path: root/dmake/getinp.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'dmake/getinp.c')
1 files changed, 854 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dmake/getinp.c b/dmake/getinp.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1ac312a53b59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dmake/getinp.c
@@ -0,0 +1,854 @@
+/* RCS $Id: getinp.c,v 1.10 2007-10-15 15:39:23 ihi Exp $
+-- Handle reading of input.
+-- The code in this file reads the input from the specified stream
+-- into the provided buffer of size Buffer_size. In doing so it deletes
+-- comments. Comments are delimited by the #, and
+-- <nl> character sequences. An exception is \# which
+-- is replaced by # in the input. Line continuations are signalled
+-- at the end of a line and are recognized inside comments.
+-- The line continuation is always <\><nl>.
+-- If the file to read is NIL(FILE) then the Get_line routine returns the
+-- next rule from the builtin rule table (Rule_tab from ruletab.c) if
+-- there is one.
+-- Dennis Vadura,
+-- WWW
+-- Copyright (c) 1996,1997 by WTI Corp. All rights reserved.
+-- This program is NOT free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+-- modify it under the terms of the Software License Agreement Provided
+-- in the file <distribution-root>/readme/license.txt.
+-- LOG
+-- Use cvs log to obtain detailed change logs.
+#include "extern.h"
+#define IS_WHITE(A) ((A == ' ') || (A == '\t') || (A == '\n') || (A == '\r'))
+#define SCAN_WHITE(A) \
+ while( IS_WHITE(*A) ) A++;
+static int _is_conditional ANSI((char*));
+static int _handle_conditional ANSI((int, TKSTRPTR));
+static int rule_ind = 0; /* index of rule when reading Rule_tab */
+static int skip = FALSE; /* if true the skip input */
+int partcomp( char* lhs, int opcode );
+int parse_complex_expression( char *expr, char **expr_end, int opcode );
+Get_line( buf, fil )/*
+ Read a line of input from the file stripping off comments. The routine
+ returns TRUE if EOF. If fil equals NIL(FILE) then the next line from
+ *Rule_tab[] is used. Rule_tab is either the buildin rule table or points
+ to the current environment (used by ReadEnvironment()).
+ The function returns TRUE if the input file/buffer was read to the end
+ and FALSE otherwise. */
+char *buf;
+FILE *fil;
+ extern char **Rule_tab;
+ register char *p;
+ register char *c;
+ char *q;
+ char *buf_org;
+ static int ignore = FALSE;
+ int cont = FALSE;
+ int pos = 0;
+ int res = 0;
+ register char *tmp = NIL(char);
+ DB_ENTER( "Get_line" );
+ if( Skip_to_eof ) {
+ Skip_to_eof = FALSE;
+ rule_ind = 0;
+ if( Verbose & V_MAKE )
+ Warning("Ignoring remainder of file %s", Filename());
+ }
+ if( fil == NIL(FILE) ) {
+ /* Reading the internal rule table. Set rule_ind to zero after the
+ * last entry so that ReadEnvironment() works as expected every time. */
+ while( (p = Rule_tab[ rule_ind++ ]) != NIL(char) ) {
+ /* The last test in this if *p != '~', handles the environment
+ * passing conventions used by MKS to pass arguments. We want to
+ * skip those environment entries. Also CYGWIN likes to export '!'
+ * prefixed environment variables that cause severe pain, axe them too.
