path: root/include/svx/svdotext.hxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'include/svx/svdotext.hxx')
1 files changed, 50 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/include/svx/svdotext.hxx b/include/svx/svdotext.hxx
index d5c981d632db..210839c179e4 100644
--- a/include/svx/svdotext.hxx
+++ b/include/svx/svdotext.hxx
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
// forward declarations
class OutlinerParaObject;
class OverflowingText;
class SdrOutliner;
@@ -82,36 +81,29 @@ namespace sdr::table {
// Defines
constexpr const sal_uInt16 SDRUSERDATA_OBJTEXTLINK = 1;
// helper class SdrTextObjGeoData
class SdrTextObjGeoData : public SdrObjGeoData
- tools::Rectangle aRect;
- GeoStat aGeo;
+ tools::Rectangle maRect;
+ GeoStat maGeo;
// helper class ImpSdrObjTextLinkUserData
class ImpSdrObjTextLinkUserData final : public SdrObjUserData
- friend class SdrTextObj;
- friend class ImpSdrObjTextLink;
+ friend class SdrTextObj;
+ friend class ImpSdrObjTextLink;
- OUString aFileName; // name of the referenced document
- OUString aFilterName; // a filter, if need be
- DateTime aFileDate0; // avoiding unnecessary reload
- tools::SvRef<ImpSdrObjTextLink>
- pLink;
- rtl_TextEncoding eCharSet;
+ OUString maFileName; // name of the referenced document
+ OUString maFilterName; // a filter, if need be
+ DateTime maFileDate0; // avoiding unnecessary reload
+ tools::SvRef<ImpSdrObjTextLink> mpLink;
+ rtl_TextEncoding meCharSet;
@@ -134,12 +126,12 @@ class SVXCORE_DLLPUBLIC SdrTextObj : public SdrAttrObj, public svx::ITextProvide
// Cell needs access to ImpGetDrawOutliner();
- friend class sdr::table::Cell;
- friend class sdr::table::SdrTableRtfExporter;
- friend class sdr::table::SdrTableRTFParser;
- friend class TextChain;
- friend class TextChainFlow;
- friend class EditingTextChainFlow;
+ friend class sdr::table::Cell;
+ friend class sdr::table::SdrTableRtfExporter;
+ friend class sdr::table::SdrTableRTFParser;
+ friend class TextChain;
+ friend class TextChainFlow;
+ friend class EditingTextChainFlow;
// CustomShapeproperties need to access the "bTextFrame" member:
friend class sdr::properties::CustomShapeProperties;
@@ -152,7 +144,7 @@ private:
// This method is only allowed for sdr::properties::TextProperties
SVX_DLLPRIVATE SdrOutliner* GetTextEditOutliner() const
- return pEdtOutl;
+ return mpEdtOutl;
// to allow sdr::properties::TextProperties access to SetPortionInfoChecked()
@@ -160,16 +152,16 @@ private:
friend class sdr::properties::TextProperties;
friend class sdr::properties::CellProperties;
- friend class ImpSdrObjTextLink;
- friend class ImpSdrObjTextLinkUserData;
- friend class SdrPowerPointImport; // for PowerPointImport
- friend class SdrExchangeView; // for ImpGetDrawOutliner
- friend class SdrView; // for ImpGetDrawOutliner
- friend class SdrObjEditView; // for TextEdit
- friend class SdrMeasureObj; // for ImpGetDrawOutliner
- friend class SvxMSDffManager; // for ImpGetDrawOutliner
- friend class SdrObjCustomShape; // for ImpGetDrawOutliner
- friend class SdrText; // for ImpGetDrawOutliner
+ friend class ImpSdrObjTextLink;
+ friend class ImpSdrObjTextLinkUserData;
+ friend class SdrPowerPointImport; // for PowerPointImport
+ friend class SdrExchangeView; // for ImpGetDrawOutliner
+ friend class SdrView; // for ImpGetDrawOutliner
+ friend class SdrObjEditView; // for TextEdit
+ friend class SdrMeasureObj; // for ImpGetDrawOutliner
+ friend class SvxMSDffManager; // for ImpGetDrawOutliner
+ friend class SdrObjCustomShape; // for ImpGetDrawOutliner
+ friend class SdrText; // for ImpGetDrawOutliner
// The "aRect" is also the rect of RectObj and CircObj.
