path: root/sc/source/ui/undo
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sc/source/ui/undo')
14 files changed, 10787 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/undo/ b/sc/source/ui/undo/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b5242a2bfe6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sc/source/ui/undo/
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+# $RCSfile:,v $
+# $Revision: $
+# last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:45:06 $
+# The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+# either of the following licenses
+# - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+# - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+# Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+# GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+# =============================================
+# Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+# 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+# MA 02111-1307 USA
+# Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+# =================================================
+# The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+# Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+# License at
+# Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+# See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+# obligations concerning the Software.
+# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+# Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+# --- Settings -----------------------------------------------------
+.INCLUDE : $(PRJ)$/util$/makefile.pmk
+# --- Files --------------------------------------------------------
+ target.cxx \
+ refundo.cxx \
+ undobase.cxx \
+ undoutil.cxx \
+ undocell.cxx \
+ undostyl.cxx \
+ undoolk.cxx \
+ undoblk.cxx \
+ undoblk2.cxx \
+ undoblk3.cxx \
+ undodat.cxx \
+ undodraw.cxx \
+ undotab.cxx
+ $(SLO)$/target.obj \
+ $(SLO)$/refundo.obj \
+ $(SLO)$/undobase.obj \
+ $(SLO)$/undoutil.obj \
+ $(SLO)$/undocell.obj \
+ $(SLO)$/undostyl.obj \
+ $(SLO)$/undoolk.obj \
+ $(SLO)$/undoblk.obj \
+ $(SLO)$/undoblk2.obj \
+ $(SLO)$/undoblk3.obj \
+ $(SLO)$/undodat.obj \
+ $(SLO)$/undodraw.obj \
+ $(SLO)$/undotab.obj
+# --- Tagets -------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/undo/refundo.cxx b/sc/source/ui/undo/refundo.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..23c0a8a133f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sc/source/ui/undo/refundo.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: refundo.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:45:07 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifdef PCH
+#include "ui_pch.hxx"
+#pragma hdrstop
+// INCLUDE ---------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "refundo.hxx"
+#include "undobase.hxx"
+#include "document.hxx"
+#include "dbcolect.hxx"
+#include "rangenam.hxx"
+#include "pivot.hxx"
+#include "chartarr.hxx"
+#include "stlpool.hxx"
+#include "conditio.hxx"
+#include "detdata.hxx"
+#include "prnsave.hxx"
+#include "chartlis.hxx"
+#include "dpobject.hxx"
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ScRefUndoData::ScRefUndoData( const ScDocument* pDoc )
+ ScDBCollection* pOldDBColl = pDoc->GetDBCollection();
+ pDBCollection = pOldDBColl ? new ScDBCollection(*pOldDBColl) : NULL;
+ ScRangeName* pOldRanges = ((ScDocument*)pDoc)->GetRangeName(); //! const
+ pRangeName = pOldRanges ? new ScRangeName(*pOldRanges) : NULL;
+ pPrintRanges = pDoc->CreatePrintRangeSaver(); // neu erzeugt
+ ScPivotCollection* pOldPivot = pDoc->GetPivotCollection();
+ pPivotCollection = pOldPivot ? new ScPivotCollection(*pOldPivot) : NULL;
+ //! bei Pivot nur Bereiche merken ???
+ ScDPCollection* pOldDP = ((ScDocument*)pDoc)->GetDPCollection(); //! const
+ pDPCollection = pOldDP ? new ScDPCollection(*pOldDP) : NULL;
+ ScConditionalFormatList* pOldCond = pDoc->GetCondFormList();
+ pCondFormList = pOldCond ? new ScConditionalFormatList(*pOldCond) : NULL;
+ ScDetOpList* pOldDetOp = pDoc->GetDetOpList();
+ pDetOpList = pOldDetOp ? new ScDetOpList(*pOldDetOp) : 0;
+ ScChartListenerCollection* pOldChartListenerCollection =
+ pDoc->GetChartListenerCollection();
+ pChartListenerCollection = pOldChartListenerCollection ?
+ new ScChartListenerCollection( *pOldChartListenerCollection ) : NULL;
+ delete pDBCollection;
+ delete pRangeName;
+ delete pPrintRanges;
+ delete pPivotCollection;
+ delete pDPCollection;
+ delete pCondFormList;
+ delete pDetOpList;
+ delete pChartListenerCollection;
+void ScRefUndoData::DeleteUnchanged( const ScDocument* pDoc )
+ if (pDBCollection)
+ {
+ ScDBCollection* pNewDBColl = pDoc->GetDBCollection();
+ if ( pNewDBColl && *pDBCollection == *pNewDBColl )
+ DELETEZ(pDBCollection);
+ }
+ if (pRangeName)
+ {
+ ScRangeName* pNewRanges = ((ScDocument*)pDoc)->GetRangeName(); //! const
+ if ( pNewRanges && *pRangeName == *pNewRanges )
+ DELETEZ(pRangeName);
+ }
+ if (pPrintRanges)
+ {
+ ScPrintRangeSaver* pNewRanges = pDoc->CreatePrintRangeSaver();
+ if ( pNewRanges && *pPrintRanges == *pNewRanges )
+ DELETEZ(pPrintRanges);
+ delete pNewRanges;
+ }
+ if (pPivotCollection)
+ {
+ ScPivotCollection* pNewPivot = pDoc->GetPivotCollection();
+ if ( pNewPivot && *pPivotCollection == *pNewPivot )
+ DELETEZ(pPivotCollection);
+ }
+ if (pDPCollection)
+ {
+ ScDPCollection* pNewDP = ((ScDocument*)pDoc)->GetDPCollection(); //! const
+ if ( pNewDP && pDPCollection->RefsEqual(*pNewDP) )
+ DELETEZ(pDPCollection);
+ }
+ if (pCondFormList)
+ {
+ ScConditionalFormatList* pNewCond = pDoc->GetCondFormList();
+ if ( pNewCond && *pCondFormList == *pNewCond )
+ DELETEZ(pCondFormList);
+ }
+ if (pDetOpList)
+ {
+ ScDetOpList* pNewDetOp = pDoc->GetDetOpList();
+ if ( pNewDetOp && *pDetOpList == *pNewDetOp )
+ DELETEZ(pDetOpList);
+ }
+ if ( pChartListenerCollection )
+ {
+ ScChartListenerCollection* pNewChartListenerCollection =
+ pDoc->GetChartListenerCollection();
+ if ( pNewChartListenerCollection &&
+ *pChartListenerCollection == *pNewChartListenerCollection )
+ DELETEZ( pChartListenerCollection );
+ }
+void ScRefUndoData::DoUndo( ScDocument* pDoc, BOOL bUndoRefFirst )
+ if (pDBCollection)
+ pDoc->SetDBCollection( new ScDBCollection(*pDBCollection) );
+ if (pRangeName)
+ pDoc->SetRangeName( new ScRangeName(*pRangeName) );
+ if (pPrintRanges)
+ pDoc->RestorePrintRanges(*pPrintRanges);
+ if (pPivotCollection)
+ pDoc->SetPivotCollection( new ScPivotCollection(*pPivotCollection) );
+ if (pDPCollection)
+ {
+ ScDPCollection* pDocDP = pDoc->GetDPCollection();
+ if (pDocDP)
+ pDPCollection->WriteRefsTo( *pDocDP );
+ }
+ if (pCondFormList)
+ pDoc->SetCondFormList( new ScConditionalFormatList(*pCondFormList) );
+ if (pDetOpList)
+ pDoc->SetDetOpList( new ScDetOpList(*pDetOpList) );
+ // #65055# bUndoRefFirst ist bSetChartRangeLists
+ if ( pChartListenerCollection )
+ pDoc->SetChartListenerCollection( new ScChartListenerCollection(
+ *pChartListenerCollection ), bUndoRefFirst );
+ if (pDBCollection || pRangeName)
+ {
+ BOOL bOldAutoCalc = pDoc->GetAutoCalc();
+ pDoc->SetAutoCalc( FALSE ); // Mehrfachberechnungen vermeiden
+ pDoc->CompileAll();
+ pDoc->SetDirty();
+ pDoc->SetAutoCalc( bOldAutoCalc );
+ }
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/undo/target.cxx b/sc/source/ui/undo/target.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..eaf203bde4a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sc/source/ui/undo/target.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: target.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:45:07 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// System - Includes -----------------------------------------------------
+#ifdef PCH
+#include "ui_pch.hxx"
+#pragma hdrstop
+#ifndef PCH
+#include <segmentc.hxx>
+// INCLUDE ---------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "target.hxx"
+// STATIC DATA -----------------------------------------------------------
+TYPEINIT1(ScTabViewTarget, SfxRepeatTarget);
+#pragma SEG_FUNCDEF(target_01)
+__EXPORT ScTabViewTarget::~ScTabViewTarget()
+ $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
+ Revision 1.3 2000/09/17 14:09:28 willem.vandorp
+ OpenOffice header added.
+ Revision 1.2 2000/08/31 16:38:39 willem.vandorp
+ Header and footer replaced
+ Revision 1.1 1995/10/09 14:48:40 NN
+ Initial revision.
+ Rev 1.0 09 Oct 1995 15:48:40 NN
+ Initial revision.
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/undo/undobase.cxx b/sc/source/ui/undo/undobase.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2c952af778f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sc/source/ui/undo/undobase.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: undobase.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:45:07 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifdef PCH
+#include "ui_pch.hxx"
+#pragma hdrstop
+// INCLUDE ---------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <vcl/virdev.hxx>
+#include "undobase.hxx"
+#include "refundo.hxx"
+#include "docsh.hxx"
+#include "tabvwsh.hxx"
+#include "undoolk.hxx"
+#include "undodraw.hxx"
+// STATIC DATA -----------------------------------------------------------
+TYPEINIT1(ScSimpleUndo, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScBlockUndo, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScMoveUndo, SfxUndoAction);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ScSimpleUndo::ScSimpleUndo( ScDocShell* pDocSh ) :
+ pDocShell( pDocSh ),
+ pDetectiveUndo( NULL )
+__EXPORT ScSimpleUndo::~ScSimpleUndo()
+ delete pDetectiveUndo;
+BOOL __EXPORT ScSimpleUndo::Merge( SfxUndoAction *pNextAction )
+ // Zu jeder Undo-Action kann eine SdrUndoGroup fuer das Aktualisieren
+ // der Detektiv-Pfeile gehoeren.
+ // DetectiveRefresh kommt immer hinterher, die SdrUndoGroup ist in
+ // eine ScUndoDraw Action verpackt.
+ // Nur beim automatischen Aktualisieren wird AddUndoAction mit
+ // bTryMerg=TRUE gerufen.
+ if ( !pDetectiveUndo && pNextAction->ISA(ScUndoDraw) )
+ {
+ // SdrUndoAction aus der ScUndoDraw Action uebernehmen,
+ // ScUndoDraw wird dann vom UndoManager geloescht
+ ScUndoDraw* pCalcUndo = (ScUndoDraw*)pNextAction;
+ pDetectiveUndo = pCalcUndo->GetDrawUndo();
+ pCalcUndo->ForgetDrawUndo();
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+void ScSimpleUndo::BeginUndo()
+ pDocShell->SetInUndo( TRUE );
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->HideAllCursors(); // z.B. wegen zusammengefassten Zellen
+void ScSimpleUndo::EndUndo()
+ if (pDetectiveUndo)
+ pDetectiveUndo->Undo();
+ pDocShell->SetDocumentModified();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ {
+ pViewShell->UpdateAutoFillMark();
+ pViewShell->UpdateInputHandler();
+ pViewShell->ShowAllCursors();
+ }
+ pDocShell->SetInUndo( FALSE );
+void ScSimpleUndo::BeginRedo()
+ pDocShell->SetInUndo( TRUE ); //! eigenes Flag fuer Redo?
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->HideAllCursors(); // z.B. wegen zusammengefassten Zellen
+void ScSimpleUndo::EndRedo()
+ if (pDetectiveUndo)
+ pDetectiveUndo->Redo();
+ pDocShell->SetDocumentModified();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ {
+ pViewShell->UpdateAutoFillMark();
+ pViewShell->UpdateInputHandler();
+ pViewShell->ShowAllCursors();
+ }
+ pDocShell->SetInUndo( FALSE );
+void ScSimpleUndo::ShowTable( USHORT nTab ) // static
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+void ScSimpleUndo::ShowTable( const ScRange& rRange ) // static
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ {
+ USHORT nStart = rRange.aStart.Tab();
+ USHORT nEnd = rRange.aEnd.Tab();
+ USHORT nTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nTab < nStart || nTab > nEnd ) // wenn nicht im Bereich:
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nStart ); // auf erste des Bereiches
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ScBlockUndo::ScBlockUndo( ScDocShell* pDocSh, const ScRange& rRange,
+ ScBlockUndoMode eBlockMode ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pDocSh ),
+ aBlockRange( rRange ),
+ eMode( eBlockMode )
+ pDrawUndo = GetSdrUndoAction( pDocShell->GetDocument() );
+__EXPORT ScBlockUndo::~ScBlockUndo()
+ DeleteSdrUndoAction( pDrawUndo );
+void ScBlockUndo::BeginUndo()
+ ScSimpleUndo::BeginUndo();
+ EnableDrawAdjust( pDocShell->GetDocument(), FALSE );
+void ScBlockUndo::EndUndo()
+ if (eMode == SC_UNDO_AUTOHEIGHT)
+ AdjustHeight();
+ EnableDrawAdjust( pDocShell->GetDocument(), TRUE );
+ if (pDrawUndo)
+ DoSdrUndoAction( pDrawUndo );
+ ShowBlock();
+ ScSimpleUndo::EndUndo();
+void ScBlockUndo::BeginRedo()
+ ScSimpleUndo::BeginRedo();
+void ScBlockUndo::EndRedo()
+ if (eMode == SC_UNDO_AUTOHEIGHT)
+ AdjustHeight();
+ ShowBlock();
+ ScSimpleUndo::EndRedo();
+BOOL ScBlockUndo::AdjustHeight()
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ VirtualDevice aVirtDev;
+ Fraction aZoomX( 1, 1 );
+ Fraction aZoomY = aZoomX;
+ double nPPTX, nPPTY;
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ {
+ ScViewData* pData = pViewShell->GetViewData();
+ nPPTX = pData->GetPPTX();
+ nPPTY = pData->GetPPTY();
+ aZoomX = pData->GetZoomX();
+ aZoomY = pData->GetZoomY();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Zoom auf 100 lassen
+ nPPTX = ScGlobal::nScreenPPTX;
+ nPPTY = ScGlobal::nScreenPPTY;
+ }
+ BOOL bRet = pDoc->SetOptimalHeight( aBlockRange.aStart.Row(), aBlockRange.aEnd.Row(),
+/*!*/ aBlockRange.aStart.Tab(), 0, &aVirtDev,
+ nPPTX, nPPTY, aZoomX, aZoomY, FALSE );
+ if (bRet)
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( 0, aBlockRange.aStart.Row(), aBlockRange.aStart.Tab(),
+ MAXCOL, MAXROW, aBlockRange.aEnd.Tab(),
+ return bRet;
+void ScBlockUndo::ShowBlock()
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ {
+ ShowTable( aBlockRange ); // bei mehreren Tabs im Range ist jede davon gut
+ pViewShell->MoveCursorAbs( aBlockRange.aStart.Col(), aBlockRange.aStart.Row(),
+ USHORT nTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ ScRange aRange = aBlockRange;
+ aRange.aStart.SetTab( nTab );
+ aRange.aEnd.SetTab( nTab );
+ pViewShell->MarkRange( aRange );
+ // nicht per SetMarkArea an MarkData, wegen evtl. fehlendem Paint
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ScMoveUndo::ScMoveUndo( ScDocShell* pDocSh, ScDocument* pRefDoc, ScRefUndoData* pRefData,
+ ScMoveUndoMode eRefMode ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pDocSh ),
+ pRefUndoDoc( pRefDoc ),
+ pRefUndoData( pRefData ),
+ eMode( eRefMode )
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ if (pRefUndoData)
+ pRefUndoData->DeleteUnchanged(pDoc);
+ pDrawUndo = GetSdrUndoAction( pDoc );
+__EXPORT ScMoveUndo::~ScMoveUndo()
+ delete pRefUndoData;
+ delete pRefUndoDoc;
+ DeleteSdrUndoAction( pDrawUndo );
+void ScMoveUndo::UndoRef()
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScRange aRange(0,0,0, MAXCOL,MAXROW,pRefUndoDoc->GetTableCount()-1);
+ pRefUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aRange, IDF_FORMULA, FALSE, pDoc, NULL, FALSE );
+ if (pRefUndoData)
+ pRefUndoData->DoUndo( pDoc, (eMode == SC_UNDO_REFFIRST) );
+ // #65055# HACK: ScDragDropUndo ist der einzige mit REFFIRST.
+ // Falls nicht, resultiert daraus evtl. ein zu haeufiges Anpassen
+ // der ChartRefs, nicht schoen, aber auch nicht schlecht..
+void ScMoveUndo::BeginUndo()
+ ScSimpleUndo::BeginUndo();
+ EnableDrawAdjust( pDocShell->GetDocument(), FALSE );
+ if (pRefUndoDoc && eMode == SC_UNDO_REFFIRST)
+ UndoRef();
+void ScMoveUndo::EndUndo()
+ if (pDrawUndo) //@17.12.97 Reihenfolge der Fkt.s geaendert
+ DoSdrUndoAction( pDrawUndo );
+ if (pRefUndoDoc && eMode == SC_UNDO_REFLAST)
+ UndoRef();
+ EnableDrawAdjust( pDocShell->GetDocument(), TRUE );
+ ScSimpleUndo::EndUndo();
+void ScMoveUndo::BeginRedo()
+ ScSimpleUndo::BeginRedo();
+void ScMoveUndo::EndRedo()
+ ScSimpleUndo::EndRedo();
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/undo/undoblk.cxx b/sc/source/ui/undo/undoblk.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8ddc8308f4c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sc/source/ui/undo/undoblk.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1909 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: undoblk.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:45:07 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifdef PCH
+#include "ui_pch.hxx"
+#pragma hdrstop
+#define _MACRODLG_HXX
+#define _BIGINT_HXX
+#define _SVDXOUT_HXX
+#define _SVDATTR_HXX
+#define _SVDSURO_HXX
+// INCLUDE ---------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "scitems.hxx"
+#include <vcl/virdev.hxx>
+#include <vcl/waitobj.hxx>
+#include <svx/boxitem.hxx>
+#include "undoblk.hxx"
+#include "undoutil.hxx"
+#include "document.hxx"
+#include "patattr.hxx"
+#include "docsh.hxx"
+#include "tabvwsh.hxx"
+#include "rangenam.hxx"
+#include "rangeutl.hxx"
+#include "dbcolect.hxx"
+#include "stlpool.hxx"
+#include "stlsheet.hxx"
+#include "globstr.hrc"
+#include "global.hxx"
+#include "target.hxx"
+#include "docpool.hxx"
+#include "docfunc.hxx"
+#include "attrib.hxx"
+#include "chgtrack.hxx"
+// STATIC DATA -----------------------------------------------------------
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoInsertCells, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoDeleteCells, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoDeleteMulti, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoCut, ScBlockUndo);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoPaste, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoDragDrop, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoListNames, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoUseScenario, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoSelectionStyle, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoEnterMatrix, ScBlockUndo);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoIndent, ScBlockUndo);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoClearItems, ScBlockUndo);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoRemoveBreaks, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoRemoveMerge, ScBlockUndo);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoBorder, ScBlockUndo);
+// To Do:
+/*A*/ // SetOptimalHeight auf Dokument, wenn keine View
+/*B*/ // gelinkte Tabellen
+/*C*/ // ScArea
+//? // spaeter mal pruefen
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Zellen einfuegen
+// Zeilen einfgen
+// einzeln oder Block
+ScUndoInsertCells::ScUndoInsertCells( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ const ScRange& rRange, InsCellCmd eNewCmd,
+ ScDocument* pUndoDocument, ScRefUndoData* pRefData ) :
+ ScMoveUndo( pNewDocShell, pUndoDocument, pRefData, SC_UNDO_REFLAST ),
+ aEffRange( rRange ),
+ eCmd( eNewCmd )
+ if (eCmd == INS_INSROWS) // ganze Zeilen?
+ {
+ aEffRange.aStart.SetCol(0);
+ aEffRange.aEnd.SetCol(MAXCOL);
+ }
+ if (eCmd == INS_INSCOLS) // ganze Spalten?
+ {
+ aEffRange.aStart.SetRow(0);
+ aEffRange.aEnd.SetRow(MAXROW);
+ }
+ SetChangeTrack();
+__EXPORT ScUndoInsertCells::~ScUndoInsertCells()
+String __EXPORT ScUndoInsertCells::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_INSERTCELLS ); // "Einfuegen"
+void ScUndoInsertCells::SetChangeTrack()
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDocShell->GetDocument()->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ {
+ pChangeTrack->AppendInsert( aEffRange );
+ nEndChangeAction = pChangeTrack->GetActionMax();
+ }
+ else
+ nEndChangeAction = 0;
+void ScUndoInsertCells::DoChange( const BOOL bUndo )
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ if ( bUndo )
+ {
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDoc->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ pChangeTrack->Undo( nEndChangeAction, nEndChangeAction );
+ }
+ else
+ SetChangeTrack();
+ ScRange aWorkRange( aEffRange );
+ if ( pDoc->HasAttrib( aWorkRange, HASATTR_MERGED ) ) // zusammengefasste Zellen?
+ pDoc->ExtendMerge( aWorkRange, TRUE );
+ switch (eCmd)
+ {
+ if (bUndo)
+ pDoc->DeleteRow( aEffRange );
+ else
+ pDoc->InsertRow( aEffRange );
+ break;
+ if (bUndo)
+ pDoc->DeleteCol( aEffRange );
+ else
+ pDoc->InsertCol( aEffRange );
+ break;
+ }
+//? Undo fuer herausgeschobene Attribute ?
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ switch (eCmd)
+ {
+ nPaint |= PAINT_LEFT;
+ aWorkRange.aEnd.SetRow(MAXROW);
+ break;
+ aWorkRange.aEnd.SetRow(MAXROW); // bis ganz nach unten
+/*A*/ if ( (pViewShell) && pViewShell->AdjustRowHeight(
+ aWorkRange.aStart.Row(), aWorkRange.aEnd.Row(), FALSE ) )
+ {
+ aWorkRange.aStart.SetCol(0);
+ aWorkRange.aEnd.SetCol(MAXCOL);
+ nPaint |= PAINT_LEFT;
+ }
+ break;
+ nPaint |= PAINT_TOP; // obere Leiste
+ aWorkRange.aEnd.SetCol(MAXCOL); // bis ganz nach rechts
+/*A*/ if ( (pViewShell) && pViewShell->AdjustRowHeight(
+ aWorkRange.aStart.Row(), aWorkRange.aEnd.Row(), FALSE ) )
+ { // AdjustDraw zeichnet PAINT_TOP nicht,
+ aWorkRange.aStart.SetCol(0); // daher so geloest
+ aWorkRange.aEnd.SetRow(MAXROW);
+ nPaint |= PAINT_LEFT;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aWorkRange, nPaint );
+ pDocShell->PostDataChanged();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->CellContentChanged();
+ ShowTable( aEffRange.aStart.Tab() );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoInsertCells::Undo()
+ WaitObject aWait( pDocShell->GetDialogParent() ); // wichtig wegen TrackFormulas bei UpdateReference
+ BeginUndo();
+ DoChange( TRUE );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoInsertCells::Redo()
+ WaitObject aWait( pDocShell->GetDialogParent() ); // wichtig wegen TrackFormulas bei UpdateReference
+ BeginRedo();
+ DoChange( FALSE );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoInsertCells::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->InsertCells( eCmd, TRUE );
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoInsertCells::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Zellen loeschen
+// Zeilen lschen
+// einzeln oder Block
+ScUndoDeleteCells::ScUndoDeleteCells( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ const ScRange& rRange, DelCellCmd eNewCmd,
+ ScDocument* pUndoDocument, ScRefUndoData* pRefData ) :
+ ScMoveUndo( pNewDocShell, pUndoDocument, pRefData, SC_UNDO_REFLAST ),
+ aEffRange( rRange ),
+ eCmd( eNewCmd )
+ if (eCmd == DEL_DELROWS) // gaze Zeilen?
+ {
+ aEffRange.aStart.SetCol(0);
+ aEffRange.aEnd.SetCol(MAXCOL);
+ }
+ if (eCmd == DEL_DELCOLS) // ganze Spalten?
+ {
+ aEffRange.aStart.SetRow(0);
+ aEffRange.aEnd.SetRow(MAXROW);
+ }
+ SetChangeTrack();
+__EXPORT ScUndoDeleteCells::~ScUndoDeleteCells()
+String __EXPORT ScUndoDeleteCells::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_DELETECELLS ); // "Loeschen"
+void ScUndoDeleteCells::SetChangeTrack()
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDocShell->GetDocument()->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ pChangeTrack->AppendDeleteRange( aEffRange, pRefUndoDoc,
+ nStartChangeAction, nEndChangeAction );
+ else
+ nStartChangeAction = nEndChangeAction = 0;
+void ScUndoDeleteCells::DoChange( const BOOL bUndo )
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ if ( bUndo )
+ {
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDoc->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ pChangeTrack->Undo( nStartChangeAction, nEndChangeAction );
+ }
+ else
+ SetChangeTrack();
+ // Ausfuehren
+ switch (eCmd)
+ {
+ if (bUndo)
+ pDoc->InsertRow( aEffRange );
+ else
+ pDoc->DeleteRow( aEffRange );
+ break;
+ if (bUndo)
+ pDoc->InsertCol( aEffRange );
+ else
+ pDoc->DeleteCol( aEffRange );
+ break;
+ }
+ // bei Undo Referenzen wiederherstellen
+ if (bUndo)
+ pRefUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aEffRange, IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+//? Datenbank muss vor ExtendMerge sein ?????
+ // Zusammengefasste Zellen?
+ ScRange aWorkRange( aEffRange );
+ if ( pDoc->HasAttrib( aWorkRange, HASATTR_MERGED ) )
+ {
+/*? if ( !bUndo && ( eCmd==DEL_DELCOLS || eCmd==DEL_DELROWS ) )
+ {
+ if (eCmd==DEL_DELCOLS) aWorkRange.aEnd.SetCol(MAXCOL);
+ if (eCmd==DEL_DELROWS) aWorkRange.aEnd.SetRow(MAXROW);
+ ScMarkData aMarkData;
+ aMarkData.SelectOneTable( aWorkRange.aStart.Tab() );
+ ScPatternAttr aPattern( pDoc->GetPool() );
+ aPattern.GetItemSet().Put( ScMergeFlagAttr() );
+ pDoc->ApplyPatternArea( aWorkRange.aStart.Col(), aWorkRange.aStart.Row(),
+ aWorkRange.aEnd.Col(), aWorkRange.aEnd.Row(),
+ aMarkData, aPattern );
+ }
+ pDoc->ExtendMerge( aWorkRange, TRUE );
+ }
+ // Zeichnen
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ switch (eCmd)
+ {
+ nPaint |= PAINT_LEFT;
+ aWorkRange.aEnd.SetRow(MAXROW);
+ break;
+ aWorkRange.aEnd.SetRow(MAXROW);
+/*A*/ if ( (pViewShell) && pViewShell->AdjustRowHeight(
+ aWorkRange.aStart.Row(), aWorkRange.aEnd.Row(), FALSE ) )
+ {
+ aWorkRange.aStart.SetCol(0);
+ aWorkRange.aEnd.SetCol(MAXCOL);
+ nPaint |= PAINT_LEFT;
+ }
+ break;
+ nPaint |= PAINT_TOP; // obere Leiste
+ aWorkRange.aEnd.SetCol(MAXCOL); // bis ganz nach rechts
+/*A*/ if ( (pViewShell) && pViewShell->AdjustRowHeight(
+ aWorkRange.aStart.Row(), aWorkRange.aEnd.Row(), FALSE ) )
+ {
+ aWorkRange.aStart.SetCol(0);
+ aWorkRange.aEnd.SetRow(MAXROW);
+ nPaint |= PAINT_LEFT;
+ }
+ }
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aWorkRange, nPaint, SC_PF_LINES ); //! auf Lines testen
+ // Markierung erst nach EndUndo
+ pDocShell->PostDataChanged();
+ // CellContentChanged kommt mit der Markierung
+ ShowTable( aEffRange.aStart.Tab() );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDeleteCells::Undo()
+ WaitObject aWait( pDocShell->GetDialogParent() ); // wichtig wegen TrackFormulas bei UpdateReference
+ BeginUndo();
+ DoChange( TRUE );
+ EndUndo();
+ // Markierung erst nach EndUndo
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->MarkRange( aEffRange );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDeleteCells::Redo()
+ WaitObject aWait( pDocShell->GetDialogParent() ); // wichtig wegen TrackFormulas bei UpdateReference
+ BeginRedo();
+ DoChange( FALSE);
+ EndRedo();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->DoneBlockMode(); // aktuelle weg
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDeleteCells::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->DeleteCells( eCmd, TRUE );
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoDeleteCells::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Zellen loeschen auf Mehrfachselektion
+ScUndoDeleteMulti::ScUndoDeleteMulti( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ BOOL bNewRows, USHORT nNewTab,
+ const USHORT* pRng, USHORT nRngCnt,
+ ScDocument* pUndoDocument, ScRefUndoData* pRefData ) :
+ ScMoveUndo( pNewDocShell, pUndoDocument, pRefData, SC_UNDO_REFLAST ),
+ bRows( bNewRows ),
+ nTab( nNewTab ),
+ nRangeCnt( nRngCnt )
+ pRanges = new USHORT[ 2 * nRangeCnt ];
+ memcpy(pRanges,pRng,nRangeCnt*2*sizeof(USHORT));
+ SetChangeTrack();
+__EXPORT ScUndoDeleteMulti::~ScUndoDeleteMulti()
+ delete pRanges;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoDeleteMulti::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_DELETECELLS ); // wie DeleteCells
+void ScUndoDeleteMulti::DoChange() const
+ if (bRows)
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( 0,pRanges[0],nTab, MAXCOL,MAXROW,nTab, PAINT_GRID | PAINT_LEFT );
+ else
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( pRanges[0],0,nTab, MAXCOL,MAXROW,nTab, PAINT_GRID | PAINT_TOP );
+ pDocShell->PostDataChanged();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->CellContentChanged();
+ ShowTable( nTab );
+void ScUndoDeleteMulti::SetChangeTrack()
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDocShell->GetDocument()->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ {
+ nStartChangeAction = pChangeTrack->GetActionMax() + 1;
+ ScRange aRange( 0, 0, nTab, 0, 0, nTab );
+ if ( bRows )
+ aRange.aEnd.SetCol( MAXCOL );
+ else
+ aRange.aEnd.SetRow( MAXROW );
+ // rueckwaerts loeschen
+ USHORT* pOneRange = &pRanges[2*nRangeCnt];
+ for ( USHORT nRangeNo=0; nRangeNo<nRangeCnt; nRangeNo++ )
+ {
+ USHORT nEnd = *(--pOneRange);
+ USHORT nStart = *(--pOneRange);
+ if ( bRows )
+ {
+ aRange.aStart.SetRow( nStart );
+ aRange.aEnd.SetRow( nEnd );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aRange.aStart.SetCol( nStart );
+ aRange.aEnd.SetCol( nEnd );
+ }
+ ULONG nDummyStart;
+ pChangeTrack->AppendDeleteRange( aRange, pRefUndoDoc,
+ nDummyStart, nEndChangeAction );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ nStartChangeAction = nEndChangeAction = 0;
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDeleteMulti::Undo()
+ WaitObject aWait( pDocShell->GetDialogParent() ); // wichtig wegen TrackFormulas bei UpdateReference
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ USHORT* pOneRange;
+ USHORT nRangeNo;
+ // rueckwaerts geloescht -> vorwaerts einfuegen
+ pOneRange = pRanges;
+ for (nRangeNo=0; nRangeNo<nRangeCnt; nRangeNo++)
+ {
+ USHORT nStart = *(pOneRange++);
+ USHORT nEnd = *(pOneRange++);
+ if (bRows)
+ pDoc->InsertRow( 0,nTab, MAXCOL,nTab, nStart,nEnd-nStart+1 );
+ else
+ pDoc->InsertCol( 0,nTab, MAXROW,nTab, nStart,nEnd-nStart+1 );
+ }
+ pOneRange = pRanges;
+ for (nRangeNo=0; nRangeNo<nRangeCnt; nRangeNo++)
+ {
+ USHORT nStart = *(pOneRange++);
+ USHORT nEnd = *(pOneRange++);
+ if (bRows)
+ pRefUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( 0,nStart,nTab, MAXCOL,nEnd,nTab, IDF_ALL,FALSE,pDoc );
+ else
+ pRefUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( nStart,0,nTab, nEnd,MAXROW,nTab, IDF_ALL,FALSE,pDoc );
+ }
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDoc->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ pChangeTrack->Undo( nStartChangeAction, nEndChangeAction );
+ DoChange();
+ //! Markierung wieder einzeichnen
+ //! geht im Moment nicht, da keine Daten fuer Markierung vorhanden!
