path: root/autodoc/source/exes/adc_uni/cmd_run.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'autodoc/source/exes/adc_uni/cmd_run.cxx')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 334 deletions
diff --git a/autodoc/source/exes/adc_uni/cmd_run.cxx b/autodoc/source/exes/adc_uni/cmd_run.cxx
index c26b15e30177..5b79de482114 100644
--- a/autodoc/source/exes/adc_uni/cmd_run.cxx
+++ b/autodoc/source/exes/adc_uni/cmd_run.cxx
@@ -273,340 +273,6 @@ Parser::GatherFiles( FileCollector_Ifc & o_rFiles,
} // namespace run
} // namespace command
-#if 0
-inline const ParseToolsFactory_Ifc &
- { return ParseToolsFactory_Ifc::GetIt_(); }
-inline const command::S_LanguageInfo &
-CommandRunner::Get_ProjectLanguage( const command::Parse & i_rCommand,
- const command::S_ProjectData & i_rProject )
- if ( i_rProject.pLanguage )
- return *i_rProject.pLanguage;
- return *i_rCommand.GlobalLanguageInfo();
-inline bool
-CommandRunner::HasParsedCpp() const
- { return pCppParser; }
-inline bool
-CommandRunner::HasParsedIdl() const
- { return pIdlParser; }
- : pCommandLine(0),
- pReposy(0),
- pNewReposy(0),
- nResultCode(0)
- Cout() << "\nAutodoc version 2.2.1"
- << "\n-------------------"
- << "\n" << Endl();
- ary::Repository::Destroy_();
- Cout() << "\n" << Endl();
-CommandRunner::Run( const CommandLine & i_rCL )
- ary::Repository::Destroy_();
-// ary::Repository::Destroy_();
- pReposy = 0;
- pNewReposy = 0;
- nResultCode = 0;
- pCommandLine = &i_rCL;
- pCommandLine->Run();
- try
- {
- csv_assert( pCommandLine->Cmd_Parse() != 0 );
- const command::Parse &
- rCmd = *pCommandLine->Cmd_Parse();
- Cout() << "Parsing the repository "
- << rCmd.ReposyName()
- << " ..."
- << Endl();
- if ( pReposy == 0 )
- pReposy = & ary::Repository::Create_( rCmd.ReposyName(), 0 );
- if ( pNewReposy == 0 )
- pNewReposy = & ary::Repository::Create_( rCmd.ReposyName() );
- Dyn< FileCollector_Ifc > pFiles;
- pFiles = ParseToolsFactory().Create_FileCollector(6000);
- bool bCpp = false;
- bool bIDL = false;
- command::Parse::ProjectIterator itEnd = rCmd.ProjectsEnd();
- for ( command::Parse::ProjectIterator it = rCmd.ProjectsBegin();
- it != itEnd;
- ++it )
- {
- uintt nCount = GatherFiles( *pFiles, rCmd, *(*it) );
- Cout() << nCount
- << " files found to parse in project "
- << (*it)->Name()
- << "."
- << Endl();
- switch ( Get_ProjectLanguage(rCmd, *(*it)).eLanguage )
- {
- case command::S_LanguageInfo::cpp:
- {
- Get_CppParser().Run( (*it)->Name(),
- (*it)->RootDirectory(),
- *pFiles );
- bCpp = true;
- } break;
- case command::S_LanguageInfo::idl:
- {
- Get_IdlParser().Run(*pFiles);
- bIDL = true;
- } break;
- default:
- Cerr() << "Project in yet unimplemented language skipped."
- << Endl();
- }
- } // end for
- if (bCpp)
- pReposy->RwGate_Cpp().Connect_AllTypes_2_TheirRelated_CodeEntites();
- if (bIDL)
- {
- pNewReposy->Gate_Idl().Secondaries().Connect_Types2Ces();
- pNewReposy->Gate_Idl().Secondaries().Gather_CrossReferences();
- }
- } // end try
- catch (csv::Exception & xx)
- {
- xx.GetInfo(Cerr());
- Cerr() << " program will exit." << Endl();
- nResultCode = 1;
- }
- catch (...)
- {
- Cerr() << "Unknown exception - program will exit." << Endl();
- nResultCode = 1;
- }
- Cout() << "This would load the repository from the directory "
- << pCommandLine->Cmd_Load()->ReposyDir()
- << "."
- << Endl();
- Cout() << "This would save the repository into the directory "
- << pCommandLine->Cmd_Save()->ReposyDir()
- << "."
- << Endl();
- Cout() << "Creating HTML-output into the directory "
- << pCommandLine->Cmd_CreateHtml()->OutputDir()
- << "."