@@ -178,18 +170,18 @@ protected:
tools::Rectangle maRect;
// The GeoStat contains the rotation and shear angles
- GeoStat aGeo;
+ GeoStat maGeo;
// this is the active text
- std::unique_ptr<SdrText> mpText;
+ std::unique_ptr<SdrText> mpText;
// This contains the dimensions of the text
- Size aTextSize;
+ Size maTextSize;
// an Outliner*, so that
// 1. the TextObj won't be edited simultaneously by multiple views, and
// 2. when streaming while editing Flush() can be done
- SdrOutliner* pEdtOutl;
+ SdrOutliner* mpEdtOutl;
// Possible values for eTextKind are:
// OBJ_TEXT regular text frame
@@ -197,13 +189,13 @@ protected:
// OBJ_OUTLINETEXT OutlineText for presentations
// eTextKind only has meaning when bTextFrame=sal_True, since otherwise
// we're dealing with a labeled graphical object
- SdrObjKind eTextKind;
+ SdrObjKind meTextKind;
// For text editing in SW Header/Footer it is necessary to be
// able to set an offset for the text edit to allow text editing at the
// position of the virtual object. This offset is used when setting up
// and maintaining the OutlinerView.
- Point maTextEditOffset;
+ Point maTextEditOffset;
virtual SdrObjectUniquePtr getFullDragClone() const override;
@@ -216,19 +208,19 @@ protected:
bool mbIsUnchainableClone = false;
// the successor in a chain
- SdrTextObj *mpNextInChain = nullptr;
- SdrTextObj *mpPrevInChain = nullptr;
+ SdrTextObj* mpNextInChain = nullptr;
+ SdrTextObj* mpPrevInChain = nullptr;
// For labeled graphical objects bTextFrame is FALSE. The block of text
// will then be centered horizontally and vertically on aRect.
// For bTextFalse=sal_True the text will be formatted into aRect.
// The actual text frame is realized by an SdrRectObj with
// bTextFrame=sal_True.
- bool bTextFrame : 1;
- bool bNoShear : 1; // disable shearing (->graphic+Ole+TextFrame)
- bool bTextSizeDirty : 1;
+ bool mbTextFrame : 1;
+ bool mbNoShear : 1; // disable shearing (->graphic+Ole+TextFrame)
+ bool mbTextSizeDirty : 1;
- bool mbInEditMode : 1; // Is this text object in edit mode?
+ bool mbInEditMode : 1; // Is this text object in edit mode?
// For objects with free size (flow text). The flag is set by the
// application on create. If the object width is later resized,
@@ -238,13 +230,13 @@ protected:
// Width resize can result from:
// - Interactive Resize in single or multiple selections
// - position/size dialog
- bool bDisableAutoWidthOnDragging : 1;
+ bool mbDisableAutoWidthOnDragging : 1;
// Flag for allowing text animation. Default is sal_true.
- bool mbTextAnimationAllowed : 1;
+ bool mbTextAnimationAllowed : 1;
// flag for preventing recursive onEditOutlinerStatusEvent calls
- bool mbInDownScale : 1;
+ bool mbInDownScale : 1;
SdrOutliner& ImpGetDrawOutliner() const;
@@ -281,7 +273,7 @@ protected:
void ImpCheckShear();
tools::Rectangle ImpDragCalcRect(const SdrDragStat& rDrag) const;
void ImpSetTextEditParams() const;
- void SetTextSizeDirty() { bTextSizeDirty=true; }
+ void SetTextSizeDirty() { mbTextSizeDirty = true; }
// rAnchorRect is InOut-Parameter!
