path: root/basic
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Diffstat (limited to 'basic')
1 files changed, 161 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/basic/source/classes/image.cxx b/basic/source/classes/image.cxx
index 0fa3d1398d17..fa4feace5879 100644
--- a/basic/source/classes/image.cxx
+++ b/basic/source/classes/image.cxx
@@ -240,6 +240,90 @@ bool SbiImage::Load( SvStream& r, sal_uInt32& nVersion )
+ // User defined types
+ for (sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
+ {
+ OUString aTypeName = r.ReadUniOrByteString(eCharSet);
+ sal_Int16 nTypeMembers;
+ r.ReadInt16(nTypeMembers);
+ SbxObject *pType = new SbxObject(aTypeName);
+ SbxArray *pTypeMembers = pType->GetProperties();
+ for (sal_uInt16 j = 0; j < nTypeMembers; j++)
+ {
+ OUString aMemberName = r.ReadUniOrByteString(eCharSet);
+ sal_Int16 aIntMemberType;
+ r.ReadInt16(aIntMemberType);
+ SbxDataType aMemberType = static_cast< SbxDataType > ( aIntMemberType );
+ SbxProperty *pTypeElem = new SbxProperty( aMemberName, aMemberType );
+ sal_uInt32 aIntFlag;
+ r.ReadUInt32(aIntFlag);
+ SbxFlagBits nElemFlags = static_cast< SbxFlagBits > ( aIntFlag );
+ pTypeElem->SetFlags(nElemFlags);
+ sal_Int16 hasObject;
+ r.ReadInt16(hasObject);
+ if (hasObject == 1)
+ {
+ if(aMemberType == SbxOBJECT)
+ {
+ // nested user defined types
+ // declared before use, so it is ok to reference it by name on load
+ // nested types not structuraly compatible with arrays at the moment
+ OUString aNestedTypeName = r.ReadUniOrByteString(eCharSet);
+ SbxObject* pNestedTypeObj = static_cast< SbxObject* >( rTypes->Find( aNestedTypeName, SbxCLASS_OBJECT ) );
+ if (pNestedTypeObj)
+ {
+ SbxObject* pCloneObj = cloneTypeObjectImpl( *pNestedTypeObj );
+ pTypeElem->PutObject( pCloneObj );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // an array
+ // not compatible with nested user defined types at the moment
+ SbxDimArray* pArray = new SbxDimArray();
+ sal_Int16 isFixedSize;
+ r.ReadInt16(isFixedSize);
+ if (isFixedSize == 1)
+ pArray->setHasFixedSize( true );
+ sal_Int32 nDims;
+ r.ReadInt32(nDims);
+ for (sal_Int32 d = 0; d < nDims; d++)
+ {
+ sal_Int32 lBound;
+ sal_Int32 uBound;
+ r.ReadInt32(lBound).ReadInt32(uBound);
+ pArray->unoAddDim32(lBound, uBound);
+ }
+ pTypeElem->PutObject( pArray );
+ }
+ }
+ pTypeMembers->Insert( pTypeElem, pTypeMembers->Count() );
+ }
+ pType->Remove( OUString("Name"), SbxCLASS_DONTCARE );
+ pType->Remove( OUString("Parent"), SbxCLASS_DONTCARE );
+ AddType(pType);
+ }
+ break;
case B_MODEND:
goto done;
@@ -360,6 +444,83 @@ bool SbiImage::Save( SvStream& r, sal_uInt32 nVer )
SbiCloseRecord( r, nPos );
+ // User defined types
+ sal_uInt16 nTypes = rTypes->Count();
+ if (nTypes > 0 )
+ {
+ nPos = SbiOpenRecord( r, B_SBXOBJECTS, nTypes );
+ for (sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nTypes; i++)
+ {
+ SbxObject* pType = static_cast< SbxObject* > ( rTypes->Get(i) );
+ OUString aTypeName = pType->GetClassName();
+ r.WriteUniOrByteString( aTypeName, eCharSet );
+ SbxArray *pTypeMembers = pType->GetProperties();
+ sal_uInt16 nTypeMembers = pTypeMembers->Count();
+ r.WriteInt16(nTypeMembers);
+ for (sal_uInt16 j = 0; j < nTypeMembers; j++)
+ {
+ SbxProperty* pTypeElem = static_cast< SbxProperty* > ( pTypeMembers->Get(j) );
+ OUString aElemName = pTypeElem->GetName();
+ r.WriteUniOrByteString( aElemName, eCharSet );
+ SbxDataType dataType = pTypeElem->GetType();
+ r.WriteInt16(dataType);
+ SbxFlagBits nElemFlags = pTypeElem->GetFlags();
+ r.WriteUInt32(static_cast< sal_uInt32 > (nElemFlags) );
+ SbxBase* pElemObject = pTypeElem->GetObject();
+ if (pElemObject)
+ {
+ r.WriteInt16(1); // has elem Object
+ if( dataType == SbxOBJECT )
+ {
+ // nested user defined types
+ // declared before use, so it is ok to reference it by name on load
+ // not compatible with arrays at the moment
+ SbxObject* pNestedType = static_cast< SbxObject* > ( pElemObject );
+ r.WriteUniOrByteString( pNestedType->GetClassName(), eCharSet );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // an array
+ // not compatible with nested user defined types at the moment
+ SbxDimArray* pArray = static_cast< SbxDimArray* > ( pElemObject );
+ bool bFixedSize = pArray->hasFixedSize();
+ if (bFixedSize)
+ r.WriteInt16(1);
+ else
+ r.WriteInt16(0);
+ sal_Int32 nDims = pArray->GetDims();
+ r.WriteInt32(nDims);
+ for (sal_Int32 d = 0; d < nDims; d++)
+ {
+ sal_Int32 lBound;
+ sal_Int32 uBound;
+ pArray->GetDim32(d, lBound, uBound);
+ r.WriteInt32(lBound).WriteInt32(uBound);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ r.WriteInt16(0); // no elem Object
+ }
+ }
+ SbiCloseRecord( r, nPos );
+ }
// Set overall length
SbiCloseRecord( r, nStart );
if( !SbiGood( r ) )