path: root/connectivity
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'connectivity')
1 files changed, 614 insertions, 2657 deletions
diff --git a/connectivity/source/drivers/jdbc/DatabaseMetaData.cxx b/connectivity/source/drivers/jdbc/DatabaseMetaData.cxx
index f8afdfedece3..65e35c9f62f5 100644
--- a/connectivity/source/drivers/jdbc/DatabaseMetaData.cxx
+++ b/connectivity/source/drivers/jdbc/DatabaseMetaData.cxx
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
* $RCSfile: DatabaseMetaData.cxx,v $
- * $Revision: 1.24 $
+ * $Revision: 1.25 $
- * last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2006-12-13 16:18:32 $
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2007-06-27 14:35:44 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to
* the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
@@ -63,13 +63,13 @@
#include "diagnose_ex.h"
+#include "resource/jdbc_log.hrc"
using namespace ::comphelper;
using namespace connectivity;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans;
-// using namespace ::com::sun::star::sdbcx;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::sdbc;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::container;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang;
@@ -99,13 +99,14 @@ jclass java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getMyClass()
return theClass;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::java_sql_DatabaseMetaData( JNIEnv * pEnv, jobject myObj,java_sql_Connection* _pConnection )
- :ODatabaseMetaDataBase(_pConnection)
+java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::java_sql_DatabaseMetaData( JNIEnv * pEnv, jobject myObj, java_sql_Connection& _rConnection )
+ :ODatabaseMetaDataBase( &_rConnection )
,java_lang_Object( pEnv, myObj )
- ,m_pConnection(_pConnection)
+ ,m_pConnection( &_rConnection )
+ ,m_aLogger( _rConnection.getLogger() )
- setConnectionInfo( _pConnection->getConnectionInfo() );
+ setConnectionInfo( _rConnection.getConnectionInfo() );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -119,184 +120,54 @@ void java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::saveClassRef( jclass pClass )
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< XResultSet > SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getTypeInfo( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jobject out(0);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv )
- {
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Ljava/sql/ResultSet;";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getTypeInfo";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallObjectMethod( object, mID );
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- // ACHTUNG: der Aufrufer wird Eigentuemer des zurueckgelieferten Zeigers !!!
- return out==0 ? 0 : new java_sql_ResultSet( t.pEnv, out );
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callResultSetMethod( "getTypeInfo", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< XResultSet > SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getCatalogs( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jobject out(0);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv )
- {
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Ljava/sql/ResultSet;";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getCatalogs";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallObjectMethod( object, mID );
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- // ACHTUNG: der Aufrufer wird Eigentuemer des zurueckgelieferten Zeigers !!!
- return out==0 ? 0 : new java_sql_ResultSet( t.pEnv, out );
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callResultSetMethod( "getCatalogs", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
::rtl::OUString SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getCatalogSeparator( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- ::rtl::OUString aStr;
- if( t.pEnv )
- {
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Ljava/lang/String;";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getCatalogSeparator";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- jstring out = (jstring)t.pEnv->CallObjectMethod( object, mID );
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- aStr = JavaString2String(t.pEnv,out);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- // ACHTUNG: der Aufrufer wird Eigentuemer des zurueckgelieferten Zeigers !!!
- return aStr;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callStringMethod( "getCatalogSeparator", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< XResultSet > SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getSchemas( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jobject out(0);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- static const char * cSignature = "()Ljava/sql/ResultSet;";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getSchemas";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID )
- {
- out = t.pEnv->CallObjectMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- // ACHTUNG: der Aufrufer wird Eigentuemer des zurueckgelieferten Zeigers !!!
- return out ? new java_sql_ResultSet( t.pEnv, out ) : 0;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callResultSetMethod( "getSchemas", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< XResultSet > SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getColumnPrivileges(
const Any& catalog, const ::rtl::OUString& schema, const ::rtl::OUString& table, const ::rtl::OUString& columnNamePattern ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jobject out(0);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv )
- {
- static const char * cSignature = "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/sql/ResultSet;";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getColumnPrivileges";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID )
- {
- jvalue args[4];
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- args[0].l = catalog.hasValue() ? convertwchar_tToJavaString(t.pEnv,comphelper::getString(catalog)) : 0;
- args[1].l = schema.toChar() == '%' ? NULL : convertwchar_tToJavaString(t.pEnv,schema);
- args[2].l = convertwchar_tToJavaString(t.pEnv,table);
- args[3].l = convertwchar_tToJavaString(t.pEnv,columnNamePattern);
- out = t.pEnv->CallObjectMethod( object, mID, args[0].l, args[1].l,args[2].l,args[3].l);
- if(catalog.hasValue())
- t.pEnv->DeleteLocalRef((jstring)args[0].l);
- if(args[1].l)
- t.pEnv->DeleteLocalRef((jstring)args[1].l);
- if(table.getLength())
- t.pEnv->DeleteLocalRef((jstring)args[2].l);
- if(columnNamePattern.getLength())
- t.pEnv->DeleteLocalRef((jstring)args[3].l);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- // ACHTUNG: der Aufrufer wird Eigentuemer des zurueckgelieferten Zeigers !!!
- return out ? new java_sql_ResultSet( t.pEnv, out ) : 0;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callResultSetMethodWithStrings( "getColumnPrivileges", mID, catalog, schema, table, &columnNamePattern );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< XResultSet > SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getColumns(
const Any& catalog, const ::rtl::OUString& schemaPattern, const ::rtl::OUString& tableNamePattern, const ::rtl::OUString& columnNamePattern ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jobject out(0);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv )
- {
- static const char * cSignature = "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/sql/ResultSet;";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getColumns";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID )
- {
- jvalue args[4];
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- args[0].l = catalog.hasValue() ? convertwchar_tToJavaString(t.pEnv,comphelper::getString(catalog)) : 0;
- args[1].l = schemaPattern.toChar() == '%' ? NULL : convertwchar_tToJavaString(t.pEnv,schemaPattern);
- args[2].l = convertwchar_tToJavaString(t.pEnv,tableNamePattern);
- args[3].l = convertwchar_tToJavaString(t.pEnv,columnNamePattern);
- out = t.pEnv->CallObjectMethod( object, mID, args[0].l, args[1].l,args[2].l,args[3].l);
- if(catalog.hasValue())
- t.pEnv->DeleteLocalRef((jstring)args[0].l);
- if(args[1].l)
- t.pEnv->DeleteLocalRef((jstring)args[1].l);
- if(args[2].l)
- t.pEnv->DeleteLocalRef((jstring)args[2].l);
- if(args[3].l)
- t.pEnv->DeleteLocalRef((jstring)args[3].l);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- // ACHTUNG: der Aufrufer wird Eigentuemer des zurueckgelieferten Zeigers !!!
- return out ? new java_sql_ResultSet( t.pEnv, out ) : 0;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callResultSetMethodWithStrings( "getColumns", mID, catalog, schemaPattern, tableNamePattern, &columnNamePattern );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< XResultSet > SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getTables(
const Any& catalog, const ::rtl::OUString& schemaPattern, const ::rtl::OUString& tableNamePattern, const Sequence< ::rtl::OUString >& types ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jobject out(0);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
+ static const char * cSignature = "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/sql/ResultSet;";
+ static const char * cMethodName = "getTables";
+ m_aLogger.log( LogLevel::FINEST, STR_LOG_META_DATA_METHOD, cMethodName );
- static const char * cSignature = "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/sql/ResultSet;";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getTables";
+ jobject out(0);
+ SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
+ if( t.pEnv )
+ {
// Java-Call absetzen
static jmethodID mID = NULL;
if ( !mID )
@@ -369,500 +240,143 @@ Reference< XResultSet > SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getTables(
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- // ACHTUNG: der Aufrufer wird Eigentuemer des zurueckgelieferten Zeigers !!!
