path: root/connectivity/source/inc/ado/Awrapado.hxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'connectivity/source/inc/ado/Awrapado.hxx')
1 files changed, 1021 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/connectivity/source/inc/ado/Awrapado.hxx b/connectivity/source/inc/ado/Awrapado.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..84e60c600a33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/connectivity/source/inc/ado/Awrapado.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1021 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: Awrapado.hxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:14:25 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include <tools/prewin.h>
+// Includes fuer ADO
+#include <oledb.h>
+//#include <objbase.h>
+//#include <initguid.h>
+//#include <mapinls.h>
+#include <ocidl.h>
+#ifndef _ADOINT_H_
+#include <adoint.h>
+#include <tools/postwin.h>
+#include "ado/adoimp.hxx"
+#include "ado/Aolewrap.hxx"
+#include "ado/Aolevariant.hxx"
+namespace connectivity
+ namespace ado
+ {
+ class WpADOConnection;
+ class WpADOCommand;
+ class WpADORecordset;
+ class WpADOField;
+ class WpADOParameter;
+ class WpADOError;
+ class WpADOProperty;
+ typedef WpOLEAppendCollection<ADOFields, ADOField, WpADOField> WpADOFields;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class WpADOConnection : public WpOLEBase<ADOConnection>
+ {
+ friend class WpADOCommand;
+ public:
+ WpADOConnection(ADOConnection* pInt) : WpOLEBase<ADOConnection>(pInt){}
+ WpADOConnection(const WpADOConnection& rhs){operator=(rhs);}
+ inline WpADOConnection& operator=(const WpADOConnection& rhs)
+ {WpOLEBase<ADOConnection>::operator=(rhs); return *this;}
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ inline ADOProperties* get_Properties() const
+ {
+ ADOProperties* pProps=NULL;
+ pInterface->get_Properties(&pProps);
+ return pProps;
+ }
+ inline rtl::OUString GetConnectionString() const
+ {
+ BSTR aBSTR; pInterface->get_ConnectionString(&aBSTR);
+ rtl::OUString sRetStr((sal_Unicode*)aBSTR);
+ SysFreeString(aBSTR);
+ return sRetStr;
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool PutConnectionString(const ::rtl::OUString &aCon) const
+ {
+ return SUCCEEDED(pInterface->put_ConnectionString(SysAllocString(aCon.getStr())));
+ }
+ inline sal_Int32 GetCommandTimeout() const
+ {
+ sal_Int32 nRet;
+ pInterface->get_CommandTimeout(&nRet);
+ return nRet;
+ }
+ inline void PutCommandTimeout(sal_Int32 nRet)
+ {
+ pInterface->put_CommandTimeout(nRet);
+ }
+ inline sal_Int32 GetConnectionTimeout() const
+ {
+ sal_Int32 nRet;
+ pInterface->get_ConnectionTimeout(&nRet);
+ return nRet;
+ }
+ inline void PutConnectionTimeout(sal_Int32 nRet)
+ {
+ pInterface->put_ConnectionTimeout(nRet);
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool Close( )
+ {
+ return (SUCCEEDED(pInterface->Close()));
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool Execute(const ::rtl::OUString& _CommandText,OLEVariant& RecordsAffected,long Options, WpADORecordset** ppiRset)
+ {
+ return SUCCEEDED(pInterface->Execute(SysAllocString(_CommandText.getStr()),&RecordsAffected,Options,(_ADORecordset**)ppiRset));
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool BeginTrans()
+ {
+ sal_Int32 nIso;
+ return SUCCEEDED(pInterface->BeginTrans(&nIso));
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool CommitTrans( )
+ {
+ return SUCCEEDED(pInterface->CommitTrans());
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool RollbackTrans( )
+ {
+ return SUCCEEDED(pInterface->RollbackTrans());
