path: root/registry/source/reflwrit.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'registry/source/reflwrit.cxx')
1 files changed, 1452 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/registry/source/reflwrit.cxx b/registry/source/reflwrit.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d8e1e2c74350
--- /dev/null
+++ b/registry/source/reflwrit.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1452 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: reflwrit.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 15:18:42 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include <osl/types.h>
+#include <rtl/alloc.h>
+#include <registry/reflwrit.hxx>
+#include "reflcnst.hxx"
+using namespace rtl;
+using namespace vos;
+#ifdef MAC
+#define strdup(str) strcpy((sal_Char*)malloc(strlen(str)+1),str)
+static sal_Char NULL_STRING[1] = { 0 };
+static sal_Unicode NULL_WSTRING[1] = { 0 };
+#if defined ( GCC ) && ( defined ( SCO ) || defined ( NETBSD ) || defined ( OS2 ) )
+ORealDynamicLoader* ODynamicLoader<RegistryTypeWriter_Api>::m_pLoader = NULL;
+#define BLOP_OFFSET_SIZE (BLOP_OFFSET_MAGIC + sizeof(sal_uInt32))
+#define BLOP_OFFSET_MINOR (BLOP_OFFSET_SIZE + sizeof(sal_uInt32))
+#define BLOP_OFFSET_MAJOR (BLOP_OFFSET_MINOR + sizeof(sal_uInt16))
+#define BLOP_OFFSET_TYPE_CLASS (BLOP_OFFSET_MAJOR + sizeof(sal_uInt16))
+#define BLOP_OFFSET_THIS (BLOP_OFFSET_TYPE_CLASS + sizeof(sal_uInt16))
+#define BLOP_OFFSET_SUPER (BLOP_OFFSET_THIS + sizeof(sal_uInt16))
+#define BLOP_OFFSET_UIK (BLOP_OFFSET_SUPER + sizeof(sal_uInt16))
+#define BLOP_OFFSET_DOKU (BLOP_OFFSET_UIK + sizeof(sal_uInt16))
+#define BLOP_OFFSET_FILENAME (BLOP_OFFSET_DOKU + sizeof(sal_uInt16))
+#define BLOP_HEADER_SIZE (BLOP_OFFSET_FILENAME + sizeof(sal_uInt16))
+#define BLOP_FIELD_ENTRY_TYPE (BLOP_FIELD_ENTRY_NAME + sizeof(sal_uInt16))
+#define BLOP_FIELD_ENTRY_VALUE (BLOP_FIELD_ENTRY_TYPE + sizeof(sal_uInt16))
+#define BLOP_FIELD_ENTRY_DOKU (BLOP_FIELD_ENTRY_VALUE + sizeof(sal_uInt16))
+#define BLOP_METHOD_MODE (BLOP_METHOD_SIZE + sizeof(sal_uInt16))
+#define BLOP_METHOD_NAME (BLOP_METHOD_MODE + sizeof(sal_uInt16))
+#define BLOP_METHOD_RETURN (BLOP_METHOD_NAME + sizeof(sal_uInt16))
+#define BLOP_METHOD_DOKU (BLOP_METHOD_RETURN + sizeof(sal_uInt16))
+#define BLOP_METHOD_HEADER_SIZE (BLOP_METHOD_DOKU + sizeof(sal_uInt16))
+#define BLOP_PARAM_TYPE 0
+#define BLOP_PARAM_MODE (BLOP_PARAM_TYPE + sizeof(sal_uInt16))
+#define BLOP_PARAM_NAME (BLOP_PARAM_MODE + sizeof(sal_uInt16))
+#define BLOP_PARAM_ENTRY_SIZE (BLOP_PARAM_NAME + sizeof(sal_uInt16))
+#define BLOP_REFERENCE_NAME (BLOP_REFERENCE_TYPE + sizeof(sal_uInt16))
+#define BLOP_REFERENCE_DOKU (BLOP_REFERENCE_NAME + sizeof(sal_uInt16))
+sal_uInt32 UINT16StringLen(const sal_uInt8* wstring)
+ if (!wstring) return 0;
+ const sal_uInt8* b = wstring;
+ while (b[0] || b[1]) b += sizeof(sal_uInt16);
+ return ((b - wstring) / sizeof(sal_uInt16));
+sal_uInt32 writeString(sal_uInt8* buffer, const sal_Unicode* v)
+ sal_uInt32 len = rtl_ustr_getLength(v) + 1;
+ sal_uInt32 i;
+ sal_uInt8* buff = buffer;
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
+ {
+ buff += writeUINT16(buff, (sal_uInt16) v[i]);
+ }
+ return (buff - buffer);
+sal_uInt32 readString(const sal_uInt8* buffer, sal_Unicode* v, sal_uInt32 maxSize)
+ sal_uInt32 len = VOS_MIN(UINT16StringLen(buffer) + 1, maxSize / 2);
+ sal_uInt32 i;
+ sal_uInt8* buff = (sal_uInt8*)buffer;
+ for (i = 0; i < (len - 1); i++)
+ {
+ sal_uInt16 aChar;
+ buff += readUINT16(buff, aChar);
+ v[i] = (sal_Unicode) aChar;
+ }
+ v[len - 1] = L'\0';
+ return (buff - ((sal_uInt8*)buffer));
+sal_uInt32 writeFloat(sal_uInt8* buffer, float v)
+ union
+ {
+ float v;
+ sal_uInt32 b;
+ } x;
+ x.v = v;
+ writeUINT32(buffer, x.b);
+# error no IEEE
+ return sizeof(sal_uInt32);
+sal_uInt32 readFloat(const sal_uInt8* buffer, float& v)