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDeleteMulti::Redo()
+ WaitObject aWait( pDocShell->GetDialogParent() ); // wichtig wegen TrackFormulas bei UpdateReference
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ // rueckwaerts loeschen
+ USHORT* pOneRange = &pRanges[2*nRangeCnt];
+ for (USHORT nRangeNo=0; nRangeNo<nRangeCnt; nRangeNo++)
+ {
+ USHORT nEnd = *(--pOneRange);
+ USHORT nStart = *(--pOneRange);
+ if (bRows)
+ pDoc->DeleteRow( 0,nTab, MAXCOL,nTab, nStart,nEnd-nStart+1 );
+ else
+ pDoc->DeleteCol( 0,nTab, MAXROW,nTab, nStart,nEnd-nStart+1 );
+ }
+ SetChangeTrack();
+ DoChange();
+//! Markierung loeschen, derzeit unnoetig (s.o.)
+//! ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+//! if (pViewShell)
+//! DoneBlockMode();
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDeleteMulti::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ // DeleteCells, falls einfache Selektion
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->DeleteCells( DEL_DELROWS, TRUE );
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoDeleteMulti::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Ausschneiden (Cut)
+ScUndoCut::ScUndoCut( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ ScRange aRange, ScAddress aOldEnd,
+ ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc ) :
+ ScBlockUndo( pNewDocShell, ScRange(aRange.aStart, aOldEnd), SC_UNDO_AUTOHEIGHT ),
+ aExtendedRange( aRange ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc )
+ SetChangeTrack();
+__EXPORT ScUndoCut::~ScUndoCut()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoCut::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_CUT ); // "Ausschneiden"
+void ScUndoCut::SetChangeTrack()
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDocShell->GetDocument()->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ pChangeTrack->AppendContentRange( aBlockRange, pUndoDoc,
+ nStartChangeAction, nEndChangeAction, SC_CACM_CUT );
+ else
+ nStartChangeAction = nEndChangeAction = 0;
+void ScUndoCut::DoChange( const BOOL bUndo )
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ USHORT nExtFlags = 0;
+ if (bUndo) // nur bei Undo
+ {
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aExtendedRange, IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDoc->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ pChangeTrack->Undo( nStartChangeAction, nEndChangeAction );
+ }
+ else // nur bei Redo
+ {
+ if (pDoc->HasAttrib( aExtendedRange, HASATTR_PAINTEXT ))
+ nExtFlags = SC_PF_LINES;
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aBlockRange, IDF_ALL );
+ SetChangeTrack();
+ }
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if ( !( (pViewShell) && pViewShell->AdjustBlockHeight() ) )
+/*A*/ pDocShell->PostPaint( aExtendedRange, PAINT_GRID, nExtFlags );
+ pDocShell->PostDataChanged();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->CellContentChanged();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoCut::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ DoChange( TRUE );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoCut::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ DoChange( FALSE );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoCut::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->CutToClip();
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoCut::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Einfuegen (Paste)
+ScUndoPaste::ScUndoPaste( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ USHORT nStartX, USHORT nStartY, USHORT nStartZ,
+ const ScMarkData& rMark,
+ ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc, ScDocument* pNewRedoDoc,
+ USHORT nNewFlags,
+ ScRangeName* pNewUndoRange, ScRangeName* pNewRedoRange,
+ ScDBCollection* pNewUndoDB, ScDBCollection* pNewRedoDB,
+ BOOL bRedoIsFilled ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ aRange( nStartX, nStartY, nStartZ, nEndX, nEndY, nEndZ ),
+ aMarkData( rMark ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc ),
+ pRedoDoc( pNewRedoDoc ),
+ nFlags( nNewFlags ),
+ pUndoRange( pNewUndoRange ),
+ pRedoRange( pNewRedoRange ),
+ pUndoDB( pNewUndoDB ),
+ pRedoDB( pNewRedoDB ),
+ bRedoFilled( bRedoIsFilled )
+ if ( !aMarkData.IsMarked() ) // keine Zelle markiert:
+ aMarkData.SetMarkArea( aRange ); // Paste-Block markieren
+ SetChangeTrack();
+__EXPORT ScUndoPaste::~ScUndoPaste()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+ delete pRedoDoc;
+ delete pUndoRange;
+ delete pRedoRange;
+ delete pUndoDB;
+ delete pRedoDB;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoPaste::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_PASTE ); // "Einfuegen"
+void ScUndoPaste::SetChangeTrack()
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDocShell->GetDocument()->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack && (nFlags & IDF_CONTENTS) )
+ pChangeTrack->AppendContentRange( aRange, pUndoDoc,
+ nStartChangeAction, nEndChangeAction, SC_CACM_PASTE );
+ else
+ nStartChangeAction = nEndChangeAction = 0;
+void ScUndoPaste::DoChange( const BOOL bUndo )
+ ScRangeName* pWorkRange = bUndo ? pUndoRange : pRedoRange;
+ ScDBCollection* pWorkDB = bUndo ? pUndoDB : pRedoDB;
+ // fuer Undo immer alle oder keine Inhalte sichern
+ USHORT nUndoFlags = IDF_NONE;
+ if (nFlags & IDF_CONTENTS)
+ nUndoFlags |= IDF_CONTENTS;
+ if (nFlags & IDF_ATTRIB)
+ nUndoFlags |= IDF_ATTRIB;
+ BOOL bPaintAll = FALSE;
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ ScUndoUtil::MarkSimpleBlock( pDocShell, aRange );
+ if ( bUndo && !bRedoFilled )
+ {
+ if (!pRedoDoc)
+ {
+ BOOL bColInfo = ( aRange.aStart.Row()==0 && aRange.aEnd.Row()==MAXROW );
+ BOOL bRowInfo = ( aRange.aStart.Col()==0 && aRange.aEnd.Col()==MAXCOL );
+ pRedoDoc = new ScDocument( SCDOCMODE_UNDO );
+ pRedoDoc->InitUndo( pDoc, aRange.aStart.Tab(), aRange.aStart.Tab(),
+ bColInfo, bRowInfo );
+ }
+ // Redo-Daten beim ersten Undo aus dem Dokument lesen
+ pDoc->CopyToDocument( aRange, nUndoFlags, FALSE, pRedoDoc );
+ bRedoFilled = TRUE;
+ }
+ BOOL bHasLines = pDoc->HasAttrib( aRange, HASATTR_PAINTEXT );
+ aMarkData.MarkToMulti();
+ pDoc->DeleteSelection( nUndoFlags, aMarkData );
+ aMarkData.MarkToSimple();
+ if ( !bUndo && pRedoDoc ) // Redo: UndoToDocument vorher
+ pRedoDoc->UndoToDocument( aRange, nUndoFlags, FALSE, pDoc );
+ if (pWorkRange)
+ pDoc->SetRangeName( new ScRangeName( *pWorkRange ) );
+ if (pWorkDB)
+ {
+ pDoc->SetDBCollection( new ScDBCollection( *pWorkDB ) );
+ if ( pDoc->RefreshAutoFilter( 0,0, MAXCOL,MAXROW, aRange.aStart.Tab() ) )
+ bPaintAll = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (bUndo) // Undo: UndoToDocument hinterher
+ pUndoDoc->UndoToDocument( aRange, nUndoFlags, FALSE, pDoc );
+ if ( bUndo )
+ {
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDoc->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ pChangeTrack->Undo( nStartChangeAction, nEndChangeAction );
+ }
+ else
+ SetChangeTrack();
+ ScRange aDrawRange( aRange );
+ USHORT nPaintExt = 0;
+ if (bPaintAll)
+ {
+ aDrawRange.aStart.SetCol(0);
+ aDrawRange.aStart.SetRow(0);
+ aDrawRange.aEnd.SetCol(MAXCOL);
+ aDrawRange.aEnd.SetRow(MAXROW);
+/*A*/ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->AdjustBlockHeight(FALSE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( aRange.aStart.Row() == 0 && aRange.aEnd.Row() == MAXROW ) // ganze Spalte
+ {
+ nPaint |= PAINT_TOP;
+ aDrawRange.aEnd.SetCol(MAXCOL);
+ }
+ if ( aRange.aStart.Col() == 0 && aRange.aEnd.Col() == MAXCOL ) // ganze Zeile
+ {
+ nPaint |= PAINT_LEFT;
+ aDrawRange.aEnd.SetRow(MAXROW);
+ }
+/*A*/ if ((pViewShell) && pViewShell->AdjustBlockHeight(FALSE))
+ {
+ aDrawRange.aStart.SetCol(0);
+ aDrawRange.aStart.SetRow(0);
+ aDrawRange.aEnd.SetCol(MAXCOL);
+ aDrawRange.aEnd.SetRow(MAXROW);
+ nPaint |= PAINT_LEFT;
+ }
+ bHasLines |= pDoc->HasAttrib( aDrawRange, HASATTR_PAINTEXT );
+ if (bHasLines) nPaintExt = SC_PF_LINES;
+ }
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aDrawRange, nPaint, nPaintExt );
+ pDocShell->PostDataChanged();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->CellContentChanged();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoPaste::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ DoChange( TRUE );
+ ShowTable( aRange );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoPaste::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ DoChange( FALSE );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoPaste::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+//? Extra-Flags sichern ?
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->PasteFromClip( nFlags );
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoPaste::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Verschieben/Kopieren (Drag & Drop)
+ScUndoDragDrop::ScUndoDragDrop( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ const ScRange& rRange, ScAddress aNewDestPos, BOOL bNewCut,
+ ScDocument* pUndoDocument, ScRefUndoData* pRefData, BOOL bScenario ) :
+ ScMoveUndo( pNewDocShell, pUndoDocument, pRefData, SC_UNDO_REFFIRST ),
+ aSrcRange( rRange ),
+ bCut( bNewCut ),
+ bKeepScenarioFlags( bScenario )
+ ScAddress aDestEnd(aNewDestPos);
+ aDestEnd.IncRow(aSrcRange.aEnd.Row() - aSrcRange.aStart.Row());
+ aDestEnd.IncCol(aSrcRange.aEnd.Col() - aSrcRange.aStart.Col());
+ aDestEnd.IncTab(aSrcRange.aEnd.Tab() - aSrcRange.aStart.Tab());
+ aDestRange.aStart = aNewDestPos;
+ aDestRange.aEnd = aDestEnd;
+ SetChangeTrack();
+__EXPORT ScUndoDragDrop::~ScUndoDragDrop()
+String __EXPORT ScUndoDragDrop::GetComment() const
+{ // "Verschieben" : "Kopieren"
+ return bCut ?
+ ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_MOVE ) :
+ ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_COPY );
+void ScUndoDragDrop::SetChangeTrack()
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDocShell->GetDocument()->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ {
+ if ( bCut )
+ {
+ nStartChangeAction = pChangeTrack->GetActionMax() + 1;
+ pChangeTrack->AppendMove( aSrcRange, aDestRange, pRefUndoDoc );
+ nEndChangeAction = pChangeTrack->GetActionMax();
+ }
+ else
+ pChangeTrack->AppendContentRange( aDestRange, pRefUndoDoc,
+ nStartChangeAction, nEndChangeAction );
+ }
+ else
+ nStartChangeAction = nEndChangeAction = 0;
+void ScUndoDragDrop::PaintArea( ScRange aRange ) const
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ {
+ VirtualDevice aVirtDev;
+ ScViewData* pViewData = pViewShell->GetViewData();
+ if ( pDoc->SetOptimalHeight( aRange.aStart.Row(), aRange.aEnd.Row(),
+ aRange.aStart.Tab(), 0, &aVirtDev,
+ pViewData->GetPPTX(), pViewData->GetPPTY(),
+ pViewData->GetZoomX(), pViewData->GetZoomY(),
+ FALSE ) )
+ {
+ aRange.aStart.SetCol(0);
+ aRange.aEnd.SetCol(MAXCOL);
+ aRange.aEnd.SetRow(MAXROW);
+ nExtFlags |= PAINT_LEFT;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( bKeepScenarioFlags )
+ {
+ // Szenarien mitkopiert -> auch Szenario-Rahmen painten
+ aRange.aStart.SetCol(0);
+ aRange.aStart.SetRow(0);
+ aRange.aEnd.SetCol(MAXCOL);
+ aRange.aEnd.SetRow(MAXROW);
+ }
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aRange, nExtFlags );
+void ScUndoDragDrop::DoUndo( ScRange aRange ) const
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDoc->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ pChangeTrack->Undo( nStartChangeAction, nEndChangeAction );
+//? DB-Areas vor Daten, damit bei ExtendMerge die Autofilter-Knoepfe stimmen
+ ScRange aPaintRange = aRange;
+ pDoc->ExtendMerge( aPaintRange ); // vor dem Loeschen
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aRange, IDF_ALL );
+ pRefUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aRange, IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+ if ( pDoc->HasAttrib( aRange, HASATTR_MERGED ) )
+ pDoc->ExtendMerge( aRange, TRUE );
+ aPaintRange.aEnd.SetCol( Max( aPaintRange.aEnd.Col(), aRange.aEnd.Col() ) );
+ aPaintRange.aEnd.SetRow( Max( aPaintRange.aEnd.Row(), aRange.aEnd.Row() ) );
+ PaintArea( aPaintRange );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDragDrop::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ DoUndo(aDestRange);
+ if (bCut)
+ DoUndo(aSrcRange);
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDragDrop::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScDocument* pClipDoc = new ScDocument( SCDOCMODE_CLIP );
+ USHORT nTab;
+ ScMarkData aSourceMark;
+ for (nTab=aSrcRange.aStart.Tab(); nTab<=aSrcRange.aEnd.Tab(); nTab++)
+ aSourceMark.SelectTable( nTab, TRUE );
+ pDoc->CopyToClip( aSrcRange.aStart.Col(), aSrcRange.aStart.Row(),
+ aSrcRange.aEnd.Col(), aSrcRange.aEnd.Row(),
+ bCut, pClipDoc, FALSE, &aSourceMark, bKeepScenarioFlags );
+ if (bCut)
+ {
+ ScRange aSrcPaintRange = aSrcRange;
+ pDoc->ExtendMerge( aSrcPaintRange ); // vor dem Loeschen
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aSrcRange, IDF_ALL );
+ PaintArea( aSrcPaintRange );
+ }
+ ScMarkData aDestMark;
+ for (nTab=aDestRange.aStart.Tab(); nTab<=aDestRange.aEnd.Tab(); nTab++)
+ aDestMark.SelectTable( nTab, TRUE );
+ pDoc->CopyFromClip( aDestRange, aDestMark, IDF_ALL, NULL, pClipDoc, TRUE );
+ for (nTab=aDestRange.aStart.Tab(); nTab<=aDestRange.aEnd.Tab(); nTab++)
+ {
+ USHORT nEndCol = aDestRange.aEnd.Col();
+ USHORT nEndRow = aDestRange.aEnd.Row();
+ pDoc->ExtendMerge( aDestRange.aStart.Col(), aDestRange.aStart.Row(),
+ nEndCol, nEndRow, nTab, TRUE );
+ PaintArea( ScRange( aDestRange.aStart.Col(), aDestRange.aStart.Row(), nTab,
+ nEndCol, nEndRow, nTab ) );
+ }
+ SetChangeTrack();
+ delete pClipDoc;
+ ShowTable( aDestRange.aStart.Tab() );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDragDrop::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoDragDrop::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return FALSE; // geht nicht
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Liste der Bereichsnamen einfuegen
+// (Einfuegen|Name|Einfuegen =>[Liste])
+ScUndoListNames::ScUndoListNames( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell, const ScRange& rRange,
+ ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc, ScDocument* pNewRedoDoc ) :
+ ScBlockUndo( pNewDocShell, rRange, SC_UNDO_AUTOHEIGHT ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc ),
+ pRedoDoc( pNewRedoDoc )
+__EXPORT ScUndoListNames::~ScUndoListNames()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+ delete pRedoDoc;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoListNames::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_LISTNAMES );
+void ScUndoListNames::DoChange( ScDocument* pSrcDoc ) const
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aBlockRange, IDF_ALL );
+ pSrcDoc->CopyToDocument( aBlockRange, IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aBlockRange, PAINT_GRID );
+ pDocShell->PostDataChanged();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->CellContentChanged();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoListNames::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ DoChange(pUndoDoc);
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoListNames::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ DoChange(pRedoDoc);
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoListNames::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->InsertNameList();
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoListNames::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Szenario anwenden
+// (Extras|Szenarien)
+ScUndoUseScenario::ScUndoUseScenario( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ const ScMarkData& rMark,
+/*C*/ const ScArea& rDestArea,
+ ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc,
+ const String& rNewName ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc ),
+ aMarkData( rMark ),
+ aName( rNewName )
+ aRange.aStart.SetCol(rDestArea.nColStart);
+ aRange.aStart.SetRow(rDestArea.nRowStart);
+ aRange.aStart.SetTab(rDestArea.nTab);
+ aRange.aEnd.SetCol(rDestArea.nColEnd);
+ aRange.aEnd.SetRow(rDestArea.nRowEnd);
+ aRange.aEnd.SetTab(rDestArea.nTab);
+__EXPORT ScUndoUseScenario::~ScUndoUseScenario()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoUseScenario::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_USESCENARIO );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoUseScenario::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ {
+ pViewShell->DoneBlockMode();
+ pViewShell->InitOwnBlockMode();
+ }
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ pDoc->DeleteSelection( IDF_ALL, aMarkData );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aRange, IDF_ALL, TRUE, pDoc, &aMarkData );
+ // Szenario-Tabellen
+ BOOL bFrame = FALSE;
+ USHORT nTab = aRange.aStart.Tab();
+ USHORT nEndTab = nTab;
+ while ( pUndoDoc->HasTable(nEndTab+1) && pUndoDoc->IsScenario(nEndTab+1) )
+ ++nEndTab;
+ for (USHORT i = nTab+1; i<=nEndTab; i++)
+ {
+ // Flags immer
+ String aComment;
+ Color aColor;
+ USHORT nScenFlags;
+ pUndoDoc->GetScenarioData( i, aComment, aColor, nScenFlags );
+ pDoc->SetScenarioData( i, aComment, aColor, nScenFlags );
+ BOOL bActive = pUndoDoc->IsActiveScenario( i );
+ pDoc->SetActiveScenario( i, bActive );
+ // Bei Zurueckkopier-Szenarios auch Inhalte
+ if ( nScenFlags & SC_SCENARIO_TWOWAY )
+ {
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( 0,0, MAXCOL,MAXROW, i, IDF_ALL );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( 0,0,i, MAXCOL,MAXROW,i, IDF_ALL,FALSE, pDoc );
+ }
+ if ( nScenFlags & SC_SCENARIO_SHOWFRAME )
+ bFrame = TRUE;
+ }
+ // Wenn sichtbare Rahmen, dann alles painten
+ if (bFrame)
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( 0,0,nTab, MAXCOL,MAXROW,nTab, PAINT_GRID | PAINT_EXTRAS );
+ else
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aRange, PAINT_GRID | PAINT_EXTRAS );
+ pDocShell->PostDataChanged();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->CellContentChanged();
+ ShowTable( aRange.aStart.Tab() );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoUseScenario::Redo()
+ USHORT nTab = aRange.aStart.Tab();
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ {
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ pViewShell->DoneBlockMode();
+ pViewShell->InitOwnBlockMode();
+ }
+ pDocShell->UseScenario( nTab, aName, FALSE );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoUseScenario::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ {
+ String aTemp = aName;
+ ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->UseScenario(aTemp);
+ }
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoUseScenario::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ {
+ ScViewData* pViewData = ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->GetViewData();
+ return !pViewData->GetDocument()->IsScenario( pViewData->GetTabNo() );
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Vorlage anwenden
+// (Format|Vorlagenkatalog)
+ScUndoSelectionStyle::ScUndoSelectionStyle( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ const ScMarkData& rMark,
+ const ScRange& rRange,
+ const String& rName,
+ ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ aMarkData( rMark ),
+ aRange( rRange ),
+ aStyleName( rName ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc )
+ aMarkData.MarkToMulti();
+__EXPORT ScUndoSelectionStyle::~ScUndoSelectionStyle()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoSelectionStyle::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_APPLYCELLSTYLE );
+void ScUndoSelectionStyle::DoChange( const BOOL bUndo )
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ {
+ pViewShell->DoneBlockMode();
+ pViewShell->InitOwnBlockMode();
+ pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetMarkData() = aMarkData; // CopyMarksTo
+ }
+ ScRange aWorkRange( aRange );
+ if ( pDoc->HasAttrib( aWorkRange, HASATTR_MERGED ) ) // zusammengefasste Zellen?
+ pDoc->ExtendMerge( aWorkRange, TRUE );
+ BOOL bHasLines = pDoc->HasAttrib( aWorkRange, HASATTR_PAINTEXT );
+ if (bUndo) // bei Undo alte Daten wieder reinschubsen
+ {
+ USHORT nTabCount = pDoc->GetTableCount();
+ ScRange aCopyRange = aWorkRange;
+ aCopyRange.aStart.SetTab(0);
+ aCopyRange.aEnd.SetTab(nTabCount-1);
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aCopyRange, IDF_ATTRIB, TRUE, pDoc, &aMarkData );
+ }
+ else // bei Redo Style wieder zuweisen
+ {
+ ScStyleSheetPool* pStlPool = pDoc->GetStyleSheetPool();
+ ScStyleSheet* pStyleSheet =
+ (ScStyleSheet*) pStlPool->Find( aStyleName, SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA );
+ if (!pStyleSheet)
+ {
+ DBG_ERROR("StyleSheet not found");
+ return;
+ }
+ pDoc->ApplySelectionStyle( *pStyleSheet, aMarkData );
+ }
+ bHasLines = bHasLines || pDoc->HasAttrib( aWorkRange, HASATTR_PAINTEXT );
+ if ( !( (pViewShell) && pViewShell->AdjustBlockHeight() ) )
+/*A*/ pDocShell->PostPaint( aWorkRange, PAINT_GRID | PAINT_EXTRAS, (bHasLines ? SC_PF_LINES : 0) );
+ ShowTable( aWorkRange.aStart.Tab() );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoSelectionStyle::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ DoChange( TRUE );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoSelectionStyle::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ DoChange( FALSE );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoSelectionStyle::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ {
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScStyleSheetPool* pStlPool = pDoc->GetStyleSheetPool();
+ ScStyleSheet* pStyleSheet = (ScStyleSheet*) pStlPool->
+ Find( aStyleName, SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA );
+ if (!pStyleSheet)
+ {
+ DBG_ERROR("StyleSheet not found");
+ return;
+ }
+ ScTabViewShell& rViewShell = *((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell();
+ rViewShell.SetStyleSheetToMarked( pStyleSheet, TRUE );
+ }
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoSelectionStyle::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+USHORT __EXPORT ScUndoSelectionStyle::GetId() const
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Matrix-Formel eingeben
+ScUndoEnterMatrix::ScUndoEnterMatrix( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell, const ScRange& rArea,
+ ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc, const String& rForm ) :
+ ScBlockUndo( pNewDocShell, rArea, SC_UNDO_SIMPLE ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc ),
+ aFormula( rForm )
+ SetChangeTrack();
+__EXPORT ScUndoEnterMatrix::~ScUndoEnterMatrix()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoEnterMatrix::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_ENTERMATRIX );
+void ScUndoEnterMatrix::SetChangeTrack()
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDoc->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ pChangeTrack->AppendContentRange( aBlockRange, pUndoDoc,
+ nStartChangeAction, nEndChangeAction );
+ else
+ nStartChangeAction = nEndChangeAction = 0;
+void __EXPORT ScUndoEnterMatrix::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aBlockRange, IDF_ALL );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aBlockRange, IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aBlockRange, PAINT_GRID );
+ pDocShell->PostDataChanged();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->CellContentChanged();
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDoc->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ pChangeTrack->Undo( nStartChangeAction, nEndChangeAction );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoEnterMatrix::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScMarkData aDestMark;
+ aDestMark.SelectOneTable( aBlockRange.aStart.Tab() );
+ aDestMark.SetMarkArea( aBlockRange );
+ pDoc->InsertMatrixFormula( aBlockRange.aStart.Col(), aBlockRange.aStart.Row(),
+ aBlockRange.aEnd.Col(), aBlockRange.aEnd.Row(),
+ aDestMark, aFormula );
+// pDocShell->PostPaint( aBlockRange, PAINT_GRID ); // nicht noetig ???
+ SetChangeTrack();
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoEnterMatrix::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ {
+ String aTemp = aFormula;
+ ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->EnterMatrix(aTemp);
+ }
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoEnterMatrix::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Einzug vermindern / erhoehen
+ScRange lcl_GetMultiMarkRange( const ScMarkData& rMark )
+ ScRange aRange;
+ rMark.GetMultiMarkArea( aRange );
+ return aRange;
+ScUndoIndent::ScUndoIndent( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell, const ScMarkData& rMark,
+ ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc, BOOL bIncrement ) :
+ ScBlockUndo( pNewDocShell, lcl_GetMultiMarkRange(rMark), SC_UNDO_AUTOHEIGHT ),
+ aMarkData( rMark ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc ),
+ bIsIncrement( bIncrement )
+__EXPORT ScUndoIndent::~ScUndoIndent()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoIndent::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( nId );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoIndent::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ USHORT nTabCount = pDoc->GetTableCount();
+ ScRange aCopyRange = aBlockRange;
+ aCopyRange.aStart.SetTab(0);
+ aCopyRange.aEnd.SetTab(nTabCount-1);
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aCopyRange, IDF_ATTRIB, TRUE, pDoc, &aMarkData );
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aBlockRange, PAINT_GRID, SC_PF_LINES | SC_PF_TESTMERGE );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoIndent::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ pDoc->ChangeSelectionIndent( bIsIncrement, aMarkData );
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aBlockRange, PAINT_GRID, SC_PF_LINES | SC_PF_TESTMERGE );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoIndent::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->ChangeIndent( bIsIncrement );
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoIndent::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// einzelne Items per Which-IDs aus Bereich loeschen
+ScUndoClearItems::ScUndoClearItems( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell, const ScMarkData& rMark,
+ ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc, const USHORT* pW ) :
+ ScBlockUndo( pNewDocShell, lcl_GetMultiMarkRange(rMark), SC_UNDO_AUTOHEIGHT ),
+ aMarkData( rMark ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc ),
+ pWhich( NULL )
+ DBG_ASSERT( pW, "ScUndoClearItems: Which-Pointer ist 0" );
+ USHORT nCount = 0;
+ while ( pW[nCount] )
+ ++nCount;
+ pWhich = new USHORT[nCount+1];
+ for (USHORT i=0; i<=nCount; i++)
+ pWhich[i] = pW[i];
+__EXPORT ScUndoClearItems::~ScUndoClearItems()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+ delete pWhich;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoClearItems::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_DELETECONTENTS );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoClearItems::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aBlockRange, IDF_ATTRIB, TRUE, pDoc, &aMarkData );
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aBlockRange, PAINT_GRID, SC_PF_LINES | SC_PF_TESTMERGE );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoClearItems::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ pDoc->ClearSelectionItems( pWhich, aMarkData );
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aBlockRange, PAINT_GRID, SC_PF_LINES | SC_PF_TESTMERGE );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoClearItems::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ {
+ ScViewData* pViewData = ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->GetViewData();
+ ScDocFunc aFunc(*pViewData->GetDocShell());
+ aFunc.ClearItems( pViewData->GetMarkData(), pWhich, FALSE );
+ }
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoClearItems::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Alle Umbrueche einer Tabelle loeschen
+ScUndoRemoveBreaks::ScUndoRemoveBreaks( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ USHORT nNewTab, ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ nTab( nNewTab ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc )
+__EXPORT ScUndoRemoveBreaks::~ScUndoRemoveBreaks()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoRemoveBreaks::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_REMOVEBREAKS );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoRemoveBreaks::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( 0,0,nTab, MAXCOL,MAXROW,nTab, IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc );
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->UpdatePageBreakData( TRUE );
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( 0,0,nTab, MAXCOL,MAXROW,nTab, PAINT_GRID );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoRemoveBreaks::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ pDoc->RemoveManualBreaks(nTab);
+ pDoc->UpdatePageBreaks(nTab);
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->UpdatePageBreakData( TRUE );
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( 0,0,nTab, MAXCOL,MAXROW,nTab, PAINT_GRID );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoRemoveBreaks::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ {
+ ScTabViewShell& rViewShell = *((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell();
+ rViewShell.RemoveManualBreaks();
+ }
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoRemoveBreaks::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Zusammenfassung aufheben (fuer einen ganzen Bereich)
+ScUndoRemoveMerge::ScUndoRemoveMerge( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ const ScRange& rArea, ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc ) :
+ ScBlockUndo( pNewDocShell, rArea, SC_UNDO_SIMPLE ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc )
+__EXPORT ScUndoRemoveMerge::~ScUndoRemoveMerge()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoRemoveMerge::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_REMERGE ); // "Zusammenfassung aufheben"
+void __EXPORT ScUndoRemoveMerge::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScRange aExtended = aBlockRange;
+ pUndoDoc->ExtendMerge( aExtended );
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aExtended, IDF_ATTRIB );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aExtended, IDF_ATTRIB, FALSE, pDoc );
+ BOOL bDidPaint = FALSE;
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if ( pViewShell )
+ {
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( aExtended.aStart.Tab() );
+ bDidPaint = pViewShell->AdjustRowHeight( aExtended.aStart.Row(), aExtended.aEnd.Row() );
+ }
+ if (!bDidPaint)
+ ScUndoUtil::PaintMore( pDocShell, aExtended );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoRemoveMerge::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ USHORT nTab = aBlockRange.aStart.Tab();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScRange aExtended = aBlockRange;
+ pDoc->ExtendMerge( aExtended );
+ ScRange aRefresh = aExtended;
+ pDoc->ExtendOverlapped( aRefresh );
+ // ausfuehren
+ const SfxPoolItem& rDefAttr = pDoc->GetPool()->GetDefaultItem( ATTR_MERGE );
+ ScPatternAttr aPattern( pDoc->GetPool() );
+ aPattern.GetItemSet().Put( rDefAttr );
+ pDoc->ApplyPatternAreaTab( aBlockRange.aStart.Col(), aBlockRange.aStart.Row(),
+ aBlockRange.aEnd.Col(), aBlockRange.aEnd.Row(), nTab,
+ aPattern );
+ pDoc->RemoveFlagsTab( aExtended.aStart.Col(), aExtended.aStart.Row(),
+ aExtended.aEnd.Col(), aExtended.aEnd.Row(), nTab,
+ pDoc->ExtendMerge( aRefresh, TRUE, FALSE );
+ // Paint
+ BOOL bDidPaint = FALSE;
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if ( pViewShell )
+ {
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( aExtended.aStart.Tab() );
+ bDidPaint = pViewShell->AdjustRowHeight( aExtended.aStart.Row(), aExtended.aEnd.Row() );
+ }
+ if (!bDidPaint)
+ ScUndoUtil::PaintMore( pDocShell, aExtended );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoRemoveMerge::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->RemoveMerge();
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoRemoveMerge::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// nur Umrandung setzen, per ScRangeList (StarOne)
+ScRange lcl_TotalRange( const ScRangeList& rRanges )
+ ScRange aTotal;
+ ULONG nCount = rRanges.Count();
+ for (ULONG i=0; i<nCount; i++)
+ {
+ ScRange aRange = *rRanges.GetObject(i);
+ if (i==0)
+ aTotal = aRange;
+ else
+ {
+ if (aRange.aStart.Col() < aTotal.aStart.Col())
+ aTotal.aStart.SetCol(aRange.aStart.Col());
+ if (aRange.aStart.Row() < aTotal.aStart.Row())
+ aTotal.aStart.SetRow(aRange.aStart.Row());
+ if (aRange.aStart.Tab() < aTotal.aStart.Tab())
+ aTotal.aStart.SetTab(aRange.aStart.Tab());
+ if (aRange.aEnd.Col() > aTotal.aEnd.Col())
+ aTotal.aEnd.SetCol(aRange.aEnd.Col());
+ if (aRange.aEnd.Row() > aTotal.aEnd.Row())
+ aTotal.aEnd.SetRow(aRange.aEnd.Row());
+ if (aRange.aEnd.Tab() > aTotal.aEnd.Tab())
+ aTotal.aEnd.SetTab(aRange.aEnd.Tab());
+ }
+ }
+ return aTotal;
+ScUndoBorder::ScUndoBorder( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ const ScRangeList& rRangeList, ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc,
+ const SvxBoxItem& rNewOuter, const SvxBoxInfoItem& rNewInner ) :
+ ScBlockUndo( pNewDocShell, lcl_TotalRange(rRangeList), SC_UNDO_SIMPLE ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc )
+ pRanges = new ScRangeList(rRangeList);
+ pOuter = new SvxBoxItem(rNewOuter);
+ pInner = new SvxBoxInfoItem(rNewInner);
+__EXPORT ScUndoBorder::~ScUndoBorder()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+ delete pRanges;
+ delete pOuter;
+ delete pInner;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoBorder::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_SELATTRLINES ); //! eigener String?
