path: root/smoketestdoc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'smoketestdoc')
4 files changed, 134 insertions, 115 deletions
diff --git a/smoketestdoc/data/Global.xml b/smoketestdoc/data/Global.xml
index d437eafe3457..53f913234227 100755
--- a/smoketestdoc/data/Global.xml
+++ b/smoketestdoc/data/Global.xml
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ global const cExtensionFileName = "TestExtension.oxt"
global const cDocNew = 0, cDocSaveOpen8 = 1, cDocSaveOpenXML = 2, cDocClose = 3
global const cDBService = 0, cDBOpen = 1, cDBInsert = 2, cDBDelete = 3, cDBSeek = 4, cDBClose = 5
global const cEXTService = 0, cEXTInstall = 1, cEXTUninstall = 2
-global const cOtherSetupDoc = 0, cOtherWriteStatus = 1
+global const cTestClosureSetupDoc = 0, cTestClosureWriteStatus = 1
global const cLogfileFailed = 255
global const cStWriter = 0, cStCalc = 1, cStPraesentation = 2, cStZeichnen = 3
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ global const frmWriter = 1, frmCalc = 2, frmImpress = 4
global const frmMath = 5, frmChart = 7, frmHyperText = 8, frmDraw = 9
global const frmDataBase = 10, frmJava = 13
global const frmExtension = 14
-global const frmTestGlue = 15
+global const frmTestClosure = 15
Global gCurrentDocTest As Integer
Global gCurrentTestCase As Integer
@@ -139,11 +139,23 @@ Sub AssertionHandler( sMessage as String )
End Sub
Sub Main
- gCurrentDocTest = frmTestGlue
- gCurrentTestCase = cOtherSetupDoc
On Local Error Goto MainError
- CaptureAssertions( "AssertionHandler" )
+ gCurrentDocTest = frmTestClosure
+ gCurrentTestCase = cLogfileFailed
+ DeleteAllSavedFiles()
+ DeleteAllLogFiles()
+ SetupWorkPath()
+ if GetSystem (sWorkPath) = "windows" then
+ sWorkPath = ConvertPathToWin (sWorkPath)
+ end if
+ LocalTestLog% = OpenLogDat( GetLogFileName( gCurrentDocTest ) )
+ gCurrentTestCase = cTestClosureSetupDoc
+ CaptureAssertions( "AssertionHandler" )
call SetGlobalDoc
@@ -158,10 +170,13 @@ Sub Main
LogTestResult( GetTestGlueDescription( gCurrentTestCase ), TRUE )
+ Dim nPreserveFileHandle%
+ nPreserveFileHandle% = LocalTestLog%
Call Test_10er.Main
+ LocalTestLog% = nPreserveFileHandle%
- gCurrentDocTest = frmTestGlue
- gCurrentTestCase = cOtherWriteStatus
+ gCurrentDocTest = frmTestClosure
+ gCurrentTestCase = cTestClosureWriteStatus
if bShowTable then
call CreateStatusTable2
call CreateStatusTable
@@ -170,7 +185,13 @@ Sub Main
' do this LogTestResult call before CreateSecondState, since the latter accesses (and displays) the result
call CreateSecondState
- end if
+ Else
+ LogTestResult( GetTestGlueDescription( gCurrentTestCase ), TRUE )
+ End If
+ ' print the 'test complete' marker
+ Print #LocalTestLog%, "---"
+ LocalTestLog% = 0
gOutputDoc.setModified( bWasModified )
@@ -178,15 +199,22 @@ Sub Main
Exit Sub
- LogTestResult( GetTestGlueDescription( gCurrentTestCase ), FALSE )
+ If ( gCurrentTestCase = cLogfileFailed ) then
+ LogTestResult( "", False )
+ Exit Sub
+ else
