path: root/sc/source/ui/docshell
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Diffstat (limited to 'sc/source/ui/docshell')
3 files changed, 25 insertions, 396 deletions
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/docshell/docfunc.cxx b/sc/source/ui/docshell/docfunc.cxx
index fc8ba28a217e..50d95fbd677d 100644
--- a/sc/source/ui/docshell/docfunc.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/ui/docshell/docfunc.cxx
@@ -851,13 +851,13 @@ BOOL ScDocFunc::PutCell( const ScAddress& rPos, ScBaseCell* pNewCell, BOOL bApi
return TRUE;
-void ScDocFunc::NotifyInputHandler( const ScAddress& /* rPos */ )
+void ScDocFunc::NotifyInputHandler( const ScAddress& rPos )
ScTabViewShell* pViewSh = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
if ( pViewSh && pViewSh->GetViewData()->GetDocShell() == &rDocShell )
ScInputHandler* pInputHdl = SC_MOD()->GetInputHdl();
- if ( pInputHdl )
+ if ( pInputHdl && pInputHdl->GetCursorPos() == rPos )
sal_Bool bIsEditMode(pInputHdl->IsEditMode());
@@ -986,7 +986,7 @@ ScTokenArray* lcl_ScDocFunc_CreateTokenArrayXML( const String& rText, const Stri
ScBaseCell* ScDocFunc::InterpretEnglishString( const ScAddress& rPos,
- const String& rText, const String& rFormulaNmsp, const formula::FormulaGrammar::Grammar eGrammar )
+ const String& rText, const String& rFormulaNmsp, const formula::FormulaGrammar::Grammar eGrammar, short* pRetFormatType )
ScDocument* pDoc = rDocShell.GetDocument();
ScBaseCell* pNewCell = NULL;
@@ -1020,7 +1020,12 @@ ScBaseCell* ScDocFunc::InterpretEnglishString( const ScAddress& rPos,
sal_uInt32 nEnglish = pFormatter->GetStandardIndex(LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US);
double fVal;
if ( pFormatter->IsNumberFormat( rText, nEnglish, fVal ) )
+ {
pNewCell = new ScValueCell( fVal );
+ // return the format type from the English format, so a localized format can be created
+ if ( pRetFormatType )
+ *pRetFormatType = pFormatter->GetType( nEnglish );
+ }
else if ( rText.Len() )
pNewCell = ScBaseCell::CreateTextCell( rText, pDoc );
@@ -2650,8 +2655,7 @@ void VBA_InsertModule( ScDocument& rDoc, SCTAB nTab, String& sModuleName, String
uno::Reference< script::vba::XVBAModuleInfo > xVBAModuleInfo( xLib, uno::UNO_QUERY );
if ( )
- String sCodeName( genModuleName );
- rDoc.SetCodeName( nTab, sCodeName );
+ rDoc.SetCodeName( nTab, genModuleName );
script::ModuleInfo sModuleInfo = lcl_InitModuleInfo( rDocSh, genModuleName );
xVBAModuleInfo->insertModuleInfo( genModuleName, sModuleInfo );
xLib->insertByName( genModuleName, aSourceAny );
@@ -3122,6 +3126,8 @@ BOOL ScDocFunc::SetWidthOrHeight( BOOL bWidth, SCCOLROW nRangeCnt, SCCOLROW* pRa
ScSizeMode eMode, USHORT nSizeTwips,
BOOL bRecord, BOOL bApi )
+ ScDocShellModificator aModificator( rDocShell );
if (!nRangeCnt)
return TRUE;
@@ -3283,6 +3289,7 @@ BOOL ScDocFunc::SetWidthOrHeight( BOOL bWidth, SCCOLROW nRangeCnt, SCCOLROW* pRa
pDoc->UpdatePageBreaks( nTab );
+ aModificator.SetDocumentModified();
return bSuccess;
@@ -4862,9 +4869,11 @@ BOOL ScDocFunc::InsertAreaLink( const String& rFile, const String& rFilter,
// Update hat sein eigenes Undo
- pLink->SetDoInsert(bFitBlock); // beim ersten Update ggf. nichts einfuegen
- pLink->Update(); // kein SetInCreate -> Update ausfuehren
+ if (pDoc->IsExecuteLinkEnabled())
+ {
+ pLink->SetDoInsert(bFitBlock); // beim ersten Update ggf. nichts einfuegen
+ pLink->Update(); // kein SetInCreate -> Update ausfuehren
+ }
pLink->SetDoInsert(TRUE); // Default = TRUE
