path: root/scripting/workben/bindings/ScriptBinding.xba
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripting/workben/bindings/ScriptBinding.xba')
1 files changed, 839 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripting/workben/bindings/ScriptBinding.xba b/scripting/workben/bindings/ScriptBinding.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3ff7f73d2ca8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripting/workben/bindings/ScriptBinding.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,839 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="ScriptBinding" script:language="StarBasic">REM ***** BASIC *****
+REM ----- Global Variables -----
+private bindingDialog as object
+private helpDialog as object
+private xmlFile() as string
+private xmlFileName as string
+private menuItems() as string
+private menuItemLinePosition() as integer
+private menuCount as integer
+private subMenuItems() as string
+private subMenuItemLinePosition() as integer
+private subMenuCount as integer
+private scriptNames() as string
+private scriptLinePosition as integer
+private scriptCount as integer
+private allKeyBindings() as string
+private numberOfLines as integer
+REM ------ Storage Refresh Function ------
+function RefreshUserScripts()
+ smgr = getProcessServiceManager()
+ context = smgr.getPropertyValue( &quot;DefaultContext&quot; )
+ scriptstoragemgr = context.getValueByName( &quot;/singletons/; )
+ storage = scriptstoragemgr.getScriptStorage( 1 )
+ storage.refresh()
+end function
+REM ----- Launch Functions -----
+function ExecuteKeyBinding()
+ bindingDialog = LoadDialog( &quot;ScriptBindingLibrary&quot;, &quot;KeyBinding&quot; )
+ xmlFileName = GetDocumentType( &quot;Key&quot; )
+ officePath = GetOfficePath()
+ ReadXMLToArray( &quot;Key&quot; )
+ PopulateScriptList()
+ CreateAllKeyBindings()
+ PopulateTopLevelKeyBindingList()
+ PopulateKeyBindingList( 1, 11 )
+ bindingDialog.execute()
+end function
+function ExecuteMenuBinding()
+ bindingDialog = LoadDialog( &quot;ScriptBindingLibrary&quot;, &quot;MenuBinding&quot; )
+ xmlFileName = GetDocumentType( &quot;Menu&quot; )
+ officePath = GetOfficePath()
+ ReadXMLToArray( &quot;Menu&quot; )
+ PopulateScriptList()
+ PopulateMenuCombo()
+ PopulateSubMenuList( 1 )
+ MenuLabelBoxListener()
+ bindingDialog.execute()
+end function
+REM ----- Initialising functions -----
+function LoadDialog( libName as string, dialogName as string ) as object
+ dim library as object
+ dim libDialog as object
+ dim runtimeDialog as object
+ libContainer = DialogLibraries
+ libContainer.LoadLibrary( libName )
+ library = libContainer.getByName( libname )
+ libDialog = library.getByName( dialogName )
+ runtimeDialog = CreateUnoDialog( libDialog )
+ LoadDialog() = runtimeDialog
+end function
+function GetDocumentType( bindingType as string ) as string
+ document = StarDesktop.ActiveFrame.Controller.Model
+ if document.SupportsService(&quot;;) then
+ if bindingType = &quot;Key&quot; then
+ GetDocumentType() = &quot;calckeybinding.xml&quot;
+ else
+ if bindingType = &quot;Menu&quot; then
+ GetDocumentType() = &quot;calcmenubar.xml&quot;
+ end if
+ end if
+ else
+ if document.SupportsService(&quot;;) then
+ if bindingType = &quot;Key&quot; then
+ GetDocumentType() = &quot;writerkeybinding.xml&quot;
+ else
+ if bindingType = &quot;Menu&quot; then
+ GetDocumentType() = &quot;writermenubar.xml&quot;
+ end if
+ end if
+ else
+ msgbox &quot;Couldn&apos;t determine file type&quot;
+ end if
+ end if
+end function
