path: root/basic/source/classes/sbxmod.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'basic/source/classes/sbxmod.cxx')
1 files changed, 1984 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/basic/source/classes/sbxmod.cxx b/basic/source/classes/sbxmod.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..187a5b45280c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/basic/source/classes/sbxmod.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1984 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: sbxmod.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:12:10 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include <tools/presys.h>
+#include <list>
+#include <tools/postsys.h>
+#include <list>
+#include <vos/macros.hxx>
+#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
+#ifndef _STREAM_HXX //autogen
+#include <tools/stream.hxx>
+#ifndef _SFXBRDCST_HXX //autogen
+#include <svtools/brdcst.hxx>
+#ifndef _SHL_HXX //autogen
+#include <tools/shl.hxx>
+#pragma hdrstop
+#include <svtools/sbx.hxx>
+#include "sb.hxx"
+#include <sbjsmeth.hxx>
+#include "sbjsmod.hxx"
+#include "sbintern.hxx"
+#include "image.hxx"
+#include "opcodes.hxx"
+#include "runtime.hxx"
+#include "token.hxx"
+#include "sbunoobj.hxx"
+#include <hilight.hxx>
+#include <basrdll.hxx>
+// for the bsearch
+#ifdef WNT
+#define CDECL _cdecl
+#ifdef OS2
+#define CDECL _Optlink
+#if defined(UNX) || defined(MAC)
+#define CDECL
+// TEST
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "segmentc.hxx"
+SV_IMPL_VARARR(HighlightPortions, HighlightPortion)
+// ##########################################################################
+// ACHTUNG!!! Alle Woerter dieser Tabelle mssen KLEIN geschrieben werden!!!
+// ##########################################################################
+static char* strListBasicKeyWords[] = {
+ "access",
+ "alias",
+ "and",
+ "any",
+ "append",
+ "as",
+ "base",
+ "binary",
+ "boolean",
+ "byval",
+ "call",
+ "case",
+ "cdecl",
+ "close",
+ "compare",
+ "const",
+ "currency",
+ "date",
+ "declare",
+ "defbool",
+ "defcur",
+ "defdate",
+ "defdbl",
+ "deferr",
+ "defint",
+ "deflng",
+ "defobj",
+ "defsng",
+ "defstr",
+ "defvar",
+ "dim",
+ "do",
+ "double",
+ "each",
+ "else",
+ "elseif",
+ "end",
+ "end function",
+ "end if",
+ "end select",
+ "end sub",
+ "end type",
+ "endif",
+ "eqv",
+ "erase",
+ "error",
+ "exit",
+ "explicit",
+ "for",
+ "function",
+ "global",
+ "gosub",
+ "goto",
+ "if",
+ "imp",
+ "in",
+ "input",
+ "integer",
+ "is",
+ "let",
+ "lib"
+ "line",
+ "line input",
+ "local",
+ "lock",
+ "long",
+ "loop",
+ "lprint",
+ "lset",
+ "mod",
+ "name",
+ "new",
+ "next",
+ "not",
+ "object",
+ "on",
+ "open",
+ "option",
+ "optional",
+ "or",
+ "output",
+ "preserve",
+ "print",
+ "private",
+ "public",
+ "random",
+ "read",
+ "redim",
+ "rem",
+ "resume",
+ "return",
+ "rset",
+ "select",
+ "set",
+ "shared",
+ "single",
+ "static",
+ "step",
+ "stop",
+ "string",
+ "sub",
+ "system",
+ "text",
+ "then",
+ "to",
+ "type",
+ "until",
+ "variant",
+ "wend",
+ "while",
+ "with",
+ "write",
+ "xor"
+int CDECL compare_strings( const void *arg1, const void *arg2 )
+ char* pCh = *(char**)arg2;
+ return strcmp( (char *)arg1, *(char **)arg2 );
+// Ein BASIC-Modul hat EXTSEARCH gesetzt, damit die im Modul enthaltenen
+// Elemente von anderen Modulen aus gefunden werden koennen.
+SbModule::SbModule( const String& rName )
+ : SbxObject( String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("StarBASICModule") ) ),
+ pImage( NULL ), pBreaks( NULL )
+ SetName( rName );
+ if( pImage )
+ delete pImage;
+ if( pBreaks )
+ delete pBreaks;
+BOOL SbModule::IsCompiled() const
+ return BOOL( pImage != 0 );
+// Aus dem Codegenerator: Loeschen des Images und Invalidieren der Entries
+void SbModule::StartDefinitions()
+ delete pImage; pImage = NULL;
+ // Methoden und Properties bleiben erhalten, sind jedoch ungueltig
+ // schliesslich sind ja u.U. die Infos belegt
+ for( i = 0; i < pMethods->Count(); i++ )
+ {
+ SbMethod* p = PTR_CAST(SbMethod,pMethods->Get( i ) );
+ if( p )
+ p->bInvalid = TRUE;
+ }
+ for( i = 0; i < pProps->Count(); )
+ {
+ SbProperty* p = PTR_CAST(SbProperty,pProps->Get( i ) );
+ if( p )
+ pProps->Remove( i );
+ else
+ i++;
+ }
+// Methode anfordern/anlegen
+SbMethod* SbModule::GetMethod( const String& rName, SbxDataType t )
+ SbxVariable* p = pMethods->Find( rName, SbxCLASS_METHOD );
+ SbMethod* pMeth = p ? PTR_CAST(SbMethod,p) : NULL;
+ if( p && !pMeth )
+ pMethods->Remove( p );
+ if( !pMeth )
+ {
+ pMeth = new SbMethod( rName, t, this );
+ pMeth->SetParent( this );
+ pMeth->SetFlags( SBX_READ );
+ pMethods->Put( pMeth, pMethods->Count() );
+ StartListening( pMeth->GetBroadcaster(), TRUE );
+ }
+ // Per Default ist die Methode GUELTIG, da sie auch vom Compiler
+ // (Codegenerator) erzeugt werden kann
+ pMeth->bInvalid = FALSE;
+ pMeth->ResetFlag( SBX_FIXED );
+ pMeth->SetFlag( SBX_WRITE );
+ pMeth->SetType( t );
+ pMeth->ResetFlag( SBX_WRITE );
+ if( t != SbxVARIANT )
+ pMeth->SetFlag( SBX_FIXED );
+ return pMeth;
+// Property anfordern/anlegen
+SbProperty* SbModule::GetProperty( const String& rName, SbxDataType t )
+ SbxVariable* p = pProps->Find( rName, SbxCLASS_PROPERTY );
+ SbProperty* pProp = p ? PTR_CAST(SbProperty,p) : NULL;
+ if( p && !pProp )
+ pProps->Remove( p );
+ if( !pProp )
+ {
+ pProp = new SbProperty( rName, t, this );
+ pProp->SetFlag( SBX_READWRITE );
+ pProp->SetParent( this );
+ pProps->Put( pProp, pProps->Count() );
+ StartListening( pProp->GetBroadcaster(), TRUE );
+ }
+ return pProp;
+// Aus dem Codegenerator: Ungueltige Eintraege entfernen
+void SbModule::EndDefinitions( BOOL bNewState )
+ for( USHORT i = 0; i < pMethods->Count(); )
+ {
+ SbMethod* p = PTR_CAST(SbMethod,pMethods->Get( i ) );
+ if( p )
+ {
+ if( p->bInvalid )
+ pMethods->Remove( p );
+ else
+ {
+ p->bInvalid = bNewState;
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SetModified( TRUE );
+void SbModule::Clear()
+ delete pImage; pImage = NULL;
+ SbxObject::Clear();
+const String& SbModule::GetSource() const
+ return aSource;
+// Parent und BASIC sind eins!
