path: root/goodies/inc/grfmgr.hxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'goodies/inc/grfmgr.hxx')
1 files changed, 453 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/goodies/inc/grfmgr.hxx b/goodies/inc/grfmgr.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1d0fb3f78d02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/goodies/inc/grfmgr.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: grfmgr.hxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:30:09 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _GRFMGR_HXX
+#define _GRFMGR_HXX
+#ifndef _SV_GRAPH_HXX
+#include <vcl/graph.hxx>
+// -----------
+// - Defines -
+// -----------
+#define GRFMGR_DRAW_NOTCACHED 0x00000000UL
+#define GRFMGR_DRAW_CACHED 0x00000001UL
+#define GRFMGR_DRAW_BILINEAR 0x00000002UL
+// --------------------
+// - AutoSwap Defines -
+// --------------------
+#define GRFMGR_AUTOSWAPSTREAM_LINK ((SvStream*)0x00000000UL)
+#define GRFMGR_AUTOSWAPSTREAM_LOADED ((SvStream*)0xfffffffdUL)
+#define GRFMGR_AUTOSWAPSTREAM_TEMP ((SvStream*)0xfffffffeUL)
+#define GRFMGR_AUTOSWAPSTREAM_NONE ((SvStream*)0xffffffffUL)
+// ----------------------
+// - Adjustment Defines -
+// ----------------------
+#define ADJUSTMENT_NONE 0x00000000UL
+#define ADJUSTMENT_DRAWMODE 0x00000001UL
+#define ADJUSTMENT_COLORS 0x00000002UL
+#define ADJUSTMENT_MIRROR 0x00000004UL
+#define ADJUSTMENT_ROTATE 0x00000008UL
+// ---------
+// - Enums -
+// ---------
+enum GraphicDrawMode
+// ------------
+// - Forwards -
+// ------------
+class GraphicManager;
+class SvStream;
+class BitmapWriteAccess;
+class GraphicCache;
+struct GrfSimpleCacheObj;
+// ---------------
+// - GraphicAttr -
+// ---------------
+class GraphicAttr
+ Size maLogSize;
+ double mfGamma;
+ ULONG mnMirrFlags;
+ long mnLeftCrop;
+ long mnTopCrop;
+ long mnRightCrop;
+ long mnBottomCrop;
+ USHORT mnRotate10;
+ short mnContPercent;
+ short mnLumPercent;
+ short mnRPercent;
+ short mnGPercent;
+ short mnBPercent;
+ BOOL mbInvert;
+ BYTE mcTransparency;
+ GraphicDrawMode meDrawMode;
+ Rectangle maCropRect;
+ void* mpDummy;
+ GraphicAttr();
+ ~GraphicAttr();
+ BOOL operator==( const GraphicAttr& rAttr ) const;
+ BOOL operator!=( const GraphicAttr& rAttr ) const { return !( *this == rAttr ); }
+ void SetDrawMode( GraphicDrawMode eDrawMode ) { meDrawMode = eDrawMode; }
+ GraphicDrawMode GetDrawMode() const { return meDrawMode; }
+ void SetMirrorFlags( ULONG nMirrFlags ) { mnMirrFlags = nMirrFlags; }
+ ULONG GetMirrorFlags() const { return mnMirrFlags; }
+ void SetCrop( long nLeft_100TH_MM, long nTop_100TH_MM, long nRight_100TH_MM, long nBottom_100TH_MM )
+ {
+ mnLeftCrop = nLeft_100TH_MM; mnTopCrop = nTop_100TH_MM;
+ mnRightCrop = nRight_100TH_MM; mnBottomCrop = nBottom_100TH_MM;
+ }
+ long GetLeftCrop() const { return mnLeftCrop; }
+ long GetTopCrop() const { return mnTopCrop; }
+ long GetRightCrop() const { return mnRightCrop; }
+ long GetBottomCrop() const { return mnBottomCrop; }
+ void SetRotation( USHORT nRotate10, const Size& rUnrotatedSize ) { mnRotate10 = nRotate10; maLogSize = rUnrotatedSize; }
+ USHORT GetRotation() const { return mnRotate10; }
+ void SetLuminance( short nLuminancePercent ) { mnLumPercent = nLuminancePercent; }
