path: root/sal/rtl/bootstrap.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sal/rtl/bootstrap.cxx')
1 files changed, 1077 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sal/rtl/bootstrap.cxx b/sal/rtl/bootstrap.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..84d1b58b450b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sal/rtl/bootstrap.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1077 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
+ * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at
+ *
+ * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
+ *
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
+ * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
+ * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
+ * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at .
+ */
+#include "rtl/bootstrap.h"
+#include "rtl/bootstrap.hxx"
+#include <osl/diagnose.h>
+#include <osl/module.h>
+#include <osl/process.h>
+#include <osl/file.hxx>
+#include <osl/mutex.hxx>
+#include <osl/profile.hxx>
+#include <osl/security.hxx>
+#include <rtl/alloc.h>
+#include <rtl/string.hxx>
+#include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
+#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
+#include <rtl/byteseq.hxx>
+#include <rtl/instance.hxx>
+#include <rtl/malformeduriexception.hxx>
+#include <rtl/uri.hxx>
+#include "rtl/allocator.hxx"
+#include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
+#include <list>
+#ifdef ANDROID
+#include <osl/detail/android-bootstrap.h>
+#ifdef IOS
+#include <premac.h>
+#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
+#include <postmac.h>
+using osl::DirectoryItem;
+using osl::FileStatus;
+using rtl::OString;
+using rtl::OUString;
+using rtl::OUStringToOString;
+struct Bootstrap_Impl;
+namespace {
+static char const VND_SUN_STAR_PATHNAME[] = "";
+bool isPathnameUrl(rtl::OUString const & url) {
+ return url.matchIgnoreAsciiCaseAsciiL(
+bool resolvePathnameUrl(rtl::OUString * url) {
+ OSL_ASSERT(url != NULL);
+ if (!isPathnameUrl(*url) ||
+ (osl::FileBase::getFileURLFromSystemPath(
+ osl::FileBase::E_None))
+ {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ *url = rtl::OUString();
+ return false;
+ }
+enum LookupMode {
+struct ExpandRequestLink {
+ ExpandRequestLink const * next;
+ Bootstrap_Impl const * file;
+ rtl::OUString key;
+rtl::OUString expandMacros(
+ Bootstrap_Impl const * file, rtl::OUString const & text, LookupMode mode,
+ ExpandRequestLink const * requestStack);
+rtl::OUString recursivelyExpandMacros(
+ Bootstrap_Impl const * file, rtl::OUString const & text, LookupMode mode,
+ Bootstrap_Impl const * requestFile, rtl::OUString const & requestKey,
+ ExpandRequestLink const * requestStack)
+ for (; requestStack != NULL; requestStack = requestStack->next) {
+ if (requestStack->file == requestFile &&
+ requestStack->key == requestKey)
+ {
+ return rtl::OUString(
+ }
+ }
+ ExpandRequestLink link = { requestStack, requestFile, requestKey };
+ return expandMacros(file, text, mode, &link);
+struct rtl_bootstrap_NameValue
+ OUString sName;
+ OUString sValue;
+ inline rtl_bootstrap_NameValue() SAL_THROW( () )
+ {}
+ inline rtl_bootstrap_NameValue(
+ OUString const & name, OUString const & value ) SAL_THROW( () )
+ : sName( name ),
+ sValue( value )
+ {}
+typedef std::list<
+ rtl_bootstrap_NameValue,
+ rtl::Allocator< rtl_bootstrap_NameValue >
+> NameValueList;
+bool find(
+ NameValueList const & list, rtl::OUString const & key,
+ rtl::OUString * value)