SfxBindings* pBindings = rDocShell.GetViewBindings();
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/docshell/docsh.cxx b/sc/source/ui/docshell/docsh.cxx
index d5d7f6e09292..901363785cc9 100644
--- a/sc/source/ui/docshell/docsh.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/ui/docshell/docsh.cxx
@@ -72,7 +72,6 @@
#include <com/sun/star/task/XJob.hpp>
#include <basic/sbstar.hxx>
#include <basic/basmgr.hxx>
-#include <vbahelper/vbaaccesshelper.hxx>
#include "scabstdlg.hxx" //CHINA001
#include <sot/formats.hxx>
@@ -554,6 +553,13 @@ void __EXPORT ScDocShell::Notify( SfxBroadcaster&, const SfxHint& rHint )
xVbaEvents->processVbaEvent( WORKBOOK_AFTERSAVE, aArgs );
+ {
+ // #163655# prevent event processing after model is disposed
+ aDocument.SetVbaEventProcessor( uno::Reference< script::vba::XVBAEventProcessor >() );
+ uno::Reference< lang::XEventListener >( xVbaEvents, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW )->disposing( lang::EventObject() );
+ }
+ break;
@@ -619,25 +625,6 @@ void __EXPORT ScDocShell::Notify( SfxBroadcaster&, const SfxHint& rHint )
SetReadOnlyUI( sal_True );
- // VBA specific initialization
- if( aDocument.IsInVBAMode() ) try
- {
- uno::Reference< frame::XModel > xModel( GetModel(), uno::UNO_SET_THROW );
- // create VBAGlobals object if not yet done (this also creates the "ThisExcelDoc" symbol)
- uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > xFactory( xModel, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
- xFactory->createInstance( ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "ooo.vba.VBAGlobals" ) ) );
- // create the VBA document event processor
- uno::Sequence< uno::Any > aArgs( 1 );
- aArgs[ 0 ] <<= xModel;
- xVbaEvents.set( ooo::vba::createVBAUnoAPIServiceWithArgs( this, "" , aArgs ), uno::UNO_QUERY );
- aDocument.SetVbaEventProcessor( xVbaEvents );
- }
- catch( uno::Exception& )
- {
- }
@@ -2618,6 +2605,7 @@ void ScDocShell::SetDocumentModified( BOOL bIsModified /* = TRUE */ )
if ( pPaintLockData && bIsModified )
//! BCA_BRDCST_ALWAYS etc. also needed here?
+ aDocument.InvalidateTableArea(); // #i105279# needed here
aDocument.BroadcastUno( SfxSimpleHint( SFX_HINT_DATACHANGED ) );
pPaintLockData->SetModified(); // spaeter...
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/docshell/docsh4.cxx b/sc/source/ui/docshell/docsh4.cxx
index c88a28c96221..1d74f62be5bd 100644
--- a/sc/source/ui/docshell/docsh4.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/ui/docshell/docsh4.cxx
@@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ using namespace ::com::sun::star;
#include <svtools/sfxecode.hxx>
#include <svx/ofaitem.hxx>
#include <sot/formats.hxx>
-#include <svtools/printdlg.hxx>
#include <svl/whiter.hxx>
#include <vcl/msgbox.hxx>
#include <vcl/waitobj.hxx>
@@ -1821,373 +1820,6 @@ void ScDocShell::GetStatePageStyle( SfxViewShell& /* rCaller */,
-void lcl_GetPrintData( ScDocShell* pDocShell /*in*/,
- ScDocument* pDocument /*in*/, SfxPrinter* pPrinter /*in*/,
- PrintDialog* pPrintDialog /*in*/, bool bForceSelected /*in*/,
- ScMarkData* pMarkData /*inout*/, bool& rbHasOptions /*out*/,
- ScPrintOptions& rOptions /*out*/, bool& rbAllTabs /*out*/,
- long& rnTotalPages /*out*/, long aPageArr[] /*out*/,
- MultiSelection& rPageRanges /*out*/, ScRange** ppMarkedRange /*out*/ )
- // get settings from print options sub-dialog
- const SfxItemSet& rOptionSet = pPrinter->GetOptions();
- const SfxPoolItem* pItem;
- rbHasOptions = ( rOptionSet.GetItemState( SID_SCPRINTOPTIONS, FALSE, &pItem ) == SFX_ITEM_SET );
