path: root/sfx2/inc
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1 files changed, 8 insertions, 235 deletions
diff --git a/sfx2/inc/sfxhelp.hxx b/sfx2/inc/sfxhelp.hxx
index 7cee3c69e6a3..2a61bd327dbb 100644
--- a/sfx2/inc/sfxhelp.hxx
+++ b/sfx2/inc/sfxhelp.hxx
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: sfxhelp.hxx,v $
- * $Revision: 1.2 $
+ * $Revision: 1.3 $
- * last change: $Author: as $ $Date: 2000-11-08 14:25:40 $
+ * last change: $Author: mba $ $Date: 2000-11-27 08:56:56 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
@@ -61,253 +61,26 @@
#ifndef _SFX_HELP_HXX
#define _SFX_HELP_HXX
-#ifndef _BUTTON_HXX //autogen
-#include <vcl/button.hxx>
#ifndef _HELP_HXX //autogen
#include <vcl/help.hxx>
-#ifndef _SV_CONFIG_HXX
-#include <vcl/config.hxx>
-#include <childwin.hxx>
-#include <dockwin.hxx>
-#include <docfac.hxx>
-#include <viewfac.hxx>
-#include <objsh.hxx>
-#include <viewsh.hxx>
-class HelpPI;
-class SHelpInfo;
-struct SpecialLinkInfo;
-class Library;
-class SfxPrinter;
-class DirEntry;
-class SvStringsDtor;
-struct HelpFileInfo
- String aFileName;
- String aTitle;
-class SfxHelpPIWrapper : public SfxChildWindow
- SfxHelpPIWrapper(Window *pParent, USHORT nId,
- SfxBindings *pBindings, SfxChildWinInfo *pInfo);
- virtual BOOL QueryClose();
-class SfxHelpTipsWrapper : public SfxChildWindow
- SfxHelpTipsWrapper(Window *pParent, USHORT nId,
- SfxBindings *pBindings, SfxChildWinInfo *pInfo);
-class SfxHelpTipsWindow : public SfxDockingWindow
- HelpPI* mpHelpPI;
- PushButton maCloseButton;
- Window maTipWindow;
- CheckBox maCheckBox;
- DECL_LINK( CloseButtonHdl, Button* );
- DECL_LINK( ShowTip, void* );
- DECL_LINK( CheckBoxHdl, CheckBox* );
- SfxHelpTipsWindow( SfxBindings* pBindimgs, SfxChildWindow* pChildWin, Window* pParent );
- ~SfxHelpTipsWindow();
- virtual void FillInfo( SfxChildWinInfo& ) const;
- virtual void Resize();
-class SfxHelpPI : public SfxDockingWindow
- HelpPI* pHelpPI;
- Window* pInnerWindow;
- Timer aTopicJustRequestedTimer;
- ULONG nTip;
- CheckBox aTipBox;
- BOOL bInShowMe;
- virtual void Resize();
- virtual void Paint( const Rectangle& );
- SfxHelpPI( SfxBindings* pBindimgs, SfxChildWindow* pChildWin,
- Window* pParent, USHORT nScale );
- ~SfxHelpPI();
- void LoadTopic( const String& rFileName, ULONG nId );
- void LoadTopic( ULONG nId );
- void LoadTopic( const String& rKeyword );
- void ResetTopic();
- BOOL Close();
- BOOL IsConstructed() const { return ( pHelpPI != 0 ); }
- String GetExtraInfo() const;
- HelpPI* GetHelpPI() const { return pHelpPI; }
- virtual void FillInfo( SfxChildWinInfo& ) const;
- void SetTip( ULONG nId );
- ULONG GetTip() const { return nTip; }
- void SetTipText( const String& rText );
- BOOL IsInShowMe() const { return bInShowMe; }
- // Nach F1 fuer einige ms nicht aufgrund von FocusChanged ein anderes Topic laden...
