path: root/pyuno/demo
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pyuno/demo')
8 files changed, 593 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pyuno/demo/ b/pyuno/demo/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ac9cf64044ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyuno/demo/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+import uno
+from import COMMAND
+def main():
+ connectionString = "socket,host=localhost,port=2002"
+ url = "uno:"+connectionString + ";urp;StarOffice.ComponentContext"
+ localCtx = uno.getComponentContext()
+ localSmgr = localCtx.ServiceManager
+ resolver = localSmgr.createInstanceWithContext(
+ "", localCtx)
+ ctx = resolver.resolve( url )
+ smgr = ctx.ServiceManager
+ rowset =smgr.createInstanceWithContext( "", ctx )
+ rowset.DataSourceName = "Bibliography"
+ rowset.CommandType = COMMAND
+ rowset.Command = "SELECT IDENTIFIER, AUTHOR FROM biblio"
+ rowset.execute();
+ print "Identifier\tAuthor"
+ id = rowset.findColumn( "IDENTIFIER" )
+ author = rowset.findColumn( "AUTHOR" )
+ while
+ print rowset.getString( id ) + "\t" + repr( rowset.getString( author ) )
+ rowset.dispose();
diff --git a/pyuno/demo/ b/pyuno/demo/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ea4a0f628900
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyuno/demo/
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+.IF "$(GUI)"=="WNT"
+.IF "$(OS)$(CPU)"=="SOLARISS"
+.ELIF "$(OS)$(CPU)"=="LINUXI"
+.ELIF "$(OS)$(CPU)"=="LINUXP"
+error please add your platform
+FINDDIRS=$(subst,/,$/ $(shell +cd $(SOLARLIBDIR)$/python && $(FIND) . -type d))
+FINDLIBFILES=$(subst,/,$/ $(shell +cd $(SOLARLIBDIR)$/python && $(FIND) . -type f))
+ $(DESTROOT)$/program \
+ $(DESTROOT)$/program/pydemo \
+ $(DESTROOT)$/program$/$(PYDIRNAME) \
+ $(DESTROOT)$/program$/$(PYDIRNAME)$/bin \
+ $(DESTROOT)$/program$/$(PYDIRNAME)$/lib \
+ $(foreach,i,$(FINDDIRS) $(DESTROOT)$/program$/$(PYDIRNAME)$/lib$/$(i))
+ $(DESTROOT)$/program$/$(DLLPRE)pyuno$(DLLPOST) \
+ $(DESTROOT)$/program$/$(DLLPRE)pycpld$(DLLPOST) \
+ $(DESTROOT)$/program$/pyuno$(INISUFFIX) \
+ $(DESTROOT)$/program$/ \
+ $(DESTROOT)$/program$/ \
+ $(DESTROOT)$/program$/ \
+ $(DESTROOT)$/program$/pyuno_setup$(BATCHSUFFIX) \
+ $(DESTROOT)$/program$/regcomp$(EXESUFFIX) \
+ $(DESTROOT)$/program$/pyunoenv$(ENVSUFFIX) \
+ $(DESTROOT)$/program$/pydemo$/ \
+ $(DESTROOT)$/program$/pydemo$/ \
+ $(DESTROOT)$/program$/pydemo$/ \
+ $(DESTROOT)$/program$/pydemo$/ \
+ $(DESTROOT)$/program$/pydemo$/ \
+ $(DESTROOT)$/program$/pydemo$/ \
+ $(DESTROOT)$/program$/pydemo$/python-bridge.html \
+ $(DESTROOT)$/program$/$(PYDIRNAME)$/bin$/python$(EXESUFFIX) \
+ $(foreach,i,$(FINDLIBFILES) $(DESTROOT)$/program$/$(PYDIRNAME)$/lib$/$(i)) \
+ -rm $@
+.IF "$(GUI)"=="WNT"
+ +cd $(DESTROOT) && zip -r ..$/pyuno-$(PLATFORM)-$(VERSION)$(PACKSUFFIX) program
+ $(FIND) $(DESTROOT) -name '*.so' | xargs strip
+ cd $(DESTROOT) && tar -cO program | gzip - > ..$/pyuno-$(PLATFORM)-$(VERSION)$(PACKSUFFIX)
+dirs .PHONY:
+ -mkdir $(PYRUNTIME_DIRS)
+# Some symbolic links for unix
+.IF "$(GUI)" == "UNX"
+ -rm -f $@
+ cd $(DESTROOT)$/program && ln -s $(PYDIRNAME) python
+ -rm -f $@
+ cd $(DESTROOT)$/program && ln -s $(DLLPRE)python$(DLLPOST).$(PYVERSION) $(DLLPRE)python$(DLLPOST).$(PYMAJOR)
+ -rm -f $@
+ cd $(DESTROOT)$/program && ln -s $(DLLPRE)python$(DLLPOST).$(PYVERSION) $(DLLPRE)python$(DLLPOST)