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool Open(const ::rtl::OUString& ConnectionString, const ::rtl::OUString& UserID,const ::rtl::OUString& Password,long Options)
+ {
+ return SUCCEEDED(pInterface->Open(SysAllocString(ConnectionString.getStr()),SysAllocString(UserID.getStr()),SysAllocString(Password.getStr()),Options));
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool GetErrors(ADOErrors** pErrors)
+ {
+ return SUCCEEDED(pInterface->get_Errors(pErrors));
+ }
+ inline ::rtl::OUString GetDefaultDatabase() const
+ {
+ BSTR aBSTR; pInterface->get_DefaultDatabase(&aBSTR);
+ ::rtl::OUString sRetStr(aBSTR);
+ SysFreeString(aBSTR); return sRetStr;
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool PutDefaultDatabase(const ::rtl::OUString& bstr)
+ {
+ return SUCCEEDED(pInterface->put_DefaultDatabase(SysAllocString(bstr.getStr())));
+ }
+ inline IsolationLevelEnum get_IsolationLevel() const
+ {
+ IsolationLevelEnum eNum;
+ pInterface->get_IsolationLevel(&eNum);
+ return eNum;
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool put_IsolationLevel(const IsolationLevelEnum& eNum)
+ {
+ return SUCCEEDED(pInterface->put_IsolationLevel(eNum));
+ }
+ inline sal_Int32 get_Attributes() const
+ {
+ sal_Int32 nRet;
+ pInterface->get_Attributes(&nRet);
+ return nRet;
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool put_Attributes(sal_Int32 nRet)
+ {
+ return SUCCEEDED(pInterface->put_Attributes(nRet));
+ }
+ inline CursorLocationEnum get_CursorLocation() const
+ {
+ CursorLocationEnum eNum;
+ pInterface->get_CursorLocation(&eNum);
+ return eNum;
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool put_CursorLocation(const CursorLocationEnum &eNum)
+ {
+ return SUCCEEDED(pInterface->put_CursorLocation(eNum));
+ }
+ inline ConnectModeEnum get_Mode() const
+ {
+ ConnectModeEnum eNum;
+ pInterface->get_Mode(&eNum);
+ return eNum;
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool put_Mode(const ConnectModeEnum &eNum)
+ {
+ return SUCCEEDED(pInterface->put_Mode(eNum));
+ }
+ inline ::rtl::OUString get_Provider() const
+ {
+ BSTR aBSTR; pInterface->get_Provider(&aBSTR);
+ ::rtl::OUString sRetStr(aBSTR);
+ SysFreeString(aBSTR); return sRetStr;
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool put_Provider(const ::rtl::OUString& bstr)
+ {
+ return SUCCEEDED(pInterface->put_Provider(SysAllocString(bstr.getStr())));
+ }
+ inline sal_Int32 get_State() const
+ {
+ sal_Int32 nRet;
+ pInterface->get_State(&nRet);
+ return nRet;
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool OpenSchema(SchemaEnum eNum,OLEVariant& Restrictions,OLEVariant& SchemaID,ADORecordset**pprset)
+ {
+ return SUCCEEDED(pInterface->OpenSchema(eNum,Restrictions,SchemaID,pprset));
+ }
+ inline ::rtl::OUString get_Version() const
+ {
+ pInterface->get_Version(&aBSTR);
+ ::rtl::OUString sRetStr(aBSTR);
+ SysFreeString(aBSTR); return sRetStr;
+ }
+ };
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class WpADOCommand : public WpOLEBase<ADOCommand>
+ {
+ public:
+ WpADOCommand(){}
+ // Konstruktoren, operator=
+ // diese rufen nur die Oberklasse
+ WpADOCommand(ADOCommand* pInt) : WpOLEBase<ADOCommand>(pInt){}
+ WpADOCommand(const WpADOCommand& rhs){operator=(rhs);}
+ inline WpADOCommand& operator=(const WpADOCommand& rhs)
+ {
+ WpOLEBase<ADOCommand>::operator=(rhs); return *this;}
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ sal_Bool putref_ActiveConnection( WpADOConnection *pCon)
+ {
+ return SUCCEEDED(pInterface->putref_ActiveConnection(pCon->pInterface));
