path: root/qadevOOo/tests/basic/ifc/accessibility/XAccessibleTable/accessibility_XAccessibleTable.xba
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Diffstat (limited to 'qadevOOo/tests/basic/ifc/accessibility/XAccessibleTable/accessibility_XAccessibleTable.xba')
1 files changed, 325 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/qadevOOo/tests/basic/ifc/accessibility/XAccessibleTable/accessibility_XAccessibleTable.xba b/qadevOOo/tests/basic/ifc/accessibility/XAccessibleTable/accessibility_XAccessibleTable.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0ab408e3f5d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qadevOOo/tests/basic/ifc/accessibility/XAccessibleTable/accessibility_XAccessibleTable.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="accessibility_XAccessibleTable" script:language="StarBasic">
+'* $RCSfile: accessibility_XAccessibleTable.xba,v $
+'* $Revision: 1.1 $
+'* last change:$Date: 2003-01-27 17:43:34 $
+'* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+'* either of the following licenses
+'* - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+'* - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+'* Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+'* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+'* =============================================
+'* Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+'* 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+'* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+'* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+'* License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+'* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+'* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+'* Lesser General Public License for more details.
+'* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+'* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+'* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+'* MA 02111-1307 USA
+'* Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+'* =================================================
+'* The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+'* Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+'* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+'* License at
+'* Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+'* See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+'* obligations concerning the Software.
+'* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+'* Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+'* All Rights Reserved.
+'* Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+' Be sure that all variables are dimensioned:
+option explicit
+Sub RunTest()
+On Error Goto ErrHndl
+ Dim bOK As Boolean
+ Dim implSel As Boolean
+ implSel = hasUNOInterfaces(oObj,"")
+ if (NOT implSel) then
+ Out.Log("!!! The component doesn't implement the interface XAccessibleSelection.")
+ Out.Log("!!! This interface is required for more detailed tests.")
+ End If
+ Test.StartMethod("getAccessibleRowCount()")
+ Dim rowCount As Long
+ bOK = true
+ rowCount = oObj.getAccessibleRowCount()
+ Out.Log("Accessible row count: "+rowCount)
+ Test.MethodTested("getAccessibleRowCount()",bOK)
+ Test.StartMethod("getAccessibleColumnCount()")
+ Dim colCount As Long
+ bOK = true
+ colCount = oObj.getAccessibleColumnCount()
+ Out.Log("Accessible column count: "+colCount)
+ Test.MethodTested("getAccessibleColumnCount()",bOK)
+ Test.StartMethod("getAccessibleRowDescription()")
+ Dim rowDescr As String
+ bOK = true
+ if (rowCount &gt; 0) then
+ rowDescr = oObj.getAccessibleRowDescription(rowCount - 1)
+ Out.Log("Row "+(rowCount-1)+" description: "+rowDescr)
+ bOK = bOK AND NOT isNull(rowDescr)
+ else
+ Out.Log("!!! RowCount is 0. Could not test this method.")
+ End If
+ Test.MethodTested("getAccessibleRowDescription()",bOK)
+ Test.StartMethod("getAccessibleColumnDescription()")
+ Dim colDescr As String
+ bOK = true
+ if (colCount &gt; 0) then
+ colDescr = oObj.getAccessibleRowDescription(colCount - 1)
+ Out.Log("Column "+(colCount-1)+" description: "+colDescr)
+ bOK = bOK AND NOT isNull(colDescr)
+ else
+ Out.Log("!!! ColumnCount is 0. Could not test this method.")
+ End If
+ Test.MethodTested("getAccessibleColumnDescription()",bOK)
+ Test.StartMethod("getAccessibleRowExtentAt()")
+ Dim ext As Long
+ bOK = true
+ ext = oObj.getAccessibleRowExtentAt(rowCount - 1, colCount - 1)
+ Out.Log(ext)
+ bOK = bOK AND (ext &gt;= 1)
+ Test.MethodTested("getAccessibleRowExtentAt()",bOK)
+ Test.StartMethod("getAccessibleColumnExtentAt()")
+ bOK = true
+ ext = oObj.getAccessibleColumnExtentAt(rowCount - 1, colCount - 1)
+ Out.Log(ext)
+ bOK = bOK AND (ext &gt;= 1)
+ Test.MethodTested("getAccessibleColumnExtentAt()",bOK)
+ Test.StartMethod("getAccessibleRowHeaders()")
+ Dim rowHeaders As Object
+ bOK = true
+ rowHeaders = oObj.getAccessibleRowHeaders()
+ bOK = bOK AND NOT isNull(rowHeaders)
+ Test.MethodTested("getAccessibleRowHeaders()",bOK)
+ Test.StartMethod("getAccessibleColumnHeaders()")
+ Dim colHeaders As Object
+ bOK = true
+ colHeaders = oObj.getAccessibleColumnHeaders()
+ bOK = bOK AND NOT isNull(colHeaders)
+ Test.MethodTested("getAccessibleColumnHeaders()",bOK)
+ Test.StartMethod("getSelectedAccessibleRows()")
+ Dim selRows As Variant
+ Dim elCount As Long, i As Integer
+ Dim locRes As Boolean
+ bOK = true
+ if implSel then
+ oObj.selectAllAccessible()
+ End If
+ selRows = oObj.getSelectedAccessibleRows()
+ elCount = ubound(selRows) - 1
+ Out.Log("Returned sequence has "+elCount+" elements")
+ if implSel then
+ bOK = bOK AND (elCount = rowCount)
+ else
+ bOK = bOK AND (elCount = 0)
+ End If
+ if (elCount &gt; 0) then
+ Out.Log("Checking that returned sequence is in ascending order")
+ End If
+ i = 1
+ while (i &lt; elCount)
+ locRes = (selRows(i) &gt;= selRows(i-1))
+ bOK = bOK AND locRes
+ if NOT locRes then
+ Out.Log("Element "+i+" : Returned sequence is not in accending order.")
