path: root/offapi
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4 files changed, 74 insertions, 74 deletions
diff --git a/offapi/com/sun/star/i18n/TransliterationModules.idl b/offapi/com/sun/star/i18n/TransliterationModules.idl
index cb13f601d1b6..31936cb754f2 100644
--- a/offapi/com/sun/star/i18n/TransliterationModules.idl
+++ b/offapi/com/sun/star/i18n/TransliterationModules.idl
@@ -68,41 +68,41 @@ published enum TransliterationModules
/// Ignore full width and half width character when comparing strings by transliteration service
IGNORE_WIDTH = 0x00000400, // ja_JP
/// Ignore Japanese traditional Kanji character in Japanese fuzzy search
- ignoreTraditionalKanji_ja_JP = 0x00001000,
+ IgnoreTraditionalKanji_ja_JP = 0x00001000,
/// Ignore Japanese traditional Katakana and Hiragana character in Japanese fuzzy search
- ignoreTraditionalKana_ja_JP = 0x00002000,
+ IgnoreTraditionalKana_ja_JP = 0x00002000,
/// Ignore dash or minus sign in Japanese fuzzy search
- ignoreMinusSign_ja_JP = 0x00004000,
+ IgnoreMinusSign_ja_JP = 0x00004000,
/// Ignore Hiragana and Katakana iteration mark in Japanese fuzzy search
- ignoreIterationMark_ja_JP = 0x00008000,
+ IgnoreIterationMark_ja_JP = 0x00008000,
/// Ignore separator punctuations in Japanese fuzzy search
- ignoreSeparator_ja_JP = 0x00010000,
+ IgnoreSeparator_ja_JP = 0x00010000,
/// Ignore Katakana and Hiragana Zi/Zi and Zu/Zu in Japanese fuzzy search
- ignoreZiZu_ja_JP = 0x00020000,
+ IgnoreZiZu_ja_JP = 0x00020000,
/// Ignore Katakana and Hiragana Ba/Gua and Ha/Fa in Japanese fuzzy search
- ignoreBaFa_ja_JP = 0x00040000,
+ IgnoreBaFa_ja_JP = 0x00040000,
/// Ignore Katakana and Hiragana Tsui/Tea/Ti and Dyi/Ji in Japanese fuzzy search
- ignoreTiJi_ja_JP = 0x00080000,
+ IgnoreTiJi_ja_JP = 0x00080000,
/// Ignore Katakana and Hiragana Hyu/Fyu and Byu/Gyu in Japanese fuzzy search
- ignoreHyuByu_ja_JP = 0x00100000,
+ IgnoreHyuByu_ja_JP = 0x00100000,
/// Ignore Katakana and Hiragana Se/Sye and Ze/Je in Japanese fuzzy search
- ignoreSeZe_ja_JP = 0x00200000,
+ IgnoreSeZe_ja_JP = 0x00200000,
/// Ignore Katakana YA/A which follows the character in either I or E row in Japanese fuzzy search
- ignoreIandEfollowedByYa_ja_JP = 0x00400000,
+ IgnoreIandEfollowedByYa_ja_JP = 0x00400000,
/// Ignore Katakana KI/KU which follows the character in SA column in Japanese fuzzy search
- ignoreKiKuFollowedBySa_ja_JP = 0x00800000,
+ IgnoreKiKuFollowedBySa_ja_JP = 0x00800000,
/// Ignore Japanese normal and small sized character in Japanese fuzzy search
- ignoreSize_ja_JP = 0x01000000,
+ IgnoreSize_ja_JP = 0x01000000,
/// Ignore Japanese prolonged sound mark in Japanese fuzzy search
- ignoreProlongedSoundMark_ja_JP = 0x02000000,
+ IgnoreProlongedSoundMark_ja_JP = 0x02000000,
/// Ignore middle dot in Japanese fuzzy search
- ignoreMiddleDot_ja_JP = 0x04000000,
+ IgnoreMiddleDot_ja_JP = 0x04000000,
/// Ignore white space characters, include space, TAB, return, etc. in Japanese fuzzy search
- ignoreSpace_ja_JP = 0x08000000,
+ IgnoreSpace_ja_JP = 0x08000000,
/// transliterate Japanese small sized character to normal sized character
- smallToLarge_ja_JP = 0x10000000,
+ SmallToLarge_ja_JP = 0x10000000,
/// transliterate Japanese normal sized character to small sized character
- largeToSmall_ja_JP = 0x20000000,
+ LargeToSmall_ja_JP = 0x20000000,