+ union
+ {
+ float v;
+ sal_uInt32 b;
+ } x;
+ readUINT32(buffer, x.b);
+# error no IEEE
+ v = x.v;
+ return sizeof(sal_uInt32);
+sal_uInt32 writeDouble(sal_uInt8* buffer, double v)
+ union
+ {
+ double v;
+ struct
+ {
+ sal_uInt32 b1;
+ sal_uInt32 b2;
+ } b;
+ } x;
+ x.v = v;
+ writeUINT32(buffer, x.b.b1);
+ writeUINT32(buffer + sizeof(sal_uInt32), x.b.b2);
+# else
+ writeUINT32(buffer, x.b.b2);
+ writeUINT32(buffer + sizeof(sal_uInt32), x.b.b1);
+# endif
+# error no IEEE
+ return (sizeof(sal_uInt32) + sizeof(sal_uInt32));
+sal_uInt32 readDouble(const sal_uInt8* buffer, double& v)
+ union
+ {
+ double v;
+ struct
+ {
+ sal_uInt32 b1;
+ sal_uInt32 b2;
+ } b;
+ } x;
+ readUINT32(buffer, x.b.b1);
+ readUINT32(buffer + sizeof(sal_uInt32), x.b.b2);
+# else
+ readUINT32(buffer, x.b.b2);
+ readUINT32(buffer + sizeof(sal_uInt32), x.b.b1);
+# endif
+# error no IEEE
+ v = x.v;
+ return (sizeof(sal_uInt32) + sizeof(sal_uInt32));
+ buffer write functions
+ struct CPInfo
+struct CPInfo
+ CPInfoTag m_tag;
+ union
+ {
+ const sal_Char* aUtf8;
+ RTUik* aUik;
+ RTConstValueUnion aConst;
+/* sal_Bool aBool;
+ sal_uInt8 aByte;
+ sal_Int16 aShort;
+ sal_uInt16 aUShort;
+ sal_Int32 aLong;
+ sal_uInt32 aULong;
+// INT64 aHyper;
+// UINT64 aUHyper;
+ float aFloat;
+ double aDouble;
+ const sal_Unicode* aString;*/
+ } m_value;
+ sal_uInt16 m_index;
+ struct CPInfo* m_next;
+ CPInfo(CPInfoTag tag, struct CPInfo* prev);
+ sal_uInt32 getBlopSize();
+ sal_uInt32 toBlop(sal_uInt8* buffer, sal_uInt32 maxLen);
+CPInfo::CPInfo(CPInfoTag tag, struct CPInfo* prev)
+ : m_tag(tag)
+ , m_index(0)
+ , m_next(NULL)
+ if (prev)
+ {
+ m_index = prev->m_index + 1;
+ prev->m_next = this;
+ }
+sal_uInt32 CPInfo::getBlopSize()
+ sal_uInt32 size = sizeof(sal_uInt16) /* size */ + sizeof(sal_uInt16) /* tag */;
+ switch (m_tag)
+ {
+ size += sizeof(sal_uInt8);
+ break;
+ size += sizeof(sal_uInt8);
+ break;
+ case CP_TAG_CONST_INT16:
+ size += sizeof(sal_Int16);
+ break;
+ size += sizeof(sal_uInt16);
+ break;
+ case CP_TAG_CONST_INT32:
+ size += sizeof(sal_Int32);
+ break;
+ size += sizeof(sal_uInt32);
+ break;
+ case CP_TAG_CONST_INT64:
+// size += sizeof(sal_Int64);
+ break;
+// size += sizeof(sal_uInt64);
+ break;
+ size += sizeof(sal_uInt32);
+ break;
+ size += sizeof(sal_uInt32) + sizeof(sal_uInt32);
+ break;
+ size += (rtl_ustr_getLength(m_value.aConst.aString) + 1) * sizeof(sal_uInt16);
+ break;
+ case CP_TAG_UTF8_NAME:
+ size += strlen(m_value.aUtf8) + 1;
+ break;
+ case CP_TAG_UIK:
+ size += sizeof(sal_uInt32) + sizeof(sal_uInt16) + sizeof(sal_uInt16) + sizeof(sal_uInt32) + sizeof(sal_uInt32);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return size;
+sal_uInt32 CPInfo::toBlop(sal_uInt8* buffer, sal_uInt32 maxLen)
+ sal_uInt8* buff = buffer;
+ buff += writeUINT16(buff, (sal_uInt16) getBlopSize());
+ buff += writeUINT16(buff, (sal_uInt16) m_tag);
+ switch (m_tag)
+ {
+ buff += writeBYTE(buff, (sal_uInt8) m_value.aConst.aBool);
+ break;
+ buff += writeBYTE(buff, m_value.aConst.aByte);
+ break;
+ case CP_TAG_CONST_INT16:
+ buff += writeINT16(buff, m_value.aConst.aShort);
+ break;
+ buff += writeINT16(buff, m_value.aConst.aUShort);
+ break;
+ case CP_TAG_CONST_INT32:
+ buff += writeINT32(buff, m_value.aConst.aLong);
+ break;
+ buff += writeUINT32(buff, m_value.aConst.aULong);
+ break;
+ case CP_TAG_CONST_INT64:
+// buff += writeUINT64(buff, m_value.aConst.aHyper);
+ break;
+// buff += writeUINT64(buff, m_value.aConst.aUHyper);
+ break;
+ buff += writeFloat(buff, m_value.aConst.aFloat);
+ break;
+ buff += writeDouble(buff, m_value.aConst.aDouble);
+ break;
+ buff += writeString(buff, m_value.aConst.aString);
+ break;
+ case CP_TAG_UTF8_NAME:
+ buff += writeUtf8(buff, m_value.aUtf8);
+ break;
+ case CP_TAG_UIK:
+ buff += writeUINT32(buff, m_value.aUik->m_Data1);