+void SbModule::SetParent( SbxObject* p )
+ DBG_ASSERT( !p || p->IsA( TYPE(StarBASIC) ), "SbModules nur in BASIC eintragen" );
+ pParent = p;
+void SbModule::SFX_NOTIFY( SfxBroadcaster& rBC, const TypeId& rBCType,
+ const SfxHint& rHint, const TypeId& rHintType )
+ const SbxHint* pHint = PTR_CAST(SbxHint,&rHint);
+ if( pHint )
+ {
+ SbxVariable* pVar = pHint->GetVar();
+ SbProperty* pProp = PTR_CAST(SbProperty,pVar);
+ SbMethod* pMeth = PTR_CAST(SbMethod,pVar);
+ if( pProp )
+ {
+ if( pProp->GetModule() != this )
+ SetError( SbxERR_BAD_ACTION );
+ }
+ else if( pMeth )
+ {
+ if( pHint->GetId() == SBX_HINT_DATAWANTED )
+ {
+ if( pMeth->bInvalid && !Compile() )
+ // Auto-Compile hat nicht geklappt!
+ else
+ {
+ // Aufruf eines Unterprogramms
+ SbModule* pOld = pMOD;
+ pMOD = this;
+ Run( (SbMethod*) pVar );
+ pMOD = pOld;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ SbxObject::SFX_NOTIFY( rBC, rBCType, rHint, rHintType );
+ }
+// Das Setzen der Source macht das Image ungueltig
+// und scant die Methoden-Definitionen neu ein
+void SbModule::SetSource( const String& r )
+ aSource = r;
+ StartDefinitions();
+ SbiTokenizer aTok( r );
+ while( !aTok.IsEof() )
+ {
+ SbiToken eEndTok = NIL;
+ // Suchen nach SUB oder FUNCTION
+ SbiToken eLastTok = NIL;
+ while( !aTok.IsEof() )
+ {
+ // #32385: Nicht bei declare
+ SbiToken eCurTok = aTok.Next();
+ if( eLastTok != DECLARE )
+ {
+ if( eCurTok == SUB )
+ {
+ eEndTok = ENDSUB; break;
+ }
+ if( eCurTok == FUNCTION )
+ {
+ eEndTok = ENDFUNC; break;
+ }
+ }
+ eLastTok = eCurTok;
+ }
+ // Definition der Methode
+ SbMethod* pMeth;
+ if( eEndTok != NIL )
+ {
+ USHORT nLine1 = aTok.GetLine();
+ if( aTok.Next() == SYMBOL )
+ {
+ String aName( aTok.GetSym() );
+ SbxDataType t = aTok.GetType();
+ if( t == SbxVARIANT && eEndTok == ENDSUB )
+ t = SbxVOID;
+ pMeth = GetMethod( aName, t );
+ pMeth->nLine1 = pMeth->nLine2 = nLine1;
+ // Die Methode ist erst mal GUELTIG
+ pMeth->bInvalid = FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ eEndTok = NIL;
+ }
+ if( eEndTok != NIL )
+ {
+ while( !aTok.IsEof() )
+ {
+ if( aTok.Next() == eEndTok )
+ {
+ pMeth->nLine2 = aTok.GetLine();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( aTok.IsEof() )
+ pMeth->nLine2 = aTok.GetLine();
+ }
+ }
+ EndDefinitions( TRUE );
+void SbModule::SetComment( const String& r )
+ aComment = r;
+ SetModified( TRUE );
+SbMethod* SbModule::GetFunctionForLine( USHORT nLine )
+ for( USHORT i = 0; i < pMethods->Count(); i++ )
+ {
+ SbMethod* p = (SbMethod*) pMethods->Get( i );
+ if( p->GetSbxId() == SBXID_BASICMETHOD )
+ {
+ if( nLine >= p->nLine1 && nLine <= p->nLine2 )
+ return p;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+// Ausstrahlen eines Hints an alle Basics
+static void _SendHint( SbxObject* pObj, ULONG nId, SbMethod* p )
+ // Selbst ein BASIC?
+ if( pObj->IsA( TYPE(StarBASIC) ) && pObj->IsBroadcaster() )
+ pObj->GetBroadcaster().Broadcast( SbxHint( nId, p ) );
+ // Dann die Unterobjekte fragen
+ SbxArray* pObjs = pObj->GetObjects();
+ for( USHORT i = 0; i < pObjs->Count(); i++ )
+ {
+ SbxVariable* pVar = pObjs->Get( i );
+ if( pVar->IsA( TYPE(SbxObject) ) )
+ _SendHint( PTR_CAST(SbxObject,pVar), nId, p );
+ }
+static void SendHint( SbxObject* pObj, ULONG nId, SbMethod* p )
+ while( pObj->GetParent() )
+ pObj = pObj->GetParent();
+ _SendHint( pObj, nId, p );
+// #57841 Uno-Objekte, die in RTL-Funktionen gehalten werden,
+// beim Programm-Ende freigeben, damit nichts gehalten wird.
+void ClearUnoObjectsInRTL_Impl_Rek( StarBASIC* pBasic )
+ // return-Wert von CreateUnoService loeschen
+ static String aName( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("CreateUnoService") );
+ SbxVariable* pVar = pBasic->GetRtl()->Find( aName, SbxCLASS_METHOD );
+ if( pVar )
+ pVar->SbxValue::Clear();
+ // Ueber alle Sub-Basics gehen
+ SbxArray* pObjs = pBasic->GetObjects();
+ USHORT nCount = pObjs->Count();
+ for( USHORT i = 0 ; i < nCount ; i++ )
+ {
+ SbxVariable* pObjVar = pObjs->Get( i );
+ StarBASIC* pSubBasic = PTR_CAST( StarBASIC, pObjVar );
+ if( pSubBasic )
+ ClearUnoObjectsInRTL_Impl_Rek( pSubBasic );
+ }
+void ClearUnoObjectsInRTL_Impl( StarBASIC* pBasic )
+ // #67781 Rueckgabewerte der Uno-Methoden loeschen
+ clearUnoMethods();
+ // Oberstes Basic suchen
+ SbxObject* p = pBasic;
+ while( p->GetParent() )
+ p = p->GetParent();
+ // Rekursiven Loeschvorgang ausloesen
+ ClearUnoObjectsInRTL_Impl_Rek( (StarBASIC*)p );
+// Ausfuehren eines BASIC-Unterprogramms
+USHORT SbModule::Run( SbMethod* pMeth )
+ USHORT nRes = 0;
+ BOOL bDelInst = BOOL( pINST == NULL );
+ StarBASICRef xBasic;
+ if( bDelInst )
+ {
+ // #32779: Basic waehrend der Ausfuehrung festhalten
+ xBasic = (StarBASIC*) GetParent();
+ pINST = new SbiInstance( (StarBASIC*) GetParent() );
+ // Error-Stack loeschen
+ SbErrorStack*& rErrStack = GetSbData()->pErrStack;
+ delete rErrStack;
+ rErrStack = NULL;
+ }
+ // Rekursion zu tief?