- if ( rbHasOptions )
- {
- rOptions = ((const ScTpPrintItem*)pItem)->GetPrintOptions();
- }
- else
- {
- // use configuration
- rOptions = SC_MOD()->GetPrintOptions();
- }
- // update all pending row heights with a single progress bar,
- // instead of a separate progress for each sheet from ScPrintFunc
- pDocShell->UpdatePendingRowHeights( MAXTAB, true );
- // get number of total pages
- rnTotalPages = 0;
- SCTAB nTabCount = pDocument->GetTableCount();
- for ( SCTAB nTab = 0; nTab < nTabCount; ++nTab )
- {
- ScPrintFunc aPrintFunc( pDocShell, pPrinter, nTab, 0, 0, NULL, &rOptions );
- long nThisTab = aPrintFunc.GetTotalPages();
- aPageArr[nTab] = nThisTab;
- rnTotalPages += nThisTab;
- }
- rPageRanges.SetTotalRange( Range( 0, RANGE_MAX ) );
- rPageRanges.Select( Range( 1, rnTotalPages ) );
- rbAllTabs = ( pPrintDialog ? ( pPrintDialog->GetCheckedSheetRange() == PRINTSHEETS_ALL ) : SC_MOD()->GetPrintOptions().GetAllSheets() );
- if ( bForceSelected )
- {
- rbAllTabs = false;
- }
- if ( ( pPrintDialog && pPrintDialog->GetCheckedSheetRange() == PRINTSHEETS_SELECTED_CELLS ) || bForceSelected )
- {
- if ( pMarkData && ( pMarkData->IsMarked() || pMarkData->IsMultiMarked() ) )
- {
- pMarkData->MarkToMulti();
- *ppMarkedRange = new ScRange;
- pMarkData->GetMultiMarkArea( **ppMarkedRange );
- pMarkData->MarkToSimple();
- }
- }
- PrintDialogRange eDlgOption = pPrintDialog ? pPrintDialog->GetCheckedRange() : PRINTDIALOG_ALL;
- if ( eDlgOption == PRINTDIALOG_RANGE )
- {
- rPageRanges = MultiSelection( pPrintDialog->GetRangeText() );
- }
- // get number of total pages if selection
- if ( !rbAllTabs )
- {
- rnTotalPages = 0;
- for ( SCTAB nTab = 0; nTab < nTabCount; ++nTab )
- {
- if ( *ppMarkedRange ) // selected range is used instead of print ranges -> page count is different
- {
- ScPrintFunc aPrintFunc( pDocShell, pPrinter, nTab, 0, 0, *ppMarkedRange, &rOptions );
- aPageArr[nTab] = aPrintFunc.GetTotalPages();
- }
- if ( !pMarkData || pMarkData->GetTableSelect( nTab ) )
- {
- rnTotalPages += aPageArr[nTab];
- }
- }
- if ( eDlgOption == PRINTDIALOG_ALL || bForceSelected )
- {
- rPageRanges.Select( Range( 1, rnTotalPages ) );
- }
- }
-bool ScDocShell::CheckPrint( PrintDialog* pPrintDialog, ScMarkData* pMarkData, bool bForceSelected, bool bIsAPI )
- SfxPrinter* pPrinter = GetPrinter();
- if ( !pPrinter )
- {
- return false;
- }
- bool bHasOptions = false;
- ScPrintOptions aOptions;
- bool bAllTabs = true;
- long nTotalPages = 0;
- long aPageArr[MAXTABCOUNT]; // pages per sheet
- MultiSelection aPageRanges; // pages to print
- ScRange* pMarkedRange = NULL;
- lcl_GetPrintData( this, &aDocument, pPrinter, pPrintDialog, bForceSelected,
- pMarkData, bHasOptions, aOptions, bAllTabs, nTotalPages,
- aPageArr, aPageRanges, &pMarkedRange );
- delete pMarkedRange;
- if ( nTotalPages == 0 )
- {
- if ( !bIsAPI )
- {
- WarningBox aWarningBox( GetActiveDialogParent(), WinBits( WB_OK ),
- String( ScResId( STR_PRINT_NOTHING ) ) );
- aWarningBox.Execute();
- }
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-void ScDocShell::PreparePrint( PrintDialog* pPrintDialog, ScMarkData* pMarkData )
- SfxPrinter* pPrinter = GetPrinter();
- if ( !pPrinter )
- {
- return;
- }
- delete pOldJobSetup; // gesetzt nur bei Fehler in StartJob()
- pOldJobSetup = new ScJobSetup( pPrinter ); // Einstellungen merken
- // Einstellungen fuer die erste gedruckte Seite muessen hier (vor StartJob) gesetzt werden
- //! Selection etc. mit Print() zusammenfassen !!!