+$(DESTROOT)$/program$/regcomp$(EXESUFFIX) : $(SOLARBINDIR)$/regcomp$(EXESUFFIX)
+ cp $? $@
+.IF "$(GUI)" == "UNX"
+ strip $@
+ chmod +x $@
+$(DESTROOT)$/program$/pyunoenv$(ENVSUFFIX) : pyunoenv$(ENVSUFFIX)
+ -rm -f $@
+ cat $? > $@
+$(DESTROOT)$/program$/$(DLLPRE)pyuno$(DLLPOST) : $(DLLDEST)$/$(DLLPRE)pyuno$(DLLPOST)
+ cp $? $@
+$(DESTROOT)$/program$/pyuno_setup$(BATCHSUFFIX) :
+ -rm -f $@
+.IF "$(GUI)"!="WNT"
+ echo #\!/bin/sh >> $@
+ chmod +x $@
+ echo regcomp -register -r applicat.rdb -c pycpld >>$@
+# echo "$(MYCOPY) applicat.rdb pydemo$/applicat.rdb" >> $@
+ echo regcomp -register -br applicat.rdb -r applicat.rdb -c vnd.openoffice.pymodule:swritercomp -l >>$@
+ cp $? $@
+$(DESTROOT)$/program$/$(DLLPRE)pycpld$(DLLPOST) : $(DLLDEST)$/$(DLLPRE)pycpld$(DLLPOST)
+ cp $? $@
+$(DESTROOT)$/program$/ : $(DLLDEST)$/
+ cp $? $@
+.IF "$(GUI)" == "UNX"
+$(DESTROOT)$/program$/pyuno$(DLLPOST) : $(DLLDEST)$/pyuno$(DLLPOST)
+ cp $? $@
+$(DESTROOT)$/program$/pydemo$/ :
+ -rm -f $@
+ cat $? > $@
+$(DESTROOT)$/program$/pyuno$(INISUFFIX) :
+ -rm -f $@ $(DESTROOT)$/program$/pyuno.tmp
+ echo UNO_TYPES=$(DOLLAR_SIGN)PYUNOLIBDIR/applicat.rdb > $(DESTROOT)$/program$/pyuno.tmp
+ echo UNO_SERVICES=$(DOLLAR_SIGN)PYUNOLIBDIR/applicat.rdb >> $(DESTROOT)$/program$/pyuno.tmp
+ mv $(DESTROOT)$/program$/pyuno.tmp $@
+$(DESTROOT)$/program$/pydemo$/python-bridge.html : ..$/doc$/python-bridge.html
+ -rm -f $@
+ cat $? > $@
+# $(DESTROOT)$/program$/$(PYDIRNAME)$/lib$/ : $(SOLARLIBDIR)$/python$/
+# -rm -f $@
+# cat $? > $@
+# strip $@
+$(DESTROOT)$/program$/$(PYDIRNAME)$/lib$/% : $(SOLARLIBDIR)$/python$/%
+ -rm -f $@
+ cat $? > $@
+$(DESTROOT)$/program$/$(PYDIRNAME)$/bin$/python$(EXESUFFIX) : $(SOLARBINDIR)$/python$(EXESUFFIX)
+ -rm -f $@
+ cat $? > $@
+.IF "$(GUI)" == "UNX"
+ strip $@
+ chmod +x $@
diff --git a/pyuno/demo/ b/pyuno/demo/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..057fa04964eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyuno/demo/
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+import getopt,sys
+import uno
+from unohelper import Base,systemPathToFileUrl, absolutize
+from os import getcwd
+from import PropertyValue
+from import DIRECT_VALUE
+from import Exception as UnoException
+from import IOException,XInputStream, XOutputStream
+class OutputStream( Base, XOutputStream ):
+ def __init__( self ):
+ self.closed = 0
+ def closeOutput(self):
+ self.closed = 1
+ def writeBytes( self, seq ):
+ sys.stdout.write( seq.value )
+ def flush( self ):
+ pass
+def main():
+ retVal = 0
+ doc = None
+ try:
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hc:",["help", "connection-string=" , "html"])
+ format = None
+ url = "uno:socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;StarOffice.ComponentContext"
+ filterName = "Text (Encoded)"
+ for o, a in opts:
+ if o in ("-h", "--help"):
+ usage()
+ sys.exit()
+ if o in ("-c", "--connection-string" ):
+ url = "uno:" + a + ";urp;StarOffice.ComponentContext"
+ if o == "--html":
+ filterName = "HTML (StarWriter)"
+ print filterName
+ if not len( args ):
+ usage()
+ sys.exit()
+ ctxLocal = uno.getComponentContext()
+ smgrLocal = ctxLocal.ServiceManager
+ resolver = smgrLocal.createInstanceWithContext(
+ "", ctxLocal )
+ ctx = resolver.resolve( url )
+ smgr = ctx.ServiceManager
+ desktop = smgr.createInstanceWithContext("", ctx )
+ cwd = systemPathToFileUrl( getcwd() )
