path: root/sal/qa/helper/gcov/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sal/qa/helper/gcov/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 442 deletions
diff --git a/sal/qa/helper/gcov/ b/sal/qa/helper/gcov/
deleted file mode 100644
index c5373c0468e3..000000000000
--- a/sal/qa/helper/gcov/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,442 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl -w
-# This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at
-# This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
-# with this work for additional information regarding copyright
-# ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
-# License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-# the License at .
-# Helper to filter the gcov output.
-# Handle a compare between the hole gcov output and a given select list of exported functions.
-# Q: Why perl?
-# A: regexp ;-)
-use strict;
-use File::Basename;
-use Getopt::Long;
-# Global constants
-our $version_info = 'gcov helper: 1.4 ';
-our $help; # Help option flag
-our $version; # Version option flag
-our $cwd = `pwd`; # current working directory
-# our $tool_dir = dirname($0);
-# our $tool_file = basename($0);
-# our $output_filename;
-our $input_allfunc;
-# our $input_filename;
-our $allfuncinfo; # allfuncinfo option flag
-our $showallfunc; # showallfunc option flag
-our $no_percentage; # no_percentage option flag
-our $donotfilter; # donotfilter option flag
-our $objectdir;
-# Prototypes
-sub print_usage(*);
-sub read_gcov_function_file($);
-sub get_PRJ_from_makefile_mk();
-# sub read_ExportedFunctionList();
-sub read_List($);
-# if (! ($tool_dir =~ /^\/(.*)$/))
-# {
-# $tool_dir = "$cwd/$tool_dir";
-# }
-# Parse command line options
-if (!GetOptions( "input-allfunc=s" => \$input_allfunc,
- "allfuncinfo" => \$allfuncinfo,
- "showallfunc" => \$showallfunc,
- "no-percentage" => \$no_percentage,
- "do-not-filter" => \$donotfilter,
- "objectdir=s" => \$objectdir,
- "help" => \$help,
- "version" => \$version
- ))
- print_usage(*STDERR);
- exit(1);
-# Check for help option
-if ($help)
- print_usage(*STDOUT);
- exit(0);
-# Check for version option
-if ($version)
- print("$version_info\n");
- exit(0);
-# check if enough parameters
-if ($#ARGV < 0)
- print("No input filename specified\n");
- print_usage(*STDERR);
- exit(1);
-# special case:
-# the filename contains a . or '/' at the beginning
-my $startdir = $ARGV[0];
-if ( ($startdir =~ /^\.\./) ||
- ($startdir =~ /^\//) )
- $startdir = dirname($startdir);
- # print("start directory is $startdir\n");
- # chdir $startdir;
- $startdir = "";
-# check for
-if ( ! $input_allfunc )
- # this is a try, to get the project directory form a found
- # may work, but fails due to some disunderstandings may be problems in perl :-(
- my $sDir = get_PRJ_from_makefile_mk();
- # chomp($sDir);
- # HDW: print("PRJ is $dir\n");
- # $sDir2 = "../..";
- my $sMapFile = "$sDir" . "/util/";
- # $sMapFile = "$sDir2" . "/util/";
- if ( -e $sMapFile)
- {
- $input_allfunc = $sMapFile;
- }
- else
- {
- print("No input-allfunc filename specified\n");
- print_usage(*STDERR);
- exit(1);
- }
-our @aDeprecatedList;
-our @aExportedFunctionList;
-# read_ExportedFunctionList();
-@aExportedFunctionList = read_List($input_allfunc);
-@aDeprecatedList = read_List("deprecated.txt");
-if ($allfuncinfo)
- print("Count of all functions: $#aExportedFunctionList\n");
- exit(0);
-if ($showallfunc)
- my $func;
- foreach $func (@aExportedFunctionList)
- {
- print("$func\n");
- }
- exit(0);
-# back to current directory
-# this chdir was for a before chdir (in $startdir creation) but due to the fact,
-# that the get_PRJ_from_makefile_mk works but the after concat of strings not, this
-# chdir is also remarked.
-# chdir $cwd;
-# HWD: print "count of param: \n";
-# $input_filename = $ARGV[0];
-my $nCount = $#ARGV + 1;
-my $nIdx;
-for ($nIdx = 0; $nIdx < $nCount ; ++$nIdx)
- my $file = $ARGV[$nIdx];
- # print("processing: $file\n");
- # change directory, to the current file, due to the fact, that we may be need to call gcov
- # and gcov will create some extra files, like *.gcov near the current file.
- # if ( $startdir ne "" )
- # {
- # chdir $startdir;
- # $file = basename($file);
- # }
- my $OBJECTS="";
- if ($objectdir)
- {
- $OBJECTS = "-o " . $objectdir;
- }
- if (! ($file =~ /\.f$/ ))
- {
- my $filef = "$file.f";
- # if (! -e $filef )
- # {
- # print "gcov $OBJECTS -l -f $file >$filef\n";
- my $blah = `gcov $OBJECTS -n -f $file >$filef`;
- # }
- $file = $filef;
- }
- read_gcov_function_file($file);
- # go back to old directory, because it's possible to change relative to an other directory.
- if ( $startdir ne "" )
- {
- chdir $cwd;
- }
-# print "$tool_dir\n";
-# print "all is right\n";
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Read the map file, which should contain all exported functions.
