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2 files changed, 20 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/rsc/inc/rscdef.hxx b/rsc/inc/rscdef.hxx
index 9ab81be6f460..a07f5a1c1ac4 100644
--- a/rsc/inc/rscdef.hxx
+++ b/rsc/inc/rscdef.hxx
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: rscdef.hxx,v $
- * $Revision: 1.2 $
+ * $Revision: 1.3 $
- * last change: $Author: pl $ $Date: 2001-10-10 11:51:13 $
+ * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2004-06-17 11:49:36 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
@@ -96,16 +96,16 @@ public:
BOOL IsExpression()const { return( RSCEXP_EXP == cType ); }
BOOL IsDefinition()const { return( RSCEXP_DEF == cType ); }
BOOL IsNothing() const { return( RSCEXP_NOTHING == cType ); }
- void SetLong( long lValue ){
+ void SetLong( INT32 lValue ){
aExp.aLong.nHi = (short)(lValue >> 16);
aExp.aLong.nLo = (USHORT)lValue;
- long GetLong() const{
+ INT32 GetLong() const{
return aExp.aLong.nLo |
- ((long)aExp.aLong.nHi << 16);
+ ((INT32)aExp.aLong.nHi << 16);
- BOOL Evaluate( long * pValue ) const;
+ BOOL Evaluate( INT32 * pValue ) const;
void GetMacro( ByteString & ) const;
@@ -115,14 +115,14 @@ class RscId
static BOOL bNames;// FALSE, bei den Namenoperation nur Zahlen
RscExpType aExp; // Zahl, Define oder Ausdruck
- long GetNumber() const;
+ INT32 GetNumber() const;
void Create( const RscExpType & rExpType );
void Create(){ aExp.cType = RSCEXP_NOTHING; }
RscId() { Create(); }
RscId( RscDefine * pEle );
- RscId( long lNumber )
+ RscId( INT32 lNumber )
{ aExp.SetLong( lNumber ); }
RscId( const RscExpType & rExpType )
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ public:
static BOOL IsSetNames();
static void SetNames( BOOL bSet = TRUE );
- operator long() const; // Gibt Nummer zurueck
+ operator INT32() const; // Gibt Nummer zurueck
ByteString GetName() const; // Gibt den Namen des Defines zurueck
ByteString GetMacro() const; // Gibt das Macro zurueck
BOOL operator < ( const RscId& rRscId ) const;
@@ -163,12 +163,12 @@ friend class RscExpression;
friend class RscId;
ULONG lFileKey; // zu welcher Datei gehoert das Define
USHORT nRefCount; // Wieviele Referenzen auf dieses Objekt
- long lId; // Identifier
+ INT32 lId; // Identifier
RscExpression * pExp; // Ausdruck
RscDefine( ULONG lFileKey, const ByteString & rDefName,
- long lDefId );
+ INT32 lDefId );
RscDefine( ULONG lFileKey, const ByteString & rDefName,
RscExpression * pExpression );
@@ -178,12 +178,12 @@ protected:
void DefineToNumber();
void SetName( const ByteString & rNewName ){ aName = rNewName; }
void ChangeMacro( RscExpression * pExpression );
- void ChangeMacro( long lIdentifier );
+ void ChangeMacro( INT32 lIdentifier );
RscDefine * Search( const char * );
ULONG GetFileKey() const { return lFileKey; }
BOOL Evaluate();
- long GetNumber() const { return lId; }
+ INT32 GetNumber() const { return lId; }
ByteString GetMacro();
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ friend class RscFileTab;
// pExpression wird auf jedenfall Eigentum der Liste
RscDefine * New( ULONG lFileKey, const ByteString & rDefName,
- long lDefId, ULONG lPos );
+ INT32 lDefId, ULONG lPos );
RscDefine * New( ULONG lFileKey, const ByteString & rDefName,
RscExpression * pExpression, ULONG lPos );
BOOL Befor( const RscDefine * pFree, const RscDefine * pDepend );
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ public:
RscExpression( RscExpType aLE, char cOp,
RscExpType aRE );
- BOOL Evaluate( long * pValue );
+ BOOL Evaluate( INT32 * pValue );
ByteString GetMacro();
@@ -285,11 +285,11 @@ public:
const RscExpression * pExpDec );
RscDefine * NewDef( ULONG lKey, const ByteString & rDefName,
- long lId, ULONG lPos );
+ INT32 lId, ULONG lPos );
RscDefine * NewDef( ULONG lKey, const ByteString & rDefName,
RscExpression *, ULONG lPos );
- BOOL ChangeDef( const ByteString & rDefName, long lId );
+ BOOL ChangeDef( const ByteString & rDefName, INT32 lId );
BOOL ChangeDef( const ByteString & rDefName, RscExpression * );
BOOL IsDefUsed( const ByteString & );
diff --git a/rsc/inc/rscflag.hxx b/rsc/inc/rscflag.hxx
index 8d4ada02c6f0..ce0a1d2df49a 100644
--- a/rsc/inc/rscflag.hxx
+++ b/rsc/inc/rscflag.hxx
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: rscflag.hxx,v $
- * $Revision: 1.2 $
+ * $Revision: 1.3 $
- * last change: $Author: pl $ $Date: 2001-10-10 11:51:13 $
+ * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2004-06-17 11:49:51 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ public:
HASHID nConstId );
ERRTYPE SetConst( const RSCINST & rInst, HASHID nValueId,
- long nValue );
+ INT32 nValue );
ERRTYPE SetNotConst( const RSCINST & rInst, HASHID nConstId );
void WriteSrc( const RSCINST & rInst, FILE * fOutput,
RscTypCont * pTC, USHORT nTab, const char * );