+ * And finally it is possible to do "env 'GGG HHH'='some value' bash"
+ * which causes that there are env variables with spaces in the name
+ * defined which causes dmake to malfunction too */
+ char *equal = strchr(p,'=');
+ char *space = strchr(p,' ');
+ if( !Readenv || (Readenv && (equal != NIL(char)) && (space == NIL(char) || space > equal) && *p!='~' && *p!='!')){
+ strcpy( buf, p );
+ DB_PRINT( "io", ("Returning [%s]", buf) );
+ }
+ }
+ rule_ind = 0;
+ DB_PRINT( "io", ("Done Ruletab") );
+ }
+ buf_org = buf;
+ do {
+ p = buf+pos;
+ /* fgets() reads at most one less than Buffer_size-pos characters. */
+ if(feof( fil ) || (fgets( p, Buffer_size-pos, fil ) == NIL(char)))
+#ifdef _MPW
+ if ( p[0] == 10 && p[1] == COMMENT_CHAR)
+ p[0] = ' ';
+ Line_number++;
+ /* Set q to the last char in p before the \n\0. */
+ q = p+strlen(p)-2;
+ if( q >= p ) { /* Only check for special cases if p points
+ * to a non-empty line. */
+ /* ignore each RETURN at the end of a line before any further
+ * processing */
+ if( q[0] == '\r' && q[1] == '\n' ) {
+ q[0] = '\n';
+ q[1] = '\0';
+ q--;
+ }
+ /* you also have to deal with END_OF_FILE chars to process raw
+ * DOS-Files. Normally they are the last chars in file, but after
+ * working on these file with vi, there is an additional NEWLINE
+ * after the last END_OF_FILE. So if the second last char in the
+ * actual line is END_OF_FILE, you can skip the last char. Then
+ * you can search the line back until you find no more END_OF_FILE
+ * and nuke each you found by string termination. */
+ if( q[0] == '\032' )
+ q--;
+ while( q[1] == '\032' ) {
+ q[1] = '\0';
+ q--;
+ }
+ /* ignore input if ignore flag set and line ends in a continuation
+ character. */
+ if( ignore ) {
+ if( q[0] != CONTINUATION_CHAR || q[1] != '\n' ) ignore = FALSE;
+ *p = '\0';
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* If a comment is found the line does not end in \n anymore. */
+ c = Do_comment(p, &q, Group || (*buf == '\t') || (Notabs && *buf ==' '));
+ /* Does the end of the line end in a continuation sequence? */
+ if( (q[0] == CONTINUATION_CHAR) && (q[1] == '\n')) {
+ /* If the continuation was at the end of a comment then ignore the
+ * next input line, (or lines until we get one ending in just <nl>)
+ * else it's a continuation, so build the input line from several
+ * text lines on input. The maximum size of this is governened by
+ * Buffer_size */
+ if( q != p && q[-1] == CONTINUATION_CHAR ) {
+ size_t len = strlen(q+1)+1;
+ memmove( q, q+1, len );
+ q--;
+ cont = FALSE;
+ }
+ else if( c != NIL(char) )
+ ignore = TRUE;
+ else
+ cont = TRUE; /* Keep the \<nl>. */
+ }
+ else {
+ cont = FALSE;
+ }
+ q = ( c == NIL(char) ) ? q+2 : c;
+ }
+ else { /* empty line or "" */
+ cont = FALSE;
+ ignore = FALSE;
+ q = p+strlen(p); /* strlen(p) is 1 or 0 */
+ }
+ pos += q-p;
+ }
+ while( (cont || !*buf) && (pos < Buffer_size-1) );
+ if( pos >= Buffer_size-1 )
+ Fatal( "Input line too long, increase MAXLINELENGTH" );
+ /* Lines that had comments don't contain \n anymore. */
+ /* ??? Continued lines that are followed by an empty or comment only
+ * line will end in \<nl>. */
+ if( (q > p) && (buf[ pos-1 ] == '\n') )
+ buf[ --pos ] = '\0'; /* Remove the final \n. */
+ /* STUPID AUGMAKE uses "include" at the start of a line as
+ * a signal to include a new file, so let's look for it.
+ * if we see it replace it by .INCLUDE: and stick this back
+ * into the buffer. We also allow GNU make if[n]eq/else/endif.