+ buff += writeUINT16(buff, m_value.aUik->m_Data2);
+ buff += writeUINT16(buff, m_value.aUik->m_Data3);
+ buff += writeUINT32(buff, m_value.aUik->m_Data4);
+ buff += writeUINT32(buff, m_value.aUik->m_Data5);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return (buff - buffer);
+ class FieldEntry
+class FieldEntry
+ OString m_name;
+ OString m_typeName;
+ OString m_doku;
+ OString m_fileName;
+ RTFieldAccess m_access;
+ RTValueType m_constValueType;
+ RTConstValueUnion m_constValue;
+ FieldEntry();
+ ~FieldEntry();
+ void setData(const OString& name,
+ const OString& typeName,
+ const OString& doku,
+ const OString& fileName,
+ RTFieldAccess access,
+ RTValueType constValueType,
+ RTConstValueUnion constValue);
+ : m_access(RT_ACCESS_INVALID)
+ , m_constValueType(RT_TYPE_NONE)
+ if (
+ (m_constValueType == RT_TYPE_STRING) &&
+ m_constValue.aString &&
+ (m_constValue.aString != NULL_WSTRING)
+ )
+ {
+ delete[] (sal_Unicode*)m_constValue.aString;
+ }
+void FieldEntry::setData(const OString& name,
+ const OString& typeName,
+ const OString& doku,
+ const OString& fileName,
+ RTFieldAccess access,
+ RTValueType constValueType,
+ RTConstValueUnion constValue)
+ m_name = name;
+ m_typeName = typeName;
+ m_doku = doku;
+ m_fileName = fileName;
+ if (
+ (m_constValueType == RT_TYPE_STRING) &&
+ m_constValue.aString &&
+ (m_constValue.aString != NULL_WSTRING)
+ )
+ {
+ delete[] (sal_Unicode*)m_constValue.aString;
+ }
+ m_access = access;
+ m_constValueType = constValueType;
+ if (m_constValueType == RT_TYPE_STRING)
+ {
+ if (constValue.aString == NULL)
+ m_constValue.aString = NULL_WSTRING;
+ else
+ {
+ sal_uInt32 len = rtl_ustr_getLength(constValue.aString);
+ m_constValue.aString = new sal_Unicode[len + 1];
+ rtl_copyMemory( (sal_Unicode*)m_constValue.aString, constValue.aString, (len+1) * sizeof(sal_Unicode) );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_constValue = constValue;
+ }
+ class ParamEntry
+class ParamEntry
+ OString m_typeName;
+ OString m_name;
+ RTParamMode m_mode;
+ ParamEntry();
+ ~ParamEntry();
+ void setData(const OString& typeName,
+ const OString& name,
+ RTParamMode mode);
+ : m_mode(RT_PARAM_INVALID)
+void ParamEntry::setData(const OString& typeName,
+ const OString& name,
+ RTParamMode mode)
+ m_name = name;
+ m_typeName = typeName;
+ m_mode = mode;
+ class ReferenceEntry
+class ReferenceEntry
+ OString m_name;
+ OString m_doku;
+ RTReferenceType m_type;
+ RTFieldAccess m_access;
+ ReferenceEntry();
+ ~ReferenceEntry();
+ void setData(const OString& name,
+ RTReferenceType refType,
+ const OString& doku,
+ RTFieldAccess access);
+ : m_type(RT_REF_INVALID)
+ , m_access(RT_ACCESS_INVALID)
+void ReferenceEntry::setData(const OString& name,
+ RTReferenceType refType,
+ const OString& doku,
+ RTFieldAccess access)
+ m_name = name;
+ m_doku = doku;
+ m_type = refType;
+ m_access = access;
+ class MethodEntry
+class MethodEntry
+ OString m_name;
+ OString m_returnTypeName;
+ RTMethodMode m_mode;
+ sal_uInt16 m_paramCount;
+ ParamEntry* m_params;
+ sal_uInt16 m_excCount;
+ OString* m_excNames;
+ OString m_doku;
+ MethodEntry();
+ ~MethodEntry();
+ void setData(const OString& name,
+ const OString& returnTypeName,
+ RTMethodMode mode,
+ sal_uInt16 paramCount,
+ sal_uInt16 excCount,
+ const OString& doku);
+ void setExcName(sal_uInt16 excIndex, const OString& name);
+ void reallocParams(sal_uInt16 size);
+ void reallocExcs(sal_uInt16 size);
+ : m_mode(RT_MODE_INVALID)
+ , m_paramCount(0)
+ , m_params(NULL)
+ , m_excCount(0)
+ , m_excNames(NULL)
+ if (m_params)
+ delete[] m_params;
+ if (m_excNames)
+ delete[] m_excNames;
+void MethodEntry::setData(const OString& name,
+ const OString& returnTypeName,
+ RTMethodMode mode,
+ sal_uInt16 paramCount,
+ sal_uInt16 excCount,
+ const OString& doku)
+ m_name = name;
