path: root/chart2/source/view/main/ChartView.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'chart2/source/view/main/ChartView.cxx')
1 files changed, 627 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chart2/source/view/main/ChartView.cxx b/chart2/source/view/main/ChartView.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1a13f806dc38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chart2/source/view/main/ChartView.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,627 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: ChartView.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: bm $ $Date: 2003-10-06 09:58:34 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2003 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "ChartViewImpl.hxx"
+#include "PlottingPositionHelper.hxx"
+#include "ViewDefines.hxx"
+#include "VDiagram.hxx"
+#include "VTitle.hxx"
+#include "ShapeFactory.hxx"
+#include "VAxis.hxx"
+#include "VSeriesPlotter.hxx"
+#include "CommonConverters.hxx"
+#include "macros.hxx"
+#include "TitleHelper.hxx"
+#include <drafts/com/sun/star/chart2/AxisOrientation.hpp>
+#include <drafts/com/sun/star/chart2/ExplicitSubIncrement.hpp>
+#include <drafts/com/sun/star/chart2/XAxisContainer.hpp>
+#include <drafts/com/sun/star/chart2/XChartDocument.hpp>
+#include <drafts/com/sun/star/chart2/XChartTypeGroup.hpp>
+#include <drafts/com/sun/star/chart2/XDataSeries.hpp>
+#include <drafts/com/sun/star/chart2/XDiagram.hpp>
+#include <drafts/com/sun/star/chart2/XGridContainer.hpp>
+#include <drafts/com/sun/star/chart2/XStackableScaleGroup.hpp>
+#include <drafts/com/sun/star/chart2/XTitled.hpp>
+namespace chart
+using namespace ::com::sun::star;
+using namespace ::drafts::com::sun::star::chart2;
+ChartView* ChartView::createView(
+ const uno::Reference< uno::XComponentContext >& xCC
+ , const uno::Reference< frame::XModel >& xChartModel
+ , const uno::Reference<drawing::XDrawPagesSupplier>& xDrawPagesSuplier
+ , NumberFormatterWrapper* pNumberFormatterWrapper )
+ return new ChartViewImpl(xCC,xChartModel,xDrawPagesSuplier,pNumberFormatterWrapper);
+ const uno::Reference< uno::XComponentContext >& xCC
+ , const uno::Reference< frame::XModel >& xChartModel
+ , const uno::Reference<drawing::XDrawPagesSupplier>& xDrawPagesSuplier
+ , NumberFormatterWrapper* pNumberFormatterWrapper )
+ : m_xCC(xCC)
+ , m_xChartModel(xChartModel)
+ , m_xShapeFactory(NULL)
+ , m_xDrawPage(NULL)
+ , m_pNumberFormatterWrapper( pNumberFormatterWrapper )
+ , m_pVDiagram(NULL)
+ , m_pVLegend(NULL)
+ , m_pVTitle(NULL)
+ , m_pVSubtitle(NULL)
+ //get factory from draw model
+ m_xShapeFactory = uno::Reference<lang::XMultiServiceFactory>( xDrawPagesSuplier, uno::UNO_QUERY );
+ //create draw page:
+ uno::Reference<drawing::XDrawPages> xDrawPages = xDrawPagesSuplier->getDrawPages ();
+ m_xDrawPage = xDrawPages->insertNewByIndex ( 0 );
+ m_xDrawPage = NULL;
+Matrix4D createTransformationSceneToScreen(