+ short GetLuminance() const { return mnLumPercent; }
+ void SetContrast( short nContrastPercent ) { mnContPercent = nContrastPercent; }
+ short GetContrast() const { return mnContPercent; }
+ void SetChannelR( short nChannelRPercent ) { mnRPercent = nChannelRPercent; }
+ short GetChannelR() const { return mnRPercent; }
+ void SetChannelG( short nChannelGPercent ) { mnGPercent = nChannelGPercent; }
+ short GetChannelG() const { return mnGPercent; }
+ void SetChannelB( short nChannelBPercent ) { mnBPercent = nChannelBPercent; }
+ short GetChannelB() const { return mnBPercent; }
+ void SetGamma( double fGamma ) { mfGamma = fGamma; }
+ double GetGamma() const { return mfGamma; }
+ void SetInvert( BOOL bInvert ) { mbInvert = bInvert; }
+ BOOL IsInvert() const { return mbInvert; }
+ void SetTransparency( BYTE cTransparency ) { mcTransparency = cTransparency; }
+ BYTE GetTransparency() const { return mcTransparency; }
+ const Size& GetUntransformedSize() const { return maLogSize; }
+ BOOL IsSpecialDrawMode() const { return( meDrawMode != GRAPHICDRAWMODE_STANDARD ); }
+ BOOL IsMirrored() const { return( mnMirrFlags != 0UL ); }
+ BOOL IsCropped() const
+ {
+ return( mnLeftCrop != 0 || mnTopCrop != 0 ||
+ mnRightCrop != 0 || mnBottomCrop != 0 );
+ }
+ BOOL IsRotated() const { return( ( mnRotate10 % 3600 ) != 0 ); }
+ BOOL IsTransparent() const { return( mcTransparency > 0 ); }
+ BOOL IsAdjusted() const
+ {
+ return( mnLumPercent != 0 || mnContPercent != 0 || mnRPercent != 0 ||
+ mnGPercent != 0 || mnBPercent != 0 || mfGamma != 1.0 || mbInvert );
+ }
+ friend SvStream& operator<<( SvStream& rOStm, const GraphicAttr& rAttr );
+ friend SvStream& operator>>( SvStream& rIStm, GraphicAttr& rAttr );
+// -----------------
+// - GraphicObject -
+// -----------------
+class GraphicObject : public SvDataCopyStream
+ friend class GraphicManager;
+ static GraphicManager* mpGlobalMgr;
+ Graphic maGraphic;
+ GraphicAttr maAttr;
+ Size maPrefSize;
+ MapMode maPrefMapMode;
+ ULONG mnSizeBytes;
+ GraphicType meType;
+ GraphicManager* mpMgr;
+ String* mpLink;
+ Link* mpSwapStreamHdl;
+ void* mpDummy1;
+ Timer* mpSwapOutTimer;
+ GrfSimpleCacheObj* mpSimpleCache;
+ void* mpDummy2;
+ BOOL mbAutoSwapped : 1;
+ BOOL mbTransparent : 1;
+ BOOL mbAnimated : 1;
+ BOOL mbEPS : 1;
+ BOOL mbIsInSwapIn : 1;
+ BOOL mbIsInSwapOut : 1;
+ BOOL mbDummyFlag7 : 1;
+ BOOL mbDummyFlag8 : 1;
+#if __PRIVATE
+ void ImplConstruct();
+ void ImplAssignGraphicData();
+ void ImplSetGraphicManager( const GraphicManager* pMgr, const ByteString* pID = NULL );
+ void ImplAutoSwapIn( BOOL bIgnoreSwapState );
+ BOOL ImplIsAutoSwapped() const { return mbAutoSwapped; }
+ DECL_LINK( ImplAutoSwapOutHdl, void* );
+#endif // __PRIVATE
+ virtual void GraphicManagerDestroyed();
+ virtual SvStream* GetSwapStream() const;
+ // !!! to be removed
+ virtual ULONG GetReleaseFromCache() const;
+ virtual void Load( SvStream& );
+ virtual void Save( SvStream& );
+ virtual void Assign( const SvDataCopyStream& );
+ GraphicObject( const GraphicManager* pMgr = NULL );
+ GraphicObject( const Graphic& rGraphic, const GraphicManager* pMgr = NULL );
+ GraphicObject( const Graphic& rGraphic, const String& rLink, const GraphicManager* pMgr = NULL );
