path: root/sfx2/source/view/frmload.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'sfx2/source/view/frmload.cxx')
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/sfx2/source/view/frmload.cxx b/sfx2/source/view/frmload.cxx
index a4707f03d364..958f37f12916 100644
--- a/sfx2/source/view/frmload.cxx
+++ b/sfx2/source/view/frmload.cxx
@@ -252,36 +252,17 @@ namespace
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sal_Bool SfxFrameLoader_Impl::impl_createNewDocWithSlotParam( const USHORT _nSlotID, const Reference< XFrame >& i_rxFrame,
+sal_Bool SfxFrameLoader_Impl::impl_createNewDocWithSlotParam( const sal_uInt16 _nSlotID, const Reference< XFrame >& i_rxFrame,
const bool i_bHidden )
SfxRequest aRequest( _nSlotID, SFX_CALLMODE_SYNCHRON, SFX_APP()->GetPool() );
aRequest.AppendItem( SfxUnoFrameItem( SID_FILLFRAME, i_rxFrame ) );
if ( i_bHidden )
- aRequest.AppendItem( SfxBoolItem( SID_HIDDEN, TRUE ) );
+ aRequest.AppendItem( SfxBoolItem( SID_HIDDEN, sal_True ) );
return lcl_getDispatchResult( SFX_APP()->ExecuteSlot( aRequest ) );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void SfxFrameLoader_Impl::impl_lockHiddenDocument( SfxObjectShell& i_rDocument, const ::comphelper::NamedValueCollection& i_rDescriptor ) const
- const sal_Bool bHidden = i_rDescriptor.getOrDefault( "Hidden", sal_False );
- if ( !bHidden )
- return;
- const SfxViewFrame* pExistingViewFrame = SfxViewFrame::GetFirst( &i_rDocument );
- if ( pExistingViewFrame )
- return;
- // the document is to be loaded hidden, and it is not yet displayed in any other frame
- // To prevent it from being closed when the loader returns, increase its OwnerLock
- // (the OwnerLock is normally increased by every frame in which the document is displayed, and by this loader)
- i_rDocument.RestoreNoDelete();
- i_rDocument.OwnerLock( TRUE );
- i_rDocument.Get_Impl()->bHiddenLockedByAPI = TRUE;
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SfxFrameLoader_Impl::impl_determineFilter( ::comphelper::NamedValueCollection& io_rDescriptor ) const
const ::rtl::OUString sURL = io_rDescriptor.getOrDefault( "URL", ::rtl::OUString() );
@@ -331,9 +312,9 @@ void SfxFrameLoader_Impl::impl_determineFilter( ::comphelper::NamedValueCollecti
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-SfxObjectShellLock SfxFrameLoader_Impl::impl_findObjectShell( const Reference< XModel2 >& i_rxDocument ) const
+SfxObjectShellRef SfxFrameLoader_Impl::impl_findObjectShell( const Reference< XModel2 >& i_rxDocument ) const
- for ( SfxObjectShell* pDoc = SfxObjectShell::GetFirst( NULL, FALSE ); pDoc; pDoc = SfxObjectShell::GetNext( *pDoc, NULL, FALSE ) )
+ for ( SfxObjectShell* pDoc = SfxObjectShell::GetFirst( NULL, sal_False ); pDoc; pDoc = SfxObjectShell::GetNext( *pDoc, NULL, sal_False ) )
if ( i_rxDocument == pDoc->GetModel() )
@@ -391,7 +372,7 @@ bool SfxFrameLoader_Impl::impl_determineTemplateDocument( ::comphelper::NamedVal
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-USHORT SfxFrameLoader_Impl::impl_findSlotParam( const ::rtl::OUString& i_rFactoryURL ) const
+sal_uInt16 SfxFrameLoader_Impl::impl_findSlotParam( const ::rtl::OUString& i_rFactoryURL ) const
::rtl::OUString sSlotParam;
const sal_Int32 nParamPos = i_rFactoryURL.indexOf( '?' );
@@ -404,7 +385,7 @@ USHORT SfxFrameLoader_Impl::impl_findSlotParam( const ::rtl::OUString& i_rFactor
if ( sSlotParam.getLength() )
- return USHORT( sSlotParam.toInt32() );
+ return sal_uInt16( sSlotParam.toInt32() );
return 0;
@@ -571,7 +552,7 @@ sal_Bool SAL_CALL SfxFrameLoader_Impl::load( const Sequence< PropertyValue >& rA
const ::rtl::OUString sFactory = sURL.copy( sizeof( "private:factory/" ) -1 );
// special handling for some weird factory URLs a la private:factory/swriter?slot=21053
- const USHORT nSlotParam = impl_findSlotParam( sFactory );
+ const sal_uInt16 nSlotParam = impl_findSlotParam( sFactory );
if ( nSlotParam != 0 )
return impl_createNewDocWithSlotParam( nSlotParam, _rTargetFrame, aDescriptor.getOrDefault( "Hidden", false ) );
@@ -635,15 +616,12 @@ sal_Bool SAL_CALL SfxFrameLoader_Impl::load( const Sequence< PropertyValue >& rA
// tell the doc its (current) load args.
impl_removeLoaderArguments( aDescriptor );
xModel->attachResource( xModel->getURL(), aDescriptor.getPropertyValues() );
- // TODO: not sure this is correct. The original, pre-refactoring code did it this way. However, I could
- // imagine scenarios where it is *not* correct to overrule the *existing* model args (XModel::getArgs)
- // with the ones passed to the loader here. For instance, what about the MacroExecutionMode? The document
- // might have a mode other than the one passed to the loader, and we always overwrite the former with
- // the latter.
// get the SfxObjectShell (still needed at the moment)
- const SfxObjectShellLock xDoc = impl_findObjectShell( xModel );
+ // SfxObjectShellRef is used here ( instead of ...Lock ) since the model is closed below if necessary
+ // SfxObjectShellLock would be even dangerous here, since the lifetime control should be done outside in case of success
+ const SfxObjectShellRef xDoc = impl_findObjectShell( xModel );
ENSURE_OR_THROW( xDoc.Is(), "no SfxObjectShell for the given model" );
// ensure the ID of the to-be-created view is in the descriptor, if possible
@@ -651,16 +629,6 @@ sal_Bool SAL_CALL SfxFrameLoader_Impl::load( const Sequence< PropertyValue >& rA
const sal_Int16 nViewNo = xDoc->GetFactory().GetViewNo_Impl( nViewId, 0 );
const ::rtl::OUString sViewName( xDoc->GetFactory().GetViewFactory( nViewNo ).GetAPIViewName() );
- // if the document is created hidden, prevent it from being deleted until it is shown or disposed
- impl_lockHiddenDocument( *xDoc, aDescriptor );
- // TODO; if we wouldn't use a SfxObjectShellLock instance for xDoc, but a simple SfxObjectShellRef,
- // then this would not be necessary, /me thinks. That is, the *Lock classes inc/dec a "Lock" counter
- // (additional to the ref counter) in their ctor/dtor, and if the lock counter goes to 0, the
- // object is closed (DoClose). The impl_lockHiddenDocument is to prevent exactly that premature
- // closing. However, a *Ref object wouldn't close, anyway. And in case of unsuccessfull loading, the
- // code at the very end of this method cares for closing the XModel, which should also close the
- // ObjectShell.
// plug the document into the frame
impl_createDocumentView( xModel, _rTargetFrame, aViewCreationArgs, sViewName );
bLoadSuccess = sal_True;