+ }
+ void put_ActiveConnection(/* [in] */ const OLEVariant& vConn)
+ {
+ pInterface->put_ActiveConnection(vConn);
+ }
+ inline void Create()
+ {
+ IClassFactory2* pIUnknown = NULL;
+ IUnknown *pOuter = NULL;
+ hr = CoGetClassObject( ADOS::CLSID_ADOCOMMAND_21,
+ IID_IClassFactory2,
+ (void**)&pIUnknown );
+ if( !FAILED( hr ) )
+ {
+ pIUnknown->AddRef();
+ ADOCommand* pCommand;
+ hr = pIUnknown->CreateInstanceLic( pOuter,
+ ADOS::GetKeyStr(),
+ (void**) &pCommand);
+ if( !FAILED( hr ) )
+ {
+ pInterface = pCommand;
+ pInterface->AddRef();
+ }
+ pIUnknown->Release();
+ }
+ }
+ inline sal_Int32 get_State() const
+ {
+ sal_Int32 nRet;
+ pInterface->get_State(&nRet);
+ return nRet;
+ }
+ inline ::rtl::OUString get_CommandText() const
+ {
+ BSTR aBSTR; pInterface->get_CommandText(&aBSTR);
+ ::rtl::OUString sRetStr(aBSTR);
+ SysFreeString(aBSTR); return sRetStr;
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool put_CommandText(const ::rtl::OUString &aCon)
+ {
+ BSTR bstr = SysAllocString(aCon.getStr());
+ sal_Bool bErg = SUCCEEDED(pInterface->put_CommandText(bstr));
+ SysFreeString(bstr);
+ return bErg;
+ }
+ inline sal_Int32 get_CommandTimeout() const
+ {
+ sal_Int32 nRet;
+ pInterface->get_CommandTimeout(&nRet);
+ return nRet;
+ }
+ inline void put_CommandTimeout(sal_Int32 nRet)
+ {
+ pInterface->put_CommandTimeout(nRet);
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool get_Prepared() const
+ {
+ VARIANT_BOOL bPrepared;
+ pInterface->get_Prepared(&bPrepared);
+ return bPrepared == VARIANT_TRUE;
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool put_Prepared(VARIANT_BOOL bPrepared) const
+ {
+ return SUCCEEDED(pInterface->put_Prepared(bPrepared));
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool Execute(OLEVariant& RecordsAffected,OLEVariant& Parameters,long Options, ADORecordset** ppiRset)
+ {
+ return SUCCEEDED(pInterface->Execute(&RecordsAffected,&Parameters,Options,ppiRset));
+ }
+ inline ADOParameter* CreateParameter(const ::rtl::OUString &bstr,DataTypeEnum Type,ParameterDirectionEnum Direction,long nSize,const OLEVariant &Value)
+ {
+ ADOParameter* pPara = NULL;
+ if(SUCCEEDED(pInterface->CreateParameter(bstr.getLength() ? SysAllocString(bstr.getStr()) : NULL,Type,Direction,nSize,Value,&pPara)))
+ return pPara;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ inline ADOParameters* get_Parameters() const
+ {
+ ADOParameters* pPara;
+ pInterface->get_Parameters(&pPara);
+ return pPara;
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool put_CommandType( /* [in] */ CommandTypeEnum lCmdType)
+ {
+ return SUCCEEDED(pInterface->put_CommandType(lCmdType));
+ }
+ inline CommandTypeEnum get_CommandType( ) const
+ {
+ CommandTypeEnum eNum;
+ pInterface->get_CommandType(&eNum);
+ return eNum;
+ }
+ // gibt den Namen des Feldes zur"ueck
+ inline ::rtl::OUString GetName() const
+ {
+ BSTR aBSTR; pInterface->get_Name(&aBSTR);
+ ::rtl::OUString sRetStr(aBSTR);
+ SysFreeString(aBSTR); return sRetStr;
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool put_Name(const ::rtl::OUString& _Name)
+ {
+ return SUCCEEDED(pInterface->put_Name(SysAllocString(_Name.getStr())));
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool Cancel()
+ {
+ return SUCCEEDED(pInterface->Cancel());
+ }
+ };
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class WpADOError:public WpOLEBase<ADOError>
+ {
+ public:
+ // Konstruktoren, operator=
+ // diese rufen nur die Oberklasse
+ WpADOError(ADOError* pInt):WpOLEBase<ADOError>(pInt){}
+ WpADOError(const WpADOError& rhs){operator=(rhs);}