- << Endl();
- if ( HasParsedCpp() )
- CreateHtml_NewStyle();
- if ( HasParsedIdl() )
- CreateHtml_OldIdlStyle();
- Cout() << "This would create the XML-output into the directory "
- << pCommandLine->Cmd_CreateXml()->OutputDir()
- << "."
- << Endl();
-CodeParser_Ifc &
- if ( NOT pCppParser )
- Create_CppParser();
- return *pCppParser;
-IdlParser &
- if ( NOT pIdlParser )
- Create_IdlParser();
- return *pIdlParser;
- pCppParser = ParseToolsFactory().Create_Parser_Cplusplus();
- pCppDocuInterpreter = ParseToolsFactory().Create_DocuParser_AutodocStyle();
- pCppParser->Setup( *pReposy,
- *pCppDocuInterpreter );
- pIdlParser = new IdlParser(*pNewReposy);
-CommandRunner::GatherFiles( FileCollector_Ifc & o_rFiles,
- const command::Parse & i_rCommand,
- const command::S_ProjectData & i_rProject )
- uintt ret = 0;
- o_rFiles.EraseAll();
- typedef StringVector StrVector;
- typedef StrVector::const_iterator StrIterator;
- const command::S_Sources &
- rSources = i_rProject.aFiles;
- const StrVector &
- rExtensions = Get_ProjectLanguage(i_rCommand,i_rProject).aExtensions;
- StrIterator it;
- StrIterator itDirsEnd = rSources.aDirectories.end();
- StrIterator itTreesEnd = i_rProject.aFiles.aTrees.end();
- StrIterator itFilesEnd = i_rProject.aFiles.aFiles.end();
- StrIterator itExt;
- StrIterator itExtEnd = rExtensions.end();
- csv::StreamStr aDir(500);
- i_rProject.aRootDirectory.Get( aDir );
- uintt nProjectDir_AddPosition =
- ( strcmp(aDir.c_str(),".\\") == 0 OR strcmp(aDir.c_str(),"./") == 0 )
- ? 0
- : uintt( aDir.tellp() );
- for ( it = rSources.aDirectories.begin();
- it != itDirsEnd;
- ++it )
- {
- aDir.seekp( nProjectDir_AddPosition );
- aDir << *it;
- for ( itExt = rExtensions.begin();
- itExt != itExtEnd;
- ++itExt )
- {
- ret += o_rFiles.AddFilesFrom( aDir.c_str(),
- *itExt,
- FileCollector_Ifc::flat );
- } // end for itExt
- } // end for it
- for ( it = rSources.aTrees.begin();
- it != itTreesEnd;
- ++it )
- {
- aDir.seekp( nProjectDir_AddPosition );
- aDir << *it;
- for ( itExt = rExtensions.begin();
- itExt != itExtEnd;
- ++itExt )
- {
- ret += o_rFiles.AddFilesFrom( aDir.c_str(),
- *itExt,
- FileCollector_Ifc::recursive );
- } // end for itExt
- } // end for it
- for ( it = rSources.aFiles.begin();
- it != itFilesEnd;
- ++it )
- {
- aDir.seekp( nProjectDir_AddPosition );
- aDir << *it;
- o_rFiles.AddFile( aDir.c_str() );
- } // end for it
- ret += rSources.aFiles.size();
- return ret;
- const ary::cpp::DisplayGate &
- rGate = pReposy->DisplayGate_Cpp();
- Dyn< autodoc::HtmlDisplay_UdkStd > pHtmlDisplay;
- pHtmlDisplay = DisplayToolsFactory_Ifc::GetIt_()
- .Create_HtmlDisplay_UdkStd();
- pHtmlDisplay->Run( pCommandLine->Cmd_CreateHtml()->OutputDir(),
- rGate,
- DisplayToolsFactory_Ifc::GetIt_().Create_StdFrame() );
- ary::idl::Gate &
- rAryGate = pNewReposy->Gate_Idl();
- // Read DevManualLinkFile:
- csv::File
- aFile("devmanref.txt", csv::CFM_READ);
- if ( )
- {
- rAryGate.Secondaries().Read_Links2DevManual(aFile);
- aFile.close();
- }
- // New Style Output
- Dyn<autodoc::HtmlDisplay_Idl_Ifc> pNewDisplay;
- pNewDisplay = DisplayToolsFactory_Ifc::GetIt_()
- .Create_HtmlDisplay_Idl();
- pNewDisplay->Run( pCommandLine->Cmd_CreateHtml()->OutputDir(),
- rAryGate,
- DisplayToolsFactory_Ifc::GetIt_().Create_StdFrame() );
-#endif // 0
} // namespace autodoc