path: root/lotuswordpro/source/filter/explode.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'lotuswordpro/source/filter/explode.cxx')
1 files changed, 647 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lotuswordpro/source/filter/explode.cxx b/lotuswordpro/source/filter/explode.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..27d236348141
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lotuswordpro/source/filter/explode.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,647 @@
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: IBM Corporation
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2008 by IBM Corporation
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "explode.hxx"
+#include <math.h>
+ const static char Tree1String[][32] = {
+ "101",
+ "11",
+ "100",
+ "011",
+ "0101",
+ "0100",
+ "0011",
+ "00101",
+ "00100",
+ "00011",
+ "00010",
+ "000011",
+ "000010",
+ "000001",
+ "0000001",
+ "0000000",
+ };
+ const static char Tree2String[][32] = {
+ "11" ,
+ "1011" ,
+ "1010" ,
+ "10011" ,
+ "10010" ,
+ "10001" ,
+ "10000" ,
+ "011111" ,
+ "011110" ,
+ "011101" ,
+ "011100" ,
+ "011011" ,
+ "011010" ,
+ "011001" ,
+ "011000" ,
+ "010111" ,
+ "010110" ,
+ "010101" ,
+ "010100" ,
+ "010011" ,
+ "010010" ,
+ "010001" ,
+ "0100001" ,
+ "0100000" ,
+ "0011111" ,
+ "0011110" ,
+ "0011101" ,
+ "0011100" ,
+ "0011011" ,
+ "0011010" ,
+ "0011001" ,
+ "0011000" ,
+ "0010111" ,
+ "0010110" ,
+ "0010101" ,
+ "0010100" ,
+ "0010011" ,
+ "0010010" ,
+ "0010001" ,
+ "0010000" ,
+ "0001111" ,
+ "0001110" ,
+ "0001101" ,
+ "0001100" ,
+ "0001011" ,
+ "0001010" ,
+ "0001001" ,
+ "0001000" ,
+ "00001111",
+ "00001110",
+ "00001101",
+ "00001100",
+ "00001011",
+ "00001010",
+ "00001001",
+ "00001000",
+ "00000111",
+ "00000110",
+ "00000101",
+ "00000100",
+ "00000011",
+ "00000010",
+ "00000001",
+ "00000000",
+ };
+Decompression::Decompression(SvStream * pInStream, SvStream * pOutStream):
+ m_pInStream(pInStream), m_pOutStream(pOutStream), m_pBuffer(m_Buffer), m_nOutputBufferPos(0),
+ m_nBitsLeft(0), m_nBytesLeft(0), m_nCurrent4Byte(0)
+ if (!m_pInStream || !m_pOutStream )
+ {
+ assert(sal_False);
+ }
+ ConstructTree1();
+ ConstructTree2();
+ fillArray();
+ * @descr read specified bits from input stream
+ * @argument iCount - number of bits to be read, less than 31
+ * @argument nBits - bits read
+ * @return 0 - read OK, otherwise error
+ */
+sal_uInt32 Decompression::ReadBits(sal_uInt16 iCount, sal_uInt32 & nBits)
+ if ( (iCount == 0) || (iCount > 32 ) )
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ sal_uInt32 val = 0; /* bit accumulator */
+ /* load at least need bits into val */
+ val = m_nCurrent4Byte;
+ while (m_nBitsLeft < iCount)
+ {
+ if (m_nBytesLeft == 0)
+ {
+ m_nBytesLeft = m_pInStream->Read(m_Buffer, CHUNK);
+ m_pBuffer = m_Buffer;
+ if (m_nBytesLeft == 0) return 1;
+ }
+ val |= (sal_uInt32)(*m_pBuffer++) << m_nBitsLeft; /* load eight bits */
+ m_nBytesLeft --;
+ m_nBitsLeft += 8;
+ }
+ /* drop need bits and update buffer, always zero to seven bits left */
+ m_nCurrent4Byte = val >> iCount;
+ m_nBitsLeft -= iCount;
+ /* return need bits, zeroing the bits above that */
+ nBits = val & ((1 << iCount) - 1);
+ return 0;
+ * @descr decompress input and write output
+ * @return 0 - read OK, otherwise error
+ */
+sal_Int32 Decompression::explode()
+ /* The first 2 bytes are parameters */
+ sal_uInt32 P1;
+ if (0 != ReadBits(8, P1))/* 0 or 1 */
+ return -1;
+ /* I think this means 0=binary and 1=ascii file, but in RESOURCEs I saw always 0 */
+ if (P1 >= 1) // changed per 's review comments
+ return -1;
+ sal_uInt32 P2;
+ if (0 != ReadBits(8, P2))
+ return -1;
+ /* must be 4,5 or 6 and it is a parameter for the decompression algorithm */
+ if (P2 < 4 || P2 > 6)
+ return -2;
+ m_nOutputBufferPos = 0;
+ /* Now, a bit stream follows, which is decoded as described below: */
+ /* The algorithm terminates as soon as it runs out of bits. */
+ while(sal_True)
+ {
+ // read 1 bit (take bits from the lowest value (LSB) to the MSB i.e. bit 0, bit 1 etc ...)
