.Dispose
- endif
- next
-end Sub
-Function GetUserFieldState (sName as String, aDoc as Object) as boolean
- Dim sFieldText as String
- Dim bState as boolean
- sFieldText = ReadUserField (sName, aDoc)
- if LCase(sFieldText) = cYes then
- bState = true
- else
- bState = false
- end IF
- GetUserFieldState = bState
-end Function
-Sub SetUserFieldState (sName as String, nState as boolean, aDoc as Object)
- Dim sFieldText as String
- sFieldText = cNo &apos;default
- Select case nState
- case true
- sFieldText = cYes
- case false
- sFieldText = cNo
- end Select
- WriteUserField (sFieldText, sName, aDoc)
-end Sub
-Function ReadUserField(sFieldName as String, aDoc as Object) as String
- Dim aMasters as Object
- aMasters = aDoc.TextFieldMasters
- if aMasters.HasByName (cUnoUserField+cUnoSeparator+sFieldName) then
- ReadUserField = aMasters.GetByName (cUnoUserField+cUnoSeparator+sFieldName).Content
- else
- ReadUserField = &quot;&quot;
- end If
-End Function
-Sub WriteUserField(sValue as String, sFieldName as String, aDoc as Object, optional aCursor as Object)
- Dim aMasters, aUserField, aTxtCursor as Object
- aMasters = aDoc.TextFieldMasters
- if aMasters.HasByName (cUnoUserField+cUnoSeparator+sFieldName) then
- aUserField = aMasters.GetByName (cUnoUserField+cUnoSeparator+sFieldName)
- else
- aUserField = aDoc.CreateInstance (cUnoUserField)
- aUserField.Name = sFieldName
- end if
- aUserField.Content = sValue
-End Sub
-Sub WriteExtUserField(nIndex as Integer, aCursor as Object, aDoc as Object)
- Dim aUserField as Object
- aUserField = aDoc.CreateInstance (cUnoExtUserField)
- aUserField.UserDataType = nIndex
- aCursor.Text.InsertTextContent (aCursor, aUserField, True)
- aUserField.Fix = True
-End Sub
diff --git a/smoketestdoc/data/OptionsDlg.xml b/smoketestdoc/data/OptionsDlg.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ba082f0df21..000000000000
--- a/smoketestdoc/data/OptionsDlg.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- *
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- *
- ***********************************************************-->
-<!DOCTYPE dlg:window PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "dialog.dtd">
-<dlg:window xmlns:dlg="" xmlns:script="" dlg:id="OptionsDlg" dlg:left="173" dlg:top="100" dlg:width="223" dlg:height="214" dlg:closeable="true" dlg:moveable="true" dlg:title="Options for smoketest">
- <dlg:bulletinboard>
- <dlg:titledbox dlg:id="fmTests" dlg:tab-index="0" dlg:left="114" dlg:top="7" dlg:width="100" dlg:height="157">
- <dlg:title dlg:value="Tests"/>
- </dlg:titledbox>
- <dlg:checkbox dlg:id="cbWriterTest" dlg:tab-index="1" dlg:left="19" dlg:top="21" dlg:width="80" dlg:height="8" dlg:value="Writer" dlg:checked="false"/>
- <dlg:checkbox dlg:id="cbCalcTest" dlg:tab-index="2" dlg:left="19" dlg:top="35" dlg:width="80" dlg:height="8" dlg:value="Calc" dlg:checked="false"/>
- <dlg:checkbox dlg:id="cbImpressTest" dlg:tab-index="3" dlg:left="19" dlg:top="49" dlg:width="80" dlg:height="8" dlg:value="Impress" dlg:checked="false"/>
- <dlg:checkbox dlg:id="cbDrawTest" dlg:tab-index="4" dlg:left="19" dlg:top="63" dlg:width="80" dlg:height="8" dlg:value="Draw" dlg:checked="false"/>
- <dlg:checkbox dlg:id="cbHTMLTest" dlg:tab-index="5" dlg:left="19" dlg:top="77" dlg:width="80" dlg:height="8" dlg:value="HTML" dlg:checked="false"/>
- <dlg:checkbox dlg:id="cbMathTest" dlg:tab-index="6" dlg:left="19" dlg:top="91" dlg:width="80" dlg:height="8" dlg:value="Math" dlg:checked="false"/>
- <dlg:checkbox dlg:id="cbChartTest" dlg:tab-index="7" dlg:left="19" dlg:top="105" dlg:width="80" dlg:height="8" dlg:value="Chart" dlg:checked="false"/>
- <dlg:checkbox dlg:id="cbJavaTest" dlg:tab-index="8" dlg:left="19" dlg:top="119" dlg:width="80" dlg:height="8" dlg:value="Java" dlg:checked="false"/>
- <dlg:checkbox dlg:id="cbDatabaseTest" dlg:tab-index="9" dlg:left="19" dlg:top="133" dlg:width="80" dlg:height="8" dlg:value="Database" dlg:checked="false"/>
- <dlg:checkbox dlg:id="cbExtensionTest" dlg:tab-index="10" dlg:left="19" dlg:top="147" dlg:width="80" dlg:height="8" dlg:value="Extension" dlg:checked="false"/>
- <dlg:titledbox dlg:id="fmInstalls" dlg:tab-index="11" dlg:left="7" dlg:top="7" dlg:width="100" dlg:height="157">
- <dlg:title dlg:value="Functions"/>
- </dlg:titledbox>
- <dlg:checkbox dlg:id="cbSaveOpen8Test" dlg:tab-index="12" dlg:left="126" dlg:top="21" dlg:width="80" dlg:height="8" dlg:value="Save / Open V8.0" dlg:checked="false"/>
- <dlg:checkbox dlg:id="cbSaveOpenXMLTest" dlg:tab-index="13" dlg:left="126" dlg:top="35" dlg:width="80" dlg:height="8" dlg:value="Save / Open XML" dlg:checked="false"/>
- <dlg:titledbox dlg:id="fmBroker" dlg:tab-index="15" dlg:left="7" dlg:top="169" dlg:width="208" dlg:height="17"/>
- <dlg:checkbox dlg:id="cbTerminateAfterTest" dlg:tab-index="16" dlg:disabled="true" dlg:left="19" dlg:top="174" dlg:width="190" dlg:height="8" dlg:value="Terminate Office after test" dlg:checked="false"/>
- <dlg:button dlg:id="btOk" dlg:tab-index="17" dlg:left="7" dlg:top="193" dlg:width="65" dlg:height="15" dlg:value="Ok" dlg:button-type="ok" dlg:default="true">
- <script:event script:event-name="on-performaction" script:location="document" script:macro-name="Standard.Events.PressOk" script:language="StarBasic"/>
- </dlg:button>
- <dlg:button dlg:id="btCancel" dlg:tab-index="18" dlg:left="80" dlg:top="193" dlg:width="65" dlg:height="15" dlg:value="Cancel" dlg:button-type="ok">
- <script:event script:event-name="on-performaction" script:location="document" script:macro-name="Standard.Events.PressCancel" script:language="StarBasic"/>
- </dlg:button>
- <dlg:button dlg:id="btStart" dlg:tab-index="19" dlg:left="152" dlg:top="193" dlg:width="65" dlg:height="15" dlg:value="Smoketest">
- <script:event script:event-name="on-performaction" script:location="" script:macro-name="Standard.Events.PressTest?language=Basic&amp;location=document" script:language="Script"/>
