path: root/sal
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4 files changed, 169 insertions, 147 deletions
diff --git a/sal/inc/rtl/math.h b/sal/inc/rtl/math.h
index 872d526b8835..985ce700b049 100644
--- a/sal/inc/rtl/math.h
+++ b/sal/inc/rtl/math.h
@@ -140,9 +140,8 @@ enum rtl_math_DecimalPlaces
/** Conversions analogous to sprintf() using internal rounding.
- +/-HUGE_VAL are converted to "1.#INF" and "-1.#INF", NAN values are
- converted to "1.#NAN" and "-1.#NAN", of course using cDecSeparator instead
- of '.'.
+ +/-HUGE_VAL are converted to "INF" and "-INF", NAN values are
+ converted to "NaN".
@param pResult
Returns the resulting byte string. Must itself not be null, and must point
@@ -216,9 +215,8 @@ void SAL_CALL rtl_math_doubleToString(rtl_String ** pResult,
/** Conversions analogous to sprintf() using internal rounding.
- +/-HUGE_VAL are converted to "1.#INF" and "-1.#INF", NAN values are
- converted to "1.#NAN" and "-1.#NAN", of course using cDecSeparator instead
- of '.'.
+ +/-HUGE_VAL are converted to "INF" and "-INF", NAN values are
+ converted to "NaN".
@param pResult
Returns the resulting Unicode string. Must itself not be null, and must
@@ -296,8 +294,9 @@ void SAL_CALL rtl_math_doubleToUString(rtl_uString ** pResult,
Leading tabs (0x09) and spaces (0x20) are eaten. Overflow returns
+/-HUGE_VAL, underflow 0. In both cases pStatus is set to
rtl_math_ConversionStatus_OutOfRange, otherwise to
- rtl_math_ConversionStatus_Ok. "+/-1.#INF" is recognized as +/-HUGE_VAL,
- pStatus is set to rtl_math_ConversionStatus_OutOfRange. "+/-1.#NAN" is
+ rtl_math_ConversionStatus_Ok. "INF", "-INF" and "+/-1.#INF" are
+ recognized as +/-HUGE_VAL, pStatus is set to
+ rtl_math_ConversionStatus_OutOfRange. "NaN" and "+/-1.#NAN" are
recognized and the value is set to +/-NAN, pStatus is set to
@@ -333,8 +332,9 @@ double SAL_CALL rtl_math_stringToDouble(
Leading tabs (U+0009) and spaces (U+0020) are eaten. Overflow returns
+/-HUGE_VAL, underflow 0. In both cases pStatus is set to
rtl_math_ConversionStatus_OutOfRange, otherwise to
- rtl_math_ConversionStatus_Ok. "+/-1.#INF" is recognized as +/-HUGE_VAL,
- pStatus is set to rtl_math_ConversionStatus_OutOfRange. "+/-1.#NAN" is
+ rtl_math_ConversionStatus_Ok. "INF", "-INF" and "+/-1.#INF" are
+ recognized as +/-HUGE_VAL, pStatus is set to
+ rtl_math_ConversionStatus_OutOfRange. "NaN" and "+/-1.#NAN" are
recognized and the value is set to +/-NAN, pStatus is set to
diff --git a/sal/osl/w32/signal.cxx b/sal/osl/w32/signal.cxx
index f893f7520d40..a74baaefc057 100644
--- a/sal/osl/w32/signal.cxx
+++ b/sal/osl/w32/signal.cxx
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ static BOOL ReportCrash( LPEXCEPTION_POINTERS lpEP )
sntprintf( szBuffer, elementsof(szBuffer),
_T("%s -p %u -excp 0x%p -t %u%s"),
- aPath,
+ static_cast<sal_Char*>( aPath ),
diff --git a/sal/rtl/source/math.cxx b/sal/rtl/source/math.cxx
index 7d0e3cea0c0d..d983c5726230 100644
--- a/sal/rtl/source/math.cxx
+++ b/sal/rtl/source/math.cxx
@@ -318,44 +318,37 @@ inline void doubleToString(StringT ** pResult,
if ( rtl::math::isNan( fValue ) )
- sal_Int32 nCapacity = RTL_CONSTASCII_LENGTH("-1.#NAN");
+ // #i112652# XMLSchema-2
+ sal_Int32 nCapacity = RTL_CONSTASCII_LENGTH("NaN");
if (pResultCapacity == 0)
pResultCapacity = &nCapacity;
T::createBuffer(pResult, pResultCapacity);
nResultOffset = 0;
- if ( bSign )
- T::appendAscii(pResult, pResultCapacity, &nResultOffset,
- T::appendAscii(pResult, pResultCapacity, &nResultOffset,
- T::appendChar(pResult, pResultCapacity, &nResultOffset, cDecSeparator);
T::appendAscii(pResult, pResultCapacity, &nResultOffset,
bool bHuge = fValue == HUGE_VAL; // g++ 3.0.1 requires it this way...
