path: root/sax/qa/cppunit
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1 files changed, 86 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sax/qa/cppunit/test_converter.cxx b/sax/qa/cppunit/test_converter.cxx
index 525e110c1a46..47bd5b9d412d 100644
--- a/sax/qa/cppunit/test_converter.cxx
+++ b/sax/qa/cppunit/test_converter.cxx
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ public:
void testPercent();
void testColor();
void testNumber();
+ void testConvertMeasureUnit();
@@ -67,6 +68,7 @@ public:
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(testConvertMeasureUnit);
@@ -614,6 +616,90 @@ void ConverterTest::testNumber()
doTestStringToNumber(0, "666", -0, 0);
+void ConverterTest::testConvertMeasureUnit()
+ auto fnFromStr = [](std::string_view aStr, double dExpValue, std::optional<sal_Int16> nExpUnit,
+ bool bExpResult)
+ {
+ double dValue = 0.0;
+ std::optional<sal_Int16> nUnit;
+ bool bResult = Converter::convertMeasureUnit(dValue, nUnit, aStr);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(bExpResult, bResult);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(dExpValue, dValue, 0.00001);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(nExpUnit.has_value(), nUnit.has_value());
+ if (nExpUnit.has_value())
+ {
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(nExpUnit.value(), nUnit.value());
+ }
+ };
+ auto fnToStr = [](double dValue, std::optional<sal_Int16> nValueUnit) -> OUString
+ {
+ OUStringBuffer stBuf;
+ Converter::convertMeasureUnit(stBuf, dValue, nValueUnit);
+ return stBuf.makeStringAndClear();
+ };
+ // Characteristic cases without unit parsing
+ fnFromStr("5000", 5000.0, std::nullopt, true);
+ fnFromStr("-123", -123.0, std::nullopt, true);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(u"5000"_ustr, fnToStr(5000.0, std::nullopt));
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(u"-123"_ustr, fnToStr(-123.0, std::nullopt));
+ // Characteristic case with invalid unit
+ fnFromStr("5000xy", 0.0, std::nullopt, false);
+ // Characteristic cases for unit printing
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(u"5000em"_ustr, fnToStr(5000.0, MeasureUnit::FONT_EM));
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(u"-123%"_ustr, fnToStr(-123.0, MeasureUnit::PERCENT));
+ // Branch coverage for unit parsing
+ fnFromStr("5000%", 5000.0, MeasureUnit::PERCENT, true);
+ fnFromStr("5000cm", 5000.0, MeasureUnit::CM, true);
+ fnFromStr("5000em", 5000.0, MeasureUnit::FONT_EM, true);
+ fnFromStr("5000ic", 5000.0, MeasureUnit::FONT_IC, true);
+ fnFromStr("5000in", 5000.0, MeasureUnit::INCH, true);
+ fnFromStr("5000mm", 5000.0, MeasureUnit::MM, true);
+ fnFromStr("5000pt", 5000.0, MeasureUnit::POINT, true);
+ fnFromStr("5000pc", 5000.0, MeasureUnit::PICA, true);
+ fnFromStr("5000px", 5000.0, MeasureUnit::PIXEL, true);
+ // All units should be case-insensitive
+ fnFromStr("5000cm", 5000.0, MeasureUnit::CM, true);
+ fnFromStr("5000Cm", 5000.0, MeasureUnit::CM, true);
+ fnFromStr("5000cM", 5000.0, MeasureUnit::CM, true);
+ fnFromStr("5000CM", 5000.0, MeasureUnit::CM, true);
+ fnFromStr("5000px", 5000.0, MeasureUnit::PIXEL, true);
+ fnFromStr("5000Px", 5000.0, MeasureUnit::PIXEL, true);
+ fnFromStr("5000pX", 5000.0, MeasureUnit::PIXEL, true);
+ fnFromStr("5000PX", 5000.0, MeasureUnit::PIXEL, true);
+ // Characteristic cases for whitespace between numbers and units
+ fnFromStr("5000 cm", 5000.0, MeasureUnit::CM, true);
+ fnFromStr("5000\t\tcm", 5000.0, MeasureUnit::CM, true);
+ // tdf#36709: Measure conversion was refactored to isolate parsing and unit conversion.
+ // Some of the unit parsing code looks suspicious. The current behavior is correct, but could
+ // be prone to well-meaning breakage (e.g. refactoring, argument reordering). The following
+ // cases exercise relevant edge cases.
+ // The tail after percent is always ignored
+ fnFromStr("5000 %%", 5000.0, MeasureUnit::PERCENT, true);
+ fnFromStr("5000 % ", 5000.0, MeasureUnit::PERCENT, true);
+ fnFromStr("5000 %cmcmcmcm cm", 5000.0, MeasureUnit::PERCENT, true);
+ // The tail after other units, however, is not ignored
+ fnFromStr("5000 cmc", 0.0, std::nullopt, false);
+ fnFromStr("5000 ccm", 0.0, std::nullopt, false);
+ // Whitespace is allowed after units, but not inside units
+ fnFromStr("5000 c m", 0.0, std::nullopt, false);
+ fnFromStr("5000 cm ", 5000.0, MeasureUnit::CM, true);