- </dlg:button>
- </dlg:bulletinboard>
diff --git a/smoketestdoc/data/Test_10er.xml b/smoketestdoc/data/Test_10er.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 257f629a9dec..000000000000
--- a/smoketestdoc/data/Test_10er.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,677 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- *
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- *
- ***********************************************************-->
-<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
-<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="Test_10er" script:language="StarBasic">REM 10er Test
-const sSWLogFileName = &quot;swlog.dat&quot;, sSCLogFileName = &quot;sclog.dat&quot;
-const sSDLogFileName = &quot;sdlog.dat&quot;, sSMathLogFileName = &quot;smalog.dat&quot;
-const sSChartLogFileName = &quot;schlog.dat&quot;
-const sSHptLogFileName = &quot;shptlog.dat&quot;
-const sSDrawLogFileName = &quot;sdrwlog.dat&quot;, sJavaLogFileName = &quot;javalog.dat&quot;
-const sSDBLogFileName = &quot;dblog.dat&quot;, sExtLogFileName = &quot;extlog.dat&quot;
-const sTestGlueLogFileName = &quot;testclosure.log&quot;
-const sLogFileName = &quot;smoketest.log&quot;
-const cTempFileName = &quot;smoketest_file&quot;
-const cMessageSaveOpen8Doc = &quot;Save/Open open Documents (8.0)&quot;
-const cMessageSaveOpenXMLDoc = &quot;Save/Open Document XML (6/7)&quot;
-const cMessageNewDoc = &quot;New Document&quot;
-const cMessageCloseDoc = &quot;Close Document&quot;
-Global sWorkPath$
-Global sWorkPathURL$
-Global LocalTestLog%
-Global GlobalTestLog%
-Sub Main
- call TestAllDocs()
-end Sub
-Sub DeleteAllSavedFiles()
- Dim sFileName as String
- sFileName = sWorkPath+cTempFileName+&quot;.&quot;+GetDocEndings(frmWriter)
- If FileExists (sFileName) then
- Kill (sFileName)
- End If
- sFileName = sWorkPath+cTempFileName+&quot;.&quot;+GetDocEndings(frmCalc)
- If FileExists (sFileName) then
- Kill (sFileName)
- End If
- sFileName = sWorkPath+cTempFileName+&quot;.&quot;+GetDocEndings(frmImpress)
- If FileExists (sFileName) then
- Kill (sFileName)
- End If
- sFileName = sWorkPath+cTempFileName+&quot;.&quot;+GetDocEndings(frmDraw)
- If FileExists (sFileName) then
- Kill (sFileName)
- End If
- sFileName = sWorkPath+cTempFileName+&quot;.&quot;+GetDocEndings(frmHyperText)
- If FileExists (sFileName) then
- Kill (sFileName)
- End If
- sFileName = sWorkPath+cTempFileName+&quot;.&quot;+GetDocEndings(frmWriter or cFltXML)
- If FileExists (sFileName) then
- Kill (sFileName)
- End If
- sFileName = sWorkPath+cTempFileName+&quot;.&quot;+GetDocEndings(frmCalc or cFltXML)
- If FileExists (sFileName) then
- Kill (sFileName)
- End If
- sFileName = sWorkPath+cTempFileName+&quot;.&quot;+GetDocEndings(frmImpress or cFltXML)
- If FileExists (sFileName) then
- Kill (sFileName)
- End If
- sFileName = sWorkPath+cTempFileName+&quot;.&quot;+GetDocEndings(frmDraw or cFltXML)
- If FileExists (sFileName) then
- Kill (sFileName)
- End If
-End Sub
-Sub DeleteAllLogFiles()
- If FileExists (sWorkPath+sLogFileName) then
- Kill (sWorkPath+sLogFileName)
- End If
- If FileExists (sWorkPath+sSWLogFileName) then
- Kill (sWorkPath+sSWLogFileName)
- End If
- If FileExists (sWorkPath+sSCLogFileName) then
- Kill (sWorkPath+sSCLogFileName)
- End If
- If FileExists (sWorkPath+sSDLogFileName) then
- Kill (sWorkPath+sSDLogFileName)
- End If
- If FileExists (sWorkPath+sSMathLogFileName) then
- Kill (sWorkPath+sSMathLogFileName)
- End If
- If FileExists (sWorkPath+sSChartLogFileName) then
- Kill (sWorkPath+sSChartLogFileName)
- End If
- If FileExists (sWorkPath+sSHptLogFileName) then
- Kill (sWorkPath+sSHptLogFileName)
- End If
- If FileExists (sWorkPath+sSDrawLogFileName) then
- Kill (sWorkPath+sSDrawLogFileName)
- End If
- If FileExists (sWorkPath+sJavaLogFileName) then
- Kill (sWorkPath+sJavaLogFileName)
- End If
- If FileExists (sWorkPath+sTestGlueLogFileName) then
- Kill (sWorkPath+sTestGlueLogFileName)
- End If
- If FileExists (sWorkPath+sSDBLogFileName) then
- Kill (sWorkPath+sSDBLogFileName)
- End If
- If FileExists (sWorkPath+sExtLogFileName) then
- Kill (sWorkPath+sExtLogFileName)
- End If
-end Sub
-Function OpenLogDat (sFileName as String) as Integer
- Dim LocaleFileChannel%
- If FileExists (sWorkPath+sFileName) then
- Kill (sWorkPath+sFileName)
- End If
- LocaleFileChannel% = Freefile
- Open sWorkPath+sFileName For Output As LocaleFileChannel%
- OpenLogDat = LocaleFileChannel%
-end Function
-Sub SetupWorkPath
- Dim configManager as Object
- configManager = CreateUnoService( &quot;; )
- sWorkPath = configManager.SubstituteVariables( &quot;$(userpath)/temp/&quot; )
- sWorkPathURL = configManager.SubstituteVariables( &quot;$(userurl)/temp/&quot; )
-End Sub
-Function GetSystem (sTmpWorkPath as string) as string
- GetSystem = &quot;&quot;
- if InStr (sTmpWorkPath, &quot;:&quot;) then
- GetSystem = &quot;windows&quot;
- else
- GetSystem = &quot;unix&quot;
- End If
-end Function
-Function ConvertPathToWin (sTmpWorkPath as string) as string
- for i%=1 to Len(sTmpWorkPath)
- sTemp = Mid (sTmpWorkPath, i%, 1)
- if sTemp = &quot;/&quot; then
- sTmpWorkPath = Left (sTmpWorkPath, i%-1) + &quot;\&quot; + Right (sTmpWorkPath, Len(sTmpWorkPath)-i%)
- else
- if sTemp = &quot;|&quot; then
- sTmpWorkPath = Left (sTmpWorkPath, i%-1) + &quot;:&quot; + Right (sTmpWorkPath, Len(sTmpWorkPath)-i%)
- end If
- end If
- next i%
- ConvertPathToWin = sTmpWorkPath
-end Function
-Sub TestAllDocs()
-DIM sDocURL as String, sDocPath as String
-DIM nStrPos as Long
- &apos;search ExtensionURL
- sDocURL = gOutputDoc.URL
- CompatibilityMode(true)
- nStrPos = InStrRev (sDocURL, &quot;/&quot; )
- CompatibilityMode(false)
- sExtensionURL = Left (sDocURL, nStrPos)
- GlobalTestLog = OpenLogDat (sLogFileName)
- call WriteTestSequence
- if bMakeWriterTest then
