path: root/offapi/com/sun/star/style/ParagraphProperties.idl
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Diffstat (limited to 'offapi/com/sun/star/style/ParagraphProperties.idl')
1 files changed, 396 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/offapi/com/sun/star/style/ParagraphProperties.idl b/offapi/com/sun/star/style/ParagraphProperties.idl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..dcb43bad366f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/offapi/com/sun/star/style/ParagraphProperties.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: ParagraphProperties.idl,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: 1.1 $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: mi $ $Date: 2000-11-06 09:22:15 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __com_sun_star_style_ParagraphProperties_idl__
+#define __com_sun_star_style_ParagraphProperties_idl__
+#ifndef __com_sun_star_style_ParagraphAdjust_idl__
+#include <com/sun/star/style/ParagraphAdjust.idl>
+#ifndef __com_sun_star_style_LineSpacing_idl__
+#include <com/sun/star/style/LineSpacing.idl>
+#ifndef __com_sun_star_style_GraphicLocation_idl__
+#include <com/sun/star/style/GraphicLocation.idl>
+#ifndef __com_sun_star_style_TabStop_idl__
+#include <com/sun/star/style/TabStop.idl>
+#ifndef __com_sun_star_style_DropCapFormat_idl__
+#include <com/sun/star/style/DropCapFormat.idl>
+#ifndef __com_sun_star_container_XIndexAccess_idl__
+#include <com/sun/star/container/XIndexAccess.idl>
+#ifndef __com_sun_star_table_ShadowFormat_idl__
+#include <com/sun/star/table/ShadowFormat.idl>
+ module com { module sun { module star { module style {
+// DocMerge from xml: service com::sun::star::style::ParagraphProperties
+/** describes the style of paragraphs.
+ */
+service ParagraphProperties
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // DocMerge from xml: property com::sun::star::style::ParagraphProperties::ParaAdjust
+ /** determines the adjustment of a paragraph.
+ */
+ [property] com::sun::star::style::ParagraphAdjust ParaAdjust;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // DocMerge from xml: property com::sun::star::style::ParagraphProperties::ParaLineSpacing
+ /** contains the type of the line spacing of a paragraph.
+ */
+ [property] com::sun::star::style::LineSpacing ParaLineSpacing;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // DocMerge from xml: property com::sun::star::style::ParagraphProperties::ParaBackColor
+ /** contains the paragraph background color.
+ */
+ [property] long ParaBackColor;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // DocMerge from xml: property com::sun::star::style::ParagraphProperties::ParaBackTransparent
+ /** This value is <true></true> if the paragraph background color
+ is set to transparent.
+ */
+ [property] boolean ParaBackTransparent;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // DocMerge from xml: property com::sun::star::style::ParagraphProperties::ParaBackGraphicURL
+ /** contains the value of a link for the background graphic of a paragraph.
+ */
+ [property] string ParaBackGraphicURL;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // DocMerge from xml: property com::sun::star::style::ParagraphProperties::ParaBackGraphicFilter
+ /** contains the name of the graphic filter for the background graphic of a paragraph.
+ */
+ [property] string ParaBackGraphicFilter;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // DocMerge from xml: property com::sun::star::style::ParagraphProperties::ParaBackGraphicLocation
+ /** contains the value for the position of a background graphic.
+ <p> </p>@see com::sun::star::style::GraphicLocation</p>
+ */
+ [property] com::sun::star::style::GraphicLocation ParaBackGraphicLocation;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // DocMerge from xml: property com::sun::star::style::ParagraphProperties::ParaLastLineAdjust
+ /** determines the adjustment of the last line.
+ <p>It is only valid if <member>ParagraphProperties::ParagraphAdjust</member>
+ is set to <const>ParagraphAdjust::BLOCK</const>.</p>
+ */
+ [property] short ParaLastLineAdjust;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // DocMerge from xml: property com::sun::star::style::ParagraphProperties::ParaExpandSingleWord
+ /** determines if single words are stretched.
+ <p>It is only valid if <member>ParagraphProperties::ParaAdjust</member> and
+ <member>ParagraphProperties::ParaLastLineAdjust</member> are also valid.</p>
+ */
+ [property] boolean ParaExpandSingleWord;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // DocMerge from xml: property com::sun::star::style::ParagraphProperties::ParaLeftMargin
+ /** determines the left margin of the paragraph in 100th mm.
+ */
+ [property] long ParaLeftMargin;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // DocMerge from xml: property com::sun::star::style::ParagraphProperties::ParaRightMargin
+ /** determines the right margin of the paragraph in 100th mm.
+ */
+ [property] long ParaRightMargin;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // DocMerge from xml: property com::sun::star::style::ParagraphProperties::ParaTopMargin
+ /** determines the top margin of the paragraph in 100th mm.
+ <p>The distance between two paragraphs is specified by:
+ </p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>either the bottom margin of the previous paragraph.</li>
+ <li>or the top margin of the following paragraph.</li>
+ </ul>
+ The greater one is chosen.
+ */
+ [property] long ParaTopMargin;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // DocMerge from xml: property com::sun::star::style::ParagraphProperties::ParaBottomMargin
+ /** determines the bottom margin of the paragraph in 100th mm.