+ if( ++pINST->nCallLvl <= MAXRECURSION )
+ {
+ // Globale Variable in allen Mods definieren
+ GlobalRunInit( /* bBasicStart = */ bDelInst );
+ // Trat ein Compiler-Fehler auf? Dann starten wir nicht
+ if( GetSbData()->bGlobalInitErr == FALSE )
+ {
+ if( bDelInst )
+ {
+ SendHint( GetParent(), SBX_HINT_BASICSTART, pMeth );
+ // 16.10.96: #31460 Neues Konzept fuer StepInto/Over/Out
+ // Erklaerung siehe runtime.cxx bei SbiInstance::CalcBreakCallLevel()
+ // BreakCallLevel ermitteln
+ pINST->CalcBreakCallLevel( pMeth->GetDebugFlags() );
+ }
+ SbModule* pOldMod = pMOD;
+ pMOD = this;
+ SbiRuntime* pRt = new SbiRuntime( this, pMeth, pMeth->nStart );
+ pRt->pNext = pINST->pRun;
+ pINST->pRun = pRt;
+ while( pRt->Step() ) {}
+ // #63710 Durch ein anderes Thread-Handling bei Events kann es passieren,
+ // dass show-Aufruf an einem Dialog zurueckkehrt (durch schliessen des
+ // Dialogs per UI), BEVOR ein per Event ausgeloester weitergehender Call,
+ // der in Basic weiter oben im Stack steht und auf einen Basic-Breakpoint
+ // gelaufen ist, zurueckkehrt. Dann wird unten die Instanz zerstoert und
+ // wenn das noch im Call stehende Basic weiterlaeuft, gibt es einen GPF.
+ // Daher muss hier gewartet werden, bis andere Call zurueckkehrt.
+ if( bDelInst )
+ {
+ // Hier mit 1 statt 0 vergleichen, da vor nCallLvl--
+ while( pINST->nCallLvl != 1 )
+ GetpApp()->Yield();
+ }
+ nRes = TRUE;
+ pINST->pRun = pRt->pNext;
+ pINST->nCallLvl--; // Call-Level wieder runter
+ // Gibt es eine uebergeordnete Runtime-Instanz?
+ // Dann SbDEBUG_BREAK uebernehmen, wenn gesetzt
+ SbiRuntime* pRtNext = pRt->pNext;
+ if( pRtNext && (pRt->GetDebugFlags() & SbDEBUG_BREAK) )
+ pRtNext->SetDebugFlags( SbDEBUG_BREAK );
+ delete pRt;
+ pMOD = pOldMod;
+ if( bDelInst )
+ {
+ // #57841 Uno-Objekte, die in RTL-Funktionen gehalten werden,
+ // beim Programm-Ende freigeben, damit nichts gehalten wird.
+ ClearUnoObjectsInRTL_Impl( xBasic );
+ DBG_ASSERT(pINST->nCallLvl==0,"BASIC-Call-Level > 0")
+ delete pINST, pINST = NULL, bDelInst = FALSE;
+ SendHint( GetParent(), SBX_HINT_BASICSTOP, pMeth );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if( bDelInst )
+ {
+ // #57841 Uno-Objekte, die in RTL-Funktionen gehalten werden,
+ // beim Programm-Ende freigeben, damit nichts gehalten wird.
+ ClearUnoObjectsInRTL_Impl( xBasic );
+ delete pINST;
+ }
+ return nRes;
+// Ausfuehren der Init-Methode eines Moduls nach dem Laden
+// oder der Compilation
+void SbModule::RunInit()
+ if( pImage
+ && !pImage->bInit
+ && pImage->GetFlag( SBIMG_INITCODE ) )
+ {
+ // Flag setzen, dass RunInit aktiv ist (Testtool)
+ GetSbData()->bRunInit = TRUE;
+ // BOOL bDelInst = BOOL( pINST == NULL );
+ // if( bDelInst )
+ // pINST = new SbiInstance( (StarBASIC*) GetParent() );
+ SbModule* pOldMod = pMOD;
+ pMOD = this;
+ // Der Init-Code beginnt immer hier
+ SbiRuntime* pRt = new SbiRuntime( this, NULL, 0 );
+ pRt->pNext = pINST->pRun;
+ pINST->pRun = pRt;
+ while( pRt->Step() ) {}
+ pINST->pRun = pRt->pNext;
+ delete pRt;
+ pMOD = pOldMod;
+ // if( bDelInst )
+ // delete pINST, pINST = NULL;
+ pImage->bInit = TRUE;
+ // RunInit ist nicht mehr aktiv
+ GetSbData()->bRunInit = FALSE;
+ }
+// Mit private/dim deklarierte Variablen loeschen
+void SbModule::ClearPrivateVars()
+ for( int i = 0 ; i < pProps->Count() ; i++ )
+ {
+ SbProperty* p = PTR_CAST(SbProperty,pProps->Get( i ) );
+ if( p )
+ {
+ // Arrays nicht loeschen, sondern nur deren Inhalt
+ if( p->GetType() & SbxARRAY )
+ {
+ SbxArray* pArray = PTR_CAST(SbxArray,p->GetObject());
+ if( pArray )
+ {
+ for( int j = 0 ; j < pArray->Count() ; j++ )
+ {
+ SbxVariable* pj = PTR_CAST(SbxVariable,pArray->Get( j ));
+ pj->SbxValue::Clear();
+ /*
+ USHORT nFlags = pj->GetFlags();
+ pj->SetFlags( (nFlags | SBX_WRITE) & (~SBX_FIXED) );
+ pj->PutEmpty();
+ pj->SetFlags( nFlags );
+ */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ p->SbxValue::Clear();
+ /*
+ USHORT nFlags = p->GetFlags();
+ p->SetFlags( (nFlags | SBX_WRITE) & (~SBX_FIXED) );
+ p->PutEmpty();
+ p->SetFlags( nFlags );
+ */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Zunaechst in dieses Modul, um 358-faehig zu bleiben
+// (Branch in sb.cxx vermeiden)
+void StarBASIC::ClearAllModuleVars( void )
+ // Eigene Module initialisieren
+ for ( USHORT nMod = 0; nMod < pModules->Count(); nMod++ )
+ {
+ SbModule* pModule = (SbModule*)pModules->Get( nMod );
+ // Nur initialisieren, wenn der Startcode schon ausgefuehrt wurde
+ if( pModule->pImage && pModule->pImage->bInit )
+ pModule->ClearPrivateVars();
+ }
+ // Alle Objekte ueberpruefen, ob es sich um ein Basic handelt
+ // Wenn ja, auch dort initialisieren
+ for ( USHORT nObj = 0; nObj < pObjs->Count(); nObj++ )
+ {
+ SbxVariable* pVar = pObjs->Get( nObj );
+ StarBASIC* pBasic = PTR_CAST(StarBASIC,pVar);
+ if( pBasic )
+ pBasic->ClearAllModuleVars();
+ }
+// Ausfuehren des Init-Codes aller Module
+void SbModule::GlobalRunInit( BOOL bBasicStart )
+ // Wenn kein Basic-Start, nur initialisieren, wenn Modul uninitialisiert
+ if( !bBasicStart )
+ if( !(pImage && !pImage->bInit) )
+ return;
+ // GlobalInitErr-Flag fuer Compiler-Error initialisieren
+ // Anhand dieses Flags kann in SbModule::Run() nach dem Aufruf
+ // von GlobalRunInit festgestellt werden, ob beim initialisieren
+ // der Module ein Fehler auftrat. Dann wird nicht gestartet.