+void __EXPORT ScUndoBorder::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScMarkData aMarkData;
+ aMarkData.MarkFromRangeList( *pRanges, FALSE );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aBlockRange, IDF_ATTRIB, TRUE, pDoc, &aMarkData );
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aBlockRange, PAINT_GRID, SC_PF_LINES | SC_PF_TESTMERGE );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoBorder::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument(); //! Funktion an docfunc aufrufen
+ ULONG nCount = pRanges->Count();
+ ULONG i;
+ for (i=0; i<nCount; i++)
+ {
+ ScRange aRange = *pRanges->GetObject(i);
+ USHORT nTab = aRange.aStart.Tab();
+ ScMarkData aMark;
+ aMark.SetMarkArea( aRange );
+ aMark.SelectTable( nTab, TRUE );
+ pDoc->ApplySelectionFrame( aMark, pOuter, pInner );
+ }
+ for (i=0; i<nCount; i++)
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( *pRanges->GetObject(i), PAINT_GRID, SC_PF_LINES | SC_PF_TESTMERGE );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoBorder::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ //! spaeter (wenn die Funktion aus cellsuno nach docfunc gewandert ist)
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoBorder::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return FALSE; // s.o.
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/undo/undoblk2.cxx b/sc/source/ui/undo/undoblk2.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..041a9f9c2239
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sc/source/ui/undo/undoblk2.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: undoblk2.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:45:07 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#define _MACRODLG_HXX
+#define _BIGINT_HXX
+#define _SVDXOUT_HXX
+#define _SVDATTR_HXX
+#define _SVDSURO_HXX
+// System - Includes -----------------------------------------------------
+#ifdef PCH
+#include "ui_pch.hxx"
+#pragma hdrstop
+#ifndef PCH
+#include "scitems.hxx" // SearchItem
+//#include <segmentc.hxx>
+// INCLUDE ---------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "undoblk.hxx"
+#include "document.hxx"
+#include "docsh.hxx"
+#include "tabvwsh.hxx"
+#include "olinetab.hxx"
+#include "globstr.hrc"
+#include "global.hxx"
+#include "target.hxx"
+#include "undoolk.hxx" //! GetUndo ins Document verschieben!
+// STATIC DATA -----------------------------------------------------------
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoWidthOrHeight, SfxUndoAction);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Spaltenbreiten oder Zeilenhoehen aendern
+ScUndoWidthOrHeight::ScUndoWidthOrHeight( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ const ScMarkData& rMark,
+ USHORT nNewStart, USHORT nNewStartTab, USHORT nNewEnd, USHORT nNewEndTab,
+ ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc, USHORT nNewCnt, USHORT* pNewRanges,
+ ScOutlineTable* pNewUndoTab,
+ ScSizeMode eNewMode, USHORT nNewSizeTwips, BOOL bNewWidth ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ aMarkData( rMark ),
+ nStart( nNewStart ),
+ nEnd( nNewEnd ),
+ nStartTab( nNewStartTab ),
+ nEndTab( nNewEndTab ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc ),
+ nRangeCnt( nNewCnt ),
+ pRanges( pNewRanges ),
+ pUndoTab( pNewUndoTab ),
+ eMode( eNewMode ),
+ nNewSize( nNewSizeTwips ),
+ bWidth( bNewWidth ),
+ pDrawUndo( NULL )
+ pDrawUndo = GetSdrUndoAction( pDocShell->GetDocument() );
+__EXPORT ScUndoWidthOrHeight::~ScUndoWidthOrHeight()
+ delete[] pRanges;
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+ delete pUndoTab;
+ DeleteSdrUndoAction( pDrawUndo );
+String __EXPORT ScUndoWidthOrHeight::GetComment() const
+ // [ "optimale " ] "Spaltenbreite" | "Zeilenhoehe"
+ return ( bWidth ?
+ ( ( eMode == SC_SIZE_OPTIMAL )?
+ ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_OPTCOLWIDTH ) :
+ ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_COLWIDTH )
+ ) :
+ ( ( eMode == SC_SIZE_OPTIMAL )?
+ ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_OPTROWHEIGHT ) :
+ ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_ROWHEIGHT )
+ ) );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoWidthOrHeight::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (eMode==SC_SIZE_OPTIMAL)
+ {
+ if (pViewShell)
+ {
+ pViewShell->DoneBlockMode();
+ pViewShell->InitOwnBlockMode();
+ pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetMarkData() = aMarkData; // CopyMarksTo
+ }
+ }
+ if (pUndoTab) // Outlines mit gespeichert?
+ pDoc->SetOutlineTable( nStartTab, pUndoTab );
+ USHORT nPaintStart = nStart ? nStart-1 : 0;
+ if (bWidth) // Width
+ {
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( nStart, 0, nStartTab, nEnd, MAXROW, nEndTab, IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc );
+ for (USHORT i=nStartTab; i<=nEndTab; i++)
+ pDoc->UpdatePageBreaks( i );
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( nPaintStart, 0, nStartTab, MAXCOL, MAXROW, nEndTab, PAINT_GRID | PAINT_TOP );
+ }
+ else // Height
+ {
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( 0, nStart, nStartTab, MAXCOL, nEnd, nEndTab, IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc );
+ for (USHORT i=nStartTab; i<=nEndTab; i++)
+ pDoc->UpdatePageBreaks( i );
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( 0, nPaintStart, nStartTab, MAXCOL, MAXROW, nEndTab, PAINT_GRID | PAINT_LEFT );
+ }
+ if (pDrawUndo)
+ DoSdrUndoAction( pDrawUndo );
+ if (pViewShell)
+ {
+ pViewShell->UpdateScrollBars();
+ USHORT nTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nTab < nStartTab || nTab > nEndTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nStartTab );
+ }
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoWidthOrHeight::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (eMode==SC_SIZE_OPTIMAL)
+ {
+ if (pViewShell)
+ {
+ pViewShell->DoneBlockMode();
+ pViewShell->InitOwnBlockMode();
+ pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetMarkData() = aMarkData; // CopyMarksTo
+ }
+ }
+ if (pViewShell)
+ {
+ USHORT nTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nTab < nStartTab || nTab > nEndTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nStartTab );
+ }
+ // SetWidthOrHeight aendert aktuelle Tabelle !
+ pViewShell->SetWidthOrHeight( bWidth, nRangeCnt, pRanges, eMode, nNewSize, FALSE );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoWidthOrHeight::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->SetMarkedWidthOrHeight( bWidth, eMode, nNewSize, TRUE );
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoWidthOrHeight::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+ $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
+ Revision 1.18 2000/09/17 14:09:28 willem.vandorp
+ OpenOffice header added.
+ Revision 1.17 2000/08/31 16:38:39 willem.vandorp
+ Header and footer replaced
+ Revision 1.16 1999/10/27 14:46:07 hr
+ #65293#: removed SEG_EOFGLOBALS() SEG_FUNCDEF
+ Revision 1.15 1996/09/04 17:46:18 RJ
+ ueberarbeitet
+ Rev 1.14 04 Sep 1996 19:46:18 RJ
+ ueberarbeitet
+ Rev 1.13 19 Aug 1996 21:29:44 NN
+ Markierungen werden nicht mehr am Dokument gehalten
+ Rev 1.12 08 Dec 1995 14:31:46 NN
+ ScSimpleUndo
+ Rev 1.11 10 Oct 1995 09:52:12 NN
+ Paint beim Ausblenden
+ Rev 1.10 09 Oct 1995 15:49:16 NN
+ ScTabViewTarget fuer Repeat
+ Rev 1.9 04 Oct 1995 19:51:52 NN
+ Repeat mit ViewShell als RepeatTarget
+ Rev 1.8 12 Jul 1995 15:07:26 NN
+ __EXPORT bei Destruktoren
+ Rev 1.7 11 Jul 1995 12:39:06 HJS
+ add: __EXPORT
+ Rev 1.6 17 Jun 1995 14:00:04 TRI
+ Rev 1.5 15 Jun 1995 08:52:46 TRI
+ Rev 1.4 06 Jun 1995 12:35:28 NN
+ Abfrage, ob ViewShell vorhanden
+ Rev 1.3 24 Mar 1995 18:39:00 SC
+ out of keys hack
+ Rev 1.2 22 Mar 1995 16:39:10 STE
+ undoblk3 abgesplittet
+ Rev 1.1 21 Mar 1995 14:40:08 TRI
+ Out of Keys - Defines eingebaut
+ Rev 1.0 08 Mar 1995 02:51:52 SC
+ aufgeteilt
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/undo/undoblk3.cxx b/sc/source/ui/undo/undoblk3.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5bd8bcd8a87c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sc/source/ui/undo/undoblk3.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,2053 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: undoblk3.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:45:07 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifdef PCH
+#include "ui_pch.hxx"
+#pragma hdrstop
+#define _MACRODLG_HXX
+#define _BIGINT_HXX
+#define _SVDXOUT_HXX
+#define _SVDATTR_HXX
+#define _SVDSURO_HXX
+// INCLUDE -------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "scitems.hxx"
+#include <svx/boxitem.hxx>
+#include <svx/srchitem.hxx>
+#include <svx/linkmgr.hxx>
+#include <sfx2/bindings.hxx>
+#include <vcl/virdev.hxx>
+#include "undoblk.hxx"
+#include "sc.hrc"
+#include "globstr.hrc"
+#include "global.hxx"
+#include "rangenam.hxx"
+#include "arealink.hxx"
+#include "patattr.hxx"
+#include "target.hxx"
+#include "document.hxx"
+#include "docpool.hxx"
+#include "table.hxx"
+#include "docsh.hxx"
+#include "tabvwsh.hxx"
+#include "undoolk.hxx"
+#include "undoutil.hxx"
+#include "chgtrack.hxx"
+#include "dociter.hxx"
+// STATIC DATA ---------------------------------------------------------------
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoDeleteContents, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoFillTable, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoSelectionAttr, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoAutoFill, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoMerge, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoAutoFormat, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoReplace, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoTabOp, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoSpelling, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoRefreshLink, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoInsertAreaLink, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoRemoveAreaLink, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoUpdateAreaLink, SfxUndoAction);
+// To Do:
+/*A*/ // SetOptimalHeight auf Dokument, wenn keine View
+// class ScUndoDeleteContents
+// Inhalte loeschen
+ ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ const ScMarkData& rMark, const ScRange& rRange,
+ ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc, BOOL bNewMulti,
+ USHORT nNewFlags, BOOL bObjects )
+ //
+ : ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ //
+ aMarkData ( rMark ),
+ aRange ( rRange ),
+ pUndoDoc ( pNewUndoDoc ),
+ bMulti ( bNewMulti ), // ueberliquid
+ nFlags ( nNewFlags ),
+ pDrawUndo ( NULL )
+ if (bObjects)
+ pDrawUndo = GetSdrUndoAction( pDocShell->GetDocument() );
+ if ( !(aMarkData.IsMarked() || aMarkData.IsMultiMarked()) ) // keine Zelle markiert:
+ aMarkData.SetMarkArea( aRange ); // Zelle unter Cursor markieren
+ SetChangeTrack();
+__EXPORT ScUndoDeleteContents::~ScUndoDeleteContents()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+ DeleteSdrUndoAction( pDrawUndo );
+String __EXPORT ScUndoDeleteContents::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_DELETECONTENTS ); // "Loeschen"
+void ScUndoDeleteContents::SetChangeTrack()
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDocShell->GetDocument()->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack && (nFlags & IDF_CONTENTS) )
+ pChangeTrack->AppendContentRange( aRange, pUndoDoc,
+ nStartChangeAction, nEndChangeAction );
+ else
+ nStartChangeAction = nEndChangeAction = 0;
+void ScUndoDeleteContents::DoChange( const BOOL bUndo )
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ {
+ pViewShell->DoneBlockMode();
+ pViewShell->InitOwnBlockMode();
+ pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetMarkData() = aMarkData; // CopyMarksTo
+ }
+ BOOL bPaintExt = FALSE;
+ if (bUndo) // nur Undo
+ {
+ USHORT nUndoFlags = IDF_NONE; // entweder alle oder keine Inhalte kopieren
+ if (nFlags & IDF_CONTENTS) // (es sind nur die richtigen ins UndoDoc kopiert worden)
+ nUndoFlags |= IDF_CONTENTS;
+ if (nFlags & IDF_ATTRIB)
+ nUndoFlags |= IDF_ATTRIB;
+ if (nFlags & IDF_EDITATTR) // Edit-Engine-Attribute
+ nUndoFlags |= IDF_STRING; // -> Zellen werden geaendert
+ ScRange aCopyRange = aRange;
+ USHORT nTabCount = pDoc->GetTableCount();
+ aCopyRange.aStart.SetTab(0);
+ aCopyRange.aEnd.SetTab(nTabCount-1);
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aCopyRange, nUndoFlags, bMulti, pDoc, &aMarkData );
+ if (pDrawUndo)
+ DoSdrUndoAction( pDrawUndo );
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDoc->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ pChangeTrack->Undo( nStartChangeAction, nEndChangeAction );
+ bPaintExt = pDoc->HasAttrib( aRange, HASATTR_PAINTEXT ); // hinterher
+ }
+ else // nur Redo
+ {
+ bPaintExt = pDoc->HasAttrib( aRange, HASATTR_PAINTEXT ); // vorher
+ aMarkData.MarkToMulti();
+ if (pDrawUndo)
+ pDoc->DeleteObjectsInSelection( aMarkData );
+ pDoc->DeleteSelection( nFlags, aMarkData );
+ aMarkData.MarkToSimple();
+ SetChangeTrack();
+ }
+ USHORT nExtFlags = bPaintExt ? SC_PF_LINES : 0;
+ if ( !( (pViewShell) && pViewShell->AdjustRowHeight(
+ aRange.aStart.Row(), aRange.aEnd.Row() ) ) )
+/*A*/ pDocShell->PostPaint( aRange, PAINT_GRID | PAINT_EXTRAS, nExtFlags );
+ pDocShell->PostDataChanged();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->CellContentChanged();
+ ShowTable( aRange );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDeleteContents::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ DoChange( TRUE );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDeleteContents::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ DoChange( FALSE );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDeleteContents::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->DeleteContents( nFlags, TRUE );
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoDeleteContents::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// class ScUndoFillTable
+// Tabellen ausfuellen
+// (Bearbeiten|Ausfuellen|...)
+ScUndoFillTable::ScUndoFillTable( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ const ScMarkData& rMark,
+ USHORT nStartX, USHORT nStartY, USHORT nStartZ,
+ ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc, BOOL bNewMulti, USHORT nSrc,
+ USHORT nFlg, USHORT nFunc, BOOL bSkip, BOOL bLink )
+ //
+ : ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ //
+ aMarkData ( rMark ),
+ aRange ( nStartX, nStartY, nStartZ, nEndX, nEndY, nEndZ ),
+ pUndoDoc ( pNewUndoDoc ),
+ bMulti ( bNewMulti ),
+ nSrcTab ( nSrc ),
+ nFlags ( nFlg ),
+ nFunction ( nFunc ),
+ bSkipEmpty ( bSkip ),
+ bAsLink ( bLink )
+ SetChangeTrack();
+__EXPORT ScUndoFillTable::~ScUndoFillTable()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoFillTable::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_FILL_TAB );
+void ScUndoFillTable::SetChangeTrack()
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDocShell->GetDocument()->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ {
+ USHORT nTabCount = pDocShell->GetDocument()->GetTableCount();
+ ScRange aWorkRange(aRange);
+ nStartChangeAction = 0;
+ ULONG nTmpAction;
+ for ( USHORT i = 0; i < nTabCount; i++ )
+ {
+ if (i != nSrcTab && aMarkData.GetTableSelect(i))
+ {
+ aWorkRange.aStart.SetTab(i);
+ aWorkRange.aEnd.SetTab(i);
+ pChangeTrack->AppendContentRange( aWorkRange, pUndoDoc,
+ nTmpAction, nEndChangeAction );
+ if ( !nStartChangeAction )
+ nStartChangeAction = nTmpAction;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ nStartChangeAction = nEndChangeAction = 0;
+void ScUndoFillTable::DoChange( const BOOL bUndo )
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ {
+ pViewShell->DoneBlockMode();
+ pViewShell->InitOwnBlockMode();
+ pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetMarkData() = aMarkData; // CopyMarksTo
+ }
+ if (bUndo) // nur Undo
+ {
+ USHORT nTabCount = pDoc->GetTableCount();
+ ScRange aWorkRange(aRange);
+ for ( USHORT i = 0; i < nTabCount; i++ )
+ if (i != nSrcTab && aMarkData.GetTableSelect(i))
+ {
+ aWorkRange.aStart.SetTab(i);
+ aWorkRange.aEnd.SetTab(i);
+ if (bMulti)
+ pDoc->DeleteSelectionTab( i, IDF_ALL, aMarkData );
+ else
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aWorkRange, IDF_ALL );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aWorkRange, IDF_ALL, bMulti, pDoc, &aMarkData );
+ }
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDoc->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ pChangeTrack->Undo( nStartChangeAction, nEndChangeAction );
+ }
+ else // nur Redo
+ {
+ aMarkData.MarkToMulti();
+ pDoc->FillTabMarked( nSrcTab, aMarkData, nFlags, nFunction, bSkipEmpty, bAsLink );
+ aMarkData.MarkToSimple();
+ SetChangeTrack();
+ }
+ pDocShell->PostDataChanged();
+ // CellContentChanged kommt mit der Markierung
+ if (pViewShell)
+ {
+ USHORT nTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( !aMarkData.GetTableSelect(nTab) )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nSrcTab );
+ pViewShell->DoneBlockMode(); // gibt sonst Probleme, weil Markierung auf falscher Tabelle
+ }
+void __EXPORT ScUndoFillTable::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ DoChange( TRUE );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoFillTable::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ DoChange( FALSE );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoFillTable::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->FillTab( nFlags, nFunction, bSkipEmpty, bAsLink );
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoFillTable::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// class ScUndoSelectionAttr
+// Zellformat aendern
+ScUndoSelectionAttr::ScUndoSelectionAttr( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ const ScMarkData& rMark,
+ USHORT nStartX, USHORT nStartY, USHORT nStartZ,
+ ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc, BOOL bNewMulti,
+ const ScPatternAttr* pNewApply,
+ const SvxBoxItem* pNewOuter, const SvxBoxInfoItem* pNewInner )
+ //
+ : ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ //
+ aMarkData ( rMark ),
+ aRange ( nStartX, nStartY, nStartZ, nEndX, nEndY, nEndZ ),
+ pUndoDoc ( pNewUndoDoc ),
+ bMulti ( bNewMulti )
+ ScDocumentPool* pPool = pDocShell->GetDocument()->GetPool();
+ pApplyPattern = (ScPatternAttr*) &pPool->Put( *pNewApply );
+ pLineOuter = pNewOuter ? (SvxBoxItem*) &pPool->Put( *pNewOuter ) : NULL;
+ pLineInner = pNewInner ? (SvxBoxInfoItem*) &pPool->Put( *pNewInner ) : NULL;
+__EXPORT ScUndoSelectionAttr::~ScUndoSelectionAttr()
+ ScDocumentPool* pPool = pDocShell->GetDocument()->GetPool();
+ pPool->Remove(*pApplyPattern);
+ if (pLineOuter)
+ pPool->Remove(*pLineOuter);
+ if (pLineInner)
+ pPool->Remove(*pLineInner);
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoSelectionAttr::GetComment() const
+ //"Attribute" "/Linien"
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( pLineOuter ? STR_UNDO_SELATTRLINES : STR_UNDO_SELATTR );
+void ScUndoSelectionAttr::DoChange( const BOOL bUndo )
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ {
+ pViewShell->DoneBlockMode();
+ pViewShell->InitOwnBlockMode();
+ pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetMarkData() = aMarkData; // CopyMarksTo
+ }
+ ScRange aEffRange( aRange );
+ if ( pDoc->HasAttrib( aEffRange, HASATTR_MERGED ) ) // zusammengefasste Zellen?
+ pDoc->ExtendMerge( aEffRange );
+ BOOL bHasLines = pDoc->HasAttrib( aEffRange, HASATTR_PAINTEXT );
+ if (bUndo) // nur bei Undo
+ {
+ ScRange aCopyRange = aRange;
+ USHORT nTabCount = pDoc->GetTableCount();
+ aCopyRange.aStart.SetTab(0);
+ aCopyRange.aEnd.SetTab(nTabCount-1);
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aCopyRange, IDF_ATTRIB, bMulti, pDoc, &aMarkData );
+ }
+ else // nur bei Redo
+ {
+ aMarkData.MarkToMulti();
+ pDoc->ApplySelectionPattern( *pApplyPattern, aMarkData );
+ aMarkData.MarkToSimple();
+ if (pLineOuter)
+ pDoc->ApplySelectionFrame( aMarkData, pLineOuter, pLineInner );
+ }
+ if ( !( (pViewShell) && pViewShell->AdjustBlockHeight() ) )
+/*A*/ pDocShell->PostPaint( aEffRange, PAINT_GRID | PAINT_EXTRAS, (bHasLines ? SC_PF_LINES : 0) );
+ ShowTable( aRange );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoSelectionAttr::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ DoChange( TRUE );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoSelectionAttr::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ DoChange( FALSE );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoSelectionAttr::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ {
+ ScTabViewShell& rViewShell = *((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell();
+ if (pLineOuter)
+ rViewShell.ApplyPatternLines( *pApplyPattern, pLineOuter, pLineInner, TRUE );
+ else
+ rViewShell.ApplySelectionPattern( *pApplyPattern, TRUE );
+ }
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoSelectionAttr::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// class ScUndoAutoFill
+// Auto-Fill (nur einfache Bloecke)
+ScUndoAutoFill::ScUndoAutoFill( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ const ScRange& rRange, const ScRange& rSourceArea,
+ ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc, const ScMarkData& rMark,
+ FillDir eNewFillDir, FillCmd eNewFillCmd, FillDateCmd eNewFillDateCmd,
+ double fNewStartValue, double fNewStepValue, double fNewMaxValue,
+ USHORT nMaxShIndex )
+ //
+ : ScBlockUndo( pNewDocShell, rRange, SC_UNDO_AUTOHEIGHT ),
+ //
+ aSource ( rSourceArea ),
+ aMarkData ( rMark ),
+ pUndoDoc ( pNewUndoDoc ),
+ eFillDir ( eNewFillDir ),
+ eFillCmd ( eNewFillCmd ),
+ eFillDateCmd ( eNewFillDateCmd ),
+ fStartValue ( fNewStartValue ),
+ fStepValue ( fNewStepValue ),
+ fMaxValue ( fNewMaxValue ),
+ nMaxSharedIndex ( nMaxShIndex)
+ SetChangeTrack();
+__EXPORT ScUndoAutoFill::~ScUndoAutoFill()
+ pDocShell->GetDocument()->EraseNonUsedSharedNames(nMaxSharedIndex);
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoAutoFill::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_AUTOFILL ); //"Ausfuellen"
+void ScUndoAutoFill::SetChangeTrack()
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDocShell->GetDocument()->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ pChangeTrack->AppendContentRange( aBlockRange, pUndoDoc,
+ nStartChangeAction, nEndChangeAction );
+ else
+ nStartChangeAction = nEndChangeAction = 0;
+void __EXPORT ScUndoAutoFill::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ USHORT nTabCount = pDoc->GetTableCount();
+ for (USHORT nTab=0; nTab<nTabCount; nTab++)
+ {
+ if (aMarkData.GetTableSelect(nTab))
+ {
+ ScRange aWorkRange = aBlockRange;
+ aWorkRange.aStart.SetTab(nTab);
+ aWorkRange.aEnd.SetTab(nTab);
+ BOOL bHasLines = pDoc->HasAttrib( aWorkRange, HASATTR_PAINTEXT );
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aWorkRange, IDF_ALL );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aWorkRange, IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+ pDoc->ExtendMerge( aWorkRange, TRUE );
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aWorkRange, PAINT_GRID, (bHasLines ? SC_PF_LINES : 0) );
+ }
+ }
+ pDocShell->PostDataChanged();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->CellContentChanged();
+// Shared-Names loeschen
+// Falls Undo ins Dokument gespeichert
+// => automatisches Loeschen am Ende
+// umarbeiten!!
+ String aName = String::CreateFromAscii(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("___SC_"));
+ aName += String::CreateFromInt32(nMaxSharedIndex);
+ aName += '_';
+ ScRangeName* pRangeName = pDoc->GetRangeName();
+ BOOL bHasFound = FALSE;
+ for (USHORT i = 0; i < pRangeName->GetCount(); i++)
+ {
+ ScRangeData* pRangeData = (*pRangeName)[i];
+ if (pRangeData)
+ {
+ String aRName;
+ pRangeData->GetName(aRName);
+ if (aRName.Search(aName) != STRING_NOTFOUND)
+ {
+ pRangeName->AtFree(i);
+ bHasFound = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (bHasFound)
+ pRangeName->SetSharedMaxIndex(pRangeName->GetSharedMaxIndex()-1);
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDoc->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ pChangeTrack->Undo( nStartChangeAction, nEndChangeAction );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoAutoFill::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+//! Tabellen selektieren
+ USHORT nCount;
+ switch (eFillDir)
+ {
+ nCount = aBlockRange.aEnd.Row() - aSource.aEnd.Row();
+ break;
+ nCount = aBlockRange.aEnd.Col() - aSource.aEnd.Col();
+ break;
+ case FILL_TO_TOP:
+ nCount = aSource.aStart.Row() - aBlockRange.aStart.Row();
+ break;
+ case FILL_TO_LEFT:
+ nCount = aSource.aStart.Col() - aBlockRange.aStart.Col();
+ break;
+ }
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ if ( fStartValue != MAXDOUBLE )
+ {
+ USHORT nValX = (eFillDir == FILL_TO_LEFT) ? aSource.aEnd.Col() : aSource.aStart.Col();
+ USHORT nValY = (eFillDir == FILL_TO_TOP ) ? aSource.aEnd.Row() : aSource.aStart.Row();
+ USHORT nTab = aSource.aStart.Tab();
+ pDoc->SetValue( nValX, nValY, nTab, fStartValue );
+ }
+ pDoc->Fill( aSource.aStart.Col(), aSource.aStart.Row(),
+ aSource.aEnd.Col(), aSource.aEnd.Row(),
+ aMarkData, nCount,
+ eFillDir, eFillCmd, eFillDateCmd,
+ fStepValue, fMaxValue );
+ SetChangeTrack();
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aBlockRange, PAINT_GRID );
+ pDocShell->PostDataChanged();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->CellContentChanged();
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoAutoFill::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ {
+ ScTabViewShell& rViewShell = *((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell();
+ if (eFillCmd==FILL_SIMPLE)
+ rViewShell.FillSimple( eFillDir, TRUE );
+ else
+ rViewShell.FillSeries( eFillDir, eFillCmd, eFillDateCmd,
+ fStartValue, fStepValue, fMaxValue, TRUE );
+ }
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoAutoFill::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// class ScUndoMerge
+// Zellen zusammenfassen / Zusammenfassung aufheben
+ScUndoMerge::ScUndoMerge( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ USHORT nStartX, USHORT nStartY, USHORT nStartZ,
+ BOOL bNewDoMerge, ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc )
+ //
+ : ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ //
+ aRange ( nStartX, nStartY, nStartZ, nEndX, nEndY, nEndZ ),
+ bDoMerge( bNewDoMerge ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc )
+__EXPORT ScUndoMerge::~ScUndoMerge()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoMerge::GetComment() const
+ // "Zusammenfassen" "Zusammenfassung aufheben"
+ return bDoMerge ?
+ ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_MERGE ) :
+ ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_REMERGE );
+void ScUndoMerge::DoChange( const BOOL bUndo ) const
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScUndoUtil::MarkSimpleBlock( pDocShell, aRange );
+ if (bDoMerge == bUndo)
+ pDoc->RemoveMerge( aRange.aStart.Col(), aRange.aStart.Row(), aRange.aStart.Tab() );
+//! pDoc->RemoveMerge( aRange.aStart );
+ else
+/*!*/ pDoc->DoMerge( aRange.aStart.Tab(),
+ aRange.aStart.Col(), aRange.aStart.Row(),
+ aRange.aEnd.Col(), aRange.aEnd.Row() );
+ if (pUndoDoc)
+ if (bUndo)
+ {
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aRange, IDF_CONTENTS );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aRange, IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+ }
+ else
+/*!*/ pDoc->DoMergeContents( aRange.aStart.Tab(),
+ aRange.aStart.Col(), aRange.aStart.Row(),
+ aRange.aEnd.Col(), aRange.aEnd.Row() );
+ BOOL bDidPaint = FALSE;
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if ( pViewShell )
+ {
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( aRange.aStart.Tab() );
+ bDidPaint = pViewShell->AdjustRowHeight( aRange.aStart.Row(), aRange.aEnd.Row() );
+ }
+ if (!bDidPaint)
+ ScUndoUtil::PaintMore( pDocShell, aRange );
+ ShowTable( aRange );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoMerge::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ DoChange( TRUE );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoMerge::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ DoChange( FALSE );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoMerge::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ {
+ ScTabViewShell& rViewShell = *((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell();
+ if (bDoMerge)
+ {
+ BOOL bCont = FALSE;
+ rViewShell.MergeCells( FALSE, bCont, TRUE );
+ }
+ else
+ rViewShell.RemoveMerge( TRUE );
+ }
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoMerge::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// class ScUndoAutoFormat
+// Auto-Format (nur einfache Bloecke)
+ScUndoAutoFormat::ScUndoAutoFormat( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ const ScRange& rRange, ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc,
+ const ScMarkData& rMark, BOOL bNewSize, USHORT nNewFormatNo )
+ //
+ : ScBlockUndo( pNewDocShell, rRange, bNewSize ? SC_UNDO_MANUALHEIGHT : SC_UNDO_AUTOHEIGHT ),
+ //
+ aMarkData ( rMark ),
+ pUndoDoc ( pNewUndoDoc ),
+ bSize ( bNewSize ),
+ nFormatNo ( nNewFormatNo )
+__EXPORT ScUndoAutoFormat::~ScUndoAutoFormat()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoAutoFormat::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_AUTOFORMAT ); //"Auto-Format"
+void __EXPORT ScUndoAutoFormat::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ // Attribute
+// pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aBlockRange, IDF_ATTRIB );
+// pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aBlockRange, IDF_ATTRIB, FALSE, pDoc );
+ USHORT nTabCount = pDoc->GetTableCount();
+ pDoc->DeleteArea( aBlockRange.aStart.Col(), aBlockRange.aStart.Row(),
+ aBlockRange.aEnd.Col(), aBlockRange.aEnd.Row(),
+ aMarkData, IDF_ATTRIB );
+ ScRange aCopyRange = aBlockRange;
+ aCopyRange.aStart.SetTab(0);
+ aCopyRange.aEnd.SetTab(nTabCount-1);
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aCopyRange, IDF_ATTRIB, FALSE, pDoc, &aMarkData );
+ // Zellhoehen und -breiten (IDF_NONE)
+ if (bSize)
+ {
+ USHORT nStartX = aBlockRange.aStart.Col();
+ USHORT nStartY = aBlockRange.aStart.Row();
+ USHORT nStartZ = aBlockRange.aStart.Tab();
+ USHORT nEndX = aBlockRange.aEnd.Col();
+ USHORT nEndY = aBlockRange.aEnd.Row();
+ USHORT nEndZ = aBlockRange.aEnd.Tab();
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( nStartX, 0, 0, nEndX, MAXROW, nTabCount-1,
+ IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc, &aMarkData );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( 0, nStartY, 0, MAXCOL, nEndY, nTabCount-1,
+ IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc, &aMarkData );
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( 0, 0, nStartZ, MAXCOL, MAXROW, nEndZ,
+ }
+ else
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aBlockRange, PAINT_GRID, SC_PF_LINES );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoAutoFormat::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ USHORT nStartX = aBlockRange.aStart.Col();
+ USHORT nStartY = aBlockRange.aStart.Row();
+ USHORT nStartZ = aBlockRange.aStart.Tab();
+ USHORT nEndX = aBlockRange.aEnd.Col();
+ USHORT nEndY = aBlockRange.aEnd.Row();
+ USHORT nEndZ = aBlockRange.aEnd.Tab();
+ pDoc->AutoFormat( nStartX, nStartY, nEndX, nEndY, nFormatNo, aMarkData );
+ if (bSize)
+ {
+ VirtualDevice aVirtDev;
+ Fraction aZoomX(1,1);
+ Fraction aZoomY = aZoomX;
+ double nPPTX,nPPTY;
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ {
+ ScViewData* pData = pViewShell->GetViewData();
+ nPPTX = pData->GetPPTX();
+ nPPTY = pData->GetPPTY();
+ aZoomX = pData->GetZoomX();
+ aZoomY = pData->GetZoomY();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Zoom auf 100 lassen
+ nPPTX = ScGlobal::nScreenPPTX;
+ nPPTY = ScGlobal::nScreenPPTY;
+ }
+ BOOL bFormula = FALSE; //! merken
+ for (USHORT nTab=nStartZ; nTab<=nEndZ; nTab++)
+ {
+ ScMarkData aDestMark;
+ aDestMark.SelectOneTable( nTab );
+ aDestMark.SetMarkArea( ScRange( nStartX, nStartY, nTab, nEndX, nEndY, nTab ) );
+ aDestMark.MarkToMulti();
+ for (USHORT nRow=nStartY; nRow<=nEndY; nRow++)
+ {
+ BYTE nOld = pDoc->GetRowFlags(nRow,nTab);
+ if ( (nOld & CR_HIDDEN) == 0 && ( nOld & CR_MANUALSIZE ) )
+ pDoc->SetRowFlags( nRow, nTab, nOld & ~CR_MANUALSIZE );
+ }
+ pDoc->SetOptimalHeight( nStartY, nEndY, nTab, 0, &aVirtDev,
+ nPPTX, nPPTY, aZoomX, aZoomY, FALSE );
+ for (USHORT nCol=nStartX; nCol<=nEndX; nCol++)
+ if ((pDoc->GetColFlags( nCol, nTab ) & CR_HIDDEN) == 0)
+ {
+ USHORT nThisSize = STD_EXTRA_WIDTH + pDoc->GetOptimalColWidth( nCol, nTab,
+ &aVirtDev, nPPTX, nPPTY, aZoomX, aZoomY, bFormula,
+ &aDestMark );
+ pDoc->SetColWidth( nCol, nTab, nThisSize );
+ pDoc->ShowCol( nCol, nTab, TRUE );
+ }
+ }
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( 0, 0, nStartZ,
+ }
+ else
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aBlockRange, PAINT_GRID, SC_PF_LINES );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoAutoFormat::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->AutoFormat( nFormatNo, TRUE );
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoAutoFormat::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// class ScUndoReplace
+// Ersetzen
+ScUndoReplace::ScUndoReplace( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell, const ScMarkData& rMark,
+ const String& rNewUndoStr, ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc,
+ const SvxSearchItem* pItem )
+ //
+ : ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ //
+ aMarkData ( rMark ),
+ aCursorPos ( nCurX, nCurY, nCurZ ),
+ aUndoStr ( rNewUndoStr ),
+ pUndoDoc ( pNewUndoDoc )
+ pSearchItem = new SvxSearchItem( *pItem );
+ SetChangeTrack();
+__EXPORT ScUndoReplace::~ScUndoReplace()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+ delete pSearchItem;
+void ScUndoReplace::SetChangeTrack()
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDoc->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ {
+ if ( pUndoDoc )
+ { //! im UndoDoc stehen nur die geaenderten Zellen,
+ // deswegen per Iterator moeglich
+ pChangeTrack->AppendContentsIfInRefDoc( pUndoDoc,
+ nStartChangeAction, nEndChangeAction );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nStartChangeAction = pChangeTrack->GetActionMax() + 1;
+ ScAddress aPos( aCursorPos.GetCol(), aCursorPos.GetRow(),
+ aCursorPos.GetTab() );
+ ScChangeActionContent* pContent = new ScChangeActionContent(
+ ScRange( aPos, aPos ) );
+ pContent->SetOldValue( aUndoStr, pDoc );
+ pContent->SetNewValue( pDoc->GetCell( aPos ), pDoc );
+ pChangeTrack->Append( pContent );
+ nEndChangeAction = pChangeTrack->GetActionMax();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ nStartChangeAction = nEndChangeAction = 0;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoReplace::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_REPLACE ); // "Ersetzen"
+void __EXPORT ScUndoReplace::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ ShowTable( aCursorPos.GetTab() );
+ if (pUndoDoc) // nur bei ReplaceAll !!
+ {
+ "ScUndoReplace:: Falscher Modus");
+ if (pViewShell)
+ {
+ pViewShell->DoneBlockMode();
+ pViewShell->InitOwnBlockMode();
+ pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetMarkData() = aMarkData; // CopyMarksTo
+ }
+//! markierte Tabellen
+//! Bereich merken ?
+ // Undo-Dokument hat keine Zeilen-/Spalten-Infos, also mit bColRowFlags = FALSE
+ // kopieren, um Outline-Gruppen nicht kaputtzumachen.
+ USHORT nUndoFlags = (pSearchItem->GetPattern()) ? IDF_ATTRIB : IDF_CONTENTS;
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( 0, 0, 0,
+ nUndoFlags, FALSE, pDoc, NULL, FALSE ); // ohne Row-Flags
+ pDocShell->PostPaintGridAll();
+ }
+ else if (pSearchItem->GetPattern() &&
+ pSearchItem->GetCommand() == SVX_SEARCHCMD_REPLACE)
+ {
+ String aTempStr = pSearchItem->GetSearchString(); // vertauschen
+ pSearchItem->SetSearchString(pSearchItem->GetReplaceString());
+ pSearchItem->SetReplaceString(aTempStr);
+ pDoc->ReplaceStyle( *pSearchItem,
+ aCursorPos.GetCol(), aCursorPos.GetRow(), aCursorPos.GetTab(),
+ aMarkData, TRUE);
+ pSearchItem->SetReplaceString(pSearchItem->GetSearchString());
+ pSearchItem->SetSearchString(aTempStr);
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->MoveCursorAbs( aCursorPos.GetCol(), aCursorPos.GetRow(),
+ pDocShell->PostPaintGridAll();
+ }
+ else if (pSearchItem->GetCellType() == SVX_SEARCHIN_NOTE)
+ {
+ ScPostIt aNote;
+ if (pDoc->GetNote(aCursorPos.GetCol(), aCursorPos.GetRow(),
+ aCursorPos.GetTab(), aNote))
+ {
+ aNote.SetText(aUndoStr);
+ pDoc->SetNote(aCursorPos.GetCol(), aCursorPos.GetRow(),
+ aCursorPos.GetTab(), aNote);
+ }
+ else
+ DBG_ERROR("ScUndoReplace: Hier ist keine Notizzelle");
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->MoveCursorAbs( aCursorPos.GetCol(), aCursorPos.GetRow(),
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pDoc->SetString( aCursorPos.GetCol(), aCursorPos.GetRow(), aCursorPos.GetTab(), aUndoStr );
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->MoveCursorAbs( aCursorPos.GetCol(), aCursorPos.GetRow(),
+ pDocShell->PostPaintGridAll();
+ }
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDoc->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ pChangeTrack->Undo( nStartChangeAction, nEndChangeAction );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoReplace::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->MoveCursorAbs( aCursorPos.GetCol(), aCursorPos.GetRow(),
+ if (pUndoDoc)
+ {
+ if (pViewShell)
+ {
+ pViewShell->DoneBlockMode();
+ pViewShell->InitOwnBlockMode();
+ pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetMarkData() = aMarkData; // CopyMarksTo
+ pViewShell->SearchAndReplace( pSearchItem, FALSE, TRUE );
+ }
+ }
+ else if (pSearchItem->GetPattern() &&
+ pSearchItem->GetCommand() == SVX_SEARCHCMD_REPLACE)
+ {
+ pDoc->ReplaceStyle( *pSearchItem,
+ aCursorPos.GetCol(), aCursorPos.GetRow(), aCursorPos.GetTab(),
+ aMarkData, TRUE);
+ pDocShell->PostPaintGridAll();
+ }
+ else
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->SearchAndReplace( pSearchItem, FALSE, TRUE );
+ SetChangeTrack();
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoReplace::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->SearchAndReplace( pSearchItem, TRUE, FALSE );
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoReplace::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// class ScUndoTabOp
+// Mehrfachoperation (nur einfache Bloecke)
+ScUndoTabOp::ScUndoTabOp( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ USHORT nStartX, USHORT nStartY, USHORT nStartZ,
+ USHORT nEndX, USHORT nEndY, USHORT nEndZ, ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc,
+ const ScRefTripel& rFormulaCell,
+ const ScRefTripel& rFormulaEnd,
+ const ScRefTripel& rRowCell,
+ const ScRefTripel& rColCell,
+ BYTE nMd )
+ //
+ : ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ //
+ aRange ( nStartX, nStartY, nStartZ, nEndX, nEndY, nEndZ ),
+ pUndoDoc ( pNewUndoDoc ),
+ theFormulaCell ( rFormulaCell ),
+ theFormulaEnd ( rFormulaEnd ),
+ theRowCell ( rRowCell ),
+ theColCell ( rColCell ),
+ nMode ( nMd )
+__EXPORT ScUndoTabOp::~ScUndoTabOp()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoTabOp::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_TABOP ); // "Mehrfachoperation"
+void __EXPORT ScUndoTabOp::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScUndoUtil::MarkSimpleBlock( pDocShell, aRange );
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ BOOL bHasLines = pDoc->HasAttrib( aRange, HASATTR_PAINTEXT );
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aRange,IDF_ALL );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aRange, IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aRange, PAINT_GRID, (bHasLines ? SC_PF_LINES : 0) );
+ pDocShell->PostDataChanged();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->CellContentChanged();
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoTabOp::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScUndoUtil::MarkSimpleBlock( pDocShell, aRange );
+ ScTabOpParam aParam( theFormulaCell, theFormulaEnd,
+ theRowCell, theColCell,
+ nMode );
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->TabOp( aParam, FALSE);
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoTabOp::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoTabOp::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return FALSE;
+// class ScUndoSpelling
+// Spelling
+ScUndoSpelling::ScUndoSpelling( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ const ScMarkData& rMark,
+ ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc,
+ ScDocument* pNewRedoDoc)
+ //
+ : ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ //
+ aMarkData ( rMark ),
+ aCursorPos ( nCurX, nCurY, nCurZ ),
+ aNewCursorPos ( nNewX, nNewY, nNewZ ),
+ pUndoDoc ( pNewUndoDoc ),
+ pRedoDoc ( pNewRedoDoc )
+ SetChangeTrack();
+__EXPORT ScUndoSpelling::~ScUndoSpelling()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+ delete pRedoDoc;
+void ScUndoSpelling::SetChangeTrack()
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDoc->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ {
+ if ( pUndoDoc )
+ pChangeTrack->AppendContentsIfInRefDoc( pUndoDoc,
+ nStartChangeAction, nEndChangeAction );
+ else
+ {
+ DBG_ERROR( "ScUndoSpelling::SetChangeTrack: kein UndoDoc" );
+ nStartChangeAction = nEndChangeAction = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ nStartChangeAction = nEndChangeAction = 0;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoSpelling::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_SPELLING); // "Rechtschreibung"
+void ScUndoSpelling::DoChange( ScDocument* pRefDoc, const ScTripel& rCursorPos )
+ if (pRefDoc)
+ {
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ShowTable( rCursorPos.GetTab() );
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ {
+ pViewShell->DoneBlockMode();
+ pViewShell->InitOwnBlockMode();
+ pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetMarkData() = aMarkData; // CopyMarksTo
+ }
+ USHORT nTabCount = pDoc->GetTableCount();
+ // Undo/Redo-doc has only selected tables
+ BOOL bMulti = aMarkData.IsMultiMarked();
+ pRefDoc->CopyToDocument( 0, 0, 0,
+ MAXCOL, MAXROW, nTabCount-1,
+ IDF_CONTENTS, bMulti, pDoc, &aMarkData );
+ pDocShell->PostPaintGridAll();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DBG_ERROR("Kein Un-/RedoDoc bei Un-/RedoSpelling");
+ }
+void __EXPORT ScUndoSpelling::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ DoChange( pUndoDoc, aCursorPos );
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDocShell->GetDocument()->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ pChangeTrack->Undo( nStartChangeAction, nEndChangeAction );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoSpelling::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ DoChange( pRedoDoc, aNewCursorPos );
+ SetChangeTrack();
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoSpelling::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->DoSpellingChecker( TRUE );
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoSpelling::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// class ScUndoRefreshLink
+// Link aktualisieren / aendern
+ScUndoRefreshLink::ScUndoRefreshLink( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc )
+ //
+ : ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ //
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc ),
+ pRedoDoc( NULL )
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+__EXPORT ScUndoRefreshLink::~ScUndoRefreshLink()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+ delete pRedoDoc;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoRefreshLink::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_UPDATELINK );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoRefreshLink::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ BOOL bMakeRedo = !pRedoDoc;
+ if (bMakeRedo)
+ pRedoDoc = new ScDocument( SCDOCMODE_UNDO );
+ BOOL bFirst = TRUE;
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ USHORT nCount = pDoc->GetTableCount();
+ for (USHORT nTab=0; nTab<nCount; nTab++)
+ if (pUndoDoc->HasTable(nTab))
+ {
+ ScRange aRange(0,0,nTab,MAXCOL,MAXROW,nTab);
+ if (bMakeRedo)
+ {
+ if (bFirst)
+ pRedoDoc->InitUndo( pDoc, nTab, nTab, TRUE, TRUE );
+ else
+ pRedoDoc->AddUndoTab( nTab, nTab, TRUE, TRUE );
+ bFirst = FALSE;
+ pDoc->CopyToDocument(aRange, IDF_ALL, FALSE, pRedoDoc);
+// pRedoDoc->TransferDrawPage( pDoc, nTab, nTab );
+ pRedoDoc->SetLink( nTab,
+ pDoc->GetLinkMode(nTab),
+ pDoc->GetLinkDoc(nTab),
+ pDoc->GetLinkFlt(nTab),
+ pDoc->GetLinkOpt(nTab),
+ pDoc->GetLinkTab(nTab) );
+ }
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aRange,IDF_ALL );
+// pDoc->ClearDrawPage(nTab);
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aRange, IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+// pDoc->TransferDrawPage( pUndoDoc, nTab, nTab );
+ pDoc->SetLink( nTab, pUndoDoc->GetLinkMode(nTab), pUndoDoc->GetLinkDoc(nTab),
+ pUndoDoc->GetLinkFlt(nTab), pUndoDoc->GetLinkOpt(nTab),
+ pUndoDoc->GetLinkTab(nTab) );
+ }
+ pDocShell->PostPaintGridAll();
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoRefreshLink::Redo()
+ DBG_ASSERT(pRedoDoc, "Kein RedoDoc bei ScUndoRefreshLink::Redo");
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ USHORT nCount = pDoc->GetTableCount();
+ for (USHORT nTab=0; nTab<nCount; nTab++)
+ if (pRedoDoc->HasTable(nTab))
+ {
+ ScRange aRange(0,0,nTab,MAXCOL,MAXROW,nTab);
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aRange, IDF_ALL );
+// pDoc->ClearDrawPage(nTab);
+ pRedoDoc->CopyToDocument( aRange, IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+// pDoc->TransferDrawPage( pRedoDoc, nTab, nTab );
+ pDoc->SetLink( nTab,
+ pRedoDoc->GetLinkMode(nTab),
+ pRedoDoc->GetLinkDoc(nTab),
+ pRedoDoc->GetLinkFlt(nTab),
+ pRedoDoc->GetLinkOpt(nTab),
+ pRedoDoc->GetLinkTab(nTab) );
+ }
+ pDocShell->PostPaintGridAll();
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoRefreshLink::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ // gippsnich
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoRefreshLink::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return FALSE;
+ScAreaLink* lcl_FindAreaLink( SvxLinkManager* pLinkManager, const String& rDoc,
+ const String& rFlt, const String& rOpt,
+ const String& rSrc, const ScRange& rDest )
+ const SvBaseLinks& rLinks = pLinkManager->GetLinks();
+ USHORT nCount = pLinkManager->GetLinks().Count();
+ for (USHORT i=0; i<nCount; i++)
+ {
+ SvBaseLink* pBase = *rLinks[i];
+ if (pBase->ISA(ScAreaLink))
+ if ( ((ScAreaLink*)pBase)->IsEqual( rDoc, rFlt, rOpt, rSrc, rDest ) )
+ return (ScAreaLink*)pBase;
+ }
+ DBG_ERROR("ScAreaLink nicht gefunden");
+ return NULL;
+// class ScUndoInsertAreaLink
+// Bereichs-Verknuepfung einfuegen
+ScUndoInsertAreaLink::ScUndoInsertAreaLink( ScDocShell* pShell,
+ const String& rDoc,
+ const String& rFlt, const String& rOpt,
+ const String& rArea, const ScRange& rDestRange )
+ //
+ : ScSimpleUndo( pShell ),
+ //
+ aDocName ( rDoc ),
+ aFltName ( rFlt ),
+ aOptions ( rOpt ),
+ aAreaName ( rArea ),
+ aRange ( rDestRange )
+__EXPORT ScUndoInsertAreaLink::~ScUndoInsertAreaLink()
+String __EXPORT ScUndoInsertAreaLink::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_INSERTAREALINK );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoInsertAreaLink::Undo()
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ SvxLinkManager* pLinkManager = pDoc->GetLinkManager();
+ ScAreaLink* pLink = lcl_FindAreaLink( pLinkManager, aDocName, aFltName, aOptions,
+ aAreaName, aRange );
+ if (pLink)
+ pLinkManager->Remove(*pLink);
+ SFX_APP()->Broadcast( SfxSimpleHint( SC_HINT_AREALINKS_CHANGED ) ); // Navigator
+void __EXPORT ScUndoInsertAreaLink::Redo()
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ SvxLinkManager* pLinkManager = pDoc->GetLinkManager();
+ ScAreaLink* pLink = new ScAreaLink( pDocShell, aDocName, aFltName, aOptions,
+ aAreaName, aRange.aStart );
+ pLink->SetInCreate( TRUE );
+ pLink->SetDestArea( aRange );
+ pLinkManager->InsertFileLink( *pLink, OBJECT_CLIENT_FILE, aDocName, &aFltName, &aAreaName );
+ pLink->Update();
+ pLink->SetInCreate( FALSE );
+ SFX_APP()->Broadcast( SfxSimpleHint( SC_HINT_AREALINKS_CHANGED ) ); // Navigator
+void __EXPORT ScUndoInsertAreaLink::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ //! ....
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoInsertAreaLink::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return FALSE;
+// class ScUndoRemoveAreaLink
+// Bereichs-Verknuepfung loeschen
+ScUndoRemoveAreaLink::ScUndoRemoveAreaLink( ScDocShell* pShell,
+ const String& rDoc, const String& rFlt, const String& rOpt,
+ const String& rArea, const ScRange& rDestRange )
+ //
+ : ScSimpleUndo( pShell ),
+ //
+ aDocName ( rDoc ),
+ aFltName ( rFlt ),
+ aOptions ( rOpt ),
+ aAreaName ( rArea ),
+ aRange ( rDestRange )
+__EXPORT ScUndoRemoveAreaLink::~ScUndoRemoveAreaLink()
+String __EXPORT ScUndoRemoveAreaLink::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_REMOVELINK ); //! eigener Text ??
+void __EXPORT ScUndoRemoveAreaLink::Undo()
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ SvxLinkManager* pLinkManager = pDoc->GetLinkManager();
+ ScAreaLink* pLink = new ScAreaLink( pDocShell, aDocName, aFltName, aOptions,
+ aAreaName, aRange.aStart );
+ pLink->SetInCreate( TRUE );
+ pLink->SetDestArea( aRange );
+ pLinkManager->InsertFileLink( *pLink, OBJECT_CLIENT_FILE, aDocName, &aFltName, &aAreaName );
+ pLink->Update();
+ pLink->SetInCreate( FALSE );
+ SFX_APP()->Broadcast( SfxSimpleHint( SC_HINT_AREALINKS_CHANGED ) ); // Navigator
+void __EXPORT ScUndoRemoveAreaLink::Redo()
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ SvxLinkManager* pLinkManager = pDoc->GetLinkManager();
+ ScAreaLink* pLink = lcl_FindAreaLink( pLinkManager, aDocName, aFltName, aOptions,
+ aAreaName, aRange );
+ if (pLink)
+ pLinkManager->Remove(*pLink);
+ SFX_APP()->Broadcast( SfxSimpleHint( SC_HINT_AREALINKS_CHANGED ) ); // Navigator
+void __EXPORT ScUndoRemoveAreaLink::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ // gippsnich
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoRemoveAreaLink::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return FALSE;
+// class ScUndoUpdateAreaLink
+// Bereichs-Verknuepfung aktualisieren
+ScUndoUpdateAreaLink::ScUndoUpdateAreaLink( ScDocShell* pShell,
+ const String& rOldD, const String& rOldF, const String& rOldO,
+ const String& rOldA, const ScRange& rOldR,
+ const String& rNewD, const String& rNewF, const String& rNewO,
+ const String& rNewA, const ScRange& rNewR,
+ ScDocument* pUndo, ScDocument* pRedo, BOOL bDoInsert )
+ //
+ : ScSimpleUndo( pShell ),
+ //
+ aOldDoc ( rOldD ),
+ aOldFlt ( rOldF ),
+ aOldOpt ( rOldO ),
+ aOldArea ( rOldA ),
+ aOldRange ( rOldR ),
+ aNewDoc ( rNewD ),
+ aNewFlt ( rNewF ),
+ aNewOpt ( rNewO ),
+ aNewArea ( rNewA ),
+ aNewRange ( rNewR ),
+ pUndoDoc ( pUndo ),
+ pRedoDoc ( pRedo ),
+ bWithInsert ( bDoInsert )
+ DBG_ASSERT( aOldRange.aStart == aNewRange.aStart, "AreaLink verschoben ??!??" );
+__EXPORT ScUndoUpdateAreaLink::~ScUndoUpdateAreaLink()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+ delete pRedoDoc;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoUpdateAreaLink::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_UPDATELINK ); //! eigener Text ??
+void ScUndoUpdateAreaLink::DoChange( const BOOL bUndo ) const
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ USHORT nEndX = Max( aOldRange.aEnd.Col(), aNewRange.aEnd.Col() );
+ USHORT nEndY = Max( aOldRange.aEnd.Row(), aNewRange.aEnd.Row() );
+ USHORT nEndZ = Max( aOldRange.aEnd.Tab(), aNewRange.aEnd.Tab() ); //?
+ if ( bUndo )
+ {
+ if ( bWithInsert )
+ {
+ pDoc->FitBlock( aNewRange, aOldRange );
+ pUndoDoc->UndoToDocument( aOldRange, IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+ }
+ else
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument(
+ ScRange(aOldRange.aStart, ScAddress(nEndX,nEndY,nEndZ)),
+ IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( bWithInsert )
+ {
+ pDoc->FitBlock( aOldRange, aNewRange );
+ pRedoDoc->CopyToDocument( aNewRange, IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+ }
+ else
+ pRedoDoc->CopyToDocument(
+ ScRange(aOldRange.aStart, ScAddress(nEndX,nEndY,nEndZ)),
+ IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+ }
+ ScRange aWorkRange( aNewRange.aStart, ScTripel( nEndX, nEndY, nEndZ ) );
+ pDoc->ExtendMerge( aWorkRange, TRUE );
+ // Paint
+ if ( aNewRange.aEnd.Col() != aOldRange.aEnd.Col() )
+ aWorkRange.aEnd.SetCol(MAXCOL);
+ if ( aNewRange.aEnd.Row() != aOldRange.aEnd.Row() )
+ aWorkRange.aEnd.SetRow(MAXROW);
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aWorkRange, PAINT_GRID );
+ pDocShell->PostDataChanged();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->CellContentChanged();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoUpdateAreaLink::Undo()
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ SvxLinkManager* pLinkManager = pDoc->GetLinkManager();
+ ScAreaLink* pLink = lcl_FindAreaLink( pLinkManager, aNewDoc, aNewFlt, aNewOpt,
+ aNewArea, aNewRange );
+ if (pLink)
+ {
+ pLink->SetSource( aOldDoc, aOldFlt, aOldOpt, aOldArea ); // alte Werte im Link
+ pLink->SetDestArea( aOldRange );
+ }
+ DoChange(TRUE);
+void __EXPORT ScUndoUpdateAreaLink::Redo()
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ SvxLinkManager* pLinkManager = pDoc->GetLinkManager();
+ ScAreaLink* pLink = lcl_FindAreaLink( pLinkManager, aOldDoc, aOldFlt, aOldOpt,
+ aOldArea, aOldRange );
+ if (pLink)
+ {
+ pLink->SetSource( aNewDoc, aNewFlt, aNewOpt, aNewArea ); // neue Werte im Link
+ pLink->SetDestArea( aNewRange );
+ }
+ DoChange(FALSE);
+void __EXPORT ScUndoUpdateAreaLink::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ // gippsnich
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoUpdateAreaLink::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return FALSE;
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/undo/undocell.cxx b/sc/source/ui/undo/undocell.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..41f12d0fdc4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sc/source/ui/undo/undocell.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1154 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: undocell.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:45:07 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifdef PCH
+#include "ui_pch.hxx"
+#pragma hdrstop
+// INCLUDE ---------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "scitems.hxx"
+#include <svx/editobj.hxx>
+#include <svtools/zforlist.hxx>
+#include <sfx2/app.hxx>
+#include "undocell.hxx"
+#include "document.hxx"
+#include "docpool.hxx"
+#include "patattr.hxx"
+#include "docsh.hxx"
+#include "tabvwsh.hxx"
+#include "globstr.hrc"
+#include "global.hxx"
+#include "cell.hxx"
+#include "target.hxx"
+#include "undoolk.hxx"
+#include "detdata.hxx"
+#include "stlpool.hxx"
+#include "printfun.hxx"
+#include "rangenam.hxx"
+#include "chgtrack.hxx"
+#include "sc.hrc"
+// STATIC DATA -----------------------------------------------------------
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoCursorAttr, ScSimpleUndo);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoEnterData, ScSimpleUndo);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoEnterValue, ScSimpleUndo);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoPutCell, ScSimpleUndo);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoPageBreak, ScSimpleUndo);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoPrintZoom, ScSimpleUndo);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoThesaurus, ScSimpleUndo);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoNote, ScSimpleUndo);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoEditNote, ScSimpleUndo);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoDetective, ScSimpleUndo);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoRangeNames, ScSimpleUndo);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Attribute auf Cursor anwenden
+ScUndoCursorAttr::ScUndoCursorAttr( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ USHORT nNewCol, USHORT nNewRow, USHORT nNewTab,
+ const ScPatternAttr* pOldPat, const ScPatternAttr* pNewPat,
+ const ScPatternAttr* pApplyPat, BOOL bAutomatic ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ nCol( nNewCol ),
+ nRow( nNewRow ),
+ nTab( nNewTab ),
+ bIsAutomatic( bAutomatic )
+ ScDocumentPool* pPool = pDocShell->GetDocument()->GetPool();
+ pNewPattern = (ScPatternAttr*) &pPool->Put( *pNewPat );
+ pOldPattern = (ScPatternAttr*) &pPool->Put( *pOldPat );
+ pApplyPattern = (ScPatternAttr*) &pPool->Put( *pApplyPat );
+__EXPORT ScUndoCursorAttr::~ScUndoCursorAttr()
+ ScDocumentPool* pPool = pDocShell->GetDocument()->GetPool();
+ pPool->Remove(*pNewPattern);
+ pPool->Remove(*pOldPattern);
+ pPool->Remove(*pApplyPattern);
+String __EXPORT ScUndoCursorAttr::GetComment() const
+ //! eigener Text fuer automatische Attributierung
+ USHORT nId = STR_UNDO_CURSORATTR; // "Attribute"
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( nId );
+void ScUndoCursorAttr::DoChange( const ScPatternAttr* pWhichPattern ) const
+ pDocShell->GetDocument()->SetPattern( nCol, nRow, nTab, *pWhichPattern, TRUE );
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ {
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ pViewShell->MoveCursorAbs( nCol, nRow, SC_FOLLOW_JUMP, FALSE, FALSE );
+ pViewShell->AdjustBlockHeight();
+ }
+ const SfxItemSet& rApplySet = pApplyPattern->GetItemSet();
+ BOOL bPaintExt = ( rApplySet.GetItemState( ATTR_SHADOW, TRUE ) != SFX_ITEM_DEFAULT ||
+ if (bPaintExt)
+ nFlags |= SC_PF_LINES;
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( nCol,nRow,nTab, nCol,nRow,nTab, PAINT_GRID, nFlags );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoCursorAttr::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ DoChange(pOldPattern);
+ if ( bIsAutomatic )
+ {
+ // wenn automatische Formatierung rueckgaengig gemacht wird,
+ // soll auch nicht weiter automatisch formatiert werden:
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->ForgetFormatArea();
+ }
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoCursorAttr::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ DoChange(pNewPattern);
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoCursorAttr::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->ApplySelectionPattern( *pApplyPattern );
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoCursorAttr::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Daten eingeben
+ScUndoEnterData::ScUndoEnterData( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ USHORT nNewCol, USHORT nNewRow, USHORT nNewTab,
+ USHORT nNewCount, USHORT* pNewTabs, ScBaseCell** ppOldData,
+ BOOL* pHasForm, ULONG* pOldForm,
+ const String& rNewStr, EditTextObject* pObj ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ nCol( nNewCol ),
+ nRow( nNewRow ),
+ nTab( nNewTab ),
+ nCount( nNewCount ),
+ pTabs( pNewTabs ),
+ ppOldCells( ppOldData ),
+ pHasFormat( pHasForm ),
+ pOldFormats( pOldForm ),
+ aNewString( rNewStr ),
+ pNewEditData( pObj )
+ SetChangeTrack();
+__EXPORT ScUndoEnterData::~ScUndoEnterData()
+ ScDocumentPool* pPool = pDocShell->GetDocument()->GetPool();
+ for (USHORT i=0; i<nCount; i++)
+ if (ppOldCells[i])
+ ppOldCells[i]->Delete();
+ delete ppOldCells;
+ delete pHasFormat;
+ delete pOldFormats;
+ delete pTabs;
+ delete pNewEditData;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoEnterData::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_ENTERDATA ); // "Eingabe"
+void ScUndoEnterData::DoChange() const
+ // Zeilenhoehe anpassen
+ //! nur wenn noetig (alte oder neue EditZelle, oder Attribute) ??