+ m_returnTypeName = returnTypeName;
+ m_doku = doku;
+ m_mode = mode;
+ reallocParams(paramCount);
+ reallocExcs(excCount);
+void MethodEntry::setExcName(sal_uInt16 excIndex, const OString& name)
+ if (excIndex < m_excCount)
+ {
+ m_excNames[excIndex] = name;
+ }
+void MethodEntry::reallocParams(sal_uInt16 size)
+ ParamEntry* newParams;
+ if (size)
+ newParams = new ParamEntry[size];
+ else
+ newParams = NULL;
+ if (m_paramCount)
+ {
+ sal_uInt16 i;
+ for (i = 0; i < VOS_MIN(size, m_paramCount); i++)
+ {
+ newParams[i].setData(m_params[i].m_typeName, m_params[i].m_name, m_params[i].m_mode);
+ }
+ delete[] m_params;
+ }
+ m_paramCount = size;
+ m_params = newParams;
+void MethodEntry::reallocExcs(sal_uInt16 size)
+ OString* newExcNames;
+ if (size)
+ newExcNames = new OString[size];
+ else
+ newExcNames = NULL;
+ sal_uInt16 i;
+ for (i = 0; i < VOS_MIN(size, m_excCount); i++)
+ {
+ newExcNames[i] = m_excNames[i];
+ }
+ delete[] m_excNames;
+ m_excCount = size;
+ m_excNames = newExcNames;
+ class TypeRegistryEntry
+class TypeWriter
+ sal_uInt32 m_refCount;
+ RTTypeClass m_typeClass;
+ OString m_typeName;
+ OString m_superTypeName;
+ RTUik* m_pUik;
+ OString m_doku;
+ OString m_fileName;
+ sal_uInt16 m_fieldCount;
+ FieldEntry* m_fields;
+ sal_uInt16 m_methodCount;
+ MethodEntry* m_methods;
+ sal_uInt16 m_referenceCount;
+ ReferenceEntry* m_references;
+ sal_uInt8* m_blop;
+ sal_uInt32 m_blopSize;
+ TypeWriter(RTTypeClass RTTypeClass,
+ const OString& typeName,
+ const OString& superTypeName,
+ sal_uInt16 FieldCount,
+ sal_uInt16 methodCount,
+ sal_uInt16 referenceCount);
+ ~TypeWriter();
+ void createBlop();
+TypeWriter::TypeWriter(RTTypeClass RTTypeClass,
+ const OString& typeName,
+ const OString& superTypeName,
+ sal_uInt16 fieldCount,
+ sal_uInt16 methodCount,
+ sal_uInt16 referenceCount)
+ : m_refCount(1)
+ , m_typeClass(RTTypeClass)
+ , m_typeName(typeName)
+ , m_superTypeName(superTypeName)
+ , m_fieldCount(fieldCount)
+ , m_methodCount(methodCount)
+ , m_referenceCount(referenceCount)
+ , m_blop(NULL)
+ , m_blopSize(0)
+ , m_pUik(NULL)
+ if (m_fieldCount)
+ m_fields = new FieldEntry[fieldCount];
+ if (m_methodCount)
+ m_methods = new MethodEntry[methodCount];
+ if (m_referenceCount)
+ m_references = new ReferenceEntry[referenceCount];
+ if (m_blop)
+ delete[] m_blop;
+ if (m_fieldCount)
+ delete[] m_fields;
+ if (m_methodCount)
+ delete[] m_methods;
+ if (m_referenceCount)
+ delete[] m_references;
+ if (m_pUik)
+ delete m_pUik;
+void TypeWriter::createBlop()
+ sal_uInt8* pBlopFields = NULL;
+ sal_uInt8* pBlopMethods = NULL;
+ sal_uInt8* pBlopReferences = NULL;
+ sal_uInt8* pBuffer = NULL;
+ sal_uInt32 blopFieldsSize = 0;
+ sal_uInt32 blopMethodsSize = 0;
+ sal_uInt32 blopReferenceSize = 0;
+ sal_uInt16 i;
+ if (m_blop)
+ delete[] m_blop;
+ sal_uInt16 cpIndexThisName = 0;
+ sal_uInt16 cpIndexSuperName = 0;
+ sal_uInt16 cpIndexUik = 0;
+ sal_uInt16 cpIndexDoku = 0;
+ sal_uInt16 cpIndexFileName = 0;
+ CPInfo* pInfo = NULL;
+ m_blopSize = BLOP_HEADER_SIZE;
+ // create CP entry for this name
+ pInfo = new CPInfo(CP_TAG_UTF8_NAME, &root);
+ pInfo->m_value.aUtf8 = m_typeName.getStr();
+ cpIndexThisName = pInfo->m_index;
+ // create CP entry for super name
+ if (m_superTypeName.getLength())
+ {
+ pInfo = new CPInfo(CP_TAG_UTF8_NAME, pInfo);
+ pInfo->m_value.aUtf8 = m_superTypeName.getStr();
+ cpIndexSuperName = pInfo->m_index;
+ }
+ // create CP entry for uik
+ if (m_pUik != NULL)
+ {
+ pInfo = new CPInfo(CP_TAG_UIK, pInfo);
+ pInfo->m_value.aUik = m_pUik;
+ cpIndexUik = pInfo->m_index;
+ }
+ // create CP entry for doku
+ if (m_doku.getLength())
+ {
+ pInfo = new CPInfo(CP_TAG_UTF8_NAME, pInfo);
+ pInfo->m_value.aUtf8 = m_doku.getStr();
+ cpIndexDoku = pInfo->m_index;
+ }
+ // create CP entry for idl source filename
+ if (m_fileName.getLength())