- //! Seiten nur einmal zaehlen
- bool bHasOptions = false;
- ScPrintOptions aOptions;
- bool bAllTabs = true;
- long nTotalPages = 0;
- long aPageArr[MAXTABCOUNT]; // pages per sheet
- MultiSelection aPageRanges; // pages to print
- ScRange* pMarkedRange = NULL;
- lcl_GetPrintData( this, &aDocument, pPrinter, pPrintDialog, false,
- pMarkData, bHasOptions, aOptions, bAllTabs, nTotalPages,
- aPageArr, aPageRanges, &pMarkedRange );
- BOOL bFound = FALSE; // erste Seite gefunden
- long nTabStart = 0;
- SCTAB nTabCount = aDocument.GetTableCount();
- for ( SCTAB nTab=0; nTab<nTabCount && !bFound; nTab++ )
- {
- if ( bAllTabs || !pMarkData || pMarkData->GetTableSelect( nTab ) )
- {
- long nNext = nTabStart + aPageArr[nTab];
- BOOL bSelected = FALSE;
- for (long nP=nTabStart+1; nP<=nNext; nP++) // 1-basiert
- if (aPageRanges.IsSelected( nP )) // eine Seite von dieser Tabelle selektiert?
- bSelected = TRUE;
- if (bSelected)
- {
- ScPrintFunc aPrintFunc( this, pPrinter, nTab );
- aPrintFunc.ApplyPrintSettings(); // dann Settings fuer diese Tabelle
- bFound = TRUE;
- }
- nTabStart = nNext;
- }
- }
- delete pMarkedRange;
-BOOL lcl_HasTransparent( ScDocument* pDoc, SCTAB nTab, const ScRange* pRange )
- BOOL bFound = FALSE;
- ScDrawLayer* pDrawLayer = pDoc->GetDrawLayer();
- if (pDrawLayer)
- {
- SdrPage* pPage = pDrawLayer->GetPage(static_cast<sal_uInt16>(nTab));
- DBG_ASSERT(pPage,"Page ?");
- if (pPage)
- {
- Rectangle aMMRect;
- if ( pRange )
- aMMRect = pDoc->GetMMRect( pRange->aStart.Col(), pRange->aStart.Row(),
- pRange->aEnd.Col(), pRange->aEnd.Row(), nTab );
- SdrObjListIter aIter( *pPage, IM_DEEPNOGROUPS );
- SdrObject* pObject = aIter.Next();
- while (pObject && !bFound)
- {
- if (pObject->IsTransparent())
- {
- if ( pRange )
- {
- Rectangle aObjRect = pObject->GetLogicRect();
- if ( aObjRect.IsOver( aMMRect ) )
- bFound = TRUE;
- }
- else
- bFound = TRUE;
- }
- pObject = aIter.Next();
- }
- }
- }
- return bFound;
-void ScDocShell::Print( SfxProgress& rProgress, PrintDialog* pPrintDialog,
- ScMarkData* pMarkData, Window* pDialogParent, BOOL bForceSelected, BOOL bIsAPI )
- SfxPrinter* pPrinter = GetPrinter();
- if ( !pPrinter )
- {
- return;
- }
- bool bHasOptions = false;
- ScPrintOptions aOptions;
- bool bAllTabs = true;
- long nTotalPages = 0;
- long aPageArr[MAXTABCOUNT]; // pages per sheet
- MultiSelection aPageRanges; // pages to print
- ScRange* pMarkedRange = NULL;
- lcl_GetPrintData( this, &aDocument, pPrinter, pPrintDialog, bForceSelected,
- pMarkData, bHasOptions, aOptions, bAllTabs, nTotalPages,
- aPageArr, aPageRanges, &pMarkedRange );
- USHORT nCollateCopies = 1;
- if ( pPrintDialog && pPrintDialog->IsCollateEnabled() && pPrintDialog->IsCollateChecked() )
- nCollateCopies = pPrintDialog->GetCopyCount();
- // test if printed range contains transparent objects
- BOOL bHasTransp = FALSE;
- BOOL bAnyPrintRanges = aDocument.HasPrintRange();
- ScStyleSheetPool* pStylePool = aDocument.GetStyleSheetPool();
- SCTAB nTabCount = aDocument.GetTableCount();
- for ( SCTAB nTab=0; nTab<nTabCount && !bHasTransp; nTab++ )
- {
- if ( bAllTabs || !pMarkData || pMarkData->GetTableSelect( nTab ) )
- {
- SfxStyleSheetBase* pStyleSheet = pStylePool->Find(
- aDocument.GetPageStyle( nTab ), SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PAGE );
- if ( pStyleSheet )
- {
- const SfxItemSet& rSet = pStyleSheet->GetItemSet();