- return out ? new java_sql_ResultSet( t.pEnv, out ) : 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !out )
+ return NULL;
+ m_aLogger.log( LogLevel::FINEST, STR_LOG_META_DATA_SUCCESS, cMethodName );
+ return new java_sql_ResultSet( t.pEnv, out, m_aLogger );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< XResultSet > SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getProcedureColumns(
const Any& catalog, const ::rtl::OUString& schemaPattern, const ::rtl::OUString& procedureNamePattern, const ::rtl::OUString& columnNamePattern ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jobject out(0);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv )
- {
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/sql/ResultSet;";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getProcedureColumns";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- jvalue args[4];
- // Parameter konvertieren
- args[0].l = catalog.hasValue() ? convertwchar_tToJavaString(t.pEnv,comphelper::getString(catalog)) : 0;
- args[1].l = schemaPattern.toChar() == '%' ? NULL : convertwchar_tToJavaString(t.pEnv,schemaPattern);
- args[2].l = convertwchar_tToJavaString(t.pEnv,procedureNamePattern);
- args[3].l = convertwchar_tToJavaString(t.pEnv,columnNamePattern);
- out = t.pEnv->CallObjectMethod( object, mID, args[0].l,args[1].l,args[2].l);
- // und aufraeumen
- if(catalog.hasValue())
- t.pEnv->DeleteLocalRef((jstring)args[0].l);
- if(args[1].l)
- t.pEnv->DeleteLocalRef((jstring)args[1].l);
- if(procedureNamePattern.getLength())
- t.pEnv->DeleteLocalRef((jstring)args[2].l);
- if(columnNamePattern.getLength())
- t.pEnv->DeleteLocalRef((jstring)args[3].l);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- // ACHTUNG: der Aufrufer wird Eigentuemer des zurueckgelieferten Zeigers !!!
- return out==0 ? 0 : new java_sql_ResultSet( t.pEnv, out );
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callResultSetMethodWithStrings( "getProcedureColumns", mID, catalog, schemaPattern, procedureNamePattern, &columnNamePattern );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< XResultSet > SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getProcedures( const Any&
catalog, const ::rtl::OUString& schemaPattern, const ::rtl::OUString& procedureNamePattern ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jobject out(0);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv )
- {
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/sql/ResultSet;";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getProcedures";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- jvalue args[3];
- // Parameter konvertieren
- args[0].l = catalog.hasValue() ? convertwchar_tToJavaString(t.pEnv,comphelper::getString(catalog)) : 0;
- args[1].l = schemaPattern.toChar() == '%' ? NULL : convertwchar_tToJavaString(t.pEnv,schemaPattern);
- args[2].l = convertwchar_tToJavaString(t.pEnv,procedureNamePattern);
- out = t.pEnv->CallObjectMethod( object, mID, args[0].l,args[1].l,args[2].l);
- // und aufraeumen
- if(catalog.hasValue())
- t.pEnv->DeleteLocalRef((jstring)args[0].l);
- if(args[1].l)
- t.pEnv->DeleteLocalRef((jstring)args[1].l);
- if(procedureNamePattern.getLength())
- t.pEnv->DeleteLocalRef((jstring)args[2].l);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- // ACHTUNG: der Aufrufer wird Eigentuemer des zurueckgelieferten Zeigers !!!
- return out==0 ? 0 : new java_sql_ResultSet( t.pEnv, out );
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callResultSetMethodWithStrings( "getProcedures", mID, catalog, schemaPattern, procedureNamePattern );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< XResultSet > SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getVersionColumns(
const Any& catalog, const ::rtl::OUString& schema, const ::rtl::OUString& table ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jobject out(0);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/sql/ResultSet;";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getVersionColumns";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- jvalue args[3];
- // Parameter konvertieren
- args[0].l = catalog.hasValue() ? convertwchar_tToJavaString(t.pEnv,comphelper::getString(catalog)) : 0;
- args[1].l = schema.toChar() == '%' ? NULL : convertwchar_tToJavaString(t.pEnv,schema);
- args[2].l = convertwchar_tToJavaString(t.pEnv,table);
- out = t.pEnv->CallObjectMethod( object, mID, args[0].l,args[1].l,args[2].l);
- // und aufraeumen
- if(catalog.hasValue())
- t.pEnv->DeleteLocalRef((jstring)args[0].l);
- if(args[1].l)
- t.pEnv->DeleteLocalRef((jstring)args[1].l);
- if(table.getLength())
- t.pEnv->DeleteLocalRef((jstring)args[2].l);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- // ACHTUNG: der Aufrufer wird Eigentuemer des zurueckgelieferten Zeigers !!!
- return out==0 ? 0 : new java_sql_ResultSet( t.pEnv, out );
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callResultSetMethodWithStrings( "getVersionColumns", mID, catalog, schema, table );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getMaxBinaryLiteralLength( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jint out(0);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()I";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getMaxBinaryLiteralLength";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallIntMethod( object, mID );
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return (sal_Int32)out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callIntMethod( "getMaxBinaryLiteralLength", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getMaxRowSize( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jint out(0);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv )
- {
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()I";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getMaxRowSize";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallIntMethod( object, mID );
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return (sal_Int32)out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callIntMethod( "getMaxRowSize", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getMaxCatalogNameLength( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jint out(0);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv )
- {
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()I";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getMaxCatalogNameLength";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallIntMethod( object, mID );
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return (sal_Int32)out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callIntMethod( "getMaxCatalogNameLength", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getMaxCharLiteralLength( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jint out(0);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv )
- {
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()I";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getMaxCharLiteralLength";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallIntMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return (sal_Int32)out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callIntMethod( "getMaxCharLiteralLength", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getMaxColumnNameLength( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jint out(0);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv )
- {
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()I";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getMaxColumnNameLength";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallIntMethod( object, mID );
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return (sal_Int32)out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callIntMethod( "getMaxColumnNameLength", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getMaxColumnsInIndex( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jint out(0);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()I";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getMaxColumnsInIndex";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallIntMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return (sal_Int32)out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callIntMethod( "getMaxColumnsInIndex", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getMaxCursorNameLength( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jint out(0);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()I";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getMaxCursorNameLength";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallIntMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return (sal_Int32)out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callIntMethod( "getMaxCursorNameLength", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getMaxConnections( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jint out(0);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()I";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getMaxConnections";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallIntMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return (sal_Int32)out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callIntMethod( "getMaxConnections", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getMaxColumnsInTable( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jint out(0);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()I";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getMaxColumnsInTable";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallIntMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return (sal_Int32)out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callIntMethod( "getMaxColumnsInTable", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getMaxStatementLength( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jint out(0);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()I";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getMaxStatementLength";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallIntMethod( object, mID );
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return (sal_Int32)out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callIntMethod( "getMaxStatementLength", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getMaxTableNameLength( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jint out(0);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()I";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getMaxTableNameLength";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallIntMethod( object, mID );
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return (sal_Int32)out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callIntMethod( "getMaxTableNameLength", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getMaxTablesInSelect( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jint out(0);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()I";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getMaxTablesInSelect";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallIntMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return (sal_Int32)out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callIntMethod( "getMaxTablesInSelect", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< XResultSet > SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getExportedKeys(
const Any& catalog, const ::rtl::OUString& schema, const ::rtl::OUString& table ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jobject out(0);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/sql/ResultSet;";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getExportedKeys";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- jvalue args[3];
- // Parameter konvertieren
- args[0].l = catalog.hasValue() ? convertwchar_tToJavaString(t.pEnv,comphelper::getString(catalog)) : 0;
- args[1].l = schema.toChar() == '%' ? NULL : convertwchar_tToJavaString(t.pEnv,schema);
- args[2].l = convertwchar_tToJavaString(t.pEnv,table);
- out = t.pEnv->CallObjectMethod( object, mID, args[0].l,args[1].l,args[2].l);
- // und aufraeumen
- if(catalog.hasValue())
- t.pEnv->DeleteLocalRef((jstring)args[0].l);
- if(args[1].l)
- t.pEnv->DeleteLocalRef((jstring)args[1].l);
- if(table.getLength())
- t.pEnv->DeleteLocalRef((jstring)args[2].l);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- // ACHTUNG: der Aufrufer wird Eigentuemer des zurueckgelieferten Zeigers !!!