+ {
+ pInfo = new CPInfo(CP_TAG_UTF8_NAME, pInfo);
+ pInfo->m_value.aUtf8 = m_fileName.getStr();
+ cpIndexFileName = pInfo->m_index;
+ }
+ // fields blop
+ m_blopSize += sizeof(sal_uInt16); // fieldCount
+ if (m_fieldCount)
+ {
+ sal_uInt16 cpIndexName = 0;
+ sal_uInt16 cpIndexTypeName = 0;
+ sal_uInt16 cpIndexValue = 0;
+ sal_uInt16 cpIndexDoku = 0;
+ sal_uInt16 cpIndexFileName = 0;
+ blopFieldsSize = m_fieldCount * BLOP_FIELD_ENTRY_SIZE;
+ m_blopSize += blopFieldsSize;
+ pBlopFields = new sal_uInt8[blopFieldsSize];
+ pBuffer = pBlopFields;
+ for (i = 0; i < m_fieldCount; i++)
+ {
+ cpIndexName = 0;
+ cpIndexTypeName = 0;
+ cpIndexValue = 0;
+ cpIndexDoku = 0;
+ cpIndexFileName = 0;
+ pBuffer += writeUINT16(pBuffer, m_fields[i].m_access);
+ if (m_fields[i].m_name.getLength())
+ {
+ pInfo = new CPInfo(CP_TAG_UTF8_NAME, pInfo);
+ pInfo->m_value.aUtf8 = m_fields[i].m_name.getStr();
+ cpIndexName = pInfo->m_index;
+ }
+ pBuffer += writeUINT16(pBuffer, cpIndexName);
+ if (m_fields[i].m_typeName.getLength())
+ {
+ pInfo = new CPInfo(CP_TAG_UTF8_NAME, pInfo);
+ pInfo->m_value.aUtf8 = m_fields[i].m_typeName.getStr();
+ cpIndexTypeName = pInfo->m_index;
+ }
+ pBuffer += writeUINT16(pBuffer, cpIndexTypeName);
+ if (m_fields[i].m_constValueType != RT_TYPE_NONE)
+ {
+ pInfo = new CPInfo((CPInfoTag)m_fields[i].m_constValueType, pInfo);
+ pInfo->m_value.aConst = m_fields[i].m_constValue;
+ cpIndexValue = pInfo->m_index;
+ }
+ pBuffer += writeUINT16(pBuffer, cpIndexValue);
+ if (m_fields[i].m_doku.getLength())
+ {
+ pInfo = new CPInfo(CP_TAG_UTF8_NAME, pInfo);
+ pInfo->m_value.aUtf8 = m_fields[i].m_doku.getStr();
+ cpIndexDoku = pInfo->m_index;
+ }
+ pBuffer += writeUINT16(pBuffer, cpIndexDoku);
+ if (m_fields[i].m_fileName.getLength())
+ {
+ pInfo = new CPInfo(CP_TAG_UTF8_NAME, pInfo);
+ pInfo->m_value.aUtf8 = m_fields[i].m_fileName.getStr();
+ cpIndexFileName = pInfo->m_index;
+ }
+ pBuffer += writeUINT16(pBuffer, cpIndexFileName);
+ }
+ }
+ // methods blop
+ m_blopSize += sizeof(sal_uInt16); // methodCount
+ if (m_methodCount)
+ {
+ sal_uInt16* pMethodEntrySize = new sal_uInt16[m_methodCount];
+ sal_uInt16 cpIndexName = 0;
+ sal_uInt16 cpIndexReturn = 0;
+ sal_uInt16 cpIndexDoku = 0;
+ blopMethodsSize = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < m_methodCount; i++)
+ {
+ pMethodEntrySize[i] =
+ sizeof(sal_uInt16) + // parameterCount
+ (m_methods[i].m_paramCount * BLOP_PARAM_ENTRY_SIZE) + // exceptions
+ sizeof(sal_uInt16) + // exceptionCount
+ (m_methods[i].m_excCount * sizeof(sal_uInt16)); // exceptions
+ blopMethodsSize += pMethodEntrySize[i];
+ }
+ pBlopMethods = new sal_uInt8[blopMethodsSize];
+ m_blopSize += blopMethodsSize;
+ pBuffer = pBlopMethods;
+ for (i = 0; i < m_methodCount; i++)
+ {
+ cpIndexReturn = 0;
+ cpIndexDoku = 0;
+ pBuffer += writeUINT16(pBuffer, pMethodEntrySize[i]);
+ pBuffer += writeUINT16(pBuffer, m_methods[i].m_mode);
+ if (m_methods[i].m_name.getLength())
+ {
+ pInfo = new CPInfo(CP_TAG_UTF8_NAME, pInfo);
+ pInfo->m_value.aUtf8 = m_methods[i].m_name.getStr();
+ cpIndexName = pInfo->m_index;
+ }
+ pBuffer += writeUINT16(pBuffer, cpIndexName);
+ cpIndexName = 0;
+ if (m_methods[i].m_returnTypeName.getLength())
+ {
+ pInfo = new CPInfo(CP_TAG_UTF8_NAME, pInfo);
+ pInfo->m_value.aUtf8 = m_methods[i].m_returnTypeName.getStr();
+ cpIndexReturn = pInfo->m_index;
+ }
+ pBuffer += writeUINT16(pBuffer, cpIndexReturn);
+ if (m_methods[i].m_doku.getLength())
+ {
+ pInfo = new CPInfo(CP_TAG_UTF8_NAME, pInfo);
+ pInfo->m_value.aUtf8 = m_methods[i].m_doku.getStr();
+ cpIndexDoku = pInfo->m_index;
+ }
+ pBuffer += writeUINT16(pBuffer, cpIndexDoku);
+ sal_uInt16 j;
+ pBuffer += writeUINT16(pBuffer, m_methods[i].m_paramCount);
+ for (j = 0; j < m_methods[i].m_paramCount; j++)
+ {
+ if (m_methods[i].m_params[j].m_typeName.getLength())
