path: root/basic/source/inc/runtime.hxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'basic/source/inc/runtime.hxx')
1 files changed, 79 insertions, 79 deletions
diff --git a/basic/source/inc/runtime.hxx b/basic/source/inc/runtime.hxx
index 356e07c9e55c..46cd9d16521f 100644
--- a/basic/source/inc/runtime.hxx
+++ b/basic/source/inc/runtime.hxx
@@ -109,10 +109,10 @@ struct SbiForStack { // for/next stack:
// For each support
ForType eForType;
- INT32 nCurCollectionIndex;
- INT32* pArrayCurIndices;
- INT32* pArrayLowerBounds;
- INT32* pArrayUpperBounds;
+ sal_Int32 nCurCollectionIndex;
+ sal_Int32* pArrayCurIndices;
+ sal_Int32* pArrayLowerBounds;
+ sal_Int32* pArrayUpperBounds;
Reference< XEnumeration > xEnumeration;
SbiForStack( void )
@@ -130,8 +130,8 @@ struct SbiForStack { // for/next stack:
struct SbiGosubStack { // GOSUB-Stack:
SbiGosubStack* pNext; // Chain
- const BYTE* pCode; // Return-Pointer
- USHORT nStartForLvl; // #118235: For Level in moment of gosub
+ const sal_uInt8* pCode; // Return-Pointer
+ sal_uInt16 nStartForLvl; // #118235: For Level in moment of gosub
#define MAXRECURSION 500 // max. 500 Rekursionen
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ public:
::osl::Directory* pDir;
- INT16 nDirFlags;
+ sal_Int16 nDirFlags;
short nCurDirPos;
String sFullNameToBeChecked;
@@ -198,9 +198,9 @@ class SbiInstance
SbError nErr; // aktueller Fehlercode
String aErrorMsg; // letzte Error-Message fuer $ARG
- USHORT nErl; // aktuelle Fehlerzeile
- BOOL bReschedule; // Flag: TRUE = Reschedule in Hauptschleife
- BOOL bCompatibility; // Flag: TRUE = VBA runtime compatibility mode
+ sal_uInt16 nErl; // aktuelle Fehlerzeile
+ sal_Bool bReschedule; // Flag: sal_True = Reschedule in Hauptschleife
+ sal_Bool bCompatibility; // Flag: sal_True = VBA runtime compatibility mode
ComponentVector_t ComponentVector;
@@ -210,9 +210,9 @@ public:
// #31460 Neues Konzept fuer StepInto/Over/Out,
// Erklaerung siehe runtime.cxx bei SbiInstance::CalcBreakCallLevel()
- USHORT nCallLvl; // Call-Level (wg. Rekursion)
- USHORT nBreakCallLvl; // Call-Level zum Anhalten
- void CalcBreakCallLevel( USHORT nFlags ); // Gemaess Flags setzen
+ sal_uInt16 nCallLvl; // Call-Level (wg. Rekursion)
+ sal_uInt16 nBreakCallLvl; // Call-Level zum Anhalten
+ void CalcBreakCallLevel( sal_uInt16 nFlags ); // Gemaess Flags setzen
SbiInstance( StarBASIC* );
@@ -229,14 +229,14 @@ public:
SbError GetErr() { return nErr; }
String GetErrorMsg() { return aErrorMsg; }
xub_StrLen GetErl() { return nErl; }
- void EnableReschedule( BOOL bEnable ) { bReschedule = bEnable; }
- BOOL IsReschedule( void ) { return bReschedule; }
- void EnableCompatibility( BOOL bEnable ) { bCompatibility = bEnable; }
- BOOL IsCompatibility( void ) { return bCompatibility; }
+ void EnableReschedule( sal_Bool bEnable ) { bReschedule = bEnable; }
+ sal_Bool IsReschedule( void ) { return bReschedule; }
+ void EnableCompatibility( sal_Bool bEnable ) { bCompatibility = bEnable; }
+ sal_Bool IsCompatibility( void ) { return bCompatibility; }
ComponentVector_t& getComponentVector( void ) { return ComponentVector; }
- SbMethod* GetCaller( USHORT );
+ SbMethod* GetCaller( sal_uInt16 );
SbModule* GetActiveModule();
SbxArray* GetLocals( SbMethod* );
@@ -276,11 +276,11 @@ struct RefSaveItem
class SbiRuntime
- friend void SbRtl_CallByName( StarBASIC* pBasic, SbxArray& rPar, BOOL bWrite );