+ const awt::Point& rPos, const awt::Size& rSize )
+ Matrix4D aM4;
+ aM4.Scale(double(rSize.Width)/FIXED_SIZE_FOR_3D_CHART_VOLUME
+ , -double(rSize.Height)/FIXED_SIZE_FOR_3D_CHART_VOLUME, 1.0 );
+ aM4.Translate(double(rPos.X), double(rPos.Y+rSize.Height-1), 0);
+ return aM4;
+drawing::HomogenMatrix createTransformationMatrix()
+ Matrix4D aM4;
+ aM4.RotateY( -ZDIRECTION*F_PI/9.0 );
+ aM4.RotateX( ZDIRECTION*F_PI/10.0 );
+ //aM4.RotateY( ZDIRECTION*F_PI/2.0 );
+ //aM4.RotateX( -ZDIRECTION*F_PI/2.0 );
+ //aM4.RotateX( -ZDIRECTION*F_PI/2.0 );
+ aM4.Translate(0, -FIXED_SIZE_FOR_3D_CHART_VOLUME/2.0, 0);
+// aM4.Scale(1, 1, ZDIRECTION); //invert direction of z coordinate to get a left handed system
+ aM4.Scale(1.0, 1.0, ZDIRECTION);
+ drawing::HomogenMatrix aHM = Matrix4DToHomogenMatrix(aM4);
+ return aHM;
+ShapeAppearance getDefaultStyle( sal_Int32 nStyle )
+ switch(nStyle%8)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ return ShapeAppearance( 0, 0, GEOMETRY_CYLINDER, SYMBOL_DIAMOND );
+ case 2:
+ return ShapeAppearance( 0, 0, GEOMETRY_PYRAMID, SYMBOL_ARROW_DOWN );
+ case 3:
+ return ShapeAppearance( 0, 0, GEOMETRY_CONE, SYMBOL_ARROW_UP );
+ case 4:
+ return ShapeAppearance( 0, 0, GEOMETRY_CUBOID, SYMBOL_ARROW_RIGHT );
+ case 5:
+ return ShapeAppearance( 0, 0, GEOMETRY_CYLINDER, SYMBOL_ARROW_LEFT );
+ case 6:
+ return ShapeAppearance( 0, 0, GEOMETRY_PYRAMID, SYMBOL_BOWTIE );
+ case 7:
+ return ShapeAppearance( 0, 0, GEOMETRY_CONE, SYMBOL_SANDGLASS );
+ default:
+ return ShapeAppearance( 0, 0, GEOMETRY_CUBOID, SYMBOL_SQUARE );
+ }
+uno::Reference< drawing::XShapes > createDiagram(
+ const uno::Reference< drawing::XShapes>& xPageShapes
+ , const uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory>& xShapeFactory
+ , const awt::Point& rPos, const awt::Size& rSize
+ , sal_Int32 nDimension
+ , const uno::Reference< XDiagram > & xDia
+ )
+ VDiagram aVDiagram(xDia, nDimension);
+ aVDiagram.init(xPageShapes,xPageShapes,xShapeFactory);
+ if(3==nDimension)
+ aVDiagram.setSceneMatrix( createTransformationMatrix() );
+ aVDiagram.createShapes(rPos,rSize);
+ uno::Reference< drawing::XShapes > xTarget = aVDiagram.getCoordinateRegion();
+ return xTarget;
+void getCoordinateOrigin( double* fCoordinateOrigin, const uno::Reference< XBoundedCoordinateSystem >& xCoordSys )
+ if(
+ try
+ {
+ uno::Sequence< uno::Any > aCoord( xCoordSys->getOrigin());
+ if( aCoord.getLength() >= 1 )
+ aCoord[0]>>=fCoordinateOrigin[0];
+ if( aCoord.getLength() >= 2 )
+ aCoord[1]>>=fCoordinateOrigin[1];
+ if( aCoord.getLength() >= 3 )
+ aCoord[2]>>=fCoordinateOrigin[2];
+ }
+ catch( uno::Exception& ex)
+ {
+ ex;
+ }
+sal_Int32 getDimension( const uno::Reference< XDiagram >& xDiagram )
+ sal_Int32 nDimension = 2;
+ //@todo maybe get the dimension better from diagram properties ... -> need model change
+ uno::Reference< XDataSeriesTreeParent > xTree = xDiagram->getTree();
+ if(!