+ OSL_ASSERT(value != NULL);
+ for (NameValueList::const_iterator i(list.begin()); i != list.end(); ++i) {
+ if (i->sName == key) {
+ *value = i->sValue;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+namespace {
+ struct rtl_bootstrap_set_list :
+ public rtl::Static< NameValueList, rtl_bootstrap_set_list > {};
+static sal_Bool getFromCommandLineArgs(
+ rtl::OUString const & key, rtl::OUString * value )
+ OSL_ASSERT(value != NULL);
+ static NameValueList *pNameValueList = 0;
+ if( ! pNameValueList )
+ {
+ static NameValueList nameValueList;
+ sal_Int32 nArgCount = osl_getCommandArgCount();
+ for(sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nArgCount; ++ i)
+ {
+ rtl_uString *pArg = 0;
+ osl_getCommandArg( i, &pArg );
+ if( ('-' == pArg->buffer[0] || '/' == pArg->buffer[0] ) &&
+ 'e' == pArg->buffer[1] &&
+ 'n' == pArg->buffer[2] &&
+ 'v' == pArg->buffer[3] &&
+ ':' == pArg->buffer[4] )
+ {
+ sal_Int32 nIndex = rtl_ustr_indexOfChar( pArg->buffer, '=' );
+ if( nIndex >= 0 )
+ {
+ rtl_bootstrap_NameValue nameValue;
+ nameValue.sName = OUString( &(pArg->buffer[5]), nIndex - 5 );
+ nameValue.sValue = OUString( &(pArg->buffer[nIndex+1]) );
+ if( i == nArgCount-1 &&
+ nameValue.sValue.getLength() &&
+ nameValue.sValue[nameValue.sValue.getLength()-1] == 13 )
+ {
+ // avoid the 13 linefeed for the last argument,
+ // when the executable is started from a script,
+ // that was edited on windows
+ nameValue.sValue = nameValue.sValue.copy(0,nameValue.sValue.getLength()-1);
+ }
+ nameValueList.push_back( nameValue );
+ }
+ }
+ rtl_uString_release( pArg );
+ }
+ pNameValueList = &nameValueList;
+ }
+ sal_Bool found = sal_False;
+ for( NameValueList::iterator ii = pNameValueList->begin() ;
+ ii != pNameValueList->end() ;
+ ++ii )
+ {
+ if( (*ii).sName.equals(key) )
+ {
+ *value = (*ii).sValue;
+ found = sal_True;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return found;
+extern "C" oslProcessError SAL_CALL osl_bootstrap_getExecutableFile_Impl (
+ rtl_uString ** ppFileURL) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C();
+inline void getExecutableFile_Impl (rtl_uString ** ppFileURL)
+ osl_bootstrap_getExecutableFile_Impl (ppFileURL);
+static void getExecutableDirectory_Impl (rtl_uString ** ppDirURL)
+ OUString fileName;
+ getExecutableFile_Impl (&(fileName.pData));
+ sal_Int32 nDirEnd = fileName.lastIndexOf('/');
+ OSL_ENSURE(nDirEnd >= 0, "Cannot locate executable directory");
+ rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppDirURL,fileName.getStr(),nDirEnd);
+static OUString & getIniFileName_Impl()
+ osl::MutexGuard guard( osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex() );
+ static OUString *pStaticName = 0;
+ if( ! pStaticName )
+ {
+ OUString fileName;
+#if defined IOS
+ // On iOS hardcode the inifile as "rc" in the .app
+ // directory. Apps are self-contained anyway, there is no
+ // possibility to have several "applications" in the same
+ // installation location with different inifiles.
+ const char *inifile = [[@"" stringByAppendingString: [[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath] stringByAppendingPathComponent: @"rc"]] UTF8String];
+ fileName = rtl::OUString(inifile, strlen(inifile), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
+ resolvePathnameUrl(&fileName);
+#elif defined ANDROID
+ // Apps are self-contained on Android, too, can as well hardcode
+ // it as "rc" in the "/assets" directory, i.e. inside the app's
+ // .apk (zip) archive as the /assets/rc file.
