path: root/chart2/source/tools
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Diffstat (limited to 'chart2/source/tools')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 439 deletions
diff --git a/chart2/source/tools/UndoManager.cxx b/chart2/source/tools/UndoManager.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index b280db180d02..000000000000
--- a/chart2/source/tools/UndoManager.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
- *
- *
- * Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- *
- * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
- *
- * $RCSfile: UndoManager.cxx,v $
- * $Revision: 1.5 $
- *
- * This file is part of
- *
- * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
- * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
- * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * version 3 along with If not, see
- * <>
- * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
-// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
-#include "precompiled_chart2.hxx"
-#include "UndoManager.hxx"
-#include "ImplUndoManager.hxx"
-#include "DisposeHelper.hxx"
-#include "MutexContainer.hxx"
-#include "macros.hxx"
-#include "ChartViewHelper.hxx"
-#include <com/sun/star/util/XCloneable.hpp>
-#include <com/sun/star/frame/XModel.hpp>
-#include <com/sun/star/chart2/XChartDocument.hpp>
-#include <unotools/configitem.hxx>
-#include <cppuhelper/compbase1.hxx>
-#include <rtl/uuid.h>
-#include <svx/svdundo.hxx>
-#include <functional>
-using namespace ::com::sun::star;
-using ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference;
-using ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence;
-using ::rtl::OUString;
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-namespace chart
-namespace impl
-typedef ::cppu::WeakComponentImplHelper1<
- util::XModifyBroadcaster >
- ModifyBroadcaster_Base;
-class ModifyBroadcaster :
- public ::chart::MutexContainer,
- public ModifyBroadcaster_Base
- ModifyBroadcaster();
- void fireEvent();
- // ____ XModifyBroadcaster ____
- virtual void SAL_CALL addModifyListener( const Reference< util::XModifyListener >& xListener )
- throw (uno::RuntimeException);
- virtual void SAL_CALL removeModifyListener( const Reference< util::XModifyListener >& xListener )
- throw (uno::RuntimeException);
-ModifyBroadcaster::ModifyBroadcaster() :
- ModifyBroadcaster_Base( m_aMutex )
-void SAL_CALL ModifyBroadcaster::addModifyListener(
- const Reference< util::XModifyListener >& xListener )
- throw (uno::RuntimeException)
- rBHelper.addListener( ::getCppuType( & xListener ), xListener);
-void SAL_CALL ModifyBroadcaster::removeModifyListener(
- const Reference< util::XModifyListener >& xListener )
- throw (uno::RuntimeException)
- rBHelper.removeListener( ::getCppuType( & xListener ), xListener );
-void ModifyBroadcaster::fireEvent()
- ::cppu::OInterfaceContainerHelper* pIC = rBHelper.getContainer(
- ::getCppuType((const uno::Reference< util::XModifyListener >*)0) );
- if( pIC )
- {
- lang::EventObject aEvent( static_cast< lang::XComponent* >( this ) );
- ::cppu::OInterfaceIteratorHelper aIt( *pIC );
- while( aIt.hasMoreElements() )
- (static_cast< util::XModifyListener*>(>modified( aEvent );
- }
-} // namespace impl
-UndoManager::UndoManager() :
- impl::UndoManager_Base( m_aMutex ),
- m_apUndoStack( new impl::UndoStack()),
- m_apRedoStack( new impl::UndoStack()),
- m_pLastRemeberedUndoElement( 0 ),
- m_nMaxNumberOfUndos( 100 ),
- m_pModifyBroadcaster( 0 )
- DisposeHelper::Dispose( m_xModifyBroadcaster );
- m_apUndoStack->disposeAndClear();
- m_apRedoStack->disposeAndClear();
- delete m_pLastRemeberedUndoElement;
- m_pLastRemeberedUndoElement = 0;
-void UndoManager::addShapeUndoAction( SdrUndoAction* pAction )
- if ( !pAction )
- {
- return;
- }
- impl::ShapeUndoElement* pShapeUndoElement = new impl::ShapeUndoElement( pAction->GetComment(), pAction );
- if ( pShapeUndoElement )
- {
- m_apUndoStack->push( pShapeUndoElement );
- m_apRedoStack->disposeAndClear();
- if ( !m_apUndoStepsConfigItem.get() )
- {
- retrieveConfigUndoSteps();
- }
- fireModifyEvent();
- }