+ outProps = (
+ PropertyValue( "FilterName" , 0, filterName , 0 ),
+ PropertyValue( "OutputStream",0, OutputStream(),0))
+ inProps = PropertyValue( "Hidden" , 0 , True, 0 ),
+ for path in args:
+ try:
+ fileUrl = uno.absolutize( cwd, systemPathToFileUrl(path) )
+ doc = desktop.loadComponentFromURL( fileUrl , "_blank", 0,inProps)
+ if not doc:
+ raise UnoException( "Couldn't open stream for unknown reason", None )
+ doc.storeToURL("private:stream",outProps)
+ except IOException, e:
+ sys.stderr.write( "Error during conversion: " + e.Message + "\n" )
+ retVal = 1
+ except UnoException, e:
+ sys.stderr.write( "Error ("+repr(e.__class__)+") during conversion:" + e.Message + "\n" )
+ retVal = 1
+ if doc:
+ doc.dispose()
+ except UnoException, e:
+ sys.stderr.write( "Error ("+repr(e.__class__)+") :" + e.Message + "\n" )
+ retVal = 1
+ except getopt.GetoptError,e:
+ sys.stderr.write( str(e) + "\n" )
+ usage()
+ retVal = 1
+ sys.exit(retVal)
+def usage():
+ sys.stderr.write( "usage: --help |\n"+
+ " [-c <connection-string> | --connection-string=<connection-string>\n"+
+ " file1 file2 ...\n"+
+ "\n" +
+ "Extracts plain text from documents and prints it to stdout.\n" +
+ "Requires an instance to be running. The script and the\n"+
+ "running instance must be able to access the file with\n"+
+ "by the same system path.\n"
+ "\n"+
+ "-c <connection-string> | --connection-string=<connection-string>\n" +
+ " The connection-string part of a uno url to where the\n" +
+ " the script should connect to in order to do the conversion.\n" +
+ " The strings defaults to socket,host=localhost,port=2002\n"
+ "--html \n"
+ " Instead of the text filter, the writer html filter is used\n"
+ )
diff --git a/pyuno/demo/pyunoenv.bat b/pyuno/demo/pyunoenv.bat
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1a8239992a4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyuno/demo/pyunoenv.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+set PYTHONPATH=.;%OOOHOME%\program;%OOOHOME%\program\pydemo;%OOOHOME%\program\python-2.2.2;%PYTHONPATH%
+set PATH=%OOOHOME%\program;%PYTHONHOME%;%OOOHOME%\program\python-2.2.2\bin;%PATH%
diff --git a/pyuno/demo/pyunoenv.tcsh b/pyuno/demo/pyunoenv.tcsh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..da7206440a17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyuno/demo/pyunoenv.tcsh
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# the path to the office installation (e.g. /home/joe/OpenOffice.org643)
+setenv OOOHOME
+# don't modify anything beyond these lines
+setenv PYTHONHOME $OOOHOME/program/python
+if( ! $?LD_LIBRARY_PATH ) then
+if(! $?PYTHONPATH ) then
+if( ! $?LD_LIBRARY_PATH ) then
+setenv PYTHONPATH .:$OOOHOME/program:$OOOHOME/program/pydemo:$OOOHOME/program/python/lib:$PYTHONPATH
+if( $?PYTHONHOME ) then
diff --git a/pyuno/demo/ b/pyuno/demo/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4f3308a86407
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyuno/demo/
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+# bootstrap uno component context
+import uno
+import unohelper
+# a UNO struct later needed to create a document
+from import PARAGRAPH_BREAK
+from import AS_CHARACTER
+from import Size
+def insertTextIntoCell( table, cellName, text, color ):
+ tableText = table.getCellByName( cellName )
+ cursor = tableText.createTextCursor()