+ friend void SbRtl_CallByName( StarBASIC* pBasic, SbxArray& rPar, sal_Bool bWrite );
typedef void( SbiRuntime::*pStep0 )();
- typedef void( SbiRuntime::*pStep1 )( UINT32 nOp1 );
- typedef void( SbiRuntime::*pStep2 )( UINT32 nOp1, UINT32 nOp2 );
+ typedef void( SbiRuntime::*pStep1 )( sal_uInt32 nOp1 );
+ typedef void( SbiRuntime::*pStep2 )( sal_uInt32 nOp1, sal_uInt32 nOp2 );
static pStep0 aStep0[]; // Opcode-Tabelle Gruppe 0
static pStep1 aStep1[]; // Opcode-Tabelle Gruppe 1
static pStep2 aStep2[]; // Opcode-Tabelle Gruppe 2
@@ -298,15 +298,15 @@ class SbiRuntime
SbiArgvStack* pArgvStk; // ARGV-Stack
SbiGosubStack* pGosubStk; // GOSUB stack
SbiForStack* pForStk; // FOR/NEXT-Stack
- USHORT nExprLvl; // Tiefe des Expr-Stacks
- USHORT nGosubLvl; // Zum Vermeiden von Tot-Rekursionen
- USHORT nForLvl; // #118235: Maintain for level
- const BYTE* pCode; // aktueller Code-Pointer
- const BYTE* pStmnt; // Beginn des lezten Statements
- const BYTE* pError; // Adresse des aktuellen Error-Handlers
- const BYTE* pRestart; // Restart-Adresse
- const BYTE* pErrCode; // Restart-Adresse RESUME NEXT
- const BYTE* pErrStmnt; // Restart-Adresse RESUMT 0
+ sal_uInt16 nExprLvl; // Tiefe des Expr-Stacks
+ sal_uInt16 nGosubLvl; // Zum Vermeiden von Tot-Rekursionen
+ sal_uInt16 nForLvl; // #118235: Maintain for level
+ const sal_uInt8* pCode; // aktueller Code-Pointer
+ const sal_uInt8* pStmnt; // Beginn des lezten Statements
+ const sal_uInt8* pError; // Adresse des aktuellen Error-Handlers
+ const sal_uInt8* pRestart; // Restart-Adresse
+ const sal_uInt8* pErrCode; // Restart-Adresse RESUME NEXT
+ const sal_uInt8* pErrStmnt; // Restart-Adresse RESUMT 0
String aLibName; // Lib-Name fuer Declare-Call
SbxArrayRef refParams; // aktuelle Prozedur-Parameter
SbxArrayRef refLocals; // lokale Variable
@@ -314,14 +314,14 @@ class SbiRuntime
// AB, 28.3.2000 #74254, Ein refSaveObj reicht nicht! Neu: pRefSaveList (s.u.)
//SbxVariableRef refSaveObj; // #56368 Bei StepElem Referenz sichern
short nArgc; // aktueller Argc
- BOOL bRun; // TRUE: Programm ist aktiv
- BOOL bError; // TRUE: Fehler behandeln
- BOOL bInError; // TRUE: in einem Fehler-Handler
- BOOL bBlocked; // TRUE: blocked by next call level, #i48868
- BOOL bVBAEnabled;
- USHORT nFlags; // Debugging-Flags
+ sal_Bool bRun; // sal_True: Programm ist aktiv
+ sal_Bool bError; // sal_True: Fehler behandeln
+ sal_Bool bInError; // sal_True: in einem Fehler-Handler
+ sal_Bool bBlocked; // sal_True: blocked by next call level, #i48868
+ sal_Bool bVBAEnabled;
+ sal_uInt16 nFlags; // Debugging-Flags
SbError nError; // letzter Fehler
- USHORT nOps; // Opcode-Zaehler
+ sal_uInt16 nOps; // Opcode-Zaehler
sal_uInt32 m_nLastTime;
RefSaveItem* pRefSaveList; // #74254 Temporaere Referenzen sichern
@@ -350,17 +350,17 @@ class SbiRuntime
SbxVariable* FindElement
- ( SbxObject* pObj, UINT32 nOp1, UINT32 nOp2, SbError, BOOL bLocal, BOOL bStatic = FALSE );
- void SetupArgs( SbxVariable*, UINT32 );
+ ( SbxObject* pObj, sal_uInt32 nOp1, sal_uInt32 nOp2, SbError, sal_Bool bLocal, sal_Bool bStatic = sal_False );
+ void SetupArgs( SbxVariable*, sal_uInt32 );
SbxVariable* CheckArray( SbxVariable* );
void PushVar( SbxVariable* ); // Variable push
SbxVariableRef PopVar(); // Variable pop
SbxVariable* GetTOS( short=0 ); // Variable vom TOS holen
void TOSMakeTemp(); // TOS in temp. Variable wandeln
- BOOL ClearExprStack(); // Expr-Stack freigeben