+ break
+ End If
+ wend
+ Test.MethodTested("getSelectedAccessibleRows()",bOK)
+ Test.StartMethod("getSelectedAccessibleColumns()")
+ Dim selCols As Variant
+ bOK = true
+ selCols = oObj.getSelectedAccessibleRows()
+ elCount = ubound(selCols) - 1
+ Out.Log("Returned sequence has "+elCount+" elements")
+ if implSel then
+ bOK = bOK AND (elCount = colCount)
+ else
+ bOK = bOK AND (elCount = 0)
+ End If
+ if (elCount &gt; 0) then
+ Out.Log("Checking that returned sequence is in ascending order")
+ End If
+ i = 1
+ while (i &lt; elCount)
+ locRes = (selCols(i) &gt;= selCols(i-1))
+ bOK = bOK AND locRes
+ if NOT locRes then
+ Out.Log("Element "+i+" : Returned sequence is not in accending order.")
+ break
+ End If
+ wend
+ Test.MethodTested("getSelectedAccessibleColumns()",bOK)
+ Test.StartMethod("isAccessibleRowSelected()")
+ Dim mCount As Integer
+ bOK = true
+ locRes = true
+ if (rowCount &gt; 299) then
+ mCount = 299
+ else
+ mCount = rowCount - 1
+ End If
+ for i=0 to mCount
+ locRes = oObj.isAccessibleRowSelected(i)
+ if implSel then
+ bOK = bOK AND locRes
+ else
+ bOK = bOK AND NOT locRes
+ End If
+ next i
+ Out.Log("Checked "+i+" of "+rowCount+" rows.")
+ Test.MethodTested("isAccessibleRowSelected()",bOK)
+ Test.StartMethod("isAccessibleColumnSelected()")
+ bOK = true
+ locRes = true
+ if (colCount &gt; 299) then
+ mCount = 299
+ else
+ mCount = colCount - 1
+ End If
+ for i=0 to mCount
+ locRes = oObj.isAccessibleColumnSelected(i)
+ if implSel then
+ bOK = bOK AND locRes
+ else
+ bOK = bOK AND NOT locRes
+ End If
+ next i
+ Out.Log("Checked "+i+" of "+colCount+" columns.")
+ Test.MethodTested("isAccessibleColumnSelected()",bOK)
+ Test.StartMethod("getAccessibleCellAt()")
+ Dim xAccCell As Object
+ bOK = true
+ xAccCell = oObj.getAccessibleCellAt(rowCount - 1, colCount - 1)
+ bOK = bOK AND NOT isNull(xAccCell)
+ Test.MethodTested("getAccessibleCellAt()",bOK)
+ Test.StartMethod("getAccessibleCaption()")
+ Dim caption As Object
+ bOK = true
+ caption = oObj.getAccessibleCaption()
+ Test.MethodTested("getAccessibleCaption()",bOK)
+ Test.StartMethod("getAccessibleSummary()")
+ Dim summary As Object
+ bOK = true
+ summary = oObj.getAccessibleSummary()
+ Test.MethodTested("getAccessibleSummary()",bOK)
+ Test.StartMethod("isAccessibleSelected()")
+ bOK = true
+ locRes = oObj.isAccessibleSelected(rowCount - 1, colCount - 1)
+ if implSel then
+ bOK = bOK AND locRes
+ else
+ bOK = bOK AND NOT locRes
+ End If
+ Test.MethodTested("isAccessibleSelected()",bOK)
+ Test.StartMethod("getAccessibleIndex()")
+ Dim ind As Long, expIndex As Long
+ bOK = true
+ ind = oObj.getAccessibleIndex(rowCount - 1, colCount - 1)
+ Out.Log("AccessibleIndex is: "+ind)
+ if NOT isNull(xAccCell) then
+ expIndex = xAccCell.getAccessibleContext().getAccessibleIndexInParent()
+ Out.Log("Expected index is: "+expIndex)
+ bOK = bOK AND (ind = expIndex)
+ End If
+ Test.MethodTested("getAccessibleIndex()",bOK)
+ Test.StartMethod("getAccessibleRow()")
+ Dim rowIndex As Long
+ Dim chCount As Long
+ bOK = true
+ if hasUNOInterfaces(oObj,"") then
+ chCount = oObj.getAccessibleChildCount()
+ rowIndex = oObj.getAccessibleRow(chCount - 1)
+ bOK = bOK AND (rowIndex &gt;= 0) AND (rowIndex &lt;= rowCount)
+ End If
+ rowIndex = oObj.getAccessibleRow(0)
+ bOK = bOK AND (rowIndex &gt;= 0) AND (rowIndex &lt;= rowCount)
+ Test.MethodTested("getAccessibleRow()",bOK)
+ Test.StartMethod("getAccessibleColumn()")
+ Dim colIndex As Long
+ bOK = true
+ if hasUNOInterfaces(oObj,"") then
+ chCount = oObj.getAccessibleChildCount()
+ colIndex = oObj.getAccessibleColumn(chCount - 1)
+ bOK = bOK AND (colIndex &gt;= 0) AND (colIndex &lt;= colCount)
+ End If
+ colIndex = oObj.getAccessibleColumn(0)
+ bOK = bOK AND (colIndex &gt;= 0) AND (colIndex &lt;= colCount)
+ Test.MethodTested("getAccessibleColumn()",bOK)
+Exit Sub
+ Test.Exception()
+ bOK = false
+ resume next
+End Sub