+ {
+ pInfo = new CPInfo(CP_TAG_UTF8_NAME, pInfo);
+ pInfo->m_value.aUtf8 = m_methods[i].m_params[j].m_typeName.getStr();
+ cpIndexName = pInfo->m_index;
+ }
+ pBuffer += writeUINT16(pBuffer, cpIndexName);
+ cpIndexName = 0;
+ pBuffer += writeUINT16(pBuffer, m_methods[i].m_params[j].m_mode);
+ if (m_methods[i].m_params[j].m_name.getLength())
+ {
+ pInfo = new CPInfo(CP_TAG_UTF8_NAME, pInfo);
+ pInfo->m_value.aUtf8 = m_methods[i].m_params[j].m_name.getStr();
+ cpIndexName = pInfo->m_index;
+ }
+ pBuffer += writeUINT16(pBuffer, cpIndexName);
+ cpIndexName = 0;
+ }
+ pBuffer += writeUINT16(pBuffer, m_methods[i].m_excCount);
+ for (j = 0; j < m_methods[i].m_excCount; j++)
+ {
+ if (m_methods[i].m_excNames[j].getLength())
+ {
+ pInfo = new CPInfo(CP_TAG_UTF8_NAME, pInfo);
+ pInfo->m_value.aUtf8 = m_methods[i].m_excNames[j].getStr();
+ cpIndexName = pInfo->m_index;
+ }
+ pBuffer += writeUINT16(pBuffer, cpIndexName);
+ cpIndexName = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ delete[] pMethodEntrySize;
+ }
+ // reference blop
+ m_blopSize += sizeof(sal_uInt16); // referenceCount
+ if (m_referenceCount)
+ {
+ sal_uInt16 cpIndexName = 0;
+ sal_uInt16 cpIndexDoku = 0;
+ blopReferenceSize = m_referenceCount * BLOP_REFERENCE_ENTRY_SIZE;
+ m_blopSize += blopReferenceSize;
+ pBlopReferences = new sal_uInt8[blopReferenceSize];
+ pBuffer = pBlopReferences;
+ for (i = 0; i < m_referenceCount; i++)
+ {
+ pBuffer += writeUINT16(pBuffer, m_references[i].m_type);
+ cpIndexName = 0;
+ cpIndexDoku = 0;
+ if (m_references[i].m_name.getLength())
+ {
+ pInfo = new CPInfo(CP_TAG_UTF8_NAME, pInfo);
+ pInfo->m_value.aUtf8 = m_references[i].m_name.getStr();
+ cpIndexName = pInfo->m_index;
+ }
+ pBuffer += writeUINT16(pBuffer, cpIndexName);
+ if (m_references[i].m_doku.getLength())
+ {
+ pInfo = new CPInfo(CP_TAG_UTF8_NAME, pInfo);
+ pInfo->m_value.aUtf8 = m_references[i].m_doku.getStr();
+ cpIndexDoku = pInfo->m_index;
+ }
+ pBuffer += writeUINT16(pBuffer, cpIndexDoku);
+ pBuffer += writeUINT16(pBuffer, m_references[i].m_access);
+ }
+ }
+ // CP infos blop-laenge holen
+ pInfo = root.m_next;
+ sal_uInt32 cpBlopSize = 0;
+ sal_uInt16 cpCount = 0;
+ while (pInfo)
+ {
+ cpBlopSize += pInfo->getBlopSize();
+ cpCount++;
+ pInfo = pInfo->m_next;
+ }
+ m_blopSize += cpBlopSize;
+ m_blopSize += sizeof(sal_uInt16); // constantPoolCount
+ // write all in flat buffer
+ m_blop = new sal_uInt8[m_blopSize];
+ pBuffer = m_blop;
+ pBuffer += writeUINT32(pBuffer, magic);
+ pBuffer += writeUINT32(pBuffer, m_blopSize);
+ pBuffer += writeUINT16(pBuffer, minorVersion);
+ pBuffer += writeUINT16(pBuffer, majorVersion);
+ pBuffer += writeUINT16(pBuffer, (sal_uInt16)m_typeClass);
+ pBuffer += writeUINT16(pBuffer, cpIndexThisName);
+ pBuffer += writeUINT16(pBuffer, cpIndexSuperName);
+ pBuffer += writeUINT16(pBuffer, cpIndexUik);
+ pBuffer += writeUINT16(pBuffer, cpIndexDoku);
+ pBuffer += writeUINT16(pBuffer, cpIndexFileName);
+ pBuffer += writeUINT16(pBuffer, cpCount);
+ // write and delete CP infos
+ pInfo = root.m_next;
+ while (pInfo)
+ {
+ CPInfo* pNextInfo = pInfo->m_next;
+ pBuffer += pInfo->toBlop(pBuffer, m_blopSize - (pBuffer - m_blop));
+ delete pInfo;
+ pInfo = pNextInfo;
+ }
+ // write fields
+ pBuffer += writeUINT16(pBuffer, m_fieldCount);
+ if (blopFieldsSize)
+ {
+ memcpy(pBuffer, pBlopFields, blopFieldsSize);
+ pBuffer += blopFieldsSize;
+ }
+ // write methods
+ pBuffer += writeUINT16(pBuffer, m_methodCount);
+ if (blopMethodsSize)
+ {
+ memcpy(pBuffer, pBlopMethods, blopMethodsSize);
+ pBuffer += blopMethodsSize;
+ }
+ // write references
+ pBuffer += writeUINT16(pBuffer, m_referenceCount);
+ if (blopReferenceSize)
+ {
+ memcpy(pBuffer, pBlopReferences, blopReferenceSize);
+ pBuffer += blopReferenceSize;
+ }
+ delete[] pBlopFields;
+ delete[] pBlopMethods;