+ LogTestResult( "testclosure " + GetTestGlueDescription( gCurrentTestCase ), FALSE )
+ Close #LocalTestLog%
+ LocalTestLog = 0
+ End If
End Sub
Function GetTestGlueDescription( nTestCase as Integer )
Select Case ( nTestCase )
- case cOtherSetupDoc
- GetTestGlueDescription = "setup test document"
- case cOtherWriteStatus
- GetTestGlueDescription = "write test status"
+ case cTestClosureSetupDoc
+ GetTestGlueDescription = "setup"
+ case cTestClosureWriteStatus
+ GetTestGlueDescription = "write_status"
case Else
GetTestGlueDescription = ""
End Select
@@ -259,8 +287,8 @@ Sub CreateStatusTable2
tableRows2(cEXTUninstall ) = "uninstall"
dim tableRows3(1) as string
- tableRows3(cOtherSetupDoc ) = "setup test"
- tableRows3(cOtherWriteStatus ) = "write test result"
+ tableRows3(cTestClosureSetupDoc ) = "setup test"
+ tableRows3(cTestClosureWriteStatus ) = "write test result"
aDoc = gOutputDoc
@@ -380,24 +408,29 @@ Sub LogTestResult( sTestCaseDescription as String, bSuccess as Boolean )
If ( gCurrentTestCase = cLogfileFailed ) Then
Dim sAnnotation as String
sAnnotation = "creating logfile '" + GetLogFileName( gCurrentDocTest ) + "' failed"
- LogState( FALSE, sAnnotation, MainFileChannel )
- SetStatus( 0, FALSE, sAnnotation )
+ LogState( FALSE, sAnnotation, GlobalTestLog )
+ RecordTestCaseStatus( 0, FALSE, sAnnotation )
- If ( LocalFileChannel <> 0 ) Then
- LogState( bSuccess, sTestCaseDescription, LocalFileChannel )
+ bSuccess = RecordTestCaseStatus( gCurrentTestCase, bSuccess, sTestCaseDescription )
+ If ( LocalTestLog <> 0 ) Then
+ LogState( bSuccess, sTestCaseDescription, LocalTestLog )
- if ( MainFileChannel <> 0 ) Then
- LogState( bSuccess, sTestCaseDescription, MainFileChannel )
+ if ( GlobalTestLog <> 0 ) Then
+ LogState( bSuccess, sTestCaseDescription, GlobalTestLog )
- SetStatus( gCurrentTestCase, bSuccess, sTestCaseDescription )
End If
End Sub
-Sub SetStatus( nAction as Integer, bState as Boolean, sFailureAnnotation as String )
+Function RecordTestCaseStatus( nAction as Integer, bState as Boolean, sFailureAnnotation as String ) as Boolean
Dim nStatusType as Integer
Dim nState as integer
nStatusType = GetStatusType( gCurrentDocTest )
- If nStatusType = cStNone then Exit Sub
+ If nStatusType = cStNone then Exit Function
+ If ( gErrorState( nStatusType, nAction ) = cLogFalse ) Then
+ ' don't overwrite a previous "failed" state for this test
+ bState = FALSE
+ End If
if bState then
nState = cLogTrue
@@ -405,17 +438,14 @@ Sub SetStatus( nAction as Integer, bState as Boolean, sFailureAnnotation as Stri
nState = cLogFalse
end If
- If ( gErrorState( nStatusType, nAction ) = cLogFalse ) Then
- ' don't overwrite a previous "failed" state for this this
- nState = cLogFalse
- End If
gErrorState (nStatusType, nAction) = nState
If ( nState = cLogFalse ) And ( sFailureAnnotation <> "" ) Then
gTestCaseAnnotations( nStatusType, nAction ) = gTestCaseAnnotations( nStatusType, nAction ) + sFailureAnnotation + chr(13)
End If
-end Sub