+ return nDimension;
+ uno::Sequence< uno::Reference< XDataSeriesTreeNode > > aChartTypes( xTree->getChildren() );
+ for( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < aChartTypes.getLength(); ++i )
+ {
+ uno::Reference< XChartTypeGroup > xChartTypeGroup( aChartTypes[i], uno::UNO_QUERY );
+ DBG_ASSERT(,"First node at the diagram tree needs to be a ChartTypeGroup");
+ if( ! )
+ continue;
+ uno::Reference< XChartType > xChartType = xChartTypeGroup->getChartType();
+ if( ! )
+ continue;
+ uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xChartTypeProp( xChartType, uno::UNO_QUERY );
+ if(
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ if( !(xChartTypeProp->getPropertyValue( C2U( "Dimension" )) >>= nDimension) )
+ {
+ DBG_ERROR( "Couldn't get Dimension from ChartTypeGroup" );
+ }
+ }
+ catch( beans::UnknownPropertyException ex )
+ {
+ ex;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return nDimension;
+// void getCoordinateSystems( std::vector< VCoordinateSystem >& rVCooSysList, const uno::Reference< XDiagram >& xDiagram )
+// {
+// uno::Reference< XBoundedCoordinateSystemContainer > xCooSysContainer =
+// uno::Reference< XBoundedCoordinateSystemContainer >::query( xDiagram );
+// if(
+// {
+// uno::Sequence< uno::Reference< XBoundedCoordinateSystem > > aXCooSysList = xCooSysContainer->getCoordinateSystems();
+// for( sal_Int32 nC=0; nC < aXCooSysList.getLength(); nC++)
+// {
+// VCoordinateSystem aCooSys(aXCooSysList[nC]);
+// double fCoordinateOrigin[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
+// getCoordinateOrigin( fCoordinateOrigin, aXCooSysList );
+// aCooSys.setOrigin(fCoordinateOrigin);
+// rVCooSysList.push_back( aCooSys );
+// }
+// if(!aXCooSysList.getLength())
+// {
+// //get coosys from diagram tree
+// //...
+// }
+// }
+// }
+const VCoordinateSystem* findInCooSysList( const std::vector< VCoordinateSystem >& rVCooSysList
+ , const uno::Reference< XBoundedCoordinateSystem >& xCooSys )
+ for( sal_Int32 nC=0; nC < rVCooSysList.size(); nC++)
+ {
+ const VCoordinateSystem& rVCooSys = rVCooSysList[nC];
+ if(rVCooSys.getModel()==xCooSys)
+ return &rVCooSys;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+void addCooSysToList( std::vector< VCoordinateSystem >& rVCooSysList
+ , const uno::Reference< XBoundedCoordinateSystem >& xCooSys
+ , double fCoordinateOrigin [] )
+ if( !findInCooSysList( rVCooSysList, xCooSys ) )
+ {
+ VCoordinateSystem aVCooSys(xCooSys);
+ aVCooSys.setOrigin(fCoordinateOrigin);
+ rVCooSysList.push_back( aVCooSys );
+ }
+void getAxesAndAddToCooSys( uno::Sequence< uno::Reference< XAxis > >& rAxisList
+ , const uno::Reference< XDiagram >& xDiagram
+ , std::vector< VCoordinateSystem >& rVCooSysList )
+ uno::Reference< XAxisContainer > xAxisContainer( xDiagram, uno::UNO_QUERY );
+ if(
+ {
+ rAxisList = xAxisContainer->getAxes();
+ for( sal_Int32 nA = 0; nA < rAxisList.getLength(); nA++ )
+ {
+ uno::Reference< XAxis > xAxis( rAxisList[nA] );
+ for( sal_Int32 nC=0; nC < rVCooSysList.size(); nC++)
+ {
+ if(xAxis->getCoordinateSystem() == rVCooSysList[nC].getModel() )
+ {
+ rVCooSysList[nC].addAxis( xAxis );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void addGridsToCooSys( const uno::Reference< XDiagram >& xDiagram
+ , std::vector< VCoordinateSystem >& rVCooSysList )
+ uno::Reference< XGridContainer > xGridContainer( xDiagram, uno::UNO_QUERY );
+ if(
+ {
+ uno::Sequence< uno::Reference< XGrid > > aGridList(
+ xGridContainer->getGrids() );
+ for( sal_Int32 nA = 0; nA < aGridList.getLength(); nA++ )
+ {
+ uno::Reference< XGrid > xGrid( aGridList[nA] );
+ for( sal_Int32 nC=0; nC < rVCooSysList.size(); nC++)
+ {
+ if(xGrid->getCoordinateSystem() == rVCooSysList[nC].getModel() )
+ {
+ rVCooSysList[nC].addGrid( xGrid );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void initializeDiagramAndGetCooSys( std::vector< VCoordinateSystem >& rVCooSysList
+ , const uno::Reference< uno::XComponentContext>& xCC
+ , const uno::Reference< drawing::XShapes>& xPageShapes
+ , const uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory>& xShapeFactory
+ , NumberFormatterWrapper* pNumberFormatterWrapper
+ , const awt::Point& rPos, const awt::Size& rSize
+ , const uno::Reference< frame::XModel >& xModel )
+ //------------ get model series from model
+ uno::Reference< XChartDocument > xChartDocument( xModel, uno::UNO_QUERY );
+ if( ! )
+ return;
+ uno::Reference< XDiagram > xDiagram = xChartDocument->getDiagram();
+ if( !