+ fileName = rtl::OUString("");
+ resolvePathnameUrl(&fileName);
+ if(getFromCommandLineArgs(
+ {
+ resolvePathnameUrl(&fileName);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ getExecutableFile_Impl (&(fileName.pData));
+ // get rid of a potential executable extension
+ OUString progExt = ".bin";
+ if(fileName.getLength() > progExt.getLength()
+ && fileName.copy(fileName.getLength() - progExt.getLength()).equalsIgnoreAsciiCase(progExt))
+ fileName = fileName.copy(0, fileName.getLength() - progExt.getLength());
+ progExt = ".exe";
+ if(fileName.getLength() > progExt.getLength()
+ && fileName.copy(fileName.getLength() - progExt.getLength()).equalsIgnoreAsciiCase(progExt))
+ fileName = fileName.copy(0, fileName.getLength() - progExt.getLength());
+ // append config file suffix
+ }
+ static OUString theFileName;
+ if(fileName.getLength())
+ theFileName = fileName;
+ pStaticName = &theFileName;
+ }
+ return *pStaticName;
+static inline bool path_exists( OUString const & path )
+ DirectoryItem dirItem;
+ return (DirectoryItem::E_None == DirectoryItem::get( path, dirItem ));
+// #111772#
+// ensure the given file url has no final slash
+inline void EnsureNoFinalSlash (rtl::OUString & url)
+ sal_Int32 i = url.getLength();
+ if (i > 0 && url[i - 1] == '/') {
+ url = url.copy(0, i - 1);
+ }
+struct Bootstrap_Impl
+ sal_Int32 _nRefCount;
+ Bootstrap_Impl * _base_ini;
+ NameValueList _nameValueList;
+ OUString _iniName;
+ explicit Bootstrap_Impl (OUString const & rIniName);
+ ~Bootstrap_Impl();
+ static void * operator new (std::size_t n) SAL_THROW(())
+ { return rtl_allocateMemory (sal_uInt32(n)); }
+ static void operator delete (void * p , std::size_t) SAL_THROW(())
+ { rtl_freeMemory (p); }
+ bool getValue(
+ rtl::OUString const & key, rtl_uString ** value,
+ rtl_uString * defaultValue, LookupMode mode, bool override,
+ ExpandRequestLink const * requestStack) const;
+ bool getDirectValue(
+ rtl::OUString const & key, rtl_uString ** value, LookupMode mode,
+ ExpandRequestLink const * requestStack) const;
+ bool getAmbienceValue(
+ rtl::OUString const & key, rtl_uString ** value, LookupMode mode,
+ ExpandRequestLink const * requestStack) const;
+ void expandValue(
+ rtl_uString ** value, rtl::OUString const & text, LookupMode mode,
+ Bootstrap_Impl const * requestFile, rtl::OUString const & requestKey,
+ ExpandRequestLink const * requestStack) const;
+Bootstrap_Impl::Bootstrap_Impl( OUString const & rIniName )
+ : _nRefCount( 0 ),
+ _base_ini( 0 ),
+ _iniName (rIniName)
+ OUString base_ini( getIniFileName_Impl() );
+ // normalize path
+ FileStatus status( osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileURL );
+ DirectoryItem dirItem;
+ if (DirectoryItem::E_None == DirectoryItem::get( base_ini, dirItem ) &&
+ DirectoryItem::E_None == dirItem.getFileStatus( status ))
+ {
+ base_ini = status.getFileURL();
+ if (! rIniName.equals( base_ini ))
+ {
+ _base_ini = static_cast< Bootstrap_Impl * >(
+ rtl_bootstrap_args_open( base_ini.pData ) );
+ }
+ }
+ OString sFile = OUStringToOString(_iniName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US);
+ OSL_TRACE("Bootstrap_Impl(): sFile=%s", sFile.getStr());
+#endif /* OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 */
+ oslFileHandle handle;
+ if (!_iniName.isEmpty() &&
+ osl_File_E_None == osl_openFile(_iniName.pData, &handle, osl_File_OpenFlag_Read))
+ {
+ rtl::ByteSequence seq;
+ while (osl_File_E_None == osl_readLine(handle , (sal_Sequence **)&seq))