-void UndoManager::impl_undoRedo(
- Reference< frame::XModel > & xCurrentModel,
- impl::UndoStack * pStackToRemoveFrom,
- impl::UndoStack * pStackToAddTo,
- bool bUndo )
- if( pStackToRemoveFrom && ! pStackToRemoveFrom->empty() )
- {
- // get model from undo/redo
- impl::UndoElement * pTop( pStackToRemoveFrom->top());
- if( pTop )
- {
- impl::ShapeUndoElement* pShapeUndoElement = dynamic_cast< impl::ShapeUndoElement* >( pTop );
- if ( pShapeUndoElement )
- {
- impl::ShapeUndoElement* pNewShapeUndoElement = new impl::ShapeUndoElement( *pShapeUndoElement );
- pStackToAddTo->push( pNewShapeUndoElement );
- SdrUndoAction* pAction = pNewShapeUndoElement->getSdrUndoAction();
- if ( pAction )
- {
- if ( bUndo )
- {
- pAction->Undo();
- }
- else
- {
- pAction->Redo();
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // put a clone of current model into redo/undo stack with the same
- // action string as the undo/redo
- pStackToAddTo->push( pTop->createFromModel( xCurrentModel ));
- // change current model by properties of the model from undo
- pTop->applyToModel( xCurrentModel );
- }
- // remove the top undo element
- pStackToRemoveFrom->pop(), pTop = 0;
- ChartViewHelper::setViewToDirtyState( xCurrentModel );
- fireModifyEvent();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- OSL_ENSURE( false, "Can't Undo/Redo" );
- }
-void UndoManager::fireModifyEvent()
- if(
- m_pModifyBroadcaster->fireEvent();
-// ____ ConfigItemListener ____
-void UndoManager::notify( const ::rtl::OUString & rPropertyName )
- OSL_ENSURE( rPropertyName.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "Steps" )),
- "Unwanted config property change Notified" );
- if( rPropertyName.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "Steps" )))
- retrieveConfigUndoSteps();
-void UndoManager::retrieveConfigUndoSteps()
- if( ! m_apUndoStepsConfigItem.get())
- m_apUndoStepsConfigItem.reset( new impl::UndoStepsConfigItem( *this ));
- m_nMaxNumberOfUndos = m_apUndoStepsConfigItem->getUndoSteps();
- m_apUndoStack->limitSize( m_nMaxNumberOfUndos );
- m_apRedoStack->limitSize( m_nMaxNumberOfUndos );
- // a list of available undo steps could shrink here
- fireModifyEvent();
-// ____ XModifyBroadcaster ____
-void SAL_CALL UndoManager::addModifyListener( const Reference< util::XModifyListener >& aListener )
- throw (uno::RuntimeException)
- if( !
- {
- m_pModifyBroadcaster = new impl::ModifyBroadcaster();
- m_xModifyBroadcaster.set( static_cast< cppu::OWeakObject* >( m_pModifyBroadcaster ), uno::UNO_QUERY );
- }
- m_xModifyBroadcaster->addModifyListener( aListener );
-void SAL_CALL UndoManager::removeModifyListener( const Reference< util::XModifyListener >& aListener )
- throw (uno::RuntimeException)
- if( !
- {
- m_pModifyBroadcaster = new impl::ModifyBroadcaster();
- m_xModifyBroadcaster.set( static_cast< cppu::OWeakObject* >( m_pModifyBroadcaster ), uno::UNO_QUERY );
- }
- m_xModifyBroadcaster->removeModifyListener( aListener );
-// ____ chart2::XUndoManager ____
-void SAL_CALL UndoManager::preAction( const Reference< frame::XModel >& xModelBeforeChange )
- throw (uno::RuntimeException)
- OSL_ENSURE( ! m_pLastRemeberedUndoElement, "Looks like postAction or cancelAction call was missing" );
- m_pLastRemeberedUndoElement = new impl::UndoElement( xModelBeforeChange );
-void SAL_CALL UndoManager::preActionWithArguments(
- const Reference< frame::XModel >& xModelBeforeChange,
- const Sequence< beans::PropertyValue >& aArguments )
- throw (uno::RuntimeException)
- bool bActionHandled( false );
- OSL_ENSURE( ! m_pLastRemeberedUndoElement, "Looks like postAction or cancelAction call was missing" );
- if( aArguments.getLength() > 0 )
- {
- OSL_ENSURE( aArguments.getLength() == 1, "More than one argument is not supported yet" );
- if( aArguments[0].Name.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("WithData")))
- {
- m_pLastRemeberedUndoElement = new impl::UndoElementWithData( xModelBeforeChange );
- bActionHandled = true;
- }
- else if( aArguments[0].Name.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("WithSelection")))
- {
