path: root/include/svl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'include/svl')
4 files changed, 116 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/include/svl/itempool.hxx b/include/svl/itempool.hxx
index 0ff1c8d4b27a..8d1f2324363b 100644
--- a/include/svl/itempool.hxx
+++ b/include/svl/itempool.hxx
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
#include <svl/poolitem.hxx>
#include <svl/svldllapi.h>
#include <svl/typedwhich.hxx>
+#include <svl/whichranges.hxx>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <o3tl/sorted_vector.hxx>
@@ -63,8 +64,8 @@ private:
// for default SfxItemSet::CTOR, set default WhichRanges
- void FillItemIdRanges_Impl( std::unique_ptr<sal_uInt16[]>& pWhichRanges ) const;
- const sal_uInt16* GetFrozenIdRanges() const;
+ void FillItemIdRanges_Impl( WhichRangesContainer& pWhichRanges ) const;
+ const WhichRangesContainer & GetFrozenIdRanges() const;
static inline void ClearRefCount(SfxPoolItem& rItem);
diff --git a/include/svl/itemset.hxx b/include/svl/itemset.hxx
index 7c85e7534f59..efae21b3be61 100644
--- a/include/svl/itemset.hxx
+++ b/include/svl/itemset.hxx
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
#include <svl/svldllapi.h>
#include <svl/poolitem.hxx>
#include <svl/typedwhich.hxx>
+#include <svl/whichranges.hxx>
class SfxItemPool;
@@ -84,7 +85,12 @@ constexpr std::size_t rangesSize()
-template<sal_uInt16... WIDs> struct Items {};
+template<sal_uInt16... WIDs> struct Items
+ // This is passed to WhichRangesContainer so we can avoid needing to malloc()
+ // for compile-time data.
+ static constexpr std::array<sal_uInt16, sizeof...(WIDs)> value = { { WIDs... } };
@@ -96,18 +102,18 @@ class SAL_WARN_UNUSED SVL_DLLPUBLIC SfxItemSet
const SfxItemSet* m_pParent; ///< derivation
std::unique_ptr<SfxPoolItem const*[]>
m_pItems; ///< array of items
- sal_uInt16* m_pWhichRanges; ///< array of Which Ranges
+ WhichRangesContainer m_pWhichRanges; ///< array of Which Ranges
sal_uInt16 m_nCount; ///< number of items
friend class SfxItemPoolCache;
friend class SfxAllItemSet;
- SVL_DLLPRIVATE sal_uInt16 InitRanges_Impl(const sal_uInt16 *nWhichPairTable);
+ SVL_DLLPRIVATE void RecreateRanges_Impl(const WhichRangesContainer& pNewRanges);
- SfxItemSet(
- SfxItemPool & pool, std::initializer_list<sal_uInt16> wids,
- std::size_t items);
+ SfxItemSet( SfxItemPool & pool, const WhichRangesContainer& wids, std::size_t items );
+ SfxItemSet( SfxItemPool & pool, WhichRangesContainer&& wids, std::size_t items );
+ SfxItemSet( SfxItemPool & pool, std::initializer_list<sal_uInt16> wids, std::size_t items );
SfxPoolItem const** GetItems_Impl() const { return m_pItems.get(); }
@@ -123,21 +129,32 @@ protected:
virtual const SfxPoolItem* PutImpl( const SfxPoolItem&, sal_uInt16 nWhich, bool bPassingOwnership );
+ /** special constructor for SfxAllItemSet */
+ enum class SfxAllItemSetFlag { Flag };
+ SfxItemSet( SfxItemPool&, SfxAllItemSetFlag );
struct Pair { sal_uInt16 wid1, wid2; };
+ SfxItemSet( const SfxItemSet& );
+ SfxItemSet( SfxItemSet&& ) noexcept;
+ SfxItemSet( SfxItemPool& );
+ SfxItemSet( SfxItemPool&, const WhichRangesContainer& ranges );
+ SfxItemSet( SfxItemPool&, WhichRangesContainer&& ranges );
- SfxItemSet( const SfxItemSet& );
- SfxItemSet( SfxItemSet&& ) noexcept;
+ SfxItemSet( SfxItemPool& rPool, sal_uInt16 nWhichStart, sal_uInt16 nWhichEnd )
+ : SfxItemSet(rPool, WhichRangesContainer(nWhichStart, nWhichEnd)) {}
- SfxItemSet( SfxItemPool&);
- template<sal_uInt16... WIDs> SfxItemSet(
+ template<sal_uInt16... WIDs>
+ SfxItemSet(
typename std::enable_if<
svl::detail::validRanges<WIDs...>(), SfxItemPool &>::type pool,
- svl::Items<WIDs...>):
- SfxItemSet(pool, {WIDs...}, svl::detail::rangesSize<WIDs...>()) {}
- SfxItemSet( SfxItemPool&, std::initializer_list<Pair> wids );
- SfxItemSet( SfxItemPool&, const sal_uInt16* nWhichPairTable );
- virtual ~SfxItemSet();
+ svl::Items<WIDs...>)
+ : SfxItemSet(pool, WhichRangesContainer(svl::Items<WIDs...>::value), svl::detail::rangesSize<WIDs...>()) {}