+function ReadXMLToArray( bindingType as string )
+ simplefileaccess = CreateUnoService( &quot;; )
+ filestream = simplefileaccess.openFileRead( &quot;file://&quot; + GetOfficePath() + &quot;/user/config/soffice.cfg/&quot; + xmlFileName )
+ textin = CreateUnoService( &quot;; )
+ textin.setInputStream( filestream )
+ reDim xmlFile( 500 ) as String
+ reDim menuItems( 30 ) as String
+ reDim menuItemLinePosition( 30 ) as Integer
+ reDim scriptNames( 120 ) as string
+ redim scriptLinePosition( 120) as integer
+ lineCount = 1
+ menuCount = 1
+ scriptCount = 1
+ while not textin.isEOF()
+ xmlline = textin.readLine()
+ xmlFile( lineCount ) = xmlline
+ const menuItemWhiteSpace = 2
+ const menuXMLTag = &quot;&lt;menu:menu&quot;
+ &apos;If line read from XML file is a Menu title
+ if bindingType = &quot;Menu&quot; then
+ if instr( xmlFile( lineCount ), menuXMLTag ) = menuItemWhiteSpace then
+ menuLabel = ExtractLabelFromXMLLine( xmlFile( lineCount ) )
+ menuItems( menuCount ) = menuLabel
+ menuItemLinePosition( menuCount ) = lineCount
+ menuCount = menuCount + 1
+ end if
+ end if
+ if bindingType = &quot;Key&quot; then
+ if not( instr( xmlFile( lineCount ), &quot;&lt;accel:item&quot; ) = 0 ) then
+ scriptName = &quot;&quot;
+ if not( instr( xmlFile( lineCount ), &quot;accel:shift=&quot;+chr$(34)+&quot;true&quot;+chr$(34) ) = 0 ) then
+ scriptName = scriptName + &quot;SHIFT + &quot;
+ end if
+ if not( instr( xmlFile( lineCount ), &quot;accel:mod1=&quot;+chr$(34)+&quot;true&quot;+chr$(34) ) = 0 ) then
+ scriptName = scriptName + &quot;CONTROL + &quot;
+ end if
+ scriptName = scriptName + ExtractKeyCodeFromXMLLine( xmlFile( lineCount ) )
+ scriptNames( scriptCount ) = scriptName
+ scriptLinePosition( scriptCount ) = lineCount
+ scriptCount = scriptCount + 1
+ end if
+ end if
+ lineCount = lineCount + 1
+ wend
+ numberOfLines = lineCount
+ filestream.closeInput()
+end function
+function GetOfficePath() as string
+REM Error check and prompt user to manually input Office Path
+ settings = CreateUnoService( &quot;; )
+ path = settings.getByName( &quot;PathSettings&quot; )
+ unformattedOfficePath = path.getPropertyValue( &quot;UserPath&quot; )
+ dim officePath as string
+ const removeFromEnd = &quot;/user&quot;
+ const removeFromEndWindows = &quot;\user&quot;
+ REM If Solaris or Linux
+ if not ( instr( unformattedOfficePath, removeFromEnd ) = 0 ) then
+ endPosition = instr( unformattedOfficePath, removeFromEnd )&apos; - len( removeFromStart )
+ officePath = mid( unformattedOfficePath, 1, endPosition )
+ REM If Windows
+ else if not ( instr( unformattedOfficePath, removeFromEndWindows ) = 0 ) then
+ endPosition = instr( unformattedOfficePath, removeFromEndWindows )
+ officePath = mid( unformattedOfficePath, 1, endPosition )
+ while instr( officePath, &quot;\&quot; ) &gt; 0
+ backSlash = instr( officePath, &quot;\&quot; )
+ startPath = mid( officePath, 1, backSlash - 1 )
+ endPath = mid( officePath, backslash + 1, len( officePath ) - backSlash )
+ officePath = startPath + &quot;/&quot; + endPath
+ wend
+ else
+ msgbox &quot;Office path not found&quot;
+ REM Prompt user
+ end if
+ end if
+ GetOfficePath() = officePath
+end function
+REM ----- File Output functions -----
+function AddNewMenuBinding( newScript as string, newMenuLabel as string, newLinePosition as integer )
+ simplefileaccess = CreateUnoService( &quot;; )
+ simplefileaccess.kill( &quot;file:///&quot; + GetOfficePath() + &quot;user/config/soffice.cfg/&quot; + xmlFileName )