+ return;
+ sal_Int32 nDimension = getDimension( xDiagram );
+ //------------ create Diagram shapes
+ uno::Reference< drawing::XShapes > xTarget = createDiagram( xPageShapes, xShapeFactory, rPos, rSize, nDimension, xDiagram );
+ //------------ get all coordinatesystems
+// getCoordinateSystems( rVCooSysList, xDiagram );
+ //------------ add series to plotter and thus prepare him for providing minimum and maximum values
+ uno::Reference< XDataSeriesTreeParent > xTree = xDiagram->getTree();
+ uno::Sequence< uno::Reference< XDataSeriesTreeNode > > aChartTypes( xTree->getChildren() );
+ for( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < aChartTypes.getLength(); ++i )
+ {
+ //iterate through different charttypes:
+ uno::Reference< XChartTypeGroup > xChartTypeGroup( aChartTypes[i], uno::UNO_QUERY );
+ DBG_ASSERT(,"First node at the diagram tree needs to be a ChartTypeGroup");
+ if( ! )
+ continue;
+ ::std::auto_ptr< VSeriesPlotter > apPlotter( VSeriesPlotter::createSeriesPlotter( xChartTypeGroup->getChartType()->getChartType(), nDimension ) );
+ //------------ add series to plotter and thus prepare him for providing minimum and maximum values
+ sal_Int32 nXSlot = -1;
+ sal_Int32 nYSlot = -1;
+ uno::Sequence< uno::Reference< XDataSeriesTreeNode > > aXSlots( xChartTypeGroup->getChildren() );
+ for( sal_Int32 nX = 0; nX < aXSlots.getLength(); ++nX )
+ {
+ uno::Reference< XDataSeriesTreeParent > xXSlot = uno::Reference< XDataSeriesTreeParent >::query( aXSlots[nX] );
+ DBG_ASSERT(, "a node for the first dimension of a chart tree should always be a parent" );
+ if(!
+ return;
+ uno::Reference< XStackableScaleGroup > xStackGroup = uno::Reference< XStackableScaleGroup >::query( xXSlot );
+ if( &&
+ xStackGroup->getStackMode()==StackMode_STACKED)
+ nXSlot++;
+ uno::Sequence< uno::Reference< XDataSeriesTreeNode > > aYSlots(
+ xXSlot->getChildren() );
+ for( sal_Int32 nY = 0; nY < aYSlots.getLength(); ++nY )
+ {
+ uno::Reference< XDataSeriesTreeParent > xYSlot = uno::Reference< XDataSeriesTreeParent >::query( aYSlots[nY] );
+ DBG_ASSERT(, "a node for the second dimension of a chart tree should always be a parent" );
+ if(!