- if ( ((const ScViewObjectModeItem&)rSet.Get(ATTR_PAGE_CHARTS)).GetValue() == VOBJ_MODE_SHOW ||
- ((const ScViewObjectModeItem&)rSet.Get(ATTR_PAGE_OBJECTS)).GetValue() == VOBJ_MODE_SHOW ||
- ((const ScViewObjectModeItem&)rSet.Get(ATTR_PAGE_DRAWINGS)).GetValue() == VOBJ_MODE_SHOW )
- {
- if ( pMarkedRange )
- bHasTransp = bHasTransp || lcl_HasTransparent( &aDocument, nTab, pMarkedRange );
- else if ( aDocument.GetPrintRangeCount(nTab) )
- {
- USHORT nRangeCount = aDocument.GetPrintRangeCount(nTab);
- for (USHORT i=0; i<nRangeCount; i++)
- bHasTransp = bHasTransp ||
- lcl_HasTransparent( &aDocument, nTab, aDocument.GetPrintRange( nTab, i ) );
- }
- else if (!bAnyPrintRanges || aDocument.IsPrintEntireSheet(nTab))
- bHasTransp = bHasTransp || lcl_HasTransparent( &aDocument, nTab, NULL );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- BOOL bContinue = pPrinter->InitJob( pDialogParent, !bIsAPI && bHasTransp );
- if ( bContinue )
- {
- for ( USHORT n=0; n<nCollateCopies; n++ )
- {
- long nTabStart = 0;
- long nDisplayStart = 0;
- long nAttrPage = 1;
- long nPrinted = 0;
- for ( SCTAB nTab=0; nTab<nTabCount; nTab++ )
- {
- if ( bAllTabs || !pMarkData || pMarkData->GetTableSelect( nTab ) )
- {
- FmFormView* pDrawView = NULL;
- Rectangle aFull( 0, 0, LONG_MAX, LONG_MAX );
- // #114135#
- ScDrawLayer* pModel = aDocument.GetDrawLayer(); // ist nicht NULL
- if(pModel)
- {
- pDrawView = new FmFormView( pModel, pPrinter );
- pDrawView->ShowSdrPage(pDrawView->GetModel()->GetPage(nTab));
- pDrawView->SetPrintPreview( TRUE );
- }
- ScPrintFunc aPrintFunc( this, pPrinter, nTab, nAttrPage, nTotalPages, pMarkedRange, &aOptions );
- aPrintFunc.SetDrawView( pDrawView );
- nPrinted += aPrintFunc.DoPrint( aPageRanges, nTabStart, nDisplayStart, TRUE, &rProgress, NULL );
- nTabStart += aPageArr[nTab];
- if ( aDocument.NeedPageResetAfterTab(nTab) )
- nDisplayStart = 0;
- else
- nDisplayStart += aPageArr[nTab];
- nAttrPage = aPrintFunc.GetFirstPageNo(); // behalten oder aus Vorlage
- delete pDrawView;
- }
- }
- if ( n+1 < nCollateCopies &&
- (pPrinter->GetDuplexMode() == DUPLEX_SHORTEDGE || pPrinter->GetDuplexMode() == DUPLEX_LONGEDGE) &&
- ( nPrinted % 2 ) == 1 )
- {
- // #105584# when several collated copies are printed in duplex mode, and there is
- // an odd number of pages, print an empty page between copies, so the first page of
- // the second copy isn't printed on the back of the last page of the first copy.
- // (same as in Writer ViewShell::Prt)
- // FIXME: needs to be adapted to XRenderable interface
- #if 0
- pPrinter->StartPage();
- pPrinter->EndPage();
- #endif
- }
- }
- }
- delete pMarkedRange;
- if (pOldJobSetup)
- {
- pPrinter->SetOrientation( pOldJobSetup->eOrientation );
- pPrinter->SetPaperBin ( pOldJobSetup->nPaperBin );
- pPrinter->SetPaper ( pOldJobSetup->ePaper );
- if ( PAPER_USER == pOldJobSetup->ePaper )
- {
- pPrinter->SetMapMode( pOldJobSetup->aUserMapMode );
- pPrinter->SetPaperSizeUser( pOldJobSetup->aUserSize );
- }
- delete pOldJobSetup;
- pOldJobSetup = NULL;
- }
- if ( bHasOptions )
- {
- // remove PrintOptions from printer ItemSet,
- // so next time the options from the configuration are used
- SfxItemSet aSet( pPrinter->GetOptions() );
- pPrinter->SetOptions( aSet );
- }
- PostPaintGridAll(); //! nur wenn geaendert
void ScDocShell::GetState( SfxItemSet &rSet )
SfxWhichIter aIter(rSet);