path: root/libcmis/libcmis-0.3.0-warnings.patch
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'libcmis/libcmis-0.3.0-warnings.patch')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 238 deletions
diff --git a/libcmis/libcmis-0.3.0-warnings.patch b/libcmis/libcmis-0.3.0-warnings.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index b67ae47180b3..000000000000
--- a/libcmis/libcmis-0.3.0-warnings.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-diff --git src/libcmis/atom-folder.cxx src/libcmis/atom-folder.cxx
-index f2e0381..1c65d41 100644
---- src/libcmis/atom-folder.cxx
-+++ src/libcmis/atom-folder.cxx
-@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ libcmis::FolderPtr AtomFolder::createFolder( const map< string, libcmis::Propert
- }
- libcmis::DocumentPtr AtomFolder::createDocument( const map< string, libcmis::PropertyPtr >& properties,
-- boost::shared_ptr< ostream > os, string contentType, string fileName ) throw ( libcmis::Exception )
-+ boost::shared_ptr< ostream > os, string contentType, string ) throw ( libcmis::Exception )
- {
- AtomLink* childrenLink = getLink( "down", "application/atom+xml;type=feed" );
-diff --git src/libcmis/atom-session.cxx src/libcmis/atom-session.cxx
-index c2baa4f..1716755 100644
---- src/libcmis/atom-session.cxx
-+++ src/libcmis/atom-session.cxx
-@@ -39,74 +39,6 @@
- using namespace std;
-- size_t lcl_getEncoding( void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userdata )
-- {
-- libcmis::EncodedData* data = static_cast< libcmis::EncodedData* >( userdata );
-- string buf( ( const char* ) ptr, size * nmemb );
-- size_t sepPos = buf.find( ':' );
-- if ( sepPos != string::npos )
-- {
-- string name( buf, 0, sepPos );
-- if ( "Content-Transfer-Encoding" == name )
-- {
-- string encoding = buf.substr( sepPos + 1 );
-- encoding.erase( remove_if( encoding.begin(), encoding.end(), ptr_fun< int, int> ( isspace ) ), encoding.end() );
-- data->setEncoding( encoding );
-- }
-- }
-- return nmemb;
-- }
-- size_t lcl_bufferData( void* buffer, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void* data )
-- {
-- libcmis::EncodedData* encoded = static_cast< libcmis::EncodedData* >( data );
-- encoded->decode( buffer, size, nmemb );
-- return nmemb;
-- }
-- size_t lcl_readStream( void* buffer, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void* data )
-- {
-- istream& is = *( static_cast< istream* >( data ) );
-- char* out = ( char * ) buffer;
-- out, size * nmemb );
-- return is.gcount( ) / size;
-- }
-- curlioerr lcl_ioctlStream( CURL* /*handle*/, int cmd, void* data )
-- {
-- curlioerr errCode = CURLIOE_OK;
-- switch ( cmd )
-- {
-- {
-- istream& is = *( static_cast< istream* >( data ) );
-- is.clear( );
-- is.seekg( 0, ios::beg );
-- if ( !is.good() )
-- {
-- fprintf ( stderr, "rewind failed\n" );
-- }
-- }
-- break;
-- break;
-- default:
-- }
-- return errCode;
-- }
- AtomPubSession::AtomPubSession( string atomPubUrl, string repositoryId,
- string username, string password, bool verbose ) throw ( libcmis::Exception ) :
- BaseSession( atomPubUrl, repositoryId, username, password, verbose ),
-@@ -190,7 +122,7 @@ void AtomPubSession::initialize( ) throw ( libcmis::Exception )
- m_repositories.push_back( ws );
- }
-- catch ( const libcmis::Exception& e )
-+ catch ( const libcmis::Exception& )
- {
- // Invalid repository, don't take care of this
- }
-diff --git src/libcmis/atom-workspace.cxx src/libcmis/atom-workspace.cxx
-index b6f2388..527d0f4 100644
---- src/libcmis/atom-workspace.cxx
-+++ src/libcmis/atom-workspace.cxx
-@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ AtomRepository::AtomRepository( xmlNodePtr wsNode ) throw ( libcmis::Exception )
- }
- AtomRepository::AtomRepository( const AtomRepository& rCopy ) :
-+ Repository( rCopy ),
- m_collections( rCopy.m_collections ),
- m_uriTemplates( rCopy.m_uriTemplates )
- {
-diff --git src/libcmis/base-session.cxx src/libcmis/base-session.cxx
-index c99f110..b060d0b 100644
---- src/libcmis/base-session.cxx
-+++ src/libcmis/base-session.cxx
-@@ -61,28 +61,6 @@ namespace
- return nmemb;
- }
-- size_t lcl_getEncoding( void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userdata )
-- {
-- libcmis::EncodedData* data = static_cast< libcmis::EncodedData* >( userdata );
-- string buf( ( const char* ) ptr, size * nmemb );
-- size_t sepPos = buf.find( ':' );
-- if ( sepPos != string::npos )
-- {
-- string name( buf, 0, sepPos );
-- if ( "Content-Transfer-Encoding" == name )
