2017-01-26Remove dynamic exception specificationsStephan Bergmann
...(for now, from LIBO_INTERNAL_CODE only). See the mail thread starting at
"Dynamic Exception Specifications" for details.
Most changes have been done automatically by the rewriting loplugin:dynexcspec
(after enabling the rewriting mode, to be committed shortly). The way it only
removes exception specs from declarations if it also sees a definition, it
identified some dead declarations-w/o-definitions (that have been removed
manually) and some cases where a definition appeared in multiple include files
(which have also been cleaned up manually). There's also been cases of macro
paramters (that were used to abstract over exception specs) that have become
unused now (and been removed).
Furthermore, some code needed to be cleaned up manually
(avmedia/source/quicktime/ and connectivity/source/drivers/kab/), as I had no
configurations available that would actually build that code. Missing @throws
documentation has not been applied in such manual clean-up.
Change-Id: I3408691256c9b0c12bc5332de976743626e13960
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/33574
Tested-by: Jenkins <ci@libreoffice.org>
Reviewed-by: Stephan Bergmann <sbergman@redhat.com>
2017-01-19New loplugin:dynexcspec: Add @throws documentation, scriptingStephan Bergmann
Change-Id: I3a3f8ad12bad448f0ea2beb698cf4e6636d4595a
2017-01-10coverity#1398527 Uncaught exceptionCaolán McNamara
Change-Id: Id1c0273f7430ba525f231ed5bb9311c732935640
2016-09-13loplugin:override: No more need for the "MSVC dtor override" workaroundStephan Bergmann
The issue of 362d4f0cd4e50111edfae9d30c90602c37ed65a2 "Explicitly mark
overriding destructors as 'virtual'" appears to no longer be a problem with
MSVC 2013.
(The little change in the rewriting code of compilerplugins/clang/override.cxx
was necessary to prevent an endless loop when adding "override" to
OOO_DLLPUBLIC_CHARTTOOLS virtual ~CloseableLifeTimeManager();
in chart2/source/inc/LifeTime.hxx, getting stuck in the leading
OOO_DLLPUBLIC_CHARTTOOLS macro. Can't remember what that
isAtEndOfImmediateMacroExpansion thing was originally necessary for, anyway.)
Change-Id: I534c634504d7216b9bb632c2775c04eaf27e927e
2016-02-09Remove excess newlinesChris Sherlock
A ridiculously fast way of doing this is:
for i in $(pcregrep -l -M -r --include='.*[hc]xx$' \
--exclude-dir=workdir --exclude-dir=instdir '^
{3,}' .)
perl -0777 -i -pe 's/^
/gm' $i
Change-Id: Iebb93eccbee9e4fc5c4380474ba595858a27ac2c
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/22224
Tested-by: Jenkins <ci@libreoffice.org>
Reviewed-by: Chris Sherlock <chris.sherlock79@gmail.com>
2015-11-02cppcheck: noExplicitConstructorCaolán McNamara
Change-Id: I06186e8f0bbc8522f538e8639a68e816093becc2
2015-10-28com::sun::star->css in scaddins,sccomp,scriptingNoel Grandin
Change-Id: Id9167341940bac65f055e1e33ff0670f6fa0f6c4
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/19629
Tested-by: Jenkins <ci@libreoffice.org>
Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <noelgrandin@gmail.com>
2015-10-12Replace "SAL_OVERRIDE" with "override" in LIBO_INTERNAL_ONLY codeStephan Bergmann
Change-Id: I2ea407acd763ef2d7dae2d3b8f32525523ac8274
2015-09-03scripting: tdf#88206 replace cppu::WeakImplHelper* etc.Takeshi Abe
with the variadic variants.
Change-Id: I2a59d42efbb1aeef5078d0b0744b5a3c0559affa
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/18123
Tested-by: Jenkins <ci@libreoffice.org>
Reviewed-by: Michael Stahl <mstahl@redhat.com>
2015-01-26new loplugin: change virtual methods to non-virtualNoel Grandin
Where we can prove that the virtual method is never overriden.
In the case of pure-virtual methods, we remove the method entirely.
Sometimes this leads to entire methods and fields being
Change-Id: I138ef81c95f115dbd8c023a83cfc7e9d5d6d14ae