- gCurrentDocTest = frmWriter
- call MakeDocTest
- end if
- if bMakeCalcTest then
- gCurrentDocTest = frmCalc
- call MakeDocTest
- end if
- if bMakeImpressTest then
- gCurrentDocTest = frmImpress
- call MakeDocTest
- end if
- if bMakeDrawTest then
- gCurrentDocTest = frmDraw
- call MakeDocTest
- end if
- if bMakeHTMLTest then
- gCurrentDocTest = frmHyperText
- call MakeDocTest
- end if
- if bMakeChartTest then
- gCurrentDocTest = frmChart
- call MakeChartTest
- end if
- if bMakeMathTest then
- gCurrentDocTest = frmMath
- call MakeNewDoc
- end if
- if bMakeJavaTest then
- gCurrentDocTest = frmJava
- call TestJava
- end if
- if bMakeDBTest then
- gCurrentDocTest = frmDataBase
- call Test_DB.TestDB
- end if
- if bMakeExtensionTest then
- gCurrentDocTest = frmExtension
- call Test_Ext.TestExtensions
- end if
- Close #GlobalTestLog
- GlobalTestLog = 0
-end Sub
-Sub WriteTestSequence
- Print #GlobalTestLog, &quot;Sequence of testing&quot;
- if bMakeWriterTest then
- WriteTests (&quot;writer : &quot;, true, GlobalTestLog)
- end if
- if bMakeCalcTest then
- WriteTests (&quot;calc : &quot;, true, GlobalTestLog)
- end if
- if bMakeImpressTest then
- WriteTests (&quot;impress : &quot;, true, GlobalTestLog)
- end if
- if bMakeDrawTest then
- WriteTests (&quot;draw : &quot;, true, GlobalTestLog)
- end if
- if bMakeHTMLTest then
- WriteTests (&quot;HTML : &quot;, true, GlobalTestLog)
- end if
- if bMakeChartTest then
- WriteTests (&quot;chart : &quot;, false, GlobalTestLog)
- end if
- if bMakeMathTest then
- WriteTests (&quot;math : &quot;, false, GlobalTestLog)
- end if
- if bMakeJavaTest then
- WriteTests (&quot;Java : &quot;, false, GlobalTestLog)
- end if
- if bMakeDBTest then
- WriteDBTests (&quot;Database : &quot;, GlobalTestLog)
- end if
- if bMakeExtensionTest then
- WriteExtensionTests (&quot;Extension : &quot;, GlobalTestLog)
- end if
- Print #GlobalTestLog, &quot;testclosure : setup, write_status&quot;
- Print #GlobalTestLog
- end Sub
- Sub WriteTests (sText as string, bTestAll as boolean)
- Dim sWriteStr as string
- sWriteStr = sText
- sWriteStr = sWriteStr + &quot;new&quot;
- if bTestAll then
- if bMakeSaveOpen8Test then
- sWriteStr = sWriteStr + &quot;, save 8.0&quot;
- end if
- if bMakeSaveOpenXMLTest then
- sWriteStr = sWriteStr + &quot;, save XML&quot;
- end if
- if bMakeSaveOpen8Test then
- sWriteStr = sWriteStr + &quot;, open 8.0&quot;
- end if
- if bMakeSaveOpenXMLTest then
- sWriteStr = sWriteStr + &quot;, open XML&quot;
- end if
- end if
- sWriteStr = sWriteStr + &quot;, close&quot;
- Print #GlobalTestLog, sWriteStr
-end Sub
-Sub WriteDBTests (sText as string, nFileChannel as integer)
- Dim sWriteStr as string
- sWriteStr = sText
- sWriteStr = sWriteStr + &quot;open / services&quot;
- sWriteStr = sWriteStr + &quot;, insert&quot;
- sWriteStr = sWriteStr + &quot;, delete&quot;
- sWriteStr = sWriteStr + &quot;, seek&quot;
- sWriteStr = sWriteStr + &quot;, close&quot;
- Print #nFileChannel, sWriteStr
-end Sub
-Sub WriteExtensionTests (sText as string, nFileChannel as integer)
- Dim sWriteStr as string
- sWriteStr = sText
- sWriteStr = sWriteStr + &quot;services&quot;
- sWriteStr = sWriteStr + &quot;, install&quot;
- sWriteStr = sWriteStr + &quot;, uninstall&quot;
- Print #nFileChannel, sWriteStr
-end Sub
-Sub MakeDocTest
- Dim oDoc as Object
- Dim sFileNameXML$, sFileName8$
- Dim bSuccess as Boolean
- On Local Error GoTo DOCTESTERROR
- gCurrentTestCase = cLogfileFailed
- LocalTestLog% = OpenLogDat (GetLogFileName(gCurrentDocTest))
- gCurrentTestCase = cDocNew
- oDoc = LoadDoc (&quot;private:factory/&quot; + GetDocFilter(gCurrentDocTest or cFltNewDoc))
- LogTestResult( GetDocFilter(gCurrentDocTest or cFltNewDoc)+&quot; &quot;+ cMessageNewDoc, not IsNull (oDoc) )
- if not IsNull (oDoc) then
- gCurrentTestCase = cDocSaveOpen8
- if bMakeSaveOpen8Test and IsFilterAvailable (gCurrentDocTest or cFlt8) then
- sFileName8 = sWorkPathURL+cTempFileName+&quot;.&quot;+GetDocEndings(gCurrentDocTest or cFlt8)
- SaveDoc (sFileName8, oDoc, GetDocFilter(gCurrentDocTest or cFlt8))
- end if
- gCurrentTestCase = cDocSaveOpenXML
- if bMakeSaveOpenXMLTest and IsFilterAvailable (gCurrentDocTest or cFltXML) then
- sFileNameXML = sWorkPathURL+cTempFileName+&quot;.&quot;+GetDocEndings(gCurrentDocTest or cFltXML)
- SaveDoc (sFileNameXML, oDoc, GetDocFilter(gCurrentDocTest or cFltXML))
- end if
- gCurrentTestCase = cDocClose
- bSuccess = CloseDoc( oDoc )
- LogTestResult( GetDocFilter(gCurrentDocTest)+&quot; &quot;+ cMessageCloseDoc, bSuccess )
- gCurrentTestCase = cDocSaveOpen8
- if bMakeSaveOpen8Test and IsFilterAvailable (gCurrentDocTest or cFlt8) then
- oDoc = LoadDoc (sFileName8)
-&apos; oDoc =
- LogTestResult( GetDocFilter(gCurrentDocTest or cFltNewDoc)+&quot; &quot;+ cMessageSaveOpen8Doc, not IsNull (oDoc) )
- if not IsNull (oDoc) then
- gCurrentTestCase = cDocClose
- oDoc.close (true)
- end If
- end if
- gCurrentTestCase = cDocSaveOpenXML
- if bMakeSaveOpenXMLTest and IsFilterAvailable (gCurrentDocTest or cFltXML) then
- oDoc = LoadDoc (sFileNameXML)
-&apos; oDoc =
- LogTestResult( GetDocFilter(gCurrentDocTest or cFltNewDoc)+&quot; &quot;+ cMessageSaveOpenXMLDoc, not IsNull (oDoc) )
- if not IsNull (oDoc) then
- gCurrentTestCase = cDocClose
- oDoc.close (true)
- end If
- end if
- end If
- Print #LocalTestLog, &quot;---&quot;
- Close #LocalTestLog%
- LocalTestLog = 0
- Exit Sub &apos; Without error
- If ( gCurrentTestCase = cLogfileFailed ) then
- LogTestResult( &quot; &quot;, False )
- Exit Sub
- else
- LogTestResult( GetDocFilter(gCurrentDocTest or cFltNewDoc)+&quot; &quot;+ GetErrorMessage(gCurrentTestCase), False )
- Close #LocalTestLog%
- LocalTestLog = 0
- End If
- Exit Sub &apos; With error
-End Sub
-Sub MakeNewDoc
- DIM oDoc as Object
- Dim bSuccess as Boolean
- On Local Error GoTo DOCTESTERROR2
- gCurrentTestCase = cLogfileFailed
