path: root/sax/source/expatwrap/xml2utf.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'sax/source/expatwrap/xml2utf.cxx')
1 files changed, 607 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sax/source/expatwrap/xml2utf.cxx b/sax/source/expatwrap/xml2utf.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a87cefab493a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/source/expatwrap/xml2utf.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,607 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: xml2utf.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:43:13 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include <string.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <sal/types.h>
+#include <rtl/textenc.h>
+#include <rtl/tencinfo.h>
+#include <com/sun/star/io/XInputStream.hpp>
+using namespace rtl;
+using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
+using namespace ::com::sun::star::io;
+#include "xml2utf.hxx"
+sal_Int32 XMLFile2UTFConverter::readAndConvert( Sequence<sal_Int8> &seq , sal_Int32 nMaxToRead )
+ throw ( IOException, NotConnectedException , BufferSizeExceededException , RuntimeException )
+ Sequence<sal_Int8> seqIn;
+ if( ! ) {
+ throw NotConnectedException();
+ }
+ if( ! m_bStarted ) {
+ nMaxToRead = Max( 512 , nMaxToRead ); // it should be possible to find the encoding attribute
+ // within the first 512 bytes == 128 chars in UCS-4
+ }
+ sal_Int32 nRead;
+ Sequence< sal_Int8 > seqStart;
+ while( sal_True )
+ {
+ nRead = m_in->readSomeBytes( seq , nMaxToRead );
+ if( nRead + seqStart.getLength())
+ {
+ // if nRead is 0, the file is already eof.
+ if( ! m_bStarted && nRead )
+ {
+ // ensure that enough data is available to parse encoding
+ if( seqStart.getLength() )
+ {
+ seq.realloc( seqStart.getLength() + seq.getLength() );
+ memcpy( (sal_Int8*)seq.getConstArray() + seqStart.getLength() ,
+ seq.getConstArray() ,
+ seq.getLength() );
+ memcpy( (sal_Int8*)seq.getConstArray() ,
+ seqStart.getConstArray(),
+ seqStart.getLength() );
+ }
+ // autodetection with the first bytes
+ if( ! isEncodingRecognizable( seq ) )
+ {
+ seqStart.realloc( seqStart.getLength() + seq.getLength() );
+ memcpy( (sal_Int8*)seqStart.getConstArray() + seqStart.getLength(),
+ seq.getConstArray(),
+ seq.getLength());
+ // read more !
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( scanForEncoding( seq ) || m_sEncoding.getLength() ) {
+ // initialize decoding
+ initializeDecoding();
+ }
+ nRead = seq.getLength();
+ seqStart = Sequence < sal_Int8 > ();
+ }
+ // do the encoding
+ if( m_pText2Unicode && m_pUnicode2Text &&
+ m_pText2Unicode->canContinue() && m_pUnicode2Text->canContinue() ) {
+ Sequence<sal_Unicode> seqUnicode = m_pText2Unicode->convert( seq );
+ seq = m_pUnicode2Text->convert( seqUnicode.getConstArray(), seqUnicode.getLength() );
+ }
+ if( ! m_bStarted )
+ {
+ // it must now be ensured, that no encoding attribute exist anymore
+ // ( otherwise the expat-Parser will crash )
+ // This must be done after decoding !