+ RecordTestCaseStatus = bState
+End Function
Function GetStatusType (nDocType as Integer) as Integer
Select Case ( nDocType )
@@ -435,7 +465,7 @@ Function GetStatusType (nDocType as Integer) as Integer
GetStatusType = cStChart ' chart
case frmJava
GetStatusType = cStJava 'Java
- case frmTestGlue
+ case frmTestClosure
GetStatusType = cStTestGlue ' test framework
case frmDataBase
GetStatusType = cStDataBase 'DataBase
diff --git a/smoketestdoc/data/Test_10er.xml b/smoketestdoc/data/Test_10er.xml
index 68d69d46991d..b929caccb1b8 100755
--- a/smoketestdoc/data/Test_10er.xml
+++ b/smoketestdoc/data/Test_10er.xml
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ const sSDrawLogFileName = "sdrwlog.dat", sJavaLogFileName = "java
const sSDBLogFileName = "dblog.dat", sExtLogFileName = "extlog.dat"
const sTestGlueLogFileName = "testclosure.log"
const sLogFileName = "smoketest.log"
-const cTempFileName = "ttt"
+const cTempFileName = "smoketest_file"
const cMessageSaveOpen8Doc = "Save/Open open Documents (8.0)"
const cMessageSaveOpenXMLDoc = "Save/Open Document XML (6/7)"
@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ const cMessageCloseDoc = "Close Document"
Global sWorkPath$
Global sWorkPathURL$
-Global LocalFileChannel%
-Global MainFileChannel%
+Global LocalTestLog%
+Global GlobalTestLog%
Sub Main
call TestAllDocs()
@@ -141,15 +141,13 @@ Function OpenLogDat (sFileName as String) as Integer
OpenLogDat = LocaleFileChannel%
end Function
-Function GetWorkPath as string
- sTemp = "$(userpath)/temp/"
- GetWorkPath = CreateUnoService("").SubstituteVariables(sTemp)
-End Function
+Sub SetupWorkPath
+ Dim configManager as Object
+ configManager = CreateUnoService( "" )
-Function GetWorkURL as string
- sTemp = "$(userurl)/temp/"
- GetWorkURL = CreateUnoService("").SubstituteVariables(sTemp)
-End Function
+ sWorkPath = configManager.SubstituteVariables( "$(userpath)/temp/" )
+ sWorkPathURL = configManager.SubstituteVariables( "$(userurl)/temp/" )
+End Sub
Function GetSystem (sTmpWorkPath as string) as string
GetSystem = ""
@@ -178,13 +176,6 @@ Sub TestAllDocs()
DIM sDocURL as String, sDocPath as String
DIM nStrPos as Long
- sWorkPath = GetWorkPath
- sWorkPathURL = GetWorkURL
- if GetSystem (sWorkPath) = "windows" then
- sWorkPath = ConvertPathToWin (sWorkPath)
- end if
'search ExtensionURL
sDocURL = gOutputDoc.URL
@@ -192,9 +183,7 @@ DIM nStrPos as Long
sExtensionURL = Left (sDocURL, nStrPos)
- call DeleteAllSavedFiles()
- call DeleteAllLogFiles()
- MainFileChannel = OpenLogDat (sLogFileName)
+ GlobalTestLog = OpenLogDat (sLogFileName)
call WriteTestSequence
if bMakeWriterTest then
gCurrentDocTest = frmWriter
@@ -237,47 +226,47 @@ DIM nStrPos as Long
call Test_Ext.TestExtensions
end if
- Close #MainFileChannel
- MainFileChannel = 0
+ Close #GlobalTestLog
+ GlobalTestLog = 0
end Sub
Sub WriteTestSequence
- Print #MainFileChannel, "Sequence of testing"
+ Print #GlobalTestLog, "Sequence of testing"
if bMakeWriterTest then