- return out==0 ? 0 : new java_sql_ResultSet( t.pEnv, out );
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callResultSetMethodWithStrings( "getExportedKeys", mID, catalog, schema, table );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< XResultSet > SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getImportedKeys(
const Any& catalog, const ::rtl::OUString& schema, const ::rtl::OUString& table ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jobject out(0);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/sql/ResultSet;";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getImportedKeys";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- jvalue args[3];
- // Parameter konvertieren
- args[0].l = catalog.hasValue() ? convertwchar_tToJavaString(t.pEnv,comphelper::getString(catalog)) : 0;
- args[1].l = schema.toChar() == '%' ? NULL : convertwchar_tToJavaString(t.pEnv,schema);
- args[2].l = convertwchar_tToJavaString(t.pEnv,table);
- out = t.pEnv->CallObjectMethod( object, mID, args[0].l,args[1].l,args[2].l);
- // und aufraeumen
- if(catalog.hasValue())
- t.pEnv->DeleteLocalRef((jstring)args[0].l);
- if(args[1].l)
- t.pEnv->DeleteLocalRef((jstring)args[1].l);
- if(table.getLength())
- t.pEnv->DeleteLocalRef((jstring)args[2].l);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- // ACHTUNG: der Aufrufer wird Eigentuemer des zurueckgelieferten Zeigers !!!
- return out==0 ? 0 : new java_sql_ResultSet( t.pEnv, out );
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callResultSetMethodWithStrings( "getImportedKeys", mID, catalog, schema, table );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< XResultSet > SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getPrimaryKeys(
const Any& catalog, const ::rtl::OUString& schema, const ::rtl::OUString& table ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jobject out(0);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/sql/ResultSet;";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getPrimaryKeys";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- jvalue args[3];
- // Parameter konvertieren
- args[0].l = catalog.hasValue() ? convertwchar_tToJavaString(t.pEnv,comphelper::getString(catalog)) : 0;
- args[1].l = schema.toChar() == '%' ? NULL : convertwchar_tToJavaString(t.pEnv,schema);
- args[2].l = convertwchar_tToJavaString(t.pEnv,table);
- out = t.pEnv->CallObjectMethod( object, mID, args[0].l,args[1].l,args[2].l);
- // und aufraeumen
- if(catalog.hasValue())
- t.pEnv->DeleteLocalRef((jstring)args[0].l);
- if(args[1].l)
- t.pEnv->DeleteLocalRef((jstring)args[1].l);
- if(table.getLength())
- t.pEnv->DeleteLocalRef((jstring)args[2].l);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- // ACHTUNG: der Aufrufer wird Eigentuemer des zurueckgelieferten Zeigers !!!
- return out==0 ? 0 : new java_sql_ResultSet( t.pEnv, out );
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callResultSetMethodWithStrings( "getPrimaryKeys", mID, catalog, schema, table );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< XResultSet > SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getIndexInfo(
const Any& catalog, const ::rtl::OUString& schema, const ::rtl::OUString& table,
sal_Bool unique, sal_Bool approximate ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
+ static const char * cSignature = "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;ZZ)Ljava/sql/ResultSet;";
+ static const char * cMethodName = "getIndexInfo";
+ m_aLogger.log( LogLevel::FINEST, STR_LOG_META_DATA_METHOD, cMethodName );
jobject out(0);
SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;ZZ)Ljava/sql/ResultSet;";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getIndexInfo";
+ if( t.pEnv )
+ {
// Java-Call absetzen
static jmethodID mID = NULL;
if ( !mID )
@@ -884,23 +398,29 @@ Reference< XResultSet > SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getIndexInfo(
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- // ACHTUNG: der Aufrufer wird Eigentuemer des zurueckgelieferten Zeigers !!!
- return out==0 ? 0 : new java_sql_ResultSet( t.pEnv, out );
+ ThrowLoggedSQLException( m_aLogger, t.pEnv, *this );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !out )
+ return NULL;
+ m_aLogger.log( LogLevel::FINEST, STR_LOG_META_DATA_SUCCESS, cMethodName );
+ return new java_sql_ResultSet( t.pEnv, out, m_aLogger );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< XResultSet > SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getBestRowIdentifier(
const Any& catalog, const ::rtl::OUString& schema, const ::rtl::OUString& table, sal_Int32 scope,
sal_Bool nullable ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
+ static const char * cSignature = "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/sql/ResultSet;";
+ static const char * cMethodName = "getBestRowIdentifier";
+ m_aLogger.log( LogLevel::FINEST, STR_LOG_META_DATA_METHOD, cMethodName );
jobject out(0);
SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/sql/ResultSet;";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getBestRowIdentifier";
+ if( t.pEnv )
+ {
// Java-Call absetzen
static jmethodID mID = NULL;
if ( !mID )
@@ -920,56 +440,30 @@ Reference< XResultSet > SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getBestRowIdentifier
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- // ACHTUNG: der Aufrufer wird Eigentuemer des zurueckgelieferten Zeigers !!!