+ outfilestream = simplefileaccess.openFileWrite( &quot;file:///&quot; + GetOfficePath() + &quot;user/config/soffice.cfg/&quot; + xmlFileName )
+ textout = CreateUnoService( &quot;; )
+ textout.setOutputStream( outfilestream )
+ for n = 1 to numberOfLines - 1
+ if n = newLinePosition + 1 then
+ indent = GetMenuWhiteSpace( xmlFile( newLinePosition ) )
+ textout.writeString(indent + &quot;&lt;menu:menuitem menu:id=&quot;+chr$(34)+&quot;script://&quot; + newScript + chr$(34)+&quot; menu:helpid=&quot;+chr$(34)+&quot;1929&quot;+chr$(34)+&quot; menu:label=&quot;+chr$(34)+ newMenuLabel + chr$(34)+&quot;/&gt;&quot;+ chr$(10) )
+ &apos;msgbox (indent + &quot;&lt;menu:menuitem menu:id=&quot;+chr$(34)+&quot;script://&quot; + newScript + chr$(34)+&quot; menu:helpid=&quot;+chr$(34)+&quot;1929&quot;+chr$(34)+&quot; menu:label=&quot;+chr$(34)+ newMenuLabel + chr$(34)+&quot;/&gt;&quot;+ chr$(10) + &quot; newLinePosition is &quot; + newLinePosition)
+ textout.writeString( xmlFile(n) + chr$(10) )
+ else if n = numberOfLines - 1 then
+ textout.writeString( xmlFile(n) )
+ else
+ textout.writeString( xmlFile(n) + chr$(10) )
+ end if
+ end if
+ next n
+ outfilestream.flush()
+ outfilestream.closeOutput()
+ &apos;bindingDialog.endExecute()
+ &apos;msgbox ( &quot;Menu Label: &quot; + newMenuLabel + &quot; Function Name: &quot; + newScript )
+end function
+function AddNewKeyBinding( scriptName as string, shift as boolean, control as boolean, key as string )
+ simplefileaccess = CreateUnoService( &quot;; )
+ simplefileaccess.kill( &quot;file:///&quot; + GetOfficePath() + &quot;user/config/soffice.cfg/&quot; + xmlFileName )
+ outfilestream = simplefileaccess.openFileWrite( &quot;file:///&quot; + GetOfficePath() + &quot;user/config/soffice.cfg/&quot; + xmlFileName )
+ textout = CreateUnoService( &quot;; )
+ textout.setOutputStream( outfilestream )
+ dim keyCombo as string
+ newLine = &quot; &lt;accel:item accel:code=&quot;+chr$(34)+&quot;KEY_&quot; + key +chr$(34)
+ if shift then
+ keyCombo = &quot;SHIFT + &quot;
+ newLine = newLine + &quot; accel:shift=&quot;+chr$(34)+&quot;true&quot;+chr$(34)
+ end if
+ if control then
+ keyCombo = keyCombo + &quot;CONTROL + &quot;
+ newLine = newLine + &quot; accel:mod1=&quot;+chr$(34)+&quot;true&quot;+chr$(34)
+ end if
+ keyCombo = keyCombo + key
+ newLine = newLine + &quot; xlink:href=&quot;+chr$(34)+&quot;script://&quot; + scriptName
+ &apos;For this release of the scripting framework only use application binding
+ applicationBinding = true
+ if applicationBinding then
+ newLine = newLine + &quot;?location=application&quot;+chr$(34)+&quot;/&gt;&quot;
+ else
+ newLine = newLine + &quot;?location=document&quot;+chr$(34)+&quot;/&gt;&quot;
+ end if
+ &apos;msgbox ( &quot;New key binding: &quot; + newLine )
+ for n = 1 to numberOfLines - 1
+ if n = numberOfLines - 1 then
+ textout.writeString( newLine + chr$(10) )
+ textout.writeString( xmlFile( n ) )&apos; + chr$(10) )
+ else if n = numberOfLines - 1 then
+ textout.writeString( xmlFile( n ) )
+ else
+ textout.writeString( xmlFile( n ) + chr$(10) )
+ end if
+ end if
+ next n
+ outfilestream.flush()
+ outfilestream.closeOutput()
+ &apos;bindingDialog.endExecute()
+ &apos;msgbox ( &quot;Key: &quot; + keyCombo + &quot; Function Name: &quot; + scriptName )
+end function
+function RemoveBinding( removeLinePosition as integer )
+ simplefileaccess = CreateUnoService( &quot;; )
+ simplefileaccess.kill( &quot;file:///&quot; + GetOfficePath() + &quot;user/config/soffice.cfg/&quot; + xmlFileName )