+ inline WpADOError& operator=(const WpADOError& rhs)
+ {WpOLEBase<ADOError>::operator=(rhs); return *this;}
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ inline ::rtl::OUString GetDescription() const
+ {
+ BSTR aBSTR; pInterface->get_Description(&aBSTR);
+ ::rtl::OUString sRetStr(aBSTR);
+ SysFreeString(aBSTR); return sRetStr;
+ }
+ inline ::rtl::OUString GetSource() const {BSTR aBSTR; pInterface->get_Source(&aBSTR);
+ ::rtl::OUString sRetStr(aBSTR);
+ SysFreeString(aBSTR); return sRetStr;}
+ inline sal_Int32 GetNumber() const {sal_Int32 nErrNr; pInterface->get_Number(&nErrNr);
+ return nErrNr;}
+ inline ::rtl::OUString GetSQLState() const
+ {
+ BSTR aBSTR; pInterface->get_SQLState(&aBSTR);
+ ::rtl::OUString sRetStr(aBSTR);
+ SysFreeString(aBSTR); return sRetStr;
+ }
+ inline sal_Int32 GetNativeError() const
+ {
+ sal_Int32 nErrNr; pInterface->get_NativeError(&nErrNr);
+ return nErrNr;
+ }
+ };
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class WpADOField : public WpOLEBase<ADOField>
+ {
+ // friend class WpADOFields;
+ public:
+ // Konstruktoren, operator=
+ // diese rufen nur die Oberklasse
+ WpADOField(ADOField* pInt=NULL):WpOLEBase<ADOField>(pInt){}
+ WpADOField(const WpADOField& rhs){operator=(rhs);}
+ inline WpADOField& operator=(const WpADOField& rhs)
+ {WpOLEBase<ADOField>::operator=(rhs); return *this;}
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ inline ADOProperties* get_Properties()
+ {
+ ADOProperties* pProps = NULL;
+ pInterface->get_Properties(&pProps);
+ return pProps;
+ }
+ inline sal_Int32 GetActualSize() const
+ {
+ sal_Int32 nActualSize; pInterface->get_ActualSize(&nActualSize);
+ return nActualSize;
+ }
+ inline sal_Int32 GetAttributes() const
+ {
+ sal_Int32 eADOSFieldAttributes; pInterface->get_Attributes(&eADOSFieldAttributes);
+ return eADOSFieldAttributes;
+ }
+ inline sal_Int32 GetStatus() const
+ {
+ sal_Int32 eADOSFieldAttributes=0;
+ // pInterface->get_Status(&eADOSFieldAttributes);
+ return eADOSFieldAttributes;
+ }
+ inline sal_Int32 GetDefinedSize() const
+ {
+ sal_Int32 nDefinedSize;
+ pInterface->get_DefinedSize(&nDefinedSize);
+ return nDefinedSize;
+ }
+ // gibt den Namen des Feldes zur"ueck
+ inline ::rtl::OUString GetName() const
+ {
+ BSTR aBSTR; pInterface->get_Name(&aBSTR);
+ ::rtl::OUString sRetStr(aBSTR);
+ SysFreeString(aBSTR); return sRetStr;
+ }
+ inline DataTypeEnum GetADOType() const
+ {
+ DataTypeEnum eType; pInterface->get_Type(&eType);
+ return eType;
+ }
+ inline void get_Value(OLEVariant& aValVar) const
+ {
+ aValVar.setEmpty();
+ pInterface->get_Value(&aValVar);
+ }
+ inline OLEVariant get_Value() const
+ {
+ OLEVariant aValVar;
+ pInterface->get_Value(&aValVar);
+ return aValVar;
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool PutValue(const OLEVariant& aVariant)
+ {
+ return (SUCCEEDED(pInterface->put_Value(aVariant)));
+ }
+ inline sal_Int32 GetPrecision() const
+ {
+ sal_uInt8 eType; pInterface->get_Precision(&eType);
+ return eType;
+ }
+ inline sal_Int32 GetNumericScale() const
+ {
+ sal_uInt8 eType; pInterface->get_NumericScale(&eType);
+ return eType;
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool AppendChunk(const OLEVariant& _Variant)
+ {
+ return (SUCCEEDED(pInterface->AppendChunk(_Variant)));
+ }
+ inline OLEVariant GetChunk(long Length) const
+ {
+ OLEVariant aValVar;
+ pInterface->GetChunk(Length,&aValVar);
+ return aValVar;
+ }
+ inline void GetChunk(long Length,OLEVariant &aValVar) const
+ {
+ pInterface->GetChunk(Length,&aValVar);
+ }