if ( bHuge || rtl::math::isInf( fValue ) )
- sal_Int32 nCapacity = RTL_CONSTASCII_LENGTH("-1.#INF");
+ // #i112652# XMLSchema-2
+ sal_Int32 nCapacity = RTL_CONSTASCII_LENGTH("-INF");
if (pResultCapacity == 0)
pResultCapacity = &nCapacity;
T::createBuffer(pResult, pResultCapacity);
nResultOffset = 0;
if ( bSign )
T::appendAscii(pResult, pResultCapacity, &nResultOffset,
T::appendAscii(pResult, pResultCapacity, &nResultOffset,
- T::appendChar(pResult, pResultCapacity, &nResultOffset, cDecSeparator);
- T::appendAscii(pResult, pResultCapacity, &nResultOffset,
@@ -736,158 +729,185 @@ inline double stringToDouble(CharT const * pBegin, CharT const * pEnd,
CharT const * p = p0;
+ bool bDone = false;
- // leading zeros and group separators may be safely ignored
- while (p != pEnd && (*p == CharT('0') || *p == cGroupSeparator))
- ++p;
- long nValExp = 0; // carry along exponent of mantissa
- // integer part of mantissa
- for (; p != pEnd; ++p)
+ // #i112652# XMLSchema-2
+ if (3 >= (pEnd - p))
- CharT c = *p;
- if (isDigit(c))
+ if ((CharT('N') == p[0]) && (CharT('a') == p[1])
+ && (CharT('N') == p[2]))
- fVal = fVal * 10.0 + static_cast< double >( c - CharT('0') );
- ++nValExp;
+ p += 3;
+ rtl::math::setNan( &fVal );
+ bDone = true;
+ }
+ else if ((CharT('I') == p[0]) && (CharT('N') == p[1])
+ && (CharT('F') == p[2]))
+ {
+ p += 3;
+ fVal = HUGE_VAL;
+ eStatus = rtl_math_ConversionStatus_OutOfRange;
+ bDone = true;
- else if (c != cGroupSeparator)
- break;
- // fraction part of mantissa
- if (p != pEnd && *p == cDecSeparator)
+ if (!bDone) // do not recognize e.g. NaN1.23
- ++p;
- double fFrac = 0.0;
- long nFracExp = 0;
- while (p != pEnd && *p == CharT('0'))
- {
- --nFracExp;
+ // leading zeros and group separators may be safely ignored
+ while (p != pEnd && (*p == CharT('0') || *p == cGroupSeparator))
- }
- if ( nValExp == 0 )
- nValExp = nFracExp - 1; // no integer part => fraction exponent
- // one decimal digit needs ld(10) ~= 3.32 bits
- static const int nSigs = (DBL_MANT_DIG / 3) + 1;
- int nDigs = 0;
+ long nValExp = 0; // carry along exponent of mantissa
+ // integer part of mantissa
for (; p != pEnd; ++p)
CharT c = *p;
- if (!isDigit(c))
- break;
- if ( nDigs < nSigs )
- { // further digits (more than nSigs) don't have any significance
- fFrac = fFrac * 10.0 + static_cast< double >( c - CharT('0') );
- --nFracExp;
- ++nDigs;
+ if (isDigit(c))
+ {
+ fVal = fVal * 10.0 + static_cast< double >( c - CharT('0') );
+ ++nValExp;
+ else if (c != cGroupSeparator)
+ break;
- if ( fFrac != 0.0 )
- fVal += rtl::math::pow10Exp( fFrac, nFracExp );
- else if ( nValExp < 0 )
- nValExp = 0; // no digit other than 0 after decimal point
- }
- if ( nValExp > 0 )
- --nValExp; // started with offset +1 at the first mantissa digit
- // Exponent
- if (p != p0 && p != pEnd && (*p == CharT('E') || *p == CharT('e')))
- {
- ++p;
- bool bExpSign;
- if (p != pEnd && *p == CharT('-'))
+ // fraction part of mantissa
+ if (p != pEnd && *p == cDecSeparator)