+ GetSbData()->bGlobalInitErr = FALSE;
+ // Parent vom Modul ist ein Basic
+ StarBASIC *pBasic = PTR_CAST(StarBASIC,GetParent());
+ if( pBasic )
+ {
+ pBasic->InitAllModules();
+ SbxObject* pParent = pBasic->GetParent();
+ if( pParent )
+ pBasic = PTR_CAST(StarBASIC,pParent);
+ if( pBasic )
+ pBasic->InitAllModules();
+ }
+// Suche nach dem naechsten STMNT-Befehl im Code. Wird vom STMNT-
+// Opcode verwendet, um die Endspalte zu setzen.
+const BYTE* SbModule::FindNextStmnt( const BYTE* p, USHORT& nLine, USHORT& nCol ) const
+ USHORT nPC = (USHORT) ( p - (const BYTE*) pImage->GetCode() );
+ while( nPC < pImage->GetCodeSize() )
+ {
+ SbiOpcode eOp = (SbiOpcode ) ( *p++ );
+ nPC++;
+ if( eOp >= SbOP1_START && eOp <= SbOP1_END )
+ p += 2, nPC += 2;
+ else if( eOp == _STMNT )
+ {
+ USHORT nl, nc;
+ nl = *p++; nl |= *p++ << 8;
+ nc = *p++; nc |= *p++ << 8;
+ nLine = nl; nCol = nc;
+ return p;
+ }
+ else if( eOp >= SbOP2_START && eOp <= SbOP2_END )
+ p += 4, nPC += 4;
+ else if( !( eOp >= SbOP0_START && eOp <= SbOP0_END ) )
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+// Testen, ob eine Zeile STMNT-Opcodes enthaelt
+BOOL SbModule::IsBreakable( USHORT nLine ) const
+ if( !pImage )
+ return FALSE;
+ const BYTE* p = (const BYTE* ) pImage->GetCode();
+ USHORT nl, nc;
+ while( ( p = FindNextStmnt( p, nl, nc ) ) != NULL )
+ if( nl == nLine )
+ return TRUE;
+ return FALSE;
+USHORT SbModule::GetBPCount() const
+ return pBreaks ? pBreaks->Count() : 0;
+USHORT SbModule::GetBP( USHORT n ) const
+ if( pBreaks && n < pBreaks->Count() )
+ return pBreaks->GetObject( n );
+ else
+ return 0;
+BOOL SbModule::IsBP( USHORT nLine ) const
+ if( pBreaks )
+ {
+ const USHORT* p = pBreaks->GetData();
+ USHORT n = pBreaks->Count();
+ for( USHORT i = 0; i < n; i++, p++ )
+ {
+ USHORT b = *p;
+ if( b == nLine )
+ return TRUE;
+ if( b < nLine )
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+BOOL SbModule::SetBP( USHORT nLine )
+ if( !IsBreakable( nLine ) )
+ return FALSE;
+ if( !pBreaks )
+ pBreaks = new SbiBreakpoints;
+ const USHORT* p = pBreaks->GetData();
+ USHORT n = pBreaks->Count();
+ for( i = 0; i < n; i++, p++ )
+ {
+ USHORT b = *p;
+ if( b == nLine )
+ return TRUE;
+ if( b < nLine )
+ break;
+ }
+ pBreaks->Insert( &nLine, 1, i );
+ // #38568: Zur Laufzeit auch hier SbDEBUG_BREAK setzen
+ if( pINST && pINST->pRun )
+ pINST->pRun->SetDebugFlags( SbDEBUG_BREAK );
+ return IsBreakable( nLine );
+BOOL SbModule::ClearBP( USHORT nLine )
+ BOOL bRes = FALSE;
+ if( pBreaks )
+ {
+ const USHORT* p = pBreaks->GetData();
+ USHORT n = pBreaks->Count();
+ for( USHORT i = 0; i < n; i++, p++ )
+ {
+ USHORT b = *p;
+ if( b == nLine )
+ {
+ pBreaks->Remove( i, 1 ); bRes = TRUE; break;
+ }
+ if( b < nLine )
+ break;
+ }
+ if( !pBreaks->Count() )
+ delete pBreaks, pBreaks = NULL;
+ }
+ return bRes;
+void SbModule::ClearAllBP()
+ delete pBreaks; pBreaks = NULL;
+BOOL SbModule::LoadData( SvStream& rStrm, USHORT nVer )
+ Clear();
+ if( !SbxObject::LoadData( rStrm, 1 ) )
+ return FALSE;
+ // Sicherheitshalber...
+ BYTE bImage;
+ rStrm >> bImage;
+ if( bImage )
+ {
+ SbiImage* p = new SbiImage;
+ if( !p->Load( rStrm ) )
+ {
+ delete p;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ aComment = p->aComment;
+ SetName( p->aName );
+ // Ist Code vorhanden?
+ if( p->GetCodeSize() )
+ {
+ aSource = p->aSource;
+ // Alte Version: Image weg
+ if( nVer == 1 )
+ {
+ SetSource( p->aSource );
+ delete p;
+ }
+ else
+ pImage = p;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SetSource( p->aSource );
+ delete p;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL SbModule::StoreData( SvStream& rStrm ) const
+ if( !SbxObject::StoreData( rStrm ) )
+ return FALSE;
+ if( pImage )
+ {
+ pImage->aSource = aSource;
+ pImage->aComment = aComment;
+ pImage->aName = GetName();
+ rStrm << (BYTE) 1;
+ return pImage->Save( rStrm );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SbiImage aImg;
+ aImg.aSource = aSource;
+ aImg.aComment = aComment;
+ aImg.aName = GetName();
+ rStrm << (BYTE) 1;
+ return aImg.Save( rStrm );
+ }
+BOOL SbModule::LoadCompleted()
+ SbxArray* p = GetMethods();
+ for( i = 0; i < p->Count(); i++ )
+ {
+ SbMethod* q = PTR_CAST(SbMethod,p->Get( i ) );
+ if( q )
+ q->pMod = this;
+ }
+ p = GetProperties();
+ for( i = 0; i < p->Count(); i++ )
+ {
+ SbProperty* q = PTR_CAST(SbProperty,p->Get( i ) );
+ if( q )
+ q->pMod = this;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+// Hilfsklasse zur Untersuchung von JavaScript-Modulen, zunaechst zum
+// Heraussuchen der Funktionen, spaeter auch zum Syntax-Highlighting verwenden
+// Flags fuer Zeichen-Eigenschaften
+#define CHAR_IN_IDENTIFIER 0x0002
+#define CHAR_START_NUMBER 0x0004
+#define CHAR_IN_NUMBER 0x0008
+#define CHAR_IN_HEX_NUMBER 0x0010
+#define CHAR_IN_OCT_NUMBER 0x0020
+#define CHAR_START_STRING 0x0040
+#define CHAR_OPERATOR 0x0080
+#define CHAR_SPACE 0x0100
+#define CHAR_EOL 0x0200
+#define CHAR_EOF 0x00
+// Token-Typen TT_...