- m_pLastRemeberedUndoElement = new impl::UndoElementWithSelection( xModelBeforeChange );
- bActionHandled = true;
- }
- }
- if( !bActionHandled )
- preAction( xModelBeforeChange );
-void SAL_CALL UndoManager::postAction( const OUString& aUndoText )
- throw (uno::RuntimeException)
- OSL_ENSURE( m_pLastRemeberedUndoElement, "Looks like preAction call was missing" );
- if( m_pLastRemeberedUndoElement )
- {
- m_pLastRemeberedUndoElement->setActionString( aUndoText );
- m_apUndoStack->push( m_pLastRemeberedUndoElement );
- m_pLastRemeberedUndoElement = 0;
- // redo no longer possible
- m_apRedoStack->disposeAndClear();
- // it suffices to get the number of undo steps from config after the
- // first time postAction has been called
- if( ! m_apUndoStepsConfigItem.get())
- retrieveConfigUndoSteps();
- fireModifyEvent();
- }
-void SAL_CALL UndoManager::cancelAction()
- throw (uno::RuntimeException)
- delete m_pLastRemeberedUndoElement;
- m_pLastRemeberedUndoElement = 0;
-void SAL_CALL UndoManager::cancelActionWithUndo( Reference< frame::XModel >& xModelToRestore )
- throw (uno::RuntimeException)
- if( m_pLastRemeberedUndoElement )
- {
- m_pLastRemeberedUndoElement->applyToModel( xModelToRestore );
- cancelAction();
- }
-void SAL_CALL UndoManager::undo( Reference< frame::XModel >& xCurrentModel )
- throw (uno::RuntimeException)
- OSL_ASSERT( m_apUndoStack.get() && m_apRedoStack.get());
- impl_undoRedo( xCurrentModel, m_apUndoStack.get(), m_apRedoStack.get(), true );
-void SAL_CALL UndoManager::redo( Reference< frame::XModel >& xCurrentModel )
- throw (uno::RuntimeException)
- OSL_ASSERT( m_apUndoStack.get() && m_apRedoStack.get());
- impl_undoRedo( xCurrentModel, m_apRedoStack.get(), m_apUndoStack.get(), false );
-::sal_Bool SAL_CALL UndoManager::undoPossible()
- throw (uno::RuntimeException)
- return ! m_apUndoStack->empty();
-::sal_Bool SAL_CALL UndoManager::redoPossible()
- throw (uno::RuntimeException)
- return ! m_apRedoStack->empty();
-OUString SAL_CALL UndoManager::getCurrentUndoString()
- throw (uno::RuntimeException)
- return m_apUndoStack->topUndoString();
-OUString SAL_CALL UndoManager::getCurrentRedoString()
- throw (uno::RuntimeException)
- return m_apRedoStack->topUndoString();
-Sequence< OUString > SAL_CALL UndoManager::getAllUndoStrings()
- throw (uno::RuntimeException)
- return m_apUndoStack->getUndoStrings();
-Sequence< OUString > SAL_CALL UndoManager::getAllRedoStrings()
- throw (uno::RuntimeException)
- return m_apRedoStack->getUndoStrings();
-// ____ XUndoHelper ____
-Reference< frame::XModel > SAL_CALL UndoManager::getModelCloneForUndo(
- const Reference< frame::XModel >& xModelBeforeChange )
- throw (uno::RuntimeException)
- return impl::UndoElement::cloneModel( xModelBeforeChange );
-void SAL_CALL UndoManager::applyModelContent(
- Reference< frame::XModel >& xModelToChange,
- const Reference< frame::XModel >& xModelToCopyFrom )
- throw (uno::RuntimeException)
- impl::UndoElement::applyModelContentToModel( xModelToChange, xModelToCopyFrom );
-// ____ XUnoTunnel ____
-sal_Int64 UndoManager::getSomething( const Sequence< sal_Int8 >& rId )
- throw (uno::RuntimeException)
- if ( rId.getLength() == 16 && 0 == rtl_compareMemory( getUnoTunnelId().getConstArray(), rId.getConstArray(), 16 ) )
- {
- return sal::static_int_cast< sal_Int64 >( reinterpret_cast< sal_IntPtr >( this ) );
- }
- return 0;
-// static
-const Sequence< sal_Int8 >& UndoManager::getUnoTunnelId()
- static Sequence< sal_Int8 >* pSeq = 0;
- if( !pSeq )
- {
- osl::Guard< osl::Mutex > aGuard( osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex() );
- if( !pSeq )
- {
- static Sequence< sal_Int8 > aSeq( 16 );
- rtl_createUuid( (sal_uInt8*)aSeq.getArray(), 0, sal_True );
- pSeq = &aSeq;
- }
- }
- return *pSeq;
-// static
-UndoManager* UndoManager::getImplementation( const Reference< uno::XInterface > xObj )
- UndoManager* pRet = NULL;
- Reference< lang::XUnoTunnel > xUT( xObj, uno::UNO_QUERY );
- if ( )
- {
- pRet = reinterpret_cast< UndoManager* >( sal::static_int_cast< sal_IntPtr >( xUT->getSomething( getUnoTunnelId() ) ) );
- }
- return pRet;
-} // namespace chart