+ // ( e.g. Files decoded in ucs-4 cannot be read properly )
+ m_bStarted = sal_True;
+ removeEncoding( seq );
+ }
+ nRead = seq.getLength();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return nRead;
+ if( m_pText2Unicode )
+ delete m_pText2Unicode;
+ if( m_pUnicode2Text )
+ delete m_pUnicode2Text;
+void XMLFile2UTFConverter::removeEncoding( Sequence<sal_Int8> &seq )
+ const sal_Int8 *pSource = seq.getArray();
+ if( ! strncmp( (const char * ) pSource , "<?xml" , 4) )
+ {
+ // scan for encoding
+ OString str( (sal_Char * ) pSource , seq.getLength() );
+ // cut sequence to first line break
+ // find first line break;
+ int nMax = str.indexOf( 10 );
+ if( nMax >= 0 )
+ {
+ str = str.copy( 0 , nMax );
+ }
+ int nFound = str.indexOf( " encoding" );
+ if( nFound < str.getLength() ) {
+ int nStop;
+ int nStart = str.indexOf( "\"" , nFound );
+ if( nStart < 0 || str.indexOf( "'" , nFound ) < nStart )
+ {
+ nStart = str.indexOf( "'" , nFound );
+ nStop = str.indexOf( "'" , nStart +1 );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int nStop = str.indexOf( "\"" , nStart +1);
+ }
+ if( nStart >= 0 && nStop >= 0 && nStart+1 < nStop )
+ {
+ // remove encoding tag from file
+ memmove( &( seq.getArray()[nFound] ) ,
+ &( seq.getArray()[nStop+1]) ,
+ seq.getLength() - nStop -1);
+ seq.realloc( seq.getLength() - ( nStop+1 - nFound ) );
+// str = String( (char * ) seq.getArray() , seq.getLen() );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Checks, if enough data has been accumulated to recognize the encoding
+sal_Bool XMLFile2UTFConverter::isEncodingRecognizable( const Sequence< sal_Int8 > &seq)
+ const sal_Int8 *pSource = seq.getConstArray();
+ sal_Bool bCheckIfFirstClosingBracketExsists = sal_False;
+ if( seq.getLength() < 8 ) {
+ // no recognition possible, when less than 8 bytes are available
+ return sal_False;
+ }
+ if( ! strncmp( (const char * ) pSource , "<?xml" , 4 ) ) {
+ // scan if the <?xml tag finishes within this buffer
+ bCheckIfFirstClosingBracketExsists = sal_True;
+ }
+ else if( ('<' == pSource[0] || '<' == pSource[2] ) &&
+ ( ('?' == pSource[4] || '?' == pSource[6] ) ) )
+ {
+ // check for utf-16
+ bCheckIfFirstClosingBracketExsists = sal_True;
+ }
+ else if( ( '<' == pSource[1] || '<' == pSource[3] ) &&
+ ( '?' == pSource[5] || '?' == pSource[7] ) )
+ {
+ // check for
+ bCheckIfFirstClosingBracketExsists = sal_True;
+ }
+ if( bCheckIfFirstClosingBracketExsists )
+ {
+ for( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < seq.getLength() ; i ++ )
+ {
+ // whole <?xml tag is valid
+ if( '>' == pSource[ i ] )
+ {
+ return sal_True;
+ }
+ }
+ return sal_False;
+ }
+ // No <? tag in front, no need for a bigger buffer
+ return sal_True;
+sal_Bool XMLFile2UTFConverter::scanForEncoding( Sequence< sal_Int8 > &seq )
+ const sal_Int8 *pSource = seq.getConstArray();
+ sal_Bool bReturn = sal_True;
+ if( seq.getLength() < 4 ) {
+ // no recognition possible, when less than 4 bytes are available
+ return sal_False;
+ }
+ // first level : detect possible file formats
+ if( ! strncmp( (const char * ) pSource , "<?xml" , 4 ) ) {
+ // scan for encoding
+ OString str( (const sal_Char *) pSource , seq.getLength() );
+ // cut sequence to first line break
+ //find first line break;
+ int nMax = str.indexOf( 10 );
+ if( nMax >= 0 )
+ {
+ str = str.copy( 0 , nMax );
+ }
+ int nFound = str.indexOf( " encoding" );
+ if( nFound < str.getLength() ) {
+ int nStop;
+ int nStart = str.indexOf( "\"" , nFound );
+ if( nStart < 0 || str.indexOf( "'" , nFound ) < nStart )
+ {
+ nStart = str.indexOf( "'" , nFound );
+ nStop = str.indexOf( "'" , nStart +1 );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int nStop = str.indexOf( "\"" , nStart +1);
+ }
+ if( nStart >= 0 && nStop >= 0 && nStart+1 < nStop )
+ {
+ // encoding found finally
+ m_sEncoding = str.copy( nStart+1 , nStop - nStart - 1 );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if( 0xFE == pSource[0] && 0xFF == pSource[1] ) {
+ // UTF-16 big endian
+ // conversion is done so that encoding information can be easily extracted
+ m_sEncoding = "utf-16";
+ }
+ else if( 0xFF == pSource[0] && 0xFE == pSource[1] ) {
+ // UTF-16 little endian
+ // conversion is done so that encoding information can be easily extracted
+ m_sEncoding = "utf-16";
+ }
+ else if( 0x00 == pSource[0] && 0x3c == pSource[1] && 0x00 == pSource[2] && 0x3f == pSource[3] ) {
+ // UTF-16 big endian without byte order mark (this is (strictly speaking) an error.)
+ // The byte order mark is simply added
+ // simply add the byte order mark !
+ seq.realloc( seq.getLength() + 2 );
+ memmove( &( seq.getArray()[2] ) , seq.getArray() , seq.getLength() );
+ ((sal_uInt8*)seq.getArray())[0] = 0xFE;
+ ((sal_uInt8*)seq.getArray())[1] = 0xFF;
+ m_sEncoding = "utf-16";
+ }
+ else if( 0x3c == pSource[0] && 0x00 == pSource[1] && 0x3f == pSource[2] && 0x00 == pSource[3] ) {
+ // UTF-16 little endian without byte order mark (this is (strictly speaking) an error.)