- LocalTestLog% = OpenLogDat (GetLogFileName(gCurrentDocTest))
- gCurrentTestCase = cDocNew
-&apos; oDoc = Documents.Add(GetDocFilter(gCurrentDocTest))
- oDoc = LoadDoc (&quot;private:factory/&quot; + GetDocFilter(gCurrentDocTest or cFltNewDoc))
- LogTestResult( GetDocFilter(gCurrentDocTest or cFltNewDoc)+&quot; &quot;+ cMessageNewDoc, not IsNull (oDoc) )
- if not IsNull (oDoc) then
- gCurrentTestCase = cDocClose
- bSuccess = CloseDoc( oDoc )
- LogTestResult( GetDocFilter(gCurrentDocTest)+&quot; &quot;+ cMessageCloseDoc, bSuccess )
- end If
- Print #LocalTestLog, &quot;---&quot;
- Close #LocalTestLog%
- LocalTestLog = 0
- Exit Sub &apos; Without error
- If ( gCurrentTestCase = cLogfileFailed ) then
- LogTestResult( &quot; &quot;, False )
- Exit Sub
- else
- LogTestResult( GetDocFilter(gCurrentDocTest or cFltNewDoc)+&quot; &quot;+ GetErrorMessage(gCurrentTestCase), False )
- Close #LocalTestLog%
- LocalTestLog = 0
- End If
- Exit Sub &apos; With error
-End Sub
-Sub MakeChartTest
- Dim oCharts as Object
- Dim oDoc as Object
- Dim oRange(0) as New
- Dim oRect as New
- const cChartName=&quot;TestChart&quot;
- Dim bSuccess as Boolean
- gCurrentTestCase = cLogfileFailed
- LocalTestLog% = OpenLogDat (GetLogFileName(gCurrentDocTest))
- gCurrentTestCase = cDocNew
- oDoc = LoadDoc (&quot;private:factory/&quot; + GetDocFilter(frmCalc or cFltNewDoc))
- if not IsNull (oDoc) then
- oCharts = oDoc.sheets(0).Charts
- oCharts.AddNewByName (cChartName, oRect, oRange(), true, true)
- bSuccess=oCharts.HasByName(cChartName)
- LogTestResult( GetDocFilter(gCurrentDocTest or cFltNewDoc)+&quot; &quot;+ cMessageNewDoc, bSuccess )
- gCurrentTestCase = cDocClose
- oDoc.close (true)
- else
- LogTestResult( GetDocFilter(frmCalc or cFltNewDoc)+&quot; &quot;+ cMessageNewDoc, FALSE )
- End if
- Print #LocalTestLog, &quot;---&quot;
- Close #LocalTestLog%
- LocalTestLog = 0
- Exit Sub &apos; Without error
- If ( gCurrentTestCase = cLogfileFailed ) then
- LogTestResult( &quot; &quot;, False )
- Exit Sub
- else
- LogTestResult( GetDocFilter(gCurrentDocTest or cFltNewDoc)+&quot; &quot;+ GetErrorMessage(gCurrentTestCase), FALSE )
- Close #LocalTestLog%
- LocalTestLog = 0
- End If
- Exit Sub &apos; With error
-End Sub
-Sub LogState (bState as Boolean, sText as String, nLocaleFileChannel as integer)
- if bState then
- Print #nLocaleFileChannel, sText+&quot; -&gt; ok&quot;
- else
- Print #nLocaleFileChannel, sText+&quot; -&gt; error&quot;
- end If
-end Sub
-Function GetDocEndings (DocType as Integer) as String
- Select Case ( DocType )
- case frmWriter or cFlt8
- GetDocEndings = &quot;odt&quot; &apos; Textdokument
- case frmCalc or cFlt8
- GetDocEndings = &quot;ods&quot; &apos;Tabellendokument
- case frmImpress or cFlt8
- GetDocEndings = &quot;odp&quot; &apos;PrÕsentation
- case frmDraw or cFlt8
- GetDocEndings = &quot;odg&quot; &apos;Zeichen
- case frmHyperText, frmHyperText or cFltXML
- GetDocEndings = &quot;html&quot; &apos;Hypertext-Dokument
- case frmWriter or cFltXML
- GetDocEndings = &quot;sxw&quot; &apos; Textdokument
- case frmCalc or cFltXML
- GetDocEndings = &quot;sxc&quot; &apos;Tabellendokument
- case frmImpress or cFltXML
- GetDocEndings = &quot;sxi&quot; &apos;PrÕsentation
- case frmDraw or cFltXML
- GetDocEndings = &quot;sxd&quot; &apos;Zeichen
- case else
- GetDocEndings = &quot;&quot;
- end Select
-end Function
-Function GetDocFilter (DocType as Integer) as String
- Select Case ( DocType )
- case frmWriter or cFlt8
- GetDocFilter = &quot;writer8&quot; &apos; text document
- case frmCalc or cFlt8
- GetDocFilter = &quot;calc8&quot; &apos; spreadsheet document
- case frmImpress or cFlt8
- GetDocFilter = &quot;impress8&quot; &apos; presentation
- case frmDraw or cFlt8
- GetDocFilter = &quot;draw8&quot; &apos; drawing
- case frmMath or cFlt8
- GetDocFilter = &quot;math8&quot; &apos; formula
- case frmWriter or cFltXML
- GetDocFilter = &quot;StarOffice XML (Writer)&quot; &apos; text document
- case frmCalc or cFltXML
- GetDocFilter = &quot;StarOffice XML (Calc)&quot; &apos; spreadsheet document
- case frmImpress or cFltXML
- GetDocFilter = &quot;StarOffice XML (Impress)&quot; &apos; presentation
- case frmDraw or cFltXML
- GetDocFilter = &quot;StarOffice XML (Draw)&quot; &apos; drawing
- case frmMath or cFltXML
- GetDocFilter = &quot;StarOffice XML (Math)&quot; &apos; formula
- case frmHyperText, frmHyperText or cFltXML
- GetDocFilter = &quot;HTML&quot; &apos; HTML document
- case frmWriter or cFltNewDoc
- GetDocFilter = &quot;swriter&quot; &apos; text document
- case frmCalc or cFltNewDoc
- GetDocFilter = &quot;scalc&quot; &apos; spreadsheet document
- case frmImpress or cFltNewDoc
- GetDocFilter = &quot;simpress&quot; &apos; presentation
- case frmDraw or cFltNewDoc
- GetDocFilter = &quot;sdraw&quot; &apos; drawing
- case frmMath or cFltNewDoc
- GetDocFilter = &quot;smath&quot; &apos; formula
- case frmHyperText or cFltNewDoc
- GetDocFilter = &quot;swriter/web&quot; &apos; HTML document
- case frmChart or cFltNewDoc
- GetDocFilter = &quot;schart&quot; &apos; chart
- case else
- GetDocFilter = &quot;&quot;
- end Select
-end Function
-Function GetLogFileName (DocType as Integer) as String
- Select Case ( DocType )
- case frmWriter
- GetLogFileName = sSWLogFileName &apos; text document
- case frmCalc
- GetLogFileName = sSCLogFileName &apos; spreadsheet document
- case frmImpress
- GetLogFileName = sSDLogFileName &apos; presentation
- case frmDraw
- GetLogFileName = sSDrawLogFileName &apos; drawing
- case frmMath
- GetLogFileName = sSMathLogFileName &apos; formula
- case frmHyperText
- GetLogFileName = sSHptLogFileName &apos; HTML document
- case frmChart
- GetLogFileName = sSChartLogFileName &apos; chart
- case frmJava
- GetLogFileName = sJavaLogFileName &apos;Java
- case frmTestClosure
- GetLogFileName = sTestGlueLogFileName &apos; test framework
- case frmDataBase