+//enum TokenType
+//// TT_LONG,
+//// TT_DOUBLE,
+//// TT_CHAR,
+// TT_EOL,
+//// TT_SKIP,
+class SimpleTokenizer_Impl
+ // Zeichen-Info-Tabelle
+ USHORT aCharTypeTab[256];
+ const char* mpStringBegin;
+ const char* mpActualPos;
+ // Zeile und Spalte
+ UINT32 nLine;
+ UINT32 nCol;
+ char peekChar( void ) { return *mpActualPos; }
+ char getChar( void ) { nCol++; return *mpActualPos++; }
+ // Hilfsfunktion: Zeichen-Flag Testen
+ BOOL testCharFlags( unsigned char c, USHORT nTestFlags );
+ // Neues Token holen, Leerstring == nix mehr da
+ BOOL getNextToken( /*out*/TokenTypes& reType,
+ /*out*/const char*& rpStartPos, /*out*/const char*& rpEndPos );
+ String getTokStr( /*out*/const char* pStartPos, /*out*/const char* pEndPos );
+ // TEST: Token ausgeben
+ String getFullTokenStr( /*out*/TokenTypes eType,
+ /*out*/const char* pStartPos, /*out*/const char* pEndPos );
+ BOOL isBeginComment( UINT32 nLine );
+ void setCommentState(UINT32 nLine, BOOL bCommentBegin, BOOL bCommentEnd);
+ NAMESPACE_STD(list)<BOOL>* pCommentsBegin;
+ NAMESPACE_STD(list)<BOOL>* pCommentsEnd;
+ char** ppListKeyWords;
+ UINT16 nKeyWordCount;
+ BOOL bStarScriptMode;
+ BOOL bLineHasCommentBegin;
+ BOOL bLineHasCommentEnd;
+ SimpleTokenizer_Impl( void );
+ ~SimpleTokenizer_Impl( void );
+ UINT16 parseLine( UINT32 nLine, const String* aSource );
+ void getHighlightPortions( UINT32 nParseLine, const String& rLine,
+ /*out*/HighlightPortions& portions );
+ void addLines(UINT32 nLine, INT32 nCount);
+ void outCommentList();
+ void setKeyWords( char** ppKeyWords, UINT16 nCount );
+// Hilfsfunktion: Zeichen-Flag Testen
+BOOL SimpleTokenizer_Impl::testCharFlags( unsigned char c, USHORT nTestFlags )
+ if( c != 0 )
+ return ( (aCharTypeTab[c] & nTestFlags) != 0 );
+ return FALSE;
+void SimpleTokenizer_Impl::setKeyWords( char** ppKeyWords, UINT16 nCount )
+ ppListKeyWords = ppKeyWords;
+ nKeyWordCount = nCount;
+// Neues Token holen
+BOOL SimpleTokenizer_Impl::getNextToken( /*out*/TokenTypes& reType,
+ /*out*/const char*& rpStartPos, /*out*/const char*& rpEndPos )
+ reType = TT_UNKNOWN;
+ // Position merken
+ rpStartPos = mpActualPos;
+ // Zeichen untersuchen
+ char c = peekChar();
+ if( c == CHAR_EOF )
+ return FALSE;
+ // Zeichen lesen
+ getChar();
+ //*** Alle Moeglichkeiten durchgehen ***
+ // Spce?
+ if ( (testCharFlags( c, CHAR_SPACE ) == TRUE) && (!bLineHasCommentBegin) )
+ {
+ while( testCharFlags( peekChar(), CHAR_SPACE ) == TRUE )
+ getChar();
+ }
+ // Identifier?
+ else if ( (testCharFlags( c, CHAR_START_IDENTIFIER ) == TRUE) && (!bLineHasCommentBegin) )
+ {
+ BOOL bIdentifierChar;
+ int nPos = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ // Naechstes Zeichen holen
+ c = peekChar();
+ bIdentifierChar = testCharFlags( c, CHAR_IN_IDENTIFIER );
+ if( bIdentifierChar )
+ getChar();
+ }
+ while( bIdentifierChar );
+ // Schluesselwort-Tabelle
+ if (ppListKeyWords != NULL)
+ {
+ ByteString aByteStr(rpStartPos, mpActualPos-rpStartPos);
+ if ( !bStarScriptMode )
+ aByteStr.ToLowerAscii();
+ if ( bsearch( aByteStr.GetBuffer(), ppListKeyWords, nKeyWordCount, sizeof( char* ),
+ compare_strings ) )
+ {
+ reType = TT_KEYWORD;
+ if ( (!bStarScriptMode) && (aByteStr.Equals( "rem" )) )
+ {
+ // Alle Zeichen bis Zeilen-Ende oder EOF entfernen
+ char cPeek = peekChar();
+ while( cPeek != CHAR_EOF && testCharFlags( cPeek, CHAR_EOL ) == FALSE )
+ {
+ c = getChar();
+ cPeek = peekChar();
+ }
+ reType = TT_COMMENT;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Operator?
+ else if ( (testCharFlags( c, CHAR_OPERATOR ) == TRUE) || bLineHasCommentBegin
+ || ((!bStarScriptMode) && (c == '\'')) )
+ {
+ // Kommentar ?
+ if ( (( c == '/' ) || bLineHasCommentBegin) || ((!bStarScriptMode) && (c == '\'')) )
+ {
+ char cNext = peekChar();
+ if ( cNext == '/' || ( bStarScriptMode && (cNext == '*' || bLineHasCommentBegin))
+ || ((!bStarScriptMode) && (c == '\'')) ) // Kommentar
+ {
+ if ((c == '*') && (cNext == '/')) // Kommentarende am Zeilenanfang
+ {
+ getChar(); // Zeichen entfernen
+ bLineHasCommentEnd = TRUE;
+ bLineHasCommentBegin = FALSE;
+ reType = TT_COMMENT;
+ }
+ else if ( (cNext == '/' && (!bStarScriptMode || !bLineHasCommentBegin))
+ || ((!bStarScriptMode) && (c == '\'')) )// C++ - Kommentar
+ {
+ c = getChar(); // '/' entfernen
+ // Alle Zeichen bis Zeilen-Ende oder EOF entfernen
+ char cPeek = peekChar();
+ while( cPeek != CHAR_EOF && testCharFlags( cPeek, CHAR_EOL ) == FALSE )
+ {
+ c = getChar();
+ cPeek = peekChar();
+ if (c == '*' && cPeek == '/')
+ {
+ bLineHasCommentEnd = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ reType = TT_COMMENT;
+ }
+ else if (( cNext == '*' ) || bLineHasCommentBegin) // C -Kommentar
+ {
+ bLineHasCommentBegin = !bLineHasCommentBegin;
+ // Alle Zeichen bis */ entfernen
+ do
+ {
+ c = getChar();
+ cNext = peekChar();
+ // Zeilennummer auch im Kommentar pflegen
+ if( testCharFlags( c, CHAR_EOL ) == TRUE )
+ {
+ // Doppelt-EOL rausschmeissen (CR/LF)
+ if( cNext != c && testCharFlags( cNext, CHAR_EOL ) == TRUE )
+ {
+ c = getChar();
+ cNext = peekChar();
+ }
+ setCommentState(nLine, bLineHasCommentBegin, bLineHasCommentEnd);
+ bLineHasCommentBegin = FALSE;
+ bLineHasCommentEnd = FALSE;
+ // Positions-Daten auf Zeilen-Beginn setzen
+ nCol = 0;
+ nLine++;
+ }
+ else if (c == '*' && cNext == '/') // am Kommentarende
+ {
+ if (bLineHasCommentBegin) // das Ende ist in der gleichen Zeile
+ { // wie der Anfang des Kommentars
+ bLineHasCommentBegin = FALSE; // also zurcksetzen
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bLineHasCommentEnd = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ while( cNext != CHAR_EOF && ( c != '*' || cNext != '/' ) );
+ // Alles ausser EOF lesen
+ if( cNext != CHAR_EOF )
+ getChar();
+ reType = TT_COMMENT;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // HTML-Kommentar
+ else if( c == '<' )
+ {
+ char cNext = peekChar();
+ if( cNext == '!' )
+ {
+ getChar(); // '!' ist verloren, wenn nicht wirklich Tag
+ cNext = peekChar();
+ if( cNext == '-' )
+ {
+ getChar(); // '-' ist verloren, wenn nicht wirklich Tag
+ cNext = peekChar();
+ if( cNext == '-' )
+ {
+ getChar();
+ // HTML-Kommentar: Alle Zeichen bis Zeilen-Ende oder EOF entfernen
+ char cPeek = peekChar();
+ while( cPeek != CHAR_EOF && testCharFlags( cPeek, CHAR_EOL ) == FALSE )
+ {
+ c = getChar();
+ cPeek = peekChar();
+ }
+ reType = TT_COMMENT;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Verlorene Zeichen nachliefern
+ mpActualPos -= 2;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Verlorenes Zeichen nachliefern
+ mpActualPos--;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Echter Operator, kann hier einfach behandelt werden,
+ // da nicht der wirkliche Operator, wie z.B. += interessiert,
+ // sondern nur die Tatsache, dass es sich um einen handelt.
