path: root/oox/source/export
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Diffstat (limited to 'oox/source/export')
1 files changed, 41 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/oox/source/export/drawingml.cxx b/oox/source/export/drawingml.cxx
index 8bfcc8df5577..bd58cbf21249 100644
--- a/oox/source/export/drawingml.cxx
+++ b/oox/source/export/drawingml.cxx
@@ -473,15 +473,22 @@ void DrawingML::WriteSolidFill( const Reference< XPropertySet >& rXPropSet )
// OOXML has no separate transparence gradient but uses transparency in the gradient stops.
// So we merge transparency and color and use gradient fill in such case.
basegfx::BGradient aTransparenceGradient;
+ OUString sFillTransparenceGradientName;
bool bNeedGradientFill(false);
- if (GetProperty(rXPropSet, "FillTransparenceGradient"))
+ if (GetProperty(rXPropSet, "FillTransparenceGradientName")
+ && (mAny >>= sFillTransparenceGradientName)
+ && !sFillTransparenceGradientName.isEmpty()
+ && GetProperty(rXPropSet, "FillTransparenceGradient"))
aTransparenceGradient = basegfx::BGradient(mAny);
basegfx::BColor aSingleColor;
bNeedGradientFill = !aTransparenceGradient.GetColorStops().isSingleColor(aSingleColor);
- if (!bNeedGradientFill && aSingleColor != basegfx::BColor())
+ // we no longer need to 'guess' if FillTransparenceGradient is used by
+ // comparing it's 1st color to COL_BLACK after having tested that the
+ // FillTransparenceGradientName is set
+ if (!bNeedGradientFill)
// Our alpha is a gray color value.
const sal_uInt8 nRed(aSingleColor.getRed() * 255.0);
@@ -639,13 +646,11 @@ void DrawingML::WriteGradientFill( const Reference< XPropertySet >& rXPropSet )
if (GetProperty(rXPropSet, "FillTransparenceGradientName")
&& (mAny >>= sFillTransparenceGradientName)
- && !sFillTransparenceGradientName.isEmpty())
+ && !sFillTransparenceGradientName.isEmpty()
+ && GetProperty(rXPropSet, "FillTransparenceGradient"))
- if (GetProperty(rXPropSet, "FillTransparenceGradient"))
- {
- aTransparenceGradient = basegfx::BGradient(mAny);
- }
+ // TransparenceGradient is only used when name is not empty
+ aTransparenceGradient = basegfx::BGradient(mAny);
pTransparenceGradient = &aTransparenceGradient;
else if (GetProperty(rXPropSet, "FillTransparence"))
@@ -5314,19 +5319,35 @@ void DrawingML::WriteFill(const Reference<XPropertySet>& xPropSet, const awt::Si
xPropSet->getPropertyValue( "FillStyle" ) >>= aFillStyle;
// map full transparent background to no fill
- if ( aFillStyle == FillStyle_SOLID && GetProperty( xPropSet, "FillTransparence" ) )
- {
- sal_Int16 nVal = 0;
- xPropSet->getPropertyValue( "FillTransparence" ) >>= nVal;
- if ( nVal == 100 )
- aFillStyle = FillStyle_NONE;
- }
- if (aFillStyle == FillStyle_SOLID && GetProperty( xPropSet, "FillTransparenceGradient"))
+ if (aFillStyle == FillStyle_SOLID)
- awt::Gradient aTransparenceGradient;
- mAny >>= aTransparenceGradient;
- if (aTransparenceGradient.StartColor == 0xffffff && aTransparenceGradient.EndColor == 0xffffff)
- aFillStyle = FillStyle_NONE;
+ OUString sFillTransparenceGradientName;
+ if (GetProperty(xPropSet, "FillTransparenceGradientName")
+ && (mAny >>= sFillTransparenceGradientName)
+ && !sFillTransparenceGradientName.isEmpty()
+ && GetProperty(xPropSet, "FillTransparenceGradient"))
+ {
+ // check if a fully transparent TransparenceGradient is used
+ // use BGradient constructor & tooling here now
+ const basegfx::BGradient aTransparenceGradient(mAny);
+ basegfx::BColor aSingleColor;
+ const bool bSingleColor(aTransparenceGradient.GetColorStops().isSingleColor(aSingleColor));
+ const bool bCompletelyTransparent(bSingleColor && basegfx::fTools::equal(aSingleColor.luminance(), 1.0));
+ if (bCompletelyTransparent)
+ {
+ aFillStyle = FillStyle_NONE;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( GetProperty( xPropSet, "FillTransparence" ) )
+ {
+ // check if a fully transparent FillTransparence is used
+ sal_Int16 nVal = 0;
+ xPropSet->getPropertyValue( "FillTransparence" ) >>= nVal;
+ if ( nVal == 100 )
+ aFillStyle = FillStyle_NONE;
+ }
bool bUseBackground(false);