- bExpSign = true;
- }
- else
- {
- bExpSign = false;
- if (p != pEnd && *p == CharT('+'))
- ++p;
- }
- if ( fVal == 0.0 )
- { // no matter what follows, zero stays zero, but carry on the offset
- while (p != pEnd && isDigit(*p))
+ double fFrac = 0.0;
+ long nFracExp = 0;
+ while (p != pEnd && *p == CharT('0'))
+ {
+ --nFracExp;
- }
- else
- {
- bool bOverFlow = false;
- long nExp = 0;
+ }
+ if ( nValExp == 0 )
+ nValExp = nFracExp - 1; // no integer part => fraction exponent
+ // one decimal digit needs ld(10) ~= 3.32 bits
+ static const int nSigs = (DBL_MANT_DIG / 3) + 1;
+ int nDigs = 0;
for (; p != pEnd; ++p)
CharT c = *p;
if (!isDigit(c))
- int i = c - CharT('0');
- if ( long10Overflow( nExp, i ) )
- bOverFlow = true;
- else
- nExp = nExp * 10 + i;
- }
- if ( nExp )
- {
- if ( bExpSign )
- nExp = -nExp;
- long nAllExp = ( bOverFlow ? 0 : nExp + nValExp );
- if ( nAllExp > DBL_MAX_10_EXP || (bOverFlow && !bExpSign) )
- { // overflow
- fVal = HUGE_VAL;
- eStatus = rtl_math_ConversionStatus_OutOfRange;
- }
- else if ( nAllExp < DBL_MIN_10_EXP || (bOverFlow && bExpSign) )
- { // underflow
- fVal = 0.0;
- eStatus = rtl_math_ConversionStatus_OutOfRange;
- }
- else if ( nExp > DBL_MAX_10_EXP || nExp < DBL_MIN_10_EXP )
- { // compensate exponents
- fVal = rtl::math::pow10Exp( fVal, -nValExp );
- fVal = rtl::math::pow10Exp( fVal, nAllExp );
+ if ( nDigs < nSigs )
+ { // further digits (more than nSigs) don't have any
+ // significance
+ fFrac = fFrac * 10.0 + static_cast<double>(c - CharT('0'));
+ --nFracExp;
+ ++nDigs;
- else
- fVal = rtl::math::pow10Exp( fVal, nExp ); // normal
+ if ( fFrac != 0.0 )
+ fVal += rtl::math::pow10Exp( fFrac, nFracExp );
+ else if ( nValExp < 0 )
+ nValExp = 0; // no digit other than 0 after decimal point
- }
- else if (p - p0 == 2 && p != pEnd && p[0] == CharT('#')
- && p[-1] == cDecSeparator && p[-2] == CharT('1'))
- {
- if (pEnd - p >= 4 && p[1] == CharT('I') && p[2] == CharT('N')
- && p[3] == CharT('F'))
+ if ( nValExp > 0 )
+ --nValExp; // started with offset +1 at the first mantissa digit
+ // Exponent
+ if (p != p0 && p != pEnd && (*p == CharT('E') || *p == CharT('e')))
- // "1.#INF", "+1.#INF", "-1.#INF"
- p += 4;
- fVal = HUGE_VAL;
- eStatus = rtl_math_ConversionStatus_OutOfRange;
- // Eat any further digits:
- while (p != pEnd && isDigit(*p))
+ ++p;
+ bool bExpSign;
+ if (p != pEnd && *p == CharT('-'))
+ {
+ bExpSign = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bExpSign = false;
+ if (p != pEnd && *p == CharT('+'))
+ ++p;
+ }
+ if ( fVal == 0.0 )
+ { // no matter what follows, zero stays zero, but carry on the
+ // offset
+ while (p != pEnd && isDigit(*p))
+ ++p;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bool bOverFlow = false;
+ long nExp = 0;
+ for (; p != pEnd; ++p)
+ {
+ CharT c = *p;
+ if (!isDigit(c))
+ break;
+ int i = c - CharT('0');
+ if ( long10Overflow( nExp, i ) )
+ bOverFlow = true;
+ else
+ nExp = nExp * 10 + i;
+ }
+ if ( nExp )
+ {
+ if ( bExpSign )
+ nExp = -nExp;