- return out==0 ? 0 : new java_sql_ResultSet( t.pEnv, out );
+ ThrowLoggedSQLException( m_aLogger, t.pEnv, *this );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !out )
+ return NULL;
+ m_aLogger.log( LogLevel::FINEST, STR_LOG_META_DATA_SUCCESS, cMethodName );
+ return new java_sql_ResultSet( t.pEnv, out, m_aLogger );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< XResultSet > SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getTablePrivileges(
const Any& catalog, const ::rtl::OUString& schemaPattern, const ::rtl::OUString& tableNamePattern ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
if ( m_pConnection->isIgnoreDriverPrivilegesEnabled() )
- {
return new OResultSetPrivileges(this,catalog,schemaPattern,tableNamePattern);
- }
- jobject out(0);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/sql/ResultSet;";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getTablePrivileges";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- jvalue args[3];
- // Parameter konvertieren
- args[0].l = catalog.hasValue() ? convertwchar_tToJavaString(t.pEnv,comphelper::getString(catalog)) : 0;
- args[1].l = schemaPattern.toChar() == '%' ? NULL : convertwchar_tToJavaString(t.pEnv,schemaPattern);
- args[2].l = convertwchar_tToJavaString(t.pEnv,tableNamePattern);
- out = t.pEnv->CallObjectMethod( object, mID, args[0].l,args[1].l,args[2].l);
- // und aufraeumen
- if(catalog.hasValue())
- t.pEnv->DeleteLocalRef((jstring)args[0].l);
- if(args[1].l)
- t.pEnv->DeleteLocalRef((jstring)args[1].l);
- if(tableNamePattern.getLength())
- t.pEnv->DeleteLocalRef((jstring)args[2].l);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- // ACHTUNG: der Aufrufer wird Eigentuemer des zurueckgelieferten Zeigers !!!
- Reference< XResultSet > xReturn = out==0 ? 0 : new java_sql_ResultSet( t.pEnv, out );
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ Reference< XResultSet > xReturn( impl_callResultSetMethodWithStrings( "getTablePrivileges", mID, catalog, schemaPattern, tableNamePattern ) );
if ( )
// we have to check the result columns for the tables privleges
+ // #106324#
Reference< XResultSetMetaDataSupplier > xMetaSup(xReturn,UNO_QUERY);
if ( )
@@ -1040,13 +534,14 @@ Reference< XResultSet > SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getCrossReference(
const ::rtl::OUString& primaryTable, const Any& foreignCatalog,
const ::rtl::OUString& foreignSchema, const ::rtl::OUString& foreignTable ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
+ static const char * cSignature = "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/sql/ResultSet;";
+ static const char * cMethodName = "getCrossReference";
+ m_aLogger.log( LogLevel::FINEST, STR_LOG_META_DATA_METHOD, cMethodName );
jobject out(0);
SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/sql/ResultSet;";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getCrossReference";
// Java-Call absetzen
static jmethodID mID = NULL;
if ( !mID )
@@ -1075,2528 +570,990 @@ Reference< XResultSet > SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getCrossReference(
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- // ACHTUNG: der Aufrufer wird Eigentuemer des zurueckgelieferten Zeigers !!!
- return out==0 ? 0 : new java_sql_ResultSet( t.pEnv, out );
+ ThrowLoggedSQLException( m_aLogger, t.pEnv, *this );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !out )
+ return NULL;
+ m_aLogger.log( LogLevel::FINEST, STR_LOG_META_DATA_SUCCESS, cMethodName );
+ return new java_sql_ResultSet( t.pEnv, out, m_aLogger );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::doesMaxRowSizeIncludeBlobs( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
+sal_Bool java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::impl_callBooleanMethod( const char* _pMethodName, jmethodID& _inout_MethodID )
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
+ m_aLogger.log( LogLevel::FINEST, STR_LOG_META_DATA_METHOD, _pMethodName );
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "doesMaxRowSizeIncludeBlobs";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
+ jboolean out( sal_False );
+ SDBThreadAttach t;
+ OSL_ENSURE( t.pEnv, "java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::impl_callBooleanMethod: no Java enviroment anymore!" );
+ if ( t.pEnv )
+ {
+ // obtain method ID
+ if ( !_inout_MethodID )
+ _inout_MethodID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), _pMethodName, "()Z" );
+ OSL_ENSURE( _inout_MethodID, "java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::impl_callBooleanMethod:: unknown method id!" );
+ // call method
+ if ( _inout_MethodID )
+ {
+ out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, _inout_MethodID );
+ ThrowLoggedSQLException( m_aLogger, t.pEnv, *this );
+ }
+ }
+ m_aLogger.log( LogLevel::FINEST, STR_LOG_META_DATA_RESULT, _pMethodName, out );
return out;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::storesLowerCaseQuotedIdentifiers( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
+::rtl::OUString java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::impl_callStringMethod( const char* _pMethodName, jmethodID& _inout_MethodID )
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
+ m_aLogger.log( LogLevel::FINEST, STR_LOG_META_DATA_METHOD, _pMethodName );
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "storesLowerCaseQuotedIdentifiers";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ ::rtl::OUString sReturn;
+ SDBThreadAttach t;
+ OSL_ENSURE( t.pEnv, "java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::impl_callStringMethod: no Java enviroment anymore!" );
+ if( t.pEnv )
+ {
+ // obtain method ID
+ if ( !_inout_MethodID )
+ _inout_MethodID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), _pMethodName, "()Ljava/lang/String;" );
+ OSL_ENSURE( _inout_MethodID, "java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::impl_callStringMethod: unknown method id!" );
+ // call method
+ if ( _inout_MethodID )
+ {
+ jstring out = (jstring)t.pEnv->CallObjectMethod( object, _inout_MethodID );
+ ThrowLoggedSQLException( m_aLogger, t.pEnv, *this );
+ sReturn = JavaString2String( t.pEnv, out );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( m_aLogger.isLoggable( LogLevel::FINEST ) )
+ {
+ ::rtl::OUString sLoggedResult( sReturn );
+ if ( !sLoggedResult.getLength() )
+ sLoggedResult = ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "<empty string>" ) );
+ m_aLogger.log( LogLevel::FINEST, STR_LOG_META_DATA_RESULT, _pMethodName, sLoggedResult );
+ }
+ return sReturn;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::storesLowerCaseIdentifiers( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
+sal_Int32 java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::impl_callIntMethod( const char* _pMethodName, jmethodID& _inout_MethodID )
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
+ m_aLogger.log( LogLevel::FINEST, STR_LOG_META_DATA_METHOD, _pMethodName );
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "storesLowerCaseIdentifiers";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ jint out( 0 );
+ SDBThreadAttach t;
+ OSL_ENSURE( t.pEnv, "java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::impl_callIntMethod: no Java enviroment anymore!" );
+ if( t.pEnv )
+ {
+ // obtain method ID
+ if ( !_inout_MethodID )
+ _inout_MethodID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), _pMethodName, "()I" );
+ OSL_ENSURE( _inout_MethodID, "java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::impl_callIntMethod: unknown method id!" );
+ // call method
+ if ( _inout_MethodID )
+ {
+ out = t.pEnv->CallIntMethod( object, _inout_MethodID );
+ ThrowLoggedSQLException( m_aLogger, t.pEnv, *this );
+ }
+ }
+ m_aLogger.log( LogLevel::FINEST, STR_LOG_META_DATA_RESULT, _pMethodName, (sal_Int32)out );
+ return (sal_Int32)out;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::storesMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
+sal_Bool java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::impl_callBooleanMethodWithIntArg( const char* _pMethodName, jmethodID& _inout_MethodID, sal_Int32 _nArgument )
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
+ m_aLogger.log( LogLevel::FINEST, STR_LOG_META_DATA_METHOD_ARG1, _pMethodName, _nArgument );
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "storesMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
+ jboolean out( sal_False );
+ SDBThreadAttach t;
+ OSL_ENSURE( t.pEnv, "java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::impl_callBooleanMethodWithIntArg: no Java enviroment anymore!" );
+ if ( t.pEnv )
+ {