- GetLogFileName = sSDBLogFileName &apos;Database
- case frmExtension
- GetLogFileName = sExtLogFileName &apos;Extension
- case else
- GetLogFileName = &quot;&quot;
- end Select
-end Function
-Function GetErrorMessageOnAction (nAction as Integer) as String
- Select Case ( nAction )
- case cDocNew
- GetErrorMessageOnAction = cMessageNewDoc
- case cDocSaveOpen8
- GetErrorMessageOnAction = cMessageSaveOpen8Doc
- case cDocSaveOpenXML
- GetErrorMessageOnAction = cMessageSaveOpenXMLDoc
- case cDocClose
- GetErrorMessageOnAction = cMessageCloseDoc
- case else
- GetErrorMessageOnAction = &quot;&quot;
- end Select
-end Function
-Function IsFilterAvailable (FilterType as Integer) as boolean
- IsFilterAvailable = true
- if ((FilterType = (frmHyperText or cFltXML))) then
- IsFilterAvailable = false
- end if
-End Function
-Function TestJava
- Dim oObj as Object
- gCurrentTestCase = cLogfileFailed
- LocalTestLog% = OpenLogDat (GetLogFileName(gCurrentDocTest))
- gCurrentTestCase = cDocNew
- oObj = createUnoService( cUnoJavaLoader )
- LogTestResult( &quot;Java &quot;+ cMessageNewDoc, not IsNull (oObj) )
- Print #LocalTestLog, &quot;---&quot;
- Close #LocalTestLog%
- LocalTestLog = 0
- TestJava = not IsNull (oObj)
-End Function
-Sub LoadLibrary( LibName as String )
- dim args(1)
- dim arg as new
- arg.Name = &quot;LibraryName&quot;
- arg.Value = LibName
- args(0) = arg
- dim url as new
- dim trans as object
- trans = createUnoService(&quot;; )
- url.Complete = &quot;slot:6517&quot;
- trans.parsestrict( url )
- dim disp as object
- disp = StarDesktop.currentFrame.queryDispatch( url, &quot;&quot;, 0 )
- disp.dispatch( url, args() )
-End Sub
-Sub LoadDoc (DocName as String) as Object
- dim trans as object
- trans = createUnoService(&quot;; )
- url = createUnoStruct(&quot;; )
- url.Complete = DocName
- if Left(DocName, 5 ) &lt;&gt; &quot;file:&quot; then
- trans.parsestrict( url )
- endif
- Dim aPropArray(0) as Object
- aPropArray(0) = CreateUnoStruct(&quot;;)
- aPropArray(0).Name = &quot;OpenFlags&quot;
- aPropArray(0).Value = &quot;S&quot;
- dim doc as object
- dim noargs()
- doc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL( url.Complete, &quot;_blank&quot;, 0, aPropArray() ) &apos; XModel
- LoadDoc = doc
-End Sub
-Sub SaveDoc (DocName as String, oDoc as Object, sFilterName as string )
- dim trans as object
- trans = createUnoService(&quot;; )
- url = createUnoStruct(&quot;; )
- url.Complete = DocName
- if Left(DocName, 5 ) &lt;&gt; &quot;file:&quot; then
- trans.parsestrict( url )
- endif
- if not (sFilterName = &quot;&quot;) then
- Dim aPropArray(0) as Object
- aPropArray(0) = CreateUnoStruct(&quot;;)
- aPropArray(0).Name = &quot;FilterName&quot;
- aPropArray(0).Value = sFilterName
- oDoc.storeAsURL( url.Complete, aPropArray() )
- else
- MessageBox &quot;Filtername is unknown!&quot;
- end if
-end Sub
-Function CloseDoc( oDoc as Object )
- Dim oListener as Object
- oListener = CreateUnoListener( "Events.closeListener_", "" )
- oDoc.addCloseListener( oListener )
- Events.ResetCloseListenerFlag()
- oDoc.close( true )
- closeDoc = Events.HasCloseListenerBeenCalled()
- if ( Not Events.HasCloseListenerBeenCalled() ) Then
- &apos; do this only if closing was not successful - otherwise, we'd get a DisposedException
- oDoc.removeCloseListener( oListener )
- End If
-End Function
diff --git a/smoketestdoc/data/Test_DB.xml b/smoketestdoc/data/Test_DB.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bba836ab389..000000000000
--- a/smoketestdoc/data/Test_DB.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- *
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- *
- ***********************************************************-->
-<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
-<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="Test_DB" script:language="StarBasic">REM ***** Database Test *****
-const cMessageDatabaseService = &quot;Database Service&quot;
-const cMessageDatabaseOpen = &quot;Open Database&quot;
-const cMessageDatabaseInsert = &quot;Insert record into Database&quot;
-const cMessageDatabaseDelete = &quot;Delete record from Database&quot;
-const cMessageDatabaseSeek = &quot;Read other record from Database&quot;
-const cMessageDatabaseClose = &quot;Close Database&quot;
-Sub TestDB
- Dim oDBConnection as Object, oDataSource as Object, oDBContext as Object
- Dim sDBName as String, sTable as String, sCurrentMessage as String
- Dim nRowCount as Integer
- Dim bResult as Boolean
- Const sTestString = &quot;Automatical Test&quot;
- On Local Error GoTo DBERROR
- gCurrentTestCase = cLogfileFailed
- LocalTestLog% = OpenLogDat (GetLogFileName(gCurrentDocTest))
- gCurrentTestCase = cDBService
- sCurrentMessage = cMessageDatabaseService + &quot; &quot; + cUnoDatabaseContext
- oDBContext = CreateUnoService(cUnoDatabaseContext)
- sDBName=oDBContext.ElementNames(0) &apos;Names of Databases
- gCurrentTestCase = cDBOpen
- sCurrentMessage = cMessageDatabaseOpen
- oDataSource = oDBContext.GetByName(sDBName)
- sTable=oDataSource.Tables.ElementNames(0)
- oDBConnection = oDBContext.GetByName(sDBName).GetConnection(&quot;&quot;,&quot;&quot;)
- LogTestResult( &quot;Database &quot;+ cMessageDatabaseOpen, not IsNull (oDBConnection) )
- if (IsNull(oDBConnection)) then
- Close #LocalTestLog%
- LocalTestLog = 0
- Exit Sub
- End If
- &apos; Database is open now
- gCurrentTestCase = cDBService
- sCurrentMessage = cMessageDatabaseService + &quot; &quot; + cUnoRowSet
- oRowSet = createUnoService(cUnoRowSet)
- if (IsNull(oRowSet)) then
- LogTestResult( &quot;Database &quot;+ cMessageDatabaseService + &quot; &quot; + cUnoRowSet, not IsNull (oRowSet) )
- Exit Sub
- else
- LogTestResult( &quot;Database &quot;+ cMessageDatabaseService, TRUE )
- End If
- gCurrentTestCase = cDBInsert
- sCurrentMessage = cMessageDatabaseInsert
- oRowSet.ActiveConnection = oDBConnection