+ GraphicObject( const GraphicObject& rCacheObj, const GraphicManager* pMgr = NULL );
+ GraphicObject( const ByteString& rUniqueID, const GraphicManager* pMgr = NULL );
+ ~GraphicObject();
+ GraphicObject& operator=( const GraphicObject& rCacheObj );
+ BOOL operator==( const GraphicObject& rCacheObj ) const;
+ BOOL operator!=( const GraphicObject& rCacheObj ) const { return !( *this == rCacheObj ); }
+ BOOL HasSwapStreamHdl() const { return( mpSwapStreamHdl != NULL && mpSwapStreamHdl->IsSet() ); }
+ void SetSwapStreamHdl();
+ void SetSwapStreamHdl( const Link& rHdl, const ULONG nSwapOutTimeout = 0UL );
+ Link GetSwapStreamHdl() const;
+ ULONG GetSwapOutTimeout() const { return( mpSwapOutTimer ? mpSwapOutTimer->GetTimeout() : 0 ); }
+ void FireSwapInRequest();
+ void FireSwapOutRequest();
+ void SetGraphicManager( const GraphicManager& rMgr );
+ GraphicManager& GetGraphicManager() const { return *mpMgr; }
+ BOOL IsCached( OutputDevice* pOut, const Point& rPt, const Size& rSz,
+ const GraphicAttr* pAttr = NULL, ULONG nFlags = GRFMGR_DRAW_STANDARD) const;
+ void ReleaseFromCache();
+ const Graphic& GetGraphic() const;
+ void SetGraphic( const Graphic& rGraphic );
+ void SetGraphic( const Graphic& rGraphic, const String& rLink );
+ Graphic GetTransformedGraphic( const GraphicAttr* pAttr = NULL ) const;
+ void SetAttr( const GraphicAttr& rAttr );
+ const GraphicAttr& GetAttr() const { return maAttr; }
+ BOOL HasLink() const { return( mpLink != NULL && mpLink->Len() > 0 ); }
+ void SetLink();
+ void SetLink( const String& rLink );
+ String GetLink() const;
+ ByteString GetUniqueID() const;
+ GraphicType GetType() const { return meType; }
+ const Size& GetPrefSize() const { return maPrefSize; }
+ const MapMode& GetPrefMapMode() const { return maPrefMapMode; }
+ ULONG GetSizeBytes() const { return mnSizeBytes; }
+ ULONG GetChecksum() const;
+ BOOL IsTransparent() const { return mbTransparent; }
+ BOOL IsAnimated() const { return mbAnimated; }
+ BOOL IsEPS() const { return mbEPS; }
+ void ResetAnimationLoopCount();
+ List* GetAnimationInfoList() const;
+ Link GetAnimationNotifyHdl() const { return maGraphic.GetAnimationNotifyHdl(); }
+ void SetAnimationNotifyHdl( const Link& rLink );
+ BOOL SwapOut();
+ BOOL SwapOut( SvStream* pOStm );
+ BOOL SwapIn();
+ BOOL SwapIn( SvStream* pIStm );
+ BOOL IsInSwapIn() const { return mbIsInSwapIn; }
+ BOOL IsInSwapOut() const { return mbIsInSwapOut; }
+ BOOL IsInSwap() const { return( mbIsInSwapOut || mbIsInSwapOut ); }
+ BOOL IsSwappedOut() const { return maGraphic.IsSwapOut(); }
+ BOOL Draw( OutputDevice* pOut, const Point& rPt, const Size& rSz,
+ const GraphicAttr* pAttr = NULL, ULONG nFlags = GRFMGR_DRAW_STANDARD );
+ BOOL StartAnimation( OutputDevice* pOut, const Point& rPt, const Size& rSz, long nExtraData = 0L,
+ const GraphicAttr* pAttr = NULL, ULONG nFlags = GRFMGR_DRAW_STANDARD,
+ OutputDevice* pFirstFrameOutDev = NULL );
+ void StopAnimation( OutputDevice* pOut = NULL, long nExtraData = 0L );
+ friend SvStream& operator<<( SvStream& rOStm, const GraphicObject& rGraphicObj );
+ friend SvStream& operator>>( SvStream& rIStm, GraphicObject& rGraphicObj );
+// ------------------