+ {
+ OString line( (const sal_Char *) seq.getConstArray(), seq.getLength() );
+ sal_Int32 nIndex = line.indexOf('=');
+ if (nIndex >= 1)
+ {
+ struct rtl_bootstrap_NameValue nameValue;
+ nameValue.sName = OStringToOUString(
+ line.copy(0,nIndex).trim(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
+ nameValue.sValue = OStringToOUString(
+ line.copy(nIndex+1).trim(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
+ OString name_tmp = OUStringToOString(nameValue.sName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US);
+ OString value_tmp = OUStringToOString(nameValue.sValue, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
+ "pushing: name=%s value=%s",
+ name_tmp.getStr(), value_tmp.getStr() );
+#endif /* OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 */
+ _nameValueList.push_back(nameValue);
+ }
+ }
+ osl_closeFile(handle);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ OString file_tmp = OUStringToOString(_iniName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US);
+ OSL_TRACE( "couldn't open file: %s", file_tmp.getStr() );
+ }
+#endif /* OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 */
+ if (_base_ini != 0)
+ rtl_bootstrap_args_close( _base_ini );
+namespace {
+Bootstrap_Impl * get_static_bootstrap_handle() SAL_THROW(())
+ osl::MutexGuard guard( osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex() );
+ static Bootstrap_Impl * s_handle = 0;
+ if (s_handle == 0)
+ {
+ OUString iniName (getIniFileName_Impl());
+ s_handle = static_cast< Bootstrap_Impl * >(
+ rtl_bootstrap_args_open( iniName.pData ) );
+ if (s_handle == 0)
+ {
+ Bootstrap_Impl * that = new Bootstrap_Impl( iniName );
+ ++that->_nRefCount;
+ s_handle = that;
+ }
+ }
+ return s_handle;
+struct FundamentalIniData {
+ rtlBootstrapHandle ini;
+ FundamentalIniData() {
+ OUString uri;
+ ini =
+ ((static_cast< Bootstrap_Impl * >(get_static_bootstrap_handle())->
+ getValue(
+ rtl::OUString(
+ &uri.pData, 0, LOOKUP_MODE_NORMAL, false, 0)) &&
+ resolvePathnameUrl(&uri))
+ ? rtl_bootstrap_args_open(uri.pData) : NULL;
+ }
+ ~FundamentalIniData() { rtl_bootstrap_args_close(ini); }
+ FundamentalIniData(FundamentalIniData &); // not defined
+ void operator =(FundamentalIniData &); // not defined
+struct FundamentalIni: public rtl::Static< FundamentalIniData, FundamentalIni >
+bool Bootstrap_Impl::getValue(
+ rtl::OUString const & key, rtl_uString ** value, rtl_uString * defaultValue,
+ LookupMode mode, bool override, ExpandRequestLink const * requestStack)
+ const
+ if (mode == LOOKUP_MODE_NORMAL &&
+ {
+ }
+ if (override && getDirectValue(key, value, mode, requestStack)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (key == "_OS") {
+ rtl_uString_assign(
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (key == "_ARCH") {
+ rtl_uString_assign(
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (key == "_CPPU_ENV") {
+ rtl_uString_assign(
+ value,
+ (rtl::OUString(
+ pData));
+ return true;
+ }
+#ifdef ANDROID
+ if (key == "APP_DATA_DIR") {
+ const char *app_data_dir = lo_get_app_data_dir();
+ rtl_uString_assign(
+ value, rtl::OUString(app_data_dir, strlen(app_data_dir), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8).pData);
+ return true;
+ }
+#ifdef IOS
+ if (key == "APP_DATA_DIR") {
+ const char *app_data_dir = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath] UTF8String];
+ rtl_uString_assign(