+ // obtain method ID
+ if ( !_inout_MethodID )
+ _inout_MethodID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), _pMethodName, "(I)Z" );
+ OSL_ENSURE( _inout_MethodID, "java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::impl_callBooleanMethodWithIntArg: unknown method id!" );
+ // call method
+ if ( _inout_MethodID )
+ {
+ out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, _inout_MethodID, _nArgument );
+ ThrowLoggedSQLException( m_aLogger, t.pEnv, *this );
+ }
+ }
+ m_aLogger.log( LogLevel::FINEST, STR_LOG_META_DATA_RESULT, _pMethodName, out );
return out;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::storesMixedCaseIdentifiers( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
+Reference< XResultSet > java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::impl_callResultSetMethod( const char* _pMethodName, jmethodID& _inout_MethodID )
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
+ m_aLogger.log( LogLevel::FINEST, STR_LOG_META_DATA_METHOD, _pMethodName );
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "storesMixedCaseIdentifiers";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ jobject out(0);
+ SDBThreadAttach t;
+ OSL_ENSURE( t.pEnv, "java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::impl_callResultSetMethod: no Java enviroment anymore!" );
+ if ( t.pEnv )
+ {
+ // obtain method ID
+ if ( !_inout_MethodID )
+ _inout_MethodID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), _pMethodName, "()Ljava/sql/ResultSet;" );
+ OSL_ENSURE( _inout_MethodID, "java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::impl_callResultSetMethod: unknown method id!" );
+ // call method
+ if ( _inout_MethodID )
+ {
+ out = t.pEnv->CallObjectMethod( object, _inout_MethodID );
+ ThrowLoggedSQLException( m_aLogger, t.pEnv, *this );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !out )
+ return NULL;
+ m_aLogger.log( LogLevel::FINEST, STR_LOG_META_DATA_SUCCESS, _pMethodName );
+ return new java_sql_ResultSet( t.pEnv, out, m_aLogger );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::storesUpperCaseQuotedIdentifiers( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
+Reference< XResultSet > java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::impl_callResultSetMethodWithStrings( const char* _pMethodName, jmethodID& _inout_MethodID,
+ const Any& _rCatalog, const ::rtl::OUString& _rSchemaPattern, const ::rtl::OUString& _rLeastPattern,
+ const ::rtl::OUString* _pOptionalAdditionalString )
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
+ bool bCatalog = _rCatalog.hasValue();
+ ::rtl::OUString sCatalog( ::comphelper::getString( _rCatalog ) );
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "storesUpperCaseQuotedIdentifiers";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ bool bSchema = _rSchemaPattern.toChar() != '%';
+ // log the call
+ if ( m_aLogger.isLoggable( LogLevel::FINEST ) )
+ {
+ ::rtl::OUString sCatalogLog = bCatalog ? sCatalog : ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "null" ) );
+ ::rtl::OUString sSchemaLog = bSchema ? _rSchemaPattern : ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "null" ) );
+ if ( _pOptionalAdditionalString )
+ m_aLogger.log( LogLevel::FINEST, STR_LOG_META_DATA_METHOD_ARG4, _pMethodName, sCatalogLog, sSchemaLog, _rLeastPattern, *_pOptionalAdditionalString );
+ else
+ m_aLogger.log( LogLevel::FINEST, STR_LOG_META_DATA_METHOD_ARG3, _pMethodName, sCatalogLog, sSchemaLog, _rLeastPattern );
+ }
+ jobject out(0);
+ SDBThreadAttach t;
+ OSL_ENSURE( t.pEnv, "java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::impl_callResultSetMethodWithStrings: no Java enviroment anymore!" );
+ if ( t.pEnv )
+ {
+ const char* pSignature = _pOptionalAdditionalString
+ ? "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/sql/ResultSet;"
+ : "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/sql/ResultSet;";
+ // obtain method ID
+ if ( !_inout_MethodID )
+ _inout_MethodID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), _pMethodName, pSignature );
+ OSL_ENSURE( _inout_MethodID, "java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::impl_callResultSetMethodWithStrings: unknown method id!" );
+ // call method
+ if ( _inout_MethodID )
+ {
+ jvalue args[4];
+ // convert parameters
+ args[0].l = bCatalog ? convertwchar_tToJavaString( t.pEnv, sCatalog ) : NULL;
+ args[1].l = bSchema ? convertwchar_tToJavaString( t.pEnv, _rSchemaPattern ) : NULL;
+ args[2].l = convertwchar_tToJavaString( t.pEnv, _rLeastPattern );
+ args[3].l = _pOptionalAdditionalString ? convertwchar_tToJavaString( t.pEnv, *_pOptionalAdditionalString ) : NULL;
+ // actually do the call
+ if ( _pOptionalAdditionalString )
+ out = t.pEnv->CallObjectMethod( object, _inout_MethodID, args[0].l, args[1].l, args[2].l, args[3].l );
+ else
+ out = t.pEnv->CallObjectMethod( object, _inout_MethodID, args[0].l, args[1].l, args[2].l );
+ // clean up
+ if ( args[0].l )
+ t.pEnv->DeleteLocalRef( (jstring)args[0].l );
+ if ( args[1].l )
+ t.pEnv->DeleteLocalRef( (jstring)args[1].l );
+ if ( args[2].l )
+ t.pEnv->DeleteLocalRef( (jstring)args[2].l );
+ if ( args[3].l )
+ t.pEnv->DeleteLocalRef( (jstring)args[3].l );
+ ThrowLoggedSQLException( m_aLogger, t.pEnv, *this );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !out )
+ return NULL;
+ m_aLogger.log( LogLevel::FINEST, STR_LOG_META_DATA_SUCCESS, _pMethodName );
+ return new java_sql_ResultSet( t.pEnv, out, m_aLogger );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::doesMaxRowSizeIncludeBlobs( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "doesMaxRowSizeIncludeBlobs", mID );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::storesLowerCaseQuotedIdentifiers( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "storesLowerCaseQuotedIdentifiers", mID );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::storesLowerCaseIdentifiers( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "storesLowerCaseIdentifiers", mID );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::storesMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "storesMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers", mID );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::storesMixedCaseIdentifiers( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "storesMixedCaseIdentifiers", mID );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::storesUpperCaseQuotedIdentifiers( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "storesUpperCaseQuotedIdentifiers", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::storesUpperCaseIdentifiers( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "storesUpperCaseIdentifiers";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "storesUpperCaseIdentifiers", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsAlterTableWithAddColumn( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsAlterTableWithAddColumn";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsAlterTableWithAddColumn", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsAlterTableWithDropColumn( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsAlterTableWithDropColumn";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsAlterTableWithDropColumn", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getMaxIndexLength( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jint out(0);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()I";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getMaxIndexLength";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallIntMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return (sal_Int32)out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callIntMethod( "getMaxIndexLength", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsNonNullableColumns( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsNonNullableColumns";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsNonNullableColumns", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
::rtl::OUString SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getCatalogTerm( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- ::rtl::OUString aStr;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Ljava/lang/String;";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getCatalogTerm";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- jstring out = (jstring)t.pEnv->CallObjectMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- aStr = JavaString2String(t.pEnv,out);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- // ACHTUNG: der Aufrufer wird Eigentuemer des zurueckgelieferten Zeigers !!!