+ inline OLEVariant GetOriginalValue() const
+ {
+ OLEVariant aValVar;
+ pInterface->get_OriginalValue(&aValVar);
+ return aValVar;
+ }
+ inline void GetOriginalValue(OLEVariant &aValVar) const
+ {
+ pInterface->get_OriginalValue(&aValVar);
+ }
+ inline OLEVariant GetUnderlyingValue() const
+ {
+ OLEVariant aValVar;
+ pInterface->get_UnderlyingValue(&aValVar);
+ return aValVar;
+ }
+ inline void GetUnderlyingValue(OLEVariant &aValVar) const
+ {
+ pInterface->get_UnderlyingValue(&aValVar);
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool PutPrecision(sal_Int8 _prec)
+ {
+ return (SUCCEEDED(pInterface->put_Precision(_prec)));
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool PutNumericScale(sal_Int8 _prec)
+ {
+ return (SUCCEEDED(pInterface->put_NumericScale(_prec)));
+ }
+ inline void PutADOType(DataTypeEnum eType)
+ {
+ pInterface->put_Type(eType);
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool PutDefinedSize(sal_Int32 _nDefSize)
+ {
+ return (SUCCEEDED(pInterface->put_DefinedSize(_nDefSize)));
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool PutAttributes(sal_Int32 _nDefSize)
+ {
+ return (SUCCEEDED(pInterface->put_Attributes(_nDefSize)));
+ }
+ };
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class WpADOProperty: public WpOLEBase<ADOProperty>
+ {
+ friend class WpADOProperties;
+ public:
+ // Konstruktoren, operator=
+ // diese rufen nur die Oberklasse
+ WpADOProperty(ADOProperty* pInt):WpOLEBase<ADOProperty>(pInt){}
+ WpADOProperty(const WpADOProperty& rhs){operator=(rhs);}
+ inline WpADOProperty& operator=(const WpADOProperty& rhs)
+ {WpOLEBase<ADOProperty>::operator=(rhs); return *this;}
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ inline OLEVariant GetValue() const
+ {
+ OLEVariant aValVar;
+ pInterface->get_Value(&aValVar);
+ return aValVar;
+ }
+ inline void GetValue(OLEVariant &aValVar) const
+ {
+ pInterface->get_Value(&aValVar);
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool PutValue(const OLEVariant &aValVar)
+ {
+ return (SUCCEEDED(pInterface->put_Value(aValVar)));
+ }
+ inline ::rtl::OUString GetName() const
+ {
+ BSTR aBSTR; pInterface->get_Name(&aBSTR);
+ ::rtl::OUString sRetStr(aBSTR);
+ SysFreeString(aBSTR); return sRetStr;
+ }
+ inline DataTypeEnum GetADOType() const
+ {
+ DataTypeEnum eType; pInterface->get_Type(&eType);
+ return eType;
+ }
+ inline sal_Int32 GetAttributes() const
+ {
+ sal_Int32 eADOSFieldAttributes; pInterface->get_Attributes(&eADOSFieldAttributes);
+ return eADOSFieldAttributes;
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool PutAttributes(sal_Int32 _nDefSize)
+ {
+ return (SUCCEEDED(pInterface->put_Attributes(_nDefSize)));
+ }
+ };
+ class WpADORecordset:public WpOLEBase<ADORecordset>
+ {
+ public:
+ // Konstruktoren, operator=
+ // diese rufen nur die Oberklasse
+ WpADORecordset(ADORecordset* pInt=NULL):WpOLEBase<ADORecordset>(pInt){}
+ WpADORecordset(const WpADORecordset& rhs){operator=(rhs);}
+ inline WpADORecordset& operator=(const WpADORecordset& rhs)
+ {
+ WpOLEBase<ADORecordset>::operator=(rhs);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ ~WpADORecordset()
+ {
+ // if(pInterface && get_State() == adStateOpen)
+ // Close();
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ inline void Create()
+ {
+ IClassFactory2* pIUnknown = NULL;
+ IUnknown *pOuter = NULL;
+ hr = CoGetClassObject( ADOS::CLSID_ADORECORDSET_21,
+ IID_IClassFactory2,
+ (void**)&pIUnknown );
+ if( !FAILED( hr ) )
+ {
+ pIUnknown->AddRef();
+ ADORecordset *pRec = NULL;
+ hr = pIUnknown->CreateInstanceLic( pOuter,