void ImpSetContourPolygon( SdrOutliner& rOutliner, tools::Rectangle const & rAnchorRect, bool bLineWidth ) const;
@@ -332,15 +324,15 @@ public:
// Setting attributes can only be done on the text frame.
void SetTextLink(const OUString& rFileName, const OUString& rFilterName);
void ReleaseTextLink();
- bool IsLinkedText() const { return m_pPlusData!=nullptr && GetLinkUserData()!=nullptr; }
+ bool IsLinkedText() const { return m_pPlusData != nullptr && GetLinkUserData() != nullptr; }
bool ReloadLinkedText(bool bForceLoad);
bool LoadText(const OUString& rFileName, rtl_TextEncoding eCharSet);
virtual bool AdjustTextFrameWidthAndHeight(tools::Rectangle& rR, bool bHgt = true, bool bWdt = true) const;
virtual bool NbcAdjustTextFrameWidthAndHeight(bool bHgt = true, bool bWdt = true);
virtual bool AdjustTextFrameWidthAndHeight();
- bool IsTextFrame() const { return bTextFrame; }
- bool IsOutlText() const { return bTextFrame && (eTextKind==OBJ_OUTLINETEXT || eTextKind==OBJ_TITLETEXT); }
+ bool IsTextFrame() const { return mbTextFrame; }
+ bool IsOutlText() const { return mbTextFrame && (meTextKind==OBJ_OUTLINETEXT || meTextKind==OBJ_TITLETEXT); }
/// returns true if the PPT autofit of text into shape bounds is enabled. implies IsFitToSize()==false!
bool IsAutoFit() const;
/// returns true if the old feature for fitting shape content should into shape is enabled. implies IsAutoFit()==false!
@@ -354,12 +346,12 @@ public:
bool GetPreventChainable() const;
TextChain *GetTextChain() const;
- SdrObjKind GetTextKind() const { return eTextKind; }
+ SdrObjKind GetTextKind() const { return meTextKind; }
// #i121917#
virtual bool HasText() const override;
- bool IsTextEditActive() const { return pEdtOutl != nullptr; }
+ bool IsTextEditActive() const { return mpEdtOutl != nullptr; }
/** returns the currently active text. */
virtual SdrText* getActiveText() const;
@@ -379,7 +371,7 @@ public:
/** returns the index of the text that contains the given point or -1 */
virtual sal_Int32 CheckTextHit(const Point& rPnt) const;
- void SetDisableAutoWidthOnDragging(bool bOn) { bDisableAutoWidthOnDragging=bOn; }
+ void SetDisableAutoWidthOnDragging(bool bOn) { mbDisableAutoWidthOnDragging=bOn; }
void NbcSetText(const OUString& rStr);
void SetText(const OUString& rStr);
void NbcSetText(SvStream& rInput, const OUString& rBaseURL, EETextFormat eFormat);
@@ -395,7 +387,7 @@ public:
virtual void TakeTextRect( SdrOutliner& rOutliner, tools::Rectangle& rTextRect, bool bNoEditText,
tools::Rectangle* pAnchorRect, bool bLineWidth = true ) const;
virtual void TakeTextAnchorRect(::tools::Rectangle& rAnchorRect) const;
- const GeoStat& GetGeoStat() const { return aGeo; }
+ const GeoStat& GetGeoStat() const { return maGeo; }
// get corner radius
tools::Long GetEckenradius() const;
@@ -507,7 +499,7 @@ public:
virtual SdrObjectUniquePtr DoConvertToPolyObj(bool bBezier, bool bAddText) const override;
- void SetTextEditOutliner(SdrOutliner* pOutl) { pEdtOutl=pOutl; }
+ void SetTextEditOutliner(SdrOutliner* pOutl) { mpEdtOutl = pOutl; }
/** Setup given Outliner equivalently to SdrTextObj::Paint()