- WriteTests ("writer : ", true, MainFileChannel)
+ WriteTests ("writer : ", true, GlobalTestLog)
end if
if bMakeCalcTest then
- WriteTests ("calc : ", true, MainFileChannel)
+ WriteTests ("calc : ", true, GlobalTestLog)
end if
if bMakeImpressTest then
- WriteTests ("impress : ", true, MainFileChannel)
+ WriteTests ("impress : ", true, GlobalTestLog)
end if
if bMakeDrawTest then
- WriteTests ("draw : ", true, MainFileChannel)
+ WriteTests ("draw : ", true, GlobalTestLog)
end if
if bMakeHTMLTest then
- WriteTests ("HTML : ", true, MainFileChannel)
+ WriteTests ("HTML : ", true, GlobalTestLog)
end if
if bMakeChartTest then
- WriteTests ("chart : ", false, MainFileChannel)
+ WriteTests ("chart : ", false, GlobalTestLog)
end if
if bMakeMathTest then
- WriteTests ("math : ", false, MainFileChannel)
+ WriteTests ("math : ", false, GlobalTestLog)
end if
if bMakeJavaTest then
- WriteTests ("Java : ", false, MainFileChannel)
+ WriteTests ("Java : ", false, GlobalTestLog)
end if
if bMakeDBTest then
- WriteDBTests ("Database : ", MainFileChannel)
+ WriteDBTests ("Database : ", GlobalTestLog)
end if
if bMakeExtensionTest then
- WriteExtensionTests ("Extension : ", MainFileChannel)
+ WriteExtensionTests ("Extension : ", GlobalTestLog)
end if
- Print #MainFileChannel, "testclosure : setup, write_status"
+ Print #GlobalTestLog, "testclosure : setup, write_status"
- Print #MainFileChannel
+ Print #GlobalTestLog
end Sub
Sub WriteTests (sText as string, bTestAll as boolean)
@@ -302,7 +291,7 @@ Sub WriteTestSequence
sWriteStr = sWriteStr + ", close"
- Print #MainFileChannel, sWriteStr
+ Print #GlobalTestLog, sWriteStr
end Sub
Sub WriteDBTests (sText as string, nFileChannel as integer)
@@ -336,7 +325,7 @@ Sub MakeDocTest
gCurrentTestCase = cLogfileFailed
- LocalFileChannel% = OpenLogDat (GetLogFileName(gCurrentDocTest))
+ LocalTestLog% = OpenLogDat (GetLogFileName(gCurrentDocTest))
gCurrentTestCase = cDocNew
oDoc = LoadDoc ("private:factory/" + GetDocFilter(gCurrentDocTest or cFltNewDoc))
LogTestResult( GetDocFilter(gCurrentDocTest or cFltNewDoc)+" "+ cMessageNewDoc, not IsNull (oDoc) )
@@ -381,19 +370,19 @@ Sub MakeDocTest
end if
end If
- Print #LocalFileChannel, "---"
- Close #LocalFileChannel%
- LocalFileChannel = 0
+ Print #LocalTestLog, "---"
+ Close #LocalTestLog%
+ LocalTestLog = 0
Exit Sub ' Without error
If ( gCurrentTestCase = cLogfileFailed ) then
- LogTestResult( "", False )
+ LogTestResult( " ", False )
Exit Sub
LogTestResult( GetDocFilter(gCurrentDocTest or cFltNewDoc)+" "+ GetErrorMessage(gCurrentTestCase), False )
- Close #LocalFileChannel%
- LocalFileChannel = 0
+ Close #LocalTestLog%
+ LocalTestLog = 0
End If
Exit Sub ' With error
End Sub
@@ -403,7 +392,7 @@ Sub MakeNewDoc
Dim bSuccess as Boolean
gCurrentTestCase = cLogfileFailed
- LocalFileChannel% = OpenLogDat (GetLogFileName(gCurrentDocTest))
+ LocalTestLog% = OpenLogDat (GetLogFileName(gCurrentDocTest))
gCurrentTestCase = cDocNew