- BOOL IsTopicJustRequested() const { return aTopicJustRequestedTimer.IsActive(); }
- void SetTopicJustRequested( BOOL bOn ) { if( bOn )
- aTopicJustRequestedTimer.Start();
- else
- aTopicJustRequestedTimer.Stop(); }
-#if __PRIVATE
- DECL_LINK( TopicChangedHdl_Impl, void* );
- DECL_LINK( SpecialLinkHdl, SpecialLinkInfo* );
- DECL_LINK( TipBoxHdl, CheckBox* );
- DECL_LINK( PIToolboxHdl, ToolBox* );
-class SfxHelp
- static BOOL ShowHelp( ULONG nId, BOOL bShowInHelpAgent, const char* pFileName = 0, BOOL bQuiet = FALSE );
- static BOOL ShowHelp( const String& rKeyword, BOOL bShowInHelpAgent, const char* pFileName = 0 );
- static void ShowHint( ULONG nId );
- static void SetCustomHelpFile( const String& rName );
- static USHORT GetHelpFileInfoCount();
- static HelpFileInfo* GetHelpFileInfo( USHORT n );
-USHORT ImplSetLanguageGroup( Config& rConfig, const String& rGroupName, BOOL bSearchLanguage );
+#include <tools/string.hxx>
-//SV_DECL_PTRARR_DEL( HelpTextCaches, HelpTextCache*, 0, 4 );
-class SfxHelp_Impl : public Help, public SfxListener
+class SfxHelp_Impl : public Help
- friend class SfxHelp;
- String aCustomHelpFile;
- String aCurHelpFile; // Kurzer Name ohne Pfad
- SHelpInfo* pHelpInfo; // Fr GetHelpText()
-// HelpTextCache* pHelpCache;
-// HelpTextCaches aHelpCaches;
- Timer aDialogDetector;
- SortedULONGs* pPIStarterList;
- ULONG nLastDialog;
- BOOL bForcedFloatingPI;
- List* pHelpFileInfos;
+ String aTicket; // for Plugins
- BOOL ImplStart( ULONG nHelpId, BOOL bCheckHelpFile, BOOL bChangeHelpFile, BOOL bHelpAgent );
virtual BOOL Start( ULONG nHelpId );
- virtual BOOL Start( const String& rKeyWord );
- virtual BOOL Start( const UniString& rKeyWord );
- void SetCurrentHelpFile( ULONG nId );
- String GetCurrentHelpFile() const { return aCurHelpFile; }
- virtual void Notify( SfxBroadcaster& rBC, const SfxHint& rHint );
- inline SortedULONGs* GetPIStarterList();
- void CreatePIStarterList();
- DECL_LINK( DialogDetectHdl, Timer* );
- void AssertValidHelpDocInfo();
+ String GetHelpModuleName( ULONG nHelpId );
- static String GetHelpPath();
- static String GetHelpFileName( ULONG nId );
- BOOL CheckHelpFile( BOOL bPrompt ) const;
- static BOOL CheckHelpFile( const String& rFilename, BOOL bPrompt );
- static Window* SearchFocusWindowParent();
- void CheckPIPosition();
- void SetHelpFile( const String &rHelpFileName, BOOL bAdjustExt = TRUE );
- const String& GetCurHelpFile() const { return aCurHelpFile; }
- XubString GetHelpText( ULONG nHelpId );
- void GetHelpURLs( const String& rRootURL, SvStringsDtor& rLst );
- void GetBookmarks( SvStringsDtor& rLst );
- void AddBookmark( const String& rName, const String& rURL );
- void RemoveBookmark( const String& rName );
- void RenameBookmark( const String& rOldTitle, const String& rNewTitle );
- void SlotExecutedOrFocusChanged( ULONG nId, BOOL bSlot, BOOL bAutoStart );
- void EnableTip( ULONG nTip, BOOL bEnable );
- void ResetPIStarterList();
- void HelpAgentClosed();
- void StartHelpPI( ULONG nHelpId, BOOL bSlot, BOOL bTip = FALSE );
- USHORT GetHelpFileInfoCount();
- HelpFileInfo* GetHelpFileInfo( USHORT n );
- static String GetConfigDir( BOOL bGetSharedConfig );
- static String GetHelpAgentConfig();
+ void SetTicket( const String& rTicket )
+ { aTicket = rTicket;}
-inline SortedULONGs* SfxHelp_Impl::GetPIStarterList()
- if ( !pPIStarterList )
- CreatePIStarterList();
- return pPIStarterList;
#endif // _PRIVATE
#endif // #ifndef _SFX_HELP_HXX