+ *
+ * These substitutions are made only if we are not parsing a group
+ * recipe. */
+ if( (p = DmStrSpn(buf, " \t\r\n")) == NIL(char) )
+ p = buf;
+ if (!Group) {
+ if( !strncmp( "include", p, 7 ) &&
+ (p[7] == ' ' || p[7] == '\t') )
+ tmp = DmStrJoin( ".INCLUDE:", p+7, -1, FALSE );
+ else if( !strncmp( "ifeq", p, 4 ) &&
+ (p[4] == ' ' || p[4] == '\t') )
+ tmp = DmStrJoin( ".IFEQ", p+4, -1, FALSE );
+ else if( !strncmp( "ifneq", p, 5 ) &&
+ (p[5] == ' ' || p[5] == '\t') )
+ tmp = DmStrJoin( ".IFNEQ", p+5, -1, FALSE );
+ else if( !strncmp( "elif", p, 4 ) &&
+ (p[4] == ' ' || p[4] == '\t') )
+ tmp = DmStrJoin( ".ELIF", p+4, -1, FALSE );
+ else if( !strncmp( "else", p, 4 ) &&
+ (p[4] == ' ' || p[4] == '\t' || p[4] == '\0') )
+ tmp = DmStrJoin( ".ELSE", p+4, -1, FALSE );
+ else if( !strncmp( "endif", p, 5 ) &&
+ (p[5] == ' ' || p[5] == '\t' || p[5] == '\0') )
+ tmp = DmStrJoin( ".END", p+5, -1, FALSE );
+ }
+ if( tmp != NIL(char)) {
+ strcpy( buf, tmp );
+ FREE( tmp );
+ tmp = NIL(char);
+ }
+ /* Now that we have the next line of input to make, we should check to
+ * see if it is a conditional expression. If it is then process it,
+ * otherwise pass it on to the parser. */
+ if( *(p = DmStrSpn(buf, " \t\r\n")) == CONDSTART ) {
+ TKSTR token;
+ SET_TOKEN( &token, p );
+ p = Get_token( &token, "", FALSE );
+ if( (res = _is_conditional(p)) != 0 ) /* ignore non-control special */
+ { /* targets */
+ res = _handle_conditional( res, &token );
+ skip = TRUE;
+ }
+ else {
+ CLEAR_TOKEN( &token );
+ res = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if( skip ) {
+ buf = buf_org; /* ignore line just read in */
+ pos = 0;
+ skip = res;
+ goto do_again;
+ }
+ DB_PRINT( "io", ("Returning [%s]", buf) );
+PUBLIC char *
+Do_comment(str, pend, keep)/*
+ Search the input string looking for comment chars. If it contains
+ comment chars then NUKE the remainder of the line, if the comment
+ char is preceeded by \ then shift the remainder of the line left
+ by one char. */
+char *str;
+char **pend;
+int keep;
+ char *c = str;
+ while( (c = strchr(c, COMMENT_CHAR)) != NIL(char) ) {
+ if( Comment || State == NORMAL_SCAN )
+ if( c != str && c[-1] == ESCAPE_CHAR ) {
+ size_t len = strlen(c)+1;
+ memmove( c-1, c, len ); /* copy it left, due to \# */
+ if( pend ) (*pend)--; /* shift tail pointer left */
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Check/execute if shebang command is present. */
+ if( !No_exec
+ && c == str
+ && c[1] == '!'
+ && Line_number == 1
+ && Nestlevel() == 1 ) {
+ char *cmnd;
+ cmnd = Expand(c+2);
+ cmnd[strlen(cmnd)-1] = '\0'; /* strip last newline */
+ Current_target = Root;
+#if defined(MSDOS)
+ Swap_on_exec = TRUE;
+ Wait_for_completion = TRUE;
+ Do_cmnd(&cmnd, FALSE, TRUE, Current_target, A_DEFAULT, TRUE);
+#if defined(MSDOS)
+ Swap_on_exec = FALSE;
+ Wait_for_completion = FALSE;
+ FREE(cmnd);
+ }
+ *c = '\0'; /* a true comment so break */
+ break;
+ }
+ else {
+ if( keep )
+ c = NIL(char);
+ else
+ *c = '\0';
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return(c);
+PUBLIC char *
+Get_token( string, brk, anchor )/*
+ Return the next token in string.
+ Returns empty string when no more tokens in string.
+ brk is a list of chars that also cause breaks in addition to space and
+ tab, but are themselves returned as tokens. if brk is NULL then the
+ remainder of the line is returned as a single token.