+// - GraphicManager -
+// ------------------
+class GraphicManager
+ friend class GraphicObject;
+ friend class GraphicDisplayCacheEntry;
+ List maObjList;
+ GraphicCache* mpCache;
+ GraphicManager( const GraphicManager& rGraphicManager ) {}
+ GraphicManager& operator=( const GraphicManager& rGraphicManager ) { return *this; }
+#if __PRIVATE
+ BOOL ImplDraw( OutputDevice* pOut, const Point& rPt,
+ const Size& rSz, GraphicObject& rObj,
+ const GraphicAttr& rAttr, BOOL& rCached );
+ BOOL ImplCreateOutput( OutputDevice* pOut, const Point& rPt, const Size& rSz,
+ const BitmapEx& rBmpEx, const GraphicAttr& rAttr,
+ BitmapEx* pBmpEx = NULL );
+ BOOL ImplCreateOutput( OutputDevice* pOut, const Point& rPt, const Size& rSz,
+ const GDIMetaFile& rMtf, const GraphicAttr& rAttr,
+ GDIMetaFile* pMtf = NULL );
+ BOOL ImplCreateScaled( const BitmapEx& rBmpEx,
+ long* pMapIX, long* pMapFX, long* pMapIY, long* pMapFY,
+ long nStartX, long nEndX, long nStartY, long nEndY,
+ BitmapEx& rOutBmpEx );
+ BOOL ImplCreateRotatedScaled( const BitmapEx& rBmpEx,
+ USHORT nRot10, const Size& rOutSzPix, const Size& rUntSzPix,
+ long* pMapIX, long* pMapFX, long* pMapIY, long* pMapFY,
+ long nStartX, long nEndX, long nStartY, long nEndY,
+ BitmapEx& rOutBmpEx );
+ static void ImplAdjust( BitmapEx& rBmpEx, const GraphicAttr& rAttr, ULONG nAdjustmentFlags );
+ static void ImplAdjust( GDIMetaFile& rMtf, const GraphicAttr& rAttr, ULONG nAdjustmentFlags );
+ static void ImplAdjust( Animation& rAnimation, const GraphicAttr& rAttr, ULONG nAdjustmentFlags );
+ static void ImplDraw( OutputDevice* pOut, const Point& rPt, const Size& rSz,
+ const BitmapEx& rBmpEx, const GraphicAttr& rAttr );
+ static void ImplDraw( OutputDevice* pOut, const Point& rPt, const Size& rSz,
+ const GDIMetaFile& rMtf, const GraphicAttr& rAttr );
+ // Only used by GraphicObject's Ctor's and Dtor's
+ void ImplRegisterObj( const GraphicObject& rObj, Graphic& rSubstitute, const ByteString* pID );
+ void ImplUnregisterObj( const GraphicObject& rObj );
+ inline BOOL ImplHasObjects() const { return( maObjList.Count() > 0UL ); }
+ // Only used in swap case by GraphicObject
+ void ImplGraphicObjectWasSwappedOut( const GraphicObject& rObj );
+ BOOL ImplFillSwappedGraphicObject( const GraphicObject& rObj, Graphic& rSubstitute );
+ void ImplGraphicObjectWasSwappedIn( const GraphicObject& rObj );
+ ByteString ImplGetUniqueID( const GraphicObject& rObj ) const;
+#endif // __PRIVATE
+ GraphicManager( ULONG nCacheSize = 10000000UL, ULONG nMaxObjCacheSize = 2400000UL );
+ ~GraphicManager();
+ void SetMaxCacheSize( ULONG nNewCacheSize );
+ ULONG GetMaxCacheSize() const;
+ void SetMaxObjCacheSize( ULONG nNewMaxObjSize, BOOL bDestroyGreaterCached = FALSE );
+ ULONG GetMaxObjCacheSize() const;
+ ULONG GetUsedCacheSize() const;
+ ULONG GetFreeCacheSize() const;
+ void ClearCache();
+ void ReleaseFromCache( const GraphicObject& rObj );
+ BOOL IsInCache( OutputDevice* pOut, const Point& rPt, const Size& rSz,
+ const GraphicObject& rObj, const GraphicAttr& rAttr ) const;
+ BOOL DrawObj( OutputDevice* pOut, const Point& rPt, const Size& rSz,
+ GraphicObject& rObj, const GraphicAttr& rAttr,
+ const ULONG nFlags, BOOL& rCached );
+#endif // _GRFMGR_HXX