diff --git a/offapi/com/sun/star/i18n/TransliterationModulesNew.idl b/offapi/com/sun/star/i18n/TransliterationModulesNew.idl
index 970eae54b998..7e1769790071 100644
--- a/offapi/com/sun/star/i18n/TransliterationModulesNew.idl
+++ b/offapi/com/sun/star/i18n/TransliterationModulesNew.idl
@@ -48,41 +48,41 @@ published enum TransliterationModulesNew
/// Ignore full width and half width characters when comparing strings by transliteration service
IGNORE_WIDTH = 9, // ja_JP
/// Ignore Japanese traditional Kanji characters in Japanese fuzzy search
- ignoreTraditionalKanji_ja_JP = 10,
+ IgnoreTraditionalKanji_ja_JP = 10,
/// Ignore Japanese traditional Katakana and Hiragana characters in Japanese fuzzy search
- ignoreTraditionalKana_ja_JP = 11,
+ IgnoreTraditionalKana_ja_JP = 11,
/// Ignore dash or minus sign in Japanese fuzzy search
- ignoreMinusSign_ja_JP = 12,
+ IgnoreMinusSign_ja_JP = 12,
/// Ignore Hiragana and Katakana iteration mark in Japanese fuzzy search
- ignoreIterationMark_ja_JP = 13,
+ IgnoreIterationMark_ja_JP = 13,
/// Ignore separator punctuations in Japanese fuzzy search
- ignoreSeparator_ja_JP = 14,
+ IgnoreSeparator_ja_JP = 14,
/// Ignore Katakana and Hiragana Zi/Zi and Zu/Zu in Japanese fuzzy search
- ignoreZiZu_ja_JP = 15,
+ IgnoreZiZu_ja_JP = 15,
/// Ignore Katakana and Hiragana Ba/Gua and Ha/Fa in Japanese fuzzy search
- ignoreBaFa_ja_JP = 16,
+ IgnoreBaFa_ja_JP = 16,
/// Ignore Katakana and Hiragana Tsui/Tea/Ti and Dyi/Ji in Japanese fuzzy search
- ignoreTiJi_ja_JP = 17,
+ IgnoreTiJi_ja_JP = 17,
/// Ignore Katakana and Hiragana Hyu/Fyu and Byu/Gyu in Japanese fuzzy search
- ignoreHyuByu_ja_JP = 18,
+ IgnoreHyuByu_ja_JP = 18,
/// Ignore Katakana and Hiragana Se/Sye and Ze/Je in Japanese fuzzy search
- ignoreSeZe_ja_JP = 19,
+ IgnoreSeZe_ja_JP = 19,
/// Ignore Katakana YA/A following the character in either I or E row in Japanese fuzzy search
- ignoreIandEfollowedByYa_ja_JP = 20,
+ IgnoreIandEfollowedByYa_ja_JP = 20,
/// Ignore Katakana KI/KU following the character in SA column in Japanese fuzzy search
- ignoreKiKuFollowedBySa_ja_JP = 21,
+ IgnoreKiKuFollowedBySa_ja_JP = 21,
/// Ignore Japanese normal and small sized character in Japanese fuzzy search
- ignoreSize_ja_JP = 22,
+ IgnoreSize_ja_JP = 22,
/// Ignore Japanese prolonged sound mark in Japanese fuzzy search
- ignoreProlongedSoundMark_ja_JP = 23,
+ IgnoreProlongedSoundMark_ja_JP = 23,
/// Ignore middle dot in Japanese fuzzy search
- ignoreMiddleDot_ja_JP = 24,
+ IgnoreMiddleDot_ja_JP = 24,
/// Ignore white space characters, include space, TAB, return, etc. in Japanese fuzzy search
- ignoreSpace_ja_JP = 25,
+ IgnoreSpace_ja_JP = 25,
/// transliterate Japanese small sized character to normal sized character
- smallToLarge_ja_JP = 26,
+ SmallToLarge_ja_JP = 26,
/// transliterate Japanese normal sized character to small sized character
- largeToSmall_ja_JP = 27,
+ LargeToSmall_ja_JP = 27,
/// Transliterate an ASCII number string to Simplified Chinese lower case number string in spellout format
NumToTextLower_zh_CN = 28,
/// Transliterate an ASCII number string to Simplified Chinese upper case number string in spellout format
diff --git a/offapi/com/sun/star/i18n/UnicodeScript.idl b/offapi/com/sun/star/i18n/UnicodeScript.idl
index af7045c882a3..61d11ab825d2 100644
--- a/offapi/com/sun/star/i18n/UnicodeScript.idl