+ for (USHORT i=0; i<nCount; i++)
+ pDocShell->AdjustRowHeight( nRow, nRow, pTabs[i] );
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ {
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ pViewShell->MoveCursorAbs( nCol, nRow, SC_FOLLOW_JUMP, FALSE, FALSE );
+ }
+ pDocShell->PostDataChanged();
+void ScUndoEnterData::SetChangeTrack()
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDocShell->GetDocument()->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ {
+ nEndChangeAction = pChangeTrack->GetActionMax() + 1;
+ ScAddress aPos( nCol, nRow, nTab );
+ for (USHORT i=0; i<nCount; i++)
+ {
+ aPos.SetTab( pTabs[i] );
+ ULONG nFormat = 0;
+ if ( pHasFormat && pOldFormats )
+ {
+ if ( pHasFormat[i] )
+ nFormat = pOldFormats[i];
+ }
+ pChangeTrack->AppendContent( aPos, ppOldCells[i], nFormat );
+ }
+ if ( nEndChangeAction > pChangeTrack->GetActionMax() )
+ nEndChangeAction = 0; // nichts appended
+ }
+ else
+ nEndChangeAction = 0;
+void __EXPORT ScUndoEnterData::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ for (USHORT i=0; i<nCount; i++)
+ {
+ ScBaseCell* pNewCell;
+ if ( ppOldCells[i] )
+ {
+ // Formelzelle mit CompileTokenArray() !
+ if ( ppOldCells[i]->GetCellType() == CELLTYPE_FORMULA )
+ pNewCell = ((ScFormulaCell*)ppOldCells[i])->Clone( pDoc,
+ ScAddress( nCol, nRow, pTabs[i] ) );
+ else
+ pNewCell = ppOldCells[i]->Clone(pDoc);
+ }
+ else
+ pNewCell = NULL;
+ pDoc->PutCell( nCol, nRow, pTabs[i], pNewCell );
+ if (pHasFormat && pOldFormats)
+ {
+ if ( pHasFormat[i] )
+ pDoc->ApplyAttr( nCol, nRow, pTabs[i],
+ SfxUInt32Item( ATTR_VALUE_FORMAT, pOldFormats[i] ) );
+ else
+ {
+ ScPatternAttr aPattern( *pDoc->GetPattern( nCol, nRow, pTabs[i] ) );
+ aPattern.GetItemSet().ClearItem( ATTR_VALUE_FORMAT );
+ pDoc->SetPattern( nCol, nRow, pTabs[i], aPattern, TRUE );
+ }
+ }
+ pDocShell->PostPaintCell( nCol, nRow, pTabs[i] );
+ }
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDoc->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack && nEndChangeAction >= nCount )
+ pChangeTrack->Undo( nEndChangeAction - nCount + 1, nEndChangeAction );
+ DoChange();
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoEnterData::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ for (USHORT i=0; i<nCount; i++)
+ {
+ if (pNewEditData)
+ pDoc->PutCell( nCol, nRow, pTabs[i], new ScEditCell( pNewEditData,
+ pDoc, NULL ) );
+ else
+ pDoc->SetString( nCol, nRow, pTabs[i], aNewString );
+ pDocShell->PostPaintCell( nCol, nRow, pTabs[i] );
+ }
+ SetChangeTrack();
+ DoChange();
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoEnterData::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ {
+ String aTemp = aNewString;
+ ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->EnterDataAtCursor( aTemp );
+ }
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoEnterData::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Wert aendern
+ScUndoEnterValue::ScUndoEnterValue( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell, const ScAddress& rNewPos,
+ ScBaseCell* pUndoCell, double nVal, BOOL bHeight ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ aPos ( rNewPos ),
+ pOldCell ( pUndoCell ),
+ nValue ( nVal ),
+ bNeedHeight ( bHeight )
+ SetChangeTrack();
+__EXPORT ScUndoEnterValue::~ScUndoEnterValue()
+ if (pOldCell)
+ pOldCell->Delete();
+String __EXPORT ScUndoEnterValue::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_ENTERDATA ); // "Eingabe"
+void ScUndoEnterValue::SetChangeTrack()
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDoc->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ {
+ nEndChangeAction = pChangeTrack->GetActionMax() + 1;
+ pChangeTrack->AppendContent( aPos, pOldCell );
+ if ( nEndChangeAction > pChangeTrack->GetActionMax() )
+ nEndChangeAction = 0; // nichts appended
+ }
+ else
+ nEndChangeAction = 0;
+void __EXPORT ScUndoEnterValue::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScBaseCell* pNewCell;
+ if ( pOldCell )
+ {
+ // Formelzelle mit CompileTokenArray() !
+ if ( pOldCell->GetCellType() == CELLTYPE_FORMULA )
+ pNewCell = ((ScFormulaCell*)pOldCell)->Clone( pDoc, aPos );
+ else
+ pNewCell = pOldCell->Clone(pDoc);
+ }
+ else
+ pNewCell = NULL;
+ pDoc->PutCell( aPos.Col(), aPos.Row(), aPos.Tab(), pNewCell );
+ pDocShell->PostPaintCell( aPos.Col(), aPos.Row(), aPos.Tab() );
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDoc->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ pChangeTrack->Undo( nEndChangeAction, nEndChangeAction );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoEnterValue::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ pDoc->SetValue( aPos.Col(), aPos.Row(), aPos.Tab(), nValue );
+ pDocShell->PostPaintCell( aPos.Col(), aPos.Row(), aPos.Tab() );
+ SetChangeTrack();
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoEnterValue::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ // gippsnich
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoEnterValue::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return FALSE;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Beliebige Zelle eingeben
+ScUndoPutCell::ScUndoPutCell( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell, const ScAddress& rNewPos,
+ ScBaseCell* pUndoCell, ScBaseCell* pRedoCell, BOOL bHeight ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ aPos ( rNewPos ),
+ pOldCell ( pUndoCell ),
+ pEnteredCell( pRedoCell ),
+ bNeedHeight ( bHeight )
+ SetChangeTrack();
+__EXPORT ScUndoPutCell::~ScUndoPutCell()
+ if (pOldCell)
+ pOldCell->Delete();
+ if (pEnteredCell)
+ pEnteredCell->Delete();
+String __EXPORT ScUndoPutCell::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_ENTERDATA ); // "Eingabe"
+void ScUndoPutCell::SetChangeTrack()
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDoc->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ {
+ nEndChangeAction = pChangeTrack->GetActionMax() + 1;
+ pChangeTrack->AppendContent( aPos, pOldCell );
+ if ( nEndChangeAction > pChangeTrack->GetActionMax() )
+ nEndChangeAction = 0; // nichts appended
+ }
+ else
+ nEndChangeAction = 0;
+void __EXPORT ScUndoPutCell::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScBaseCell* pNewCell;
+ if ( pOldCell )
+ {
+ // Formelzelle mit CompileTokenArray() !
+ if ( pOldCell->GetCellType() == CELLTYPE_FORMULA )
+ pNewCell = ((ScFormulaCell*)pOldCell)->Clone( pDoc, aPos );
+ else
+ pNewCell = pOldCell->Clone(pDoc);
+ }
+ else
+ pNewCell = NULL;
+ pDoc->PutCell( aPos.Col(), aPos.Row(), aPos.Tab(), pNewCell );
+ pDocShell->PostPaintCell( aPos.Col(), aPos.Row(), aPos.Tab() );
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDoc->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ pChangeTrack->Undo( nEndChangeAction, nEndChangeAction );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoPutCell::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+// pDoc->SetValue( aPos.Col(), aPos.Row(), aPos.Tab(), nValue );
+ ScBaseCell* pNewCell;
+ if ( pEnteredCell )
+ {
+ // Formelzelle mit CompileTokenArray() !
+ if ( pEnteredCell->GetCellType() == CELLTYPE_FORMULA )
+ pNewCell = ((ScFormulaCell*)pEnteredCell)->Clone( pDoc, aPos );
+ else
+ pNewCell = pEnteredCell->Clone(pDoc);
+ }
+ else
+ pNewCell = NULL;
+ pDoc->PutCell( aPos.Col(), aPos.Row(), aPos.Tab(), pNewCell );
+ pDocShell->PostPaintCell( aPos.Col(), aPos.Row(), aPos.Tab() );
+ SetChangeTrack();
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoPutCell::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ // gippsnich
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoPutCell::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return FALSE;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Seitenumbrueche
+ScUndoPageBreak::ScUndoPageBreak( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ USHORT nNewCol, USHORT nNewRow, USHORT nNewTab,
+ BOOL bNewColumn, BOOL bNewInsert ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ nCol( nNewCol ),
+ nRow( nNewRow ),
+ nTab( nNewTab ),
+ bColumn( bNewColumn ),
+ bInsert( bNewInsert )
+__EXPORT ScUndoPageBreak::~ScUndoPageBreak()
+String __EXPORT ScUndoPageBreak::GetComment() const
+ //"Spaltenumbruch" | "Zeilenumbruch" "einfuegen" | "loeschen"
+ return String ( bColumn ?
+ ( bInsert ?
+ ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_INSCOLBREAK ) :
+ ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_DELCOLBREAK )
+ ) :
+ ( bInsert ?
+ ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_INSROWBREAK ) :
+ ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_DELROWBREAK )
+ ) );
+void ScUndoPageBreak::DoChange( BOOL bInsert ) const
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ {
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ pViewShell->MoveCursorAbs( nCol, nRow, SC_FOLLOW_JUMP, FALSE, FALSE );
+ if (bInsert)
+ pViewShell->InsertPageBreak(bColumn, FALSE);
+ else
+ pViewShell->DeletePageBreak(bColumn, FALSE);
+ }
+void __EXPORT ScUndoPageBreak::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ DoChange(!bInsert);
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoPageBreak::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ DoChange(bInsert);
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoPageBreak::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ {
+ ScTabViewShell& rViewShell = *((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell();
+ if (bInsert)
+ rViewShell.InsertPageBreak(bColumn, TRUE);
+ else
+ rViewShell.DeletePageBreak(bColumn, TRUE);
+ }
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoPageBreak::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Druck-Skalierung
+ScUndoPrintZoom::ScUndoPrintZoom( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ nTab( nT ),
+ nOldScale( nOS ),
+ nOldPages( nOP ),
+ nNewScale( nNS ),
+ nNewPages( nNP )
+__EXPORT ScUndoPrintZoom::~ScUndoPrintZoom()
+String __EXPORT ScUndoPrintZoom::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_PRINTSCALE );
+void ScUndoPrintZoom::DoChange( BOOL bUndo )
+ USHORT nScale = bUndo ? nOldScale : nNewScale;
+ USHORT nPages = bUndo ? nOldPages : nNewPages;
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ String aStyleName = pDoc->GetPageStyle( nTab );
+ ScStyleSheetPool* pStylePool = pDoc->GetStyleSheetPool();
+ SfxStyleSheetBase* pStyleSheet = pStylePool->Find( aStyleName, SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PAGE );
+ DBG_ASSERT( pStyleSheet, "PageStyle not found" );
+ if ( pStyleSheet )
+ {
+ SfxItemSet& rSet = pStyleSheet->GetItemSet();
+ rSet.Put( SfxUInt16Item( ATTR_PAGE_SCALE, nScale ) );
+ rSet.Put( SfxUInt16Item( ATTR_PAGE_SCALETOPAGES, nPages ) );
+ ScPrintFunc aPrintFunc( pDocShell, pDocShell->GetPrinter(), nTab );
+ aPrintFunc.UpdatePages();
+ }
+void __EXPORT ScUndoPrintZoom::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ DoChange(TRUE);
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoPrintZoom::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ DoChange(FALSE);
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoPrintZoom::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ {
+ ScTabViewShell& rViewShell = *((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell();
+ ScViewData* pViewData = rViewShell.GetViewData();
+ pViewData->GetDocShell()->SetPrintZoom( pViewData->GetTabNo(), nNewScale, nNewPages );
+ }
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoPrintZoom::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Thesaurus
+ScUndoThesaurus::ScUndoThesaurus( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ USHORT nNewCol, USHORT nNewRow, USHORT nNewTab,
+ const String& rNewUndoStr, const EditTextObject* pUndoTObj,
+ const String& rNewRedoStr, const EditTextObject* pRedoTObj) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ nCol( nNewCol ),
+ nRow( nNewRow ),
+ nTab( nNewTab ),
+ aUndoStr( rNewUndoStr ),
+ aRedoStr( rNewRedoStr )
+ pUndoTObject = (pUndoTObj) ? pUndoTObj->Clone() : NULL;
+ pRedoTObject = (pRedoTObj) ? pRedoTObj->Clone() : NULL;
+ ScBaseCell* pOldCell;
+ if ( pUndoTObject )
+ pOldCell = new ScEditCell( pUndoTObject, pDocShell->GetDocument(), NULL );
+ else
+ pOldCell = new ScStringCell( aUndoStr );
+ SetChangeTrack( pOldCell );
+ pOldCell->Delete();
+__EXPORT ScUndoThesaurus::~ScUndoThesaurus()
+ delete pUndoTObject;
+ delete pRedoTObject;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoThesaurus::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_THESAURUS ); // "Thesaurus"
+void ScUndoThesaurus::SetChangeTrack( ScBaseCell* pOldCell )
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDocShell->GetDocument()->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ {
+ nEndChangeAction = pChangeTrack->GetActionMax() + 1;
+ pChangeTrack->AppendContent( ScAddress( nCol, nRow, nTab ), pOldCell );
+ if ( nEndChangeAction > pChangeTrack->GetActionMax() )
+ nEndChangeAction = 0; // nichts appended
+ }
+ else
+ nEndChangeAction = 0;
+void __EXPORT ScUndoThesaurus::DoChange( BOOL bUndo, const String& rStr,
+ const EditTextObject* pTObj )
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ {
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ pViewShell->MoveCursorAbs( nCol, nRow, SC_FOLLOW_JUMP, FALSE, FALSE );
+ }
+ if (pTObj)
+ {
+ ScBaseCell* pCell;
+ pDoc->GetCell( nCol, nRow, nTab, pCell );
+ if (pCell)
+ {
+ if (pCell->GetCellType() == CELLTYPE_EDIT )
+ {
+ ScEditCell* pNewCell = new ScEditCell( pTObj, pDoc, NULL );
+ pDoc->PutCell( nCol, nRow, nTab, pNewCell );
+ if ( !bUndo )
+ SetChangeTrack( pCell );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DBG_ERROR("Nicht CELLTYPE_EDIT bei Un/RedoThesaurus");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ScBaseCell* pCell;
+ if ( !bUndo )
+ pDoc->GetCell( nCol, nRow, nTab, pCell );
+ pDoc->SetString( nCol, nRow, nTab, rStr );
+ if ( !bUndo )
+ SetChangeTrack( pCell );
+ }
+ pDocShell->PostPaintCell( nCol, nRow, nTab );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoThesaurus::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ DoChange( TRUE, aUndoStr, pUndoTObject );
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDocShell->GetDocument()->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ pChangeTrack->Undo( nEndChangeAction, nEndChangeAction );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoThesaurus::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ DoChange( FALSE, aRedoStr, pRedoTObject );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoThesaurus::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->DoThesaurus( TRUE );
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoThesaurus::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Notizen ein-/ausblenden
+ScUndoNote::ScUndoNote( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell, BOOL bShow,
+ const ScAddress& rNewPos, SdrUndoAction* pDraw ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ bIsShow ( bShow ),
+ aPos ( rNewPos ),
+ pDrawUndo ( pDraw )
+__EXPORT ScUndoNote::~ScUndoNote()
+ DeleteSdrUndoAction( pDrawUndo );
+String __EXPORT ScUndoNote::GetComment() const
+ if ( bIsShow )
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_SHOWNOTE ); // Notiz anzeigen
+ else
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_HIDENOTE ); // Notiz ausblenden
+void __EXPORT ScUndoNote::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ if (pDrawUndo)
+ DoSdrUndoAction(pDrawUndo);
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScPostIt aNote;
+ pDoc->GetNote( aPos.Col(), aPos.Row(), aPos.Tab(), aNote );
+ aNote.SetShown( !bIsShow );
+ pDoc->SetNote( aPos.Col(), aPos.Row(), aPos.Tab(), aNote );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoNote::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ if (pDrawUndo)
+ RedoSdrUndoAction(pDrawUndo);
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScPostIt aNote;
+ pDoc->GetNote( aPos.Col(), aPos.Row(), aPos.Tab(), aNote );
+ aNote.SetShown( bIsShow );
+ pDoc->SetNote( aPos.Col(), aPos.Row(), aPos.Tab(), aNote );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoNote::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ // hammanich
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoNote::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return FALSE;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Text von Notiz aendern (ohne Drawing-Krempel)
+ScUndoEditNote::ScUndoEditNote( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell, const ScAddress& rNewPos,
+ const ScPostIt& rOld, const ScPostIt& rNew ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ aPos ( rNewPos ),
+ aOldNote ( rOld ),
+ aNewNote ( rNew )
+__EXPORT ScUndoEditNote::~ScUndoEditNote()
+String __EXPORT ScUndoEditNote::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_SHOWNOTE );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoEditNote::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ pDoc->SetNote( aPos.Col(), aPos.Row(), aPos.Tab(), aOldNote );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoEditNote::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ pDoc->SetNote( aPos.Col(), aPos.Row(), aPos.Tab(), aNewNote );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoEditNote::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ // hammanich
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoEditNote::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return FALSE;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Detektiv
+ScUndoDetective::ScUndoDetective( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ SdrUndoAction* pDraw, const ScDetOpData* pOperation,
+ ScDetOpList* pUndoList ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ pDrawUndo ( pDraw ),
+ nAction ( 0 ),
+ pOldList ( pUndoList )
+ bIsDelete = ( pOperation == NULL );
+ if (!bIsDelete)
+ {
+ nAction = (USHORT) pOperation->GetOperation();
+ aPos = pOperation->GetPos();
+ }
+__EXPORT ScUndoDetective::~ScUndoDetective()
+ DeleteSdrUndoAction( pDrawUndo );
+ delete pOldList;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoDetective::GetComment() const
+ if ( !bIsDelete )
+ switch ( (ScDetOpType) nAction )
+ {
+ }
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( nId );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDetective::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ if (pDrawUndo)
+ DoSdrUndoAction(pDrawUndo);
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ if (bIsDelete)
+ {
+ if ( pOldList )
+ pDoc->SetDetOpList( new ScDetOpList(*pOldList) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Eintrag aus der Liste loeschen
+ ScDetOpList* pList = pDoc->GetDetOpList();
+ if (pList && pList->Count())
+ {
+ USHORT nPos = pList->Count() - 1;
+ ScDetOpData* pData = (*pList)[nPos];
+ if ( pData->GetOperation() == (ScDetOpType) nAction && pData->GetPos() == aPos )
+ pList->DeleteAndDestroy( nPos, 1 );
+ else
+ DBG_ERROR("Detektiv-Eintrag in der Liste nicht gefunden");
+ }
+ }
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDetective::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ if (pDrawUndo)
+ RedoSdrUndoAction(pDrawUndo);
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ if (bIsDelete)
+ pDoc->ClearDetectiveOperations();
+ else
+ pDoc->AddDetectiveOperation( ScDetOpData( aPos, (ScDetOpType) nAction ) );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDetective::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ // hammanich
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoDetective::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return FALSE;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Benannte Bereiche
+ScUndoRangeNames::ScUndoRangeNames( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ ScRangeName* pOld, ScRangeName* pNew ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ pOldRanges ( pOld ),
+ pNewRanges ( pNew )
+__EXPORT ScUndoRangeNames::~ScUndoRangeNames()
+ delete pOldRanges;
+ delete pNewRanges;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoRangeNames::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_RANGENAMES );
+void ScUndoRangeNames::DoChange( BOOL bUndo )
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ pDoc->CompileNameFormula( TRUE ); // CreateFormulaString
+ if ( bUndo )
+ pDoc->SetRangeName( new ScRangeName( *pOldRanges ) );
+ else
+ pDoc->SetRangeName( new ScRangeName( *pNewRanges ) );
+ pDoc->CompileNameFormula( FALSE ); // CompileFormulaString
+ SFX_APP()->Broadcast( SfxSimpleHint( SC_HINT_AREAS_CHANGED ) );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoRangeNames::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ DoChange( TRUE );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoRangeNames::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ DoChange( FALSE );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoRangeNames::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ // hammanich
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoRangeNames::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return FALSE;
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/undo/undodat.cxx b/sc/source/ui/undo/undodat.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f0562d01b06f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sc/source/ui/undo/undodat.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,2147 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: undodat.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:45:07 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// System - Includes -----------------------------------------------------
+#ifdef PCH
+#include "ui_pch.hxx"
+#pragma hdrstop
+// INCLUDE ---------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <sfx2/app.hxx>
+#include "undodat.hxx"
+#include "undoutil.hxx"
+#include "document.hxx"
+#include "docsh.hxx"
+#include "tabvwsh.hxx"
+#include "olinetab.hxx"
+#include "dbcolect.hxx"
+#include "rangenam.hxx"
+#include "pivot.hxx"
+#include "globstr.hrc"
+#include "global.hxx"
+#include "target.hxx"
+#include "chartarr.hxx"
+#include "dbdocfun.hxx"
+#include "olinefun.hxx"
+#include "dpobject.hxx"
+#include "sc.hrc"
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoDoOutline, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoMakeOutline, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoOutlineLevel, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoOutlineBlock, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoRemoveAllOutlines, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoAutoOutline, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoSubTotals, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoSort, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoQuery, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoDBData, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoImportData, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoRepeatDB, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoPivot, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoDataPilot, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoConsolidate, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoChartData, SfxUndoAction);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Outline-Gruppen ein- oder ausblenden
+ScUndoDoOutline::ScUndoDoOutline( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ USHORT nNewStart, USHORT nNewEnd, USHORT nNewTab,
+ ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc, BOOL bNewColumns,
+ USHORT nNewLevel, USHORT nNewEntry, BOOL bNewShow ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ nStart( nNewStart ),
+ nEnd( nNewEnd ),
+ nTab( nNewTab ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc ),
+ bColumns( bNewColumns ),
+ nLevel( nNewLevel ),
+ nEntry( nNewEntry ),
+ bShow( bNewShow )
+__EXPORT ScUndoDoOutline::~ScUndoDoOutline()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoDoOutline::GetComment() const
+{ // Detail einblenden" "Detail ausblenden"
+ return bShow ?
+ ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_DOOUTLINE ) :
+ ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_REDOOUTLINE );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDoOutline::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ // Tabelle muss vorher umgeschaltet sein (#46952#) !!!
+ USHORT nVisTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nVisTab != nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ // inverse Funktion ausfuehren
+ if (bShow)
+ pViewShell->HideOutline( bColumns, nLevel, nEntry, FALSE, FALSE );
+ else
+ pViewShell->ShowOutline( bColumns, nLevel, nEntry, FALSE, FALSE );
+ // Original Spalten-/Zeilenstatus
+ if (bColumns)
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( nStart, 0, nTab, nEnd, MAXROW, nTab, IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc );
+ else
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( 0, nStart, nTab, MAXCOL, nEnd, nTab, IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc );
+ pViewShell->UpdateScrollBars();
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDoOutline::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ // Tabelle muss vorher umgeschaltet sein (#46952#) !!!
+ USHORT nVisTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nVisTab != nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ if (bShow)
+ pViewShell->ShowOutline( bColumns, nLevel, nEntry, FALSE );
+ else
+ pViewShell->HideOutline( bColumns, nLevel, nEntry, FALSE );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDoOutline::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoDoOutline::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return FALSE; // geht nicht
+// Outline-Gruppen erzeugen oder loeschen
+ScUndoMakeOutline::ScUndoMakeOutline( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ USHORT nStartX, USHORT nStartY, USHORT nStartZ,
+ ScOutlineTable* pNewUndoTab, BOOL bNewColumns, BOOL bNewMake ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ aBlockStart( nStartX, nStartY, nStartZ ),
+ aBlockEnd( nEndX, nEndY, nEndZ ),
+ pUndoTable( pNewUndoTab ),
+ bColumns( bNewColumns ),
+ bMake( bNewMake )
+__EXPORT ScUndoMakeOutline::~ScUndoMakeOutline()
+ delete pUndoTable;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoMakeOutline::GetComment() const
+{ // "Gruppierung" "Gruppierung aufheben"
+ return bMake ?
+ ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_MAKEOUTLINE ) :
+ ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_REMAKEOUTLINE );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoMakeOutline::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ USHORT nTab = aBlockStart.GetTab();
+ ScUndoUtil::MarkSimpleBlock( pDocShell, aBlockStart, aBlockEnd );
+ pDoc->SetOutlineTable( nTab, pUndoTable );
+ USHORT nVisTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nVisTab != nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoMakeOutline::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ ScUndoUtil::MarkSimpleBlock( pDocShell, aBlockStart, aBlockEnd );
+ if (bMake)
+ pViewShell->MakeOutline( bColumns, FALSE );
+ else
+ pViewShell->RemoveOutline( bColumns, FALSE );
+ pDocShell->PostPaint(0,0,aBlockStart.GetTab(),MAXCOL,MAXROW,aBlockEnd.GetTab(),PAINT_GRID);
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoMakeOutline::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ {
+ ScTabViewShell& rViewShell = *((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell();
+ if (bMake)
+ rViewShell.MakeOutline( bColumns, TRUE );
+ else
+ rViewShell.RemoveOutline( bColumns, TRUE );
+ }
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoMakeOutline::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// Outline-Ebene auswaehlen
+ScUndoOutlineLevel::ScUndoOutlineLevel( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ USHORT nNewStart, USHORT nNewEnd, USHORT nNewTab,
+ ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc, ScOutlineTable* pNewUndoTab,
+ BOOL bNewColumns, USHORT nNewLevel ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ nStart( nNewStart ),
+ nEnd( nNewEnd ),
+ nTab( nNewTab ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc ),
+ pUndoTable( pNewUndoTab ),
+ bColumns( bNewColumns ),
+ nLevel( nNewLevel )
+__EXPORT ScUndoOutlineLevel::~ScUndoOutlineLevel()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+ delete pUndoTable;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoOutlineLevel::GetComment() const
+{ // "Gliederungsebene auswaehlen";
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_OUTLINELEVEL );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoOutlineLevel::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ // Original Outline-Table
+ pDoc->SetOutlineTable( nTab, pUndoTable );
+ // Original Spalten-/Zeilenstatus
+ if (bColumns)
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( nStart, 0, nTab, nEnd, MAXROW, nTab, IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc );
+ else
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( 0, nStart, nTab, MAXCOL, nEnd, nTab, IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc );
+ pDoc->UpdatePageBreaks( nTab );
+ pViewShell->UpdateScrollBars();
+ USHORT nVisTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nVisTab != nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoOutlineLevel::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ // Tabelle muss vorher umgeschaltet sein (#46952#) !!!
+ USHORT nVisTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nVisTab != nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ pViewShell->SelectLevel( bColumns, nLevel, FALSE );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoOutlineLevel::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->SelectLevel( bColumns, nLevel, TRUE );
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoOutlineLevel::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// Outline ueber Blockmarken ein- oder ausblenden
+ScUndoOutlineBlock::ScUndoOutlineBlock( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ USHORT nStartX, USHORT nStartY, USHORT nStartZ,
+ ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc, ScOutlineTable* pNewUndoTab, BOOL bNewShow ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ aBlockStart( nStartX, nStartY, nStartZ ),
+ aBlockEnd( nEndX, nEndY, nEndZ ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc ),
+ pUndoTable( pNewUndoTab ),
+ bShow( bNewShow )
+__EXPORT ScUndoOutlineBlock::~ScUndoOutlineBlock()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+ delete pUndoTable;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoOutlineBlock::GetComment() const
+{ // "Detail einblenden" "Detail ausblenden"
+ return bShow ?
+ ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_DOOUTLINEBLK ) :
+ ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_REDOOUTLINEBLK );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoOutlineBlock::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ USHORT nTab = aBlockStart.GetTab();
+ // Original Outline-Table
+ pDoc->SetOutlineTable( nTab, pUndoTable );
+ // Original Spalten-/Zeilenstatus
+ USHORT nStartCol = aBlockStart.GetCol();
+ USHORT nEndCol = aBlockEnd.GetCol();
+ USHORT nStartRow = aBlockStart.GetRow();
+ USHORT nEndRow = aBlockEnd.GetRow();
+ if (!bShow)
+ { // Groesse des ausgeblendeten Blocks
+ USHORT nLevel;
+ pUndoTable->GetColArray()->FindTouchedLevel( nStartCol, nEndCol, nLevel );
+ pUndoTable->GetColArray()->ExtendBlock( nLevel, nStartCol, nEndCol );
+ pUndoTable->GetRowArray()->FindTouchedLevel( nStartRow, nEndRow, nLevel );
+ pUndoTable->GetRowArray()->ExtendBlock( nLevel, nStartRow, nEndRow );
+ }
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( nStartCol, 0, nTab, nEndCol, MAXROW, nTab, IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( 0, nStartRow, nTab, MAXCOL, nEndRow, nTab, IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc );
+ pDoc->UpdatePageBreaks( nTab );
+ pViewShell->UpdateScrollBars();
+ USHORT nVisTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nVisTab != nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoOutlineBlock::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ ScUndoUtil::MarkSimpleBlock( pDocShell, aBlockStart, aBlockEnd );
+ if (bShow)
+ pViewShell->ShowMarkedOutlines( FALSE );
+ else
+ pViewShell->HideMarkedOutlines( FALSE );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoOutlineBlock::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ {
+ ScTabViewShell& rViewShell = *((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell();
+ if (bShow)
+ rViewShell.ShowMarkedOutlines( TRUE );
+ else
+ rViewShell.HideMarkedOutlines( TRUE );
+ }
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoOutlineBlock::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// alle Outlines loeschen
+ScUndoRemoveAllOutlines::ScUndoRemoveAllOutlines( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ USHORT nStartX, USHORT nStartY, USHORT nStartZ,
+ ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc, ScOutlineTable* pNewUndoTab ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ aBlockStart( nStartX, nStartY, nStartZ ),
+ aBlockEnd( nEndX, nEndY, nEndZ ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc ),
+ pUndoTable( pNewUndoTab )
+__EXPORT ScUndoRemoveAllOutlines::~ScUndoRemoveAllOutlines()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+ delete pUndoTable;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoRemoveAllOutlines::GetComment() const
+{ // "Gliederung entfernen"
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_REMOVEALLOTLNS );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoRemoveAllOutlines::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ USHORT nTab = aBlockStart.GetTab();
+ // Original Outline-Table
+ pDoc->SetOutlineTable( nTab, pUndoTable );
+ // Original Spalten-/Zeilenstatus
+ USHORT nStartCol = aBlockStart.GetCol();
+ USHORT nEndCol = aBlockEnd.GetCol();
+ USHORT nStartRow = aBlockStart.GetRow();
+ USHORT nEndRow = aBlockEnd.GetRow();
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( nStartCol, 0, nTab, nEndCol, MAXROW, nTab, IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( 0, nStartRow, nTab, MAXCOL, nEndRow, nTab, IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc );
+ pDoc->UpdatePageBreaks( nTab );
+ pViewShell->UpdateScrollBars();
+ USHORT nVisTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nVisTab != nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoRemoveAllOutlines::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ // Tabelle muss vorher umgeschaltet sein (#46952#) !!!