+ // The byte order mark is simply added
+ seq.realloc( seq.getLength() + 2 );
+ memmove( &( seq.getArray()[2] ) , seq.getArray() , seq.getLength() );
+ ((sal_uInt8*)seq.getArray())[0] = 0xFF;
+ ((sal_uInt8*)seq.getArray())[1] = 0xFE;
+ m_sEncoding = "utf-16";
+ }
+ else if( 0x00 == pSource[0] && 0x00 == pSource[1] && 0x00 == pSource[2] && 0x3c == pSource[3] ) {
+ // UCS-4 big endian
+ m_sEncoding = "ucs-4";
+ }
+ else if( 0x3c == pSource[0] && 0x00 == pSource[1] && 0x00 == pSource[2] && 0x00 == pSource[3] ) {
+ // UCS-4 little endian
+ m_sEncoding = "ucs-4";
+ }
+ else if( 0x4c == pSource[0] && 0x6f == pSource[1] && 0xa7 == pSource[2] && 0x94 == pSource[3] ) {
+ bReturn = sal_False; // must be extended
+ }
+ else {
+ // other
+ // UTF8 is directly recognized by the parser.
+ bReturn = sal_False;
+ }
+ return bReturn;
+void XMLFile2UTFConverter::initializeDecoding()
+ if( m_sEncoding.getLength() )
+ {
+ rtl_TextEncoding encoding = rtl_getTextEncodingFromMimeCharset( m_sEncoding.getStr() );
+ if( encoding != RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 )
+ {
+ m_pText2Unicode = new Text2UnicodeConverter( m_sEncoding );
+ m_pUnicode2Text = new Unicode2TextConverter( RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
+ }
+ }
+// Text2UnicodeConverter
+Text2UnicodeConverter::Text2UnicodeConverter( const OString &sEncoding )
+ rtl_TextEncoding encoding = rtl_getTextEncodingFromMimeCharset( sEncoding.getStr() );
+ {
+ m_bCanContinue = sal_False;
+ m_bInitialized = sal_False;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ init( encoding );
+ }
+Text2UnicodeConverter::Text2UnicodeConverter( rtl_TextEncoding encoding )
+ init( encoding );
+ if( m_bInitialized )
+ {
+ rtl_destroyTextToUnicodeContext( m_convText2Unicode , m_contextText2Unicode );
+ rtl_destroyUnicodeToTextConverter( m_convText2Unicode );
+ }
+void Text2UnicodeConverter::init( rtl_TextEncoding encoding )
+ m_bCanContinue = sal_True;
+ m_bInitialized = sal_True;
+ m_convText2Unicode = rtl_createTextToUnicodeConverter(encoding);
+ m_contextText2Unicode = rtl_createTextToUnicodeContext( m_convText2Unicode );
+ m_rtlEncoding = encoding;
+Sequence<sal_Unicode> Text2UnicodeConverter::convert( const Sequence<sal_Int8> &seqText )
+ sal_uInt32 uiInfo;
+ sal_Size nSrcCvtBytes = 0;
+ sal_Size nTargetCount = 0;
+ sal_Size nSourceCount = 0;
+ // the whole source size
+ sal_Int32 nSourceSize = seqText.getLength() + m_seqSource.getLength();
+ Sequence<sal_Unicode> seqUnicode ( nSourceSize );
+ const sal_Int8 *pbSource = seqText.getConstArray();
+ sal_Int8 *pbTempMem = 0;
+ if( m_seqSource.getLength() ) {
+ // put old rest and new byte sequence into one array
+ pbTempMem = new sal_Int8[ nSourceSize ];
+ memcpy( pbTempMem , m_seqSource.getConstArray() , m_seqSource.getLength() );
+ memcpy( &(pbTempMem[ m_seqSource.getLength() ]) , seqText.getConstArray() , seqText.getLength() );
+ pbSource = pbTempMem;
+ // set to zero again
+ m_seqSource = Sequence< sal_Int8 >();
+ }
+ while( sal_True ) {
+ /* All invalid characters are transformed to the unicode undefined char */
+ nTargetCount += rtl_convertTextToUnicode(
+ m_convText2Unicode,
+ m_contextText2Unicode,
+ ( const sal_Char * ) &( pbSource[nSourceCount] ),
+ nSourceSize - nSourceCount ,
+ &( seqUnicode.getArray()[ nTargetCount ] ),
+ seqUnicode.getLength() - nTargetCount,
+ &uiInfo,
+ &nSrcCvtBytes );