+ value, rtl::OUString(app_data_dir, strlen(app_data_dir), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8).pData);
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (key == "ORIGIN") {
+ rtl_uString_assign(
+ value,
+ _iniName.copy(
+ 0, std::max<sal_Int32>(0, _iniName.lastIndexOf('/'))).pData);
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (getAmbienceValue(key, value, mode, requestStack)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (key == "SYSUSERCONFIG") {
+ rtl::OUString v;
+ bool b = osl::Security().getConfigDir(v);
+ EnsureNoFinalSlash(v);
+ rtl_uString_assign(value, v.pData);
+ return b;
+ }
+ if (key == "SYSUSERHOME") {
+ rtl::OUString v;
+ bool b = osl::Security().getHomeDir(v);
+ EnsureNoFinalSlash(v);
+ rtl_uString_assign(value, v.pData);
+ return b;
+ }
+ if (key == "SYSBINDIR") {
+ getExecutableDirectory_Impl(value);
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (_base_ini != NULL &&
+ _base_ini->getDirectValue(key, value, mode, requestStack))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (!override && getDirectValue(key, value, mode, requestStack)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (mode == LOOKUP_MODE_NORMAL) {
+ FundamentalIniData const & d = FundamentalIni::get();
+ Bootstrap_Impl const * b = static_cast<Bootstrap_Impl const *>(d.ini);
+ if (b != NULL && b != this &&
+ b->getDirectValue(key, value, mode, requestStack))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (defaultValue != NULL) {
+ rtl_uString_assign(value, defaultValue);
+ return true;
+ }
+ rtl_uString_new(value);
+ return false;
+bool Bootstrap_Impl::getDirectValue(
+ rtl::OUString const & key, rtl_uString ** value, LookupMode mode,
+ ExpandRequestLink const * requestStack) const
+ rtl::OUString v;
+ if (find(_nameValueList, key, &v)) {
+ expandValue(value, v, mode, this, key, requestStack);
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+bool Bootstrap_Impl::getAmbienceValue(
+ rtl::OUString const & key, rtl_uString ** value, LookupMode mode,
+ ExpandRequestLink const * requestStack) const
+ rtl::OUString v;
+ bool f;
+ {
+ osl::MutexGuard g(osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex());
+ f = find(rtl_bootstrap_set_list::get(), key, &v);
+ }
+ if (f || getFromCommandLineArgs(key, &v) ||
+ osl_getEnvironment(key.pData, &v.pData) == osl_Process_E_None)
+ {
+ expandValue(value, v, mode, NULL, key, requestStack);
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+void Bootstrap_Impl::expandValue(
+ rtl_uString ** value, rtl::OUString const & text, LookupMode mode,
+ Bootstrap_Impl const * requestFile, rtl::OUString const & requestKey,
+ ExpandRequestLink const * requestStack) const
+ rtl_uString_assign(
+ value,
+ (mode == LOOKUP_MODE_URE_BOOTSTRAP && isPathnameUrl(text) ?
+ text :
+ recursivelyExpandMacros(
+ this, text,
+ requestFile, requestKey, requestStack)).pData);
+namespace {
+struct bootstrap_map {
+ typedef boost::unordered_map<
+ rtl::OUString, Bootstrap_Impl *,
+ rtl::OUStringHash, std::equal_to< rtl::OUString >,
+ rtl::Allocator< OUString > > t;
+ // get and release must only be called properly synchronized via some mutex
+ // (e.g., osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex()):
+ static t * get() {
+ if (m_map == NULL) {
+ m_map = new t;
+ }
+ return m_map;
+ }
+ static void release() {
+ if (m_map != NULL && m_map->empty()) {
+ delete m_map;
+ m_map = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ bootstrap_map(); // not defined