+ USHORT nTab = aBlockStart.GetTab();
+ USHORT nVisTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nVisTab != nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ pViewShell->RemoveAllOutlines( FALSE );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoRemoveAllOutlines::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->RemoveAllOutlines( TRUE );
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoRemoveAllOutlines::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// Auto-Outline
+ScUndoAutoOutline::ScUndoAutoOutline( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ USHORT nStartX, USHORT nStartY, USHORT nStartZ,
+ ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc, ScOutlineTable* pNewUndoTab ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ aBlockStart( nStartX, nStartY, nStartZ ),
+ aBlockEnd( nEndX, nEndY, nEndZ ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc ),
+ pUndoTable( pNewUndoTab )
+__EXPORT ScUndoAutoOutline::~ScUndoAutoOutline()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+ delete pUndoTable;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoAutoOutline::GetComment() const
+{ // "Auto-Gliederung"
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_AUTOOUTLINE );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoAutoOutline::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ USHORT nTab = aBlockStart.GetTab();
+ // Original Outline-Table
+ pDoc->SetOutlineTable( nTab, pUndoTable );
+ // Original Spalten-/Zeilenstatus
+ if (pUndoDoc && pUndoTable)
+ {
+ USHORT nStartCol;
+ USHORT nStartRow;
+ USHORT nEndCol;
+ USHORT nEndRow;
+ pUndoTable->GetColArray()->GetRange( nStartCol, nEndCol );
+ pUndoTable->GetRowArray()->GetRange( nStartRow, nEndRow );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( nStartCol, 0, nTab, nEndCol, MAXROW, nTab, IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( 0, nStartRow, nTab, MAXCOL, nEndRow, nTab, IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc );
+ pViewShell->UpdateScrollBars();
+ }
+ USHORT nVisTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nVisTab != nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoAutoOutline::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ USHORT nTab = aBlockStart.GetTab();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ {
+ // Tabelle muss vorher umgeschaltet sein (#46952#) !!!
+ USHORT nVisTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nVisTab != nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ }
+ ScRange aRange( aBlockStart.GetCol(), aBlockStart.GetRow(), nTab,
+ aBlockEnd.GetCol(), aBlockEnd.GetRow(), nTab );
+ ScOutlineDocFunc aFunc( *pDocShell );
+ aFunc.AutoOutline( aRange, FALSE, FALSE );
+ // auf der View markieren
+ // Wenn's beim Aufruf eine Mehrfachselektion war, ist es jetzt der
+ // umschliessende Bereich...
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->MarkRange( aRange );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoAutoOutline::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->AutoOutline( TRUE );
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoAutoOutline::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// Zwischenergebnisse
+ScUndoSubTotals::ScUndoSubTotals( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell, USHORT nNewTab,
+ const ScSubTotalParam& rNewParam, USHORT nNewEndY,
+ ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc, ScOutlineTable* pNewUndoTab,
+ ScRangeName* pNewUndoRange, ScDBCollection* pNewUndoDB ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ nTab( nNewTab ),
+ aParam( rNewParam ),
+ nNewEndRow( nNewEndY ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc ),
+ pUndoTable( pNewUndoTab ),
+ pUndoRange( pNewUndoRange ),
+ pUndoDB( pNewUndoDB )
+__EXPORT ScUndoSubTotals::~ScUndoSubTotals()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+ delete pUndoTable;
+ delete pUndoRange;
+ delete pUndoDB;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoSubTotals::GetComment() const
+{ // "Teilergebnisse"
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_SUBTOTALS );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoSubTotals::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ // um einzelnen DB-Bereich anzupassen
+/* ScDBData* pOldDBData = ScUndoUtil::GetOldDBData( pUndoDBData, pDoc, nTab,
+ aParam.nCol1, aParam.nRow1, aParam.nCol2, nNewEndRow );
+ if (nNewEndRow > aParam.nRow2)
+ {
+ pDoc->DeleteRow( 0,nTab, MAXCOL,nTab, aParam.nRow2+1, nNewEndRow-aParam.nRow2 );
+ }
+ else if (nNewEndRow < aParam.nRow2)
+ {
+ pDoc->InsertRow( 0,nTab, MAXCOL,nTab, nNewEndRow+1, nNewEndRow-aParam.nRow2 );
+ }
+ // Original Outline-Table
+ pDoc->SetOutlineTable( nTab, pUndoTable );
+ // Original Spalten-/Zeilenstatus
+ if (pUndoDoc && pUndoTable)
+ {
+ USHORT nStartCol;
+ USHORT nStartRow;
+ USHORT nEndCol;
+ USHORT nEndRow;
+ pUndoTable->GetColArray()->GetRange( nStartCol, nEndCol );
+ pUndoTable->GetRowArray()->GetRange( nStartRow, nEndRow );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( nStartCol, 0, nTab, nEndCol, MAXROW, nTab, IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( 0, nStartRow, nTab, MAXCOL, nEndRow, nTab, IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc );
+ pViewShell->UpdateScrollBars();
+ }
+ // Original-Daten & Referenzen
+ ScUndoUtil::MarkSimpleBlock( pDocShell, 0, aParam.nRow1+1, nTab,
+ MAXCOL, aParam.nRow2, nTab );
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( 0,aParam.nRow1+1, MAXCOL,aParam.nRow2, nTab, IDF_ALL );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( 0, aParam.nRow1+1, nTab, MAXCOL, aParam.nRow2, nTab,
+ IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc ); // Flags
+ pUndoDoc->UndoToDocument( 0, aParam.nRow1+1, nTab, MAXCOL, aParam.nRow2, nTab,
+ IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+ ScUndoUtil::MarkSimpleBlock( pDocShell, aParam.nCol1,aParam.nRow1,nTab,
+ aParam.nCol2,aParam.nRow2,nTab );
+/* if (pUndoDBData)
+ *pOldDBData = *pUndoDBData;
+ if (pUndoRange)
+ pDoc->SetRangeName( new ScRangeName( *pUndoRange ) );
+ if (pUndoDB)
+ pDoc->SetDBCollection( new ScDBCollection( *pUndoDB ) );
+ USHORT nVisTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nVisTab != nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ pDocShell->PostDataChanged();
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoSubTotals::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ USHORT nVisTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nVisTab != nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ ScUndoUtil::MarkSimpleBlock( pDocShell, aParam.nCol1,aParam.nRow1,nTab,
+ aParam.nCol2,aParam.nRow2,nTab );
+ pViewShell->DoSubTotals( aParam, FALSE );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoSubTotals::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoSubTotals::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return FALSE; // geht nicht wegen Spaltennummern
+// Sortieren
+ScUndoSort::ScUndoSort( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ USHORT nNewTab, const ScSortParam& rParam,
+ BOOL bQuery, ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc, ScDBCollection* pNewUndoDB,
+ const ScRange* pDest ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ nTab( nNewTab ),
+ aSortParam( rParam ),
+ bRepeatQuery( bQuery ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc ),
+ pUndoDB( pNewUndoDB ),
+ bDestArea( FALSE )
+ if ( pDest )
+ {
+ bDestArea = TRUE;
+ aDestRange = *pDest;
+ }
+__EXPORT ScUndoSort::~ScUndoSort()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+ delete pUndoDB;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoSort::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_SORT );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoSort::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ USHORT nStartCol = aSortParam.nCol1;
+ USHORT nStartRow = aSortParam.nRow1;
+ USHORT nEndCol = aSortParam.nCol2;
+ USHORT nEndRow = aSortParam.nRow2;
+ USHORT nSortTab = nTab;
+ if ( !aSortParam.bInplace )
+ {
+ nStartCol = aSortParam.nDestCol;
+ nStartRow = aSortParam.nDestRow;
+ nEndCol = nStartCol + ( aSortParam.nCol2 - aSortParam.nCol1 );
+ nEndRow = nStartRow + ( aSortParam.nRow2 - aSortParam.nRow1 );
+ nSortTab = aSortParam.nDestTab;
+ }
+ ScUndoUtil::MarkSimpleBlock( pDocShell, nStartCol, nStartRow, nSortTab,
+ nEndCol, nEndRow, nSortTab );
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( nStartCol,nStartRow, nEndCol,nEndRow, nSortTab, IDF_ALL );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( nStartCol, nStartRow, nSortTab, nEndCol, nEndRow, nSortTab,
+ IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+ if (bDestArea)
+ {
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aDestRange, IDF_ALL );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aDestRange, IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+ }
+ // Zeilenhoehen immer (wegen automatischer Anpassung)
+ //! auf ScBlockUndo umstellen
+// if (bRepeatQuery)
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( 0, nStartRow, nSortTab, MAXCOL, nEndRow, nSortTab,
+ IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc );
+ if (pUndoDB)
+ pDoc->SetDBCollection( new ScDBCollection( *pUndoDB ) );
+ USHORT nVisTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nVisTab != nSortTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nSortTab );
+ pDocShell->PostDataChanged();
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoSort::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ USHORT nVisTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nVisTab != nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+// pViewShell->DoneBlockMode();
+// pViewShell->InitOwnBlockMode();
+// pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetMarkData() = aMarkData; // CopyMarksTo
+ pViewShell->MarkRange( ScRange( aSortParam.nCol1, aSortParam.nRow1, nTab,
+ aSortParam.nCol2, aSortParam.nRow2, nTab ) );
+ pViewShell->Sort( aSortParam, FALSE );
+ // Quellbereich painten wegen Markierung
+ if ( !aSortParam.bInplace )
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aSortParam.nCol1, aSortParam.nRow1, nTab,
+ aSortParam.nCol2, aSortParam.nRow2, nTab, PAINT_GRID );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoSort::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoSort::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return FALSE; // geht nicht wegen Spaltennummern
+// Filtern
+ScUndoQuery::ScUndoQuery( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell, USHORT nNewTab, const ScQueryParam& rParam,
+ ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc, ScDBCollection* pNewUndoDB,
+ const ScRange* pOld, BOOL bSize, const ScRange* pAdvSrc ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ nTab( nNewTab ),
+ aQueryParam( rParam ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc ),
+// pUndoDBData( pNewData )
+ pUndoDB( pNewUndoDB ),
+ bIsAdvanced( FALSE ),
+ bDestArea( FALSE ),
+ bDoSize( bSize )
+ if ( pOld )
+ {
+ bDestArea = TRUE;
+ aOldDest = *pOld;
+ }
+ if ( pAdvSrc )
+ {
+ bIsAdvanced = TRUE;
+ aAdvSource = *pAdvSrc;
+ }
+__EXPORT ScUndoQuery::~ScUndoQuery()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+// delete pUndoDBData;
+ delete pUndoDB;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoQuery::GetComment() const
+{ // "Filtern";
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_QUERY );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoQuery::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ BOOL bCopy = !aQueryParam.bInplace;
+ USHORT nDestEndCol = 0;
+ USHORT nDestEndRow = 0;
+ if (bCopy)
+ {
+ nDestEndCol = aQueryParam.nDestCol + ( aQueryParam.nCol2-aQueryParam.nCol1 );
+ nDestEndRow = aQueryParam.nDestRow + ( aQueryParam.nRow2-aQueryParam.nRow1 );
+ ScDBData* pData = pDoc->GetDBAtCursor( aQueryParam.nDestCol, aQueryParam.nDestRow,
+ aQueryParam.nDestTab, TRUE );
+ if (pData)
+ {
+ ScRange aNewDest;
+ pData->GetArea( aNewDest );
+ nDestEndCol = aNewDest.aEnd.Col();
+ nDestEndRow = aNewDest.aEnd.Row();
+ }
+ if ( bDoSize && bDestArea )
+ {
+ // aDestRange ist der alte Bereich
+ pDoc->FitBlock( ScRange(
+ aQueryParam.nDestCol, aQueryParam.nDestRow, aQueryParam.nDestTab,
+ nDestEndCol, nDestEndRow, aQueryParam.nDestTab ),
+ aOldDest );
+ }
+ ScUndoUtil::MarkSimpleBlock( pDocShell,
+ aQueryParam.nDestCol, aQueryParam.nDestRow, aQueryParam.nDestTab,
+ nDestEndCol, nDestEndRow, aQueryParam.nDestTab );
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aQueryParam.nDestCol, aQueryParam.nDestRow,
+ nDestEndCol, nDestEndRow, aQueryParam.nDestTab, IDF_ALL );
+ pViewShell->DoneBlockMode();
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aQueryParam.nDestCol, aQueryParam.nDestRow, aQueryParam.nDestTab,
+ nDestEndCol, nDestEndRow, aQueryParam.nDestTab,
+ IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+ // Attribute werden immer mitkopiert (#49287#)
+ // Rest von altem Bereich
+ if ( bDestArea && !bDoSize )
+ {
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aOldDest, IDF_ALL );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aOldDest, IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( 0, aQueryParam.nRow1, nTab, MAXCOL, aQueryParam.nRow2, nTab,
+ IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc );
+ if (pUndoDB)
+ pDoc->SetDBCollection( new ScDBCollection( *pUndoDB ) );
+ if (!bCopy)
+ pDoc->UpdatePageBreaks( nTab );
+ USHORT nVisTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nVisTab != nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ // Paint
+ if (bCopy)
+ {
+ USHORT nEndX = nDestEndCol;
+ USHORT nEndY = nDestEndRow;
+ if (bDestArea)
+ {
+ if ( aOldDest.aEnd.Col() > nEndX )
+ nEndX = aOldDest.aEnd.Col();
+ if ( aOldDest.aEnd.Row() > nEndY )
+ nEndY = aOldDest.aEnd.Row();
+ }
+ if (bDoSize)
+ nEndY = MAXROW;
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aQueryParam.nDestCol, aQueryParam.nDestRow, aQueryParam.nDestTab,
+ nEndY, nEndY, aQueryParam.nDestTab, PAINT_GRID );
+ }
+ else
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( 0, aQueryParam.nRow1, nTab, MAXCOL, MAXROW, nTab,
+ pDocShell->PostDataChanged();
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoQuery::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ USHORT nVisTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nVisTab != nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ if ( bIsAdvanced )
+ pViewShell->Query( aQueryParam, &aAdvSource, FALSE );
+ else
+ pViewShell->Query( aQueryParam, NULL, FALSE );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoQuery::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoQuery::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return FALSE; // geht nicht wegen Spaltennummern
+// Datenbankbereiche aendern (Dialog)
+ScUndoDBData::ScUndoDBData( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ ScDBCollection* pNewUndoColl, ScDBCollection* pNewRedoColl ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ pUndoColl( pNewUndoColl ),
+ pRedoColl( pNewRedoColl )
+__EXPORT ScUndoDBData::~ScUndoDBData()
+ delete pUndoColl;
+ delete pRedoColl;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoDBData::GetComment() const
+{ // "Datenbankbereiche aendern";
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_DBDATA );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDBData::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ BOOL bOldAutoCalc = pDoc->GetAutoCalc();
+ pDoc->SetAutoCalc( FALSE ); // unnoetige Berechnungen vermeiden
+ pDoc->CompileDBFormula( TRUE ); // CreateFormulaString
+ pDoc->SetDBCollection( new ScDBCollection(*pUndoColl) );
+ pDoc->CompileDBFormula( FALSE ); // CompileFormulaString
+ pDoc->SetAutoCalc( bOldAutoCalc );
+ SFX_APP()->Broadcast( SfxSimpleHint( SC_HINT_DBAREAS_CHANGED ) );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDBData::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ BOOL bOldAutoCalc = pDoc->GetAutoCalc();
+ pDoc->SetAutoCalc( FALSE ); // unnoetige Berechnungen vermeiden
+ pDoc->CompileDBFormula( TRUE ); // CreateFormulaString
+ pDoc->SetDBCollection( new ScDBCollection(*pRedoColl) );
+ pDoc->CompileDBFormula( FALSE ); // CompileFormulaString
+ pDoc->SetAutoCalc( bOldAutoCalc );
+ SFX_APP()->Broadcast( SfxSimpleHint( SC_HINT_DBAREAS_CHANGED ) );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDBData::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoDBData::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return FALSE; // geht nicht
+// Import
+ScUndoImportData::ScUndoImportData( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell, USHORT nNewTab,
+ const ScImportParam& rParam, USHORT nNewEndX, USHORT nNewEndY,
+ USHORT nNewFormula,
+ ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc, ScDocument* pNewRedoDoc,
+ ScDBData* pNewUndoData, ScDBData* pNewRedoData ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ nTab( nNewTab ),
+ aImportParam( rParam ),
+ nEndCol( nNewEndX ),
+ nEndRow( nNewEndY ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc ),
+ pRedoDoc( pNewRedoDoc ),
+ pUndoDBData( pNewUndoData ),
+ pRedoDBData( pNewRedoData ),
+ nFormulaCols( nNewFormula ),
+ bRedoFilled( FALSE )
+ // redo doc doesn't contain imported data (but everything else)
+__EXPORT ScUndoImportData::~ScUndoImportData()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+ delete pRedoDoc;
+ delete pUndoDBData;
+ delete pRedoDBData;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoImportData::GetComment() const
+{ // "Importieren";
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_IMPORTDATA );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoImportData::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ ScUndoUtil::MarkSimpleBlock( pDocShell, aImportParam.nCol1,aImportParam.nRow1,nTab,
+ nEndCol,nEndRow,nTab );
+ USHORT nTable, nCol1, nRow1, nCol2, nRow2;
+ ScDBData* pCurrentData = NULL;
+ if (pUndoDBData && pRedoDBData)
+ {
+ pRedoDBData->GetArea( nTable, nCol1, nRow1, nCol2, nRow2 );
+ pCurrentData = ScUndoUtil::GetOldDBData( pRedoDBData, pDoc, nTab,
+ nCol1, nRow1, nCol2, nRow2 );
+ if ( !bRedoFilled )
+ {
+ // read redo data from document at first undo
+ // imported data is deleted later anyway,
+ // so now delete each column after copying to save memory (#41216#)
+ BOOL bOldAutoCalc = pDoc->GetAutoCalc();
+ pDoc->SetAutoCalc( FALSE ); // outside of the loop
+ for (USHORT nCopyCol = nCol1; nCopyCol <= nCol2; nCopyCol++)
+ {
+ pDoc->CopyToDocument( nCopyCol,nRow1,nTab, nCopyCol,nRow2,nTab,
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( nCopyCol,nRow1, nCopyCol,nRow2, nTab, IDF_CONTENTS );
+ pDoc->DoColResize( nTab, nCopyCol, nCopyCol, 0 );
+ }
+ pDoc->SetAutoCalc( bOldAutoCalc );
+ bRedoFilled = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ BOOL bMoveCells = pUndoDBData && pRedoDBData &&
+ pRedoDBData->IsDoSize(); // in alt und neu gleich
+ if (bMoveCells)
+ {
+ // Undo: erst die neuen Daten loeschen, dann FitBlock rueckwaerts
+ ScRange aOld, aNew;
+ pUndoDBData->GetArea( aOld );
+ pRedoDBData->GetArea( aNew );
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aNew.aStart.Col(), aNew.aStart.Row(),
+ aNew.aEnd.Col(), aNew.aEnd.Row(), nTab, IDF_ALL );
+ aOld.aEnd.SetCol( aOld.aEnd.Col() + nFormulaCols ); // FitBlock auch fuer Formeln
+ aNew.aEnd.SetCol( aNew.aEnd.Col() + nFormulaCols );
+ pDoc->FitBlock( aNew, aOld, FALSE ); // rueckwaerts
+ }
+ else
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aImportParam.nCol1,aImportParam.nRow1,
+ nEndCol,nEndRow, nTab, IDF_ALL );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aImportParam.nCol1,aImportParam.nRow1,nTab,
+ nEndCol+nFormulaCols,nEndRow,nTab,
+ IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+ if (pCurrentData)
+ {
+ *pCurrentData = *pUndoDBData;
+ pUndoDBData->GetArea( nTable, nCol1, nRow1, nCol2, nRow2 );
+ ScUndoUtil::MarkSimpleBlock( pDocShell, nCol1, nRow1, nTable, nCol2, nRow2, nTable );
+ }
+// erack! it's broadcasted
+// pDoc->SetDirty();
+ USHORT nVisTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nVisTab != nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ if (bMoveCells)
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( 0,0,nTab, MAXCOL,MAXROW,nTab, PAINT_GRID );
+ else
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aImportParam.nCol1,aImportParam.nRow1,nTab,
+ nEndCol,nEndRow,nTab, PAINT_GRID );
+ pDocShell->PostDataChanged();
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoImportData::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ ScUndoUtil::MarkSimpleBlock( pDocShell, aImportParam.nCol1,aImportParam.nRow1,nTab,
+ nEndCol,nEndRow,nTab );
+ USHORT nTable, nCol1, nRow1, nCol2, nRow2;
+ ScDBData* pCurrentData = NULL;
+ if (pUndoDBData && pRedoDBData)
+ {
+ pUndoDBData->GetArea( nTable, nCol1, nRow1, nCol2, nRow2 );
+ pCurrentData = ScUndoUtil::GetOldDBData( pUndoDBData, pDoc, nTab,
+ nCol1, nRow1, nCol2, nRow2 );
+ }
+ BOOL bMoveCells = pUndoDBData && pRedoDBData &&
+ pRedoDBData->IsDoSize(); // in alt und neu gleich
+ if (bMoveCells)
+ {
+ // Redo: FitBlock, dann Daten loeschen (noetig fuer CopyToDocument)
+ ScRange aOld, aNew;
+ pUndoDBData->GetArea( aOld );
+ pRedoDBData->GetArea( aNew );
+ aOld.aEnd.SetCol( aOld.aEnd.Col() + nFormulaCols ); // FitBlock auch fuer Formeln
+ aNew.aEnd.SetCol( aNew.aEnd.Col() + nFormulaCols );
+ pDoc->FitBlock( aOld, aNew );
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aNew.aStart.Col(), aNew.aStart.Row(),
+ aNew.aEnd.Col(), aNew.aEnd.Row(), nTab, IDF_ALL );
+ pRedoDoc->CopyToDocument( aNew, IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc ); // incl. Formeln
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aImportParam.nCol1,aImportParam.nRow1,
+ nEndCol,nEndRow, nTab, IDF_ALL );
+ pRedoDoc->CopyToDocument( aImportParam.nCol1,aImportParam.nRow1,nTab,
+ nEndCol,nEndRow,nTab, IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+ }
+ if (pCurrentData)
+ {
+ *pCurrentData = *pRedoDBData;
+ pRedoDBData->GetArea( nTable, nCol1, nRow1, nCol2, nRow2 );
+ ScUndoUtil::MarkSimpleBlock( pDocShell, nCol1, nRow1, nTable, nCol2, nRow2, nTable );
+ }
+// erack! it's broadcasted
+// pDoc->SetDirty();
+ USHORT nVisTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nVisTab != nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ if (bMoveCells)
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( 0,0,nTab, MAXCOL,MAXROW,nTab, PAINT_GRID );
+ else
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aImportParam.nCol1,aImportParam.nRow1,nTab,
+ nEndCol,nEndRow,nTab, PAINT_GRID );
+ pDocShell->PostDataChanged();
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoImportData::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ {
+ ScTabViewShell& rViewShell = *((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell();
+ USHORT nDummy;
+ ScImportParam aNewParam(aImportParam);
+ ScDBData* pDBData = rViewShell.GetDBData();
+ pDBData->GetArea( nDummy, aNewParam.nCol1,aNewParam.nRow1, aNewParam.nCol2,aNewParam.nRow2 );
+ rViewShell.ImportData( aNewParam );
+ }
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoImportData::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ // Repeat nur fuer Import per DB-Bereich, dann ist pUndoDBData gesetzt
+ if (pUndoDBData)
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+ else
+ return FALSE; // Adressbuch
+// Operationen wiederholen
+ScUndoRepeatDB::ScUndoRepeatDB( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell, USHORT nNewTab,
+ USHORT nResultEndRow, USHORT nCurX, USHORT nCurY,
+ ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc, ScOutlineTable* pNewUndoTab,
+ ScRangeName* pNewUndoRange, ScDBCollection* pNewUndoDB,
+ const ScRange* pOldQ, const ScRange* pNewQ ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ aBlockStart( nStartX,nStartY,nNewTab ),
+ aBlockEnd( nEndX,nEndY,nNewTab ),
+ nNewEndRow( nResultEndRow ),
+ aCursorPos( nCurX,nCurY,nNewTab ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc ),
+ pUndoTable( pNewUndoTab ),
+ pUndoRange( pNewUndoRange ),
+ pUndoDB( pNewUndoDB ),
+ bQuerySize( FALSE )
+ if ( pOldQ && pNewQ )
+ {
+ aOldQuery = *pOldQ;
+ aNewQuery = *pNewQ;
+ bQuerySize = TRUE;;
+ }
+__EXPORT ScUndoRepeatDB::~ScUndoRepeatDB()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+ delete pUndoTable;
+ delete pUndoRange;
+ delete pUndoDB;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoRepeatDB::GetComment() const
+{ // "Wiederholen"; //! bessere Beschreibung!
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_REPEATDB );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoRepeatDB::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ USHORT nTab = aBlockStart.GetTab();
+ if (bQuerySize)
+ {
+ pDoc->FitBlock( aNewQuery, aOldQuery, FALSE );
+ if ( aNewQuery.aEnd.Col() == aOldQuery.aEnd.Col() )
+ {
+ USHORT nFormulaCols = 0;
+ USHORT nCol = aOldQuery.aEnd.Col() + 1;
+ USHORT nRow = aOldQuery.aStart.Row() + 1; //! Header testen
+ while ( nCol <= MAXCOL &&
+ pDoc->GetCellType(ScAddress( nCol, nRow, nTab )) == CELLTYPE_FORMULA )
+ ++nCol, ++nFormulaCols;
+ if ( nFormulaCols )
+ {
+ ScRange aOldForm = aOldQuery;
+ aOldForm.aStart.SetCol( aOldQuery.aEnd.Col() + 1 );
+ aOldForm.aEnd.SetCol( aOldQuery.aEnd.Col() + nFormulaCols );
+ ScRange aNewForm = aOldForm;
+ aNewForm.aEnd.SetRow( aNewQuery.aEnd.Row() );
+ pDoc->FitBlock( aNewForm, aOldForm, FALSE );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //! Daten von Filter in anderen Bereich fehlen noch !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ if (nNewEndRow > aBlockEnd.GetRow())
+ {
+ pDoc->DeleteRow( 0,nTab, MAXCOL,nTab, aBlockEnd.GetRow()+1, nNewEndRow-aBlockEnd.GetRow() );
+ }
+ else if (nNewEndRow < aBlockEnd.GetRow())
+ {
+ pDoc->InsertRow( 0,nTab, MAXCOL,nTab, nNewEndRow+1, nNewEndRow-aBlockEnd.GetRow() );
+ }
+ // Original Outline-Table
+ pDoc->SetOutlineTable( nTab, pUndoTable );
+ // Original Spalten-/Zeilenstatus
+ if (pUndoDoc && pUndoTable)
+ {
+ USHORT nStartCol;
+ USHORT nStartRow;
+ USHORT nEndCol;
+ USHORT nEndRow;
+ pUndoTable->GetColArray()->GetRange( nStartCol, nEndCol );
+ pUndoTable->GetRowArray()->GetRange( nStartRow, nEndRow );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( nStartCol, 0, nTab, nEndCol, MAXROW, nTab, IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( 0, nStartRow, nTab, MAXCOL, nEndRow, nTab, IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc );
+ pViewShell->UpdateScrollBars();
+ }
+ // Original-Daten & Referenzen
+ ScUndoUtil::MarkSimpleBlock( pDocShell, 0, aBlockStart.GetRow(), nTab,
+ MAXCOL, aBlockEnd.GetRow(), nTab );
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( 0, aBlockStart.GetRow(),
+ MAXCOL, aBlockEnd.GetRow(), nTab, IDF_ALL );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( 0, aBlockStart.GetRow(), nTab, MAXCOL, aBlockEnd.GetRow(), nTab,
+ IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc ); // Flags
+ pUndoDoc->UndoToDocument( 0, aBlockStart.GetRow(), nTab, MAXCOL, aBlockEnd.GetRow(), nTab,
+ IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+ ScUndoUtil::MarkSimpleBlock( pDocShell, aBlockStart.GetCol(),aBlockStart.GetRow(),nTab,
+ aBlockEnd.GetCol(),aBlockEnd.GetRow(),nTab );
+ if (pUndoRange)
+ pDoc->SetRangeName( new ScRangeName( *pUndoRange ) );
+ if (pUndoDB)
+ pDoc->SetDBCollection( new ScDBCollection( *pUndoDB ) );
+// erack! it's broadcasted
+// pDoc->SetDirty();
+ USHORT nVisTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nVisTab != nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ pDocShell->PostDataChanged();
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoRepeatDB::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ USHORT nTab = aBlockStart.GetTab();
+ USHORT nVisTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nVisTab != nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ ScUndoUtil::MarkSimpleBlock( pDocShell, aBlockStart.GetCol(),aBlockStart.GetRow(),nTab,
+ aBlockEnd.GetCol(),aBlockEnd.GetRow(),nTab );
+ pViewShell->SetCursor( aCursorPos.GetCol(), aCursorPos.GetRow() );
+ pViewShell->RepeatDB( FALSE );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoRepeatDB::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->RepeatDB( TRUE );
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoRepeatDB::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// Pivot-Tabellen
+ScUndoPivot::ScUndoPivot( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ const ScArea& rOld, const ScArea& rNew,
+ ScDocument* pOldDoc, ScDocument* pNewDoc,
+ const ScPivot* pOldPivot, const ScPivot* pNewPivot ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ aOldArea( rOld ),
+ aNewArea( rNew ),
+ pOldUndoDoc( pOldDoc ),
+ pNewUndoDoc( pNewDoc )
+ if (pNewPivot)
+ {
+ pNewPivot->GetParam( aNewParam, aNewQuery, aNewSrc );
+ aNewName = pNewPivot->GetName();
+ aNewTag = pNewPivot->GetTag();
+ }
+ if (pOldPivot)
+ {
+ pOldPivot->GetParam( aOldParam, aOldQuery, aOldSrc );
+ aOldName = pOldPivot->GetName();
+ aOldTag = pOldPivot->GetTag();
+ }
+__EXPORT ScUndoPivot::~ScUndoPivot()
+ delete pOldUndoDoc;
+ delete pNewUndoDoc;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoPivot::GetComment() const
+ USHORT nIndex;
+ if ( pOldUndoDoc && pNewUndoDoc )
+ else if ( pNewUndoDoc )
+ else
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( nIndex );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoPivot::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ if (pNewUndoDoc)
+ {
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aNewArea.nColStart,aNewArea.nRowStart,
+ aNewArea.nColEnd,aNewArea.nRowEnd, aNewArea.nTab, IDF_ALL );
+ pNewUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aNewArea.nColStart, aNewArea.nRowStart, aNewArea.nTab,
+ aNewArea.nColEnd, aNewArea.nRowEnd, aNewArea.nTab,
+ IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+ }
+ if (pOldUndoDoc)
+ {
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aOldArea.nColStart,aOldArea.nRowStart,
+ aOldArea.nColEnd,aOldArea.nRowEnd, aOldArea.nTab, IDF_ALL );
+ pOldUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aOldArea.nColStart, aOldArea.nRowStart, aOldArea.nTab,
+ aOldArea.nColEnd, aOldArea.nRowEnd, aOldArea.nTab,
+ IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+ }
+ ScPivotCollection* pPivotCollection = pDoc->GetPivotCollection();
+ if ( pNewUndoDoc )
+ {
+ ScPivot* pNewPivot = pPivotCollection->GetPivotAtCursor(
+ aNewParam.nCol, aNewParam.nRow, aNewParam.nTab );
+ if (pNewPivot)
+ pPivotCollection->Free( pNewPivot );
+ }
+ if ( pOldUndoDoc )
+ {
+ ScPivot* pOldPivot = new ScPivot( pDoc );
+ pOldPivot->SetParam( aOldParam, aOldQuery, aOldSrc );
+ pOldPivot->SetName( aOldName );
+ pOldPivot->SetTag( aOldTag );
+ if (pOldPivot->CreateData()) // Felder berechnen
+ pOldPivot->ReleaseData();
+ pPivotCollection->Insert( pOldPivot );
+ }
+// erack! it's broadcasted
+// pDoc->SetDirty();
+ if (pNewUndoDoc)
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aNewArea.nColStart, aNewArea.nRowStart, aNewArea.nTab,
+ aNewArea.nColEnd, aNewArea.nRowEnd, aNewArea.nTab,
+ if (pOldUndoDoc)
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aOldArea.nColStart, aOldArea.nRowStart, aOldArea.nTab,
+ aOldArea.nColEnd, aOldArea.nRowEnd, aOldArea.nTab,
+ pDocShell->PostDataChanged();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ {
+ USHORT nTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( pOldUndoDoc )
+ {
+ if ( nTab != aOldArea.nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( aOldArea.nTab );
+ }
+ else if ( pNewUndoDoc )
+ {
+ if ( nTab != aNewArea.nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( aNewArea.nTab );
+ }
+ }
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoPivot::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScPivotCollection* pPivotCollection = pDoc->GetPivotCollection();
+ ScPivot* pOldPivot = pPivotCollection->GetPivotAtCursor(
+ aOldParam.nCol, aOldParam.nRow, aOldParam.nTab );
+ ScPivot* pNewPivot = NULL;
+ if (pNewUndoDoc)
+ {
+ pNewPivot = new ScPivot( pDoc );
+ pNewPivot->SetParam( aNewParam, aNewQuery, aNewSrc );
+ pNewPivot->SetName( aNewName );
+ pNewPivot->SetTag( aNewTag );
+ }
+ pDocShell->PivotUpdate( pOldPivot, pNewPivot, FALSE );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoPivot::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ // Wiederholen: nur loeschen
+ if ( pOldUndoDoc && !pNewUndoDoc && rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget) )
+ ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->DeletePivotTable();
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoPivot::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ // Wiederholen: nur loeschen
+ return ( pOldUndoDoc && !pNewUndoDoc && rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget) );
+// data pilot
+ScUndoDataPilot::ScUndoDataPilot( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ ScDocument* pOldDoc, ScDocument* pNewDoc,
+ const ScDPObject* pOldObj, const ScDPObject* pNewObj ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ pOldDPObject( NULL ),
+ pNewDPObject( NULL ),
+ pOldUndoDoc( pOldDoc ),
+ pNewUndoDoc( pNewDoc )
+ if (pOldObj)
+ pOldDPObject = new ScDPObject( *pOldObj );
+ if (pNewObj)
+ pNewDPObject = new ScDPObject( *pNewObj );
+__EXPORT ScUndoDataPilot::~ScUndoDataPilot()
+ delete pOldDPObject;
+ delete pNewDPObject;
+ delete pOldUndoDoc;
+ delete pNewUndoDoc;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoDataPilot::GetComment() const
+ USHORT nIndex;
+ if ( pOldUndoDoc && pNewUndoDoc )
+ else if ( pNewUndoDoc )
+ else
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( nIndex );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDataPilot::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScRange aOldRange;
+ ScRange aNewRange;
+ if ( pNewDPObject && pNewUndoDoc )
+ {
+ aNewRange = pNewDPObject->GetOutRange();
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aNewRange, IDF_ALL );
+ pNewUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aNewRange, IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+ }
+ if ( pOldDPObject && pOldUndoDoc )
+ {
+ aOldRange = pOldDPObject->GetOutRange();
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aOldRange, IDF_ALL );
+ pOldUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aOldRange, IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+ }
+ // update objects in collection
+ if ( pNewDPObject )
+ {
+ // find updated object
+ //! find by name!