+ sal_uInt32 iBit;
+ if (0 != ReadBits(1, iBit))
+ break;
+ if ( 0 == (iBit & 0x01) )
+ {
+ //if the bit is 0 read 8 bits and write it to the output as it is.
+ sal_uInt32 symbol;
+ if (0 != ReadBits(8, symbol))
+ break;
+ m_Output[m_nOutputBufferPos++] = (sal_uInt8)symbol;
+ if (m_nOutputBufferPos == MAXWIN)
+ {
+ m_pOutStream->Write(m_Output, m_nOutputBufferPos);
+ m_nOutputBufferPos = 0;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ // if the bit is 1 we have here a length/distance pair:
+ // -decode a number with Hufmman Tree #1; variable bit length, result is 0x00 .. 0x0F -> L1
+ sal_uInt32 L1 = Decode(m_Tree1);
+ sal_uInt32 Length;
+ if (L1 <= 7)
+ {
+ //if L1 <= 7:
+ // LENGTH = L1 + 2
+ Length = L1 + 2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // if L1 > 7
+ // read more (L1-7) bits -> L2
+ // LENGTH = L2 + M[L1-7] + 2
+ sal_uInt32 L2;
+ if (0 != ReadBits((sal_uInt16)(L1 - 7), L2))
+ break;
+ Length = L2 + 2 + m_iArrayOfM[L1 -7];
+ }
+ if (Length == 519)
+ {
+ // end of compressed data
+ break;
+ }
+ // - decode another number with Hufmann Tree #2 giving result 0x00..0x3F -> D1
+ sal_uInt32 D1 = Decode(m_Tree2);
+ sal_uInt32 D2;
+ if (Length == 2)
+ {
+ // if LENGTH == 2
+ // D1 = D1 << 2
+ // read 2 bits -> D2
+ D1 = D1 << 2;
+ if (0 != ReadBits(2, D2))
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // else
+ // D1 = D1 << P2 // the parameter 2
+ // read P2 bits -> D2
+ D1 = D1 << P2;
+ if (0 != ReadBits((sal_uInt16)P2, D2))
+ break;
+ }
+ // DISTANCE = (D1 | D2) + 1
+ sal_uInt32 distance = (D1 | D2) + 1;
+ // - now copy LENGTH bytes from (output_ptr-DISTANCE) to output_ptr
+ // write current buffer to output
+ m_pOutStream->Write(m_Output, m_nOutputBufferPos);
+ m_nOutputBufferPos = 0;
+ // remember current position
+ sal_uInt32 nOutputPos = m_pOutStream->Tell();
+ if (distance > nOutputPos)
+ return -3; // format error
+ m_pOutStream->Flush();
+ // point back to copy position and read bytes
+ m_pOutStream->SeekRel((long)-distance);
+ sal_uInt8 sTemp[MAXWIN];
+ sal_uInt32 nRead = distance > Length? Length:distance;
+ m_pOutStream->Read(sTemp, nRead);
+ if (nRead != Length)
+ {
+ // fill the buffer with read content repeatly until full
+ for (sal_uInt32 i=nRead; i<Length; i++)
+ {
+ sTemp[i] = sTemp[i-nRead];
+ }
+ }
+ // restore output stream position
+ m_pOutStream->Seek(nOutputPos);
+ // write current buffer to output
+ m_pOutStream->Write(sTemp, Length);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ * @descr bits to string
+ * @return
+ */
+void Decompression::ToString(sal_uInt32 nBits, sal_Char *pChar, sal_uInt32 nLen)
+ sal_uInt32 nBit;
+ for (sal_uInt32 i=nLen; i > 0; i--)
+ {
+ nBit = (nBits >> (i -1) ) & 0x01;
+ pChar[nLen - i] = nBit ? '1':'0';
+ }
+ pChar[nLen] = '\0';
+ return;
+ * @descr decode tree 1 for length
+ * @return the decoded value
+ */
+sal_uInt32 Decompression::Decode(HuffmanTreeNode * pRoot)
+ sal_uInt32 nRet;
+ sal_uInt32 nRead, nReadAlready;
+ if( 0 != ReadBits(1, nReadAlready))
+ return 0; // something wrong
+ for (sal_uInt16 i=2; i <= 8; i++)
+ {
+ if ( 0 != ReadBits(1, nRead))
+ return 0; // something wrong
+ nReadAlready = (nReadAlready << 1) | (nRead & 0x01);
+ sal_Char sCode[16];
+ ToString(nReadAlready, sCode, i);
+ nRet = pRoot->QueryValue(sCode);
+ if (nRet != 0xffffffff)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return nRet;
+ * @descr construct tree 1 for length
+ * @return
+ */
+void Decompression::ConstructTree1()
+{ // Huffman Tree #1
+ // The first huffman tree (the Section called Decompression algorithm HUFFMAN) contains the length values. It is described by the following table:
+ // value (hex) code (binary)
+ // 0 101
+ // 1 11
+ // 2 100
+ // 3 011
+ // 4 0101
+ // 5 0100
+ // 6 0011
+ // 7 0010 1
+ // 8 0010 0
+ // 9 0001 1
+ // a 0001 0
+ // b 0000 11
+ // c 0000 10
+ // d 0000 01
+ // e 0000 001
+ // f 0000 000
+ m_Tree1 = new HuffmanTreeNode();
+ for (sal_uInt32 i=0; i< 16; i++)
+ {
+ m_Tree1->InsertNode(i, Tree1String[i]);