+ static t * m_map;
+bootstrap_map::t * bootstrap_map::m_map = NULL;
+rtlBootstrapHandle SAL_CALL rtl_bootstrap_args_open (
+ rtl_uString * pIniName
+ OUString iniName( pIniName );
+ // normalize path
+ FileStatus status( osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileURL );
+ DirectoryItem dirItem;
+ if (DirectoryItem::E_None != DirectoryItem::get( iniName, dirItem ) ||
+ DirectoryItem::E_None != dirItem.getFileStatus( status ))
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ iniName = status.getFileURL();
+ Bootstrap_Impl * that;
+ osl::ResettableMutexGuard guard( osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex() );
+ bootstrap_map::t* p_bootstrap_map = bootstrap_map::get();
+ bootstrap_map::t::const_iterator iFind( p_bootstrap_map->find( iniName ) );
+ if (iFind == p_bootstrap_map->end())
+ {
+ bootstrap_map::release();
+ guard.clear();
+ that = new Bootstrap_Impl( iniName );
+ guard.reset();
+ p_bootstrap_map = bootstrap_map::get();
+ iFind = p_bootstrap_map->find( iniName );
+ if (iFind == p_bootstrap_map->end())
+ {
+ ++that->_nRefCount;
+ ::std::pair< bootstrap_map::t::iterator, bool > insertion(
+ p_bootstrap_map->insert(
+ bootstrap_map::t::value_type( iniName, that ) ) );
+ OSL_ASSERT( insertion.second );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Bootstrap_Impl * obsolete = that;
+ that = iFind->second;
+ ++that->_nRefCount;
+ guard.clear();
+ delete obsolete;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ that = iFind->second;
+ ++that->_nRefCount;
+ }
+ return static_cast< rtlBootstrapHandle >( that );
+void SAL_CALL rtl_bootstrap_args_close (
+ rtlBootstrapHandle handle
+ if (handle == 0)
+ return;
+ Bootstrap_Impl * that = static_cast< Bootstrap_Impl * >( handle );
+ osl::MutexGuard guard( osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex() );
+ bootstrap_map::t* p_bootstrap_map = bootstrap_map::get();
+ p_bootstrap_map->find( that->_iniName )->second == that );
+ --that->_nRefCount;
+ if (that->_nRefCount == 0)
+ {
+ ::std::size_t nLeaking = 8; // only hold up to 8 files statically
+#if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL == 1 // nonpro
+ nLeaking = 0;
+#elif OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 // debug
+ nLeaking = 1;
+#endif /* OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL */
+ if (p_bootstrap_map->size() > nLeaking)
+ {
+ ::std::size_t erased = p_bootstrap_map->erase( that->_iniName );
+ if (erased != 1) {
+ OSL_ASSERT( false );
+ }
+ delete that;
+ }
+ bootstrap_map::release();
+ }
+sal_Bool SAL_CALL rtl_bootstrap_get_from_handle(
+ rtlBootstrapHandle handle,
+ rtl_uString * pName,
+ rtl_uString ** ppValue,
+ rtl_uString * pDefault
+ osl::MutexGuard guard( osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex() );
+ sal_Bool found = sal_False;
+ if(ppValue && pName)
+ {
+ if (handle == 0)
+ handle = get_static_bootstrap_handle();
+ found = static_cast< Bootstrap_Impl * >( handle )->getValue(
+ pName, ppValue, pDefault, LOOKUP_MODE_NORMAL, false, NULL );
+ }
+ return found;
+void SAL_CALL rtl_bootstrap_get_iniName_from_handle (
+ rtlBootstrapHandle handle,
+ rtl_uString ** ppIniName
+ if(ppIniName)
+ {
+ if(handle)
+ {
+ Bootstrap_Impl * pImpl = static_cast<Bootstrap_Impl*>(handle);
+ rtl_uString_assign(ppIniName, pImpl->_iniName.pData);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const OUString & iniName = getIniFileName_Impl();