- return aStr;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callStringMethod( "getCatalogTerm", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
::rtl::OUString SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getIdentifierQuoteString( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- ::rtl::OUString aStr;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Ljava/lang/String;";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getIdentifierQuoteString";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- jstring out = (jstring)t.pEnv->CallObjectMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- aStr = JavaString2String(t.pEnv,out);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- // ACHTUNG: der Aufrufer wird Eigentuemer des zurueckgelieferten Zeigers !!!
- return aStr;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callStringMethod( "getIdentifierQuoteString", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
::rtl::OUString SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getExtraNameCharacters( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- ::rtl::OUString aStr;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Ljava/lang/String;";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getExtraNameCharacters";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- jstring out = (jstring)t.pEnv->CallObjectMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- aStr = JavaString2String(t.pEnv,out);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- // ACHTUNG: der Aufrufer wird Eigentuemer des zurueckgelieferten Zeigers !!!
- return aStr;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callStringMethod( "getExtraNameCharacters", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsDifferentTableCorrelationNames( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsDifferentTableCorrelationNames";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsDifferentTableCorrelationNames", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::isCatalogAtStart( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "isCatalogAtStart";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "isCatalogAtStart", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::dataDefinitionIgnoredInTransactions( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "dataDefinitionIgnoredInTransactions";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "dataDefinitionIgnoredInTransactions", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::dataDefinitionCausesTransactionCommit( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "dataDefinitionCausesTransactionCommit";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "dataDefinitionCausesTransactionCommit", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsDataManipulationTransactionsOnly( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsDataManipulationTransactionsOnly";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsDataManipulationTransactionsOnly", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsDataDefinitionAndDataManipulationTransactions( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsDataDefinitionAndDataManipulationTransactions";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsDataDefinitionAndDataManipulationTransactions", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsPositionedDelete( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsPositionedDelete";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsPositionedDelete", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsPositionedUpdate( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsPositionedUpdate";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsPositionedUpdate", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsOpenStatementsAcrossRollback( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsOpenStatementsAcrossRollback";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsOpenStatementsAcrossRollback", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsOpenStatementsAcrossCommit( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsOpenStatementsAcrossCommit";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsOpenStatementsAcrossCommit", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsOpenCursorsAcrossCommit( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsOpenCursorsAcrossCommit";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsOpenCursorsAcrossCommit", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsOpenCursorsAcrossRollback( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsOpenCursorsAcrossRollback";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsOpenCursorsAcrossRollback", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsTransactionIsolationLevel( sal_Int32 level ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "(I)Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsTransactionIsolationLevel";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID, level);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- // und aufraeumen
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethodWithIntArg( "supportsTransactionIsolationLevel", mID, level );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsSchemasInDataManipulation( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsSchemasInDataManipulation";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsSchemasInDataManipulation", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsANSI92FullSQL( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsANSI92FullSQL";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsANSI92FullSQL", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsANSI92EntryLevelSQL( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsANSI92EntryLevelSQL";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsANSI92EntryLevelSQL", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsIntegrityEnhancementFacility( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsIntegrityEnhancementFacility";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID );
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsIntegrityEnhancementFacility", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsSchemasInIndexDefinitions( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsSchemasInIndexDefinitions";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsSchemasInIndexDefinitions", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsSchemasInTableDefinitions( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsSchemasInTableDefinitions";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsSchemasInTableDefinitions", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsCatalogsInTableDefinitions( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsCatalogsInTableDefinitions";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsCatalogsInTableDefinitions", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsCatalogsInIndexDefinitions( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsCatalogsInIndexDefinitions";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsCatalogsInIndexDefinitions", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsCatalogsInDataManipulation( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsCatalogsInDataManipulation";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsCatalogsInDataManipulation", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsOuterJoins( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsOuterJoins";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsOuterJoins", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< XResultSet > SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getTableTypes( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jobject out(0);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Ljava/sql/ResultSet;";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getTableTypes";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallObjectMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- // ACHTUNG: der Aufrufer wird Eigentuemer des zurueckgelieferten Zeigers !!!
- return out==0 ? 0 : new java_sql_ResultSet( t.pEnv, out );
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callResultSetMethod( "getTableTypes", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getMaxStatements( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jint out(0);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()I";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getMaxStatements";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallIntMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return (sal_Int32)out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callIntMethod( "getMaxStatements", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getMaxProcedureNameLength( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jint out(0);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()I";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getMaxProcedureNameLength";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallIntMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return (sal_Int32)out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callIntMethod( "getMaxProcedureNameLength", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getMaxSchemaNameLength( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jint out(0);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()I";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getMaxSchemaNameLength";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallIntMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return (sal_Int32)out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callIntMethod( "getMaxSchemaNameLength", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsTransactions( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsTransactions";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsTransactions", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::allProceduresAreCallable( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "allProceduresAreCallable";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID );
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "allProceduresAreCallable", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsStoredProcedures( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsStoredProcedures";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID );
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsStoredProcedures", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsSelectForUpdate( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsSelectForUpdate";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID );
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsSelectForUpdate", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::allTablesAreSelectable( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "allTablesAreSelectable";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID );
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "allTablesAreSelectable", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::isReadOnly( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_True);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "isReadOnly";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "isReadOnly", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::usesLocalFiles( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "usesLocalFiles";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "usesLocalFiles", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::usesLocalFilePerTable( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "usesLocalFilePerTable";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "usesLocalFilePerTable", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsTypeConversion( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsTypeConversion";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsTypeConversion", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::nullPlusNonNullIsNull( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "nullPlusNonNullIsNull";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "nullPlusNonNullIsNull", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsColumnAliasing( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsColumnAliasing";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsColumnAliasing", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsTableCorrelationNames( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsTableCorrelationNames";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsTableCorrelationNames", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsConvert( sal_Int32 fromType, sal_Int32 toType ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
+ static const char* pMethodName = "supportsConvert";
+ m_aLogger.log( LogLevel::FINEST, STR_LOG_META_DATA_METHOD_ARG2, pMethodName, fromType, toType );
+ jboolean out( sal_False );
SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "(II)Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsConvert";
- // Java-Call absetzen
+ if ( t.pEnv )
+ {
static jmethodID mID = NULL;
if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID, fromType,toType );
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- // und aufraeumen
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
+ mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), pMethodName, "(II)Z" );
+ OSL_ENSURE( mID, "java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsConvert: unknown method id!" );
+ if ( mID )
+ {
+ out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID, fromType, toType );
+ ThrowLoggedSQLException( m_aLogger, t.pEnv, *this );
+ }
+ }
+ m_aLogger.log( LogLevel::FINEST, STR_LOG_META_DATA_RESULT, pMethodName, out );