+ outfilestream = simplefileaccess.openFileWrite( &quot;file:///&quot; + GetOfficePath() + &quot;user/config/soffice.cfg/&quot; + xmlFileName )
+ textout = CreateUnoService( &quot;; )
+ textout.setOutputStream( outfilestream )
+ for n = 1 to numberOfLines - 1
+ if not( n = removeLinePosition ) then
+ if n = numberOfLines - 1 then
+ textout.writeString( xmlFile( n ) )
+ else
+ textout.writeString( xmlFile( n ) + chr$(10) )
+ end if
+ &apos;else
+ &apos; msgbox (&quot;Deleting: &quot; + xmlFile( n ) )
+ end if
+ next n
+ outfilestream.flush()
+ outfilestream.closeOutput()
+ &apos;bindingDialog.endExecute()
+end function
+REM ----- Populating Dialog Controls -----
+function PopulateScriptList()
+ scriptList = bindingDialog.getControl( &quot;ScriptList&quot; )
+ scriptList.removeItems( 0, scriptList.getItemCount() )
+ smgr = getProcessServiceManager()
+ context = smgr.getPropertyValue( &quot;DefaultContext&quot; )
+ scriptstoragemgr = context.getValueByName( &quot;/singletons/; )
+ storage = scriptstoragemgr.getScriptStorage( 1 )
+ logicalNames() = storage.getScriptLogicalNames()
+ for n = 1 to ubound( logicalNames() ) + 1
+ scriptList.addItem( logicalNames( n - 1 ), n )
+ next n
+ scriptList.selectItemPos( 0, true )
+end function
+function PopulateMenuCombo()
+ menuComboBox = bindingDialog.getControl( &quot;MenuCombo&quot; )
+ menuComboBox.removeItems( 0, menuComboBox.getItemCount() )
+ for n = 1 to menuCount - 1
+ menuComboBox.addItem( menuItems( n ), n - 1 )
+ next n
+ menuComboBox.setDropDownLineCount( 8 )
+ menuComboBox.text = menuComboBox.getItem( 0 )
+end function
+function PopulateSubMenuList( menuItemPosition as integer )
+ redim subMenuItems( 100 ) as string
+ redim subMenuItemLinePosition( 100 ) as integer
+ dim lineNumber as integer
+ const menuItemWhiteSpace = 4
+ const menuXMLTag = &quot;&lt;menu:menu&quot;
+ subMenuCount = 1
+ xmlStartLine = menuItemLinePosition( menuItemPosition ) + 1
+ &apos;If last menu item is chosen
+ if menuItemPosition = menuCount - 1 then
+ xmlEndLine = numberOfLines
+ else
+ xmlEndLine = menuItemLinePosition( menuItemPosition + 1 ) - 1
+ end if
+ for lineNumber = xmlStartLine to xmlEndLine
+ &apos;Insert all sub-menus and sub-popupmenus
+ if not( instr( xmlFile( lineNumber ), menuXMLTag ) = 0 ) and instr( xmlFile( lineNumber ), &quot;menupopup&quot;) = 0 then
+ subMenuIndent = GetMenuWhiteSpace( xmlFile( lineNumber ) )
+ if subMenuIndent = &quot; &quot; then
+ subMenuIndent = &quot;&quot;
+ else
+ subMenuIndent = subMenuIndent + subMenuIndent
+ end if
+ if not( instr( xmlFile( lineNumber ), &quot;menuseparator&quot; ) = 0 ) then
+ subMenuItems( subMenuCount ) = subMenuIndent + &quot;----------------&quot;
+ else
+ subMenuName = ExtractLabelFromXMLLine( xmlFile( lineNumber ) )
+ &apos;Add script Name if there is one bound to menu item
+ if instr( xmlFile( lineNumber ), &quot;script://&quot; ) &gt; 0 then
+ script = ExtractScriptIdFromXMLLine( xmlFile( lineNumber ) )
+ subMenuItems( subMenuCount ) = ( subMenuIndent + subMenuName + &quot; [&quot; + script + &quot;]&quot; )
+ else
+ &apos;ZZZZZ Test to change text properties
+ &apos;tcolor = rgb( 255, 0, 0 )
+ &apos;subMenuName.textcolor = tcolor
+ subMenuItems( subMenuCount ) = subMenuIndent + subMenuName
+ end if
+ end if
+ subMenuItemLinePosition( subMenuCount ) = lineNumber
+ subMenuCount = subMenuCount + 1
+ end if
+ next lineNumber
+ subMenuList = bindingDialog.getControl( &quot;SubMenuList&quot; )
+ subMenuList.removeItems( 0, subMenuList.getItemCount() )