+ cursor.setPropertyValue( "CharColor", color )
+ tableText.setString( text )
+localContext = uno.getComponentContext()
+unohelper.addComponentsToContext( localContext , localContext,
+ ("connectr","uuresolver","remotebridge","brdgfctr"),
+ "" )
+resolver = localContext.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext(
+ "", localContext )
+smgr = resolver.resolve( "uno:socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;StarOffice.ServiceManager" )
+remoteContext = smgr.getPropertyValue( "DefaultContext" )
+#remoteContext = resolver.resolve( "uno:socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;StarOffice.ComponentContext" )
+#smgr = remoteContext.ServiceManager
+desktop = smgr.createInstanceWithContext( "",remoteContext)
+# open a writer document
+doc = desktop.loadComponentFromURL( "private:factory/swriter","_blank", 0, () )
+text = doc.Text
+cursor = text.createTextCursor()
+text.insertString( cursor, "The first line in the newly created text document.\n", 0 )
+text.insertString( cursor, "Now we are in the second line\n" , 0 )
+# create a text table
+table = doc.createInstance( "" )
+# with 4 rows and 4 columns
+table.initialize( 4,4)
+text.insertTextContent( cursor, table, 0 )
+rows = table.Rows
+table.setPropertyValue( "BackTransparent", uno.Bool(0) )
+table.setPropertyValue( "BackColor", 13421823 )
+row = rows.getByIndex(0)
+row.setPropertyValue( "BackTransparent", uno.Bool(0) )
+row.setPropertyValue( "BackColor", 6710932 )
+textColor = 16777215
+insertTextIntoCell( table, "A1", "FirstColumn", textColor )
+insertTextIntoCell( table, "B1", "SecondColumn", textColor )
+insertTextIntoCell( table, "C1", "ThirdColumn", textColor )
+insertTextIntoCell( table, "D1", "SUM", textColor )
+values = ( (22.5,21.5,121.5),
+ (5615.3,615.3,-615.3),
+ (-2315.7,315.7,415.7) )
+table.getCellByName("D2").setFormula("sum <A2:C2>")
+table.getCellByName("D3").setFormula("sum <A3:C3>")
+table.getCellByName("D4").setFormula("sum <A4:C4>")
+cursor.setPropertyValue( "CharColor", 255 )
+cursor.setPropertyValue( "CharShadowed", uno.Bool(1) )
+text.insertControlCharacter( cursor, PARAGRAPH_BREAK, 0 )
+text.insertString( cursor, " This is a colored Text - blue with shadow\n" , 0 )
+text.insertControlCharacter( cursor, PARAGRAPH_BREAK, 0 )
+textFrame = doc.createInstance( "" )
+textFrame.setSize( Size(15000,400))
+textFrame.setPropertyValue( "AnchorType" , AS_CHARACTER )
+text.insertTextContent( cursor, textFrame, 0 )
+textInTextFrame = textFrame.getText()
+cursorInTextFrame = textInTextFrame.createTextCursor()
+textInTextFrame.insertString( cursorInTextFrame, "The first line in the newly created text frame.", 0 )
+textInTextFrame.insertString( cursorInTextFrame, "\nWith this second line the height of the rame raises.",0)
+text.insertControlCharacter( cursor, PARAGRAPH_BREAK, 0 )
+cursor.setPropertyValue( "CharColor", 65536 )
+cursor.setPropertyValue( "CharShadowed", uno.Bool(0) )
+text.insertString( cursor, " That's all for now !!" , 0 )
diff --git a/pyuno/demo/ b/pyuno/demo/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6f8f30607bd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyuno/demo/
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# just a simple copy of the demo, but implemented as a component. The advantage is,
+# that the component may run within the office process which may give a performance improvement.