+ nSourceCount += nSrcCvtBytes;
+ // save necessary bytes for next conversion
+ seqUnicode.realloc( seqUnicode.getLength() * 2 );
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ m_seqSource.realloc( nSourceSize - nSourceCount );
+ memcpy( m_seqSource.getArray() , &(pbSource[nSourceCount]) , nSourceSize-nSourceCount );
+ }
+ if( pbTempMem ) {
+ delete pbTempMem;
+ }
+ // set to correct unicode size
+ seqUnicode.realloc( nTargetCount );
+ return seqUnicode;
+// Unicode2TextConverter
+Unicode2TextConverter::Unicode2TextConverter( const OString &sEncoding )
+ rtl_TextEncoding encoding = rtl_getTextEncodingFromMimeCharset( sEncoding.getStr() );
+ if( RTL_TEXTENCODING_DONTKNOW == encoding ) {
+ m_bCanContinue = sal_False;
+ m_bInitialized = sal_False;
+ }
+ else {
+ init( encoding );
+ }
+Unicode2TextConverter::Unicode2TextConverter( rtl_TextEncoding encoding )
+ init( encoding );
+ if( m_bInitialized ) {
+ rtl_destroyUnicodeToTextContext( m_convUnicode2Text , m_contextUnicode2Text );
+ rtl_destroyUnicodeToTextConverter( m_convUnicode2Text );
+ }
+Sequence<sal_Int8> Unicode2TextConverter::convert(const sal_Unicode *puSource , sal_Int32 nSourceSize)
+ sal_Unicode *puTempMem = 0;
+ if( m_seqSource.getLength() ) {
+ // For surrogates !
+ // put old rest and new byte sequence into one array
+ // In general when surrogates are used, they should be rarely
+ // cut off between two convert()-calls. So this code is used
+ // rarely and the extra copy is acceptable.
+ nSourceSize += m_seqSource.getLength();
+ puTempMem = new sal_Unicode[ nSourceSize ];
+ memcpy( puTempMem ,
+ m_seqSource.getConstArray() ,
+ m_seqSource.getLength() * sizeof( sal_Unicode ) );
+ memcpy(
+ &(puTempMem[ m_seqSource.getLength() ]) ,
+ puSource ,
+ nSourceSize*sizeof( sal_Unicode ) );
+ puSource = puTempMem;
+ m_seqSource = Sequence< sal_Unicode > ();
+ }
+ sal_Size nTargetCount = 0;
+ sal_Size nSourceCount = 0;
+ sal_uInt32 uiInfo;
+ sal_Size nSrcCvtChars;
+ // take nSourceSize * 3 as preference
+ // this is an upper boundary for converting to utf8,
+ // which most often used as the target.
+ sal_Int32 nSeqSize = nSourceSize * 3;
+ Sequence<sal_Int8> seqText( nSeqSize );
+ sal_Char *pTarget = (sal_Char *) seqText.getArray();
+ while( sal_True ) {
+ nTargetCount += rtl_convertUnicodeToText(
+ m_convUnicode2Text,
+ m_contextUnicode2Text,
+ &( puSource[nSourceCount] ),
+ nSourceSize - nSourceCount ,
+ &( pTarget[nTargetCount] ),
+ nSeqSize - nTargetCount,
+ &uiInfo,
+ &nSrcCvtChars);
+ nSourceCount += nSrcCvtChars;
+ nSeqSize = nSeqSize *2;
+ seqText.realloc( nSeqSize ); // double array size
+ pTarget = ( sal_Char * ) seqText.getArray();
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // for surrogates
+ m_seqSource.realloc( nSourceSize - nSourceCount );
+ memcpy( m_seqSource.getArray() ,
+ &(puSource[nSourceCount]),
+ (nSourceSize - nSourceCount) * sizeof( sal_Unicode ) );
+ }
+ if( puTempMem ) {
+ delete puTempMem;
+ }
+ // reduce the size of the buffer (fast, no copy necessary)
+ seqText.realloc( nTargetCount );
+ return seqText;
+void Unicode2TextConverter::init( rtl_TextEncoding encoding )
+ m_bCanContinue = sal_True;
+ m_bInitialized = sal_True;
+ m_convUnicode2Text = rtl_createUnicodeToTextConverter( encoding );
+ m_contextUnicode2Text = rtl_createUnicodeToTextContext( m_convUnicode2Text );
+ m_rtlEncoding = encoding;