+ sal_Bool ClearExprStack(); // Expr-Stack freigeben
- void PushGosub( const BYTE* ); // GOSUB-Element push
+ void PushGosub( const sal_uInt8* ); // GOSUB-Element push
void PopGosub(); // GOSUB-Element pop
void ClearGosubStack(); // GOSUB-Stack freigeben
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ class SbiRuntime
void SetParameters( SbxArray* );// Parameter uebernehmen
- void DllCall( const String&, const String&, SbxArray*, SbxDataType, BOOL );
+ void DllCall( const String&, const String&, SbxArray*, SbxDataType, sal_Bool );
// #56204 DIM-Funktionalitaet in Hilfsmethode auslagern (step0.cxx)
void DimImpl( SbxVariableRef refVar );
@@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ class SbiRuntime
// #115829
bool implIsClass( SbxObject* pObj, const String& aClass );
- void StepSETCLASS_impl( UINT32 nOp1, bool bHandleDflt = false );
+ void StepSETCLASS_impl( sal_uInt32 nOp1, bool bHandleDflt = false );
// Die nachfolgenden Routinen werden vom Single Stepper
// gerufen und implementieren die einzelnen Opcodes
@@ -411,40 +411,40 @@ class SbiRuntime
void StepLSET(), StepRSET(), StepREDIMP_ERASE(), StepERASE_CLEAR();
void StepARRAYACCESS(), StepBYVAL();
// Alle Opcodes mit einem Operanden
- void StepLOADNC( UINT32 ), StepLOADSC( UINT32 ), StepLOADI( UINT32 );
- void StepARGN( UINT32 ), StepBASED( UINT32 ), StepPAD( UINT32 );
- void StepJUMP( UINT32 ), StepJUMPT( UINT32 );
- void StepJUMPF( UINT32 ), StepONJUMP( UINT32 );
- void StepGOSUB( UINT32 ), StepRETURN( UINT32 );
- void StepTESTFOR( UINT32 ), StepCASETO( UINT32 ), StepERRHDL( UINT32 );
+ void StepLOADNC( sal_uInt32 ), StepLOADSC( sal_uInt32 ), StepLOADI( sal_uInt32 );
+ void StepARGN( sal_uInt32 ), StepBASED( sal_uInt32 ), StepPAD( sal_uInt32 );
+ void StepJUMP( sal_uInt32 ), StepJUMPT( sal_uInt32 );
+ void StepJUMPF( sal_uInt32 ), StepONJUMP( sal_uInt32 );
+ void StepGOSUB( sal_uInt32 ), StepRETURN( sal_uInt32 );
+ void StepTESTFOR( sal_uInt32 ), StepCASETO( sal_uInt32 ), StepERRHDL( sal_uInt32 );
+ void StepRESUME( sal_uInt32 ), StepSETCLASS( sal_uInt32 ), StepVBASETCLASS( sal_uInt32 ), StepTESTCLASS( sal_uInt32 ), StepLIB( sal_uInt32 );
bool checkClass_Impl( const SbxVariableRef& refVal, const String& aClass, bool bRaiseErrors, bool bDefault = true );
- void StepCLOSE( UINT32 ), StepPRCHAR( UINT32 ), StepARGTYP( UINT32 );
+ void StepCLOSE( sal_uInt32 ), StepPRCHAR( sal_uInt32 ), StepARGTYP( sal_uInt32 );
// Alle Opcodes mit zwei Operanden
- void StepRTL( UINT32, UINT32 ), StepPUBLIC( UINT32, UINT32 ), StepPUBLIC_P( UINT32, UINT32 );
- void StepPUBLIC_Impl( UINT32, UINT32, bool bUsedForClassModule );
- void StepFIND_Impl( SbxObject* pObj, UINT32 nOp1, UINT32 nOp2, SbError, BOOL bLocal, BOOL bStatic = FALSE );
- void StepFIND( UINT32, UINT32 ), StepELEM( UINT32, UINT32 );
- void StepGLOBAL( UINT32, UINT32 ), StepLOCAL( UINT32, UINT32 );
- void StepPARAM( UINT32, UINT32), StepCREATE( UINT32, UINT32 );
- void StepCALL( UINT32, UINT32 ), StepCALLC( UINT32, UINT32 );
- void StepCASEIS( UINT32, UINT32 ), StepSTMNT( UINT32, UINT32 );
+ void StepRTL( sal_uInt32, sal_uInt32 ), StepPUBLIC( sal_uInt32, sal_uInt32 ), StepPUBLIC_P( sal_uInt32, sal_uInt32 );
+ void StepPUBLIC_Impl( sal_uInt32, sal_uInt32, bool bUsedForClassModule );
+ void StepFIND_Impl( SbxObject* pObj, sal_uInt32 nOp1, sal_uInt32 nOp2, SbError, sal_Bool bLocal, sal_Bool bStatic = sal_False );