+ 'anchor' if 1, says break on chars in the brk list, but only if
+ the entire token begins with the first char of the brk list, if
+ 0 then any char of brk will cause a break to occurr.
+ If 'anchor' is 2, then break only seeing the first char in the break
+ list allowing only chars in the break list to form the prefix. */
+TKSTRPTR string;
+char *brk;
+int anchor;
+ register char *s;
+ register char *curp = 0;
+ register char *t;
+ int done = FALSE;
+ char space[100];
+ DB_ENTER( "Get_token" );
+ s = string->tk_str; /* Get string parameters */
+ *s = string->tk_cchar; /* ... and strip leading w/s */
+ SCAN_WHITE( s );
+ DB_PRINT( "tok", ("What's left [%s]", s) );
+ if( !*s ) {
+ DB_PRINT( "tok", ("Returning NULL token") );
+ DB_RETURN( "" );
+ }
+ /* Build the space list. space contains all those chars that may possibly
+ * cause breaks. This includes the brk list as well as white space. */
+ if( brk != NIL(char) ) {
+ strcpy( space, " \t\r\n" );
+ strcat( space, brk );
+ }
+ else {
+ space[0] = 0xff; /* a char we know will not show up */
+ space[1] = 0;
+ }
+ /* Handle processing of quoted tokens. Note that this is disabled if
+ * brk is equal to NIL */
+ while( *s == '\"' && ((brk != NIL(char)) || !string->tk_quote) ) {
+ s++;
+ if( string->tk_quote ) {
+ curp = s-1;
+ do { curp = strchr( curp+1, '\"' ); }
+ while( (curp != NIL(char)) && (*(curp+1) == '\"'));
+ if( curp == NIL(char) ) Fatal( "Unmatched quote in token" );
+ string->tk_quote = !string->tk_quote;
+ /* Check for "" case, and if found ignore it */
+ if( curp == s ) continue;
+ goto found_token;
+ }
+ else
+ SCAN_WHITE( s );
+ string->tk_quote = !string->tk_quote;
+ }
+ /* Check for a token break character at the beginning of the token.
+ * If found return the next set of break chars as a token. */
+ if( anchor == 2 && brk != NIL(char) ) {
+ curp = s;
+ while( *curp && (strchr(brk,*curp)!=NIL(char)) && (*curp!=*brk) ) curp++;
+ done = (*brk == *curp++);
+ }
+ else if( (brk != NIL(char)) && (strchr( brk, *s ) != NIL(char)) ) {
+ curp = DmStrSpn( s, brk );
+ done = (anchor == 0) ? TRUE :
+ ((anchor == 1)?(*s == *brk) : (*brk == curp[-1]));
+ }
+ /* Scan for the next token in the list and return it less the break char
+ * that was used to terminate the token. It will possibly be returned in
+ * the next call to Get_token */
+ if( !done ) {
+ SCAN_WHITE( s );
+ t = s;
+ do {
+ done = TRUE;
+ curp = DmStrPbrk(t, space);
+ if( anchor && *curp && !IS_WHITE( *curp ) )
+ if( ((anchor == 1)?*curp:DmStrSpn(curp,brk)[-1]) != *brk ) {
+ t++;
+ done = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ while( !done );
+ if( (curp == s) && (strchr(brk, *curp) != NIL(char)) ) curp++;
+ }
+ string->tk_str = curp;
+ string->tk_cchar = *curp;
+ *curp = '\0';
+ DB_PRINT( "tok", ("Returning [%s]", s) );
+ DB_RETURN( s );
+static int