+ }
+ /*
+ m_Tree1->InsertNode(0, "101");
+ m_Tree1->InsertNode(1, "11");
+ m_Tree1->InsertNode(2, "100");
+ m_Tree1->InsertNode(3, "011");
+ m_Tree1->InsertNode(4, "0101");
+ m_Tree1->InsertNode(5, "0100");
+ m_Tree1->InsertNode(6, "0011");
+ m_Tree1->InsertNode(7, "00101");
+ m_Tree1->InsertNode(8, "00100");
+ m_Tree1->InsertNode(9, "00011");
+ m_Tree1->InsertNode(10, "00010");
+ m_Tree1->InsertNode(11, "000011");
+ m_Tree1->InsertNode(12, "000010");
+ m_Tree1->InsertNode(13, "000001");
+ m_Tree1->InsertNode(14, "0000001");
+ m_Tree1->InsertNode(15, "0000000");
+ */
+ * @descr construct tree 2 for distance
+ * @return
+ */
+void Decompression::ConstructTree2()
+ m_Tree2 = new HuffmanTreeNode();
+ for (sal_uInt32 i=0; i< 64; i++)
+ {
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(i, Tree2String[i]);
+ }
+#if 0
+ m_Tree2 = new HuffmanTreeNode();
+ //Huffman Tree #2
+ //The second huffman code tree contains the distance values. It can be built from the following table:
+ //value (hex) code (binary)
+ //00 11
+ //01 1011
+ //02 1010
+ //03 1001 1
+ //04 1001 0
+ //05 1000 1
+ //06 1000 0
+ //07 0111 11
+ //08 0111 10
+ //09 0111 01
+ //0a 0111 00
+ //0b 0110 11
+ //0c 0110 10
+ //0d 0110 01
+ //0e 0110 00
+ //0f 0101 11
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x0, "11");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x1, "1011");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x2, "1010");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x3, "10011");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x4, "10010");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x5, "10001");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x6, "10000");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x7, "011111");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x8, "011110");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x9, "011101");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x0a, "011100");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x0b, "011011");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x0c, "011010");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x0d, "011001");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x0e, "011000");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x0f, "010111");
+ //10 0101 10
+ //11 0101 01
+ //12 0101 00
+ //13 0100 11
+ //14 0100 10
+ //15 0100 01
+ //16 0100 001
+ //17 0100 000
+ //18 0011 111
+ //19 0011 110
+ // 1a 0011 101
+ // 1b 0011 100
+ // 1c 0011 011
+ // 1d 0011 010
+ // 1e 0011 001
+ // 1f 0011 000
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x10, "010110");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x11, "010101");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x12, "010100");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x13, "010011");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x14, "010010");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x15, "010001");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x16, "0100001");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x17, "0100000");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x18, "0011111");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x19, "0011110");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x1a, "0011101");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x1b, "0011100");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x1c, "0011011");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x1d, "0011010");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x1e, "0011001");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x1f, "0011000");
+ //20 0010 111
+ //21 0010 110
+ //22 0010 101
+ //23 0010 100
+ //24 0010 011
+ //25 0010 010
+ //26 0010 001
+ //27 0010 000
+ //28 0001 111
+ //29 0001 110
+ // 2a 0001 101
+ // 2b 0001 100
+ // 2c 0001 011
+ // 2d 0001 010
+ // 2e 0001 001
+ // 2f 0001 000