+ delete[] pBlopReferences;
+static TypeWriterImpl TYPEREG_CALLTYPE createEntry(RTTypeClass RTTypeClass,
+ rtl_uString* typeName,
+ rtl_uString* superTypeName,
+ sal_uInt16 FieldCount,
+ sal_uInt16 methodCount,
+ sal_uInt16 referenceCount)
+ OString rTypeName, rSuperTypeName;
+ rtl_uString2String( &rTypeName.pData, typeName->buffer, typeName->length, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8, OUSTRING_TO_OSTRING_CVTFLAGS);
+ rtl_uString2String( &rSuperTypeName.pData, superTypeName->buffer, superTypeName->length, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8, OUSTRING_TO_OSTRING_CVTFLAGS);
+ return new TypeWriter(RTTypeClass,
+ rTypeName,
+ rSuperTypeName,
+ FieldCount,
+ methodCount,
+ referenceCount);
+static void TYPEREG_CALLTYPE acquire(TypeWriterImpl hEntry)
+ TypeWriter* pEntry = (TypeWriter*) hEntry;
+ if (pEntry != NULL)
+ pEntry->m_refCount++;
+static void TYPEREG_CALLTYPE release(TypeWriterImpl hEntry)
+ TypeWriter* pEntry = (TypeWriter*) hEntry;
+ if (pEntry != NULL)
+ {
+ if (--pEntry->m_refCount == 0)
+ delete pEntry;
+ }
+static void TYPEREG_CALLTYPE setUik(TypeWriterImpl hEntry, const RTUik* uik)
+ TypeWriter* pEntry = (TypeWriter*) hEntry;
+ if (pEntry != NULL)
+ {
+ if (pEntry->m_pUik)
+ {
+ pEntry->m_pUik->m_Data1 = uik->m_Data1;
+ pEntry->m_pUik->m_Data2 = uik->m_Data2;
+ pEntry->m_pUik->m_Data3 = uik->m_Data3;
+ pEntry->m_pUik->m_Data4 = uik->m_Data4;
+ pEntry->m_pUik->m_Data5 = uik->m_Data5;
+ }
+ else
+ pEntry->m_pUik = new RTUik(*uik);
+ }
+static void TYPEREG_CALLTYPE setDoku(TypeWriterImpl hEntry, rtl_uString* doku)
+ TypeWriter* pEntry = (TypeWriter*) hEntry;
+ if (pEntry != NULL)
+ {
+ if (doku)
+ {
+ OString rDoku;
+ rtl_uString2String( &rDoku.pData, doku->buffer, doku->length, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8, OUSTRING_TO_OSTRING_CVTFLAGS);
+ pEntry->m_doku = rDoku;
+ } else
+ {
+ pEntry->m_doku = NULL_STRING;
+ }
+ }
+static void TYPEREG_CALLTYPE setFileName(TypeWriterImpl hEntry, rtl_uString* fileName)
+ TypeWriter* pEntry = (TypeWriter*) hEntry;
+ if (pEntry != NULL)
+ {
+ if (fileName)
+ {
+ OString rFileName;
+ rtl_uString2String( &rFileName.pData, fileName->buffer, fileName->length, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8, OUSTRING_TO_OSTRING_CVTFLAGS);
+ pEntry->m_fileName = rFileName;
+ } else
+ {
+ pEntry->m_fileName = NULL_STRING;
+ }
+ }
+static void TYPEREG_CALLTYPE setFieldData(TypeWriterImpl hEntry,
+ sal_uInt16 index,
+ rtl_uString* name,
+ rtl_uString* typeName,
+ rtl_uString* doku,
+ rtl_uString* fileName,
+ RTFieldAccess access,
+ RTValueType valueType,
+ RTConstValueUnion constValue)
+ TypeWriter* pEntry = (TypeWriter*) hEntry;
+ if ((pEntry != NULL) && (index < pEntry->m_fieldCount))
+ {
+ OString rName, rTypeName, rDoku, rFileName;
+ rtl_uString2String( &rName.pData, name->buffer, name->length, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8, OUSTRING_TO_OSTRING_CVTFLAGS);
+ rtl_uString2String( &rTypeName.pData, typeName->buffer, typeName->length, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8, OUSTRING_TO_OSTRING_CVTFLAGS);
+ rtl_uString2String( &rDoku.pData, doku->buffer, doku->length, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8, OUSTRING_TO_OSTRING_CVTFLAGS);
+ rtl_uString2String( &rFileName.pData, fileName->buffer, fileName->length, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8, OUSTRING_TO_OSTRING_CVTFLAGS);
+ pEntry->m_fields[index].setData(rName, rTypeName, rDoku, rFileName, access, valueType, constValue);
+ }
+static void TYPEREG_CALLTYPE setMethodData(TypeWriterImpl hEntry,
+ sal_uInt16 index,
+ rtl_uString* name,
+ rtl_uString* returnTypeName,
+ RTMethodMode mode,
+ sal_uInt16 paramCount,
+ sal_uInt16 excCount,
+ rtl_uString* doku)
+ TypeWriter* pEntry = (TypeWriter*) hEntry;
+ if ((pEntry != NULL) && (index < pEntry->m_methodCount))