+ for n = 1 to subMenuCount - 1
+ subMenuList.addItem( subMenuItems( n ), n - 1 )
+ next n
+ subMenuList.selectItemPos( 0, true )
+ &apos;ZZZZZ Test to change text properties
+ &apos;control = CreateUnoService( &quot;; )
+ &apos;msgbox ( subMenuName.dbg_methods )
+ &apos;control.setModel( bindingDialog.Model )
+ &apos;tcolor = rgb( 255, 0, 0 )
+ &apos;bindingDialog.Model.subMenuList.textcolor = tcolor
+ SubMenuListListener()
+end function
+function PopulateTopLevelKeyBindingList()
+ keyCombo = bindingDialog.getControl( &quot;KeyCombo&quot; )
+ keyCombo.removeItems( 0, keyCombo.getItemCount() )
+ keyCombo.addItem( &quot;SHIFT + CONTROL + F keys&quot;, 0 )
+ keyCombo.addItem( &quot;SHIFT + CONTROL + digits&quot;, 1 )
+ keyCombo.addItem( &quot;SHIFT + CONTROL + letters&quot;, 2 )
+ keyCombo.addItem( &quot;CONTROL + F keys&quot;, 3 )
+ keyCombo.addItem( &quot;CONTROL + digits&quot;, 4 )
+ keyCombo.addItem( &quot;CONTROL + letters&quot;, 5 )
+ keyCombo.addItem( &quot;SHIFT + F keys&quot;, 6 )
+ keyCombo.setDropDownLineCount( 7 )
+ keyCombo.text = keyCombo.getItem( 0 )
+end function
+function PopulateKeyBindingList( startPosition as integer, endPosition as integer )
+ dim formattedKeyBinding( 47 ) as string
+ counter = 1
+ keyList = bindingDialog.getControl( &quot;KeyList&quot; )
+ for n = startPosition to endPosition
+ if IsAllocatedKeyCombo( allKeyBindings( n ) ) &gt; 1 then
+ formattedKeyBinding( counter ) = ( allKeyBindings( n ) + &quot; [Allocated to &quot; + ExtractScriptIdFromXMLLine( xmlFile( isAllocatedKeyCombo( allKeyBindings( n ) ) ) ) + &quot;]&quot; )
+ else if IsAllocatedKeyCombo( allKeyBindings( n ) ) = 1 then
+ formattedKeyBinding( counter ) = ( allKeyBindings( n ) + &quot; [Allocated to Office function]&quot; )
+ else
+ formattedKeyBinding( counter ) = allKeyBindings( n )
+ end if
+ end if
+ counter = counter + 1
+ next n
+ keyList.removeItems( 0, keyList.getItemCount() )
+ for n = 1 to counter - 1
+ keyList.addItem( formattedKeyBinding( n ), n - 1 )
+ next n
+ keyList.selectItemPos( 0, true )
+ KeyListListener()
+end function
+function CreateAllKeyBindings()
+ reDim allKeyBindings( 105 ) as string
+ keyBindingPosition = 1
+&apos;SHIFT + CONTROL for shftctrl = 1 to 46
+ for FKey = 2 to 12
+ allKeyBindings( keyBindingPosition ) = &quot;SHIFT + CONTROL + F&quot; + FKey
+ keyBindingPosition = keyBindingPosition + 1
+ next FKey
+ for Digit = 0 to 9
+ allKeyBindings( keyBindingPosition ) = &quot;SHIFT + CONTROL + &quot; + Digit
+ keyBindingPosition = keyBindingPosition + 1
+ next Digit
+ for Alpha = 65 to 90
+ allKeyBindings( keyBindingPosition ) = &quot;SHIFT + CONTROL + &quot; + chr$( Alpha )
+ keyBindingPosition = keyBindingPosition + 1
+ next Alpha
+&apos;FOR for ctrl = 1 to 46
+ for FKey = 2 to 12
+ allKeyBindings( keyBindingPosition ) = &quot;CONTROL + F&quot; + FKey
+ keyBindingPosition = keyBindingPosition + 1
+ next FKey
+ for Digit = 0 to 9
+ allKeyBindings( keyBindingPosition ) = &quot;CONTROL + &quot; + Digit
+ keyBindingPosition = keyBindingPosition + 1
+ next Digit
+ for Alpha = 65 to 90
+ allKeyBindings( keyBindingPosition ) = &quot;CONTROL + &quot; + chr$( Alpha )
+ keyBindingPosition = keyBindingPosition + 1
+ next Alpha
+&apos;SHIFT for shift = 1 to 46
+ for FKey = 2 to 12
+ allKeyBindings( keyBindingPosition ) = &quot;SHIFT + F&quot; + FKey
+ keyBindingPosition = keyBindingPosition + 1
+ next FKey
+end function
+REM ----- Text Handling Functions -----
+function ExtractLabelFromXMLLine( XMLLine as string ) as string