+_is_conditional( tg )/*
+ Look at tg and return it's value if it is a conditional identifier
+ otherwise return 0. */
+char *tg;
+ DB_ENTER( "_is_conditional" );
+ tg++;
+ switch( *tg )
+ {
+ case 'I':
+ if( !strcmp( tg, "IF" )) DB_RETURN( ST_IF );
+ else if( !strcmp( tg, "IFEQ" )) DB_RETURN( ST_IFEQ );
+ else if( !strcmp( tg, "IFNEQ" )) DB_RETURN( ST_IFNEQ );
+ break;
+ case 'E':
+ if( !strcmp( tg, "END" )) DB_RETURN( ST_END );
+ else if( !strcmp( tg, "ENDIF")) DB_RETURN( ST_END );
+ else if( !strcmp( tg, "ELSE" )) DB_RETURN( ST_ELSE );
+ else if( !strcmp( tg, "ELIF" )) DB_RETURN( ST_ELIF );
+ break;
+ }
+ DB_RETURN( 0 );
+#define SEEN_END 0x00
+#define SEEN_IF 0x01
+#define SEEN_ELSE 0x02
+#define SEEN_ELIF 0x04
+#define ACCEPT_IF 0x10
+#define ACCEPT_ELIF 0x20
+static int
+_handle_conditional( opcode, tg )
+ int opcode;
+ static short action[MAX_COND_DEPTH];
+ static char ifcntl[MAX_COND_DEPTH];
+ char *cst;
+ char *lhs, *expr, *expr_end;
+ char *lop;
+ int result;
+ DB_ENTER( "_handle_conditional" );
+ switch( opcode ) {
+ case ST_ELIF:
+ if( !(ifcntl[Nest_level] & SEEN_IF) || (ifcntl[Nest_level]&SEEN_ELSE) )
+ Fatal(".ELIF without a preceeding .IF" );
+ case ST_IF:
+ case ST_IFEQ:
+ case ST_IFNEQ:
+ if( opcode != ST_ELIF && (Nest_level+1) == MAX_COND_DEPTH )
+ Fatal( ".IF .ELSE ... .END nesting too deep" );
+ If_expand = TRUE;
+ expr = Expand( Get_token( tg, NIL(char), FALSE ));
+ If_expand = FALSE;
+ /* Remove CONTINUATION_CHAR<nl> and replace with " " so that line
+ * continuations are recognized as whitespace. */
+ for( cst=strchr(expr,CONTINUATION_CHAR); cst != NIL(char); cst=strchr(cst,CONTINUATION_CHAR) )
+ if( cst[1] == '\n' ) {
+ *cst = ' ';
+ cst[1] = ' ';
+ }
+ else
+ cst++;
+ lhs = expr;
+ SCAN_WHITE( lhs );
+ /* Parse the expression and get its logical result */
+ if ( ((lop = DmStrStr(lhs, "||" )) != NIL(char)) || ((lop = DmStrStr(lhs, "&&" )) != NIL(char)) )
+ result = parse_complex_expression( lhs, &expr_end, opcode );
+ else
+ result = partcomp( lhs, opcode );
+ if( expr != NIL(char) ) FREE( expr );
+ if( opcode != ST_ELIF ) {
+ Nest_level++;
+ action[Nest_level] = 1;
+ }
+ ifcntl[Nest_level] |= (opcode==ST_ELIF)?SEEN_ELIF:SEEN_IF;
+ if( result ) {
+ if( !(ifcntl[Nest_level] & (ACCEPT_IF|ACCEPT_ELIF)) ) {
+ action[ Nest_level ] = action[ Nest_level-1 ];
+ ifcntl[Nest_level] |= (opcode==ST_ELIF)?ACCEPT_ELIF:ACCEPT_IF;
+ }
+ else
+ action[Nest_level] = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ action[Nest_level] = 1;
+ break;
+ case ST_ELSE:
+ if( Nest_level <= 0 ) Fatal( ".ELSE without .IF" );
+ if( ifcntl[Nest_level] & SEEN_ELSE )
+ Fatal( "Missing .IF or .ELIF before .ELSE" );
+ if( ifcntl[Nest_level] & (ACCEPT_IF|ACCEPT_ELIF) )
+ action[Nest_level] = 1;
+ else if( action[ Nest_level-1 ] != 1 )
+ action[ Nest_level ] ^= 0x1; /* flip between 0 and 1 */