+ <p>The distance between two paragraphs is specified by:
+ </p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>either the bottom margin of the previous paragraph
+ </li>
+ <li>or the top margin of the following paragraph.
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ The greater one is chosen.
+ */
+ [property] long ParaBottomMargin;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // DocMerge from xml: property com::sun::star::style::ParagraphProperties::ParaLineNumberCount
+ /** determines if the paragraph is included in the
+ line numbering.
+ */
+ [property] boolean ParaLineNumberCount;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // DocMerge from xml: property com::sun::star::style::ParagraphProperties::ParaLineNumberStartValue
+ /** contains the start value for the line numbering.
+ */
+ [property] long ParaLineNumberStartValue;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // DocMerge from xml: property com::sun::star::style::ParagraphProperties::ParaIsHyphenation
+ /** prevents the paragraph from getting hyphenated.
+ */
+ [property] boolean ParaIsHyphenation;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // DocMerge from xml: property com::sun::star::style::ParagraphProperties::PageDescName
+ /** If this property is set, it creates a page break before the
+ paragraph it belongs to and assigns the value as the name
+ of the new page style sheet to use.
+ */
+ [property] string PageDescName;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // DocMerge from xml: property com::sun::star::style::ParagraphProperties::PageNumberOffset
+ /** If a page break property is set at a paragraph, this property contains the new value for the page number.
+ */
+ [property] short PageNumberOffset;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // DocMerge from xml: property com::sun::star::style::ParagraphProperties::ParaRegisterModeActive
+ /** determines if the register mode is applied to a
+ paragraph.
+ <p>Remark: Register mode is only used if the register
+ mode property of the page style is switched on.</p>
+ */
+ [property] boolean ParaRegisterModeActive;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // DocMerge from idl: property com::sun::star::style::ParagraphProperties::ParaTabStops
+ /** specifies the positions and kinds of thei tab stops within this
+ paragraph.
+ */
+ [property] sequence<com::sun::star::style::TabStop> ParaTabStops;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // DocMerge from xml: property com::sun::star::style::ParagraphProperties::ParaStyleName
+ /** contains the name of the current paragraph style.
+ */
+ [property] string ParaStyleName;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // DocMerge from xml: property com::sun::star::style::ParagraphProperties::DropCapFormat
+ /** specifies whether the first characters of the
+ paragraph are displayed in capital letters and how they are
+ formatted.
+ */
+ [property] com::sun::star::style::DropCapFormat DropCapFormat;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // DocMerge from xml: property com::sun::star::style::ParagraphProperties::DropCapWholeWord
+ /** specifies if the property <var>DropCapFormat</var>
+ is applied to the whole first word.
+ */
+ [property] boolean DropCapWholeWord;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // DocMerge from xml: property com::sun::star::style::ParagraphProperties::ParaKeepTogether
+ /** Setting this property to TRUE prevents page or column
+ breaks between this and the following paragraph.
+ <p>This feature is useful for preventing title paragraphs to be
+ the last line on a page or column.</p>
+ */
+ [property] boolean ParaKeepTogether;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // DocMerge from xml: property com::sun::star::style::ParagraphProperties::ParaSplit
+ /** Setting this property to FALSE prevents the paragraph from
+ getting split into two pages or columns.
+ */
+ [property] boolean ParaSplit;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // DocMerge from xml: property com::sun::star::style::ParagraphProperties::NumberingLevel
+ /** specifies the numbering level of the
+ paragraph.
+ */
+ [property] short NumberingLevel;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // DocMerge from xml: property com::sun::star::style::ParagraphProperties::NumberingRules
+ /** contains the numbering rules applied to this paragraph.
+ */
+ [readonly, property] com::sun::star::container::XIndexAccess NumberingRules;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // DocMerge from xml: property com::sun::star::style::ParagraphProperties::NumberingStartValue
+ /** specifies the start value for numbering if a new numbering starts at this paragraph.
+ */
+ [property] short NumberingStartValue;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /** determins if the numbering rules restart counting at the current paragraph.
+ */
+ [optional, property] boolean ParaIsNumberingRestart;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // DocMerge from xml: property com::sun::star::style::ParagraphProperties::NumberingStyleName
+ /** specifies the name of the style for the numbering.
+ <p>The name must be one of the names which are available via
+ <type>XStyleFamiliesSupplier</type>.</p>
+ */
+ [property] string NumberingStyleName;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // DocMerge from xml: property com::sun::star::style::ParagraphProperties::ParaOrphans
+ /** specifies the minimum number of lines of the paragraph that have
+ to be at bottom of a page if the paragraph is spread over more than
+ one page.
+ */
+ [property] byte ParaOrphans;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // DocMerge from xml: property com::sun::star::style::ParagraphProperties::ParaWidows
+ /** specifies the minimum number of lines of the paragraph that have
+ to be at top of a page if the paragraph is spread over more than
+ one page.
+ */
+ [property] byte ParaWidows;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /** determins the type, color and size of the shadow.
+ @see
+ */
+ [property] com::sun::star::table::ShadowFormat ParaShadowFormat;
+}; }; }; };