+ labelStart = instr( XMLLine, &quot;label=&quot;+chr$(34)) + 7
+ labelEnd = instr( XMLLine, chr$(34)+&quot;&gt;&quot; )
+ if labelEnd = 0 then
+ labelEnd = instr( XMLLine, chr$(34)+&quot;/&gt;&quot; )
+ end if
+ labelLength = labelEnd - labelStart
+ menuLabelUnformatted = mid( XMLLine, labelStart, labelLength )
+ tildePosition = instr( menuLabelUnformatted, &quot;~&quot; )
+ select case tildePosition
+ case 0
+ menuLabel = menuLabelUnformatted
+ case 1
+ menuLabel = right( menuLabelUnformatted, labelLength - 1 )
+ case else
+ menuLabelLeft = left( menuLabelUnformatted, tildePosition - 1 )
+ menuLabelRight = right( menuLabelUnformatted, labelLength - tildePosition )
+ menuLabel = menuLabelLeft + menuLabelRight
+ end select
+ ExtractLabelFromXMLLine() = menuLabel
+end function
+function ExtractScriptIdFromXMLLine( XMLLine as string ) as string
+ idStart = instr( XMLLine, &quot;script://&quot;) + 9
+ if instr( XMLLine, &quot;&quot;+chr$(34)+&quot; menu:helpid=&quot; ) = 0 then
+ idEnd = instr( XMLLIne, &quot;?location=&quot; )
+ else
+ idEnd = instr( XMLLine, &quot;&quot;+chr$(34)+&quot; menu:helpid=&quot; )
+ end if
+ idLength = idEnd - idStart
+ scriptId = mid( XMLLine, idStart, idLength )
+ ExtractScriptIdFromXMLLine() = scriptId
+end function
+function ExtractKeyCodeFromXMLLine( XMLLine as string ) as string
+ keyStart = instr( XMLLine, &quot;code=&quot;+chr$(34)+&quot;KEY_&quot;) + 10
+ keyCode = mid( XMLLine, keyStart, ( len( XMLLine ) - keyStart ) )
+ keyEnd = instr( keyCode, chr$(34) )
+ keyCode = mid( keyCode, 1, keyEnd - 1 )
+ ExtractKeyCodeFromXMLLine() = keyCode
+end function
+function GetMenuWhiteSpace( MenuXMLLine as string ) as string
+ whiteSpace = &quot;&quot;
+ numberOfSpaces = instr( MenuXMLLine, &quot;&lt;&quot; ) - 1
+ for i = 1 to numberOfSpaces
+ whiteSpace = whiteSpace + &quot; &quot;
+ next i
+ GetMenuWhiteSpace() = whiteSpace
+end function
+function IsAllocatedKeyCombo( script as string ) as integer
+ const NotAllocated = 0
+ const AllocatedToOfficeFunction = 1
+ const AllocatedToScript = 2
+ dim Allocation as integer
+ if instr( script, &quot; [Allocated&quot; ) &gt; 0 then
+ endPosition = instr( script, &quot; [Allocated&quot; ) - 1
+ script = mid( script, 1, endPosition )
+ end if
+ Allocation = NotAllocated
+ count = 1
+ while Allocation = NotAllocated and count &lt; scriptCount
+ linePosition = scriptLinePosition( count )
+ if strcomp( script, scriptNames( count ) ) = 0 then
+ if instr( xmlFile( linePosition ), &quot;script://&quot; ) &gt; 0 then
+ Allocation = linePosition
+ else
+ Allocation = AllocatedToOfficeFunction
+ end if
+ end if
+ count = count + 1
+ wend
+ IsAllocatedKeyCombo() = Allocation
+end Function
+function IsAllocatedMenuItem( script as string ) as boolean
+ foundMenuItem = false
+ Allocated = false
+ count = 0
+ do
+ count = count + 1
+ if strcomp( script, subMenuItems( count ) ) = 0 then
+ foundMenuItem = true
+ end if
+ loop while not( foundMenuItem ) and count &lt; subMenuCount
+ linePosition = subMenuItemLinePosition( count )
+ if not( instr( xmlFile( linePosition ), &quot;script://&quot; ) = 0 ) then
+ Allocated = true
+ end if
+ isAllocatedMenuItem() = Allocated
+end Function
+function HasShiftKey( keyCombo ) as boolean
+ if instr( keyCombo, &quot;SHIFT&quot; ) = 0 then
+ hasShift = false
+ else
+ hasShift = true
+ end if
+ HasShiftKey = hasShift
+end function
+function HasControlKey( keyCombo ) as boolean
+ if instr( keyCombo, &quot;CONTROL&quot; ) = 0 then
+ hasControl = false
+ else