+ ScDPObject* pDocObj = pDoc->GetDPAtCursor(
+ aNewRange.aStart.Col(), aNewRange.aStart.Row(), aNewRange.aStart.Tab() );
+ DBG_ASSERT(pDocObj, "DPObject not found");
+ if (pDocObj)
+ {
+ if ( pOldDPObject )
+ {
+ // restore old settings
+ pOldDPObject->WriteSourceDataTo( *pDocObj );
+ ScDPSaveData* pData = pOldDPObject->GetSaveData();
+ if (pData)
+ pDocObj->SetSaveData(*pData);
+ pDocObj->SetOutRange( pOldDPObject->GetOutRange() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // delete inserted object
+ pDoc->GetDPCollection()->Free(pDocObj);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( pOldDPObject )
+ {
+ // re-insert deleted object
+ ScDPObject* pDestObj = new ScDPObject( *pOldDPObject );
+ pDestObj->SetAlive(TRUE);
+ if ( !pDoc->GetDPCollection()->Insert(pDestObj) )
+ {
+ DBG_ERROR("cannot insert DPObject");
+ DELETEZ( pDestObj );
+ }
+ }
+ if (pNewUndoDoc)
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aNewRange, PAINT_GRID, SC_PF_LINES );
+ if (pOldUndoDoc)
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aOldRange, PAINT_GRID, SC_PF_LINES );
+ pDocShell->PostDataChanged();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ {
+ //! set current sheet
+ }
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDataPilot::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ //! copy output data instead of repeating the change,
+ //! in case external data have changed!
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScDPObject* pSourceObj = NULL;
+ if ( pOldDPObject )
+ {
+ // find object to modify
+ //! find by name!
+ ScRange aOldRange = pOldDPObject->GetOutRange();
+ pSourceObj = pDoc->GetDPAtCursor(
+ aOldRange.aStart.Col(), aOldRange.aStart.Row(), aOldRange.aStart.Tab() );
+ DBG_ASSERT(pSourceObj, "DPObject not found");
+ }
+ ScDBDocFunc aFunc( *pDocShell );
+ aFunc.DataPilotUpdate( pSourceObj, pNewDPObject, FALSE, FALSE ); // no new undo action
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDataPilot::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ //! allow deletion
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoDataPilot::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ //! allow deletion
+ return FALSE;
+// Konsolidieren
+ScUndoConsolidate::ScUndoConsolidate( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell, const ScArea& rArea,
+ const ScConsolidateParam& rPar, ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc,
+ BOOL bReference, USHORT nInsCount, ScOutlineTable* pTab,
+ ScDBData* pData ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ aDestArea( rArea ),
+ aParam( rPar ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc ),
+ bInsRef( bReference ),
+ nInsertCount( nInsCount ),
+ pUndoTab( pTab ),
+ pUndoData( pData )
+__EXPORT ScUndoConsolidate::~ScUndoConsolidate()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+ delete pUndoTab;
+ delete pUndoData;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoConsolidate::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_CONSOLIDATE );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoConsolidate::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ USHORT nTab = aDestArea.nTab;
+ ScRange aOldRange;
+ if (pUndoData)
+ pUndoData->GetArea(aOldRange);
+ if (bInsRef)
+ {
+ // Zeilen loeschen
+ pDoc->DeleteRow( 0,nTab, MAXCOL,nTab, aDestArea.nRowStart, nInsertCount );
+ // Outlines
+ pDoc->SetOutlineTable( nTab, pUndoTab );
+ // Zeilenstatus
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( 0,0,nTab, MAXCOL,MAXROW,nTab, IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc );
+ // Daten & Referenzen
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( 0,aDestArea.nRowStart, MAXCOL,aDestArea.nRowEnd, nTab, IDF_ALL );
+ pUndoDoc->UndoToDocument( 0, aDestArea.nRowStart, nTab,
+ MAXCOL, aDestArea.nRowEnd, nTab,
+ IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+ // Original-Bereich
+ if (pUndoData)
+ {
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab(aOldRange, IDF_ALL);
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument(aOldRange, IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc);
+ }
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( 0,aDestArea.nRowStart,nTab, MAXCOL,MAXROW,nTab,
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aDestArea.nColStart,aDestArea.nRowStart,
+ aDestArea.nColEnd,aDestArea.nRowEnd, nTab, IDF_ALL );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aDestArea.nColStart, aDestArea.nRowStart, nTab,
+ aDestArea.nColEnd, aDestArea.nRowEnd, nTab,
+ IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+ // Original-Bereich
+ if (pUndoData)
+ {
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab(aOldRange, IDF_ALL);
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument(aOldRange, IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc);
+ }
+ USHORT nEndX = aDestArea.nColEnd;
+ USHORT nEndY = aDestArea.nRowEnd;
+ if ( pUndoData )
+ {
+ if ( aOldRange.aEnd.Col() > nEndX )
+ nEndX = aOldRange.aEnd.Col();
+ if ( aOldRange.aEnd.Row() > nEndY )
+ nEndY = aOldRange.aEnd.Row();
+ }
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aDestArea.nColStart, aDestArea.nRowStart, nTab,
+ nEndX, nEndY, nTab, PAINT_GRID );
+ }
+ // DB-Bereich wieder anpassen
+ if (pUndoData)
+ {
+ ScDBCollection* pColl = pDoc->GetDBCollection();
+ if (pColl)
+ {
+ USHORT nIndex;
+ if (pColl->SearchName( pUndoData->GetName(), nIndex ))
+ {
+ ScDBData* pDocData = (*pColl)[nIndex];
+ if (pDocData)
+ *pDocData = *pUndoData;
+ }
+ else
+ DBG_ERROR("alte DB-Daten nicht gefunden");
+ }
+ }
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ {
+ USHORT nViewTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nViewTab != nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ }
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoConsolidate::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ pDocShell->DoConsolidate( aParam, FALSE );
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ {
+ USHORT nViewTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nViewTab != aParam.nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( aParam.nTab );
+ }
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoConsolidate::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoConsolidate::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return FALSE;
+// Quell-Daten von Chart aendern
+void ScUndoChartData::Init()
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ BOOL bFound = FALSE;;
+ SchMemChart* pOld = pDoc->FindChartData(aChartName);
+ if (pOld)
+ {
+ ScChartArray aData(pDoc,*pOld);
+ aOldRangeListRef = aData.GetRangeList();
+ bOldColHeaders = aData.HasColHeaders();
+ bOldRowHeaders = aData.HasRowHeaders();
+ }
+ else // war vorher nicht initialisiert
+ { //! bei Undo zuruecksetzen ?
+ aOldRangeListRef = aNewRangeListRef;
+ bOldColHeaders = bNewColHeaders;
+ bOldRowHeaders = bNewRowHeaders;
+ }
+ScUndoChartData::ScUndoChartData( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell, const String& rName,
+ const ScRange& rNew, BOOL bColHdr, BOOL bRowHdr,
+ BOOL bAdd ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ aChartName( rName ),
+ bNewColHeaders( bColHdr ),
+ bNewRowHeaders( bRowHdr ),
+ bAddRange( bAdd )
+ aNewRangeListRef = new ScRangeList;
+ aNewRangeListRef->Append( rNew );
+ Init();
+ScUndoChartData::ScUndoChartData( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell, const String& rName,
+ const ScRangeListRef& rNew, BOOL bColHdr, BOOL bRowHdr,
+ BOOL bAdd ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ aChartName( rName ),
+ aNewRangeListRef( rNew ),
+ bNewColHeaders( bColHdr ),
+ bNewRowHeaders( bRowHdr ),
+ bAddRange( bAdd )
+ Init();
+__EXPORT ScUndoChartData::~ScUndoChartData()
+String __EXPORT ScUndoChartData::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_CHARTDATA );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoChartData::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ Window* pDataWin = NULL;
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewSh = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewSh)
+ pDataWin = pViewSh->GetActiveWin();
+ pDocShell->GetDocument()->UpdateChartArea( aChartName, aOldRangeListRef,
+ bOldColHeaders, bOldRowHeaders, FALSE, pDataWin );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoChartData::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ Window* pDataWin = NULL;
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewSh = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewSh)
+ pDataWin = pViewSh->GetActiveWin();
+ pDocShell->GetDocument()->UpdateChartArea( aChartName, aNewRangeListRef,
+ bNewColHeaders, bNewRowHeaders, bAddRange, pDataWin );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoChartData::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoChartData::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return FALSE;
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/undo/undodraw.cxx b/sc/source/ui/undo/undodraw.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..712d413fcda6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sc/source/ui/undo/undodraw.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: undodraw.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:45:07 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifdef PCH
+#include "ui_pch.hxx"
+#pragma hdrstop
+#define _BIGINT_HXX
+#define _STACK_HXX
+#define _QUEUE_HXX
+#define _DYNARR_HXX
+#define _TREELIST_HXX
+#define _CACHESTR_HXX
+#define _NEW_HXX
+//#define _SHL_HXX
+//#define _LINK_HXX
+//#define _ERRCODE_HXX
+//#define _GEN_HXX
+//#define _FRACT_HXX
+//#define _STRING_HXX
+//#define _MTF_HXX
+//#define _CONTNR_HXX
+//#define _LIST_HXX
+//#define _TABLE_HXX
+#define _DYNARY_HXX
+//#define _UNQIDX_HXX
+//#define _UNQID_HXX
+//#define _DEBUG_HXX
+//#define _DATE_HXX
+//#define _TIME_HXX
+//#define _DATETIME_HXX
+//#define _INTN_HXX
+//#define _WLDCRD_HXX
+//#define _FSYS_HXX
+//#define _STREAM_HXX
+#define _CACHESTR_HXX
+//#define _CLIP_HXX
+#define _CONFIG_HXX
+#define _CURSOR_HXX
+#define _FONTDLG_HXX
+#define _PRVWIN_HXX
+//#define _COLOR_HXX
+//#define _PAL_HXX
+//#define _BITMAP_HXX
+//#define _GDIOBJ_HXX
+//#define _POINTR_HXX
+//#define _ICON_HXX
+//#define _IMAGE_HXX
+//#define _KEYCOD_HXX
+//#define _EVENT_HXX
+#define _HELP_HXX
+//#define _APP_HXX
+//#define _MDIAPP_HXX
+//#define _TIMER_HXX
+//#define _METRIC_HXX
+//#define _REGION_HXX
+//#define _OUTDEV_HXX
+//#define _SYSTEM_HXX
+//#define _VIRDEV_HXX
+//#define _JOBSET_HXX
+//#define _PRINT_HXX
+//#define _WINDOW_HXX
+//#define _SYSWIN_HXX
+//#define _WRKWIN_HXX
+#define _MDIWIN_HXX
+//#define _FLOATWIN_HXX
+//#define _DOCKWIN_HXX
+//#define _CTRL_HXX
+//#define _SCRBAR_HXX
+//#define _BUTTON_HXX
+//#define _IMAGEBTN_HXX
+//#define _FIXED_HXX
+//#define _GROUP_HXX
+//#define _EDIT_HXX
+//#define _COMBOBOX_HXX
+//#define _LSTBOX_HXX
+//#define _SELENG_HXX
+//#define _SPLIT_HXX
+#define _SPIN_HXX
+//#define _FIELD_HXX
+//#define _MOREBTN_HXX
+//#define _TOOLBOX_HXX
+//#define _STATUS_HXX
+//#define _DIALOG_HXX
+//#define _MSGBOX_HXX
+//#define _SYSDLG_HXX
+#define _FILDLG_HXX
+//#define _PRNDLG_HXX
+#define _COLDLG_HXX
+//#define _TABDLG_HXX
+//#define _MENU_HXX
+//#define _GDIMTF_HXX
+//#define _POLY_HXX
+//#define _ACCEL_HXX
+//#define _GRAPH_HXX
+#define _SOUND_HXX
+#define SI_NOITEMS
+//#define SI_NODRW
+#define _SI_NOCONTROL
+#define _SIDLL_HXX
+// SFX
+//#define _SFX_CHILDWIN_HXX
+#define _INTRO_HXX
+#define _PASSWD_HXX
+#define _SFXEVENT_HXX
+// INCLUDE ---------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <svx/svdundo.hxx>
+#include "undodraw.hxx"
+#include "docsh.hxx"
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoDraw, SfxUndoAction);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ScUndoDraw::ScUndoDraw( SfxUndoAction* pUndo, ScDocShell* pDocSh ) :
+ pDrawUndo( pUndo ),
+ pDocShell( pDocSh )
+__EXPORT ScUndoDraw::~ScUndoDraw()
+ delete pDrawUndo;
+void ScUndoDraw::ForgetDrawUndo()
+ pDrawUndo = NULL; // nicht loeschen (Draw-Undo muss dann von aussen gemerkt werden)
+String __EXPORT ScUndoDraw::GetComment() const
+ if (pDrawUndo)
+ return pDrawUndo->GetComment();
+ else
+ return String();
+String __EXPORT ScUndoDraw::GetRepeatComment(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ if (pDrawUndo)
+ return pDrawUndo->GetRepeatComment(rTarget);
+ else
+ return String();
+USHORT __EXPORT ScUndoDraw::GetId() const
+ if (pDrawUndo)
+ return pDrawUndo->GetId();
+ else
+ return 0;
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoDraw::IsLinked()
+ if (pDrawUndo)
+ return pDrawUndo->IsLinked();
+ else
+ return FALSE;
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDraw::SetLinked( BOOL bIsLinked )
+ if (pDrawUndo)
+ pDrawUndo->SetLinked(bIsLinked);
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoDraw::Merge( SfxUndoAction* pNextAction )
+ if (pDrawUndo)
+ return pDrawUndo->Merge(pNextAction);
+ else
+ return FALSE;
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDraw::Undo()
+ if (pDrawUndo)
+ {
+ pDrawUndo->Undo();
+ pDocShell->SetDrawModified();
+ }
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDraw::Redo()
+ if (pDrawUndo)
+ {
+ pDrawUndo->Redo();
+ pDocShell->SetDrawModified();
+ }
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDraw::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (pDrawUndo)
+ pDrawUndo->Repeat(rTarget);
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoDraw::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ if (pDrawUndo)
+ return pDrawUndo->CanRepeat(rTarget);
+ else
+ return FALSE;
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/undo/undoolk.cxx b/sc/source/ui/undo/undoolk.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..386afa0a74a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sc/source/ui/undo/undoolk.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: undoolk.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:45:07 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifdef PCH
+#include "ui_pch.hxx"
+#pragma hdrstop
+//#define _BASEDLGS_HXX //*
+#define _DLGCFG_HXX
+#define _SFXBASIC_HXX
+#define _MODALDLG_HXX
+#define _PASSWD_HXX
+#define _SFXMSG_HXX
+#define _INTRO_HXX
+#define _SFX_PRNMON_HXX
+// INCLUDE ---------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <svx/svdundo.hxx>
+#include "document.hxx"
+#include "drwlayer.hxx"
+// STATIC DATA -----------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+SdrUndoAction* GetSdrUndoAction( ScDocument* pDoc )
+ ScDrawLayer* pLayer = pDoc->GetDrawLayer();
+ if (pLayer)
+ return pLayer->GetCalcUndo(); // muss vorhanden sein
+ else
+ return NULL;
+void DoSdrUndoAction( SdrUndoAction* pUndoAction )
+ pUndoAction->Undo();
+void RedoSdrUndoAction( SdrUndoAction* pUndoAction )
+ pUndoAction->Redo();
+void DeleteSdrUndoAction( SdrUndoAction* pUndoAction )
+ delete pUndoAction;
+void EnableDrawAdjust( ScDocument* pDoc, BOOL bEnable )
+ ScDrawLayer* pLayer = pDoc->GetDrawLayer();
+ if (pLayer)
+ pLayer->EnableAdjust(bEnable);
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/undo/undostyl.cxx b/sc/source/ui/undo/undostyl.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6d10173438ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sc/source/ui/undo/undostyl.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: undostyl.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:45:07 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifdef PCH
+#include "ui_pch.hxx"
+#pragma hdrstop
+// INCLUDE ---------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <svtools/itemset.hxx>
+#include <vcl/virdev.hxx>
+#include "undostyl.hxx"
+#include "docsh.hxx"
+#include "stlpool.hxx"
+#include "printfun.hxx"
+#include "globstr.hrc"
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoModifyStyle, ScSimpleUndo);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoApplyPageStyle, ScSimpleUndo);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// modify style (cell or page style)
+ScStyleSaveData::ScStyleSaveData() :
+ pItems( NULL )
+ScStyleSaveData::ScStyleSaveData( const ScStyleSaveData& rOther ) :
+ aName( rOther.aName ),
+ aParent( rOther.aParent )
+ if (rOther.pItems)
+ pItems = new SfxItemSet( *rOther.pItems );
+ else
+ pItems = NULL;
+ delete pItems;
+ScStyleSaveData& ScStyleSaveData::operator=( const ScStyleSaveData& rOther )
+ aName = rOther.aName;
+ aParent = rOther.aParent;
+ delete pItems;
+ if (rOther.pItems)
+ pItems = new SfxItemSet( *rOther.pItems );
+ else
+ pItems = NULL;
+ return *this;
+void ScStyleSaveData::InitFromStyle( const SfxStyleSheetBase* pSource )
+ if ( pSource )
+ {
+ aName = pSource->GetName();
+ aParent = pSource->GetParent();
+ delete pItems;
+ pItems = new SfxItemSet( ((SfxStyleSheetBase*)pSource)->GetItemSet() );
+ }
+ else
+ *this = ScStyleSaveData(); // empty
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ScUndoModifyStyle::ScUndoModifyStyle( ScDocShell* pDocSh, SfxStyleFamily eFam,
+ const ScStyleSaveData& rOld, const ScStyleSaveData& rNew ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pDocSh ),
+ eFamily( eFam ),
+ aOldData( rOld ),
+ aNewData( rNew )
+String ScUndoModifyStyle::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( nId );
+void lcl_DocStyleChanged( ScDocument* pDoc, SfxStyleSheetBase* pStyle, BOOL bRemoved )
+ //! move to document or docshell
+ VirtualDevice aVDev;
+ Point aLogic = aVDev.LogicToPixel( Point(1000,1000), MAP_TWIP );
+ double nPPTX = aLogic.X() / 1000.0;
+ double nPPTY = aLogic.Y() / 1000.0;
+ Fraction aZoom(1,1);
+ pDoc->StyleSheetChanged( pStyle, bRemoved, &aVDev, nPPTX, nPPTY, aZoom, aZoom );
+// static
+void ScUndoModifyStyle::DoChange( ScDocShell* pDocSh, const String& rName,
+ SfxStyleFamily eStyleFamily, const ScStyleSaveData& rData )
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocSh->GetDocument();
+ ScStyleSheetPool* pStlPool = pDoc->GetStyleSheetPool();
+ String aNewName = rData.GetName();
+ BOOL bDelete = ( aNewName.Len() == 0 ); // no new name -> delete style
+ BOOL bNew = ( rName.Len() == 0 && !bDelete ); // creating new style
+ SfxStyleSheetBase* pStyle = NULL;
+ if ( rName.Len() )
+ {
+ // find old style to modify
+ pStyle = pStlPool->Find( rName, eStyleFamily );
+ DBG_ASSERT( pStyle, "style not found" );
+ if ( pStyle && !bDelete )
+ {
+ // set new name
+ pStyle->SetName( aNewName );
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( !bDelete )
+ {
+ // create style (with new name)
+ pStyle = &pStlPool->Make( aNewName, eStyleFamily, SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF );
+ }
+ if ( pStyle )
+ {
+ if ( bDelete )
+ {
+ if ( eStyleFamily == SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA )
+ lcl_DocStyleChanged( pDoc, pStyle, TRUE ); // TRUE: remove usage of style
+ else
+ pDoc->RemovePageStyleInUse( rName );
+ // delete style
+ pStlPool->Erase( pStyle );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // modify style
+ String aNewParent = rData.GetParent();
+ if ( aNewParent != pStyle->GetParent() )
+ pStyle->SetParent( aNewParent );
+ SfxItemSet& rStyleSet = pStyle->GetItemSet();
+ const SfxItemSet* pNewSet = rData.GetItems();
+ DBG_ASSERT( pNewSet, "no ItemSet for style" );
+ if (pNewSet)
+ rStyleSet.Set( *pNewSet, FALSE );
+ if ( eStyleFamily == SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA )
+ {
+ lcl_DocStyleChanged( pDoc, pStyle, FALSE ); // cell styles: row heights
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // page styles
+ if ( bNew && aNewName != rName )
+ pDoc->RenamePageStyleInUse( rName, aNewName );
+ if (pNewSet)
+ pDoc->ModifyStyleSheet( *pStyle, *pNewSet );
+ pDocSh->PageStyleModified( aNewName, TRUE );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //! undo/redo document modifications for deleted styles
+ //! undo/redo modifications of number formatter
+void ScUndoModifyStyle::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ DoChange( pDocShell, aNewData.GetName(), eFamily, aOldData );
+ EndUndo();
+void ScUndoModifyStyle::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ DoChange( pDocShell, aOldData.GetName(), eFamily, aNewData );
+ EndRedo();
+void ScUndoModifyStyle::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+BOOL ScUndoModifyStyle::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return FALSE; // no repeat possible
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// apply page style
+ScUndoApplyPageStyle::ScUndoApplyPageStyle( ScDocShell* pDocSh, USHORT nT,
+ const String& rOld, const String& rNew ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pDocSh ),
+ nTab( nT ),
+ aOldStyle( rOld ),
+ aNewStyle( rNew )
+String ScUndoApplyPageStyle::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_APPLYPAGESTYLE );
+void ScUndoApplyPageStyle::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ pDocShell->GetDocument()->SetPageStyle( nTab, aOldStyle );
+ ScPrintFunc( pDocShell, pDocShell->GetPrinter(), nTab ).UpdatePages();
+ EndUndo();
+void ScUndoApplyPageStyle::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ pDocShell->GetDocument()->SetPageStyle( nTab, aNewStyle );
+ ScPrintFunc( pDocShell, pDocShell->GetPrinter(), nTab ).UpdatePages();
+ EndRedo();
+void ScUndoApplyPageStyle::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ //! set same page style to current tab
+BOOL ScUndoApplyPageStyle::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return FALSE;
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/undo/undotab.cxx b/sc/source/ui/undo/undotab.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c8a7fd10cdbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sc/source/ui/undo/undotab.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1383 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: undotab.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:45:07 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifdef PCH
+#include "ui_pch.hxx"
+#pragma hdrstop
+// ?#define _MACRODLG_HXX
+// ? #define _BIGINT_HXX
+// ? #define _SVDXOUT_HXX
+// ? #define _SVDATTR_HXX
+// ? #define _SVDSURO_HXX
+// INCLUDE ---------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <sfx2/app.hxx>
+#include <sfx2/bindings.hxx>
+#include <sfx2/dispatch.hxx>
+#include <svtools/smplhint.hxx>
+#include "undotab.hxx"
+#include "document.hxx"
+#include "docsh.hxx"
+#include "tabvwsh.hxx"
+#include "globstr.hrc"
+#include "global.hxx"
+#include "sc.hrc"
+#include "undoolk.hxx"
+#include "target.hxx"
+#include "uiitems.hxx"
+#include "prnsave.hxx"
+#include "printfun.hxx"
+#include "chgtrack.hxx"
+extern BOOL bDrawIsInUndo; //! irgendwo als Member !!!
+// STATIC DATA -----------------------------------------------------------
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoInsertTab, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoInsertTables, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoDeleteTab, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoRenameTab, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoMoveTab, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoCopyTab, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoMakeScenario, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoImportTab, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoRemoveLink, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoShowHideTab, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoProtect, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoPrintRange, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoScenarioFlags, SfxUndoAction);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Tabelle einfuegen
+ScUndoInsertTab::ScUndoInsertTab( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ USHORT nTabNum,
+ BOOL bApp,
+ const String& rNewName) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ nTab( nTabNum ),
+ bAppend( bApp ),
+ sNewName( rNewName ),
+ pDrawUndo( NULL )
+ pDrawUndo = GetSdrUndoAction( pDocShell->GetDocument() );
+ SetChangeTrack();
+__EXPORT ScUndoInsertTab::~ScUndoInsertTab()
+ DeleteSdrUndoAction( pDrawUndo );
+String __EXPORT ScUndoInsertTab::GetComment() const
+ if (bAppend)
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_APPEND_TAB );
+ else
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_INSERT_TAB );
+void ScUndoInsertTab::SetChangeTrack()
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDocShell->GetDocument()->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ {
+ ScRange aRange( 0, 0, nTab, MAXCOL, MAXROW, nTab );
+ pChangeTrack->AppendInsert( aRange );
+ nEndChangeAction = pChangeTrack->GetActionMax();
+ }
+ else
+ nEndChangeAction = 0;
+void __EXPORT ScUndoInsertTab::Undo()
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo(nTab);
+ pDocShell->SetInUndo( TRUE ); //! BeginUndo
+ bDrawIsInUndo = TRUE;
+ pViewShell->DeleteTable( nTab, FALSE );
+ bDrawIsInUndo = FALSE;
+ pDocShell->SetInUndo( FALSE ); //! EndUndo
+ if (pDrawUndo)
+ DoSdrUndoAction( pDrawUndo );
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDocShell->GetDocument()->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ pChangeTrack->Undo( nEndChangeAction, nEndChangeAction );
+ // SetTabNo(...,TRUE) for all views to sync with drawing layer pages
+ pDocShell->Broadcast( SfxSimpleHint( SC_HINT_FORCESETTAB ) );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoInsertTab::Redo()
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pDrawUndo)
+ RedoSdrUndoAction( pDrawUndo ); // Draw Redo vorneweg
+ pDocShell->SetInUndo( TRUE ); //! BeginRedo
+ bDrawIsInUndo = TRUE;
+ if (bAppend)
+ pViewShell->AppendTable( sNewName, FALSE );
+ else
+ {
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo(nTab);
+ pViewShell->InsertTable( sNewName, nTab, FALSE );
+ }
+ bDrawIsInUndo = FALSE;
+ pDocShell->SetInUndo( FALSE ); //! EndRedo
+ SetChangeTrack();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoInsertTab::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoInsertTab::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Tabellen einfuegen
+ScUndoInsertTables::ScUndoInsertTables( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ USHORT nTabNum,
+ BOOL bApp,SvStrings *pNewNameList) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ nTab( nTabNum ),
+ bAppend( bApp ),
+ pDrawUndo( NULL )
+ pNameList = pNewNameList;
+ pDrawUndo = GetSdrUndoAction( pDocShell->GetDocument() );
+ SetChangeTrack();
+__EXPORT ScUndoInsertTables::~ScUndoInsertTables()
+ String *pStr=NULL;
+ if(pNameList!=NULL)
+ {
+ for(int i=0;i<pNameList->Count();i++)
+ {
+ pStr=pNameList->GetObject(i);
+ delete pStr;
+ }
+ pNameList->Remove(0,pNameList->Count());
+ delete pNameList;
+ }
+ DeleteSdrUndoAction( pDrawUndo );
+String __EXPORT ScUndoInsertTables::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_INSERT_TAB );
+void ScUndoInsertTables::SetChangeTrack()
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDocShell->GetDocument()->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ {
+ nStartChangeAction = pChangeTrack->GetActionMax() + 1;
+ nEndChangeAction = 0;
+ ScRange aRange( 0, 0, nTab, MAXCOL, MAXROW, nTab );
+ for( int i = 0; i < pNameList->Count(); i++ )
+ {
+ aRange.aStart.SetTab( nTab + i );
+ aRange.aEnd.SetTab( nTab + i );
+ pChangeTrack->AppendInsert( aRange );
+ nEndChangeAction = pChangeTrack->GetActionMax();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ nStartChangeAction = nEndChangeAction = 0;
+void __EXPORT ScUndoInsertTables::Undo()
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo(nTab);
+ pDocShell->SetInUndo( TRUE ); //! BeginUndo
+ bDrawIsInUndo = TRUE;
+ SvUShorts TheTabs;
+ for(int i=0;i<pNameList->Count();i++)
+ {
+ TheTabs.Insert(nTab+i,TheTabs.Count());
+ }
+ pViewShell->DeleteTables( TheTabs, FALSE );
+ TheTabs.Remove(0,TheTabs.Count());
+ bDrawIsInUndo = FALSE;
+ pDocShell->SetInUndo( FALSE ); //! EndUndo
+ if (pDrawUndo)
+ DoSdrUndoAction( pDrawUndo );
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDocShell->GetDocument()->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ pChangeTrack->Undo( nStartChangeAction, nEndChangeAction );
+ // SetTabNo(...,TRUE) for all views to sync with drawing layer pages
+ pDocShell->Broadcast( SfxSimpleHint( SC_HINT_FORCESETTAB ) );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoInsertTables::Redo()
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pDrawUndo)
+ RedoSdrUndoAction( pDrawUndo ); // Draw Redo vorneweg
+ pDocShell->SetInUndo( TRUE ); //! BeginRedo
+ bDrawIsInUndo = TRUE;
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo(nTab);
+ pViewShell->InsertTables( pNameList, nTab,pNameList->Count(),FALSE );
+ bDrawIsInUndo = FALSE;
+ pDocShell->SetInUndo( FALSE ); //! EndRedo
+ SetChangeTrack();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoInsertTables::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoInsertTables::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// Tabelle loeschen
+ScUndoDeleteTab::ScUndoDeleteTab( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,const SvUShorts &aTab, //USHORT nNewTab,
+ ScDocument* pUndoDocument, ScRefUndoData* pRefData ) :
+ ScMoveUndo( pNewDocShell, pUndoDocument, pRefData, SC_UNDO_REFLAST )
+ for(int i=0;i<aTab.Count();i++)
+ theTabs.Insert(aTab[i],theTabs.Count());
+ SetChangeTrack();
+__EXPORT ScUndoDeleteTab::~ScUndoDeleteTab()
+ theTabs.Remove(0,theTabs.Count());
+String __EXPORT ScUndoDeleteTab::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_DELETE_TAB );
+void ScUndoDeleteTab::SetChangeTrack()
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDocShell->GetDocument()->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ {
+ ULONG nTmpChangeAction;
+ nStartChangeAction = pChangeTrack->GetActionMax() + 1;
+ nEndChangeAction = 0;
+ ScRange aRange( 0, 0, 0, MAXCOL, MAXROW, 0 );
+ for ( int i = 0; i < theTabs.Count(); i++ )
+ {
+ aRange.aStart.SetTab( theTabs[i] );
+ aRange.aEnd.SetTab( theTabs[i] );
+ pChangeTrack->AppendDeleteRange( aRange, pRefUndoDoc,
+ nTmpChangeAction, nEndChangeAction, (short) i );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ nStartChangeAction = nEndChangeAction = 0;
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDeleteTab::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ int i=0;
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ BOOL bLink = FALSE;
+ String aName;
+ for(i=0;i<theTabs.Count();i++)
+ {
+ pRefUndoDoc->GetName( theTabs[i], aName );
+ bDrawIsInUndo = TRUE;
+ BOOL bOk = pDoc->InsertTab( theTabs[i], aName );
+ bDrawIsInUndo = FALSE;
+ if (bOk)
+ {
+ // Ref-Undo passiert in EndUndo
+ // pUndoDoc->UndoToDocument(0,0,nTab, MAXCOL,MAXROW,nTab, IDF_ALL,FALSE, pDoc );
+ pRefUndoDoc->CopyToDocument(0,0,theTabs[i], MAXCOL,MAXROW,theTabs[i], IDF_ALL,FALSE, pDoc );
+ String aOldName;
+ pRefUndoDoc->GetName( theTabs[i], aOldName );
+ pDoc->RenameTab( theTabs[i], aOldName, FALSE );
+ if (pRefUndoDoc->IsLinked(theTabs[i]))
+ {
+ pDoc->SetLink( theTabs[i], pRefUndoDoc->GetLinkMode(theTabs[i]), pRefUndoDoc->GetLinkDoc(theTabs[i]),
+ pRefUndoDoc->GetLinkFlt(theTabs[i]), pRefUndoDoc->GetLinkOpt(theTabs[i]),
+ pRefUndoDoc->GetLinkTab(theTabs[i]) );
+ bLink = TRUE;
+ }
+ if ( pRefUndoDoc->IsScenario(theTabs[i]) )
+ {
+ pDoc->SetScenario( theTabs[i], TRUE );
+ String aComment;
+ Color aColor;
+ USHORT nScenFlags;
+ pRefUndoDoc->GetScenarioData( theTabs[i], aComment, aColor, nScenFlags );
+ pDoc->SetScenarioData( theTabs[i], aComment, aColor, nScenFlags );
+ BOOL bActive = pRefUndoDoc->IsActiveScenario( theTabs[i] );
+ pDoc->SetActiveScenario( theTabs[i], bActive );
+ }
+ // Drawing-Layer passiert beim MoveUndo::EndUndo
+ // pDoc->TransferDrawPage(pRefUndoDoc, nTab,nTab);
+ }
+ }
+ if (bLink)
+ {
+ pDocShell->UpdateLinks(); // Link-Manager updaten
+ }
+ EndUndo(); // Draw-Undo muss vor dem Broadcast kommen!
+ ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDocShell->GetDocument()->GetChangeTrack();
+ if ( pChangeTrack )
+ pChangeTrack->Undo( nStartChangeAction, nEndChangeAction );
+ for(i=0;i<theTabs.Count();i++)
+ {
+ pDocShell->Broadcast( ScTablesHint( SC_TAB_INSERTED, theTabs[i]) );
+ }
+ SFX_APP()->Broadcast( SfxSimpleHint( SC_HINT_TABLES_CHANGED ) ); // Navigator
+ pDocShell->PostPaint(0,0,0, MAXCOL,MAXROW,MAXTAB, PAINT_ALL ); // incl. Extras
+ // nicht ShowTable wegen SetTabNo(..., TRUE):
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( theTabs[0], TRUE );
+// EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDeleteTab::Redo()
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( theTabs[0] );
+ if (pDrawUndo)
+ RedoSdrUndoAction( pDrawUndo ); // Draw Redo vorneweg
+ pDocShell->SetInUndo( TRUE ); //! BeginRedo
+ bDrawIsInUndo = TRUE;
+ pViewShell->DeleteTables( theTabs, FALSE );
+ bDrawIsInUndo = FALSE;
+ pDocShell->SetInUndo( TRUE ); //! EndRedo
+ SetChangeTrack();
+ // SetTabNo(...,TRUE) for all views to sync with drawing layer pages
+ pDocShell->Broadcast( SfxSimpleHint( SC_HINT_FORCESETTAB ) );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDeleteTab::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ {
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell();
+ pViewShell->DeleteTable( pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo(), TRUE );
+ }
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoDeleteTab::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// Tabelle umbenennen
+ScUndoRenameTab::ScUndoRenameTab( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ const String& rOldName,
+ const String& rNewName) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ nTab ( nT )
+ sOldName = rOldName;
+ sNewName = rNewName;
+__EXPORT ScUndoRenameTab::~ScUndoRenameTab()
+String __EXPORT ScUndoRenameTab::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_RENAME_TAB );
+void ScUndoRenameTab::DoChange( USHORT nTab, const String& rName ) const
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ pDoc->RenameTab( nTab, rName );
+ SFX_APP()->Broadcast( SfxSimpleHint( SC_HINT_TABLES_CHANGED ) ); // Navigator
+ pDocShell->PostPaintGridAll();
+ pDocShell->PostPaintExtras();
+ pDocShell->PostDataChanged();
+ // Der Tabellenname koennte in einer Formel vorkommen...
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->UpdateInputHandler();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoRenameTab::Undo()
+ DoChange(nTab, sOldName);
+void __EXPORT ScUndoRenameTab::Redo()
+ DoChange(nTab, sNewName);
+void __EXPORT ScUndoRenameTab::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ // Repeat macht keinen Sinn
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoRenameTab::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return FALSE;
+// Tabelle verschieben
+ScUndoMoveTab::ScUndoMoveTab( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ const SvUShorts &aOldTab,
+ const SvUShorts &aNewTab) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell )
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<aOldTab.Count();i++)
+ theOldTabs.Insert(aOldTab[i],theOldTabs.Count());
+ for(i=0;i<aNewTab.Count();i++)
+ theNewTabs.Insert(aNewTab[i],theNewTabs.Count());
+__EXPORT ScUndoMoveTab::~ScUndoMoveTab()
+ theNewTabs.Remove(0,theNewTabs.Count());
+ theOldTabs.Remove(0,theOldTabs.Count());
+String __EXPORT ScUndoMoveTab::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_MOVE_TAB );
+void ScUndoMoveTab::DoChange( BOOL bUndo ) const
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (bUndo) // UnDo
+ {
+ for(int i=theNewTabs.Count()-1;i>=0;i--)
+ {
+ USHORT nDestTab = theNewTabs[i];
+ USHORT nNewTab = theNewTabs[i];
+ USHORT nOldTab = theOldTabs[i];
+ if (nDestTab > MAXCOL) // angehaengt ?
+ nDestTab = pDoc->GetTableCount() - 1;
+ pDoc->MoveTab( nDestTab, nOldTab );
+ pViewShell->GetViewData()->MoveTab( nDestTab, nOldTab );
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nOldTab, TRUE );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for(int i=0;i<theNewTabs.Count();i++)
+ {
+ USHORT nDestTab = theNewTabs[i];
+ USHORT nNewTab = theNewTabs[i];
+ USHORT nOldTab = theOldTabs[i];
+ if (nDestTab > MAXCOL) // angehaengt ?
+ nDestTab = pDoc->GetTableCount() - 1;
+ pDoc->MoveTab( nOldTab, nNewTab );
+ pViewShell->GetViewData()->MoveTab( nOldTab, nNewTab );
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nDestTab, TRUE );
+ }
+ }
+ SFX_APP()->Broadcast( SfxSimpleHint( SC_HINT_TABLES_CHANGED ) ); // Navigator
+ pDocShell->PostPaintGridAll();
+ pDocShell->PostPaintExtras();
+ pDocShell->PostDataChanged();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoMoveTab::Undo()
+ DoChange( TRUE );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoMoveTab::Redo()
+ DoChange( FALSE );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoMoveTab::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ // kein Repeat ! ? !
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoMoveTab::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return FALSE;
+// Tabelle kopieren
+ScUndoCopyTab::ScUndoCopyTab( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ const SvUShorts &aOldTab,
+ const SvUShorts &aNewTab) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ pDrawUndo( NULL )
+ pDrawUndo = GetSdrUndoAction( pDocShell->GetDocument() );
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<aOldTab.Count();i++)
+ theOldTabs.Insert(aOldTab[i],theOldTabs.Count());
+ for(i=0;i<aNewTab.Count();i++)
+ theNewTabs.Insert(aNewTab[i],theNewTabs.Count());
+__EXPORT ScUndoCopyTab::~ScUndoCopyTab()
+ DeleteSdrUndoAction( pDrawUndo );
+String __EXPORT ScUndoCopyTab::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_COPY_TAB );
+void ScUndoCopyTab::DoChange() const
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo(theOldTabs[0],TRUE);
+ SFX_APP()->Broadcast( SfxSimpleHint( SC_HINT_TABLES_CHANGED ) ); // Navigator
+ pDocShell->PostPaintGridAll();
+ pDocShell->PostPaintExtras();
+ pDocShell->PostDataChanged();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoCopyTab::Undo()
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ if (pDrawUndo)
+ DoSdrUndoAction( pDrawUndo ); // before the sheets are deleted
+ int i;
+ for(i=theNewTabs.Count()-1;i>=0;i--)
+ {
+ USHORT nDestTab = theNewTabs[i];
+ if (nDestTab > MAXTAB) // append?
+ nDestTab = pDoc->GetTableCount() - 1;
+ bDrawIsInUndo = TRUE;
+ pDoc->DeleteTab(nDestTab);
+ bDrawIsInUndo = FALSE;
+ }
+ // ScTablesHint broadcasts after all sheets have been deleted,
+ // so sheets and draw pages are in sync!
+ for(i=theNewTabs.Count()-1;i>=0;i--)
+ {
+ USHORT nDestTab = theNewTabs[i];
+ if (nDestTab > MAXTAB) // append?
+ nDestTab = pDoc->GetTableCount() - 1;
+ pDocShell->Broadcast( ScTablesHint( SC_TAB_DELETED, nDestTab ) );
+ }
+ DoChange();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoCopyTab::Redo()
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ USHORT nDestTab = 0;
+ for(int i=0;i<theNewTabs.Count();i++)
+ {
+ nDestTab = theNewTabs[i];
+ USHORT nNewTab = theNewTabs[i];
+ USHORT nOldTab = theOldTabs[i];
+ if (nDestTab > MAXCOL) // angehaengt ?
+ nDestTab = pDoc->GetTableCount() - 1;
+ bDrawIsInUndo = TRUE;
+ pDoc->CopyTab( nOldTab, nNewTab );
+ bDrawIsInUndo = FALSE;
+ pViewShell->GetViewData()->MoveTab( nOldTab, nNewTab );
+ if ( pDoc->IsScenario(nOldTab) )
+ {
+ pDoc->SetScenario(nNewTab, TRUE );
+ String aComment;
+ Color aColor;
+ USHORT nScenFlags;
+ pDoc->GetScenarioData(nOldTab, aComment, aColor, nScenFlags );
+ pDoc->SetScenarioData(nNewTab, aComment, aColor, nScenFlags );
+ BOOL bActive = pDoc->IsActiveScenario(nOldTab);
+ pDoc->SetActiveScenario(nNewTab, bActive );
+ BOOL bVisible=pDoc->IsVisible(nOldTab);
+ pDoc->SetVisible(nNewTab,bVisible );
+ }
+ }
+ if (pDrawUndo)
+ RedoSdrUndoAction( pDrawUndo ); // after the sheets are inserted
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nDestTab, TRUE ); // after draw-undo
+ DoChange();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoCopyTab::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ // kein Repeat ! ? !
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoCopyTab::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return FALSE;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Szenario anlegen
+ScUndoMakeScenario::ScUndoMakeScenario( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ USHORT nSrc, USHORT nDest, ScDocument* pUndo,
+ const String& rN, const String& rC,
+ const Color& rCol, USHORT nF,
+ const ScMarkData& rMark ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ nSrcTab( nSrc ),
+ nDestTab( nDest ),
+ pUndoDoc( pUndo ),
+ aName( rN ),
+ aComment( rC ),
+ aColor( rCol ),
+ nFlags( nF ),
+ aMarkData( rMark )
+__EXPORT ScUndoMakeScenario::~ScUndoMakeScenario()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoMakeScenario::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_MAKESCENARIO );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoMakeScenario::Undo()
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ pDoc->DeleteTab( nDestTab );
+ pDocShell->PostPaint(0,0,nDestTab,MAXCOL,MAXROW,MAXTAB, PAINT_ALL);
+ pDocShell->PostDataChanged();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nSrcTab, TRUE );
+ SFX_APP()->Broadcast( SfxSimpleHint( SC_HINT_TABLES_CHANGED ) );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoMakeScenario::Redo()
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ {
+ pViewShell->DoneBlockMode();
+ pViewShell->InitOwnBlockMode();
+ pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetMarkData() = aMarkData; // CopyMarksTo
+ }
+ pDocShell->MakeScenario( nSrcTab, aName, aComment, aColor, nFlags, aMarkData, FALSE );
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nDestTab, TRUE );
+ SFX_APP()->Broadcast( SfxSimpleHint( SC_HINT_TABLES_CHANGED ) );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoMakeScenario::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ {
+ ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->MakeScenario( aName, aComment, aColor, nFlags );
+ }
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoMakeScenario::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Tabelle einfuegen
+ScUndoImportTab::ScUndoImportTab( ScDocShell* pShell,
+ USHORT nNewTab, USHORT nNewCount, BOOL bNewLink ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pShell ),
+ nTab( nNewTab ),
+ nCount( nNewCount ),
+ bLink( bNewLink ),
+ pRedoDoc( NULL ),
+ pDrawUndo( NULL )
+ pDrawUndo = GetSdrUndoAction( pDocShell->GetDocument() );
+__EXPORT ScUndoImportTab::~ScUndoImportTab()
+ delete pRedoDoc;
+ DeleteSdrUndoAction( pDrawUndo );
+String __EXPORT ScUndoImportTab::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_INSERT_TAB );
+void ScUndoImportTab::DoChange() const
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ USHORT nCount = pDoc->GetTableCount();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ {
+ if(nTab<nCount)
+ {
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo(nTab,TRUE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo(nTab-1,TRUE);
+ }
+ }
+ SFX_APP()->Broadcast( SfxSimpleHint( SC_HINT_TABLES_CHANGED ) ); // Navigator
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( 0,0,0, MAXCOL,MAXROW,MAXTAB,
+void __EXPORT ScUndoImportTab::Undo()
+ //! eingefuegte Bereichsnamen etc.
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ BOOL bMakeRedo = !pRedoDoc;
+ if (bMakeRedo)
+ {
+ pRedoDoc = new ScDocument( SCDOCMODE_UNDO );
+ pRedoDoc->InitUndo( pDoc, nTab,nTab+nCount-1, TRUE,TRUE );
+ String aOldName;
+ for (i=0; i<nCount; i++)
+ {
+ USHORT nTabPos=nTab+i;
+ pDoc->CopyToDocument(0,0,nTabPos, MAXCOL,MAXROW,nTabPos, IDF_ALL,FALSE, pRedoDoc );
+ pDoc->GetName( nTabPos, aOldName );
+ pRedoDoc->RenameTab( nTabPos, aOldName, FALSE );
+ if ( pDoc->IsScenario(nTabPos) )
+ {
+ pRedoDoc->SetScenario(nTabPos, TRUE );
+ String aComment;
+ Color aColor;
+ USHORT nScenFlags;
+ pDoc->GetScenarioData(nTabPos, aComment, aColor, nScenFlags );
+ pRedoDoc->SetScenarioData(nTabPos, aComment, aColor, nScenFlags );
+ BOOL bActive = pDoc->IsActiveScenario(nTabPos);
+ pRedoDoc->SetActiveScenario(nTabPos, bActive );
+ BOOL bVisible=pDoc->IsVisible(nTabPos);
+ pRedoDoc->SetVisible(nTabPos,bVisible );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (pDrawUndo)
+ DoSdrUndoAction( pDrawUndo ); // before the sheets are deleted
+ bDrawIsInUndo = TRUE;
+ for (i=0; i<nCount; i++)
+ pDoc->DeleteTab( nTab );
+ bDrawIsInUndo = FALSE;
+ DoChange();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoImportTab::Redo()
+ if (!pRedoDoc)
+ {
+ DBG_ERROR("wo ist mein Redo-Document?");
+ return;
+ }
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ String aName;
+ for (i=0; i<nCount; i++) // first insert all sheets (#63304#)
+ {
+ USHORT nTabPos=nTab+i;
+ pRedoDoc->GetName(nTabPos,aName);
+ bDrawIsInUndo = TRUE;
+ pDoc->InsertTab(nTabPos,aName);
+ bDrawIsInUndo = FALSE;
+ }
+ for (i=0; i<nCount; i++) // then copy into inserted sheets
+ {
+ USHORT nTabPos=nTab+i;
+ pRedoDoc->CopyToDocument(0,0,nTabPos, MAXCOL,MAXROW,nTabPos, IDF_ALL,FALSE, pDoc );
+ if ( pRedoDoc->IsScenario(nTabPos) )
+ {
+ pDoc->SetScenario(nTabPos, TRUE );
+ String aComment;
+ Color aColor;
+ USHORT nScenFlags;
+ pRedoDoc->GetScenarioData(nTabPos, aComment, aColor, nScenFlags );
+ pDoc->SetScenarioData(nTabPos, aComment, aColor, nScenFlags );
+ BOOL bActive = pRedoDoc->IsActiveScenario(nTabPos);
+ pDoc->SetActiveScenario(nTabPos, bActive );
+ BOOL bVisible=pRedoDoc->IsVisible(nTabPos);
+ pDoc->SetVisible(nTabPos,bVisible );
+ }
+ }
+ if (pDrawUndo)
+ RedoSdrUndoAction( pDrawUndo ); // after the sheets are inserted
+ DoChange();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoImportTab::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoImportTab::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Tabellen-Verknuepfung aufheben
+ScUndoRemoveLink::ScUndoRemoveLink( ScDocShell* pShell, const String& rDoc ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pShell ),
+ aDocName( rDoc ),
+ nCount( 0 )
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ USHORT nTabCount = pDoc->GetTableCount();
+ pTabs = new USHORT[nTabCount];
+ pModes = new BYTE[nTabCount];
+ pTabNames = new String[nTabCount];
+ for (USHORT i=0; i<nTabCount; i++)
+ {
+ BYTE nMode = pDoc->GetLinkMode(i);
+ if (nMode)
+ if (pDoc->GetLinkDoc(i) == aDocName)
+ {
+ if (!nCount)
+ {
+ aFltName = pDoc->GetLinkFlt(i);
+ aOptions = pDoc->GetLinkOpt(i);
+ }
+ else
+ DBG_ASSERT(aFltName == pDoc->GetLinkFlt(i) &&
+ aOptions == pDoc->GetLinkOpt(i),
+ "verschiedene Filter fuer ein Dokument?");
+ pTabs[nCount] = i;
+ pModes[nCount] = nMode;
+ pTabNames[nCount] = pDoc->GetLinkTab(i);
+ ++nCount;
+ }
+ }
+__EXPORT ScUndoRemoveLink::~ScUndoRemoveLink()
+ delete pTabs;
+ delete pModes;
+ delete[] pTabNames;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoRemoveLink::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_REMOVELINK );
+void ScUndoRemoveLink::DoChange( BOOL bLink ) const
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ String aEmpty;
+ for (USHORT i=0; i<nCount; i++)
+ if (bLink) // establish link
+ pDoc->SetLink( pTabs[i], pModes[i], aDocName, aFltName, aOptions, pTabNames[i] );
+ else // remove link
+ pDoc->SetLink( pTabs[i], SC_LINK_NONE, aEmpty, aEmpty, aEmpty, aEmpty );
+ pDocShell->UpdateLinks();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoRemoveLink::Undo()
+ DoChange( TRUE );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoRemoveLink::Redo()
+ DoChange( FALSE );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoRemoveLink::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ // gippsnich
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoRemoveLink::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return FALSE;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Tabellen ein-/ausblenden
+ScUndoShowHideTab::ScUndoShowHideTab( ScDocShell* pShell, USHORT nNewTab, BOOL bNewShow ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pShell ),
+ nTab( nNewTab ),
+ bShow( bNewShow )
+__EXPORT ScUndoShowHideTab::~ScUndoShowHideTab()
+void ScUndoShowHideTab::DoChange( BOOL bShow ) const
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ pDoc->SetVisible( nTab, bShow );
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo(nTab,TRUE);
+ SFX_APP()->Broadcast( SfxSimpleHint( SC_HINT_TABLES_CHANGED ) );
+ pDocShell->SetDocumentModified();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoShowHideTab::Undo()
+ DoChange(!bShow);
+void __EXPORT ScUndoShowHideTab::Redo()
+ DoChange(bShow);
+void __EXPORT ScUndoShowHideTab::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoShowHideTab::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+String __EXPORT ScUndoShowHideTab::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( nId );
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Tabelle/Dokument schuetzen oder Schutz aufheben
+ScUndoProtect::ScUndoProtect( ScDocShell* pShell, USHORT nNewTab,
+ BOOL bNewProtect, const String& rNewPassword ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pShell ),
+ nTab( nNewTab ),
+ bProtect( bNewProtect ),
+ aPassword( rNewPassword )
+__EXPORT ScUndoProtect::~ScUndoProtect()
+void ScUndoProtect::DoProtect( BOOL bDo )
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ if (bDo)
+ {
+ if ( nTab == TABLEID_DOC )
+ pDoc->SetDocProtection( TRUE, aPassword );
+ else
+ pDoc->SetTabProtection( nTab, TRUE, aPassword );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( nTab == TABLEID_DOC )
+ pDoc->SetDocProtection( FALSE, EMPTY_STRING );
+ else
+ pDoc->SetTabProtection( nTab, FALSE, EMPTY_STRING );
+ }
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ {
+ pViewShell->UpdateLayerLocks();
+ pViewShell->UpdateInputHandler(TRUE); // damit sofort wieder eingegeben werden kann
+ }
+ pDocShell->PostPaintGridAll();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoProtect::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ DoProtect( !bProtect );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoProtect::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ DoProtect( bProtect );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoProtect::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ // gippsnich
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoProtect::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return FALSE; // gippsnich
+String __EXPORT ScUndoProtect::GetComment() const
+ if ( nTab == TABLEID_DOC )
+ else
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( nId );
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Druck-/Wiederholungsbereiche aendern
+ScUndoPrintRange::ScUndoPrintRange( ScDocShell* pShell, USHORT nNewTab,
+ ScPrintRangeSaver* pOld, ScPrintRangeSaver* pNew ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pShell ),
+ nTab( nNewTab ),
+ pOldRanges( pOld ),
+ pNewRanges( pNew )
+__EXPORT ScUndoPrintRange::~ScUndoPrintRange()
+ delete pOldRanges;
+ delete pNewRanges;
+void ScUndoPrintRange::DoChange(BOOL bUndo)
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ if (bUndo)
+ pDoc->RestorePrintRanges( *pOldRanges );
+ else
+ pDoc->RestorePrintRanges( *pNewRanges );
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ ScPrintFunc( pDocShell, pDocShell->GetPrinter(), nTab ).UpdatePages();
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( ScRange(0,0,nTab,MAXCOL,MAXROW,nTab), PAINT_GRID );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoPrintRange::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ DoChange( TRUE );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoPrintRange::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ DoChange( FALSE );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoPrintRange::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ // gippsnich
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoPrintRange::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return FALSE; // gippsnich
+String __EXPORT ScUndoPrintRange::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_PRINTRANGES );
+// Szenario-Flags
+ScUndoScenarioFlags::ScUndoScenarioFlags( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell, USHORT nT,
+ const String& rON, const String& rNN, const String& rOC, const String& rNC,
+ const Color& rOCol, const Color& rNCol, USHORT nOF, USHORT nNF ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ nTab ( nT ),
+ aOldName ( rON ),
+ aNewName ( rNN ),
+ aOldComment ( rOC ),
+ aNewComment ( rNC ),
+ aOldColor ( rOCol ),
+ aNewColor ( rNCol ),
+ nOldFlags ( nOF ),
+ nNewFlags ( nNF )
+__EXPORT ScUndoScenarioFlags::~ScUndoScenarioFlags()
+String __EXPORT ScUndoScenarioFlags::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_EDITSCENARIO );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoScenarioFlags::Undo()
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ pDoc->RenameTab( nTab, aOldName );
+ pDoc->SetScenarioData( nTab, aOldComment, aOldColor, nOldFlags );
+ pDocShell->PostPaintGridAll();
+ // Der Tabellenname koennte in einer Formel vorkommen...
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->UpdateInputHandler();
+ if ( aOldName != aNewName )
+ SFX_APP()->Broadcast( SfxSimpleHint( SC_HINT_TABLES_CHANGED ) );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoScenarioFlags::Redo()
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ pDoc->RenameTab( nTab, aNewName );
+ pDoc->SetScenarioData( nTab, aNewComment, aNewColor, nNewFlags );
+ pDocShell->PostPaintGridAll();
+ // Der Tabellenname koennte in einer Formel vorkommen...
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->UpdateInputHandler();
+ if ( aOldName != aNewName )
+ SFX_APP()->Broadcast( SfxSimpleHint( SC_HINT_TABLES_CHANGED ) );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoScenarioFlags::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ // Repeat macht keinen Sinn
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoScenarioFlags::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return FALSE;
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/undo/undoutil.cxx b/sc/source/ui/undo/undoutil.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d877b832a228
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sc/source/ui/undo/undoutil.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: undoutil.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:45:07 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// System - Includes -----------------------------------------------------
+#ifdef PCH
+#include "ui_pch.hxx"
+#pragma hdrstop
+#ifndef PCH
+#include <segmentc.hxx>
+// INCLUDE ---------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "undoutil.hxx"
+#include "docsh.hxx"
+#include "tabvwsh.hxx"
+#include "document.hxx"
+#include "dbcolect.hxx"
+#include "globstr.hrc"
+#include "global.hxx"
+// STATIC DATA -----------------------------------------------------------
+#pragma SEG_FUNCDEF(undoutil_01)
+void ScUndoUtil::MarkSimpleBlock( ScDocShell* pDocShell,
+ USHORT nStartX, USHORT nStartY, USHORT nStartZ,
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ {
+ USHORT nViewTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nViewTab < nStartZ || nViewTab > nEndZ )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nStartZ );
+ pViewShell->DoneBlockMode();
+ pViewShell->MoveCursorAbs( nStartX, nStartY, SC_FOLLOW_JUMP, FALSE, FALSE );
+ pViewShell->InitOwnBlockMode();
+ pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetMarkData().
+ SetMarkArea( ScRange( nStartX, nStartY, nStartZ, nEndX, nEndY, nEndZ ) );
+ }
+#pragma SEG_FUNCDEF(undoutil_02)
+void ScUndoUtil::MarkSimpleBlock( ScDocShell* pDocShell,
+ const ScTripel& rBlockStart,
+ const ScTripel& rBlockEnd )
+ MarkSimpleBlock( pDocShell, rBlockStart.GetCol(), rBlockStart.GetRow(), rBlockStart.GetTab(),
+ rBlockEnd.GetCol(), rBlockEnd.GetRow(), rBlockEnd.GetTab() );
+#pragma SEG_FUNCDEF(undoutil_05)
+void ScUndoUtil::MarkSimpleBlock( ScDocShell* pDocShell,
+ const ScRange& rRange )
+ MarkSimpleBlock( pDocShell, rRange.aStart.Col(), rRange.aStart.Row(), rRange.aStart.Tab(),
+ rRange.aEnd.Col(), rRange.aEnd.Row(), rRange.aEnd.Tab() );
+#pragma SEG_FUNCDEF(undoutil_03)
+ScDBData* ScUndoUtil::GetOldDBData( ScDBData* pUndoData, ScDocument* pDoc, USHORT nTab,
+ USHORT nCol1, USHORT nRow1, USHORT nCol2, USHORT nRow2 )
+ ScDBData* pRet = pDoc->GetDBAtArea( nTab, nCol1, nRow1, nCol2, nRow2 );
+ if (!pRet)
+ {
+ BOOL bWasTemp = FALSE;
+ if ( pUndoData )
+ {
+ String aName;
+ pUndoData->GetName( aName );
+ if ( aName == ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_DB_NONAME ) )
+ bWasTemp = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (!bWasTemp)
+ DBG_ERROR("Undo: DB-Bereich nicht gefunden");
+ USHORT nIndex;
+ ScDBCollection* pColl = pDoc->GetDBCollection();
+ if (pColl->SearchName( ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_DB_NONAME ), nIndex ))
+ pRet = (*pColl)[nIndex];
+ else
+ {
+ pRet = new ScDBData( ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_DB_NONAME ), nTab,
+ nCol1,nRow1, nCol2,nRow2, TRUE,
+ pDoc->HasColHeader( nCol1,nRow1,nCol2,nRow2,nTab ) );
+ pColl->Insert( pRet );
+ }
+ }
+ return pRet;
+#pragma SEG_FUNCDEF(undoutil_04)
+void ScUndoUtil::PaintMore( ScDocShell* pDocShell,
+ const ScRange& rRange )
+ USHORT nCol1 = rRange.aStart.Col();
+ USHORT nRow1 = rRange.aStart.Row();
+ USHORT nCol2 = rRange.aEnd.Col();
+ USHORT nRow2 = rRange.aEnd.Row();
+ if (nCol1) --nCol1;
+ if (nRow1) --nRow1;
+ if (nCol2<MAXCOL) ++nCol2;
+ if (nRow2<MAXROW) ++nRow2;
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( nCol1,nRow1,rRange.aStart.Tab(),
+ nCol2,nRow2,rRange.aEnd.Tab(), PAINT_GRID );
+ $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
+ Revision 1.11 2000/09/17 14:09:28 willem.vandorp
+ OpenOffice header added.
+ Revision 1.10 2000/08/31 16:38:40 willem.vandorp
+ Header and footer replaced
+ Revision 1.9 1996/09/04 17:48:18 RJ
+ MarkSimpleBlock mit ScRange-Parameter
+ Rev 1.8 04 Sep 1996 19:48:18 RJ
+ MarkSimpleBlock mit ScRange-Parameter
+ Rev 1.7 19 Aug 1996 21:29:56 NN
+ Markierungen werden nicht mehr am Dokument gehalten
+ Rev 1.6 16 Aug 1996 13:52:14 RJ
+ kleine Umstellung in ::MarkSimpleBlock
+ Rev 1.5 10 Apr 1996 11:14:54 NN
+ MarkSimpleBlock: Tabelle umstellen
+ Rev 1.4 10 Oct 1995 12:21:26 NN
+ PaintMore
+ Rev 1.3 03 Feb 1995 09:45:34 GT
+ Umstellung auf Resource-Strings
+ Rev 1.2 19 Jan 1995 18:51:20 NN
+ GetOldDBArea
+ Rev 1.1 18 Jan 1995 15:06:08 TRI
+ Pragmas zur Segementierung eingebaut
+ Rev 1.0 12 Jan 1995 12:19:10 NN
+ Initial revision.