+ SfxItemSet( SfxItemPool&, std::initializer_list<Pair> wids );
+ SfxItemSet( SfxItemPool&, const sal_uInt16* nWhichPairTable );
+ virtual ~SfxItemSet();
virtual std::unique_ptr<SfxItemSet> Clone(bool bItems = true, SfxItemPool *pToPool = nullptr) const;
virtual SfxItemSet CloneAsValue(bool bItems = true, SfxItemPool *pToPool = nullptr) const;
@@ -231,8 +248,9 @@ public:
void MergeValue( const SfxPoolItem& rItem, bool bOverwriteDefaults = false );
SfxItemPool* GetPool() const { return m_pPool; }
- const sal_uInt16* GetRanges() const { return m_pWhichRanges; }
- void SetRanges( const sal_uInt16 *pRanges );
+ const WhichRangesContainer & GetRanges() const { return m_pWhichRanges; }
+ void SetRanges( const WhichRangesContainer& );
+ void SetRanges( WhichRangesContainer&& );
void MergeRange( sal_uInt16 nFrom, sal_uInt16 nTo );
const SfxItemSet* GetParent() const { return m_pParent; }
diff --git a/include/svl/whichranges.hxx b/include/svl/whichranges.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b1e87bba38b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/svl/whichranges.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 100 -*- */
+ * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <sal/config.h>
+#include <sal/types.h>
+#include <svl/svldllapi.h>
+#include <array>
+#include <memory>
+#include <cassert>
+typedef std::pair<sal_uInt16, sal_uInt16> WhichPair;
+ * Most of the time, the which ranges we point at are a compile-time literal.
+ * So we take advantage of that, and avoid the cost of allocating our own array and copying into it.
+ */
+struct SVL_DLLPUBLIC WhichRangesContainer
+ using const_iterator = WhichPair const*;
+ WhichPair const* m_pairs = nullptr;
+ sal_Int32 m_size = 0;
+ /** if true, we allocated and need to delete the pairs, if not, we are pointing
+ * at a global const literal */
+ bool m_bOwnRanges = false;
+ WhichRangesContainer() {}
+ WhichRangesContainer(std::unique_ptr<WhichPair[]> wids, sal_Int32 nSize)
+ : m_pairs(wids.release())
+ , m_size(nSize)
+ , m_bOwnRanges(true)
+ {
+ }
+ template <std::size_t N>
+ WhichRangesContainer(const std::array<sal_uInt16, N>& ranges)
+ : m_pairs(reinterpret_cast<const WhichPair*>(
+ , m_size(static_cast<sal_Int32>(N / 2))
+ , m_bOwnRanges(false)
+ {
+ }
+ WhichRangesContainer(const WhichPair* wids, sal_Int32 nSize);
+ WhichRangesContainer(sal_uInt16 nWhichStart, sal_uInt16 nWhichEnd);
+ WhichRangesContainer(WhichRangesContainer const& other) { operator=(other); }
+ WhichRangesContainer(WhichRangesContainer&& other);
+ ~WhichRangesContainer();
+ WhichRangesContainer& operator=(WhichRangesContainer&& other);
+ WhichRangesContainer& operator=(WhichRangesContainer const& other);
+ bool operator==(WhichRangesContainer const& other) const;
+ const_iterator begin() const noexcept { return m_pairs; }
+ const_iterator end() const noexcept { return begin() + size(); }
+ bool empty() const noexcept { return m_size == 0; }
+ sal_Int32 size() const noexcept { return m_size; }
+ WhichPair const& operator[](sal_Int32 idx) const noexcept
+ {
+ assert(idx >= 0 && idx < size() && "index out of range");
+ return m_pairs[idx];
+ }
+ void reset();
+ // Adds a range to which ranges, keeping the ranges in valid state (sorted, non-overlapping)
+ WhichRangesContainer MergeRange(sal_uInt16 nFrom, sal_uInt16 nTo) const;
+/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab cinoptions=b1,g0,N-s cinkeys+=0=break: */
diff --git a/include/svl/whiter.hxx b/include/svl/whiter.hxx
index be584fc23911..c4a49a06b622 100644
--- a/include/svl/whiter.hxx
+++ b/include/svl/whiter.hxx
@@ -20,19 +20,20 @@
#include <svl/svldllapi.h>
+#include <svl/whichranges.hxx>
class SfxItemSet;
class SVL_DLLPUBLIC SfxWhichIter
- const sal_uInt16* const pStart;
- const sal_uInt16* pRanges;
+ const WhichRangesContainer& pStart;
+ const WhichPair* pRanges;
sal_uInt16 nOffset;
SfxWhichIter(const SfxItemSet& rSet);
- sal_uInt16 GetCurWhich() const { return pRanges[0] + nOffset; }
+ sal_uInt16 GetCurWhich() const;
sal_uInt16 NextWhich();
sal_uInt16 FirstWhich();