+ rtl_uString_assign(ppIniName, iniName.pData);
+ }
+ }
+void SAL_CALL rtl_bootstrap_setIniFileName (
+ rtl_uString * pName
+ osl::MutexGuard guard( osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex() );
+ OUString & file = getIniFileName_Impl();
+ file = pName;
+sal_Bool SAL_CALL rtl_bootstrap_get (
+ rtl_uString * pName,
+ rtl_uString ** ppValue,
+ rtl_uString * pDefault
+ return rtl_bootstrap_get_from_handle(0, pName, ppValue, pDefault);
+void SAL_CALL rtl_bootstrap_set (
+ rtl_uString * pName,
+ rtl_uString * pValue
+ const OUString name( pName );
+ const OUString value( pValue );
+ osl::MutexGuard guard( osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex() );
+ NameValueList& r_rtl_bootstrap_set_list = rtl_bootstrap_set_list::get();
+ NameValueList::iterator iPos( r_rtl_bootstrap_set_list.begin() );
+ NameValueList::iterator iEnd( r_rtl_bootstrap_set_list.end() );
+ for ( ; iPos != iEnd; ++iPos )
+ {
+ if (iPos->sName.equals( name ))
+ {
+ iPos->sValue = value;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ OString cstr_name( OUStringToOString( name, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) );
+ OString cstr_value( OUStringToOString( value, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) );
+ "bootstrap.cxx: explicitly setting: name=%s value=%s\n",
+ cstr_name.getStr(), cstr_value.getStr() );
+#endif /* OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 */
+ r_rtl_bootstrap_set_list.push_back( rtl_bootstrap_NameValue( name, value ) );
+void SAL_CALL rtl_bootstrap_expandMacros_from_handle (
+ rtlBootstrapHandle handle,
+ rtl_uString ** macro
+ if (handle == NULL) {
+ handle = get_static_bootstrap_handle();
+ }
+ OUString expanded( expandMacros( static_cast< Bootstrap_Impl * >( handle ),
+ * reinterpret_cast< OUString const * >( macro ),
+ rtl_uString_assign( macro, expanded.pData );
+void SAL_CALL rtl_bootstrap_expandMacros(
+ rtl_uString ** macro )
+ rtl_bootstrap_expandMacros_from_handle(NULL, macro);
+void rtl_bootstrap_encode( rtl_uString const * value, rtl_uString ** encoded )
+ OSL_ASSERT(value != NULL);
+ rtl::OUStringBuffer b;
+ for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i < value->length; ++i) {
+ sal_Unicode c = value->buffer[i];
+ if (c == '$' || c == '\\') {
+ b.append(sal_Unicode('\\'));
+ }
+ b.append(c);
+ }
+ rtl_uString_assign(encoded, b.makeStringAndClear().pData);
+namespace {
+int hex(sal_Unicode c) {
+ return
+ c >= '0' && c <= '9' ? c - '0' :
+ c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' ? c - 'A' + 10 :
+ c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' ? c - 'a' + 10 : -1;
+sal_Unicode read(rtl::OUString const & text, sal_Int32 * pos, bool * escaped) {
+ pos != NULL && *pos >= 0 && *pos < text.getLength() && escaped != NULL);
+ sal_Unicode c = text[(*pos)++];
+ if (c == '\\') {
+ int n1, n2, n3, n4;
+ if (*pos < text.getLength() - 4 && text[*pos] == 'u' &&
+ ((n1 = hex(text[*pos + 1])) >= 0) &&
+ ((n2 = hex(text[*pos + 2])) >= 0) &&
+ ((n3 = hex(text[*pos + 3])) >= 0) &&
+ ((n4 = hex(text[*pos + 4])) >= 0))
+ {
+ *pos += 5;
+ *escaped = true;
+ return static_cast< sal_Unicode >(
+ (n1 << 12) | (n2 << 8) | (n3 << 4) | n4);
+ } else if (*pos < text.getLength()) {
+ *escaped = true;
+ return text[(*pos)++];
+ }
+ }
+ *escaped = false;
+ return c;
+rtl::OUString lookup(
+ Bootstrap_Impl const * file, LookupMode mode, bool override,