return out;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsExpressionsInOrderBy( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsExpressionsInOrderBy";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsExpressionsInOrderBy", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsGroupBy( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsGroupBy";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsGroupBy", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsGroupByBeyondSelect( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsGroupByBeyondSelect";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsGroupByBeyondSelect", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsGroupByUnrelated( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsGroupByUnrelated";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsGroupByUnrelated", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsMultipleTransactions( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsMultipleTransactions";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsMultipleTransactions", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsMultipleResultSets( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsMultipleResultSets";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsMultipleResultSets", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsLikeEscapeClause( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsLikeEscapeClause";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsLikeEscapeClause", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsOrderByUnrelated( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsOrderByUnrelated";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsOrderByUnrelated", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsUnion( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsUnion";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsUnion", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsUnionAll( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsUnionAll";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsUnionAll", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsMixedCaseIdentifiers( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsMixedCaseIdentifiers";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsMixedCaseIdentifiers", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::nullsAreSortedAtEnd( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "nullsAreSortedAtEnd";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "nullsAreSortedAtEnd", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::nullsAreSortedAtStart( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "nullsAreSortedAtStart";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "nullsAreSortedAtStart", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::nullsAreSortedHigh( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "nullsAreSortedHigh";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "nullsAreSortedHigh", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::nullsAreSortedLow( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "nullsAreSortedLow";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "nullsAreSortedLow", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsSchemasInProcedureCalls( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsSchemasInProcedureCalls";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsSchemasInProcedureCalls", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsSchemasInPrivilegeDefinitions( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsSchemasInPrivilegeDefinitions";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsSchemasInPrivilegeDefinitions", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsCatalogsInProcedureCalls( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsCatalogsInProcedureCalls";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsCatalogsInProcedureCalls", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsCatalogsInPrivilegeDefinitions( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsCatalogsInPrivilegeDefinitions";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsCatalogsInPrivilegeDefinitions", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsCorrelatedSubqueries( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsCorrelatedSubqueries";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsCorrelatedSubqueries", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsSubqueriesInComparisons( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsSubqueriesInComparisons";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsSubqueriesInComparisons", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsSubqueriesInExists( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsSubqueriesInExists";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsSubqueriesInExists", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsSubqueriesInIns( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsSubqueriesInIns";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsSubqueriesInIns", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsSubqueriesInQuantifieds( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsSubqueriesInQuantifieds";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsSubqueriesInQuantifieds", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsANSI92IntermediateSQL( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsANSI92IntermediateSQL";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsANSI92IntermediateSQL", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
::rtl::OUString SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getURL( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- ::rtl::OUString aValue = m_pConnection->getURL();
- if ( !aValue.getLength() )
+ ::rtl::OUString sURL = m_pConnection->getURL();
+ if ( !sURL.getLength() )
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Ljava/lang/String;";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getURL";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- jstring out = (jstring)t.pEnv->CallObjectMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- aValue = JavaString2String(t.pEnv,out);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- // ACHTUNG: der Aufrufer wird Eigentuemer des zurueckgelieferten Zeigers !!!
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ sURL = impl_callStringMethod( "getURL", mID );
- return aValue;
+ return sURL;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
::rtl::OUString SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getUserName( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- ::rtl::OUString aStr;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Ljava/lang/String;";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getUserName";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- jstring out = (jstring)t.pEnv->CallObjectMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- aStr = JavaString2String(t.pEnv,out);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- // ACHTUNG: der Aufrufer wird Eigentuemer des zurueckgelieferten Zeigers !!!
- return aStr;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callStringMethod( "getUserName", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
::rtl::OUString SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getDriverName( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- ::rtl::OUString aStr;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Ljava/lang/String;";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getDriverName";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- jstring out = (jstring)t.pEnv->CallObjectMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- aStr = JavaString2String(t.pEnv,out);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- // ACHTUNG: der Aufrufer wird Eigentuemer des zurueckgelieferten Zeigers !!!
- return aStr;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callStringMethod( "getDriverName", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
::rtl::OUString SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getDriverVersion( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- ::rtl::OUString aStr;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Ljava/lang/String;";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getDriverVersion";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- jstring out = (jstring)t.pEnv->CallObjectMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- aStr = JavaString2String(t.pEnv,out);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- // ACHTUNG: der Aufrufer wird Eigentuemer des zurueckgelieferten Zeigers !!!
- return aStr;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callStringMethod( "getDriverVersion", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
::rtl::OUString SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getDatabaseProductVersion( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- ::rtl::OUString aStr;
- if( t.pEnv )
- {
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Ljava/lang/String;";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getDatabaseProductVersion";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- jstring out = (jstring)t.pEnv->CallObjectMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- aStr = JavaString2String(t.pEnv,out);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- // ACHTUNG: der Aufrufer wird Eigentuemer des zurueckgelieferten Zeigers !!!
- return aStr;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callStringMethod( "getDatabaseProductVersion", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
::rtl::OUString SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getDatabaseProductName( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- ::rtl::OUString aStr;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Ljava/lang/String;";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getDatabaseProductName";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- jstring out = (jstring)t.pEnv->CallObjectMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- aStr = JavaString2String(t.pEnv,out);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- // ACHTUNG: der Aufrufer wird Eigentuemer des zurueckgelieferten Zeigers !!!
- return aStr;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callStringMethod( "getDatabaseProductName", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
::rtl::OUString SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getProcedureTerm( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- ::rtl::OUString aStr;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Ljava/lang/String;";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getProcedureTerm";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- jstring out = (jstring)t.pEnv->CallObjectMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- aStr = JavaString2String(t.pEnv,out);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- // ACHTUNG: der Aufrufer wird Eigentuemer des zurueckgelieferten Zeigers !!!
- return aStr;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callStringMethod( "getProcedureTerm", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
::rtl::OUString SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getSchemaTerm( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- ::rtl::OUString aStr;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Ljava/lang/String;";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getSchemaTerm";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- jstring out = (jstring)t.pEnv->CallObjectMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- aStr = JavaString2String(t.pEnv,out);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- // ACHTUNG: der Aufrufer wird Eigentuemer des zurueckgelieferten Zeigers !!!
- return aStr;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callStringMethod( "getSchemaTerm", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getDriverMajorVersion( ) throw(RuntimeException)
- jint out(0);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()I";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getDriverMajorVersion";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallIntMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return (sal_Int32)out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callIntMethod( "getDriverMajorVersion", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getDefaultTransactionIsolation( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jint out(0);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()I";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getDefaultTransactionIsolation";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallIntMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return (sal_Int32)out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callIntMethod( "getDefaultTransactionIsolation", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getDriverMinorVersion( ) throw(RuntimeException)
- jint out(0);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()I";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getDriverMinorVersion";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallIntMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return (sal_Int32)out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callIntMethod( "getDriverMinorVersion", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
::rtl::OUString SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getSQLKeywords( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- ::rtl::OUString aStr;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Ljava/lang/String;";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getSQLKeywords";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- jstring out = (jstring)t.pEnv->CallObjectMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- aStr = JavaString2String(t.pEnv,out);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- // ACHTUNG: der Aufrufer wird Eigentuemer des zurueckgelieferten Zeigers !!!
- return aStr;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callStringMethod( "getSQLKeywords", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
::rtl::OUString SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getSearchStringEscape( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- ::rtl::OUString aStr;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Ljava/lang/String;";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getSearchStringEscape";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- jstring out = (jstring)t.pEnv->CallObjectMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- aStr = JavaString2String(t.pEnv,out);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- // ACHTUNG: der Aufrufer wird Eigentuemer des zurueckgelieferten Zeigers !!!
- return aStr;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callStringMethod( "getSearchStringEscape", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
::rtl::OUString SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getStringFunctions( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- ::rtl::OUString aStr;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Ljava/lang/String;";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getStringFunctions";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- jstring out = (jstring)t.pEnv->CallObjectMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- aStr = JavaString2String(t.pEnv,out);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- // ACHTUNG: der Aufrufer wird Eigentuemer des zurueckgelieferten Zeigers !!!