+ if( reType != TT_COMMENT )
+ {
+ reType = TT_OPERATOR;
+ }
+ }
+ // Objekt-Trenner? Muss vor Number abgehandelt werden
+ else if( c == '.' && ( peekChar() < '0' || peekChar() > '9' ) )
+ {
+ reType = TT_OPERATOR;
+ }
+ // Zahl?
+ else if( testCharFlags( c, CHAR_START_NUMBER ) == TRUE )
+ {
+ // Buffer-Position initialisieren
+ int nPos = 0;
+ // Zahlensystem, 10 = normal, wird bei Oct/Hex geaendert
+ int nRadix = 10;
+ // Ist es eine Hex- oder Oct-Zahl?
+ if( c == '0' )
+ {
+ // Octal?
+ // Java-Script geht von einem Octal-Wert aus, wenn nach 0 eine
+ // Ziffer im oktalen Ziffernbereich folgt
+ if( testCharFlags( peekChar(), CHAR_IN_OCT_NUMBER ) )
+ {
+ nRadix = 8; // Octal-Basis
+ // Alle Ziffern einlesen
+ while( testCharFlags( peekChar(), CHAR_IN_OCT_NUMBER ) )
+ c = getChar();
+ }
+ // Dementsprechend wird bei 0x Hex geparsed
+ else if( peekChar() == 'x' || peekChar() == 'X' )
+ {
+ // x entfernen
+ getChar();
+ nRadix = 16; // Hex-Basis
+ // Alle Ziffern einlesen und puffern
+ while( testCharFlags( peekChar(), CHAR_IN_HEX_NUMBER ) )
+ c = getChar();
+ }
+ }
+ // Wenn nicht Oct oder Hex als double ansehen
+ if( nRadix == 10 )
+ {
+ // Flag, ob das letzte Zeichen ein Exponent war
+ BOOL bAfterExpChar = FALSE;
+ // Alle Ziffern einlesen
+ while( testCharFlags( peekChar(), CHAR_IN_NUMBER ) ||
+ (bAfterExpChar && peekChar() == '+' ) ||
+ (bAfterExpChar && peekChar() == '-' ) )
+ // Nach Exponent auch +/- OK
+ {
+ c = getChar(); // Zeichen lesen
+ bAfterExpChar = ( c == 'e' || c == 'E' );
+ }
+ }
+ reType = TT_NUMBER;
+ }
+ // String?
+ else if( testCharFlags( c, CHAR_START_STRING ) == TRUE )
+ {
+ // Merken, welches Zeichen den String eroeffnet hat
+ char cEndString = c;
+ // Alle Ziffern einlesen und puffern
+ while( peekChar() != cEndString )
+ {
+ // #58846 EOF vor getChar() abfangen, damit EOF micht verloren geht
+ if( peekChar() == CHAR_EOF )
+ {
+ // ERROR: unterminated string literal
+ reType = TT_ERROR;
+ break;
+ }
+ c = getChar();
+ if( testCharFlags( c, CHAR_EOL ) == TRUE )
+ {
+ // ERROR: unterminated string literal
+ reType = TT_ERROR;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Escape-Character untersuchen
+ else if ( (c == '\\') && (bStarScriptMode) )
+ {
+ // Kann hier ganz einfach gehandelt werden:
+ // Einfach ein weiteres Zeichen lesen
+ char cNext = getChar();
+ }
+ }
+ // Zeichen lesen
+ if( reType != TT_ERROR )
+ {
+ getChar();
+ reType = TT_STRING;
+ }
+ }
+ // Zeilenende?
+ else if( testCharFlags( c, CHAR_EOL ) == TRUE )
+ {
+ // Falls ein weiteres anderes EOL-Char folgt, weg damit
+ char cNext = peekChar();
+ if( cNext != c && testCharFlags( cNext, CHAR_EOL ) == TRUE )
+ getChar();
+ setCommentState(nLine, bLineHasCommentBegin, bLineHasCommentEnd);
+ bLineHasCommentBegin = FALSE;
+ bLineHasCommentEnd = FALSE;
+ // Positions-Daten auf Zeilen-Beginn setzen
+ nCol = 0;
+ nLine++;
+ reType = TT_EOL;
+ }
+ // Alles andere bleibt TT_UNKNOWN
+ // End-Position eintragen
+ rpEndPos = mpActualPos;
+ return TRUE;
+void SimpleTokenizer_Impl::setCommentState(UINT32 nLine, BOOL bCommentBegin, BOOL bCommentEnd)
+ while (pCommentsBegin->size() <= nLine)
+ pCommentsBegin->push_back(FALSE);
+ while (pCommentsEnd->size() <= nLine)
+ pCommentsEnd->push_back(FALSE);
+ NAMESPACE_STD(list)<BOOL>::iterator posBegins, posEnds;
+ UINT32 nCounter = 0;
+ posBegins = pCommentsBegin->begin();
+ posEnds = pCommentsEnd->begin();
+ while (nCounter < nLine)
+ {
+ posBegins++;
+ posEnds++;
+ nCounter++;
+ }
+ *posBegins = bCommentBegin;
+ *posEnds = bCommentEnd;
+void SimpleTokenizer_Impl::addLines(UINT32 nLine, INT32 nCount)
+ NAMESPACE_STD(list)<BOOL>::iterator posBegins, posEnds;
+ UINT32 nCounter = 0;
+ if (!pCommentsBegin->empty())
+ {
+ posBegins = pCommentsBegin->begin();
+ posEnds = pCommentsEnd->begin();
+ while (nCounter < nLine)
+ {
+ posBegins++;
+ posEnds++;
+ nCounter++;
+ }
+ INT32 nDiff = nCount;
+ while (nDiff != 0)
+ {
+ if (nDiff > 0)
+ {
+ pCommentsBegin->insert(posBegins, FALSE);
+ pCommentsEnd->insert(posEnds, FALSE);
+ nDiff--;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pCommentsBegin->erase(posBegins++);
+ pCommentsEnd->erase(posEnds++);
+ UINT16 dummy = pCommentsBegin->size();
+ nDiff++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (nCount > 0)
+ {
+ INT32 nDiff = nCount;
+ while (nDiff != 0)
+ {
+ pCommentsBegin->push_back(FALSE);
+ pCommentsEnd->push_back(FALSE);
+ nDiff--;
+ }
+ }
+String SimpleTokenizer_Impl::getTokStr
+ ( /*out*/const char* pStartPos, /*out*/const char* pEndPos )
+ return String( pStartPos, (USHORT)( pEndPos - pStartPos ) );
+// TEST: Token ausgeben
+String SimpleTokenizer_Impl::getFullTokenStr( /*out*/TokenTypes eType,
+ /*out*/const char* pStartPos, /*out*/const char* pEndPos )
+ String aOut;
+ switch( eType )
+ {
+ case TT_EOL: aOut = String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("TT_EOL:") ); break;