+ return;
+ uno::Reference< XScaleGroup > xScaleGroup( xYSlot, uno::UNO_QUERY );
+ {
+ double fCoordinateOrigin[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
+ getCoordinateOrigin( fCoordinateOrigin, xScaleGroup->getCoordinateSystem() );
+ addCooSysToList(rVCooSysList,xScaleGroup->getCoordinateSystem(),fCoordinateOrigin);
+ }
+ uno::Reference< XStackableScaleGroup > xStackGroup = uno::Reference< XStackableScaleGroup >::query( xYSlot );
+ StackMode aYStackMode = StackMode_NONE;
+ if(
+ aYStackMode = xStackGroup->getStackMode();
+ if(aYStackMode==StackMode_STACKED)
+ nYSlot++;
+ uno::Sequence< uno::Reference< XDataSeriesTreeNode > > aSeriesList( xYSlot->getChildren() );
+ for( sal_Int32 nS = 0; nS < aSeriesList.getLength(); ++nS )
+ {
+ uno::Reference< XDataSeries > xDataSeries( aSeriesList[nS], uno::UNO_QUERY );
+ VDataSeries* pTestSeries = new VDataSeries( xDataSeries, getDefaultStyle(nS) );
+ //virtual void addSeries( VDataSeries* pSeries, sal_Int32 xSlot = -1,sal_Int32 ySlot = -1 );
+ sal_Int32 nXSlot = 0;
+ if(aYStackMode==StackMode_NONE)
+ nXSlot=-1;
+ //@todo
+ apPlotter->addSeries( pTestSeries, nXSlot );
+ // apPlotter->addSeries( pTestSeries, nXSlot, nYSlot );
+ /*
+ if(nN==nSeriesCount-1)
+ apPlotter->addSeries( pTestSeries, -1 );
+ else
+ apPlotter->addSeries( pTestSeries, 0 );
+ */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //------------ get all axes from model and add to VCoordinateSystems
+ uno::Sequence< uno::Reference< XAxis > > aAxisList;
+ getAxesAndAddToCooSys( aAxisList, xDiagram, rVCooSysList );
+ addGridsToCooSys( xDiagram, rVCooSysList );
+ //------------ iterate through all coordinate systems
+ for( sal_Int32 nC=0; nC < rVCooSysList.size(); nC++)
+ {
+ //------------ create explicit scales and increments
+ VCoordinateSystem& rVCooSys = rVCooSysList[nC];
+ rVCooSys.doAutoScale( apPlotter.get() );
+ const uno::Sequence< ExplicitScaleData >& rExplicitScales = rVCooSys.getExplicitScales();
+ const uno::Sequence< ExplicitIncrementData >& rExplicitIncrements = rVCooSys.getExplicitIncrements();
+ double fCoordinateOrigin[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
+ for( sal_Int32 nDim = 0; nDim < 3; nDim++ )
+ fCoordinateOrigin[nDim] = rVCooSys.getOriginByDimension( nDim );
+ Matrix4D aM4_SceneToScreen( createTransformationSceneToScreen(rPos,rSize) );
+ drawing::HomogenMatrix aHM_SceneToScreen( Matrix4DToHomogenMatrix(aM4_SceneToScreen) );
+ //------------ create axes --- @todo do auto layout / fontscaling
+ for( nDim = 0; nDim < 3; nDim++ )
+ {
+ uno::Reference< XAxis > xAxis = rVCooSys.getAxisByDimension(nDim);
+ if(
+ &&2==nDimension) //@todo remove this restriction if 3D axes are available
+ {
+ AxisProperties aAxisProperties;
+ aAxisProperties.m_xAxisModel = xAxis;
+ aAxisProperties.m_pfExrtaLinePositionAtOtherAxis =
+ new double(nDim==1?fCoordinateOrigin[0]:fCoordinateOrigin[1]);
+ aAxisProperties.m_bTESTTEST_HorizontalAdjustmentIsLeft = sal_False;
+ //-------------------
+ VAxis aAxis(aAxisProperties,pNumberFormatterWrapper);
+ aAxis.setMeterData( rExplicitScales[nDim], rExplicitIncrements[nDim] );
+ aAxis.init(xTarget,xPageShapes,xShapeFactory);
+ if(2==nDimension)
+ aAxis.setTransformationSceneToScreen( aHM_SceneToScreen );
+ aAxis.setScales( rExplicitScales );
+ aAxis.createShapes();
+ }
+ }
+ //------------ create grids
+ rVCooSys.createGridShapes( xShapeFactory, xTarget, aHM_SceneToScreen );
+ //------------ set scale to plotter
+ apPlotter->init(xTarget,xPageShapes,xShapeFactory);
+ if(2==nDimension)
+ apPlotter->setTransformationSceneToScreen( aHM_SceneToScreen );
+ apPlotter->setScales( rExplicitScales );
+ apPlotter->createShapes();
+ }
+ }
+void ChartViewImpl::getExplicitValuesForMeter(
+ uno::Reference< XMeter > xMeter
+ , ExplicitScaleData& rExplicitScale
+ , ExplicitIncrementData& rExplicitIncrement
+ , double& rfExplicitOrigin )
+ if(!