' oDoc = Documents.Add(GetDocFilter(gCurrentDocTest))
oDoc = LoadDoc ("private:factory/" + GetDocFilter(gCurrentDocTest or cFltNewDoc))
@@ -413,19 +402,19 @@ Sub MakeNewDoc
bSuccess = CloseDoc( oDoc )
LogTestResult( GetDocFilter(gCurrentDocTest)+" "+ cMessageCloseDoc, bSuccess )
end If
- Print #LocalFileChannel, "---"
- Close #LocalFileChannel%
- LocalFileChannel = 0
+ Print #LocalTestLog, "---"
+ Close #LocalTestLog%
+ LocalTestLog = 0
Exit Sub ' Without error
If ( gCurrentTestCase = cLogfileFailed ) then
- LogTestResult( "", False )
+ LogTestResult( " ", False )
Exit Sub
LogTestResult( GetDocFilter(gCurrentDocTest or cFltNewDoc)+" "+ GetErrorMessage(gCurrentTestCase), False )
- Close #LocalFileChannel%
- LocalFileChannel = 0
+ Close #LocalTestLog%
+ LocalTestLog = 0
End If
Exit Sub ' With error
End Sub
@@ -439,7 +428,7 @@ Sub MakeChartTest
Dim bSuccess as Boolean
gCurrentTestCase = cLogfileFailed
- LocalFileChannel% = OpenLogDat (GetLogFileName(gCurrentDocTest))
+ LocalTestLog% = OpenLogDat (GetLogFileName(gCurrentDocTest))
gCurrentTestCase = cDocNew
oDoc = LoadDoc ("private:factory/" + GetDocFilter(frmCalc or cFltNewDoc))
if not IsNull (oDoc) then
@@ -452,19 +441,19 @@ Sub MakeChartTest
LogTestResult( GetDocFilter(frmCalc or cFltNewDoc)+" "+ cMessageNewDoc, FALSE )
End if
- Print #LocalFileChannel, "---"
- Close #LocalFileChannel%
- LocalFileChannel = 0
+ Print #LocalTestLog, "---"
+ Close #LocalTestLog%
+ LocalTestLog = 0
Exit Sub ' Without error
If ( gCurrentTestCase = cLogfileFailed ) then
- LogTestResult( "", False )
+ LogTestResult( " ", False )
Exit Sub
LogTestResult( GetDocFilter(gCurrentDocTest or cFltNewDoc)+" "+ GetErrorMessage(gCurrentTestCase), FALSE )
- Close #LocalFileChannel%
- LocalFileChannel = 0
+ Close #LocalTestLog%
+ LocalTestLog = 0
End If
Exit Sub ' With error
End Sub
@@ -566,7 +555,7 @@ Function GetLogFileName (DocType as Integer) as String
GetLogFileName = sSChartLogFileName ' chart
case frmJava
GetLogFileName = sJavaLogFileName 'Java
- case frmOther
+ case frmTestClosure
GetLogFileName = sTestGlueLogFileName ' test framework
case frmDataBase
GetLogFileName = sSDBLogFileName 'Database
@@ -602,14 +591,14 @@ End Function
Function TestJava
Dim oObj as Object
gCurrentTestCase = cLogfileFailed
- LocalFileChannel% = OpenLogDat (GetLogFileName(gCurrentDocTest))
+ LocalTestLog% = OpenLogDat (GetLogFileName(gCurrentDocTest))
gCurrentTestCase = cDocNew
oObj = createUnoService( cUnoJavaLoader )
LogTestResult( "Java "+ cMessageNewDoc, not IsNull (oObj) )
- Print #LocalFileChannel, "---"
- Close #LocalFileChannel%
- LocalFileChannel = 0
+ Print #LocalTestLog, "---"
+ Close #LocalTestLog%
+ LocalTestLog = 0
TestJava = not IsNull (oObj)
End Function
diff --git a/smoketestdoc/data/Test_DB.xml b/smoketestdoc/data/Test_DB.xml
index a9f1fc2e316d..1f5667cae5a5 100755
--- a/smoketestdoc/data/Test_DB.xml
+++ b/smoketestdoc/data/Test_DB.xml
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Sub TestDB
On Local Error GoTo DBERROR