+ case TT_ERROR: aOut = String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("TT_ERROR:") ); break;
+ }
+ if( eType != TT_EOL )
+ {
+ aOut += String( pStartPos, (USHORT)( pEndPos - pStartPos ) );
+ }
+ aOut += String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("\n") );
+ return aOut;
+SimpleTokenizer_Impl::SimpleTokenizer_Impl( void )
+ memset( aCharTypeTab, 0, sizeof( aCharTypeTab ) );
+ // Zeichen-Tabelle fuellen
+ // Zulaessige Zeichen fuer Identifier
+ for( i = 'a' ; i <= 'z' ; i++ )
+ aCharTypeTab[i] |= nHelpMask;
+ for( i = 'A' ; i <= 'Z' ; i++ )
+ aCharTypeTab[i] |= nHelpMask;
+ // '_' extra eintragen
+ aCharTypeTab['_'] |= nHelpMask;
+ // AB 23.6.97: '$' ist auch erlaubt
+ aCharTypeTab['$'] |= nHelpMask;
+ // Ziffern (Identifier und Number ist moeglich)
+ for( i = '0' ; i <= '9' ; i++ )
+ aCharTypeTab[i] |= nHelpMask;
+ // e und E sowie . von Hand ergaenzen
+ aCharTypeTab['e'] |= CHAR_IN_NUMBER;
+ aCharTypeTab['E'] |= CHAR_IN_NUMBER;
+ // Hex-Ziffern
+ for( i = 'a' ; i <= 'f' ; i++ )
+ aCharTypeTab[i] |= CHAR_IN_HEX_NUMBER;
+ for( i = 'A' ; i <= 'F' ; i++ )
+ aCharTypeTab[i] |= CHAR_IN_HEX_NUMBER;
+ // Oct-Ziffern
+ for( i = '0' ; i <= '7' ; i++ )
+ aCharTypeTab[i] |= CHAR_IN_OCT_NUMBER;
+ // String-Beginn/End-Zeichen
+ aCharTypeTab['\''] |= CHAR_START_STRING;
+ aCharTypeTab['\"'] |= CHAR_START_STRING;
+ // Operator-Zeichen
+ aCharTypeTab['!'] |= CHAR_OPERATOR;
+ aCharTypeTab['%'] |= CHAR_OPERATOR;
+ aCharTypeTab['&'] |= CHAR_OPERATOR;
+ aCharTypeTab['('] |= CHAR_OPERATOR;
+ aCharTypeTab[')'] |= CHAR_OPERATOR;
+ aCharTypeTab['*'] |= CHAR_OPERATOR;
+ aCharTypeTab['+'] |= CHAR_OPERATOR;
+ aCharTypeTab[','] |= CHAR_OPERATOR;
+ aCharTypeTab['-'] |= CHAR_OPERATOR;
+ aCharTypeTab['/'] |= CHAR_OPERATOR;
+ aCharTypeTab[':'] |= CHAR_OPERATOR;
+ aCharTypeTab['<'] |= CHAR_OPERATOR;
+ aCharTypeTab['='] |= CHAR_OPERATOR;
+ aCharTypeTab['>'] |= CHAR_OPERATOR;
+ aCharTypeTab['?'] |= CHAR_OPERATOR;
+ aCharTypeTab['^'] |= CHAR_OPERATOR;
+ aCharTypeTab['|'] |= CHAR_OPERATOR;
+ aCharTypeTab['~'] |= CHAR_OPERATOR;
+ aCharTypeTab['{'] |= CHAR_OPERATOR;
+ aCharTypeTab['}'] |= CHAR_OPERATOR;
+ aCharTypeTab['['] |= CHAR_OPERATOR;
+ aCharTypeTab[']'] |= CHAR_OPERATOR;
+ aCharTypeTab[';'] |= CHAR_OPERATOR;
+ // Space
+ aCharTypeTab[' ' ] |= CHAR_SPACE;
+ aCharTypeTab['\t'] |= CHAR_SPACE;
+ // Zeilen-Ende-Zeichen
+ aCharTypeTab['\r'] |= CHAR_EOL;
+ aCharTypeTab['\n'] |= CHAR_EOL;
+ // fuer Syntax Highlighting
+ pCommentsBegin = new NAMESPACE_STD(list)<BOOL>();
+ pCommentsEnd = new NAMESPACE_STD(list)<BOOL>();
+ bStarScriptMode = FALSE;
+ ppListKeyWords = NULL;
+SimpleTokenizer_Impl::~SimpleTokenizer_Impl( void )
+ delete(pCommentsBegin);
+ delete(pCommentsEnd);
+SimpleTokenizer_Impl* getSimpleTokenizer( void )
+ static SimpleTokenizer_Impl* pSimpleTokenizer = NULL;
+ if( !pSimpleTokenizer )
+ pSimpleTokenizer = new SimpleTokenizer_Impl();
+ return pSimpleTokenizer;
+// Heraussuchen der jeweils naechsten Funktion aus einem JavaScript-Modul
+UINT16 SimpleTokenizer_Impl::parseLine( UINT32 nParseLine, const String* aSource )
+ ByteString aByteSource( *aSource, gsl_getSystemTextEncoding() );
+ // Position auf den Anfang des Source-Strings setzen
+ mpStringBegin = mpActualPos = aByteSource.GetBuffer();
+ bLineHasCommentBegin = isBeginComment( nParseLine );
+ bLineHasCommentEnd = FALSE;
+ // Zeile und Spalte initialisieren
+ nLine = nParseLine;
+ nCol = 0L;
+ // Variablen fuer die Out-Parameter
+ TokenTypes eType;
+ const char* pStartPos;
+ const char* pEndPos;
+ // Schleife ueber alle Tokens
+ UINT16 nTokenCount = 0;
+ while( getNextToken( eType, pStartPos, pEndPos ) )
+ nTokenCount++;
+ // die Endzustaende der Zeilen in die Listen eintragen
+ setCommentState(nParseLine, bLineHasCommentBegin, bLineHasCommentEnd);
+ return nTokenCount;
+void SimpleTokenizer_Impl::getHighlightPortions( UINT32 nParseLine, const String& rLine,
+ /*out*/HighlightPortions& portions )
+ ByteString aByteLine( rLine, gsl_getSystemTextEncoding() );
+ // Position auf den Anfang des Source-Strings setzen
+ mpStringBegin = mpActualPos = aByteLine.GetBuffer();
+ bLineHasCommentBegin = isBeginComment( nParseLine );
+ bLineHasCommentEnd = FALSE;
+ // Zeile und Spalte initialisieren
+ nLine = nParseLine;
+ nCol = 0L;
+ // Variablen fuer die Out-Parameter
+ TokenTypes eType;
+ const char* pStartPos;
+ const char* pEndPos;
+ // Schleife ueber alle Tokens
+ while( getNextToken( eType, pStartPos, pEndPos ) )
+ {
+ HighlightPortion portion;
+ portion.nBegin = (UINT16)(pStartPos - mpStringBegin);
+ portion.nEnd = (UINT16)(pEndPos - mpStringBegin);
+ portion.tokenType = eType;
+ portions.Insert(portion, portions.Count());
+ }
+BOOL SimpleTokenizer_Impl::isBeginComment( UINT32 nLine )
+ NAMESPACE_STD(list)<BOOL>::const_iterator posBegin, posEnd;
+ BOOL bCommentStart = FALSE;
+ UINT32 i = 0;
+ posBegin=pCommentsBegin->begin();
+ posEnd=pCommentsEnd->begin();
+ while ((i < nLine) && (posBegin != pCommentsBegin->end()) && (posEnd != pCommentsEnd->end()))