+ hasControl = true
+ end if
+ HasControlKey = hasControl
+end function
+function ExtractKeyFromCombo( keyString as string ) as string
+ while not( instr( keyString, &quot;+&quot; ) = 0 )
+ removeTo = instr( keyString, &quot;+ &quot; ) + 2
+ keyString = mid( keyString, removeTo, ( len( keyString ) - removeTo ) + 1 )
+ wend
+ ExtractKeyFromCombo() = keyString
+end function
+REM ------ Event Handling Functions ------
+function KeyListListener()
+ keyList = bindingDialog.getControl( &quot;KeyList&quot; )
+ selectedKeyCombo = keyList.getSelectedItem()
+ if isAllocatedKeyCombo( selectedKeyCombo ) &gt; 1 then
+ bindingDialog.Model.Delete.enabled = true
+ bindingDialog.Model.NewButton.enabled = false
+ else
+ if isAllocatedKeyCombo( selectedKeyCombo ) = 1 then
+ bindingDialog.Model.Delete.enabled = false
+ bindingDialog.Model.NewButton.enabled = false
+ else
+ bindingDialog.Model.Delete.enabled = false
+ bindingDialog.Model.NewButton.enabled = true
+ end if
+ end if
+end function
+function SubMenuListListener()
+ subMenuList = bindingDialog.getControl( &quot;SubMenuList&quot; )
+ selectedMenuItem = subMenuList.getSelectedItem()
+ if IsAllocatedMenuItem( selectedMenuItem ) then
+ bindingDialog.Model.Delete.enabled = true
+ else
+ bindingDialog.Model.Delete.enabled = false
+ end if
+end function
+&apos;Populates the SubMenuList with the appropriate menu items from the Top-level menu selected from the combo box
+function MenuComboListener()
+ combo = bindingDialog.getControl( &quot;MenuCombo&quot; )
+ newToplevelMenu = combo.text
+ counter = 0
+ do
+ counter = counter + 1
+ loop while not( newToplevelMenu = menuItems( counter ) )
+ PopulateSubMenuList( counter )
+end function
+&apos;Populates the KeyList with the appropriate key combos from the Top-level key group selected from the combo box
+function KeyComboListener()
+ combo = bindingDialog.getControl( &quot;KeyCombo&quot; )
+ itemSelected = combo.text
+ select case itemSelected
+ case &quot;SHIFT + CONTROL + F keys&quot;
+ PopulateKeyBindingList( 1, 11 )
+ case &quot;SHIFT + CONTROL + digits&quot;
+ PopulateKeyBindingList( 12, 21 )
+ case &quot;SHIFT + CONTROL + letters&quot;
+ PopulateKeyBindingList( 22, 47 )
+ case &quot;CONTROL + F keys&quot;
+ PopulateKeyBindingList( 48, 58 )
+ case &quot;CONTROL + digits&quot;
+ PopulateKeyBindingList( 59, 68 )
+ case &quot;CONTROL + letters&quot;
+ PopulateKeyBindingList( 69, 94 )
+ case &quot;SHIFT + F keys&quot;
+ PopulateKeyBindingList( 95, 105 )
+ case else
+ msgbox &quot;Error&quot;
+ end select
+end function
+function MenuLabelBoxListener()
+ if bindingDialog.Model.MenuLabelBox.text = &quot;&quot; then
+ bindingDialog.Model.NewButton.enabled = false
+ else
+ bindingDialog.Model.NewButton.enabled = true
+ end if
+end function
+function MenuOKButton()
+ msgbox (&quot;Office must be restarted before your changes will take effect.&quot; )
+ bindingDialog.endExecute()
+end function
+function MenuCancelButton()
+ bindingDialog.endExecute()
+end function
+function MenuHelpButton()
+ helpDialog = LoadDialog( &quot;ScriptBindingLibrary&quot;, &quot;HelpBinding&quot; )
+ helpDialog.execute()
+end function
+function MenuDeleteButton()
+ subMenuList = bindingDialog.getControl( &quot;SubMenuList&quot; )
+ linePos = subMenuItemLinePosition( subMenuList.getSelectedItemPos() + 1 )
+ RemoveBinding( linePos )
+ menuLabel = ExtractLabelFromXMLLine( xmlFile( linePos ) )
+ script = ExtractScriptIdFromXMLLine( xmlFile( linePos ) )
+ ReadXMLToArray( &quot;Menu&quot; )
+REM !!!