-- {
-- string encoding = buf.substr( sepPos + 1 );
-- encoding.erase( remove_if( encoding.begin(), encoding.end(), ptr_fun< int, int> ( isspace ) ), encoding.end() );
-- data->setEncoding( encoding );
-- }
-- }
-- return nmemb;
-- }
- size_t lcl_bufferData( void* buffer, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void* data )
- {
- libcmis::EncodedData* encoded = static_cast< libcmis::EncodedData* >( data );
-@@ -125,16 +103,6 @@ namespace
- }
- return errCode;
- }
-- string lcl_tolower( string sText )
-- {
-- string lower( sText );
-- for ( size_t i = 0; i < sText.size(); ++i )
-- {
-- lower[i] = ::tolower( sText[i] );
-- }
-- return lower;
-- }
- }
- BaseSession::BaseSession( string atomPubUrl, string repositoryId,
-@@ -443,7 +411,7 @@ const char* CurlException::what( ) const throw ()
- if ( !isCancelled( ) )
- {
- stringstream buf;
-- buf << "CURL error - " << m_code << ": ";
-+ buf << "CURL error - " << ( unsigned int )m_code << ": ";
- buf << m_message;
- m_errorMessage = buf.str( );
-diff --git src/libcmis/object.cxx src/libcmis/object.cxx
-index 690bb17..3397070 100644
---- src/libcmis/object.cxx
-+++ src/libcmis/object.cxx
-@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ namespace libcmis
- xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression( BAD_CAST( "//cmis:allowableActions" ), xpathCtx );
- if ( xpathObj && xpathObj->nodesetval && xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeNr > 0 )
- {
-- xmlNodePtr node = xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0];
-- m_allowableActions.reset( new libcmis::AllowableActions( node ) );
-+ xmlNodePtr actionsNode = xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0];
-+ m_allowableActions.reset( new libcmis::AllowableActions( actionsNode ) );
- }
- xmlXPathFreeObject( xpathObj );
-@@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ namespace libcmis
- int size = xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeNr;
- for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
- {
-- xmlNodePtr node = xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[i];
-- libcmis::PropertyPtr property = libcmis::parseProperty( node, getTypeDescription( ) );
-+ xmlNodePtr propertyNode = xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[i];
-+ libcmis::PropertyPtr property = libcmis::parseProperty( propertyNode, getTypeDescription( ) );
- if ( property.get( ) )
- m_properties[ property->getPropertyType( )->getId() ] = property;
- }
-diff --git src/libcmis/ws-requests.cxx src/libcmis/ws-requests.cxx
-index 2b421b2..e13ae07 100644
---- src/libcmis/ws-requests.cxx
-+++ src/libcmis/ws-requests.cxx
-@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
- string content( buf, size );
- delete[ ] buf;
-- xmlTextWriterWriteFormatElement( writer, BAD_CAST( "cmism:length" ), "%ld", content.size( ) );
-+ xmlTextWriterWriteFormatElement( writer, BAD_CAST( "cmism:length" ), "%ld", (long int) content.size( ) );
- xmlTextWriterWriteElement( writer, BAD_CAST( "cmism:mimeType" ), BAD_CAST( contentType.c_str( ) ) );
- if ( !filename.empty( ) )
- xmlTextWriterWriteElement( writer, BAD_CAST( "cmism:filename" ), BAD_CAST( filename.c_str( ) ) );
-@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ void UpdateProperties::toXml( xmlTextWriterPtr writer )
- xmlTextWriterEndElement( writer );
- }
--SoapResponsePtr UpdatePropertiesResponse::create( xmlNodePtr node, RelatedMultipart&, SoapSession* session )
-+SoapResponsePtr UpdatePropertiesResponse::create( xmlNodePtr node, RelatedMultipart&, SoapSession* )
- {
- UpdatePropertiesResponse* response = new UpdatePropertiesResponse( );
-@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ void DeleteTree::toXml( xmlTextWriterPtr writer )
- xmlTextWriterEndElement( writer );
- }
--SoapResponsePtr DeleteTreeResponse::create( xmlNodePtr node, RelatedMultipart&, SoapSession* session )
-+SoapResponsePtr DeleteTreeResponse::create( xmlNodePtr node, RelatedMultipart&, SoapSession* )
- {
- DeleteTreeResponse* response = new DeleteTreeResponse( );
-@@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ void CreateFolder::toXml( xmlTextWriterPtr writer )
- xmlTextWriterEndElement( writer );
- }
--SoapResponsePtr CreateFolderResponse::create( xmlNodePtr node, RelatedMultipart&, SoapSession* session )
-+SoapResponsePtr CreateFolderResponse::create( xmlNodePtr node, RelatedMultipart&, SoapSession* )
- {
- CreateFolderResponse* response = new CreateFolderResponse( );