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x20, "0010111");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x21, "0010110");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x22, "0010101");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x23, "0010100");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x24, "0010011");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x25, "0010010");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x26, "0010001");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x27, "0010000");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x28, "0001111");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x29, "0001110");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x2a, "0001101");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x2b, "0001100");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x2c, "0001011");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x2d, "0001010");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x2e, "0001001");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x2f, "0001000");
+ //30 0000 1111
+ //31 0000 1110
+ //32 0000 1101
+ //33 0000 1100
+ //34 0000 1011
+ //35 0000 1010
+ //36 0000 1001
+ //37 0000 1000
+ //38 0000 0111
+ //39 0000 0110
+ // 3a 0000 0101
+ // 3b 0000 0100
+ // 3c 0000 0011
+ // 3d 0000 0010
+ // 3e 0000 0001
+ // 3f 0000 0000
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x30, "00001111");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x31, "00001110");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x32, "00001101");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x33, "00001100");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x34, "00001011");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x35, "00001010");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x36, "00001001");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x37, "00001000");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x38, "00000111");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x39, "00000110");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x3a, "00000101");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x3b, "00000100");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x3c, "00000011");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x3d, "00000010");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x3e, "00000001");
+ m_Tree2->InsertNode(0x3f, "00000000");
+ //where bits should be read from the left to the right.
+ * @descr
+ * @return
+ */
+void Decompression::fillArray()
+ m_iArrayOfM[0] = 7;
+ for (int i=1; i < 16; i++)
+ {
+ double dR = 2.0;
+ m_iArrayOfM[i] = m_iArrayOfM[i - 1]+ (sal_uInt32)pow(dR, i-1);//2
+ }
+HuffmanTreeNode::HuffmanTreeNode(sal_uInt32 nValue , HuffmanTreeNode * pLeft , HuffmanTreeNode * pRight )
+ value = nValue;
+ left = pLeft;
+ right = pRight;
+ if (left)
+ {
+ delete left;
+ left = NULL;
+ }
+ if (right)
+ {
+ delete right;
+ right = NULL;
+ }
+HuffmanTreeNode * HuffmanTreeNode::InsertNode(sal_uInt32 nValue, const sal_Char * pInCode)
+ HuffmanTreeNode *pNew = new HuffmanTreeNode(nValue);
+ sal_Char pCode[32];
+ strcpy(pCode, pInCode );
+ // query its parents
+ sal_Char cLast = pCode[strlen(pCode) - 1];
+ pCode[strlen(pCode) - 1] = '\0';
+ HuffmanTreeNode * pParent = QueryNode(pCode);
+ if (!pParent)
+ {
+ pParent = InsertNode(0xffffffff, pCode);
+ }
+ if (cLast == '0')
+ pParent->left = pNew;
+ else // (cChar == '1')
+ pParent->right = pNew;
+ return pNew;
+HuffmanTreeNode * HuffmanTreeNode::QueryNode(const sal_Char * pCode)
+ sal_uInt32 nLen = strlen(pCode);
+ HuffmanTreeNode * pNode = this; // this is the root
+ for(sal_uInt32 i=0; i<nLen && pNode; i++)
+ {
+ sal_Char cChar= pCode[i];
+ if (cChar == '0')
+ {
+ pNode = pNode->left;
+ }
+ else // (cChar == '1')
+ {
+ pNode = pNode->right;
+ }
+ }
+ return pNode;
+sal_uInt32 HuffmanTreeNode::QueryValue(const sal_Char * pCode)
+ HuffmanTreeNode * pNode =QueryNode(pCode);
+ if (pNode)
+ return pNode->value;
+ return 0xffffffff;