+import unohelper
+import uno
+# a UNO struct later needed to create a document
+from import PARAGRAPH_BREAK
+from import AS_CHARACTER
+from import Size
+from import XMain
+def insertTextIntoCell( table, cellName, text, color ):
+ tableText = table.getCellByName( cellName )
+ cursor = tableText.createTextCursor()
+ cursor.setPropertyValue( "CharColor", color )
+ tableText.setString( text )
+# the UNO component
+# implementing the interface
+# unohelper.Base implements the XTypeProvider interface
+class SWriterComp(XMain,unohelper.Base):
+ def __init__( self, ctx ):
+ self.ctx = ctx
+ # implementation for [in] sequence< any > )
+ def run( self,args ):
+ ctx = self.ctx
+ smgr = ctx.ServiceManager
+ desktop = smgr.createInstanceWithContext( "",ctx)
+ # open a writer document
+ doc = desktop.loadComponentFromURL( "private:factory/swriter","_blank", 0, () )
+ text = doc.Text
+ cursor = text.createTextCursor()
+ text.insertString( cursor, "The first line in the newly created text document.\n", 0 )
+ text.insertString( cursor, "Now we are in the second line\n" , 0 )
+ # create a text table
+ table = doc.createInstance( "" )
+ # with 4 rows and 4 columns
+ table.initialize( 4,4)
+ text.insertTextContent( cursor, table, 0 )
+ rows = table.Rows
+ table.setPropertyValue( "BackTransparent", uno.Bool(0) )
+ table.setPropertyValue( "BackColor", 13421823 )
+ row = rows.getByIndex(0)
+ row.setPropertyValue( "BackTransparent", uno.Bool(0) )
+ row.setPropertyValue( "BackColor", 6710932 )
+ textColor = 16777215
+ insertTextIntoCell( table, "A1", "FirstColumn", textColor )
+ insertTextIntoCell( table, "B1", "SecondColumn", textColor )
+ insertTextIntoCell( table, "C1", "ThirdColumn", textColor )
+ insertTextIntoCell( table, "D1", "SUM", textColor )
+ values = ( (22.5,21.5,121.5),
+ (5615.3,615.3,-615.3),
+ (-2315.7,315.7,415.7) )
+ table.getCellByName("A2").setValue(22.5)
+ table.getCellByName("B2").setValue(5615.3)
+ table.getCellByName("C2").setValue(-2315.7)
+ table.getCellByName("D2").setFormula("sum <A2:C2>")
+ table.getCellByName("A3").setValue(21.5)
+ table.getCellByName("B3").setValue(615.3)
+ table.getCellByName("C3").setValue(-315.7)
+ table.getCellByName("D3").setFormula("sum <A3:C3>")
+ table.getCellByName("A4").setValue(121.5)
+ table.getCellByName("B4").setValue(-615.3)
+ table.getCellByName("C4").setValue(415.7)
+ table.getCellByName("D4").setFormula("sum <A4:C4>")
+ cursor.setPropertyValue( "CharColor", 255 )
+ cursor.setPropertyValue( "CharShadowed", uno.Bool(1) )
+ text.insertControlCharacter( cursor, PARAGRAPH_BREAK, 0 )
+ text.insertString( cursor, " This is a colored Text - blue with shadow\n" , 0 )
+ text.insertControlCharacter( cursor, PARAGRAPH_BREAK, 0 )
+ textFrame = doc.createInstance( "" )
+ textFrame.setSize( Size(15000,400))
+ textFrame.setPropertyValue( "AnchorType" , AS_CHARACTER )
+ text.insertTextContent( cursor, textFrame, 0 )
+ textInTextFrame = textFrame.getText()
+ cursorInTextFrame = textInTextFrame.createTextCursor()
+ textInTextFrame.insertString( cursorInTextFrame, "The first line in the newly created text frame.", 0 )
+ textInTextFrame.insertString( cursorInTextFrame, "\nWith this second line the height of the rame raises.",0)
+ text.insertControlCharacter( cursor, PARAGRAPH_BREAK, 0 )
+ cursor.setPropertyValue( "CharColor", 65536 )
+ cursor.setPropertyValue( "CharShadowed", uno.Bool(0) )
+ text.insertString( cursor, " That's all for now !!" , 0 )
+ return 0
+# pythonloader looks for a static g_ImplementationHelper variable
+g_ImplementationHelper = unohelper.ImplementationHelper()
+g_ImplementationHelper.addImplementation( \
+ SWriterComp,"org.openoffice.comp.pyuno.swriter",("org.openoffice.demo.SWriter",),)
diff --git a/pyuno/demo/ b/pyuno/demo/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1076a69eb9b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyuno/demo/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# instantiating
+import uno
+localContext = uno.getComponentContext()
+resolver = localContext.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext(
+ "", localContext )
+remoteContext = resolver.resolve( "uno:socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;StarOffice.ComponentContext" )
+remoteSmgr = remoteContext.ServiceManager
+pyComp = remoteSmgr.createInstanceWithContext( "org.openoffice.demo.SWriter" , remoteContext )
+ (), )