+ void StepFIND( sal_uInt32, sal_uInt32 ), StepELEM( sal_uInt32, sal_uInt32 );
+ void StepGLOBAL( sal_uInt32, sal_uInt32 ), StepLOCAL( sal_uInt32, sal_uInt32 );
+ void StepPARAM( sal_uInt32, sal_uInt32), StepCREATE( sal_uInt32, sal_uInt32 );
+ void StepCALL( sal_uInt32, sal_uInt32 ), StepCALLC( sal_uInt32, sal_uInt32 );
+ void StepCASEIS( sal_uInt32, sal_uInt32 ), StepSTMNT( sal_uInt32, sal_uInt32 );
SbxVariable* StepSTATIC_Impl( String& aName, SbxDataType& t );
- void StepOPEN( UINT32, UINT32 ), StepSTATIC( UINT32, UINT32 );
- void StepGLOBAL_P( UINT32, UINT32 ),StepFIND_G( UINT32, UINT32 );
- void StepFIND_CM( UINT32, UINT32 );
- void StepFIND_STATIC( UINT32, UINT32 );
- void implHandleSbxFlags( SbxVariable* pVar, SbxDataType t, UINT32 nOp2 );
+ void StepOPEN( sal_uInt32, sal_uInt32 ), StepSTATIC( sal_uInt32, sal_uInt32 );
+ void StepTCREATE(sal_uInt32,sal_uInt32), StepDCREATE(sal_uInt32,sal_uInt32);
+ void StepGLOBAL_P( sal_uInt32, sal_uInt32 ),StepFIND_G( sal_uInt32, sal_uInt32 );
+ void StepDCREATE_REDIMP(sal_uInt32,sal_uInt32), StepDCREATE_IMPL(sal_uInt32,sal_uInt32);
+ void StepFIND_CM( sal_uInt32, sal_uInt32 );
+ void StepFIND_STATIC( sal_uInt32, sal_uInt32 );
+ void implHandleSbxFlags( SbxVariable* pVar, SbxDataType t, sal_uInt32 nOp2 );
void SetVBAEnabled( bool bEnabled );
- USHORT GetImageFlag( USHORT n ) const;
- USHORT GetBase();
+ sal_uInt16 GetImageFlag( sal_uInt16 n ) const;
+ sal_uInt16 GetBase();
xub_StrLen nLine,nCol1,nCol2; // aktuelle Zeile, Spaltenbereich
SbiRuntime* pNext; // Stack-Chain
- SbiRuntime( SbModule*, SbMethod*, UINT32 );
+ SbiRuntime( SbModule*, SbMethod*, sal_uInt32 );
void Error( SbError, bool bVBATranslationAlreadyDone = false ); // Fehler setzen, falls != 0
void Error( SbError, const String& ); // Fehler setzen, falls != 0
@@ -452,15 +452,15 @@ public:
void FatalError( SbError, const String& ); // Fehlerbehandlung=Standard, Fehler setzen
static sal_Int32 translateErrorToVba( SbError nError, String& rMsg );
void DumpPCode();
- BOOL Step(); // Einzelschritt (ein Opcode)
- void Stop() { bRun = FALSE; }
- BOOL IsRun() { return bRun; }
- void block( void ) { bBlocked = TRUE; }
- void unblock( void ) { bBlocked = FALSE; }
+ sal_Bool Step(); // Einzelschritt (ein Opcode)
+ void Stop() { bRun = sal_False; }
+ sal_Bool IsRun() { return bRun; }
+ void block( void ) { bBlocked = sal_True; }
+ void unblock( void ) { bBlocked = sal_False; }
SbMethod* GetMethod() { return pMeth; }
SbModule* GetModule() { return pMod; }
- USHORT GetDebugFlags() { return nFlags; }
- void SetDebugFlags( USHORT nFl ) { nFlags = nFl; }
+ sal_uInt16 GetDebugFlags() { return nFlags; }
+ void SetDebugFlags( sal_uInt16 nFl ) { nFlags = nFl; }
SbMethod* GetCaller();
SbxArray* GetLocals();
SbxArray* GetParams();
@@ -493,12 +493,12 @@ StarBASIC* GetCurrentBasic( StarBASIC* pRTBasic );
// no DDE functionality, no DLLCALL) in basic because
// of portal "virtual" users (portal user != UNIX user)
// (Implemented in iosys.cxx)
-BOOL needSecurityRestrictions( void );
+sal_Bool needSecurityRestrictions( void );
-// Returns TRUE if UNO is available, otherwise the old
+// Returns sal_True if UNO is available, otherwise the old
// file system implementation has to be used
// (Implemented in iosys.cxx)
-BOOL hasUno( void );
+sal_Bool hasUno( void );
// Converts possibly relative paths to absolute paths
// according to the setting done by ChDir/ChDrive