+ return;
+ uno::Reference< XBoundedCoordinateSystem > xCooSys = xMeter->getCoordinateSystem();
+ const VCoordinateSystem* pVCooSys = findInCooSysList(m_aVCooSysList,xCooSys);
+ if(!pVCooSys)
+ return;
+ const uno::Sequence< ExplicitScaleData >& rScales =pVCooSys->getExplicitScales();
+ const uno::Sequence< ExplicitIncrementData >& rIncrements =pVCooSys->getExplicitIncrements();
+ sal_Int32 nDim = xMeter->getRepresentedDimension();
+ if(nDim<=rScales.getLength())
+ rExplicitScale=rScales[nDim];
+ if(nDim<=rIncrements.getLength())
+ rExplicitIncrement=rIncrements[nDim];
+ rfExplicitOrigin = pVCooSys->getOriginByDimension( nDim );
+bool getPosAndSizeForDiagram( awt::Point& rPos, awt::Size& rSize, const awt::Size& rPageSize, sal_Int32 nYOffset )
+ if(rPageSize.Width <= 0 || rPageSize.Height <= 0 )
+ return false;
+ long nHeight = (rPageSize.Height-nYOffset)*5/6;
+ long nOffsetY = (rPageSize.Height-nYOffset)-nHeight;
+ nOffsetY /= 2;
+ nOffsetY += nYOffset;
+ long nWidth = rPageSize.Width*5/6;
+ long nOffsetX = rPageSize.Width-nWidth;
+ nOffsetX /= 2;
+ if( nHeight <= 0 || nWidth <= 0 )
+ return false;
+ rPos = awt::Point(nOffsetX,nOffsetY);
+ rSize = awt::Size(nWidth,nHeight);
+ return true;
+void createTitle( const uno::Reference< XTitle >& xTitle
+ , sal_Int32 nXPosition
+ , sal_Int32& nrYOffset
+ , const uno::Reference< drawing::XShapes>& xPageShapes
+ , const uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory>& xShapeFactory
+ )
+ if(
+ {
+ VTitle aVTitle(xTitle);
+ aVTitle.init(xPageShapes,xShapeFactory);
+ aVTitle.createShapes( awt::Point(0,0) );
+ awt::Size aTitleSize = aVTitle.getSize();
+ sal_Int32 nYSpacing = aTitleSize.Height/2;
+ aVTitle.changePosition( awt::Point( nXPosition, nrYOffset + aTitleSize.Height/2 + nYSpacing ) );
+ nrYOffset += aTitleSize.Height + nYSpacing;
+ }
+bool ChartViewImpl::create( const awt::Size& rPageSize )
+ uno::Reference<drawing::XShapes> xPageShapes =
+ uno::Reference<drawing::XShapes>( m_xDrawPage, uno::UNO_QUERY );
+ sal_Int32 nYOffset = 0;
+ sal_Int32 nXPosition = rPageSize.Width/2;
+ //------------ create main title shape
+ createTitle( TitleHelper::getTitle( TitleHelper::MAIN_TITLE, m_xChartModel )
+ , nXPosition, nYOffset, xPageShapes, m_xShapeFactory );
+ if(nYOffset>=rPageSize.Height)
+ return true;
+ //------------ create sub title shape
+ createTitle( TitleHelper::getTitle( TitleHelper::SUB_TITLE, m_xChartModel )
+ , nXPosition, nYOffset, xPageShapes, m_xShapeFactory );
+ if(nYOffset>=rPageSize.Height)
+ return true;
+ //------------ create complete diagram shape (inclusive axis and series)
+ awt::Point aPosDia;
+ awt::Size aSizeDia;
+ if( getPosAndSizeForDiagram( aPosDia, aSizeDia, rPageSize, nYOffset ) )
+ initializeDiagramAndGetCooSys( m_aVCooSysList
+ , m_xCC, xPageShapes, m_xShapeFactory, m_pNumberFormatterWrapper
+ , aPosDia ,aSizeDia
+ , m_xChartModel );
+ return true;
+} //namespace chart