+ {
+ OString rName, rReturnTypeName, rDoku;
+ rtl_uString2String( &rName.pData, name->buffer, name->length, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8, OUSTRING_TO_OSTRING_CVTFLAGS);
+ rtl_uString2String( &rReturnTypeName.pData, returnTypeName->buffer, returnTypeName->length, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8, OUSTRING_TO_OSTRING_CVTFLAGS);
+ rtl_uString2String( &rDoku.pData, doku->buffer, doku->length, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8, OUSTRING_TO_OSTRING_CVTFLAGS);
+ pEntry->m_methods[index].setData(rName, rReturnTypeName, mode, paramCount, excCount, rDoku);
+ }
+static void TYPEREG_CALLTYPE setParamData(TypeWriterImpl hEntry,
+ sal_uInt16 index,
+ sal_uInt16 paramIndex,
+ rtl_uString* type,
+ rtl_uString* name,
+ RTParamMode mode)
+ TypeWriter* pEntry = (TypeWriter*) hEntry;
+ if ((pEntry != NULL) &&
+ (index < pEntry->m_methodCount) &&
+ (paramIndex < pEntry->m_methods[index].m_paramCount))
+ {
+ OString rName, rType;
+ rtl_uString2String( &rName.pData, name->buffer, name->length, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8, OUSTRING_TO_OSTRING_CVTFLAGS);
+ rtl_uString2String( &rType.pData, type->buffer, type->length, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8, OUSTRING_TO_OSTRING_CVTFLAGS);
+ pEntry->m_methods[index].m_params[paramIndex].setData(rType, rName, mode);
+ }
+static void TYPEREG_CALLTYPE setExcData(TypeWriterImpl hEntry,
+ sal_uInt16 index,
+ sal_uInt16 excIndex,
+ rtl_uString* type)
+ TypeWriter* pEntry = (TypeWriter*) hEntry;
+ if ((pEntry != NULL) && (index < pEntry->m_methodCount))
+ {
+ OString rType;
+ rtl_uString2String( &rType.pData, type->buffer, type->length, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8, OUSTRING_TO_OSTRING_CVTFLAGS);
+ pEntry->m_methods[index].setExcName(excIndex, rType);
+ }
+static const sal_uInt8* TYPEREG_CALLTYPE getBlop(TypeWriterImpl hEntry)
+ const sal_uInt8* blop = NULL;
+ TypeWriter* pEntry = (TypeWriter*) hEntry;
+ if (pEntry != NULL)
+ {
+ if (!pEntry->m_blop)
+ pEntry->createBlop();
+ blop = pEntry->m_blop;
+ }
+ return blop;
+static sal_uInt32 TYPEREG_CALLTYPE getBlopSize(TypeWriterImpl hEntry)
+ sal_uInt32 aSize = 0;
+ TypeWriter* pEntry = (TypeWriter*) hEntry;
+ if (pEntry != NULL)
+ {
+ if (!pEntry->m_blop)
+ pEntry->createBlop();
+ aSize = pEntry->m_blopSize;
+ }
+ return aSize;
+static void TYPEREG_CALLTYPE setReferenceData(TypeWriterImpl hEntry,
+ sal_uInt16 index,
+ rtl_uString* name,
+ RTReferenceType refType,
+ rtl_uString* doku,
+ RTFieldAccess access)
+ TypeWriter* pEntry = (TypeWriter*) hEntry;
+ if ((pEntry != NULL) && (index < pEntry->m_referenceCount))
+ {
+ OString rName, rDoku;
+ rtl_uString2String( &rName.pData, name->buffer, name->length, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8, OUSTRING_TO_OSTRING_CVTFLAGS);
+ rtl_uString2String( &rDoku.pData, doku->buffer, doku->length, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8, OUSTRING_TO_OSTRING_CVTFLAGS);
+ pEntry->m_references[index].setData(rName,
+ refType,
+ rDoku,
+ access);
+ }
+extern "C" RegistryTypeWriter_Api* TYPEREG_CALLTYPE initRegistryTypeWriter_Api(void)
+ static RegistryTypeWriter_Api aApi= {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
+ if (!aApi.acquire)
+ {
+ aApi.createEntry = &createEntry;
+ aApi.acquire = &acquire;
+ aApi.release = &release;
+ aApi.setUik = &setUik;
+ aApi.setDoku = &setDoku;
+ aApi.setFileName = &setFileName;
+ aApi.setFieldData = &setFieldData;
+ aApi.setMethodData = &setMethodData;
+ aApi.setParamData = &setParamData;
+ aApi.setExcData = &setExcData;
+ aApi.getBlop = &getBlop;
+ aApi.getBlopSize = &getBlopSize;
+ aApi.setReferenceData = &setReferenceData;
+ return (&aApi);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return (&aApi);
+ }