- return aStr;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callStringMethod( "getStringFunctions", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
::rtl::OUString SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getTimeDateFunctions( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- ::rtl::OUString aStr;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Ljava/lang/String;";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getTimeDateFunctions";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- jstring out = (jstring)t.pEnv->CallObjectMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- aStr = JavaString2String(t.pEnv,out);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- // ACHTUNG: der Aufrufer wird Eigentuemer des zurueckgelieferten Zeigers !!!
- return aStr;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callStringMethod( "getTimeDateFunctions", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
::rtl::OUString SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getSystemFunctions( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- ::rtl::OUString aStr;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Ljava/lang/String;";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getSystemFunctions";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- jstring out = (jstring)t.pEnv->CallObjectMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- aStr = JavaString2String(t.pEnv,out);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- // ACHTUNG: der Aufrufer wird Eigentuemer des zurueckgelieferten Zeigers !!!
- return aStr;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callStringMethod( "getSystemFunctions", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
::rtl::OUString SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getNumericFunctions( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- ::rtl::OUString aStr;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Ljava/lang/String;";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getNumericFunctions";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- jstring out = (jstring)t.pEnv->CallObjectMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- aStr = JavaString2String(t.pEnv,out);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- // ACHTUNG: der Aufrufer wird Eigentuemer des zurueckgelieferten Zeigers !!!
- return aStr;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callStringMethod( "getNumericFunctions", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsExtendedSQLGrammar( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsExtendedSQLGrammar";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsExtendedSQLGrammar", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsCoreSQLGrammar( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsCoreSQLGrammar";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsCoreSQLGrammar", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsMinimumSQLGrammar( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsMinimumSQLGrammar";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsMinimumSQLGrammar", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsFullOuterJoins( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsFullOuterJoins";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsFullOuterJoins", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsLimitedOuterJoins( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsLimitedOuterJoins";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsLimitedOuterJoins", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getMaxColumnsInGroupBy( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jint out(0);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()I";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getMaxColumnsInGroupBy";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallIntMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return (sal_Int32)out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callIntMethod( "getMaxColumnsInGroupBy", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getMaxColumnsInOrderBy( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jint out(0);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()I";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getMaxColumnsInOrderBy";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallIntMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return (sal_Int32)out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callIntMethod( "getMaxColumnsInOrderBy", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getMaxColumnsInSelect( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jint out(0);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()I";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getMaxColumnsInSelect";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallIntMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return (sal_Int32)out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callIntMethod( "getMaxColumnsInSelect", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getMaxUserNameLength( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jint out(0);
- SDBThreadAttach t;
- if( t.pEnv ){
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()I";
- static const char * cMethodName = "getMaxUserNameLength";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallIntMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return (sal_Int32)out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callIntMethod( "getMaxUserNameLength", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsResultSetType( sal_Int32 setType ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv )
- {
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "(I)Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsResultSetType";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID,setType);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethodWithIntArg( "supportsResultSetType", mID, setType );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsResultSetConcurrency( sal_Int32 setType, sal_Int32 concurrency ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv )
+ static const char* pMethodName = "supportsResultSetConcurrency";
+ m_aLogger.log( LogLevel::FINEST, STR_LOG_META_DATA_METHOD_ARG2, pMethodName, setType, concurrency );
+ jboolean out( sal_False );
+ SDBThreadAttach t;
+ if ( t.pEnv )
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "(II)Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsResultSetConcurrency";
- // Java-Call absetzen
static jmethodID mID = NULL;
if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID,setType,concurrency);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
+ mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), pMethodName, "(II)Z" );
+ OSL_ENSURE( mID, "java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsResultSetConcurrency: unknown method id!" );
+ if ( mID )
+ {
+ out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID, setType, concurrency);
+ ThrowLoggedSQLException( m_aLogger, t.pEnv, *this );
+ }
+ }
+ m_aLogger.log( LogLevel::FINEST, STR_LOG_META_DATA_RESULT, pMethodName, out );
return out;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::ownUpdatesAreVisible( sal_Int32 setType ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv )
- {
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "(I)Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "ownUpdatesAreVisible";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID,setType);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethodWithIntArg( "ownUpdatesAreVisible", mID, setType );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::ownDeletesAreVisible( sal_Int32 setType ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv )
- {
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "(I)Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "ownDeletesAreVisible";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID,setType);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethodWithIntArg( "ownDeletesAreVisible", mID, setType );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::ownInsertsAreVisible( sal_Int32 setType ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv )
- {
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "(I)Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "ownInsertsAreVisible";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID,setType);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethodWithIntArg( "ownInsertsAreVisible", mID, setType );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::othersUpdatesAreVisible( sal_Int32 setType ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv )
- {
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "(I)Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "othersUpdatesAreVisible";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID,setType);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethodWithIntArg( "othersUpdatesAreVisible", mID, setType );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::othersDeletesAreVisible( sal_Int32 setType ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv )
- {
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "(I)Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "othersDeletesAreVisible";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID,setType);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethodWithIntArg( "othersDeletesAreVisible", mID, setType );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::othersInsertsAreVisible( sal_Int32 setType ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv )
- {
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "(I)Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "othersInsertsAreVisible";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID,setType);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethodWithIntArg( "othersInsertsAreVisible", mID, setType );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::updatesAreDetected( sal_Int32 setType ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv )
- {
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "(I)Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "updatesAreDetected";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID,setType);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethodWithIntArg( "updatesAreDetected", mID, setType );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::deletesAreDetected( sal_Int32 setType ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv )
- {
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "(I)Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "deletesAreDetected";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID,setType);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethodWithIntArg( "deletesAreDetected", mID, setType );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::insertsAreDetected( sal_Int32 setType ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv )
- {
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "(I)Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "insertsAreDetected";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID,setType);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethodWithIntArg( "insertsAreDetected", mID, setType );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::supportsBatchUpdates( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
- jboolean out(sal_False);
- SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE(t.pEnv,"Java Enviroment geloescht worden!");
- if( t.pEnv )
- {
- // temporaere Variable initialisieren
- static const char * cSignature = "()Z";
- static const char * cMethodName = "supportsBatchUpdates";
- // Java-Call absetzen
- static jmethodID mID = NULL;
- if ( !mID )
- mID = t.pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), cMethodName, cSignature );OSL_ENSURE(mID,"Unknown method id!");
- if( mID ){
- out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, mID);
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- return out;
+ static jmethodID mID = NULL;
+ return impl_callBooleanMethod( "supportsBatchUpdates", mID );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< XResultSet > SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getUDTs(
@@ -3635,11 +1592,11 @@ Reference< XResultSet > SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getUDTs(
- ThrowSQLException(t.pEnv,*this);
- } //mID
- } //t.pEnv
- // ACHTUNG: der Aufrufer wird Eigentuemer des zurueckgelieferten Zeigers !!!
- return out ? new java_sql_ResultSet( t.pEnv, out ) : 0;
+ ThrowLoggedSQLException( m_aLogger, t.pEnv, *this );
+ }
+ }
+ return out ? new java_sql_ResultSet( t.pEnv, out, m_aLogger ) : 0;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< XConnection > SAL_CALL java_sql_DatabaseMetaData::getConnection( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)