+ long nAllExp = ( bOverFlow ? 0 : nExp + nValExp );
+ if ( nAllExp > DBL_MAX_10_EXP || (bOverFlow && !bExpSign) )
+ { // overflow
+ fVal = HUGE_VAL;
+ eStatus = rtl_math_ConversionStatus_OutOfRange;
+ }
+ else if ((nAllExp < DBL_MIN_10_EXP) ||
+ (bOverFlow && bExpSign) )
+ { // underflow
+ fVal = 0.0;
+ eStatus = rtl_math_ConversionStatus_OutOfRange;
+ }
+ else if ( nExp > DBL_MAX_10_EXP || nExp < DBL_MIN_10_EXP )
+ { // compensate exponents
+ fVal = rtl::math::pow10Exp( fVal, -nValExp );
+ fVal = rtl::math::pow10Exp( fVal, nAllExp );
+ }
+ else
+ fVal = rtl::math::pow10Exp( fVal, nExp ); // normal
+ }
+ }
- else if (pEnd - p >= 4 && p[1] == CharT('N') && p[2] == CharT('A')
- && p[3] == CharT('N'))
+ else if (p - p0 == 2 && p != pEnd && p[0] == CharT('#')
+ && p[-1] == cDecSeparator && p[-2] == CharT('1'))
- // "1.#NAN", "+1.#NAN", "-1.#NAN"
- p += 4;
- rtl::math::setNan( &fVal );
- if (bSign)
+ if (pEnd - p >= 4 && p[1] == CharT('I') && p[2] == CharT('N')
+ && p[3] == CharT('F'))
- union {
- double sd;
- sal_math_Double md;
- } m;
- = fVal;
- |= 0x80000000; // create negative NaN
- fVal =;
- bSign = false; // don't negate again
+ // "1.#INF", "+1.#INF", "-1.#INF"
+ p += 4;
+ fVal = HUGE_VAL;
+ eStatus = rtl_math_ConversionStatus_OutOfRange;
+ // Eat any further digits:
+ while (p != pEnd && isDigit(*p))
+ ++p;
+ }
+ else if (pEnd - p >= 4 && p[1] == CharT('N') && p[2] == CharT('A')
+ && p[3] == CharT('N'))
+ {
+ // "1.#NAN", "+1.#NAN", "-1.#NAN"
+ p += 4;
+ rtl::math::setNan( &fVal );
+ if (bSign)
+ {
+ union {
+ double sd;
+ sal_math_Double md;
+ } m;
+ = fVal;
+ |= 0x80000000; // create negative NaN
+ fVal =;
+ bSign = false; // don't negate again
+ }
+ // Eat any further digits:
+ while (p != pEnd && isDigit(*p))
+ ++p;
- // Eat any further digits:
- while (p != pEnd && isDigit(*p))
- ++p;
diff --git a/sal/textenc/ b/sal/textenc/
index b657256d7bfe..31ec3305933b 100644
--- a/sal/textenc/
+++ b/sal/textenc/
@@ -185,6 +185,7 @@ rtl::textenc::BmpUnicodeToSingleByteRange const unicodeToAdobeSymbolEncoding[]
{ 0x23D0, 0x23D0 - 0x23D0, 0xBE }, { 0x25CA, 0x25CA - 0x25CA, 0xE0 },
{ 0x2660, 0x2660 - 0x2660, 0xAA }, { 0x2663, 0x2663 - 0x2663, 0xA7 },
{ 0x2665, 0x2665 - 0x2665, 0xA9 }, { 0x2666, 0x2666 - 0x2666, 0xA8 },
+ { 0xF000, 0xF0FF - 0xF000, 0x00 }, // symbol aliasing U+F0XX->S+00XX
{ 0xF6D9, 0xF6D9 - 0xF6D9, 0xD3 }, { 0xF6DA, 0xF6DA - 0xF6DA, 0xD2 },
{ 0xF6DB, 0xF6DB - 0xF6DB, 0xD4 }, { 0xF8E5, 0xF8E5 - 0xF8E5, 0x60 },
{ 0xF8E8, 0xF8EA - 0xF8E8, 0xE2 } };
@@ -251,6 +252,7 @@ rtl::textenc::BmpUnicodeToSingleByteRange const unicodeToAdobeDingbatsEncoding[]
{ 0x2756, 0x2756 - 0x2756, 0x76 }, { 0x2758, 0x275E - 0x2758, 0x78 },
{ 0x2761, 0x2767 - 0x2761, 0xA1 }, { 0x2776, 0x2794 - 0x2776, 0xB6 },
{ 0x2798, 0x27AF - 0x2798, 0xD8 }, { 0x27B1, 0x27BE - 0x27B1, 0xF1 },
+ { 0xF000, 0xF0FF - 0xF000, 0x00 }, // symbol aliasing U+F0XX->S+00XX
{ 0xF8D7, 0xF8E4 - 0xF8D7, 0x80 }};
rtl::textenc::BmpUnicodeToSingleByteConverterData const