gCurrentTestCase = cLogfileFailed
- LocalFileChannel% = OpenLogDat (GetLogFileName(gCurrentDocTest))
+ LocalTestLog% = OpenLogDat (GetLogFileName(gCurrentDocTest))
gCurrentTestCase = cDBService
sCurrentMessage = cMessageDatabaseService + " " + cUnoDatabaseContext
@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ Sub TestDB
LogTestResult( "Database "+ cMessageDatabaseOpen, not IsNull (oDBConnection) )
if (IsNull(oDBConnection)) then
- Close #LocalFileChannel%
- LocalFileChannel = 0
+ Close #LocalTestLog%
+ LocalTestLog = 0
Exit Sub
End If
@@ -128,19 +128,19 @@ Sub TestDB
LogTestResult( "Database "+ cMessageDatabaseClose, True )
- Print #LocalFileChannel, "---"
- Close #LocalFileChannel%
- LocalFileChannel = 0
+ Print #LocalTestLog, "---"
+ Close #LocalTestLog%
+ LocalTestLog = 0
Exit Sub ' Without error
If ( gCurrentTestCase = cLogfileFailed ) then
- LogTestResult( "", False )
+ LogTestResult( " ", False )
Exit Sub
LogTestResult( "Database "+ sCurrentMessage, FALSE )
- Close #LocalFileChannel%
- LocalFileChannel = 0
+ Close #LocalTestLog%
+ LocalTestLog = 0
End If
Exit Sub ' With error
End Sub
diff --git a/smoketestdoc/data/Test_Ext.xml b/smoketestdoc/data/Test_Ext.xml
index 735aae537596..ac39f4816d7b 100755
--- a/smoketestdoc/data/Test_Ext.xml
+++ b/smoketestdoc/data/Test_Ext.xml
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Sub TestExtensions
On Local Error GoTo EXTERROR
gCurrentTestCase = cLogfileFailed
- LocalFileChannel% = OpenLogDat (GetLogFileName(gCurrentDocTest))
+ LocalTestLog% = OpenLogDat (GetLogFileName(gCurrentDocTest))
sCurrentMessage = cMessageExtensionService
gCurrentTestCase = cEXTService
@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ Sub TestExtensions
LogTestResult( "Extension "+ cMessageExtensionService, not IsNull (ext_mgr) )
if (IsNull(ext_mgr)) then
- Close #LocalFileChannel%
- LocalFileChannel = 0
+ Close #LocalTestLog%
+ LocalTestLog = 0
Exit Sub
End If
@@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ Sub TestExtensions
bResult = (oTestExtension.getImplementationName = sImplementationNameString)
LogTestResult( "Extension "+ cMessageExtensionInstall, bResult )
if (not bResult) then
- Close #LocalFileChannel%
- LocalFileChannel = 0
+ Close #LocalTestLog%
+ LocalTestLog = 0
Exit Sub
End If
@@ -96,19 +96,19 @@ Sub TestExtensions
'The service must not be available anymore. Therefor isNull must return true.
LogTestResult( "Extension "+ cMessageExtensionUninstall, IsNull (oTestExtension) )
- Print #LocalFileChannel, "---"
- Close #LocalFileChannel%
- LocalFileChannel = 0
+ Print #LocalTestLog, "---"
+ Close #LocalTestLog%
+ LocalTestLog = 0
Exit Sub ' Without error
If ( gCurrentTestCase = cLogfileFailed ) then
- LogTestResult( "", False )
+ LogTestResult( " ", False )
Exit Sub
LogTestResult( "Extension "+ sCurrentMessage, False )
- Close #LocalFileChannel%
- LocalFileChannel = 0
+ Close #LocalTestLog%
+ LocalTestLog = 0
End If
Exit Sub ' With error