- oRowSet.CommandType =
- oRowSet.Command = &quot;SELECT * FROM &quot; + sTable
- oRowSet.execute()
- oRowSet.moveToInsertRow
- oRowSet.updateString(5, sTestString)
- oRowSet.insertRow()
- nRowCount=oRowSet.RowCount
- oRowSet.moveToCurrentRow()
- bResult = (oRowSet.getString(5) = sTestString)
- LogTestResult( &quot;Database &quot;+ cMessageDatabaseInsert, bResult )
- &apos;delete only if insert passed
- if (bResult) Then
- gCurrentTestCase = cDBDelete
- sCurrentMessage = cMessageDatabaseDelete
- oRowSet.deleteRow()
- bResult = (nRowCount - oRowSet.RowCount = 0)
- if ( bResult ) Then
- bResult = (nRowCount - oRowSet.RowCount = 1)
- End If
- LogTestResult( &quot;Database &quot;+ cMessageDatabaseDelete, bResult )
- End If
- &apos; read other record
- gCurrentTestCase = cDBSeek
- sCurrentMessage = cMessageDatabaseSeek
- oRowSet.first()
- bResult = not (oRowSet.getString(5) = sTestString)
- LogTestResult( &quot;Database &quot;+ cMessageDatabaseSeek, bResult )
- gCurrentTestCase = cDBClose
- sCurrentMessage = cMessageDatabaseClose
- oDBConnection.Dispose()
- LogTestResult( &quot;Database &quot;+ cMessageDatabaseClose, True )
- Print #LocalTestLog, &quot;---&quot;
- Close #LocalTestLog%
- LocalTestLog = 0
- Exit Sub &apos; Without error
- If ( gCurrentTestCase = cLogfileFailed ) then
- LogTestResult( &quot; &quot;, False )
- Exit Sub
- else
- LogTestResult( &quot;Database &quot;+ sCurrentMessage, FALSE )
- Close #LocalTestLog%
- LocalTestLog = 0
- End If
- Exit Sub &apos; With error
-End Sub
diff --git a/smoketestdoc/data/Test_Ext.xml b/smoketestdoc/data/Test_Ext.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 08c31612600c..000000000000
--- a/smoketestdoc/data/Test_Ext.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- *
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
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- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- *
- ***********************************************************-->
-<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
-<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="Test_Ext" script:language="StarBasic">REM ***** BASIC *****
-const cMessageExtensionService = &quot;Extension Service&quot;
-const cMessageExtensionInstall = &quot;Install Extension&quot;
-const cMessageExtensionUninstall = &quot;Uninstall Extension&quot;
-Sub TestExtensions
- Dim oTestExtension as Object, obj_null as Object
- Dim sCurrentMessage as String
- Dim bResult as Boolean
- Dim sImplementationNameString as String
- sImplementationNameString = cUnoSmoketestTestExtension + &quot;$_TestExtension&quot;
- On Local Error GoTo EXTERROR
- gCurrentTestCase = cLogfileFailed
- LocalTestLog% = OpenLogDat (GetLogFileName(gCurrentDocTest))
- sCurrentMessage = cMessageExtensionService
- gCurrentTestCase = cEXTService
- &apos;Create an implementation of which is needed for
- &apos;adding the extension. The implementation is in
- &apos;javaunohelper/com/sun/star/comp/juhtest/ and the code is in juh.jar
- cmdEnv = createUnoService(cUnoSmoketestCommandEnvironment)
- &apos;Create the component context and then get the singleton ExtensionManager
- &apos;A singleton cannot be created with createUnoService
- ctx = getDefaultContext
- ext_mgr = ctx.getValueByName(&quot;/singletons/&quot; + cExtensionManager)
- LogTestResult( &quot;Extension &quot;+ cMessageExtensionService, not IsNull (ext_mgr) )
- if (IsNull(ext_mgr)) then
- Close #LocalTestLog%
- LocalTestLog = 0
- Exit Sub
- End If
- sCurrentMessage = cMessageExtensionInstall
- gCurrentTestCase = cEXTInstall
- &apos;Add the extension. We must provide a file URL here.
- &apos;By passing &quot;user&quot; we determine that the actions we perform on
- &apos;XExtensionManager only affect the user installation. To modify the share installation one would pass &quot;share&quot;.
- Dim props() as Object
- ext_mgr.addExtension(sExtensionURL + cExtensionFileName, props, &quot;user&quot;, obj_null, cmdEnv)
- &apos;Check if the extension has been added by creating a service which is contained in the extension.
- oTestExtension = createUnoService(cUnoSmoketestTestExtension)
- bResult = (oTestExtension.getImplementationName = sImplementationNameString)
- LogTestResult( &quot;Extension &quot;+ cMessageExtensionInstall, bResult )
- if (not bResult) then
- Close #LocalTestLog%
- LocalTestLog = 0
- Exit Sub
- End If
- sCurrentMessage = cMessageExtensionUninstall
- gCurrentTestCase = cEXTUninstall
- &apos;Remove the package
- ext_mgr.removeExtension(&quot;org.openoffice.legacy.&quot; + cExtensionFileName, cExtensionFileName, &quot;user&quot;,obj_null, cmdEnv)
- &apos;Try to create the service which is contained in the now removed extension.
- oTestExtension = createUnoService(cUnoSmoketestTestExtension)
- &apos;The service must not be available anymore. Therefor isNull must return true.
- LogTestResult( &quot;Extension &quot;+ cMessageExtensionUninstall, IsNull (oTestExtension) )
- Print #LocalTestLog, &quot;---&quot;
- Close #LocalTestLog%
- LocalTestLog = 0
- Exit Sub &apos; Without error
- If ( gCurrentTestCase = cLogfileFailed ) then
- LogTestResult( &quot; &quot;, False )
- Exit Sub
- else
- LogTestResult( &quot;Extension &quot;+ sCurrentMessage, False )
- Close #LocalTestLog%
- LocalTestLog = 0
- End If
- Exit Sub &apos; With error
-End Sub
diff --git a/smoketestdoc/data/content.xml b/smoketestdoc/data/content.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index dba3f9ec3fb0..000000000000
--- a/smoketestdoc/data/content.xml
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- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
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- ***********************************************************-->
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-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-PRJ = .