+ MenuComboListener()
+ &apos;PopulateSubMenuList( menuItemPosition as integer )
+end function
+function MenuNewButton()
+ menuScriptList = bindingDialog.getControl( &quot;ScriptList&quot; )
+ script = menuScriptList.getSelectedItem()
+ newMenuLabel = bindingDialog.Model.MenuLabelBox.text
+ if newMenuLabel = &quot;&quot; then
+ msgbox &quot;Error. Please enter new Menu Label&quot;
+ end if
+ subMenuList = bindingDialog.getControl( &quot;SubMenuList&quot; )
+ linePos = subMenuItemLinePosition( subMenuList.getSelectedItemPos() + 1 )
+ AddNewMenuBinding( script, newMenuLabel, linePos )
+ &apos;topLevelMenu = bindingDialog.Model.MenuCombo.text
+ &apos;subMenu = subMenuList.getSelectedItem()
+ ReadXMLToArray( &quot;Menu&quot; )
+REM !!!
+ MenuComboListener()
+ &apos;PopulateSubMenuList( menuItemPosition as integer )
+ &apos;msgbox ( &quot;Menu: &quot; + topLevelMenu + &quot; -&gt; &quot; + newMenuLabel + &quot; Function Name: &quot; + script )
+end function
+function KeyOKButton()
+ msgbox (&quot;Office must be restarted before your changes will take effect.&quot; )
+ bindingDialog.endExecute()
+end function
+function KeyCancelButton()
+ bindingDialog.endExecute()
+end function
+function KeyHelpButton()
+ helpDialog = LoadDialog( &quot;ScriptBindingLibrary&quot;, &quot;HelpBinding&quot; )
+ helpDialog.execute()
+end function
+function KeyNewButton()
+ menuScriptList = bindingDialog.getControl( &quot;ScriptList&quot; )
+ script = menuScriptList.getSelectedItem()
+ keyList = bindingDialog.getControl( &quot;KeyList&quot; )
+ REM Check that combo has not already been allocated
+ keyCombo = keyList.getSelectedItem()
+ AddNewKeyBinding( script, HasShiftKey( keyCombo ), HasControlKey( keyCombo ), ExtractKeyFromCombo( keyCombo ) )
+ ReadXMLToArray( &quot;Key&quot; )
+REM !!!
+ KeyComboListener()
+ &apos;PopulateKeyBindingList( startPosition as integer, endPosition as integer )
+end function
+function KeyDeleteButton()
+ keyList = bindingDialog.getControl( &quot;KeyList&quot; )
+ REM Check that combo is a script
+ keyCombo = keyList.getSelectedItem()
+ if instr( keyCombo, &quot; [Allocated&quot; ) &gt; 0 then
+ endPosition = instr( keyCombo, &quot; [Allocated&quot; ) - 1
+ keyCombo = mid( keyCombo, 1, endPosition )
+ end if
+ for n = 1 to scriptCount
+ if strcomp( keyCombo, scriptNames( n ) ) = 0 then
+ keyComboPosition = n
+ exit for
+ end if
+ next n
+ linePosition = scriptLinePosition( keyComboPosition )
+ RemoveBinding( linePosition )
+ script = ExtractScriptIdFromXMLLine( xmlFile( linePosition ) )
+ ReadXMLToArray( &quot;Key&quot; )
+REM !!!
+ KeyComboListener()
+ &apos;PopulateKeyBindingList( startPosition as integer, endPosition as integer )
+end function
+function HelpOKButton()
+ helpDialog.endExecute()
+end function</script:module>