path: root/include/comphelper
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/include/comphelper/componentmodule.hxx b/include/comphelper/componentmodule.hxx
index 0ca1b7e5a457..78d71138d519 100644
--- a/include/comphelper/componentmodule.hxx
+++ b/include/comphelper/componentmodule.hxx
@@ -89,73 +89,15 @@ namespace comphelper
virtual ~OModule();
- /** register a component implementing a service with the given data.
- @param _rImplementationName
- the implementation name of the component
- @param _rServiceNames
- the services the component supports
- @param _pCreateFunction
- a function for creating an instance of the component
- @param _pFactoryFunction
- a function for creating a factory for that component
- */
- void registerImplementation(
- const OUString& _rImplementationName,
- const css::uno::Sequence< OUString >& _rServiceNames,
- ::cppu::ComponentFactoryFunc _pCreateFunction );
/** registers a component given by ComponentDescription
void registerImplementation( const ComponentDescription& _rComp );
- /** creates a Factory for the component with the given implementation name.
- <p>Usually used from within component_getFactory.<p/>
- @param _pImplementationName
- the implementation name of the component
- @return
- the XInterface access to a factory for the component
- */
- css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XInterface > getComponentFactory(
- const OUString& _rImplementationName );
OModule( const OModule& ) = delete;
OModule& operator=( const OModule& ) = delete;
- //= OAutoRegistration
- template <class TYPE>
- class OAutoRegistration
- {
- public:
- /** automatically provides all component information to an OModule instance
- <p>Assumed that the template argument has the three methods
- <ul>
- <li><code>static OUString getImplementationName_static()</code><li/>
- <li><code>static css::uno::Sequence< OUString > getSupportedServiceNames_static()</code><li/>
- <li><code>static css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XInterface >
- Create(const css::uno::Reference< css::lang::XMultiServiceFactory >&)</code>
- </li>
- <ul/>
- the instantiation of this object will automatically register the class via <member>OModule::registerImplementation</member>.
- <p/>
- The factory creation function used is <code>::cppu::createSingleComponentFactory</code>.
- */
- OAutoRegistration( OModule& _rModule );
- };
- template <class TYPE>
- OAutoRegistration<TYPE>::OAutoRegistration( OModule& _rModule )
- {
- _rModule.registerImplementation(
- TYPE::getImplementationName_static(),
- TYPE::getSupportedServiceNames_static(),
- TYPE::Create
- );
- }
} // namespace comphelper