-PRJNAME = smoketestoo_native
-TARGET = smoketest
-#building with stlport, but cppunit was not built with stlport
-SHL1TARGET = smoketest
-SHL1OBJS = $(SLO)/smoketest.obj
-ALLTAR : cpptest
-cpptest : $(SHL1TARGETN)
-TEST_ARGUMENTS = smoketest.doc=$(OUTDIR)/bin$(UPDMINOREXT)/smoketestdoc.sxw
-.IF "$(OS)" != "WNT"
-$(installationtest_instpath).flag : $(shell ls \
- $(installationtest_instset)/OOo_*_install-arc_$(defaultlangiso).tar.gz)
- $(COMMAND_ECHO)$(RM) -r $(installationtest_instpath)
- $(COMMAND_ECHO)$(MKDIRHIER) $(installationtest_instpath)
- $(COMMAND_ECHO)cd $(installationtest_instpath) && $(GNUTAR) xfz \
- $(installationtest_instset)/OOo_*_install-arc_$(defaultlangiso).tar.gz
- $(COMMAND_ECHO)$(MV) $(installationtest_instpath)/OOo_*_install-arc_$(defaultlangiso) \
- $(installationtest_instpath)/opt
-cpptest : $(installationtest_instpath).flag
diff --git a/smoketestoo_native/prj/build.lst b/smoketestoo_native/prj/build.lst
deleted file mode 100644
index 9527079f56d2..000000000000
--- a/smoketestoo_native/prj/build.lst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-smtoon smoketestoo_native :: instsetoo_native test smoketestdoc NULL
-smtoon smoketestoo_native usr1 - all smoketestoonative_mkout NULL
-smtoon smoketestoo_native nmake - all,test10 smoketestoonative_mk NULL
diff --git a/smoketestoo_native/prj/d.lst b/smoketestoo_native/prj/d.lst
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d1..000000000000
--- a/smoketestoo_native/prj/d.lst
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/smoketestoo_native/smoketest.cxx b/smoketestoo_native/smoketest.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 3662690fcdfd..000000000000
--- a/smoketestoo_native/smoketest.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- *
- *************************************************************/
-#include "sal/config.h"
-#include "boost/noncopyable.hpp"
-#include "com/sun/star/awt/AsyncCallback.hpp"
-#include "com/sun/star/awt/XCallback.hpp"
-#include "com/sun/star/beans/PropertyState.hpp"
-#include "com/sun/star/beans/PropertyValue.hpp"
-#include "com/sun/star/document/MacroExecMode.hpp"
-#include "com/sun/star/frame/DispatchResultEvent.hpp"
-#include "com/sun/star/frame/DispatchResultState.hpp"
-#include "com/sun/star/frame/XComponentLoader.hpp"
-#include "com/sun/star/frame/XController.hpp"
-#include "com/sun/star/frame/XDispatchProvider.hpp"
-#include "com/sun/star/frame/XDispatchResultListener.hpp"
-#include "com/sun/star/frame/XModel.hpp"
-#include "com/sun/star/frame/XNotifyingDispatch.hpp"
-#include "com/sun/star/lang/EventObject.hpp"
-#include "com/sun/star/uno/Any.hxx"
-#include "com/sun/star/uno/Reference.hxx"
-#include "com/sun/star/uno/RuntimeException.hpp"
-#include "com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx"
-#include "com/sun/star/util/URL.hpp"
-#include <preextstl.h>
-#include "cppuhelper/implbase1.hxx"
-#include "cppunit/TestAssert.h"
-#include "cppunit/TestFixture.h"
-#include "cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h"
-#include "cppunit/plugin/TestPlugIn.h"
-#include <postextstl.h>
-#include "osl/conditn.hxx"
-#include "osl/diagnose.h"
-#include "rtl/ustring.h"
-#include "rtl/ustring.hxx"
-#include "test/gettestargument.hxx"
-#include "test/officeconnection.hxx"
-#include "test/oustringostreaminserter.hxx"
-#include "test/toabsolutefileurl.hxx"
-namespace {
-namespace css = com::sun::star;
-struct Result: private boost::noncopyable {
- osl::Condition condition;
- bool success;
- rtl::OUString result;
-class Listener:
- public cppu::WeakImplHelper1< css::frame::XDispatchResultListener >
- Listener(Result * result): result_(result) { OSL_ASSERT(result != 0); }
- virtual void SAL_CALL disposing(css::lang::EventObject const &)
- throw (css::uno::RuntimeException) {}
- virtual void SAL_CALL dispatchFinished(
- css::frame::DispatchResultEvent const & Result)
- throw (css::uno::RuntimeException);
- Result * result_;
-void Listener::dispatchFinished(css::frame::DispatchResultEvent const & Result)
- throw (css::uno::RuntimeException)
- result_->success =
- (Result.State == css::frame::DispatchResultState::SUCCESS) &&
- (Result.Result >>= result_->result);
- result_->condition.set();
-class Callback: public cppu::WeakImplHelper1< css::awt::XCallback > {
- Callback(
- css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XNotifyingDispatch > const & dispatch,
- css::util::URL const & url,
- css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue > const & arguments,
- css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XDispatchResultListener > const &
- listener):
- dispatch_(dispatch), url_(url), arguments_(arguments),
- listener_(listener)
- { OSL_ASSERT(; }
- virtual void SAL_CALL notify(css::uno::Any const &)
- throw (css::uno::RuntimeException)
- { dispatch_->dispatchWithNotification(url_, arguments_, listener_); }
- css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XNotifyingDispatch > dispatch_;
- css::util::URL url_;
- css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue > arguments_;
- css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XDispatchResultListener > listener_;
-class Test: public CppUnit::TestFixture {
- virtual void setUp();
- virtual void tearDown();
- void test();
- test::OfficeConnection connection_;
-void Test::setUp() {
- connection_.setUp();
-void Test::tearDown() {
- connection_.tearDown();
-void Test::test() {
- rtl::OUString doc;
- test::getTestArgument(
- rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("smoketest.doc")), &doc));
- css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue > args(2);
- args[0].Name = rtl::OUString(
- args[0].Handle = -1;
- args[0].Value <<=
- com::sun::star::document::MacroExecMode::ALWAYS_EXECUTE_NO_WARN;
- args[0].State = css::beans::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE;
- args[1].Name = rtl::OUString(
- args[1].Handle = -1;
- args[1].Value <<= sal_True;
- args[1].State = css::beans::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE;
- css::util::URL url;
- url.Complete = rtl::OUString(
- ""
- "language=Basic&location=document"));
- css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XNotifyingDispatch > disp(
- css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XDispatchProvider >(
- css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XController >(
- css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XModel >(
- css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XComponentLoader >(
- (connection_.getComponentContext()->
- getServiceManager()->createInstanceWithContext(
- rtl::OUString(
- "")),
- connection_.getComponentContext())),
- css::uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW)->loadComponentFromURL(
- test::toAbsoluteFileUrl(doc),
- rtl::OUString(
- 0, args),
- css::uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW)->getCurrentController(),
- css::uno::UNO_SET_THROW)->getFrame(),
- css::uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW)->queryDispatch(
- url, rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("_self")), 0),
- css::uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW);
- Result result;
- // Shifted to main thread to work around potential deadlocks (i112867):