+ ADOS::GetKeyStr(),
+ (void**) &pRec);
+ if( !FAILED( hr ) )
+ {
+ pInterface = pRec;
+ pInterface->AddRef();
+ }
+ pIUnknown->Release();
+ }
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool Open(
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT Source,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT ActiveConnection,
+ /* [defaultvalue][in] */ CursorTypeEnum CursorType,
+ /* [defaultvalue][in] */ LockTypeEnum LockType,
+ /* [defaultvalue][in] */ sal_Int32 Options)
+ {
+ return (SUCCEEDED(pInterface->Open(Source,ActiveConnection,CursorType,LockType,Options)));
+ }
+ inline LockTypeEnum GetLockType()
+ {
+ LockTypeEnum eType;
+ pInterface->get_LockType(&eType);
+ return eType;
+ }
+ inline void Close()
+ {
+ pInterface->Close();
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool Cancel() const
+ {
+ return (SUCCEEDED(pInterface->Cancel()));
+ }
+ inline sal_Int32 get_State( )
+ {
+ sal_Int32 nState = 0;
+ pInterface->get_State(&nState);
+ return nState;
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool Supports( /* [in] */ CursorOptionEnum CursorOptions)
+ {
+ VARIANT_BOOL bSupports;
+ pInterface->Supports(CursorOptions,&bSupports);
+ return (sal_Bool) bSupports;
+ }
+ PositionEnum get_AbsolutePosition()
+ {
+ PositionEnum aTemp;
+ pInterface->get_AbsolutePosition(&aTemp);
+ return aTemp;
+ }
+ inline void GetDataSource(IUnknown** pIUnknown) const
+ {
+ pInterface->get_DataSource(pIUnknown);
+ }
+ inline void PutRefDataSource(IUnknown* pIUnknown)
+ {
+ pInterface->putref_DataSource(pIUnknown);
+ }
+ inline void GetBookmark(VARIANT& var)
+ {
+ pInterface->get_Bookmark(&var);
+ }
+ inline OLEVariant GetBookmark()
+ {
+ OLEVariant var;
+ pInterface->get_Bookmark(&var);
+ return var;
+ }
+ CompareEnum CompareBookmarks(const OLEVariant& left,const OLEVariant& right)
+ {
+ CompareEnum eNum;
+ pInterface->CompareBookmarks(left,right,&eNum);
+ return eNum;
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool SetBookmark(const OLEVariant &pSafeAr)
+ {
+ return SUCCEEDED(pInterface->put_Bookmark(pSafeAr));
+ }
+ inline ADOFields* GetFields() const
+ {
+ ADOFields* pFields;
+ pInterface->get_Fields(&pFields);
+ return pFields;
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool Move(sal_Int32 nRows, VARIANT aBmk) {return SUCCEEDED(pInterface->Move(nRows, aBmk));}
+ inline sal_Bool MoveNext() {return SUCCEEDED(pInterface->MoveNext());}
+ inline sal_Bool MovePrevious() {return SUCCEEDED(pInterface->MovePrevious());}
+ inline sal_Bool MoveFirst() {return SUCCEEDED(pInterface->MoveFirst());}
+ inline sal_Bool MoveLast() {return SUCCEEDED(pInterface->MoveLast());}
+ inline sal_Bool IsAtBOF() const
+ {
+ pInterface->get_BOF(&bIsAtBOF);
+ return (sal_Bool) bIsAtBOF;
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool IsAtEOF() const
+ {
+ pInterface->get_EOF(&bIsAtEOF);
+ return (sal_Bool) bIsAtEOF;
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool Delete(AffectEnum eNum)
+ {
+ return SUCCEEDED(pInterface->Delete(eNum));
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool AddNew(const OLEVariant &FieldList,const OLEVariant &Values)
+ {
+ return SUCCEEDED(pInterface->AddNew(FieldList,Values));
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool Update(const OLEVariant &FieldList,const OLEVariant &Values)
+ {
+ return SUCCEEDED(pInterface->Update(FieldList,Values));
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool CancelUpdate()
+ {
+ return SUCCEEDED(pInterface->CancelUpdate());
+ }
+ inline ADOProperties* get_Properties() const