+ ifcntl[Nest_level] |= SEEN_ELSE;
+ break;
+ case ST_END:
+ ifcntl[Nest_level] = SEEN_END;
+ Nest_level--;
+ if( Nest_level < 0 ) Fatal( "Unmatched .END[IF]" );
+ break;
+ }
+ DB_RETURN( action[ Nest_level ] );
+/* uncomment to turn on expression debug statements */
+/*#define PARSE_DEBUG */
+#define PARSE_SKIP_WHITE(A) while( *A && ((*A==' ') || (*A=='\t')) ) A++;
+#define OP_NONE 0
+#define OP_AND 1
+#define OP_OR 2
+static int n = 1;
+int parse_complex_expression( char *expr, char **expr_end, int opcode )
+ char *p = expr;
+ char *term_start = p;
+ char *term_end;
+ int local_term;
+ char *part;
+ int term_result = FALSE;
+ int final_result = TRUE;
+ unsigned int term_len;
+ unsigned int last_op = OP_NONE;
+ #ifdef PARSE_DEBUG
+ printf( "%d: parse_complex_expression( %s ): Opcode: %d\n", n, expr, opcode );
+ #endif
+ while ( 1 )
+ {
+ /* A new sub-expression */
+ local_term = TRUE;
+ if ( *p == '(' )
+ {
+ n++;
+ term_result = parse_complex_expression( p+1, &p, opcode );
+ n--;
+ term_start = p;
+ term_end = p;
+ local_term = FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ term_end = p;
+ /* Lets do an operation!! */
+ if ( !(*p) /* at the end of the entire line */
+ || ((*p == '&') && (*(p+1) && (*(p+1)=='&'))) /* found an && */
+ || ((*p == '|') && (*(p+1) && (*(p+1)=='|'))) /* found an || */
+ || (*p == ')') ) /* at the end of our term */
+ {
+ /* Grab the sub-expression if we parsed it. Otherwise,
+ * it was a () subexpression and we don't need to evaluate
+ * it since that was already done.
+ */
+ if ( local_term == TRUE )
+ {
+ /* Back up 1 to the end of the actual term */
+ term_end--;
+ /* Evaluate the term */
+ PARSE_SKIP_WHITE( term_start );
+ term_len = term_end - term_start + 1;
+ part = MALLOC( term_len + 1, char );
+ strncpy( part, term_start, term_len );
+ *(part+term_len) = '\0';
+ #ifdef PARSE_DEBUG
+ printf( "%d: evaling '%s'\n", n, part );
+ #endif
+ term_result = partcomp( part, opcode );
+ #ifdef PARSE_DEBUG
+ printf( "%d: evaled, result %d\n", n, term_result );
+ #endif
+ FREE( part );
+ }
+ /* Do the actual logical operation using the _preceding_
+ * logical operator, NOT the one we just found.
+ */
+ if ( last_op == OP_AND )
+ final_result = final_result && term_result;
+ else if ( last_op == OP_OR )
+ final_result = final_result || term_result;
+ else
+ final_result = term_result;
+ #ifdef PARSE_DEBUG
+ printf( "%d: final_result:%d\n", n, final_result );
+ #endif
+ /* If we're not at the end of the line, just keep going */
+ if ( *p )
+ {
+ /* Recognize the operator we just found above */
+ if ( *p == '&' )
+ last_op = OP_AND;
+ else if ( *p == '|' )
+ last_op = OP_OR;
+ if ( *p != ')' )
+ p += 2;
+ /* Get the start of the next term */
+ term_start = p;
+ /* If this is the close of a term, we are done and return
+ * to our caller.