+ {
+ if (bCommentStart && *posEnd)
+ bCommentStart = FALSE;
+ if ((!bCommentStart) && *posBegin)
+ bCommentStart = TRUE;
+ posBegin++;
+ posEnd++;
+ i++;
+ }
+ return bCommentStart;
+void SimpleTokenizer_Impl::outCommentList()
+ NAMESPACE_STD(list)<BOOL>::const_iterator posBegin, posEnd;
+ BOOL bCommentStart = FALSE;
+ UINT32 i = 0;
+ posBegin=pCommentsBegin->begin();
+ posEnd=pCommentsEnd->begin();
+ printf("\nComments:\n");
+ while (posBegin != pCommentsBegin->end())
+ {
+ printf("line: %2d beginComment: %d endComment: %d\n", i, *posBegin, *posEnd);
+ posBegin++;
+ posEnd++;
+ i++;
+ }
+// Implementierung des SyntaxHighlighter
+ m_pSimpleTokenizer = new SimpleTokenizer_Impl();
+ m_pKeyWords = NULL;
+ m_nKeyWordCount = 0;
+ delete(m_pSimpleTokenizer);
+ delete(m_pKeyWords);
+void SyntaxHighlighter::initialize( HighlighterLanguage eLanguage_ )
+ eLanguage = eLanguage_;
+ delete(m_pSimpleTokenizer);
+ m_pSimpleTokenizer = new SimpleTokenizer_Impl();
+ if (eLanguage == HIGHLIGHT_BASIC)
+ {
+ m_pSimpleTokenizer->setKeyWords( strListBasicKeyWords,
+ sizeof( strListBasicKeyWords ) / sizeof( char* ));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_pSimpleTokenizer->setKeyWords( NULL, 0 );
+ }
+const Range SyntaxHighlighter::notifyChange( UINT32 nLine, INT32 nLineCountDifference,
+ const String* pChangedLines, UINT32 nArrayLength)
+ if (nLineCountDifference != 0)
+ m_pSimpleTokenizer->addLines(nLine, nLineCountDifference);
+ for (INT32 i=0; i<nArrayLength; i++)
+ m_pSimpleTokenizer->parseLine(nLine+i, &pChangedLines[i]);
+ return Range(nLine, nLine+nArrayLength-1);
+void SyntaxHighlighter::getHighlightPortions( UINT32 nLine, const String& rLine,
+ /*out*/HighlightPortions& portions )
+ m_pSimpleTokenizer->getHighlightPortions( nLine, rLine, portions );
+// Implementation SbJScriptModule (Basic-Modul fuer JavaScript-Sourcen)
+SbJScriptModule::SbJScriptModule( const String& rName )
+ :SbModule( rName )
+BOOL SbJScriptModule::LoadData( SvStream& rStrm, USHORT nVer )
+ Clear();
+ if( !SbxObject::LoadData( rStrm, 1 ) )
+ return FALSE;
+ // Source-String holen
+ rStrm.ReadByteString( aSource, gsl_getSystemTextEncoding() );
+ //rStrm >> aSource;
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL SbJScriptModule::StoreData( SvStream& rStrm ) const
+ if( !SbxObject::StoreData( rStrm ) )
+ return FALSE;
+ // Source-String schreiben
+ rStrm.WriteByteString( aSource, gsl_getSystemTextEncoding() );
+ //rStrm << aSource;
+ return TRUE;
+SbMethod::SbMethod( const String& r, SbxDataType t, SbModule* p )
+ : SbxMethod( r, t ), pMod( p )
+ bInvalid = TRUE;
+ nStart =
+ nDebugFlags =
+ nLine1 =
+ nLine2 = 0;
+ // AB: 2.7.1996: HACK wegen 'Referenz kann nicht gesichert werden'
+ SetFlag( SBX_NO_MODIFY );
+SbxArray* SbMethod::GetLocals()
+ if( pINST )
+ return pINST->GetLocals( this );
+ else
+ return NULL;
+SbxArray* SbMethod::GetStatics()
+ DBG_ERROR( "SbMethod::GetStatics() invalid, AB fragen" )
+ return NULL;
+BOOL SbMethod::LoadData( SvStream& rStrm, USHORT nVer )
+ if( !SbxMethod::LoadData( rStrm, 1 ) )
+ return FALSE;
+ INT16 n;
+ rStrm >> n;
+ // nDebugFlags = n; // AB 16.1.96: Nicht mehr uebernehmen
+ if( nVer == 2 )
+ rStrm >> nLine1 >> nLine2 >> nStart >> bInvalid;
+ // AB: 2.7.1996: HACK wegen 'Referenz kann nicht gesichert werden'
+ SetFlag( SBX_NO_MODIFY );
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL SbMethod::StoreData( SvStream& rStrm ) const
+ if( !SbxMethod::StoreData( rStrm ) )
+ return FALSE;
+ rStrm << (INT16) nDebugFlags
+ << (INT16) nLine1
+ << (INT16) nLine2
+ << (INT16) nStart
+ << (BYTE) bInvalid;
+ return TRUE;
+void SbMethod::GetLineRange( USHORT& l1, USHORT& l2 )
+ l1 = nLine1; l2 = nLine2;
+// Kann spaeter mal weg
+SbxInfo* SbMethod::GetInfo()
+ return pInfo;
+// Schnittstelle zum Ausfuehren einer Methode aus den Applikationen
+// #34191# Mit speziellem RefCounting, damit das Basic nicht durch CloseDocument()
+// abgeschossen werden kann. Rueckgabewert wird als String geliefert.
+ErrCode SbMethod::Call( SbxValue* pRet )
+ // RefCount vom Modul hochzaehlen
+ SbModule* pMod = (SbModule*)GetParent();
+ pMod->AddRef();
+ // RefCount vom Basic hochzaehlen
+ StarBASIC* pBasic = (StarBASIC*)pMod->GetParent();
+ pBasic->AddRef();
+ // Values anlegen, um Return-Wert zu erhalten
+ SbxValues aVals;
+ aVals.eType = SbxVARIANT;
+ Get( aVals );
+ if ( pRet )
+ pRet->Put( aVals );
+ // Gab es einen Error
+ ErrCode nErr = SbxBase::GetError();
+ SbxBase::ResetError();
+ // Objekte freigeben
+ pMod->ReleaseRef();
+ pBasic->ReleaseRef();
+ return nErr;
+// Implementation SbJScriptMethod (Method-Klasse als Wrapper fuer JavaScript-Funktionen)
+SbJScriptMethod::SbJScriptMethod( const String& r, SbxDataType t, SbModule* p )
+ : SbMethod( r, t, p )
+SbProperty::SbProperty( const String& r, SbxDataType t, SbModule* p )
+ : SbxProperty( r, t ), pMod( p )
+ bInvalid = FALSE;