- com::sun::star::awt::AsyncCallback::create(
- connection_.getComponentContext())->addCallback(
- new Callback(
- disp, url, css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue >(),
- new Listener(&result)),
- css::uno::Any());
- result.condition.wait();
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT(result.success);
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(rtl::OUString(), result.result);
diff --git a/smoketestoo_native/ b/smoketestoo_native/
deleted file mode 100644
index c8fb245b9775..000000000000
--- a/smoketestoo_native/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-UDK_3_0_0 {
- global:
- cppunitTestPlugIn;
- local:
- *;
diff --git a/solenv/ant/aoo-ant.xml b/solenv/ant/aoo-ant.xml
index 963257cc26d6..5e54f63e6660 100644
--- a/solenv/ant/aoo-ant.xml
+++ b/solenv/ant/aoo-ant.xml
@@ -121,29 +121,32 @@
- <target name="test-check">
- <local name="tests.present"/>
- <available type="dir" file="${test.src.dir}" property="tests.present"/>
- <echo message="No tests" unless:set="tests.present"/>
- <local name="only.junit.absent"/>
- <condition property="only.junit.absent">
- <and>
- <isset property="tests.present"/>
- <not><isset property="OOO_JUNIT_JAR"/></not>
- </and>
- </condition>
- <echo message="No junit, skipping tests" if:set="only.junit.absent"/>
- <condition property="test.skip">
- <or>
- <not><isset property="test.present"/></not>
- <not><isset property="OOO_JUNIT_JAR"/></not>
- </or>
- </condition>
- </target>
- <target name="test-compile" depends="compile,idl,test-check">
+ <macrodef name="check-test">
+ <sequential>
+ <local name="tests.present"/>
+ <available type="dir" file="${test.src.dir}" property="tests.present"/>
+ <echo message="No tests" unless:set="tests.present"/>
+ <local name="only.junit.absent"/>
+ <condition property="only.junit.absent">
+ <and>
+ <isset property="tests.present"/>
+ <not><isset property="OOO_JUNIT_JAR"/></not>
+ </and>
+ </condition>
+ <echo message="No junit, skipping tests" if:set="only.junit.absent"/>
+ <condition property="test.skip">
+ <or>
+ <not><isset property="test.present"/></not>
+ <not><isset property="OOO_JUNIT_JAR"/></not>
+ </or>
+ </condition>
+ </sequential>
+ </macrodef>
+ <target name="test-compile" depends="compile,idl">
+ <check-test/>
<mkdir dir="${}" unless:set="test.skip"/>
<javac srcdir="${test.src.dir}"
diff --git a/solenv/ant/idl.xml b/solenv/ant/idl.xml
index 750237b3f53e..12f6d56b2d56 100644
--- a/solenv/ant/idl.xml
+++ b/solenv/ant/idl.xml
@@ -36,81 +36,92 @@
<property name="" location="${}/classes"/>
<property name="idl.javamaker.flag" location="${}/idl.javamaker.flag"/>
- <target name="idl" depends="idl-check,idl-javamaker"/>
+ <target name="idl">
+ <check-idl/>
+ <build-idl unless:set="idl.uptodate"/>
+ </target>
- <target name="idl-check">
- <local name="idl.files.exist"/>
- <condition property="idl.files.exist">
- <resourcecount refid="idl.files" when="greater" count="0"/>
- </condition>
+ <macrodef name="check-idl">
+ <sequential>
+ <local name="idl.files.exist"/>
+ <condition property="idl.files.exist">
+ <resourcecount refid="idl.files" when="greater" count="0"/>
+ </condition>
+ <local name="idl.files.union"/>
+ <union id="idl.files.union" if:set="idl.files.exist">
+ <filelist refid="idl.files"/>
+ </union>
+ <uptodate property="idl.uptodate" targetfile="${idl.javamaker.flag}" if:set="idl.files.exist">
+ <srcresources refid="idl.files.union"/>
+ </uptodate>
+ <property name="idl.uptodate" value="true" unless:set="idl.files.exist"/>
+ </sequential>
+ </macrodef>
- <local name="idl.files.union"/>
- <union id="idl.files.union" if:set="idl.files.exist">
- <filelist refid="idl.files"/>
- </union>
- <uptodate property="idl.uptodate" targetfile="${idl.javamaker.flag}" if:set="idl.files.exist">
- <srcresources refid="idl.files.union"/>
- </uptodate>
- <property name="idl.uptodate" value="true" unless:set="idl.files.exist"/>
- </target>
+ <macrodef name="build-idl">
+ <sequential>
+ <idlc/>
+ <regmerge/>
+ <javamaker
+ inputRdb="${}/registry.rdb"
+ outputDirectory="${}"
+ noDependentTypes="true"
+ excludes="${OUTDIR}/bin/types.rdb"/>
+ <touch file="${idl.javamaker.flag}"/>
+ </sequential>
+ </macrodef>
+ <macrodef name="idlc">
+ <sequential>
+ <mkdir dir="${}"/>
+ <apply executable="${OUTDIR}/bin/idlc" failonerror="true">
+ <env key="LD_LIBRARY_PATH" value="${OUTDIR}/lib"/>
+ <env key="DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" value="${OUTDIR}/lib"/>
+ <arg value="-I${OUTDIR}/idl"/>
+ <arg value="-O"/>
+ <arg value="${}"/>
+ <arg value="-verbose"/>
+ <arg value="-cid"/>
+ <arg value="-we"/>
+ <filelist refid="idl.files"/>
+ </apply>
+ </sequential>
+ </macrodef>
+ <macrodef name="regmerge">
+ <sequential>
+ <mkdir dir="${}"/>
+ <delete file="${}/registry.rdb"/>
+ <apply executable="${OUTDIR}/bin/regmerge" failonerror="true">
+ <env key="LD_LIBRARY_PATH" value="${OUTDIR}/lib"/>
+ <env key="DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" value="${OUTDIR}/lib"/>
+ <arg value="${}/registry.rdb"/>
+ <arg value="/UCR"/>
+ <fileset dir="${}" includes="**/*.urd"/>
+ </apply>
+ </sequential>
+ </macrodef>
<macrodef name="javamaker">
- <attribute name="input-rdb"/>
- <attribute name="output-directory"/>
- <attribute name="no-dependent-types" default="false"/>
+ <attribute name="inputRdb"/>
+ <attribute name="outputDirectory"/>
+ <attribute name="noDependentTypes" default="false"/>
<attribute name="excludes" default=""/>
- <mkdir dir="@{output-directory}"/>
+ <mkdir dir="@{outputDirectory}"/>
<exec executable="${OUTDIR}/bin/javamaker" failonerror="true">
<env key="LD_LIBRARY_PATH" value="${OUTDIR}/lib"/>
<env key="DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" value="${OUTDIR}/lib"/>
- <arg value="-O@{output-directory}"/>
+ <arg value="-O@{outputDirectory}"/>
<arg value="-BUCR"/>
<arg value="-nD"
- if:true="@{no-dependent-types}"/>
- <arg value="@{input-rdb}"/>
+ if:true="@{noDependentTypes}"/>
+ <arg value="@{inputRdb}"/>
<arg value="-X@{excludes}"
- <target name="idl-javamaker" depends="idl-regmerge" unless="idl.uptodate">
- <mkdir dir="${}"/>
- <javamaker
- input-rdb="${}/registry.rdb"
- output-directory="${}"
- no-dependent-types="true"
- excludes="${OUTDIR}/bin/types.rdb"/>
- <touch file="${idl.javamaker.flag}"/>
- </target>
- <target name="idl-regmerge" depends="idl-idlc" unless="idl.uptodate">
- <mkdir dir="${}"/>
- <delete file="${}/registry.rdb"/>
- <apply executable="${OUTDIR}/bin/regmerge" failonerror="true">
- <env key="LD_LIBRARY_PATH" value="${OUTDIR}/lib"/>
- <env key="DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" value="${OUTDIR}/lib"/>
- <arg value="${}/registry.rdb"/>
- <arg value="/UCR"/>
- <fileset dir="${}" includes="**/*.urd"/>
- </apply>
- </target>
- <target name="idl-idlc" unless="idl.uptodate">
- <mkdir dir="${}"/>
- <apply executable="${OUTDIR}/bin/idlc" failonerror="true">
- <env key="LD_LIBRARY_PATH" value="${OUTDIR}/lib"/>
- <env key="DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" value="${OUTDIR}/lib"/>
- <arg value="-I${OUTDIR}/idl"/>
- <arg value="-O"/>
- <arg value="${}"/>
- <arg value="-verbose"/>
- <arg value="-cid"/>
- <arg value="-we"/>
- <filelist refid="idl.files"/>
- </apply>
- </target>