+ {
+ ADOProperties* pProps=NULL;
+ pInterface->get_Properties(&pProps);
+ return pProps;
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool NextRecordset(OLEVariant& RecordsAffected,ADORecordset** ppiRset)
+ {
+ return SUCCEEDED(pInterface->NextRecordset(&RecordsAffected,ppiRset));
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool get_RecordCount(sal_Int32 &_nRet) const
+ {
+ return SUCCEEDED(pInterface->get_RecordCount(&_nRet));
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool get_MaxRecords(sal_Int32 &_nRet) const
+ {
+ return SUCCEEDED(pInterface->get_MaxRecords(&_nRet));
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool put_MaxRecords(sal_Int32 _nRet)
+ {
+ return SUCCEEDED(pInterface->put_MaxRecords(_nRet));
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool get_CursorType(CursorTypeEnum &_nRet) const
+ {
+ return SUCCEEDED(pInterface->get_CursorType(&_nRet));
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool put_CursorType(CursorTypeEnum _nRet)
+ {
+ return SUCCEEDED(pInterface->put_CursorType(_nRet));
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool get_LockType(LockTypeEnum &_nRet) const
+ {
+ return SUCCEEDED(pInterface->get_LockType(&_nRet));
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool put_LockType(LockTypeEnum _nRet)
+ {
+ return SUCCEEDED(pInterface->put_LockType(_nRet));
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool get_CacheSize(sal_Int32 &_nRet) const
+ {
+ return SUCCEEDED(pInterface->get_CacheSize(&_nRet));
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool put_CacheSize(sal_Int32 _nRet)
+ {
+ return SUCCEEDED(pInterface->put_CacheSize(_nRet));
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool UpdateBatch(AffectEnum AffectRecords)
+ {
+ return SUCCEEDED(pInterface->UpdateBatch(AffectRecords));
+ }
+ };
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class WpADOParameter:public WpOLEBase<ADOParameter>
+ {
+ public:
+ // Konstruktoren, operator=
+ // diese rufen nur die Oberklasse
+ WpADOParameter(ADOParameter* pInt):WpOLEBase<ADOParameter>(pInt){}
+ WpADOParameter(const WpADOParameter& rhs):WpOLEBase<ADOParameter>(rhs){}
+ inline WpADOParameter& operator=(const WpADOParameter& rhs)
+ {WpOLEBase<ADOParameter>::operator=(rhs); return *this;}
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ inline ::rtl::OUString GetName() const {BSTR aBSTR; pInterface->get_Name(&aBSTR);
+ ::rtl::OUString sRetStr(aBSTR);
+ SysFreeString(aBSTR); return sRetStr;}
+ inline DataTypeEnum GetADOType() const
+ {
+ DataTypeEnum eType; pInterface->get_Type(&eType);
+ return eType;
+ }
+ inline sal_Int32 GetAttributes() const
+ {
+ sal_Int32 eADOSFieldAttributes; pInterface->get_Attributes(&eADOSFieldAttributes);
+ return eADOSFieldAttributes;
+ }
+ inline sal_Int32 GetPrecision() const
+ {
+ sal_uInt8 eType; pInterface->get_Precision(&eType);
+ return eType;
+ }
+ inline sal_Int32 GetNumericScale() const
+ {
+ sal_uInt8 eType; pInterface->get_NumericScale(&eType);
+ return eType;
+ }
+ inline ParameterDirectionEnum get_Direction() const
+ {
+ ParameterDirectionEnum alParmDirection;
+ pInterface->get_Direction(&alParmDirection);
+ return alParmDirection;
+ }
+ inline void GetValue(OLEVariant& aValVar) const
+ {
+ pInterface->get_Value(&aValVar);
+ }
+ inline OLEVariant GetValue() const
+ {
+ OLEVariant aValVar;
+ pInterface->get_Value(&aValVar);
+ return aValVar;
+ }
+ inline sal_Bool PutValue(const OLEVariant& aVariant)
+ {
+ return (SUCCEEDED(pInterface->put_Value(aVariant)));
+ }
+ };
+ }