+ */
+ if ( *p == ')' )
+ {
+ p++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else break; /* At end of line, all done */
+ }
+ else if ( local_term == TRUE ) p++; /* Advance to next char in expression */
+ }
+ *expr_end = p;
+ #ifdef PARSE_DEBUG
+ printf( "%d: done, returning '%s', result %d\n", n, *expr_end, final_result );
+ #endif
+ return( final_result );
+int partcomp( char* lhs, int opcode )
+ char *tok, *rhs, *op = 0;
+ int result, opsind;
+ const int localopscount=4;
+ char* localops[] = { "==", "!=", "<=", ">=" };
+ int lint, rint;
+#define EQUAL 0
+#define NOTEQUAL 1
+#define LESS_EQUAL 2
+#define GREATER_EQUAL 3
+ #ifdef PARSE_DEBUG
+ printf( "eval: %s\n", lhs);
+ #endif
+ opsind = 0;
+ if( opcode == ST_IFEQ || opcode == ST_IFNEQ )
+ {
+ /* IF[N]EQ syntax is: .IF[N]EQ <1> <2>
+ * Here, step over first argument and get to <2> if it exists.
+ */
+ for( op = lhs; ((*op)&&(*op != ' ')&&(*op != '\t')); op++ );
+ if( *op ) op++; /* position op at start of <2> */
+ else op = NIL(char); /* only 1 argument given */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Find which logical operator we are to use for this expression,
+ * and jump to it */
+ while ( (opsind < localopscount) && ((op = DmStrStr(lhs, localops[opsind])) == NIL(char)) )
+ opsind++;
+ #ifdef PARSE_DEBUG
+ printf(" found op %d: %s\n", opsind, localops[opsind]);
+ #endif
+ }
+ /* If the opcode was IFEQ or IFNEQ and only 1 argument was given,
+ * or an unknown logical operator was encountered,
+ * return false if argument is empty string, true if !empty
+ */
+ if( op == NIL(char) )
+ result = (*lhs != '\0');
+ else
+ {
+ /* Make both characters of the operation the same, replacing the = in op[1]
+ * Its easier to deal with this way???
+ */
+ if( opcode != ST_IFEQ && opcode != ST_IFNEQ )
+ op[1] = op[0];
+ #ifdef PARSE_DEBUG
+ printf(" op:%s\n", op);
+ #endif
+ /* Isolate the left half of the expression */
+ if( lhs != op )
+ {
+ for( tok = op-1; (tok != lhs) && ((*tok == ' ')||(*tok == '\t')); tok-- );
+ tok[1] = '\0';
+ }
+ else
+ lhs = NIL(char); /* Left hand side is empty. */
+ /* Jump over the operation so we can grab the right half of the expression */
+ if( opcode == ST_IFEQ || opcode == ST_IFNEQ )
+ op--;
+ else
+ op++;
+ /* Isolate the right half of the expression */
+ rhs = DmStrSpn( op+1, " \t" );
+ if( !*rhs ) rhs = NIL(char);
+ #ifdef PARSE_DEBUG
+ printf(" lhs:%s, rhs:%s\n", lhs, rhs);
+ #endif
+ /* Do the actual logical operation on the expression */
+ if ( opsind > NOTEQUAL )
+ {
+ switch( opsind )
+ {
+ case LESS_EQUAL:
+ /* Ignore quotes around the arguments */
+ if ( lhs && lhs[0] == '"' ) lhs++;
+ if ( rhs && rhs[0] == '"' ) rhs++;
+ /* Empty strings evaluate to zero. */
+ lint = lhs ? atoi( lhs ) : 0;
+ rint = rhs ? atoi( rhs ) : 0;
+ result = ( lint >= rint ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ if ( opsind == LESS_EQUAL && lint != rint )
+ result = !result;
+ break;
+ default:
+ result = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Use a simple string compare to determine equality */
+ if( (rhs == NIL(char)) || (lhs == NIL(char)) )
+ result = (rhs == lhs) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ else
+ {
+ /* String off whitespace at the end of the right half of the expression */
+ tok = rhs + strlen( rhs );
+ for( tok=tok-1; (tok != lhs) && ((*tok == ' ')||(*tok == '\t')); tok--);
+ tok[1] = '\0';
+ result = (strcmp( lhs, rhs ) == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ }
+ if( *op == '!' || opcode == ST_IFNEQ ) result = !result;
+ }
+ }
+ #ifdef PARSE_DEBUG
+ printf("partresult %d\n\n",result);
+ #endif
+ return result;