-sub read_List($)
- local *INPUT_HANDLE;
- my $filename = $_[0];
- my @list;
- my $line = "";
- open(INPUT_HANDLE, $filename);
- # or die("ERROR: cannot open $filename!\n");
- while ($line = <INPUT_HANDLE>)
- {
- chomp($line);
- # reg exp: [spaces]functionname[semicolon][line end]
- if ($line =~ /^\s+(\w*);$/)
- {
- # print("$1\n");
- push(@list, $1);
- }
- }
- close(INPUT_HANDLE);
- return @list;
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Helper function, test is a given value is found in the global exported function list.
-# the given value format could be a simple function name
-# or a prototype
-# e.g.
-# osl_getSystemPathFromFileURL
-# or
-# void getSystemPathFromFileURL( const char* rtl_...)
-sub contain_in_List($$)
- my $func;
- my $value = $_[0];
- my $list = $_[1];
- if ($donotfilter)
- {
- return $value;
- }
- foreach $func (@$list) # (@aExportedFunctionList)
- {
- # first try, direct check
- if ($value eq $func)
- {
- # HWD: print("$value eq $func\n");
- return $value;
- }
- # value not found, second try, may be we found it if we search word wise.
- # helper, to insert a space after the word, before '('
- $value =~ s/\(/ \(/g;
- # may be here we should replace all white spaces by ' '
- # split by 'space'
- my @list = split(' ', $value);
- for(@list)
- {
- # HWD: print "$list[$n]\n";
- if ($_ eq $func)
- {
- # HWD: print ("found $func in $value\n");
- return $_;
- }
- }
- }
- # not found
- return "";
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Read the gcov function (gcov -f) file
-# and compare line by line with the export function list
-# so we get a list of functions, which are only exported, and not all stuff.
-# sample of output
-# new gcov gcc 3.4 format
-sub read_gcov_function_file($)
- local *INPUT_HANDLE;
- my $file = $_[0];
- my $line = "";
- open(INPUT_HANDLE, $file)
- or die("ERROR: cannot open $file!\n");
- while ($line = <INPUT_HANDLE>)
- {
- chomp($line);
- # sample line (for reg exp:)
- # 100.00% of 3 source lines executed in function osl_thread_init_Impl
- if ($line =~ /^Function \`(.*)\'$/ )
- {
- my $sFunctionName = $1;
- my $sPercentage;
- $line = <INPUT_HANDLE>;
- if ($line =~ /^Lines executed:(.*)% of/ )
- {
- $sPercentage = $1;
- }
- my $value = contain_in_List( $sFunctionName, \@aExportedFunctionList );
- if ($value)
- {
- my $isDeprecated = contain_in_List( $sFunctionName, \@aDeprecatedList );
- if ($isDeprecated)
- {
- # Function is deprecated, do not export it.
- }
- else
- {
- if ($no_percentage)
- {
- print("$value\n");
- }
- else
- {
- print("$sPercentage $value\n");
- }
- }
- }
- # push(@aExportedFunctionList, $1);
- }
- }
- close(INPUT_HANDLE);
-# gcov format since gcc 3.3.6
-# 100.00% von 3 Zeilen in function helloworld ausgefhrt
-# 100.00% von 5 Zeilen in function main ausgefhrt
-# 100.00% von 8 Zeilen in file tmp.c ausgefhrt
-sub read_gcov_function_file_old_gcc_3($)
- local *INPUT_HANDLE;
- my $file = $_[0];
- my $line = "";
- open(INPUT_HANDLE, $file)
- or die("ERROR: cannot open $file!\n");
- while ($line = <INPUT_HANDLE>)
- {
- chomp($line);
- # sample line (for reg exp:)
- # 100.00% of 3 source lines executed in function osl_thread_init_Impl
- if ($line =~ /^(.*)% of \d+ source lines executed in function (.*)$/ )
- {
- my $value = contain_in_List( $2, \@aExportedFunctionList );
- if ($value)
- {
- my $isDeprecated = contain_in_List( $2, \@aDeprecatedList );
- if ($isDeprecated)
- {
- # Function is deprecated, do not export it.
- }
- else
- {
- if ($no_percentage)
- {
- print("$value\n");
- }
- else
- {
- print("$1 $value\n");
- }
- }
- }
- # push(@aExportedFunctionList, $1);
- }
- }
- close(INPUT_HANDLE);
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# helper, to read the PRJ value out of a file
-sub get_PRJ_from_makefile_mk()
- local *INPUT_HANDLE;
- # my $startdir = @_[0];
- my $line = "";
- my $value = "";
- open(INPUT_HANDLE, "")
- or die("ERROR: cannot open\n");
- while ($line = <INPUT_HANDLE>)
- {
- chomp($line);
- # sample line
- # PRJ=
- # HWD: print("$line\n");
- if ($line =~ /^PRJ\s*=(.*)\s*$/)
- {
- # HWD: print("FOUND #####\n");
- $value = $1;
- chomp($value);
- $value =~ s/\$\//\//g;
- }
- }
- close(INPUT_HANDLE);
- return $value;
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sub print_usage(*)
- local *HANDLE = $_[0];
- my $tool_name = basename($0);
-Usage: $tool_name [OPTIONS] INPUTFILE
- -h, --help Print this help, then exit
- -v, --version Print version number, then exit
- -i, --input-allfunc FILENAME Map file, which contain all exported functions
- -s, --showallfunc Shows all exported functions then exit
- -a, --allfuncinfo Shows the count of all exported functions then quit
- -n, --no-percentage Suppress the output of the percent value for tested functions
- -d, --do-not-filter Show all functions, which gcov -f produce
- ;