+++ b/offapi/com/sun/star/i18n/UnicodeScript.idl
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ published enum UnicodeScript
- k_CJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA,
+ kCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA,
diff --git a/offapi/type_reference/offapi.idl b/offapi/type_reference/offapi.idl
index 528567c5a709..eac8de069d1e 100644
--- a/offapi/type_reference/offapi.idl
+++ b/offapi/type_reference/offapi.idl
@@ -8473,24 +8473,24 @@ module com {
- ignoreTraditionalKanji_ja_JP = 4096,
- ignoreTraditionalKana_ja_JP = 8192,
- ignoreMinusSign_ja_JP = 16384,
- ignoreIterationMark_ja_JP = 32768,
- ignoreSeparator_ja_JP = 65536,
- ignoreZiZu_ja_JP = 131072,
- ignoreBaFa_ja_JP = 262144,
- ignoreTiJi_ja_JP = 524288,
- ignoreHyuByu_ja_JP = 1048576,
- ignoreSeZe_ja_JP = 2097152,
- ignoreIandEfollowedByYa_ja_JP = 4194304,
- ignoreKiKuFollowedBySa_ja_JP = 8388608,
- ignoreSize_ja_JP = 16777216,
- ignoreProlongedSoundMark_ja_JP = 33554432,
- ignoreMiddleDot_ja_JP = 67108864,
- ignoreSpace_ja_JP = 134217728,
- smallToLarge_ja_JP = 268435456,
- largeToSmall_ja_JP = 536870912,
+ IgnoreTraditionalKanji_ja_JP = 4096,
+ IgnoreTraditionalKana_ja_JP = 8192,
+ IgnoreMinusSign_ja_JP = 16384,
+ IgnoreIterationMark_ja_JP = 32768,
+ IgnoreSeparator_ja_JP = 65536,
+ IgnoreZiZu_ja_JP = 131072,
+ IgnoreBaFa_ja_JP = 262144,
+ IgnoreTiJi_ja_JP = 524288,
+ IgnoreHyuByu_ja_JP = 1048576,
+ IgnoreSeZe_ja_JP = 2097152,
+ IgnoreIandEfollowedByYa_ja_JP = 4194304,
+ IgnoreKiKuFollowedBySa_ja_JP = 8388608,
+ IgnoreSize_ja_JP = 16777216,
+ IgnoreProlongedSoundMark_ja_JP = 33554432,
+ IgnoreMiddleDot_ja_JP = 67108864,
+ IgnoreSpace_ja_JP = 134217728,
+ SmallToLarge_ja_JP = 268435456,
+ LargeToSmall_ja_JP = 536870912,
published enum TransliterationModulesNew {
@@ -8503,24 +8503,24 @@ module com {
- ignoreTraditionalKanji_ja_JP = 10,
- ignoreTraditionalKana_ja_JP = 11,
- ignoreMinusSign_ja_JP = 12,
- ignoreIterationMark_ja_JP = 13,
- ignoreSeparator_ja_JP = 14,
- ignoreZiZu_ja_JP = 15,
- ignoreBaFa_ja_JP = 16,
- ignoreTiJi_ja_JP = 17,
- ignoreHyuByu_ja_JP = 18,
- ignoreSeZe_ja_JP = 19,
- ignoreIandEfollowedByYa_ja_JP = 20,
- ignoreKiKuFollowedBySa_ja_JP = 21,
- ignoreSize_ja_JP = 22,
- ignoreProlongedSoundMark_ja_JP = 23,
- ignoreMiddleDot_ja_JP = 24,
- ignoreSpace_ja_JP = 25,
- smallToLarge_ja_JP = 26,
- largeToSmall_ja_JP = 27,
+ IgnoreTraditionalKanji_ja_JP = 10,
+ IgnoreTraditionalKana_ja_JP = 11,
+ IgnoreMinusSign_ja_JP = 12,
+ IgnoreIterationMark_ja_JP = 13,
+ IgnoreSeparator_ja_JP = 14,
+ IgnoreZiZu_ja_JP = 15,
+ IgnoreBaFa_ja_JP = 16,
+ IgnoreTiJi_ja_JP = 17,
+ IgnoreHyuByu_ja_JP = 18,
+ IgnoreSeZe_ja_JP = 19,
+ IgnoreIandEfollowedByYa_ja_JP = 20,
+ IgnoreKiKuFollowedBySa_ja_JP = 21,
+ IgnoreSize_ja_JP = 22,
+ IgnoreProlongedSoundMark_ja_JP = 23,
+ IgnoreMiddleDot_ja_JP = 24,
+ IgnoreSpace_ja_JP = 25,
+ SmallToLarge_ja_JP = 26,
+ LargeToSmall_ja_JP = 27,
NumToTextLower_zh_CN = 28,
NumToTextUpper_zh_CN = 29,
NumToTextLower_zh_TW = 30,
@@ -8660,7 +8660,7 @@ module com {
kBopomofoExtended = 66,
kEnclosedCJKLetterMonth = 67,
kCJKCompatibility = 68,
- k_CJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA = 69,
+ kCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA = 69,
kCJKUnifiedIdeograph = 70,
kYiSyllables = 71,
kYiRadicals = 72,