+ rtl::OUString const & key, ExpandRequestLink const * requestStack)
+ rtl::OUString v;
+ (file == NULL ? get_static_bootstrap_handle() : file)->getValue(
+ key, &v.pData, NULL, mode, override, requestStack);
+ return v;
+rtl::OUString expandMacros(
+ Bootstrap_Impl const * file, rtl::OUString const & text, LookupMode mode,
+ ExpandRequestLink const * requestStack)
+ rtl::OUStringBuffer buf;
+ for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i < text.getLength();) {
+ bool escaped;
+ sal_Unicode c = read(text, &i, &escaped);
+ if (escaped || c != '$') {
+ buf.append(c);
+ } else {
+ if (i < text.getLength() && text[i] == '{') {
+ ++i;
+ sal_Int32 p = i;
+ sal_Int32 nesting = 0;
+ rtl::OUString seg[3];
+ int n = 0;
+ while (i < text.getLength()) {
+ sal_Int32 j = i;
+ c = read(text, &i, &escaped);
+ if (!escaped) {
+ switch (c) {
+ case '{':
+ ++nesting;
+ break;
+ case '}':
+ if (nesting == 0) {
+ seg[n++] = text.copy(p, j - p);
+ goto done;
+ } else {
+ --nesting;
+ }
+ break;
+ case ':':
+ if (nesting == 0 && n < 2) {
+ seg[n++] = text.copy(p, j - p);
+ p = i;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ done:
+ for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
+ seg[j] = expandMacros(file, seg[j], mode, requestStack);
+ }
+ if (n == 1) {
+ buf.append(lookup(file, mode, false, seg[0], requestStack));
+ } else if (n == 2 && seg[0] == ".link") {
+ osl::File f(seg[1]);
+ rtl::ByteSequence seq;
+ rtl::OUString line;
+ rtl::OUString url;
+ // Silently ignore any errors (is that good?):
+ if (( ==
+ osl::FileBase::E_None) &&
+ f.readLine(seq) == osl::FileBase::E_None &&
+ rtl_convertStringToUString(
+ &line.pData,
+ reinterpret_cast< char const * >(
+ seq.getConstArray()),
+ seq.getLength(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8,
+ (osl::File::getFileURLFromSystemPath(line, url) ==
+ osl::FileBase::E_None))
+ {
+ try {
+ buf.append(
+ rtl::Uri::convertRelToAbs(seg[1], url));
+ } catch (const rtl::MalformedUriException &) {}
+ }
+ } else if (n == 3 && seg[0] == ".override") {
+ rtl::Bootstrap b(seg[1]);
+ Bootstrap_Impl * f = static_cast< Bootstrap_Impl * >(
+ b.getHandle());
+ buf.append(
+ lookup(f, mode, f != NULL, seg[2], requestStack));
+ } else {
+ if (n == 3 && seg[1].isEmpty()) {
+ // For backward compatibility, treat ${file::key} the
+ // same as just ${file:key}:
+ seg[1] = seg[2];
+ n = 2;
+ }
+ if (n == 2) {
+ buf.append(
+ lookup(
+ static_cast< Bootstrap_Impl * >(
+ rtl::Bootstrap(seg[0]).getHandle()),
+ mode, false, seg[1], requestStack));
+ } else {
+ // Going through osl::Profile, this code erroneously
+ // does not recursively expand macros in the resulting
+ // replacement text (and if it did, it would fail to
+ // detect cycles that pass through here):
+ buf.append(
+ rtl::OStringToOUString(
+ osl::Profile(seg[0]).readString(
+ rtl::OUStringToOString(
+ rtl::OUStringToOString(
+ rtl::OString()),
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ rtl::OUStringBuffer kbuf;
+ for (; i < text.getLength();) {
+ sal_Int32 j = i;
+ c = read(text, &j, &escaped);
+ if (!escaped &&
+ (c == ' ' || c == '$' || c == '-' || c == '/' ||
+ c == ';' || c == '\\'))
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ kbuf.append(c);
+ i = j;
+ }
+ buf.append(
+ lookup(
+ file, mode, false, kbuf.makeStringAndClear(),
+ requestStack));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return buf.makeStringAndClear();
+/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */